Smith: Princess Kate is ‘inherently shy’ so it took a lot to make the cancer video

Royal commentator/author Sally Bedell Smith has been making a lot of public statements these days about the Duchess of Sussex and the Princess of Wales. A few weeks ago, Smith went Full Deranger and claimed that Meghan and Wallis Simpson “have similar qualities: very narcissistic, very controlling, very dominating,” and that Prince Harry has the same weaknesses and need for domination as the Duke of Windsor. Bedell Smith was also quoted extensively by Maureen Dowd in a recent NYT column. Dowd asked her if the Sussexes might return to the UK to help out while Kate is receiving chemotherapy and Smith sniped: “Kate doesn’t need Harry and Meghan to console her. She has her parents and a sister, and she’s very close to King Charles.” So, you get the idea. As always, Kate = perfect, Meghan = the devil. Well, Bedell Smith also had some thoughts about Kate’s cancer-announcement video:

Kate Middleton overcame her “inherently shy” nature to deliver some difficult news. In a video released on March 22, the Princess of Wales told the world that she was undergoing treatment for cancer discovered in post-operative tests following her January abdominal surgery. Royal biographer Sally Bedell Smith tells PEOPLE that Princess Kate, 42, was “sincere, dignified, poised, and she was forthright” in her delivery, but the announcement likely wasn’t easy.

“She is inherently shy, and for her to do that took a lot,” Bedell Smith adds. While the health update was extremely personal, Princess Kate acknowledged the many others who are also facing cancer, echoing something the late Queen Elizabeth may have done.

“When she ended with ‘You are not alone,’ it rang a bell with something that Queen Elizabeth would have said,” Bedell Smith explains. “It was very similar to what Queen Elizabeth said during COVID when she said, ‘We are all in this together.’ She was mindful there are very few people who read about that or watched that who doesn’t know someone who has cancer. She was mindful of that,” the journalist and biographer continues. “It was a way of reassuring people not only about her condition but helping them have courage.”

“There was not a trace of self-pity. She projected honesty,” Bedell Smith says. “It was the right balance.”

[From People]

I’ve never believed that Kate is “inherently shy” – she’s too much of an exhibitionist to be “shy.” But I do think Kate is awkward, and an especially awkward public speaker, which is why her video surprised so many people – there were no placeholder “ums” and none of her regular hair-flips or fidgeting. Beyond that, People Magazine once again repeats the claim that Kate wrote her speech all on her own… which I still don’t believe, and I find it to be an incredibly suspicious lie, like “of course Prince William took the Mother’s Day photo.” They keep showing us that they lie constantly about the smaller stuff, which makes you think about the bigger stuff.

Photos courtesy of Kensington Palace, Getty Images.

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182 Responses to “Smith: Princess Kate is ‘inherently shy’ so it took a lot to make the cancer video”

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  1. Josephine says:

    If her message was that we are all in this together, she’s just wrong, and wrong in a way that infuriates people who have to deal with extreme costs and barriers to get the health care they need. This is a family that is literally taking money from the people they supposedly represent. Give back the money you take so that people can have things like health care, then we’ll pretend that we are in this together.

    • Inge says:

      A very sad part of Charles and Kate having cancer is the people pointing out that how long it took them or their loved ones to get treatment, some on the waiting list had died in the meantime. Meanwhile Charles&Kate got fasttracked for everything.

      • Lau says:

        @Inge, exactly. Yesterday again the Guardian were publishing dreadful numbers about people not being able to get treated for years. Apparently there are a large number of people younger than 25 right now who have very little access to treatments.
        I get that Kate needs time away from the public right now but she could at least advocate online, they have a social media presence and they do nothing with it.

    • equality says:

      Same as with the Queen. She may have been isolated from the public during covid, but she still had plenty of space both in house and outside to get out and about. Many people didn’t have that. I never understood people being consoled by her basically saying “there, there, things will get better” any more than I get anyone being consoled by Kate saying it.

      • Becks1 says:

        They’re trying really hard I think to lean into the QM’s line about being able to look the west end in the face after BP was bombed during WWII – but it just falls flat. There is a big difference between going through the COVID pandemic at Windsor Castle, Sandringham and Balmoral as opposed to going through it in your smaller house with a lot less land and servants.

        Kate’s cancer experience, while I’m sure scary, is not the same as what the average person experiences when they get a similar diagnosis.

      • The Duchess says:

        Spot on @Becks1 – They are desperately trying to turn her into some martyr. It’s beyond embarrassing. She’s not the only person going through cancer. I think the genuine consensus is that people are over trying to be forced into feeling sorry for rich people’s problems. This has been the reality check the palaces did not want.

      • Innie says:

        East end, not west end.

    • bisynaptic says:


      • Lorelei says:

        @Becks it’s such an obviously bad tactic, so obviously not surprising from KP. Kate probably rarely needs to leave her palace (or wherever she currently is) for treatment, and she can take months and months off of work. She can literally wait until she’s 100% happy with her appearance again before anyone even sees her. And someone else is doing all of the household and childcare work, cooking, driving, everything.
        It’s insulting for her to act as if she’s in this “with everyone else”

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Kate was never shy. But she knows she lacks confidence, self esteem, education, knowledge and she is a bad public speaker. She tries to hide it behind shyness, but it’s again another lie. Lies lies lies.

      • StarWonderful says:

        Kate is not shy. She’s not good at public speaking (like many people) and may be more of an introvert.

      • aftershocks says:

        Yep @DouchesOfCambridge, full-on lies everywhere spewed continually by Bedell Smith. ‘Liar, liar! Pants on fire!’ Boy is she still steaming for not being invited to H&M’s royal wedding off the back of having a minor acquaintance with Meg due to her son having coincidentally adopted a sibling of Meg’s dog, Bogart. 🤦‍♀️

    • ales says:

      Sitting in her ivory tower looking down on the great unwashed. A predatory stalker, exhibitionist, mean girl bully who tries to have her trashy history attached to others, lazy except when it benefits herself, flaunts money when the people are struggling, generally looks bored, has a bad smell under her nose except when she finds a camera lens, if this is a shy person it must be opposites day. Her mumbling incompetence is not excusable, 20 years later most people would have done courses and training to learn how to speak in public, obviously it is of no interest to her. After stalking and being the last woman standing, the Midds are still trying to turn it into a fairytale love story. It never was and never will be.

  2. Amyb says:

    Would a shy woman agree to pretend play a piano for two Christmas concerts broadcast on the Telly, whine about a lack of Easter Gifts, or wear white to her sister-in-lawa’s wedding?

    • Juliana says:

      Thank you AMYB! Hit the nail on the head 🙌🏽

    • ML says:

      Yes. Kate is workshy. She is also shy on empathy.

      • Empty Nester says:

        Weren’t we just told the other day that Kate has a mischievous child side to her? Now she’s shy!!

    • Interested Gawker says:


    • Chrissy says:

      I seem to remember her flashing and falling out of cabs pre-engagement. She was never shy!

    • MrsH says:

      Also, would a shy woman be known for flashing her bum in college to boys passing by her window, walk a runway in hardly any clothes, be known for flashing the world because she refused to weight her hems even though she knew after the first time her skirt flew up that the prudent thing was to do so, be known as the “mattress” and “wisteria sister”, set up pap shots of her to win back William when he dumped her, sunbath topless , etc….. not to mention the simple fact that a truly shy woman doesn’t do her damndest to become Queen of England.

  3. Inge says:

    Someone who was know as a serial mooner at school is not shy.

    Someone who turns a slip into a see through dress is not shy.

    Someone who has flashed the world on many royal tours is not shy.

    • Miranda says:

      Don’t forget eye-f–king the camera at a funeral!

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Yep! 🎯 Also, don’t forget how Khate practically lunged toward Meghan and glared at her aggressively with a wide-legged stance at the end of the orchestrated walkabout with WanK & H&M after QE-II’s death. A year later, it was leaked to a rota rat that doing the walkabout with Meghan was “the hardest thing Khate ever had to do!” 👀 🤨🙄😜🤦‍♀️🤥

    • Cessily says:

      She is an exhibitionist, I don’t think that is deemed a characteristic of a shy person.. sorry this narrative is a reach to far.

      • PC says:

        Oh yeah, Kate’s quite shy and reserved. Another good example is last year’s Wimbledon tournament where she shamelessly flirted with Roger Federer in front of his wife for the whole world to see. Kate’s some shrinking violet alright. LOL!

    • Joy says:

      This is the comment I came here for. Yes, Kate Middlebum (as she is referred to a lot on xwitter) is SO SHY she has even flashed her a$$ many well documented times since she married her prince charm-less.

      • Lorelei says:

        I’d forgotten about those photos of Roger’s wife. That whole thing was so cringe and embarrassing for Kate. Luckily she’s too clueless to realize that.

    • Jasper says:

      Came here to make that same comment.

      • Patricia says:

        @BECK1, lets remember one important thing about Kate., she’s not the brightest light on the Christmas tree. And there’s nothing to be done to brighten het up. Attractive, yes, genius no. And I really am growing tired of the Bedel Smiths and Maureen Dowds of the world. The are both women in their 70’s, American to boot, and jealous as hell of Megan. I’m 81 and I love Meghan so there’s no excuse for those old birds!
        And while we’re looking for the clone of Edward the VIi, you guessed it, its Willy. All the same characteristics. What a waste.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Exactly @Patricia! And thanks for your comments! No excuses for ‘those old birds!’ I too love Meghan, and I too was not born yesterday. 😉🤭

        Ditto re Dowd and Bedell Smith!! I am f’ing tired of their hellbent, blatant, snarling jealousy of Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex.

  4. Becks1 says:

    I think she is a bad public speaker because she is awkward and lazy. I doubt she even reads her speeches or comments before she gives them publicly. Here, I imagine there were multiple takes and the “ums” etc were edited out and I imagine she actually did read her speech several times before they started filming (and no, I don’t believe for one minute that she wrote this herself.)

    Do I think she’s shy? No, I think she’s unprepared and while I think she hides it better than William, I also think she’s always a little annoyed when she has to work because she would rather not.

    • Allyn says:

      The more I think about it, the more I suspect there were multiple takes delivered as best she could under the direction to move as little as possible, they were edited in such a way to create a clean, “um”-free audio track, and then there was some digital trickery to “morph” the joins between segments. Mostly real, but edited.

      • sparrow says:

        Yes, this has always been my understanding. She was allowed to speak, make a mistake, repeat, edit. She sounds like she’s reading a script and doing her best. I imagine a lot of videos are made this way. I don’t get why people are saying how natural she sounds – to me she sounds like she always does, ie a maxed out faux accent that drives me mad.

    • Bettyrose says:

      Yup @ bad public speaker. But plenty of confirmed introverts are great public speakers because it’s an entirely different skill than making small talk.

    • Feeshalori says:

      I figured from the beginning that there were multiple takes because given her history of public speaking, there was no way she could have flawlessly delivered that speech in one shot.

      • sparrow says:

        Exactly. Said the same a few inches above! I always assumed she did her speech with mistakes along the way, which were edited and redone etc. I’ve always assumed this is the process for almost everyone who does a pre-video video; I can’t imagine anyone could do this completely mistake free, unless he/she were a newsreader, professional speaker, or actor. She does make a brief slip, over “abdominal”, more a jerk, which was left in. Perhaps they couldn’t keep on editing. When I watched it, I felt it was a stumble brought on by saying the word “abdominal” so much over recent weeks. A bit sad.

      • sparrow says:

        Update on what I said here – equality has posted below an official comment from the BBC about their not having done any editing to the video. I hadn’t read/heard this before. It’s really interesting. Kate must’ve done this in one go, then. All I can think is, she kept on trying and trying and eventually she did do it in one go. People say she doesn’t fidget. I think she has forced all her nervous energy into her hands, which don’t stop moving along to what she’s saying. I see it as true Kate on what must’ve been the 1000th take.

  5. Mslove says:

    Sure, Keen is an aga loving shy girl who just happened to cross paths with a Prince.

  6. Brassy Rebel says:

    Kate, the flasher, is shy now. SBS is a professional gaslighter.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Yep. Kate is a withholding, manipulative person, which is often excused as being “shy” by people who are gaslighting the victims of such people.

  7. Fifty-50 says:

    Is this their version of damage control? What purpose does this story serve except to keep the question of whether the video is fake at the forefront of discussion? Who does this story ultimately benefit that they keep giving it air?

    • MsIam says:

      Imo, they are tying this whole video mess firmly to Kate so that in the event it blows up, well William wasn’t even there. This is Frankenphoto 2.0.

      • K-Peace says:

        Exactly! They’re so transparent. Isn’t it odd how they’ve been emphasizing that William wasn’t even there and had nothing to do with the video?—And at the same time talking about how strong William & Kate’s marriage is, and how supportive he is.(🙄) Why else would they be making sure that the public is well aware that “supportive husband” William wasn’t even with Kate when she filmed it??—When that info goes AGAINST their narrative? William is obviously distancing himself for a very important reason. He wants it known that he had nothing to do with the video when it comes out that the video is nothing but a fake A.I.-creation. (And i fully believe that info WILL come out.)

        It’s so obvious that, like you said, this is FrankenPhoto 2.0.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        It’s so bizarre! The only explanation is that W&K are separated and running different PR teams. Kate’s PR team message is strong solo Kate bravely battling cancer, and Will’s PR team message is “pay no attention to the woman behind the curtain.”

      • Proud Mary says:

        Bingo! I believed he’s pissed about his connection to the frankenfoto, and thus, had no trouble kicking her under the bus. He knew that the cancer video was going to be another cobbled-up fraud, and therefore sought to distance himself from it. This, to me, is further evidence that they are separated.

      • PinkOrchid says:

        @K-Peace I love your commitment to the AI/Deep Fake bench video theory. Another thing people are asking is why did Getty follow-up the announcement by posting pics from a previous time Kate wore the infamous striped sweater? So many pics! And why do the stripes looks so fuzzy and soft focus in the cancer bench video, when the stripes (and Kate’s face) are sharp and clear as a bell in the previous photos? What do they (Getty, et al.) want us to conclude?

      • Lorelei says:

        @Msiam, that’s a good point. I hadn’t thought about it that way. But people were angry at William for throwing Kate under the bus for the photo (which I don’t believe for a minute that she even edited herself), so he might not emerge unscathed if this video turns out to be fraudulent, too. Slowly, more and more people seem to be getting smarter about them and can see exactly what William is.

    • Eurydice says:

      These are my questions, too. For the general public and the mainstream media, this subject has died down – so, what’s point of bringing it up again?

      • The Duchess says:

        It’s to try and get the subjects back on Kitty’s side after the photoshop debacle. If they invoke the cancer card long enough, they think people may suddenly give her overwhelming sympathy – but they’re completely missing the mark. It’s not that people don’t have sympathy for Kitty, it’s the fact people rightly find it difficult to muster up emotion for a woman who has immense privilege, whilst ordinary cancer sufferers are being left on hospital wards and are not being given the basic treatment they deserve.

      • Eurydice says:

        @The Duchess – Yes, it’s hard to feel the “togetherness” in this. A friend of mine’s mother, who lived in the UK, died of lung cancer a while back. Almost every time she went in for her radiation therapy she was told to come back another time because the machines weren’t working or there had been a scheduling mistake and she’d have to wait 6 hours or there was some other delay. She was even told that she wasn’t top priority because of her age. Now there’s one less patient for them to worry about.

      • K-Peace says:

        PinkOrchid— (I couldn’t reply to you directly for some reason.) Thank you! I know i’m Iike a broken record on this issue, but it’s because I’m confident i’m right. Kensington Palace/Prince William is up to something very nefarious and i strongly feel that people need to press for answers as to what’s really going on. I really feel it’s probably something really terrible.

        About Getty running those photos: It’s a BIG clue about the truth of what’s going on. Getty has added a notation to the “cancer video” basically that they couldn’t verify the info/data of the video, which was the first big hint. I said the other day that i believe that to be the “soft launch” of the press agencies questioning the legitimacy of the video, and that they’re probably starting small so as to not look like assholes questioning things related to this poor “cancer’s patient’s” announcement. I believe the investigation into the fakeness of the video will pick up steam and eventually the truth about it being fake A.I. WILL come out. So anyway running those photos is Getty trying to tell us what’s going on, without coming right out and telling us. (yet, anyway.)

      • Becks1 says:

        NYT has a story out now about how that notice from Getty is fairly commonplace and there is no evidence that the video is AI. Even the “pentagon source” that everyone cites just says that there was some “evidence of AI,” not that the video was a deepfake. And multiple other (equally credible) sources have said there was no evidence of AI.

        It’s been two weeks since the video came out. If it was a deepfake, don’t you think someone besides Tiktokers and Youtubers would have figured it out by now? All eyes are on that video.

      • aftershocks says:

        Sure @Becks1. But there are still a number of concerns about the video that remain unanswered. Even the deflective comments by the BBC have been unhelpful and deeply suspect. I think the nature backdrop was obviously set up in a studio. That by itself is not problematic, but other unresolved details about the video do add up to making most observers suspicious and on-the-fence about its overall validity.

        Moreover, the biggest takeaway is that questions about the video only factor in to larger questions about the lack of trustworthiness re palace p.r. and the entire monarchy’s communications strategies and organizational setup.

    • Jais says:

      I figured it was meant to evoke sympathy as in brave Kate overcame her shyness in her cancer message. It’s in People mag so it’s meant to have people stay thinking positive thoughts about Kate. The people audience isn’t necessarily questioning the video. But yes the emphasis on the video being made by Kate and Kate alone is interesting.

    • ML says:

      Idk. The Dutch view has been her health is nobody’s business, and now that we know she has cancer, let’s leave her alone. The British view seems similar. However, that is less foreign. Clearly US-based (hi!) sites are questioning this video. I could see an old, Karen type telling me why that video is weird (shy!) and why I shouldn’t question it (nothing to see here!).

      Edit: just wanted to add that she’s written books about older royals, so her sources are more likely to be with BP.

      • Underhill says:

        This American is inclined to “leave her alone”, whatever that means. It’s not like I am going to fly to Great Britain to spy on her. I am not all over the internet posting stuff about Kate. I am aware, however, that we are being lied to on a regular basis, and my sixth sense tells me that something wicked is happening. I have learned not to ignore that sixth sense, and so I am waiting and watching from across the water. That’s all. Oh, and reading and sometimes posting, on CB about just wth is happening.

      • PinkOrchid says:

        Does she actually “have” cancer, though? I get the sense, if there is any truth to what she said in the bench video, that some cancerous cells were found in whatever tissue they removed, so she is undergoing preventative chemo. This is different than “having cancer”. Subtle nuance perhaps, but a big important difference for the patient.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        when you say “the Dutch view”, Are you going off what’s written in papers or on TV?

        I find the British tabloids don’t speak for most of the British people I speak with, though older people are more inclined to repeat them. There are plenty of British people questioning the cancer video, some of them even on talk radio.

      • ML says:

        WithTheAmerican, The Dutch comments sections of the news, websites online and the people around in real life. Just about everyone I know has had the same reaction to K. In fact, when she originally announced her abdominal surgery and more or less disappeared, people here were pretty much okay with that. They see it as a right to privacy and didn’t really care much about the details. There was a brief upsurge in interest after the Frankenphoto (the king made a joke about it and people laughed), but after the cancer video, people feel like they received too much information and she should be given the time and space to heal. People here aren’t really talking much about her anymore though.

    • Sunday says:

      “Is this their version of damage control?” Yes, I think that’s why it’s in People instead of any of the rota tabloids.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      Also, the rota has been lecturing the public nonstop about Kate’s privacy. Isn’t this speculation an invasion of her privacy???

      • Becks1 says:

        I mean, they don’t really have anything else to talk about right now. I think even the Meghan hit pieces are starting to lose steam. Who wants to read about Anne’s engagements from this week?

        The rota is essentially starving and its interesting to see what will happen next.

      • Eurydice says:

        @Becks1 – At this rate, the rota won’t survive until Trooping. In a way, it’s up to H&M to save them. Maybe Meghan will announce something about ARO – then they can bitch and nitpick about jams and jellies. Or H&M will cause a splash by bringing the kids to the Invictus thingy in May.

      • ML says:

        You kind of want to tap the RR on the shoulder and remind them that if they want to write juicy stories about the royals, William is right there!

      • Underhill says:

        I think it would be hilarious if, in the complete lack of new stories from anyone related to the RF, they turn on each other and start telling inside baseball stories about how low their colleagues have stooped, and cannibalize each other. It won’t happen, but I would love to see it.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Right now the rota are bitching about Meghan’s day at the hospital. Meghan not wearing high heels, signing her name and the price of her outfit. One nastygossippaper

      • Lorelei says:

        @Becks that’s what I said on the post about Meghan’s dress. They don’t have anything to write about the Leftovers, so here we are with more inane nonsense about Meghan and hearing about how Beatrice is displeased about being in the Netflix thing. No one cares.

        @Underhill, I also hope that this goes on long enough that they all end up turning on each other. I mean, these outlets need to make money to pay all of their royal “reporters” and “experts,” and the Wales haven’t been giving them anything for a long time. And it doesn’t appear as if W&K are going to change their ways anytime soon.

        The BM is already angry and it’s only going to get worse. The only thing on the horizon is a birthday photo of Louis, which…while I’m sure it will be cute, it’s not going to save careers and at this point, people are mostly just going to be examining it to see if it’s manipulated.

      • Underhill says:

        Lorelei: I have been wondering if this isn’t on purpose: What if Charles decided that the daily royal drama in the paper wasn’t helpful to the RF, and wants to go back to the days of the court circular: boring and safe. So he is using the circumstances to purposely starve the Royal writers, putting them on a severe diet so that some of them will go away.

      • aftershocks says:

        @Becks1: “I think even the Meghan hit pieces are starting to lose steam.”

        🤔 In what way though? I don’t see any evidence that the BM and BRF will ever stop attacking H&M or Meghan in particular. While the BM and rota are slowing down as they run out of fodder to latch onto for their attacks, that doesn’t mean the attacks are ‘losing steam.’ Certainly, the continued attacks don’t have any credibility, which has only led to more people being disgusted with the vicious onslaught against Meghan.

        In that respect, more people are disbelieving of the unfounded smears against Meghan’s character. But still, the salty isle nonces are not stopping their hit pieces. They obviously are salivating and seemingly can’t wait till ARO launches. 😔😒

  8. Pork Belly says:

    She is inherently inept.

    • seaflower says:

      This. (plus lazy)

    • MissF says:

      Quite. An immature, narcissist with a penchant for being inappropriate. WTF sunbathes nude in front of their staff and royal protection officers? Poor ole shy Waity.

      • Yes am surprised to see sunbathing topless with security nearby. I’m not int that and certainly not in front of people other than my husband . She lacks décorum. Not shy, just a poor speaker.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    Kate’s not shy, she just doesn’t like speaking in public.

    • Agnes says:

      She seems incapable of speaking in public. She mumbles and expresses no coherent thoughts. It’s painful to watch, like stuttering. That and the two sets of lower teeth really make this video questionable. “‘She projected honesty,’ Bedell Smith says.” No, the AI machine projected the illusion of honesty. Mark those words for when the world finds out the video is a fake.

      • K-Peace says:

        Exactly, Agnes. It’s so ridiculously unlikely that this mumbling, stammering, infamously-BAD speaker would deliver that speech on video FLAWLESSLY in ONE take. I mean, come on. You need only look at videos of how she always speaks, to see that that’s NOT the same person in the video. (There’s no real person the video; it’s a FAKE A.I. creation.) There’s a limit to how much a person’s abilities/patterns of behavior can suddenly drastically change. And this is just WAY too unlikely for me. And then of course you consider the multitude of other highly suspicious things about the video and there’s only one conclusion. The list of evidence that it’s A.I. just continues to grow.

        I fully believe the truth about it WILL come out, just as it did with the FrankenPhoto. William has already prepared for when that happens, by making sure everyone knows he had nothing to do with the video.

      • Nic919 says:

        There is footage of her singing in my fair lady in secondary school so her inability to speak publicly likely has more to do with the fake accent she has put on just prior to the engagement. And her unwillingness to practice.

        Also, that video was edited to remove any “ums”.

  10. Jais says:

    Hmm. She’s an odd one. I went back and watched the engagement video and she did seem awkward and possibly shy. What would get me is she would start a sentence and then trail off and not finish a thought. It was bizarre. Looking back, I think there were probably some lies being told and a lot of coaching beforehand. To the point, that it was awkward to watch. I don’t think she’s shy so much as loathe to speak in public for fear of making a misstep. Why she never worked to improve on it is beyond me. But it was a choice.

    • Becks1 says:

      I do think the engagement video was very heavily coached and for someone like her, that probably made it harder. And I think the whole “loathe to make a misstep” thing when speaking in public is partly why she always reverts to her kids – she considers it a safe topic that she knows will get a lot of attention.

      (I also think she reverts to her kids because that’s all she knows these days.)

      • Nic919 says:

        I recall reading that the engagement video was very heavily edited with a lot of retakes. While it is not expected that she would be good on video, her difficulty in speaking with the fake accent has really been her issue all along.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Heebee jeebies! Heavily edited with multiple retakes, and Kate is still shown mumbling and stumbling awkwardly in her fake accent ineptly trying to answer simple, easy, throwaway questions by the friendly interviewer, Tom Bradby! 🤦‍♀️

        Moreover, Kate and William did not look to be in love, not even a little. Willy was doing a youthful version of his sheepish, embarrassed glancing at her and looking down as Kate stuttered and mumbled over an easy question about Diana. 😏

    • equality says:

      So, if you are having to remember a lot of lies, that might make it difficult to speak in public. I would be worried I would accidentally reveal the truth in that case.

    • Dee says:

      The Will and Kate engagement story was a copy of Will’s friend’s engagement story. There’s a misstep in the engagement video where Kate says something about calling her family from Scotland.

      • Jais says:

        So Kate talks about leaving Scotland to go and tell her mom about the engagement. Which comes right after they just discussed the engagement happening in Kenya. I mean it could be interpreted that the engagement happened in Kenya and then she went to Scotland for some reason, maybe Balmoral?, and then went to see her mom. Lol, I’m just saying it could’ve happened that way and it’s not definitive proof that it didn’t. That said, their engagement interview is v awkward with lots of pauses or Kate looking up or to the side. Like I said, I’m sure it was coached and it felt like she was trying to remember what could be said or not said. Harry and Meghan talked about the fact that they were not allowed to give the full truth in their engagemmtn interview, saying they met through a friend which was technically true but really they met through a friend through SM. So basically, we can conclude that there was surely lying going on either way. It’s possible William lifted the story from a friend but Kate’s gaffe in the interview about Scotland doesn’t tell me for sure.

      • Dee says:

        They also lied about meeting at St. Andrews. Kate talks about meeting the Queen and William jumps in like he was actually there to see it. That’s not a bald-faced lie, but one of omission.

      • Nic919 says:

        There is zero chance that kate would sit on a proposal and not tell her mother about it the instant it happened. Certainly not long enough for a trip from Kenya to Scotland. They had worked for a decade for that moment. It is just not credible at all. It’s more likely he said it in Scotland at balmoral and not Kenya.

        Harry was in Kenya with William just before this alleged proposal and William said nothing to him about proposing. Now perhaps it just confirms they weren’t close, but it’s more likely William didn’t actually propose there.

      • Jais says:

        Has Kate ever even been to Kenya😂? I would laugh if they’ve been covering that up the whole time and she’s never even been there.

    • Magdalena says:

      They also had to do several takes of her answering the question of how the engagement happened, how/where they met, and especially about the breakup. That was reported after the engagement. And her fake accent was very much in evidence then as well. So it wasn’t shyness as much as it was her trying to cling to the accent which she had created for herself.

  11. Miranda says:

    “It was a way of reassuring people not only about her condition but helping them have courage.”

    So incredibly patronizing. It’s downright insulting, coming from an incredibly wealthy, privileged woman with access to private healthcare, when the people who are supposed to be “inspired” by this lame royal pep talk may actually die while awaiting treatment.

  12. Just Jade says:

    Work shy turns to just shy got it.

  13. MsIam says:

    Well thank you Sally Twiddle Twaddle for saying that Kate doesn’t NEED Meghan and Harry’s help because she has her family and King Charles. (Not William or Camilla though? Hmmm…) Be sure and tell this to your tabloid friends in the UK because they keep insisting that the Sussexes drop everything and fly to the rescue.

  14. Liz says:

    Even though she could have coasted on her charisma, Diana worked so hard to become smart and articulate.

    Kate never has.

  15. Tessa says:

    I cannot stand sally b Smith. She gaslit Diana in her biography. She read a textbook and so called diagnosed Diana with borderline personality disorder. Diana was deceased and could not comment. Smith is a royalist. She’s pulling the same stunt on Meghan gaslighting her with fake diagnosis. It is par for the course that she likes mean girl kate.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Omg that’s HER? She’s the one who diagnosed a woman with no training and someone she’d never treated? Using the diagnosis to undermine and smear her?

      this woman is e.v.I.l.

      No wonder she loves Kate so much, mean girls recognize each other as players of the “game” immediately.

    • aftershocks says:

      Same @Tessa! Bedell Smith is still seething about not having been invited to H&M’s royal wedding, on the basis of a minor acquaintanceship with Meghan pre-Harry.

      “A few weeks ago, Smith went Full Deranger and claimed that Meghan and Wallis Simpson ‘have similar qualities: very narcissistic, very controlling, very dominating,’ and that Prince Harry has the same weaknesses and need for domination as the Duke of Windsor.”

      This is just full-on delusional lying, and jealous smearing. Harry is in no way ‘weak.’ Harry is a very strong-minded, self-aware, gregarious, kind, vulnerable and sensitive, yet completely macho alpha-male. Meghan is a beautiful, accomplished, vulnerable yet strong, ultra-feminine girly girl. There’s not a mean bone in either of their bodies. They are both ‘kindness and service to their fellow humans,’ personified. Obviously, H&M share a deep, fateful, loving union, and a life partnership strengthened by good communication and equal sacrifices.

      Everyone who tries to cast the Sussexes as narcissists and to frame their relationship as false, controlling, and dependent, are insanely jealous and exceedingly vile, cranky, needy, and weak-minded themselves!

  16. Pinkosaurus says:

    I don’t know that I agree with the word “shy”, but she definitely could have some social anxiety or performance anxiety when needing to speak or do anything other than step out of a car and wave. I think William’s rages, public disrespect and sulks would create anxiety for even a proficient speaker, which she is not. She has to thread the needle of not being an embarrassment with also not outshining her mediocre husband. I can see that creating anxiety, and then she’s lazy and unprepared and supported by clown car of incompetent staff on top of that.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      But even when she’s talking or giving speeches on her own – in front of only friendly people – she STILL cannot speak. The fiasco word salad in front of Dr Biden, the ‘can you test the smell by smelling it’ question, the “speeches” where she can’t say things like “thank you for coming today” without looking at notes/flipping her hair/mumbling/giggling like a child, and a million other examples. I totally agree that Pegs is a rage machine, but she is completely incompetent whether he’s there or not.

      • Dee says:

        I just noticed the lack of hair flipping in the cancer video. That’s another tell.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Yes, @DEE, many of Kate’s “greatest hits” in her bodily expressions and mannerisms are absent. I would love for someone to put William’s face over hers that video, the mannerisms and cadence of speech would be an eerie fit for him.

      • Cali says:

        Even inarticulate people can be successful when using a teleprompter. Believe me I have some brainless colleagues who can do it.
        Comparing a live talk to a taped production is apples and oranges. She can be both a bad public speaker normally and perfectly competent at reading something out loud without an audience.
        That doesn’t mean I necessarily believe in the validity of the video but I don’t find it suspicious that she can be articulate when using a teleprompter. Anyone who can read is able to do it.

    • Becks1 says:

      I can sympathize with the idea of her having social anxiety – honestly the idea of having to make small talk with people on a regular basis just makes me feel sick . It’s something that apparently Camilla and Charles are both very good at, and we see William goes off the rails when he tries to do it, or worse, when he tries to be funny and then we get his obnoxious comments.

      But at this point it has been 13 years, you would think she would have picked up some go-to comments or at least gotten to the point where she can say “thank you for coming” without having to read note cards for it.

      Basically what i think was understandable from her when they first got married is now embarrassing for her.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        Yeah definitely relate. I was so terribly shy as a kid it was painful when I was called on in class. But even as a child going to summer camp, I figured out how to be prepared for a few pleasant small talk exchanges, how to ask about something the person cared about.

        I think what we see with Kate is what there is. She literally doesn’t care enough about being good at the “job” and she lacks the drive to prepare. She’s empty and listless instead of curious and charged to try. She got the man and she’s done now.

        One thing she isn’t, is “keen.”

      • Lorelei says:

        @Becks it’s genuinely so funny to me that every time William tries to be funny (and probably thinks he succeeded), it turns into a gaffe and sometimes an international incident, if it’s egregious enough. And he never learns; he keeps doing it! I guess he really is just too stupid to come up with anything better, and no amount of coaching will help him.

        The ONLY time he trends is when he makes some embarrassing fckup. The internet pounces. Everyone hates him. I love it so much.

      • Underhill says:

        I have some empathy for her. I can chat and chatter with the best of them, but I cannot for the life of me stand up in front of a group of people and speak, not if the group is much bigger than five or six. The weight of all those eyes just steals the breath from my lungs. I have tried several times, serious attempts to get over this, but no dice. The only way I can do it is if I am fairly heavily medicated. So I have empathy for anyone who has trouble making a speech.

  17. Tessa says:

    Kate never improved her speech. She’s not shy she wore a see through dress at that fashion show. She took time to stop the embarrassing photo ops when she went on tours and the wind blew her skirts . And the hitting keys on the piano and that set of photographs of herself that she sent to museums

    • Agnes says:

      Pretty sure Kate’s only feelings of self-worth come from her good looks, a trait of the “somatic narcissist.” That could explain the exhibitionism. Too bad everyone gets old and ugly in the end.

      • kelleybelle says:

        What good looks?

      • Agnes says:

        She’s pretty in a dead normal way, is tall and has a good figure. That’s enough for a somatic narcissist to work from. And probably one reason she hated Meghan who is more than just pretty.

    • Liz says:

      Underhill I totally agree with you. But Kate was the most confident, composed bride I’ve ever seen. Saying her vows in front of millions. I don’t think inherent shyness is her problem.

  18. Tessa says:

    I wish harry and Meghan would sue Smith with her gaslighting comments. Harry could het sweet revenge also for the way smith wrote nasty things about diana

  19. So shy she had to let the AI do it for her.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      I’m convinced this is why William has made no statements in support of Kate, that scandal explosion is going to be firmly placed in the Middleton’s lap.

  20. Blujfly says:

    At lot of these also ran ancient gossip columnists and celebrity biographers like Bedell Smith have suddenly gotten attention again parroting the party lines attacking harry and Meghan. She must have a book coming out. I can’t believe Jennie bond, who hasn’t been a royal correspondent for a decade, is suddenly everywhere. As for Kate, the word “shy” appeared nowhere until the mid-late 2010s when they needed an excuse for her incredibly poor public speech.

    • Lorelei says:

      Seriously! When I see the names of some of the people being quoted today about the Sussexes, like this b!tch and Richard Kay, it’s like, didn’t their careers basically peak in the 1980’s? Do these vultures ever retire??
      What on earth could they possibly know about the Sussexes that wasn’t spoonfed to them by the palace? And that access ended years ago.

      Although I shouldn’t be surprised when we’ve seen that we’ll be hearing from someone who maybe had lunch with Diana once in 1988 for the rest of their lives, as they consider themselves Diana “experts” now.

  21. SussexWatcher says:

    Bahaha, shy. Sure, pull the other one.

    People who are shy don’t get flash their bums so much they get a teenage nickname for it. Shy people don’t prance down runways wearing a see-through slip pulled up to be a “dress” to catch the eye of a horny prince. Shy people don’t continually wear short, floaty dresses in windy places like near airplanes or helicopters. Shy people don’t crave the spotlight by highlighting THEMSELVES during Christmas concerts. Shy people don’t flirt at or drape themselves all over every single (or married) man under 60 they come into contact with, including their brother-in-law.

    Shes lazy and close-minded and incurious and uneducated and selfish and not fit for the role she stalked her way into. But she’s not shy. Can this fake narrative please go away.

  22. equality says:

    If she ever speaks again in public they are setting her up by claiming she wrote and delivered this “unedited” video. They would have done better to say that it took her several takes since she was upset, etc. Now when she comes back and “er’s” and “um’s” it will show them as liars.

    • sparrow says:

      Did claiming it was unedited, which I didn’t know was a claim, reach to her actual speaking? I thought it was free from the Middleton mumbles because she was allowed to stop and start and then it all got glued together as one at the end. She makes a slip over “abdominal” which made me think it was rushed out after brief editing. Wow. I didn’t know they claimed it was a one cut and then wrap. I believe she wrote it. I don’t believe it was one take. Are they really saying that? Extraordinary. And it has to be edited in some form, because it’s got that awful smeary look to it to hide her skin quality. All her videos make me want to scream, because she’s always so obviously out of focus.

      • equality says:

        “A BBC Studios insider said there had been no editing of the video and what viewers saw was what was shot by the team, who were also responsible for covering the King’s Coronation and Queen Elizabeth’s funeral. BBC Studios had no editorial input into the message that was conveyed, were not involved in the distribution of the video and made no edits to the recording.”

    • sparrow says:

      Thanks, equality, I hadn’t seen this before. Goodness so they are saying it was a one take. Hmmm. I suppose that takes into account the stumble over “abdominal”, which was very slight. And she is doing that bounce she does, but with her hands, because she’s so nervous. Strange. She must’ve rehearsed the hell out of that speech. All I can think is, she was allowed to try over and over, and finally they got a complete take. That wouldn’t be editing. It would be ditching the previous attempts and keeping the good one. That’s all I can come up with!

      • Lady Esther says:

        Thanks @equality. @sparrow, I interpret this as follows:

        1) “A BBC insider” – meaning, no on the record official statement from BBC studios

        2) “BBC Studios…made no edits to the recording” meaning THEY didn’t edit it. It doesn’t mean that KP or someone else didn’t edit it before distribution, as “BBC Studios…were not involved in the distribution of the video”

        Note the careful wording. They are saying, not officially but off the record, that BBC studios shot it but didn’t do anything else with it. They’re not saying it wasn’t in front of a green screen, that it wasn’t edited after the video was shot and taken out of their hands, etc.

        3) “BBC studios…made no edits to the recording” to me isn’t the same as saying it was all in one take. Again, they could have shot lots of takes and footage but did nothing with it post production, just handed it over to KP and KP’s elves (or KATE, HAHAHA) who could have spent lots of time editing it so it appears to be seamless (unlike every other video ever shot of Kate which are always heavily edited)

        I have no idea about AI or other fakery as I know nothing about photography. However I do think this video wasn’t shot when they said it was, full stop. I think it may have been done as far back as before Christmas when all the evidence suggests everything went tits up, and was held back by William and/or Kate for a rainy day. Tinfoil tiara on!

  23. Tessa says:

    Maybe sally is jealous of charismatic women with a work ethic like Diana and Meghan. And spends time praising mediocre workshy Kate. The Charles loves Kate spin is way over done. Charles just praised Kate to spite harry and Meghan.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I think you’ve just summed up Kate’s entire fanbase.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      And to spite William, it seems. We still haven’t seen Charles and William in the same room since the Christmas walk, and even before that they skipped events they normally attended (Christmas lunch and Christmas carols).

    • kelleybelle says:

      I don’t even get the mediocre term when it comes to Kate. The proper term would be inadequate. She can’t even face an audience properly, reads her “speeches” and has to get “I’m passionate about this” from a cue card.

  24. EasternViolet says:

    This message completely undermines her video. Its hard telling anyone, or a camera that you have cancer. Shyness or not. I think they were trying to make her look “brave” as they don’t have any video of her in public, like Charles, just trying to get on, living with cancer.

  25. Tessa says:

    Meghan and Wallis are completely different people from different times and backgrounds. The tiresome comparison is very grating. Smith just parrots deranger talk about meghan.

  26. Tessa says:

    Kate was not shy about watching out that other women don’t get near William. Before they dated Kate rushed across a room and pretended to be Williams girlfriend to keep a woman from coming on to him.

  27. sparrow says:

    I can imagine it was difficult. But please someone help me with the timeline. After the frankenphoto, we were told she would be explaining her situation; no date, but within weeks. We were then told she would be back with “a bang” on Easter Sunday, which was just weird and yucky. Then I read on here in the last few days that she was bounced into making the announcement because someone had got hold of her medical records and that person was about to go public. So, what’s the correct timeline? Was the Easter Sunday a total lie? Was she going to somehow do the Easter walk, but in discomfort and no one knowing she was ill, beyond a vague “abdominal surgery”? Was she ever going to tell people what was wrong before June? I think she didn’t want people to know at all, and was going to come back in early summer, people still speculating. Her choice, of course, but one has to think about motives and also how distanced she and her husband are from their press team. What a mess.

    • Becks1 says:

      I mean, you have it right based on what has been said, its just a mess, that’s why the timeline doesn’t make sense.

      For easter sunday – I don’t think her staff knew what was going on. So I think they were told abdominal surgery, out until Easter and just went with that.

      I really think Kate’s plan was just to undergo treatment in secrecy and come back in the summer with a bang.

      Thats part of what makes me think her diagnosis is worse than they are letting on – because someone at KP (or Kate herself) realized she would likely not be back by Trooping or Wimbledon and missing those events would raise a lot of questions, if the only explanation was a vague abdominal surgery in January.

      • sparrow says:

        Thank you for your thoughts, Becks1. The bang stuff was so childish – I’d be ashamed to be associated with a press team that talks about illness/surgery in this way. My feeling has always been she wanted it to remain a mystery, hoping people would fall in the end for something quite basic, and that the bang, like you say, would be set by her and would happen at some huge official engagement with maximum press and a huge series of photos. They buggered that up with the mother’s day photo and have been on the back foot ever since. What this debacle has shown is how out of touch they are.

      • Lorelei says:

        It’s staggering how incompetent their staff is. I get that W&K are stubborn, probably rarely listen to advice, and want to remain secretive & not tell the peasants anything about themselves or their lives, but there IS still a team of professionals being paid to maintain their image. What are these people doing?

        I cannot think of another situation in which a staff this bad wouldn’t have been fired after the press KP has gotten for the past couple of months. And why someone like the guy from NBC hasn’t already run back to the US in humiliation and defeat.

      • Nic919 says:

        I think they were hoping the Mother’s Day photo would be enough and let her stay away beyond Easter. When that blew up and the farm video didn’t work, she did this video so that she would have to return to public duties for a long time.

        They were adamant that she was coming back for Easter, and then it was “not actually Easter but Easter holiday “ and now it’s just up in the air.

  28. aquarius64 says:

    The “job” of queen consort comes with public speaking on occasion. If Kate didn’t want to deal with that she shouldn’t have married William.

  29. Mary Pester says:

    It’s fake, fake backdrop, fake bench, fake female.
    Shy you say? This vain BCH has never met a camera she doesn’t love, even a funeral is a camera call for her that’s of course when she’s not flashing her lady garden for the world to see! Point of accuracy, SHE said in the speech ((that someone else wrote) that she had HAD cancer, not that she HAS cancer. I have zero sympathy for her, for her children YES in every way YES but not her or her husband, neither of them can be trusted. Other than to do sod all most of their lives, let’s hope #2 has a work ethic

    • PinkOrchid says:

      I am inclined to agree with you Mary Pester. I posted a link here the other day where someone put Meghan’s face on the bench video Kate, and her mouth was moving in sync with the speech, and it looked amazingly real. Except it wasn’t. Evidently, the AI wizards can find a similar sized model to sit there and perform for the duration, and then they superimpose any face they want on top. Why else is the video so fuzzy, color washed, and all the other inaccuracies we have pointed out, including squirrelly response of BBC Studios? This is a fascinating mystery happening in real time.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Mary Pester, I’m waiting for the shoe to drop, because I think it’s going to be a doozy. If Billy Idle has found someone he wants to keep, we know that Bone Idle will be out. I think that’s what most of this–if not all–has been about. Negotiations are going on. I agree that I hope #2 is not only willing, but capable of working.

      I heard the video and the fact that she (whoever it was) HAD cancer is being completely overlooked by the media. I’ve known people who have had surgery for cancer and they did chemo afterwards to make sure there weren’t any cells left. They would react to the chemo for a day or two and then be back to work. That’s what the vast majority of the population has to do in order to pay bills.

  30. SCAR❤️❤️❤️❤️ says:

    Hey, remember the story the UK media told of how Kate before she and Willy were dating saved Willy from an aggressive female. NOT the act of a shy woman, but a woman fighting for her potential mark. Mission accomplished.

  31. B says:

    The woman damn near flashed her crotch and all of her upper thighs for the cameras during the South Korean President’s state visit but they say she’s shy. That family’s propaganda is so bold and unrepentantly false.

    Its pure “are you going to believe what your eyes see or me??”

    Additionally the UK press are being so obvious and heavy handed with using her cancer diagnosis to silence people, pressure the Sussexes to not work and elicit sympathy that I’m honestly starting think its a lie.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Sussexes not allowed to work on the other side of the pond, but her siblings going on holiday and her uncle embarrassing the family is all OK.

    • SCAR❤️❤️❤️❤️ says:


    • ChattyCath says:

      Now look everybody cancer is a diagnosis that warrants sympathy and secrecy. Its recovery time is fluid and could be whatever KP wants it to be. Some illnesses aren’t regarded as evincing sympathy even though they’re arguably just as terrible ie an ED (I speak from experience). Who the heck in their right mind would marry SirAubergine? His horrible character traits are well known. Have to be the ultimate Social Climber or an utter fool.

  32. Beverley says:

    Yep. Kate is so shy, she wasn’t anywhere near the making of that video.

  33. mycatlovestv says:

    I was so shy in college that I enjoyed wearing clear dresses in front of a boy I was chasing (plus a crowd) and bum-flashing at a moment’s notice. Oh please.

  34. square_bologna says:

    Bring her out to a live press conference and let us see her close up *in real time.* If she’s not too incapacitated. Or dead.

    • PinkOrchid says:

      This is what has to happen to quell the suspicions. Nothing else will do.

      • Lorelei says:

        At this point, I keep going back and forth because I honestly don’t have the slightest idea what to believe anymore.

        Some days I think the only reason I might believe she’s still alive is because someone on here said that British death certificates are public record, and would obviously be dated.

        Then again, we know that these people can regularly get both the government and the press (all the way up to the BBC) to bend to their wishes, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • Interested Gawker says:


      The easiest and most basic solution to shut the speculation down entirely. They can even say its a ‘sweet nod to Diana’ who made a public speech announcing stepping back from her public role at a formal engagement witnessed by the attendees.

      No fuss no muss, why isn’t it happening?

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      square_bologna, I’m sure she’s still alive. I don’t think she’s really very ill. I think there are divorce negotiations going on behind the scene.

  35. kelleybelle says:

    She’s kidding, right? I’m sure the sky is green and Kim K’s rack is real, sure. Woman needs to go jump in the lake. Kate’s reputation and that of the RF was suffering. They HAD to do something.

  36. QuiteContrary says:

    If Kate seemed like a better speaker in the cancer video, that’s because she was talking about herself and her children — her favorite subjects.
    And she was explaining why she’d be taking more time off — which is the “cause” that’s most important to her.

    It’s when she has to turn her attention outward that she stumbles, because she doesn’t care enough about other people or other causes to prepare or to practice speaking about them.

  37. Harper says:

    So shy she couldn’t shut up about her concerns re: Archie’s skin color. So shy she made those aggressive steps toward Meghan at the Windsor funeral walkabout. So shy she rolled her eyes and said, “what else” to a bunch of little kids who dared to mention H&M’s names on a royal school visit. I’m sorry that she had cancer and is going through preventative chemo but don’t start with that shy wilting flower nonsense. If we thought she was infantilized and protected by the press before March 22, the rest of her life going forward will be one hundred times that.

  38. Interested Gawker says:

    One of Kate’s last spectacles before William got her disappeared was upstaging the nation’s honoured guests from Korea by wearing a blazing red mish mash monstrosity of an outfit, complete with a broad brimmed red hat, flashing her bare(!) legs from top to bottom and god knows whatall else when exiting the car with a sneer. That is not the mark of a shy person.

  39. Meredith says:

    The daily mail keeps running articles about why young people are getting colon cancer. IMO it seems like a pretty clear tip off that ‘s what Kate’s dealing with, since they can’t outright say it.

    • sparrow says:

      I believe it’s something like that, too. It’s very sad. I hope this has been a lesson to them both in how NOT to treat the public like idiots, with fake photos and scant updates. They could’ve done the process a la Charles. I understand hers was a more fluid situation, but just a bit more honesty could’ve stopped this media mess in its tracks.

    • Liz says:

      Or maybe it’s what the media are told to infer Meredith. So much game playing.

      Anyway thanks for the link, it’s an interesting article

  40. Meredith says:

    Regardless of the lies KP has told and who knew what about Kate’s illness, the fact remains that William let his cancer stricken wife take the blame for that photoshop fail.

    It really tells you all you need to know about that man. Case closed forever.

  41. Rnot says:

    The only thing she’s known for individually is her photography. I wonder if any of this was deliberate to discredit her. Is there a Bolland style effort underway to associate the name Middleton with fraud in the minds of the public? Are they at war behind the scenes? Does Kate have undoctored photos that William wants people to doubt?

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “Does Kate have undoctored photos that William wants people to doubt?”


      That’s a good catch, good point and very much how KP operates. They insist the Sussexes are “liars” to blunt their first person accounts of life behind palace walls, trying to get ahead of MaMidds and Kate is probable. I still don’t believe it was Kate in the passenger seat of that five wheeled car but it is interesting that William strong armed it from being printed in the English press.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Rnot, I’ve wondered the same thing.

      People generally are sick of hearing about the Middletons, time they retired into the countryside and were never seen or heard from again – Ma, the kept brother, the kept sister, and their uncle Gary. I’d like to know if Carol has ever, any which way directly or indirectly, received anything from royal funds?

    • Tessa says:

      Kate takes snap shots she is not remotely near the professional level.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “she is not remotely near the professional level.”

        Of a certainty, but for those listening with half an ear, paying attention but with less focus photography was ‘Kate’s thing’, that’s been obliterated by tying her to a photo originally credited to William to a far wider, international public. That’s probably not a coincidence.

  42. Julianna says:

    Bum and crotch flashing Kate was so shy she couldn’t sit down for an authentic video. So we get yet another blatantly obvious AI manipulated version of Kate – due to her shyness of course.

    • The Blower’s Daughter says:

      Yes, this is the obvious rollout of their defense once it’s confirmed the video was AI-manipulated —-you guys, she’s “private” and “shy.”

  43. Julianna says:

    In the top photo, her pinky finger on the bottom hand looks off and weird hand position.

  44. Shoegirl77 says:

    Sally, always do a spell check. I’d have believed a headline saying Kate is inherently sly, but definitely not shy.

    • Iolanthe says:

      Sly certainly . And narcissistic. Exhibitionist . As someone who was painfully shy as a teenager , I take exception to this female using inherent shyness as an excuse . She is very very lucky she had a manipulative mother to orchestrate her moves like some puppet master and manoeuvre her into nabbing a prince. Kate seems to have evolved up to a point ..of beating down anybody who she must feel is stealing the limelight . She must have even resented Pippa growing up ..and for being pretty , popular , intelligent ..didn’t she gobble up the early years programme which is actually Pippas subject. And even now because Pippa looks happy and contented with three lovely children who have a normal family life , she must be seething . We don’t hear of the Wales offspring hanging out with any of their six cousins . Nothing wrong with Kates three ..they are regular kids but God forbid they are anywhere near cousins who may be blue eyed , charming , a tad more charming , better behaved or talented . Sad and sickening. I have seen this sort of competitiveness in other families . And why is everyone feeling ” sad ” for Kate when she herself claims she is fine and the chemo is just to ward off any lurking cancer in future? I take the cancer too with a massive pinch of salt sounds like she is cosplaying the kings story now and piggybacking on the sympathy .

      • Esquire says:

        Pippa has never been pretty and we don’t know if she’s happy or not. She married a filthy rich guy, which was clearly non-negotiable. But that doesn’t always equate to happiness. She’s a private individual, so the spotlight isn’t on her the way it is on the Wales family.

        In fact, lately, Pippa’s husband always looks annoyed when a photo is taken of him. Time will tell.

        I agree that Pippa has always been a go-getter, confident, not lazy or coddled like Kate. However, none of the Middleton adult kids have ever held down a proper job, so I’m not going to give them too much credit. The entire family is a collective bunch of grifters.

  45. Hummingbird says:

    Not so shy when flashing her cootie in public, or traipsing down a runway showing her knickers, or grabbing a handful of her husband’s arse, is she?

    • ChattyCath says:

      Haha. I haven’t forgotten that terrible display at Prince Philip’s funeral. That wasn’t shy and disgusting and disrespectful. I hope the Middleton/ Goldsmiths are going to take their mannequin they hoped would make them aristos home.

      • Penny says:

        I went on the DM yesterday and one commenter wrote “The royal family will be down two members soon,” and the first reply to that was “Who? The Diva and Ma Middleton?” Surprisingly, this reply got a lot of upvotes.

  46. TheCrankyFairy says:

    As an AFAB neurodivergent individual, I’ve Long wondered if Kate is ND. It would explain A Lot.

  47. Eos says:

    First of, let me pretend Kate wrote what she read.
    Are we also expected to believe she is soooo shy, it took a lot out of her to read what she wrote???? And pray tell how many takes did it require for the ‘dignified, poised, blah, blah, blah..’
    Ugh! So annoying!

    • Penny says:

      They have to come up with some excuses for releasing a questionable video: It was rushed, the catwalk girl is shy etc.