Prince William is jealous of Harry, thinks that the heir should get more attention

In last week’s Us Weekly cover story, royal historian Ed Owens admitted the sad truth about Prince William: that the almost 42-year-old heir to the British throne is incandescent with envy and jealousy over his younger brother’s success and freedom. Owens said outright that William is “envious” of Harry’s professional accomplishments, especially the Invictus Games, and that William can’t stand the fact that Harry is free to travel, work and raise his family however he chooses. What went unsaid is that William and the Windsors have done the most to hurt and destroy Harry and his family. In any case, it looks like this is now something which is being openly discussed by royal experts, the fact that William is salty that Harry isn’t broke, divorced and begging for his brother’s help.

Prince Harry’s “globe-trotting freedom” has sparked “jealousy” in his older brother Prince William, a royal expert claims. According to Royal expert and author Tom Quinn, Harry’s jet-set lifestyle has left a bitter taste in his brother William’s mouth, with it claimed that the Prince of Wales “envies” his younger brother’s “freedom”.

“There has certainly been a shift in the relationship between Harry and his brother William and surprisingly there is even a bit of William that envies his brother’s globe-trotting freedom,” Mr Quinn told The Mirror, exclusively.

He noted: “William has always been more confident because he has always been a monarch in waiting, and for a long time that was enough to ensure he felt confident about his role and his future. But Harry has become such a thorn in the Royal Family side that he is getting a great deal of the attention that really should go to William and his father King Charles.”

He went on to say that William is “a little jealous of Harry‘s ability to keep himself at the forefront of the news, even if he’s doing it for all the wrong reasons”, adding that William is “frustrated that he doesn’t get the attention he should be getting”.

Mr Quinn then told us that a Kensington Palace source said: “William’s view of Harry is that it’s a case of the devil having all the best tunes.” The expert concluded: “For a long time, William simply felt that doing the right thing and being dutiful like his grandmother would stand him in good stead, but there’s a bit of William that feels that he needs a bit more edge to keep up with his little brother.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

Basically, the laziest and dumbest prince is mad that his charismatic and hard-working brother gets attention, attention which *should* be William’s on birthright alone. “You can’t have attention, it’s mine, because I WILL BE KING!” What’s sad is that I’m absolutely positive that William’s thought process is just that. He thought he could just exist as the heir and everyone would fall all over themselves to embiggen him and tell him that he’s the best, most keenest heir ever. Instead, he makes an ass out of himself constantly, he’s always on vacation, and his national media is still obsessed with William’s younger brother, the one William exiled out of jealousy in the first place. Oh well!

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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95 Responses to “Prince William is jealous of Harry, thinks that the heir should get more attention”

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  1. Digital Unicorn says:

    That first photo is just perfection – describes Peggy to a T.

    And the answer is ‘no you are NOT’.

    • the Robinsons says:


    • amy says:

      Whatever advance person on their PR team let them stage the event so those banners were behind William would be thrown in the dungeon. SO BAD.

      • Tara says:

        Thought the same, it’s so funny. My favorites are the ones with the blinking huevo pilot lamp. 🤣

    • Feeshalori says:

      They should change the sign to, “Am l jealous enough?”

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      Edgeless will always remain edgeless. Fact is he simply hasn’t got it and on top of everything else he is lazy. The only thing he is good at is raging and jealousy. He has no purpose in life and has achieved nothing that was not handed to it. Even his PR people know that trolling him is the only way he gets attention.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      The first thing I thought was, someone/people **really** do not like Huevo at all. This is clearly intentional, and he deserves it.

      I must confess that every once in a while, I feel just a teensy tiny bit of sympathy for Willnot, because he is stuck in the miserable role he’s in. He’ll be a bitter, nasty old man- just like dear old dad.

      The dude needs therapy soooooo badly.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Both William and Harry needed therapy when their mother died. It is catastrophic that neither received any grief counseling whatsoever. Harry has explained the raw truth of this in Spare.

        Another truth Harry reveals in Spare is his complicated ‘arch-nemesis’ relationship with William, even as Harry still acknowledges the deep bond they have shared as brothers. That’s likely what has made Willy’s betrayals so damning and ‘space’ worthy.

        I saw this interesting article that highlights the astrological hints to Harry and William having been at odds with each other from the very beginning. Embedded in the article is a cool, rare picture of the two brothers at a stage just before William began losing his hair. Of course, Harry’s back of head hair strands would later be affected, too. In the pic, though, they were both in a handsome, ‘feeling their oats’ young man stage. Seated somewhat awkwardly side-by-side, even then, Harry’s vibe is more chill and confident. What a blessing for Harry having the slim, attractive fingers, while Willy sadly evidences his Pa’s sausage digits, folded in his lap.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      That photo is the gift that just keeps giving. KARMA.

    • TRex says:


      William grew up distasteful and surly (or perhaps he was always this way?) Each time I see him, I imagine him seething and stomping around. The tension inn his home must be unbearable.

      • Gabby says:

        I think he was always that way, but it was obscured by the Diana glow and the Diana looks. Now that both of those are officially gone, the ugly base layer is plain for all to see.

      • Douglass Abramson says:

        He’s Philip without the sense of humor or charm. Philip’s only redeeming qualities as a public figure.

    • Shawna says:

      I’d like there to be a counter in the corner that shows how many stories it’s been used for! Is this the new tree hugging picture?

    • ales says:

      W does not seem to understand that H and M are a team who compliment each other. They are not perfect, they try to do their best. Humbleness, sincerity and helping others is their priority.
      W has a dolittle mumbler who does nothing, except focus on herself and her publicity seeking grifter family, his paid assistants and sychopants are his cheerleaders.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Apart from the temper William is like an automaton and his wife has worked on the principle of never actually doing anything wrong because she is frightened by her own gigantic jump up the social ladder. She had problems with Meghan, too pretty, too confident, too much attention that she should be getting as our future Queen.

  2. s808 says:

    William is “frustrated that he doesn’t get the attention he should be getting”.

    Have you tried going to work more than 2 days a week William? Like, let’s start there.

    • The Hench says:

      Two days a week?? We can dream of such industry. The Hair is barely doing two a month at the moment.

      • s808 says:

        You’re right 🤣🤣🤣 2 days a week is generous!

      • Christine says:

        LOL! I’m dead at “we can only dream of such industry”!!!!!

      • aftershocks says:

        “… Harry is getting a great deal of the attention that really should go to William and his father King Charles.”

        LOL! Honestly, even when Harry was still trapped in the royal firm, he had grown into shining as the charismatic hard-worker with successful ideas and the moxie to get things done. It was just that back then Chuck and Willy were able to scapegoat Harry in the tabloids, control his successes, piggyback on his worthy projects, and take advantage of his genuine kindness and magnanimity.

        “For a long time, William simply felt that doing the right thing and being dutiful like his grandmother would stand him in good stead…”

        🙄 This is just a full-blown, obvious lie.

    • Lulu says:

      William is not a global superstar and never will be. It’s so obvious, do the opposite. Quietly spend a day each week/month working at the closest food bank to his home. Then a year or two/three years later leak it and he will forever be seen as dutiful and a role model just like his grandmother. The people of UK never forgot Princess Elizabeths work for the army during WWII. Even people not yet born at the time gave her a lot of grace in recognition of how she stepped up. I’ve said this in posts over the years with no worry he will take my advice. Willy, his current wife and his pa & second wife live for the limelight too much, hence traveling with their team of videographers & photographers wherever they go. Actually, this would be advice for both Willy and first wife as she is soooo uncomfortable in public. They could just quietly work and get to know the names of everyone, not spend time pretending to cook while holding with a bare hand a pot on top of a stove top while pretending to cook.

    • LaraK says:

      This is why monarchies are BAD – it is the antithesis of meritocracy.
      Baldy thinks he should get the attention because he’s the first-born. How hard Harry works or how charismatic he is makes no difference because he didn’t come out first. That’s it.
      That kind of system has no place in a modern society.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Huevo can have all the attention he wants and then some, as soon as he calls a presser and admits to what really happened with Huesa 133 days ago. Bonus attention if he confronts the Feb. 28, 2024 headline from The International News (2 full months after the mysterious ambulance flit from Sandringham) asking What happens if Prince William commits a serious crime?

      And if his Invisible Contract is so tight with the media, it stands to reason all he has to do to make himself feel better is to tell them to stop reporting on the brother and sister-in-law he insisted be exiled from the UK.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        *(2 full months after the mysterious ambulance flit from Sandringham)*

        To be fair that didn’t happen. A Twitter user with a reputation for posting odd, attention-grabbing content tweeted a video showing an ambulance driving a couple of miles away from Kensington Palace, near a hospital but going away from the hospital, and wrote a caption name-dropping Sandringham.

        Literally anyone could have been in that ambulance, and it certainly didn’t come from Sandringham – there’s absolutely zero way a person having a medical emergency would be rushed the entire way across the whole country. If someone in Sandringham had a medical emergency they’d be rushed to the nearest major hospital, or airlifted to London (most hospitals have helicopter spaces on their roofs) – absolutely never under any circumstance is an ambulance driving from Norfolk to London, and it was a London ambulance, so the starting point legally had to be within London.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “Have you tried going to work more than 2 days a week William? Like, let’s start there.”


    • ales says:

      Hopeless. He married his stalker whose only aim in life is to destroy all of her competition. W and K desperately need to look at their behavior, his ego, her jealousy and her grifting family are destroying the BRF not H and M. Thousands of bots and deluded derangers wont change anything. W and K need to grow up, and wake up to themselves.

  3. seaflower says:

    All the bleating about how handsome he was and how he looked like Diana went to his head as well as the stuff about being the heir. He’s never had to try for anything ever in his life.

    • Lulu says:

      He was awful as a child too. I’ve said too many times it’s almost unbelievable how miserable this man is, who was given every advantage at birth. He should be walking around with a smile on his face every day recognizing he has fame, fortune, status as monarch in waiting just given to him. But no, he rages when someone else has something he wants. He is a lot like the orange cheeto.

      • Tara says:

        A sense of entitlement really doesn’t save you from envy. It’s really striking how many challenges they have in their mindset.

        And sometimes I also think that this whole heir/replacement part mentality is like child abuse. As a child you don’t have a chance to get a different view or perspective, it’s just instilled in you. And when you grow up, it’s hard for anyone to self-reflect and work on themselves, but they won’t consider it or experience it because they live in a system that’s been created around them.

        How do the other monarchies deal with this narrative?

      • KeKe Swan says:

        That comment about envy really hit home. And yes, Tara, it’s child abuse. But it sounds like it’s pretty new–something the Windsors came up with. I dunno… something about that picture of the two of them striding along in their black suits made me curious about royal rivalries in history. Turns out there were a lot of them–mostly younger brothers trying to take the throne from their too-tolerant older brothers. The only one that even came close was Queen Mary throwing Elizabeth in the Tower allegedly for plotting to overthrow her but really because she was a beautiful ginger who was popular with the people. Wouldn’t Huevo would throw Harry into the Tower if he could? You just know he’s thought about it. Anyway, the first reference I saw to the heir being treated worse than the spare was Liz2’s line… And I agree. It’s child abuse.

  4. equality says:

    “He is getting a great deal of the attention that really should go to William and his father King Charles.”

    He went on to say that William is “a little jealous of Harry‘s ability to keep himself at the forefront of the news, even if he’s doing it for all the wrong reasons”

    Why exactly should attention that PH gets for work he is doing go to PW and KC? If the media agrees that the attention should go to Will and Charles, why aren’t they giving them the attention? How is PH being in the news for defending his own reputation and that of his wife or for supporting injured veterans or supporting mental health, doing it “for the wrong reasons”?

    • Jais says:

      Right? Harry’s getting attention in the news for the 10th anniversary of the IG and is going to Nigeria to highlight the IG. Which supports veterans. How is that for the wrong reasons?

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Because he should be praised for it but the readers of the gutter press prefer nasty stories about Harry and Meghan. Reading the comments when they write a decent story, (to provide balance, to satisfy the press regulators) the comments are disbelief and this story must have come from Meghan.

    • Lulu says:

      The laugh of it is that if Harry stopped getting attention right this minute, that would in no way mean that Chuck and Willy would be getting more attention.

      • Christine says:

        It’s shocking that so many people are dumb enough to believe that Harry is stealing attention that would otherwise go to the king and heir.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        They are not doing anything that is interesting, the King can be excused at the moment, but William can’t.

    • KeKe Swan says:

      We’re watching in real time as the media tortures the facts to flatter the king’s ego. If there was proof that monarchy is bad, we’re looking at it.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      They claim: “William simply felt that doing the right thing and being dutiful like his grandmother would stand him in good stead.”

      All he does is complain and whine. He doesn’t work. He doesn’t put “duty” first.

      William is pathological at this point. Like, he is a legit threat to the monarchy, much bigger than Harry will ever be.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed. He has zero work ethic and is always moaning about his brother and his wife. It’s like he looked at his grandmother’s reign and decided to do the exact opposite.

        The threat to the monarchy is coming from INSIDE the castle, y’all.

    • windyriver says:

      One big reason Harry is at the forefront of the news is because the BM, eagerly assisted by non-stop leaks from KP/BP, has kept him there via dozens of weekly articles about him and/or Meghan, for years. The law of unintended consequences. They left, you vowed not to pay attention to them anymore, but just couldn’t help yourselves. FAFO.

      And if Will had actually been doing the right thing, and been dutiful like his grandmother, he would have the much higher profile he craves. Yet, he’s never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity, to a remarkable extent. Whether or not he was tapped to directly fill in for Charles during the recent weeks KC was most sidelined by treatment, those were weeks Will had the news cycle pretty much to himself, which could have been filled with multiple scheduled events of his own choosing. He chose instead to be MIA. and now he’s learning how little anyone cares.

  5. Well if Peg would do something worthwhile for others then maybe he would get the good attention but that will never happen. Harry thinks of others and how he can use his platform to help plus he is definitely a people person who exudes charisma and kindness. Peg is an incandescent rage monster who only cares about himself.

  6. Aimee says:

    You can’t get attention if you’re not doing anything.

    • Agnes says:

      Exactly. This line stuck out: “For a long time, William simply felt that doing the right thing and being dutiful like his grandmother would stand him in good stead.” His grandmother worked like a plow horse into her 90s, so there is NO comparison between the two. Huevo’s only duty is to himself. If he showed up even 1/10 as often as QE2, he might have earn some respect. He doesn’t, and he won’t. So the only attention he deserves is negative.

  7. ❤️❤️❤️❤️SCAR says:

    If William truly believes the heir must get more attention, and the “work” of the Royals is to bring attention to charities, this belief fights against the charity “work” they do in two ways. 1. The focus is on YOU and not the charity. 2. Everyone digging in and getting more of this “work” done is NOT what you care about. Both of these prove William & Charles do not care for their subjects.

    • Shawna says:

      It would be such a different story if William was complaining that Harry drew attention away from the *charities* and *causes* William cares about.

  8. Miranda says:

    I will never not be amused by these “experts” who spout shit like this so matter-of-factly, as if it’s a perfectly normal and rational way to think. It’s one thing for William himself to believe it, but the fact that so much of the BM seems to cheer him on really does my head in. The entire concept of a meritocracy is THAT alien to them, isn’t it?

    • Kingston says:

      Thank you! LOL

      For a whole minute after reading this isht I honestly wondered if its the entirety of the UK thats filled with sick twisted pathological freaks like the ones quoted in this story.

      I meeeeeaaaaannnnn!!! [as M wd say.]

      Right here in real time these fvckers are trying to rewrite history in our faces! So bully was being a good boy all those years growing up, was he, believing that “doing the right thing and being dutiful like his grandmother would stand him in good stead.”

      Um… The truth is, bully has always been a nasty sneaky little shidt, doing his evil under the radar and with a host of enablers right there to cover it all up and to wipe his nose and his arse whenever he gets into trouble.

      Meanwhile, H was used and abused by the entire lot of them, beginning with his father and the coho.

      But they forgot (and still hasnt grasped) that H was a seed.

  9. Karmaflower says:

    He is such a loser. He should never have the throne, unless it’s referring to a toilet.

  10. Libra says:

    You can’t demand respect. It’s earned with hard work and dedication. William ,you will never learn.

    • Teagirl says:

      That’s what they don’t understand. They think they are entitled to praise and respect just by being. Phooey. I laughed where it said “…doing the right thing and being dutiful like his grandmother …” and I tried to think of one instance where William did the right thing or was dutiful like Elizabeth and golly, pickings are lean.

      • Agnes says:

        That’s just what will bring down the monarchy, Bulliam’s constantly reminding the world that it is NOT a meritocracy, and that those born losers live in splendour “just because.”

  11. Jais says:

    The funniest part is when Quinn says that “suprisingly” William envies his brother. Um, that’s not surprising.

  12. Joy Liluri says:

    It’s fascinating. We all know that KP and the RT read this blog. And the comments. Oh yes the comments.

    But for all the extremely on point comments which have extensively outlined ways in which William could do really impactful work and leave a legacy – ie work – none of that has ever managed to make its way to actually happening.

    Unlike the million and one other things that they have copied from this blog.

    The ideas of actual WORK are scoffed at.

  13. Lady Digby says:

    Before Meghan arrived the tabs were critical of workshy Willy but he’s had glowing notices for years.2024 should have been primetime Willy with him saving the day by turning up on a daily basis and hogging the whole show in place of Kingy and Kate. It should have been ALL ABOUT WILLY but it wasn’t because he didn’t do anything for weeks at a time. His attitude is I don’t have to sweat it just be HEIR and get those newspaper and magazine covers. He’s no longer good looking, not photogenic and isn’t currently doing anything substantial so no he’s not going to bag the attention, is he?

    • Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

      Exactly, the king’s illness was the perfect time for the heir to step forward and be seen supporting his father and Crown by taking on additional tasks such as leading the family at the Commonwealth service, showing the UK and the world that he’s ready for the position when the time comes. Instead, William threw tantrums about the pressure he’s under, school runs and how much he hates Harry and Meghan. I’ve been watching WandK since their wedding and have seen them waste every opportunity to raise goodwill. It really boggles the mind to think how much has been literally laid at their feet and yet, they’ve accomplished nothing.

      • Debbie says:

        You speak as if William has accomplished nothing since Charles’ illness was announced. After all, he’s made the monumental decision to “work from home” now. You know, home, where there will be even more accountability than before. Now that’s leadership.

    • KeKe Swan says:

      About “losing one’s looks”… you know there are plenty of ugly people who are beloved and nobody notices their looks aren’t “ideal” because of their goodness or just the force of their personalities. IJS.

    • Shawna says:

      He missed a huge opportunity. It boggles the mind. Coulda been a hero and covered up any number of faults and mistakes.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    I mean William’s jealousy of Harry is well documented so it stands to reason that he would be jealous of Harry’s freedom now.

  15. OriginalMich says:

    What “wrong reasons” are they talking about? Telling his own story after decades of the media/his family smearing him? Protecting his wife and children? Suing the law-breaking press? Advocating for mental health, orphans, veterans, and animals?

  16. Oh come on. says:

    Hehe the BRF are clearly abiding by Will’s orders to embiggen him and Kate at Harry and Meghan’s expense, even writing that Harry and Meghan are “unpopular” when they’re stars. And it’s not enough for William. He’s the heir! He should be more popular than Harry! We peasants should admire William, not Harry!

    Enjoy lying in the bed you’ve made, ya lazy rage-monster.

  17. Latine says:

    I don’t know if the press are guessing or if they are being briefed.
    William was popular. He stopped going outside. Cant blame Ginger for that. If I’m remembering correctly William didn’t want people to see him fail. He quit doing things that could be photographed. When I was young William would do little events. Add in workshy Kate and that’s how William lost attention. He might as well go to the invictus games when they stop in England. He would be a guest but it would give him a lot of press and it would give the Games an added viewer boost.

    • Feeshalori says:

      He’s not going to be popular if he doesn’t do the work and put in the effort, and continue to hide behind walls and his wife’s illness being a WFH slacker. He’ll become as extinct as the dodo bird. And he’s always been a jealous little mean boy which we’ve all seen from the very beginning here.

  18. Lau says:

    Can we really say that William can’t stand the fact that Harry can work however he wants when William is not doing any actual work ? It’s more like he can’t stand the fact that people are judging him because he’s getting paid to do absolutely nothing of his days.

  19. Mslove says:

    Poor Peg. He thought his half-assed attempt at global statesmanship would make him more popular than Harry, lol. Global statesmanship requires too much work, being a stay at home dad is more up Peg’s alley.

    • Lorelei says:

      I just find it hilarious that his “global statesman” phase was so short-lived. He tried it for a little while, but has already pivoted to being the “WFH king” 😂

  20. Chantal1 says:

    The BRF are an endangered species re unlimited global press coverage, esp positive coverage bc what do they do that’s so positive to the rest of the world? Now W want to be the Zoom King and is bypassing the BM and international photo agencies. His actions have rendered him almost invisible, with increasingly rare sightings. He and BM have an extremely unhealthy obsession with the Sussexes. He devotes a lot of work towards undermining them, while he also continues to devise ways to get out of doing any royal work at all, bc he sees no value in it. If he keeps this up, it will be easy to forget him altogether. He’ll be know as William the Invisible.

    • Debbie says:

      Don’t forget when the Wailes announced that they will no longer be doing international tours after the Great Caribbean DisasTOUR. So, instead of learning what they did wrong, they instead gave up and announced they were going undercover. Yet, they think they deserved praise.

  21. Hypocrisy says:

    He noted: “William has always been more confident because he has always been a monarch in waiting, and for a long time that was enough to ensure he felt confident about his role and his future. But Harry has become such a thorn in the Royal Family side that he is getting a great deal of the attention that really should go to William and his father King Charles.”

    👈🏼Just reread this part👆🏼..every reason in the world to abolish the Monarchy in one statement. The leftovers expect all the attention while earning none of it, and wish to punish Prince Harry for earning the attention through his work.

    • Tara says:

      Thats exactly how they viewed Diana.

    • Debbie says:

      William has seemed confident all those years because he knew he would be protected no matter what he did. I keep thinking about William “balancing” on some kind of low-hanging beam and all the while, there were men all around him waiting to catch him if he even wobbled, while Harry was climbing a rope much high than William would or could. That’s not confidence, that’s cosseting.

  22. aquarius64 says:

    William wants the perk and not put in the work.

    • Truthiness says:

      Yes, 1000%. I loved the quote saying William refers to [Harry] “the devil having all the best tunes.” Harry started Sentebale and IG, then he put in the work. It’s not magic, it’s blood sweat and tears.

  23. tamsin says:

    Harry rises to the needs that he sees in the world, as does Meghan. William fails to rise to his duty, which his grandmother did for 70 years. You can’t declare that you will not work, and hide, and expect attention. Also, it is the BM that is giving Harry attention for the wrong reasons. Most of the rest of the world, and legitimate press, pay attention when Harry does something that is worthy of reporting. William is refusing to do his duty because he is lazy and incompetent, lacking in anything that would motivate him to meet any needs of the people he is supposed to “rule”. His little brother has been used as a prod to motivate William his whole life, and it should be causing William to actually work hard to “compete”, but instead he tries to destroy his “competition” by making it impossible for Harry to to work, be married, and raise his family in his won country, and by colluding with the press, and endangering the safety of the whole Sussex family. It is hard to see if there is any good in William as a brother, son, or husband at this point. I will believe he loves his children and himself.

  24. GDubslady says:

    Being kind to Harry and Meghan, allowing them to occasionally retun the UK for royal events would be a big step to amp up his popularity. Reconciling during Invictus would surely move his numbers in the right direction. However if I were Harry I would never trust William..

    • Kingston says:

      H&M do not wish to “be allowed” to return to the UK for royal events.

      Prince Harry said categorically, that while he would like to be able to visit with his FAMILY in the UK, he does not wish to have anything to do with the INSTITUTION or the britshidtmedia.

      But there is no way on gods green earth that the royal family does anything without the inclusion of the institution and the british shidtmedia.

      So….impasse it is.

  25. Steph says:

    He’s such a loser. He refuses to work bc he plans on doing big things. Yet, no big things are coming out it. What attention does he expect? He’s nothing but a famous person who does an occasional pap stroll.

  26. ariel says:

    This is literally what his own family and the media raised him believing- that his very existence was better and more important and more newsworthy than Harry or their cousins.

    Just a bigger version of a lot of upper class white boys in our society being raised to believe that their mediocrity is genius and everyone should bow down to them.

    We all work with these men. Reality is beyond their reach in some ways.

    Also- i feel like they want us to feel sympathy for William and his “burden”- all the riches in the land, allowed to behave like an imbecile with few consequences ever.
    He could so wonderful things for his country- instead, he complains, he rages, he makes every room he is in worse and not better.

  27. Lili says:

    Over the weekend i kept seeing a Tik Tok video of someone one saying , they always concentrated on Harry because WanK are boring. I think Willy is concentrating on the wrong thing . Emulating QEII, whilst trying to get all the attention. they created this situation by always Pushing Harry out there either as a scape goat or to deflect from a bad story. This is the persona he Willy has carefully crafted, you cant then come out shouting look at me i will the King one day. William has been overshadowed by his Gran, his Dad and all the shenanigans with his wives, and now his younger brother, exiled from his country for marrying a brilliant woman. so how can he step out from all this the mind boggles

    • KeKe Swan says:

      Wow. “I will be king one day” is not a personality. Child, that’s IT! That is IT!!! LOLOLOL!

  28. Brassy Rebel says:

    This sense of entitlement is why monarchy is so toxic. William actually believes that he is entitled to the attention Harry gets by working hard and being active although he does literally nothing. It goes to the basic problem with this system (and the whole class system too). Your worth is determined by your place in the hierarchy, not by your efforts and accomplishments. The result is lazy, entitled people being the face of the institution and the institution crumbling before our eyes. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Exactly! The Queen had to deal with Margaret’s popularity, which was based on much less altruistic things than Harry’s popularity is. But the queen managed without crying in the papers daily about how she should be getting all of the attention.

      Attention is mine, Harold! (Cry cry sob scream hit punch threaten yell cry)

  29. Mel says:

    I love how Harry’s traveling for WORK is called jet setting that makes it sound like he’s just partying. Maybe try working William, or actually showing up somewhere and getting your hands dirty? I guess it doesn’t help that he has the personality of a constipated sock.

  30. Eurydice says:

    Never mind the “right thing,” William isn’t doing anything. He already has every possible asset to do good for his country – all he has to do is pick something and get it done, but he wants to go from zero to Nobel Prize in one step. How about some smaller steps? How about, instead of bleating on about solving homelessness, he just finds one home for one family?

    • Mel says:

      THIS!! I’ve said this before, he had the funds and the ability to build something like Charles did when he was Prince of Wales and like Harry did just being the spare and he has done NOTHING. The only one he has to blame is himself. He even half-assed his helicopter ambulance job. He wants to be popular and get attention, stop being lazy and entitled.

  31. QuiteContrary says:

    I mean, of course William is jealous of Harry. Look at the two and their respective lives.

    Harry has a wife he cherishes and is a true partner. Harry does genuinely fulfilling work. Harry is raising his kids in freedom from the invisible contract. Harry’s hard work on behalf of veterans has earned him deep respect. Harry summoned the courage to go to therapy to work through his issues. Harry is a natural with people, so he never feels compelled to make jokes at other people’s expense, and people are generally happy to see him. William cosplays a military hero, while Harry is one. The list of why William is jealous of Harry is dizzyingly long.

    • Sunny says:

      Pretty much all of this! But the thing is respect can be earned so William could find a cause or do so good but fundamentally he has never had to earn anything and been told he was a special boy every day of his life which is why he thinks he deserves all the things without understanding shit. It’s sad and I would feel sorry for him is he wasn’t such a cruel, miserable, dim-witted moron.

  32. SamuelWhiskers says:

    It’s the kids I feel sorry for. The cycle is just going to keep on repeating and repeating. The media are already writing articles trying to subtly paint Charlotte and Louis as difficult and trouble-makers, and we’ve seen how much William favours George and gives him special attention. The palace even tried to censor the press from reporting on George giving an innocuous answer at the tennis saying he wanted a non-British player to win!

    Within ten years the younger kids are going to be completely thrown to the wolves to protect their brother, and William will be the one saying George is entitled to be treated better and that it’s fine because that’s what he believes.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Samuel Whiskers yes I find that heartbreaking to see the three children already being pigeon holed. Front cover of one rag had headline of Princess Perfect for Charlotte’s birthday photo, cmon she doesn’t need to be perfect!!

  33. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I can fix it for you, Billy Idle. Tell the bm to stop writing any stories about the Sussexes. Have them write stories about the brf. Oh wait, you will have to be seen in order to be written about. Well, it was a thought.

  34. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    And THIS is the root of the royal family’s “problem” with the Sussexes. It was never about “half in, half out” or their podcasts or website or Netflix or anything else the Sussexes have been criticized for. It was pure JEALOUSY that Harry and Meghan were dynamic, intelligent, well-spoken, accomplished, popular royals who were always greeted like rockstars. THAT was the problem, and the royals can never forgive Meghan for refusing to diminish herself just to make them look better.

  35. bisynaptic says:

    “But Harry has become such a thorn in the Royal Family side that he is getting a great deal of the attention that really should go to William and his father King Charles.”
    — LOLOL

  36. janey says:

    I really think Willy was born in the wrong era, he would have been much happier in the 16th Century, he could have chopped Harry and Meghan’s heads off and the heads of those who opposed him. He could sit in his palace having banquets while the rest of us starved, and riding around his land doing as he wished. there was no “service” to provide other than being a t*at which he finds ridiculously easy. That’s the role he was born for, not this one.

  37. rosa mwemaid says:

    If William wants more attention he should do something nice like apologising to his brother for his wife’s conversation. He could also promise to get rid of the exemption to the race relations act that his family has.