There was ‘divided opinion’ about how soon to refer to her as ‘Queen Camilla’

One of the most ridiculous “royal stories” of the past decade was all of the hand-wringing and lies about Queen Camilla’s title. When then-Camilla Parker Bowles married Prince Charles in 2005, Charles’s team swore up and down that Camilla would only go by the Duchess of Cornwall (and never the Princess of Wales) and that when Charles became king, Camilla would be known as Princess Consort. This was all done “out of respect” for Diana’s memory, and because Camilla was never popular or well-liked or respected by the British public. Charles’s office then spent years campaigning for Camilla to eventually be known as Queen Consort. That got a boost in 2022, when Charles and QEII made a deal which involved QEII “signing off” on “Queen Consort Camilla” in a written statement. I still believe that the statement was written by Charles’s office, and that Charles basically manipulated and threatened his mother into “signing off” on it.

Skip ahead and just months after QEII died, the new king sent out notices to the media that they should only refer to Camilla as “Queen Camilla” and never “the Queen Consort.” Charles got what he always wanted and he spent decades lying, harassing, manipulating and bargaining to get it. Camilla got what she always wanted too – let’s not pretend that this was all Charles. Camilla was dying to lord it over everyone and finally “win.” Well, the Times has a new, overwrought story about what happened behind the scenes between QEII’s death and the coronation to ensure Queen Camilla’s reign.

Of all the conundrums facing Buckingham Palace in the months before last year’s coronation, there was one that particularly divided opinion: should they — could they — drop the word “consort” from Camilla’s title? Far from being a fait accompli, The Times understands that there were differing views within the royal household on the matter.

Now, as the King and Queen approach the first anniversary of their coronation on May 6, courtiers have reflected on how Camilla was eventually crowned and presented to the world.
They say that in the weeks after the death of Elizabeth II, the plan was that Camilla would be known as Queen Consort to differentiate between the recently deceased monarch and the new King’s wife. As the months passed, however, and the coronation drew closer, some within Camilla’s office voiced their concern that it was a case of “now or never”.

While sources insist that the Queen herself was “relaxed either way”, there were those who started to gently lobby for the word “consort” to be dropped. Their argument was threefold: it was cumbersome, unnecessary and could set an unintended precedent for future consorts. For example, would it mean that the Princess of Wales would only ever be known as Queen Consort when the Prince of Wales became king?

It is understood that the Queen’s aides met with some resistance. In the King’s office, there was a certain amount of trepidation. How would the public react? And when would be the right time to make the change? A game of courtier chess would be required to strategise how any such change would play out. A royal source said: “There was never a fixed timeline for when or if this would happen and there were certainly differing views among courtiers within the household. Above all the Queen was relaxed either way and felt it would happen organically.”

At first it made sense to use the term consort to differentiate between the past and present Queens. Yet as time went on, rumblings began within part of the household that there could no longer be any confusion. As such, they argued, the word “consort” was no longer required. The overriding questions, sources said, were “how had the public interpreted the late Queen’s message on the topic” and “how would they react”.

[From The Times]

LOL, there’s even more at the Times piece about how carefully and cautiously Charles’s office and Camilla’s office approached this bum-rushed final game to force the British public to “accept” Queen Camilla. Please, Camilla cared. She was the one pushing for it to happen as soon as possible. She and Charles didn’t care about any “confusion,” as they regularly referred to her as “the Queen” in press releases and schedules just weeks after QEII died. The Times’s royal sources also claim that the British press led the effort to drop “consort” from her title, without mentioning that the press only did so on Buckingham Palace’s guidance and instruction. Anyway, Camilla has always been the master manipulator and she won. She’s the Queen Side-Chick.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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47 Responses to “There was ‘divided opinion’ about how soon to refer to her as ‘Queen Camilla’”

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  1. Kelly says:

    Always such a sly look on her face. Yuck.

  2. Libra says:

    She is the patron saint of all mistresses.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      The Mistress Tampon Queen. She was never to be Queen justifiably because she was exactly that, an unliked unpopular Mistress Tampon Queen, with the Diana shadow always over her AND NOT to identify past and present queens

    • StellainNH says:

      Or Queen Side Chick

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    My grandmother would have never believed this would have happened.. she despised this woman. Still miss her rants, and this woman always set her off🤭.. probably the nicest thing I can say about 🐄 today and continue to be allowed to post on this site. Have a beautiful weekend everyone.

  4. Laura D says:

    She will NEVER be queen to me. I reluctantly accepted the change from Princess Consort to Queen Consort but, that’s it. That’s as far as I go. Even now when reporters say the queen I immediately think of QEII. Camilla is NOT royal she’s a married-in and will NEVER EVER be considered a REAL queen to me. Don’t fight me on this one as it’s a hill I’m prepared to die on and I’ll take as many of you down as I can with me before I go!

    And breathes! 😆

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Some people just feel the need to pretend she’s not this horrible person or solely blame Charles, who is also accountable. She clearly lobbied for Queen for years and in the end she got it. It only cost at least one person’s life and chased off her “soulmate’s” kid.

      Let’s not forget how she fled the scene of an accident after she hit some poor innocent woman and later claimed she fled because it was what she was concerned about “security risks.” She left that woman in a turned over car, trapped inside by her skirt.

      This was long before she became Charles wife, ironically just months before Diana was killed in a car accident.

      (Found on The Independent)

    • Pork Belly says:

      Absolutely behind you 100%, and also was wondering what the difference was between Queen & Queen Consort, and you pretty much answered that question for me. Thank you.

  5. jazzbaby1 says:

    How about never? She’ll always be Old Horseface to me. #Diana4Ever

  6. Eurydice says:

    I don’t remember – did they ever refer to Camilla as Queen Consort? There may have been delicate tapdancing going on behind the scenes, but up front it seems that Queen Camilla was just announced without any preparation.

    They really need to sit down and shut up for a while. All this protest that Camilla isn’t an evil scheming mistress just reminds everyone that she is.

    • Laura D says:

      Nope! Once QEII passed the Consort part of her title was dropped. I’m still furious about it!

      *And breathes! 😆

  7. Whatever says:

    Regardless of anyone’s opinion of her, why would she ever be known as queen? I thought that wasn’t done for married-ins. Philip was never “King Philip” just because he was married to the queen.

    • Nic919 says:

      They never gave male consorts the title king because it was always viewed as more powerful than Queen. Prince Philip remained a prince just as Prince Albert did for Victoria. However, for female consorts, they have always been called Queen. If we go back to Queen Elizabeth’s mother, also named Elizabeth, she was always referred as The Queen until her daughter ascended to the throne, after which she asked to be called the Queen Mother.

      There is no moral requirement to be called Queen. It is only the woman married to the King. That’s it. And at the moment it is Camilla. It was always going to be that and even pretending that princess consort was going to be a thing was a mistake by Charles.

      So Kate gets this title too if she is still married to William when he becomes king. Even if she never does an engagement again.

      That’s the system and the British will have to say and do something if they want it changed.

      • Monika says:

        Nic919: I understand where yoiu are coming from historically. However in 2005, when Prince Charles at the time married Camilla, it was made very clear by the Palace that Camilla would be known as Princess Consort. From all the leaked information it is now clear that this was never their intention so they lied.

        In the age of equality what was good enough for Prince Philip should be good enough for Princess Consort Camilla.

      • Nic919 says:

        Charles was lying. While using Duchess of Cornwall was a smart move in light of Diana being the iconic princess of wales to this day, the whole princess consort thing was ill conceived.

        Nothing about the monarchy is fair or equal and that’s why it needs to go. Pretending they can modernize this mess is just lying to the people to keep supporting their extravagant lifestyles. William won’t modernize anything either. He will do what he wants, as has been seen most obviously this year.

      • Jais says:

        Hmm. So question. What if Kate became queen and they still divorced. I know people may say that a king cannot divorce but of course he could. Then what if he got married again. And there were two queens. Wonder if Kate would then be known as Queen Mother. The press is always saying she’s very much like the Queen mother anyways, a steel marshmallow.

      • Tessa says:

        It would have been not allowed if edward vii wanted to divorce alexandra then name alice K e p p ek as queen

    • Tessa says:

      He was counting on having a child with marry to have power and influence as father of future monarch of England. And could have arranged marriages for his son or daughter. Mary could not have children. So since elizabeth 1 said no to his proposal after mary died he went back home and married princess Elizabeth of France

  8. Jais says:

    Lobbying for something does not suggest a “relaxed either way” attitude. But please, how many times can they repeat in one article that Camilla was relaxed either way about it. I don’t think anyone can read this article and come away really believing that.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      The way they always pretend she never wanted power while she was grabbing and hoarding and hurting others to get power. Like, we can see them lying to us!

      • Jais says:

        It’s just funny bc part of Camilla’s pr is that she’s chill, relaxed and funny. Doesn’t take herself too seriously. They repeat it so much that it becomes suspect. The likelier case is that she’s none of those things. It’s why they have to say she is so much.

  9. Monika says:

    This only shows how manipulative they are. Take everything what they say with a pinch of salt.

  10. Jojo says:

    Don’t care what everyone else calls her. I know what I call her and that won’t be changing anytime soon.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    I’ll always say it, the narrative that Camilla didn’t want to or didn’t care about being the Queen is a myth. She always wanted to be Queen, she has the title that Diana never had.

    • Truthiness says:

      +1 The speed at wearing the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland tiara betrayed her mindset. That had been the sovereign queen’s favorite, it was part of Elizabeth’s brand.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Absolutely!!! Between GOGBAI and wanting her first trip abroad to be Paris she was so transparent.

  12. Grandma Susan says:

    She will never be a Queen. Doesn’t matter how many royal jewels she wears. She’s a leather-faced, gin-swilling wrecking ball. Charles deserves her.

  13. Isabella says:

    They both look so silly in royal garments. it cracks me up.

    • Truthiness says:

      Charles’ ermine cape over what looks like a L.A. Laker’s jersey looks so janky to me. I’ve seen much better royal cosplay here in the States.

  14. Well Wisher says:

    How about “Never”??
    There will not be a right time…

  15. Kateee says:

    Hmmm I can believe Camilla is the sort of woman who rolls her eyes at this formality. But her image in my head is always one cocktail deep, affectionately mocking Charles’s stuffiness to guests behind his back. It wouldn’t surprise me if she didn’t care about consort or not because her victory was assured and total regardless of an extra word.

    It sounds like William or Kate DID care though and didn’t want to be tethered to a bulky title for Kate… or for any other spouse of William’s… once he becomes King.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      But the article literally states that her office was pushing for the change.

      • Kateee says:

        Yes, but my impression is they don’t do any actual directing of their staff, or else they will be accused of bullying.

        I’m sure every office is staffed with gray suited bureaucratic clout chasers. ‘I’m not the queen consort’s secretary, I’m THE QUEEN’S secretary.’ I can see it mattering very much to those people (and for what it’s worth, I agree with them that Queen is the right title to be used here). I don’t think she herself cared.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        Katee they take instruction and lead from their principal. If she didn’t care she would have told them to chill. Instead they did the opposite.

        I don’t understand why anyone would think she is not responsible for lobbying done on her behalf, over years. Of course she supported it or she would have out a stop to it.

    • Nic919 says:

      Camilla wanted to be queen because literally every other woman married to an English or British king was called queen. Why would it be different for her? Henry VIII was divorced and all his wives were called Queen even while other women once married to him were alive.

      Titles aren’t award because of merit. They only ever happen because of birth order or marriage. That’s it. Camilla can be the worst person on earth but she is married to the king and that makes her Queen.

    • Tessa says:

      I think she cared a lot and wanted what Diana had and wanted very much to be queen. Princess consort was always not going to happen as her title.

  16. Mel says:

    Historically we did in fact have Kings Consort. Mary 1st’s husband, Philip of Spain, was king consort. It was always like that until I think Victoria, when it was felt that calling him king consort wouldn’t appeal to the public. Of course, a king or queen consort cannot reign after their spouse dies, hence queens Alexandra, Mary, Elizabeth etc. Camilla will be referred to as queen dowager after Charles dies, if she outlives him.

    • Tessa says:

      Philip had no power really as monarch in england especially since mary could not have children. She had miscarriage or phantom pregnancies. He left the country and married princess Elizabeth of france.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Or maybe she’s got it up her sleeve to have the Tories pass something to give her power. I mean, I know that seems I possible, but I put nothing past this woman because 30 years ago no one would have believed you if you told them she would be QUEEN one day

    • Doppelgangers R'Us says:

      @Mel Philip was King Consort in England because he was a King in his own right in his own own country. Whereas Prince Albert was only a Prince and not a King. But then Victoria was also fighting her Uncle Leopold wanting Albert to rule, so she had other reasons.

  17. Lau says:

    I don’t see how they could ever pretend to do anything out of respect for Diana after her death when they never showed her any respect when she was still alive but ok.

  18. Rnot says:

    What hilarious timing for this story, just as Harry and the Spencers remind the world of Diana.

  19. Tessa says:

    If William actually becomes king and does not divorce her I think Kate would be queen consort and
    Have that title