British envoy in Nigeria admits they’re not involved in the Sussexes’ trip at all

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will likely travel to Nigeria later this week. As you can imagine, the British media is still incredibly salty about it. They’re demanding to see Meghan, they’re crying about how the trip is “quasi-royal,” they’re trying to instigate drama in Nigeria, they’re acting like Britain “owns” the Sussexes AND Nigeria. It’s all been a huge mess and it would not surprise me at all if this international tantrum has larger repercussions for Britain’s diplomatic and economic relationship with Nigeria. Speaking of, y’all know that the British government/media/palace has tried to impose themselves on the Nigerian government about the Sussexes’ visit. Please – the palace begged the Biden team to not allow the Sussexes on Air Force One. Of course the palace has tried to throw their weight around this Nigerian visit. But at the end of the day, the British envoy to Nigeria had to admit that he’s not part of the planning of this visit:

British envoy to Nigeria, Dr Richard Montgomery has disclosed the British High Commission is not involved in arranging or facilitating the proposed visit of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry, and his wife, Meghan to Nigeria. Montgomery said this while reacting to the proposed visit of Harry and Meghan to Nigeria on the invitation of Chief of Defense Staff, Gen. Christopher Musa.

Montgomery who spoke in an interview with NAN added that Harry and Meghan will be visiting Nigeria in their private capacity. He added that they will also not be representing the work of the British government during the visit.

“It’s great that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are visiting Nigeria, which I understand is at the invitation of Defence Headquarters. But they are visiting in a private capacity, not an official one. So, the British High Commission is not involved in arranging or facilitating their programme. They are not representing the work of His Majesty’s Government on this visit.”

Prince Harry are expected to kick off the journey on May 8, by attending the 10th anniversary celebration of the Invictus Games at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. Shortly after, Meghan will join him in Nigeria for a series of engagements aimed at fostering cultural exchange and celebrating the spirit of resilience among service members. The couple’s itinerary includes visits to military rehabilitation centers, sports facilities, and meetings with local organizations working to support veterans’ welfare. They will also attend cultural events and engage in discussions with community leaders on topics.

[From PM News Nigeria]

Can you imagine if the Sussexes actually had to coordinate through the British High Commission or the Foreign Office? There would be so many leaks, so much drama and the British government would do the most to put them in danger. Speaking of, the Daily Mail did a lengthy piece on what the Sussexes’ tour might look like or entail, and the piece revealed how much the Daily Mail WANTS this to be a royal tour and wants the Sussexes to f–k up internationally, much like William and Kate make asses out of themselves whenever they travel. Anyway, salty people are salty, news at seven. Still, it’s fascinating to me that the British media/royal apparatus operates like the world can’t see how violent, how slimy, how sadistic they are.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Backgrid.

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55 Responses to “British envoy in Nigeria admits they’re not involved in the Sussexes’ trip at all”

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  1. Slimey sadism is a Windsor trademark at this point

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Yup. It’s a feature, not a bug.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Slimy sadism that is written up by Rota stenographers as duty and familial love.

    • westcoastgal says:

      My goodness these Brits are deranged. M&H live and work in the USA so why on earth would the British envoy have anything to do with their work in Nigeria. So desperate for any news concerning the Sussexes to keep their trashy tabloids financially viable and relevant. The royals and Britain look so creepy and petty, they can’t see how all this diminishes the country in the eyes of the world.

  2. Agnes says:

    I really hope there are no leaks to MI6 or anybody in British security about the trip the racist colonialist BM initially called a “safari.” And I hope Harry has made it clear that if anything “happens” to them, the remaining 400 pages of Spare will be released.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I agree. And I hope that’s just a standing FYI from Harry. I hope he’s made it abundantly clear that he knows where the (literal, probably) bodies are buried and if ANYTHING happens to any member of his family, he’ll burn that institution to the ground.

      • Laura D says:

        Definitely @ SussexWatcher.

        I like to think that somewhere on the Palace servers there’s an email saying. If anything happens to me or mine, my solicitors will publish the remaining 400 pages! 😆

      • Lawrenceville says:

        Or maybe by now he also knows what happened to Kate Middleton? Them palace morons need to tread carefully.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      I hope nothing untoward happens to the Sussexes, they deserve to be free & happy. If haters do manage to do anything to them, I hope Hazza’s got a “kill switch” planned out that makes 400 unreleased pages from Spare look like a soft kitten in comparison.

      @Lawrenceville makes a good observation: what does Haz know about Huesa? What tea could he spill?

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    Their entire itinerary would have been on the front pages of every tabloid 📰 in Britain if they had used the British envoy or any official agency in Britain. I actually feel better about their safety knowing that they share nothing with anyone on that isle.

  4. SussexWatcher says:

    Good! Why on earth would that dude know anything about the Sussexes’ plans or be involved in any way?! How many times do the Sussexes have to tell that sunken place that they are free. They do not coordinate schedules to avoid working when the king has a rope line (where he’ll avoid shaking hands with any black people on it) or Willy is slamming shots in a pub under the guise of ‘listening and learning.’

    I do love though how absolutely panicked everyone on Salty Isle is, because they all know this trip is going to be HUGE. Harry and Meghan will have military escorts, huge crowds, official meetings with both Nigerian diplomats and charities on the ground, and will do actual work promoting the Invictus Games and supporting Nigerian veterans. The Lefotver Royals could never! And I say, hahaha!

    • KeKe Swan says:

      I was coming here to say this. Why are there press inquiries? Nigeria has its own government and it doesn’t need to go through the British government to issue invitations to private citizens. WTF?

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @SussexWatcher, imo, that’s what he’s saying. He doesn’t know, doesn’t have anyone reason to know because it has nothing to do with the British Government. I’m not seeing it as insult to H&M. Just a guy stating the obvious. It was announced via the IG social media.? Clearly stated about the ‘why’ of the visit. Invictus Games. There shouldn’t be press inquiries to the BFO/British Envoy. It’s not about them. I can only imagine how many dumba$$ phone calls have been made to the British embassy in Nigeria by the BM.

  5. Mimi says:

    Harry & Meghan have been invited as two private citizens who are residents of the United States. Why would Britain have any involvement?

    • Dee(2) says:

      Because they want to take credit for it if(when) it goes well, and say see this is why you need our help if it doesn’t. This is also why they want Meghan to come to Britain, so they can make it seem like she’s missing the trappings of that life. She’s not, and it’s obvious she isn’t and that doesn’t help them sell their racist narrative to their readers to boost their unearned sense of superiority.

    • Debbie says:

      The representatives from Nigeria said from the start that this was about a proposed hosting of Invictus. What is so difficult to understand about that? Why does the BM need to contact the British government? Were they trying to cancel the trip? Finally, this statement from the British envoy in Nigeria that the Sussexes’ trip will not be to represent the British government… huh?! These people are insane in their need to insert themselves into everything Sussex. If this is a sample of their distress about the trip, then heaven only knows what they will do during the trip. I suspect that getting Willie off his arse for 2 events (I won’t call it 2 whole days) is just the start of a very tedious week ahead.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Interesting that they’re making such a huge deal that this trip has nothing to do with their government, because this trip is about Invictus Games, which they are trying to pretend are theirs.

      Glad they set the record straight, albeit unintentionally.

  6. Laura D says:

    What I found most interesting in the article was how many times the government was mentioned. They must know this would have been a fantastic opportunity to raise the profile of the UK in a wealthy African country. Yet, all people speaking on behalf of the government can do, is confirm this has nothing to do with the UK. This type of soft power diplomacy is what the royals are renowned for. Yet, when was the last time an expected overseas visit by the BRF generated this many positive headlines globally? Someone in No. 10 must surely be looking at this and shaking their heads at such a missed opportunity. It makes one wonder what it will take for someone to raise the question “What exactly are we paying the heir and wife for?”

  7. Louise177 says:

    Why would anyone think the British government is involved? It was always said this was a private visit and they aren’t working Royals.

  8. Lulu says:

    The fail and other british tabloids are the only ones calling it a Royal Tour to being with. Certainly, the Sussexes haven’t said that.

  9. The Hench says:

    The thing is, to all intents and purposes this WILL look exactly like a Royal visit – and to the average person in the street, there is no difference. Members of the Royal family turn up and perform an itinerary that ” includes visits to military rehabilitation centers, sports facilities, and meetings with local organizations working to support veterans’ welfare. They will also attend cultural events and engage in discussions with community leaders on topics.”

    This is exactly what official royal tours involve – only H&M will turn in a far better, engaged, glamorous and gaff free performance than those managed recently by official royals – remember Will and Kate’s last ‘Disastour” as it was named?? AND they will do it without costing the British taxpayer a penny.

    I can imagine this is the Palaces’ worst nightmare because if H&M can do this sort of thing better than the official working Royals and without the taxpayer support then it’s a very short distance to a wholesale undermining of the Royal Family’s current existence.

    • Kingston says:

      @The Hench

      Oh please. Tours by officials or any other type of VIP from ANY. COUNTRY, to be hosted by any arm of the govt in the host country, happens EVERY. STRIKING. DAY. The brit royals do not have a monopoly on that. No matter how much they try to ram that notion down the throats of royalists and assorted other idjits.

      Lets not fall into the trap of the uk who’re trying to ride the coattails of H&M.

      In fact, it seems much more likely to me that its the US embassy in the Nigerian capital that wd be part of co-ordinating this visit. But of course, those fvckers in the british shidtmedia will NOT mention that likelihood and will cross their fingers and hope that no one else raises that possibility.

      Actually, it seems to me to be a given that its the US embassy who wd be brought into this visit. First of all, ANY American citizen visiting another country is encouraged by the State Dept to make contact with the local US embassy. Much moreso Amercian VIPs which is what H&M are.

      And that change-of-residence that H did, might be lifting much more weight than anyone has so far imagined.

      • The Hench says:

        @Kingston – I agree with you. Not for one second do I think that the British royals have a monopoly on tours. My point was that to the average person a visit to a country by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is NO different to a visit by, say, the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh. And if you are invested in the continuance of the British Monarchy exactly as is (which I am not btw) then that is a problem.

      • Giddy says:

        Has the British government not realized yet that they gave up their mightiest diplomatic weapons when they lost H&M? Oh well, maybe we will be treated to fabulous adventure tales of safari in Nigeria, complete with photos of majestic lions stalking the streets of Lagos.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      The royal family’s current existence: the king is known to have taken suitcases and bags of cash for his “charities” and openly cheated on his teenage bride. His side chick knowingly harassed his much younger wife for years. The other spare heir is a boorish lout with grandiose inclinations, a preference for paedophile friends and has been accused of at least one rape. Anne is hardworking, but really, who cares? She was in BC this week with her husband….yeah, I can hear a pin drop. The orca and dolphin sightings got more attention. Edward and Sophie, who cares? Pegs seems besotted with himself yet is wracked with rage, jealousy, and a keenery to do nothing much. Button Girl is AWOL. Beatrice is openly thirsty, as is her rather sketchy husband. What a great line-up for U.K. taxpayers!

      • Jaded says:

        LOL! I know, there were hardly any onlookers here for Princess Anne, aside from a few ancient ex-pats and naval lackies. Emerson the Molting Elephant Seal (who insisted on molting in very busy public areas) got more crowds and press coverage than she did.

      • aftershocks says:

        @Hench, as others note, there is no comparison between the Sussexes on tour and the lame, barely registered royal visits by Sophie & Edward. 🙄 So there’s no equivalence! Even Anne, who would make a better monarch than Chuck, is not seen as a popular royal draw.

        @TheFarmer’sWife, I agree with you, except for your negative shade against Bea & Edo. While they both may be a bit snobby, I don’t see any evidence of Bea being ‘thirsty,’ nor of Edo being ‘sketchy.’ Bea is a blood royal Princess whose grandmother was Queen Elizabeth II. Bea works, and she has lived and worked briefly in the U.S. In her teens and 20s, Bea was often slammed and body-shamed by the tabloid media. All this without the benefit of full royal protection or sovereign grant money. We don’t know that Bea wants to be a high profile senior working royal. She may be perfectly content with her lifestyle the way it is. She is lucky in the hard-working and loving husband she had, in comparison to the boyfriends she dated.

        Meanwhile, Edo has proven to be a faithful, supportive husband as well as an attentive, protective father. I see nothing sketchy in any of his public behavior. Moreover, neither Bea nor Edo have ever said anything against Harry & Meghan. To the contrary, they appear at the very least to be cordial with the Sussexes. Both Eugenie & Bea openly corrected a false tabloid story claiming they were against Harry writing a memoir. To the contrary, they received pushback when they openly supported Harry, saying he had the right to speak out, especially since he “was never listened to as a senior royal.”

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Correction: “lucky in the loving husband she has…”

        FWIW: Edo created a successful property management and architectural design business by age 23. He has been aristo adjacent with well-heeled connections his entire life. His mother’s family has been friends with Fergie’s family for many years. At the same time, Edo is not close to his Italian Count biological father. He was raised by and he idolizes his late working class stepfather, Christopher Shale, whom Edo named his son after. Nothing at all ‘sketchy’ about that. Shale became a highly regarded British conservative politician. Most likely, Edo learned his hard-work ethic from his beloved stepfather.

        If Bea and Edo enjoy the occasional royal limelight and whatever royal perks they receive, so what! To be honest, Meghan enjoys being in the public limelight, too, or she would never have chosen an acting career. However, no one deserves to be abused for marrying into the royal family, and that includes Diana, Meghan, Jack, Edo, et al. Abuse is unwarranted all around, although ‘thirsty’ stalker Bone Idle was clearly after Big Blue, tiaras, and becoming Queen one day. Too bad Kate got worse than she bargained for, but she also has not backed up her grifting ambition with substantive work, nor did she marry for love.

    • Shawna says:

      “a wholesale undermining of the Royal Family’s current existence.” Yep. I honestly think, 100%, that Harry and Meghan pose an existential threat to the monarchy. And this is at the bottom of how they were treated and pushed out. Harry’s a royalist still, and Meghan had no ill agenda, but the fact that they outperform the heir is a graphic display of the stupidity of hereditary monarchy.

    • aftershocks says:

      But @Hench, please let’s not forget that when H&M were still part of the firm, it was them who wrote the book on how to do productive, engaging royal tours. It was amazing Meghan who came in with ideas, work ethic, and eager willingness to “hit the ground running.” That she did, working bts immediately with the women of Hubb Community Kitchen, and coming up with the brilliant fundraising idea for the Together Cookbook. Plus, her successful collaborations with SmartWorks, etc. Meghan hit the ball out of the park during her every step up to the royal plate, and that’s an understatement. Plus, Harry, with his charm, caring, and brilliant ideas, is her equal in every way. 👏🏽 🎉 🫳🏾

      This Sussex charm, creativity, and competence is at the root of all the jealousy, gaslighting, smearing, and constant twisted attacks. The old guard royals learned from Diana. The new and the old are continuing to learn from Diana’s youngest son and his exceptional wife! H&M have shown the world not only how to carry out royal tours, they also demonstrate what universal service is all about. 🙌🏽

      • therese says:

        Thank you @Aftershocks for saying this and so well. I’ve always been amazed at how much Meghan did in such a short time, and how brilliant it was. Working with the Hubb Kitchen, which she was already interested in before marriage, and the cookbook was a scathingly brilliant idea. And the other things she did TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE, in such a short time. What might have been. No, I take that back. Service is universal, and she merely went where she and her family were safe and continued doing good. I have the cookbook, btw.

  10. Beverley says:

    The Sussexes will be FLAWLESS. There’ll be no racist “gaffes” about Nigerian traditional dress, like Phillip’s low-class quip about the outfits looking like pajamas. There’ll be no RECOILING when touched in greeting by a Black person. There’ll be no awkward uncomfortable comments like Pegs’ “You must’ve had a sexy, fun time filming your rape movie.” There’ll be no greeting black children behind chainlink fences. And there won’t be the triumphant white “betters” wearing all white while reviewing Nigerian troops for photo ops.

    The Sussexes will be charming, warm, fascinating, and professional.
    Cry more, Britain.

  11. Just Jade says:

    I am praying that they have a great time and return back to CA safely. Because all the drama the 🐀 and company are creating around the visit make me unease.

  12. Ola says:

    Seeing new (to me) pics of Meg just proves that some people really weren’t keeping up with them and the BM/royals did the opposite of what they intended; global fame for Meg & Harry. I tuned in for a little but couldn’t tell you what she wore and to where. Now i’m completely locked in and rooting for the both of them. She looks stunning in that color (first pic) btw and I love the shoes.

  13. Jais says:

    I predict the rota are going to have an eagle eye on the tour in the hopes of finding some sort of misstep. They desperately want the Sussexes to have a picture through a chain-link fence moment. Obviously, the Sussexes will not have that moment but the BM is going to try and find something to twist so they can say, see look, they’re just as bad as Will and Kate. I don’t think they’ll have any luck with that but they are going to try their hardest to find something. Bc they’re feeling like lovers scorned. I look forward to their attempts backfiring on an international scale.

    • MrsCope says:

      The keywords that will tip us off to them grasping at straws will be them referring to any part of the trip as “awkward” or “cringey.” We know an article with a running total on her wardrobe is being crafted right now, but what else are we putting on the Bingo card? An article about how they could have used their “talents for good” in the UK since the “family” needs them?

      • Teagirl says:

        I can see it now. If she comes out in new things they’ll itemize it despite the fact it’s none of their business as she pays for her clothes herself. If she comes out in things she’s worn before, they’ll scream that they are obviously pinched financially. If she wears local designers she will be accused of currying favour, and if she doesn’t wear Nigerian designers, she’ll be accused of ignoring them or worse. Can’t win.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Those drones won’t fly themselves! The bitter rejected stalkers will be spying and trying to catch something, but whatever they catch will be relegated only to their homegrown audience.

  14. Kingston says:

    I wonder who told those beggars in the brit shidtmedia that M “will join Prince Harry in Nigeria” after he leaves the fakakta church service in the UK?



    Not only that, there is still no word from H&M that he will be in england for that fakakta church service. It is still my belief that he will “join” them via video link.

    Also, it is my sneaky suspicion that H&M’s visit to Nigeria might occur DURING their 6th wedding anniversary, which will be observed on Sunday May 19, 2024.

  15. MsIam says:

    The British media is being so f*cking horrible regarding Nigeria right now its pathetic. Just trashing the country left and right, just off the charts racism. Words fail me for how awful they are, the British media have lost their collective minds over their inability to control the Sussexes.

  16. Saucy&Sassy says:

    It’s quite clear that the UK doesn’t care what the Nigerian (or other African countries’) government thinks about the UK. This media coverage is no doubt seriously harming future interactions between Nigeria and UK.

    Is the UK simply not wanting any ties with countries in Africa–be it economic or diplomacy? I actually feel sorry for the UK Ambassador. Can you imagine what apologies he will be making regarding the racism that is pouring out of the UK media? It doesn’t matter that the bm will say they are not racist. They need to start understanding what racism is promptly, because the people in the Nigeria who it is directed to know exactly what the bm are doing.

    • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

      I’m pretty sure Nigeria was a UK colony/territory up till the 1960s or so, therefore Los Saladitos thinks that they should be worshipping the UK and the BRF and constantly bemoaning the state of things after they dared to be so impudent and foolish as to leave Her Majesty’s ‘gentle guiding hand’.

      Expecting Nigeria to take every insult with an unwavering smile is par for the course.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        FlamingHotCheetos2021, it’s beyond my comprehension that in 2024 that is still the case. I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m saying you’re right.

  17. QuiteContrary says:

    The photos out of Nigeria are going to make royal rota heads explode, and I cannot wait.

  18. Amy Bee says:

    Let’s also not forget that the Foreign Office has asked Jill Biden not to participate in the Invictus Games. The High Commissioner should have said as non-working royals and private citizens Harry and Meghan do not represent the King and as such the High Commission is not required to be involved in the visit but I guess he was told to keep it vague to give the impression that he could have some involvement.

    • May says:

      I was also disappointed when Queen Maxima, who had been slated to appear, I think a couple times, at the Invictus Games in the Netherlands, did not show up. I wondered then if the British government / Royals had a word with the Dutch Royals. I also found it odd that Charles chose Germany as his first overseas trip as Monarch – and not a Commonwealth country. A trip that happened shortly before the Invictus Games in Germany.

      • Jan says:

        The British Royals are not close to the European Royals now, all that changed when Betty died.
        The king of Netherlands had a damn good time, and the hospitality from the Dutch Arm forces and people was great.
        We have start looking at the positives in life, and deal with the present.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Chucky the Peevish is just as jealous of Hazza’s renown as Huevo is. Chuck was clout chasing when he went to Germany.

        LOVE how none of the palace knuckledraggers and bloviating BM seem to get that if they want accolades and coverage for a Royal Tour, the head of state and his heir need to get off their salty hineys and actually leave the cover of Little Britain and visit the Commonwealth.

        If they want the international spotlight, they need to shine, right? So what makes them think that keeping their craniums fully up their own rectums while hiding in the palaces is going to help them achieve that??

      • windyriver says:

        Whatever word the British government might think they were having with the Dutch royals obviously fell on deaf ears, as King Willem was pictured multiple times at The Hague games. In particular, he was shown sitting next to Harry, having a blast at the wheelchair basketball finals. Princess Margriet was also there; there’s pictures of her meeting members of the Dutch team.

    • Jan says:

      I don’t think the British government have the power to tell the Bidens what to do, notice the Bidens have not done a State visit with England, but had time to spend a week in Ireland.
      Right now Biden is too busy to have a State dinner for Chuckles and Cowmilla, and they have angling for one, maybe Joe heard about cowmilla telling people how he farted, next to her.
      Obama did tell them they would’ve to get to the back of the queue if Brexit was passed, so no new trade deals with England. E U first, then England.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Jan, I agree with you. Biden sees that the Tories have done to the UK what the Republicans want to do here. I doubt there’s any love lost there–then fold in that Biden is quite proud of his Irish ancestry (quite right) and he can see that Northern Ireland needed US investments because the UK were never going to do it.

        Biden also made it clear that the UK would go to the bottom because he would be dealing with blocks of countries (EU) first. No one can say there weren’t warned.

  19. CC says:

    I wouldn’t want to be within pillow-throwing distance of William when he finds out other governments don’t need permission from his daddy.