In Touch: A ‘high-level palace courtier’ has a lot to say about the Duchess of Sussex

The Duchess of Sussex hasn’t even officially launched American Riviera Orchard, and ARO has already garnered industry chatter and buzz and international attention. The British media specifically has been throwing tantrums and fits every time celebrities post their ARO jam gift baskets, and Buckingham Palace is watching Meghan’s ARO rollout so closely, they’re bandwagoning with their own jam promotion. It looks like Meghan’s ARO soft-launch is going well, right? Well, not according to “a high-level palace courtier,” who apparently decided to smear Meghan in In Touch Weekly:

“Meghan gets greedy,” a high-level palace courtier tells In Touch. “She wants everything all at once, and it’s backfiring on her again. She’s become a total joke and is overplaying her hand.”

Insiders say the former Suits actress, 42, and 39-year-old Harry seem to have run out of moneymaking royal spins after being ostracized by their British kin for peddling sensationally revealing details in books, interviews and a TV documentary – and now need a new way to fill the coffers. “Almost everything they’ve tried has ended in disaster,” dishes the courtier.

“Hollywood is glam and glitz on the outside, but the real stars have worked hard for their success – and you get the impression hard work isn’t really Meghan’s thing,” reveals a showbiz source. “She was a nobody when she married Harry in 2018 but immediately thought she deserved a place at the A-listers’ table. “Now, after all her failures, those A-listers – and the royals – are laughing at her!”

“Meghan had the opportunity of a lifetime by marrying a real-life prince,” says the palace courtier. “She had the potential of being in the world’s spotlight forever just by accepting her royal role. But she gave that up for bigger things, and now she’s flogging jam. No wonder people are laughing, on both sides of the Atlantic! We hear Harry’s laid down the law. He’s mortified by the blowback over their sketchy projects and is insisting he won’t tolerate another show business disaster. If the new projects go belly-up again, they are going to have to find new ways to pay their bills, including crawling back to the royal family.”

Sources say Meghan began overreaching in February, when she announced a development deal with Lemonada Media, a female-founded company whose mission is to “make life suck less.”

She’s onboard to host inspirational content as well as relaunch her “Archetypes” podcast, which was axed by Netflix last year after just one season. Then, just a month after joining the media firm, she unveiled her American Riviera Orchard brand along with an upcoming show for Netflix, which is said to focus on cooking, gardening, entertaining and friendship.

“That clearly didn’t go down well with Lemonada,” notes the palace source. “They surely expected to be Meghan’s priority project, but she must have decided she had bigger fish to fry with Netflix. I’m told the Lemonada execs put the brakes on her new podcast until 2025 – at least,” says our palace source. “It’s another miscalculation by Meghan.”

“Meghan’s new ventures are destined to fail,” says the courtier. “She has no experience in building a brand, and someone must tell her she needs to be more likable to be marketable. If the public doesn’t like you, they won’t get behind you, and no amount of money you throw at the problem will make it go away. Meghan is a control freak who’s finding out you can’t order someone to like you. She should have learned that lesson during her disastrous time at the palace, but she’s too blinded by her own ambition to see it!”

[From In Touch Weekly via The Miami Herald]

I have absolutely no doubt that this is exactly what “courtiers” and “palace insiders” are saying about Meghan. The fact that they’re revealing their sick obsession with Meghan more than four years after she left is mind-blowing, as is their desperation to smear a woman for merely moving on with her life and paying them dust. Even if some of this were true – and none of it is, to be clear – what f–king business is it of Buckingham Palace or Kensington Palace? Unless they’re admitting, as they always do, that exiling the Sussexes wasn’t enough, the royal establishment needs the Sussexes to “fail.” Imagine getting this high-handed over JAM. My God.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Instagram.

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111 Responses to “In Touch: A ‘high-level palace courtier’ has a lot to say about the Duchess of Sussex”

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  1. HO says:

    These people sound mentally ill. Imagine spewing all this nastiness and thinking you’re the “good” one. How can a palace source even claim to speak for Lemonada or Netflix? Or even know anything remotely about showbiz? It’s obvious that they are behind the many troll accounts because these are their talking points word for word. It’s unhinged. Wishing them healing.

    P.S: Spotify and not Netflix axed the podcast. This is shoddy editing, even for InTouch

    • the Robinsons says:

      HM will never fail at their destiny… but those who continue to go against them, will.

      • aftershocks says:

        @Ho, right Archetypes aired on Spotify. I guess the palace courtier got the Sussex streaming deals mixed up. 🙄

        The part about Archetypes being ‘axed’ is completely false. It was H&M who desired to pull the plug on their deal with Spotify. H&M were classy about it, though, while a Spotify exec blew his top in a nasty public meltdown that harmed his reputation more than it hurt H&M. The proof-in-the-pudding is that Meg and her team of business attorneys were smart enough to have secured the rights to her content. Thus, Meg took Archetypes with her when she and Harry ended the Spotify deal. 😝👏🏽

        To me, this read like a full-on parody. It’s utter nonsense, crazily vindictive, and delusional.

    • Saga says:

      But doesn’t this sound almost point for point like what that Rota man who observant X users caught with burner account in a woman’s name…don’t remember his name bUT Kaiser posted him saying very similar points a few weeks back. might worth running the comparison in AI 😂
      Is this another attempt to get this trend – so post in a US outlet then quote this in the UK outlet and let it run a cycle?

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      She was a nobody when she married a real prince? She could be the world’s spotlight by accepting to be a royal? Are they talking about Kkkhate here? Meg already had something going for her. The ghost princess never had a real job and spent nearly a decade waiting to something to get going for her.

      • Deering24 says:

        …and contrary to popular opinion, filming a TV series ain’t no cakewalk. Unless you are in a GOT-sized ensemble, and even then…

    • Kingston says:

      How can you be “axed” from a contract that ended?

      The fact that H&M CHOSE not to give spotify the kind of content they wanted (royal gossip from the horses’ mouths) and therefore CHOSE not to renew the contract and instead, take their IP and walk, shows which party had the upper hand.

    • PC says:

      They’ve got a whole missing princess over there in England but they are all over Meghan’s business in America. No wonder they got so many details wrong. They can’t even mind their own business. Well I really hope every comment to this story asks “Where’s Kate”. That’s what their concerns should be.

    • Krista says:

      Agreed! This sounds like something a damaged tween would write. No professionalism present.

    • goofpuff says:

      All this tells me is that Harry and Meghan are both doing everything right. That’s why the courtiers/rota are so mad they went into opposite day.

    • bisynaptic says:

      LOL They’re so obsessed with Netflix… 😎 😂

  2. swaz says:

    y a w n s and s t u p e s 🤣🤣🤣

    • Sam says:

      That they DARE to say something like that when you remember that Meghan HAD 3 MILLION FOLLOWERS while Kensington Palace (i.e. Harry, Willi, Kate) ONLY HAD 200 THOUSAND when Meghan came into Harry’s life!!!!!!!!

      Without words.

      • Afken says:

        Exactly. Meghan understands hard work she went on auditions to become an actress. She BUILT A BRAND called The Tig which had more followers than all the RF accounts put together. The audacity of some courtier who has been in the vacinity of Kate Middleton a woman who has NEVER had a full time job let alone a career to say this about Meghan is hilarious. She spoke at the UN, she was already at the table. These people think they made her and they want Meghan to agree with them and they’re pressed that she doesn’t. She’s not Kate. She made something of herself before she ever met Harry. And I guess the showbusiness disaster of having the biggest documentary debut and a double award winning podcast that was number one in several countries is something to cry about, huh? These people are so stupid.

      • Kingston says:


        Whenever they fly in the face of reality like this and go on to say things like: if only Meghan had stayed in the RF she would have had the biggest platform in the world and could do so much; when, the reality is that while she was in the RF and succeeding in doing good with the supposed global platform, they were crying and screaming and throwing up, insisting that she make herself 50% less so that she didnt outshine the mediocre benefits scroungers.

        You have to give these fvckers props for perfecting the art of gaslighting such that even some otherwise highly intelligent folks get suckered by them.

        The good news is that more and more folks are beginning to realize that when you hear shidt like this, its because theyre in pain…..the british royal establishment and their partners in crime in the shidtmedia and failed govt are writhing in the mess of their own making.

        They see and know that M’s ARO Universe is gonna be lit and theyre agonizing over the fact that they failed to destroy her and so theyre lashing out in the only way they know how which, like everything theyve tried so far, is doomed to fail.

  3. Sunshine says:

    This “courtier” sounds salty Creep.
    An actual deranger. I’ve seen posts like this on twitter.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      I don’t think this is a courtier, honestly. I just can’t picture a man in gray saying “she immediately thought she deserved a seat at the a-listers talbe.” It sounds like a deranged rota acting as an ‘inside source’ for another rota.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Agree @TigerMcQueen. It’s In Touch for god sakes. Omid, who I don’t always agree with, commented on In Touch’s lack of truthiness, connections?

        This is not coming from a ‘high-level courtier’. In Touch is mining from derangerville.

        “If the new projects go belly-up again, they are going to have to find new ways to pay their bills, including crawling back to the royal family.” . LOFL This is even more nonsense that I’ve seen courtiers come up with. What does ‘new projects go belly-up again’ even mean? They were paid by Spotify. Still being paid by Netflix. Harry’s book sales. More.

        As much as I believe palace courtiers (on all levels) are idiots and a**holes. This is not from them. The language is wrong and courtiers are not experts in showbiz/Hollywood. Their area of expertise, is the BM/UK government, at least the high-level ones.

  4. equality says:

    Interesting how having your bio put out and selling jam is only sketchy when certain royals do so. I’m sure Lemonada was well aware that H&M had projects going with Netflix. It’s not like the Netflix deal was a big secret. I can’t think of anything they have tried that has ended in “disaster”.

    • Eurydice says:

      The original announcement was that Lemonada would distribute Archetypes in 2024 and then work with Meghan on developing the next podcast. There was never any indication that the new podcast would be launched this year.

      • MsIam says:

        Now now Eurydice, don’t be bringing facts into this conversation. You know reality left the palace a long time ago, lol.

  5. Oh come on. says:

    Oh ffs. She’s a stranger to hard work? She was a successful working actress, the star of Suits for what, 7y?

    She has no experience building a brand? What’s the Tig?

    These “courtiers” are so blinded by hate, they forget the most public details of her life. Their obsession with deriding her makes her more famous and sympathetic. The BRF is truly misguided to think these kinds of leaks help William or Charles.

    • Elizabeth Bowman says:

      She wasn’t Julia Roberts or Jessica Chastain, but she was hardly a “nobody” — she was a self made multi-millionaire, a global ambassador for World Vision, a successful working actress and the Tig was successful as well. The contempt is just beyond silly. She was very successful and living her best life. Not because anyone handed her a title or an estate, but because she was hard-working and talented. We should all be such “nobodies.” Who is this anonymous “courtier” to be scornful of a woman who’s probably achieved far more on her own than he (?) could even imagine attempting?

      • kirk says:

        While I like Julia Roberts’ work and have the utmost respect for Jessica Chastain as a professional actress and producer, I have never paid near as much attention to either of them separately or combined as I have Meghan. The way Meghan lives her life and chooses what things to focus on is truly inspiring. I’m so glad that she’s finally in a place with healthy children and a loving husband she shares interests with.

    • Jais says:

      Umm, suits is about to start airing on the bbc right? Hardly a nobody. When someone is this nasty and saying obvious mistruths that have actual evidence to the contrary, it’s hard to take any of it seriously. This person’s ranting has already proven they have no credibility. It really does sound like a deranged person on Twitter so if it’s actually a palace courtier then yikes. Imagine actually working around those types of people.

    • Wagiman says:

      This is just opposite day propaganda. The hit pieces on M has been in overdrive more recently so she’s got them terrified. Wasn’t the whole issue in KP she worked TOO hard? Trying to paint her as work shy and her projects as failures… They’re simply talking about Kate. Someone let the dogs out on Meghan x10. I vote for willy..

    • Amy Bee says:

      This comment is very strange considering the original KP staff complaint was that she was working too hard, coming in the office too often and sending 5 am emails.

    • Dramallama says:

      Yet nothing about how little W+K work. M+H know how to work. You don’t serve in the armed forces and not work hard. You don’t work on a tv series without hard work.

      How many “events” have the other two done?

  6. Wow so jealous of someone you wanted to leave and she did and she is doing well which really pi**es them off so now they are trying real hard to muddy the waters. Too bad it’s not working and it shows that the lot of them need some major counseling. Might I suggest Better Up. I hear they do great work,

  7. Beverley says:

    No matter how they try to break her, Meghan stays winning. They try to smear her and bury her, not realizing that she is a SEED.

    The Duchess will come out on top. Every time.

  8. Jenni says:

    This sounds like William

    • Betsy says:

      I was just going to say, “this is William, isn’t it?”

    • 1960tlm says:

      First I think we all need to write to INTouch about how we feel regarding articles like these. This definitely sounds like William and somebody needs to be sued for putting out this crap! They only do this when Harry & Meghan are doing well. If the Queen had said one word to these assholes when it first started none of this wouldn’t be going on 4 solid years later! She should have protected Harry & Meghan and let William have the consequences he so justly deserved! Now this is just a mess and it’s affecting H& M’s livelihood, their reputations, their children. The rota won’t leave them alone.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Eh, the Queen was in her 90s, likely slept a lot, and was succumbing to illness. She was mostly controlled by palace courtiers at that stage of her life. While her public stature remained largely unblemished, the Queen had ceded much of her power to Chuck, especially once she shrugged and acquiesced when her private secretary, Sir Christopher Geidt, was overthrown by Chuck’s and Andy’s henchmen, in 2017.

        As much as she could, QE-II publicly signalled her love for Harry and her respect for Meghan. We all have felt she should have and could have done more. But honestly, a lot of what went on during her final years was probably being kept from her full knowledge. She was used to following guidance from courtiers, prime ministers, and government officials. The role of British monarch is largely ceremonial and symbolic. Elizabeth II was wiser, wittier, more beloved and more astute than her heir, but she was just as much a symbolic figurehead, and just as trapped.

    • Jais says:

      It sounds like that RNN Twitter lady. Who honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets paid by somebody close to the palace.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yes it sounds like her!

        not everyone has to like Meghan. I do, obviously, but different strokes for different folks and all that.

        But this is beyond not liking her and is using hate-filled propaganda to push the royal family’s agenda. She’s a stranger to hard work? Her pre-Harry career would beg to differ. She’s “reduced” to selling jam? how’s Charles’ jam working out for him? Lemonada is mad about Netflix? Lemonada probably loves the Netflix deal because any projects Meghan produces for Netflix will just mean more publicity for her podcast. etc.

      • Nanea says:

        How kind of you to call her a lady!

        But yes, I’ve always thought she’s on KP’s payroll. She comes across as slightly unhinged, but very self-righteous, and like us plebes should bow to her authority.

        Seriously, what are the odds of Kate “royals don’t do selfies, it’s against protocol” Middletonedeaf taking a selfie with one of the bigger delulu Deranger US accounts somewhere in Ye Quainte Olde Village, England?

      • Debbie says:

        Let me get this straight. Someone who is “a stranger to hard work” is working with Netflix, Lemonada, and is working on a lifestyle brand with an upcoming release of merchandise like jam? THAT person is afraid of hard work? If she were doing any more right now, she’d be spinning. This is not to mention all the tangible work she did in her brief time living in England (launching a clothing capsule, editing a magazine edition, coordinating a cookbook, etc.); while the others were off cutting ribbons, attending garden parties, or waving.

      • Jais says:

        Right? I’m not kidding when I say it sounds like the RNN lady. The criticisms are so hateful and have no grounding in reality. Not saying it’s definitely her but whoever it is they’re drinking from the same koolaid aka hateraid

      • Christine says:

        It’s the maniacal tone, for me. She sounds absolutely whipped into a frenzy, I can imagine spittle flying from her mouth, This goes beyond the garden variety derangers, this is a deeply unwell person who has had a break from reality. None of this is true, and all of this is scary.

        I hope Meghan and Harry’s security have identified this person and have her on a watch list.

      • Lorelei says:

        Wait, who is the Twitter RNN lady?

        (Or would I be happier not knowing)

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Lorelei, you’ll be happier if you don’t look. I looked and didn’t even click on the links. The scribble and descriptions on their nonsensical videos was more than enough to convince me that this article came from a deranger source. Won’t rule out Levin or the RNN creature.

        Clickbait. On a different note, I’m happy to say that the 2 major grocery stores in my area don’t carry 99% of the tabloids. People seems to be the only celeb goss rag carried at the moment. Love it. The one store is definitely leaning into dropping People pretty soon. Their stats say that consumers are more interested in buying health & home types of mags.

  9. C says:

    RIP the blind item lady on TikTok but she was reading blinds about Meghan a while back with some of these talking points and they sounded very much planted, now I guess we could imagine who might want to spread a particular narrative.

    • Amb says:

      Are you referring to Kyle Roth? All her gossip was from Crazy Days and Nights which is filled with made up stuff from Derangers.

  10. KT says:

    This stuff is made up out of whole cloth based on what the derangers are saying on social media.
    Because that is who the audience is and In Touch know they want to think their petty opinions are somehow important.

    I know the ‘courtiers’ are petty as fuck, but they are not taking the time to talk to ‘In Touch’ about it. They are far too snobby to even consider the as an outlet, not when they have the Rota on speed dial.

  11. Snuffles says:

    If you told me The Firm shifted into an alternate universe the moment Harry and Meghan escaped, I would totally believe you. Their absolute conviction to deny reality is astounding.

  12. Steph says:

    I know In Touch is a rag, but damn. Not even basic fact checking? Her podcast was not nixed by Netflix, Fing idiots. And a podcast media firm would have no issue with her doing a tv show. Her podcast out next year seems the most logical thing in the world. It’s already May and she has a show and a brand to launch still.

    • MsIam says:

      Right, a streaming show can drive people to the podcast and vice versa, and both will drive traffic to the website. Sounds like Marketing 101 to me, having a presence on multiple platforms. They must have interviewed one of the “gold standard advisors” for this article, this sounds exactly how they think.

  13. Eurydice says:

    Call me when one of the “insiders” is actually involved with ARO.

  14. Chloe says:

    I didn’t know Archetypes was aired by Netflix😂

    These people can’t even get their streaming services straight but I am supposed to believe they are experts on Hollywood and showbiz?

  15. Nixie says:

    It’s so gross how these people whisper spite and venom from the shadows. If you really want to talk, say it with your chest and put your name on it. It’s all so cowardly and malevolent. Ick.

  16. Underhill says:

    Charles flogs jam. They brag that he sold out his jam, and then pretend its beneath them to sell jam, lol. Maybe Charles ought to put out a sour grapes jam, he seems to have a lot of sour grapes.

  17. Jaded says:

    Is this certain *courtier* named William? Camilla? Maybe Sir Edward Young? Jeremy Clarkson?

  18. Cathy says:

    But the loos?

    The fifty billion toilets?

    Why are the palace courtiers not leaking about the loos?

    Toilets in California have questions 😉

    • Patricia says:

      William, we all have your number. What a sad little guy you are. Harry comes to London, people are thrilled to see him and your are furious. Just like the child you are, you go after Harry’s most treasured wife, thinking this will hurt him. Guess what, you can’t even handle the catastrophe that is your wife. Take your “courtier” and place him where the sun doesn’t shine , cause you are sort of fond of that, right, Peggy?

  19. HeatherC says:

    Meghan has had so much impact it can’t be measured. It really can’t. She lives rent free in those people’s minds, in palace and castles. She was a “working” for not even a year and a half and 4, 5 years later they STILL can’t help themselves but to talk about her because even when she isn’t seen or heard, she’s living large in their consciousnesses.

    Alsobwhatever plans the Sussexes have, they do not include returning to that viper pit.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Great point! I’m almost 2 decades older that her and she inspires me. She’s been defaced/demeaned so horribly by the British Media and still keeps moving forward. With no intelligent, truthful or reasonable explanation. Meghan moves forward and the BM/BRF moves backward or at a standstill due to bad thinking. Hmmmm. Might have to reread some history books on how the Revolutionary War was won. Memory might be wrong, I believe Spain, France and the Netherlands were very instrumental.

      Seems like the BRF has p*ssed off a lot of people over time. (not excluding their colonizer, stealing of everything and taking ownership of every idea, recipe and etc.,.)

      I’ve had days where I don’t want to do things. It might be okay. She gets things done and I admire that.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        To add, oops, Meghan being a motivator, see it, feel it. Apparently the BRF did too. Their failure is they saw it as a bad thing. As they did with Harry. Except he wasn’t a WOC and that made that worse for the BRF. Not a colorful, seasoned group.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Exactly @AGreatReckoning! 💯 I feel the same way about Meghan. She’s human and vulnerable, and in some ways naive, yet also amazing in every aspect of how she lives a disciplined, purposeful, fun-spirited, and loving existence. Many of us marvel over how she gets so many things done with such seeming grace and ease.

        How is she equal parts comfortable in her own skin, bright, articulate, and caring toward others? I think the key is that she was raised and nurtured by strong, loving, independent black women who possess(ed) gumption, grit, and know-how about getting things done in life against all odds. Plus, Meg is a confident Leo, blessed with beauty, brains, empathy, and many superb talents. ❤️

  20. Hypocrisy says:

    Everything coming from that institution is so hateful it just drips off the articles.. do they even get that they are literally destroying the illusion of the Monarchy all by themselves? This sounds just like a tick toc “Karen” rant just like all of the briefings against the Sussex’s do at this point. (On a funny note, internet rumor has it that chuck bought out his jam to empty the shelves and put out his own gift baskets at his garden flop.. no idea is this is true but it made me laugh 🤣, and we could all use more laughter in our lives😂🥰)

  21. wolfmamma says:

    Bullies everywhere e hi it the same behavior. The Courtier sounds like Donald Trump, Brit style.

    The thing that amazes me is that all this notoriety gives Meghan free advertising. Pictures of her product everywhere. The shots are beautiful belying the negativity.

  22. GuestWho says:

    Every accusation from these people is an admission. Sad bastards.

  23. B says:

    I normally laugh at their caricatures of Meghan but I’m really starting to wonder if ANY of the courtiers ever met Meghan. Lol I get the feeling Harry protected and hoarded her like his own private treasure. He must have done all the communicating and these people have never even seen her let alone spoken to her. They all lie but its the way most of their lies don’t have bit of believability or don’t seem like embellishments of actual events does make me wonder if they ever met her. I suspect they have not.

  24. Miranda says:

    “…Meghan is a control freak who’s finding out you can’t order someone to like you”

    Is this a f–king joke? This from the people who scramble to schedule events in an attempt to steal headlines from Harry, and think that they can tell us that he was “alone” and have us believe it, like we don’t have f–king eyes, ears, and immediate access to literally any other news source besides the British media.

    • MsIam says:

      That is what they tried to do with Horsemilla, “order” the public to like her. I guess they know from experience that doesn’t work, lol.

    • Tessa says:

      It will be accurate if Williams name is substituted for Meghan s in the control freak description.

  25. Saucy&Sassy says:

    You know what? I think the courtiers should just show her what the brf does and put out all kinds of media about the Gin (?) that QE2, and now KFC, was/is involved in. That’ll show her.

    I can’t help but laugh. I hope these people know that their hissy fits are giving a measure of lightheartedness.

  26. Oh come on. says:

    So Harry is “mortified” by Meghan and has “put his foot down”; he’s on the verge of returning to London whether she likes it or not—probably to resume his “closeness” (read crush) on the invisible white woman, whom he prefers to Meghan.

    Sure, Jan.

    The royalist media fanfic is over the top. Up is down.

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      Or this is how William behaves (telling grown women what they can and cannot do) and they assume that’s how everyone acts….

  27. Flower says:

    ““Meghan gets greedy,” a high-level palace courtier tells In Touch. “She wants everything all at once, and it’s backfiring on her again. She’s become a total joke and is overplaying her hand.””

    ^^ There is so much racism, classism and everything in-between in this statement that I don’t know where to start. Greedy because she wanted to be treated as an equal. Every black woman who has ever been treated less than or passed over for promotion knows exactly what that means….

    They might as well call her uppity for wanting to be treated as an equal.

    I have been watching this whole sh!t show for just coming up to 7 years now and it’s painful every time because I relate on SO MANY levels. The discourse around Meghan has really demonstrated how black women are treated and monstered on a daily basis in white spaces, especially if they refuse to be ‘team players’ during their own abuse. No one else is expected to swallow pain to such a degree as black women in common spaces.

    What Royalists are really angry about is that Meghan knows her worth and now so does Harry and eventually so will their children. It completely undermines the Royal Family status quo.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Amen to all of this.

    • Oh come on. says:

      Hard same, @Flower.

    • Cali says:

      They actually did call her uppity at one point…

    • Christine says:

      Perfectly said, Flower.

    • Deering24 says:

      Damn straight, Flower. I know this kind of gaslighting all too well…

    • sunny says:

      All of this. They are just still so enraged that she didn’t accept their horrible treatment with gratitude for letting her in the building and they are even angrier that her white husband loved her enough to choose her and their family over the destructive racist institution he grew up worshipping.

      The fact that they keep writing stories trying to paint her as villain to distract from the institution’s slow ongoing failure is wild. Leave this woman to sell her jam and influence away in peace. She left salt island years ago!

    • Simba's Mom says:


  28. Isabella says:

    The thing is palace courtiers are not Meghan’s market. Nobody cares what they say about her products.

  29. Rapunzel says:

    The funniest part is them saying H&M will come back to get their bills paid. Um…. Meghan was buying their couch woth her credit card!! Harry was shopping clearance at TK Maxx!! The BRF was never paying the bills.

  30. Bklne says:

    Hey, InTouch:

    Where’s Kate?

    Also BTW, while you’re making inquiries about that, could you pass along the message that Andrew is still a credibly accused sexual predator and the Dept of Justice would like a word? Mmkay, thx!

    Literally Everyone

  31. Lurker25 says:

    So here’s what I read:

    “Blah blah racism racism anger bitterness yada yada yada misogyny jealousy racism racism racism…”

  32. QuiteContrary says:

    Yeah, it’s sad how unpopular Meghan is, being besties with Serena Williams and all. What a nobody!!

    Also, LOL at the desperate wishful thinking in this: “If the new projects go belly-up again, they are going to have to find new ways to pay their bills, including crawling back to the royal family.”

    “Spare” went so belly-up that it broke sales records and “Harry & Meghan” was the highest-viewed documentary ever on Netflix. Clevr Blends has been so successful it’s now stocked by Target. And “Archetypes” won major awards.

    • Deering24 says:

      Honest to God, do these people know about investing money ‘n stuff like that? They act like Harry threw his Spare money away on a hundred polo ponies–and Meghan is in hock to every fashion designer anywhere. (And one can imagine that’s exactly their sexist take on H&M. 🙄) Way too much stupid in too many rooms over there…

  33. MsIam says:

    This is hilarious. Unbelievable how wrong these people get everything. Weren’t they saying a couple of weeks ago that Netflix was going to step in and take over the launch of ARO because something something and Meghan hadn’t hired a CEO yet! Like Netflix, a streaming and entertainment giant is going to start running a product website. Omg, make it make sense with these people. And if Meghan is as unpopular as these people claim, then why are they so afraid of her?

  34. ElleE says:

    This reminds me of the NYT pitchbot that pitches stories such as:
    “ We wanted to know what the current inverse curve on Wall Street can mean for the every day consumer so we talk to 3 customers at the Cracker Barrel in Poughkeepsie”.

    Someone is a frustrated MBA!

  35. Amy Bee says:

    I’m guessing that the Palace courtier is Jason Knauf and the Palace insider is Richard Eden. These people will be crying more when the series, podcast and the business are launched and I can’t wait.

  36. B says:

    Sometimes it feels to me like the gray men have a deck of card (it’s a small one) and they go through it and say oh it’s time to play this card.
    One of the cards, in the small deck, is “an insider has sh*# to say about M”
    Like do they get bored sometimes? None of them have adhd and want a new card to play on Thursdays?
    What if they tried, you know we really don’t like her but we did like what she did there. That would actually be news. Not about M, but about that they said something new. Finally.

  37. Jean says:

    Time to begin, if it hasn’t already, memes of British royal courtiers who seethe. They do it so well. Cartoons would be best at capturing the commensurate age behavior equivalent and the rest of the world can continue to practice the gigantic inward eye roll.

  38. Serena says:

    Except everything they did had amazing success and was well received, what sort of lies are they spouting now? Or I guess this is what they tell themselves to feel better. Pathetic AND sore-losers 😂.

  39. Slippers4life says:

    Netflix is now axing Spotify podcasts? Dammit at least proof read your bull sh%$. Go home BRF. You’re drunk!

  40. chiclit says:

    The question I keep coming back to is what is the end game? H and M are gone, and need to make money and live their lives. What businesses or activities would be acceptable to the royals and their rota, trolls ,bots and Tories? Where should they live? What would Charles want for his son?

    Apparently Meghan and Harry must FAIL. But what does that mean? LIving in a van? Working retail or something much more sinister like not existing at all?

    I assume that part of the goal for the media is a divorce with H returning home to be the dissolute scandal prone single spare like Margaret and Andrew. Harry isn’t playing the part of making the sibling look respectable.

    The rinse, repeat nature of the stories is beginning to be so predictable. I think we can all write the Nigeria stories today. Great photos/ warm reception first day Followed by BM writing that due to accommodations or protocols, Harry and Meghan were humiliated or snubbed. Meghans dress looks awful. Unflattering pictures will emerge. Cue unhappiness or drug use allegations.


  41. amy says:

    This whole thing is stupid BUT I think you could make an argument that Lemonada is one reason why the jam was sent out in a pretty bowl with lemons. Not exactly subtle, but it also could be viewed as supporting her new podcast home.

    • aftershocks says:

      There are lots of lemon trees in California. I think signing with Lemonada and styling her jam bowl with lemons 🍋 is mostly a happy coincidence, but also conveniently apropos. Remember, too, that Meghan wore a gorgeous lemon print designer dress when she and Harry promoted their original deal with Spotify.

  42. Cel2495 says:

    The nastiness and the hate. As much as they cry and scream into the void that she is a nobody or was a nobody that doesn’t make it true. She had a whole a$$ career before Harry and was successful at it. She had a beautifully life with vast interest and already contributing to society and helping charities. Knock it off.

    The hate and envy in full display here

  43. Saucy&Sassy says:

    The bm know when they write an article about Meghan that it will get clicks. That’s what this is. It contains all of the *isms to spark as many clicks as possible (and because they really are all of those *isms). What would happen if everyone grey rocked the bm and let the haters click. I wonder how long they’d last.

  44. GDubslady says:

    Following ARO. Will buy everything ARO sells. I love and buy Clevr Blends with adaptogens and ashwaganda. Imagine a stress relieving Chai latte that helps you stay calm, sleep and is delicious. Meghan advice on TIG was always spot on. She knows her stuff. I can’t wait for her pod cast. Lifestyle and coaching is perfect for her. Meghan could put on a master class on handling stress and beating your haters while they stroke out from jealousy.

  45. Moniquep says:

    Can someone please forward a copy of the list of Meghan’s accomplishments before meeting Harry to Outoftouch? Meghan was and is more of a global States woman(man) than willy no hair will ever be. She was moving among world leaders and captains of industry before she met Harry. That was why she had friends in common with him, who brought them together.
    The courtiers only wish that her/their projects were ending in disaster.

    It’s amazing that these nimrods really believe that this continual attacks on Meghan’s character is making chuckles and the rest of the UK look good . For the record, neine, nyet, no way jose!!!
    Give it up already!

  46. VilleRose says:

    Ok William lol, I’m betting he’s the senior palace courtier feeding all this info. And Archetypes was canceled by Spotify, not Netflix! What lazy editing on the part of In Touch.

    As for Meghan not knowing how to build a brand – um yes, she does! I didn’t follow Meghan or know who she was before she and Harry got together but the Tig had a dedicated and loyal following, even if it wasn’t huge. It was clear Meghan enjoyed connecting with people this way and I’m sure she was disappointed to have to shut it down before she married Harry. And the slow drip of jam photos on Instagram is clearly working because why else would the British media be making a fuss over some fancy jam jars and lemon displays? Meghan even helped Charles sell out his Highgrove jam! No way that would have happened without Meghan’s friends posting shots of ARO jam on social media.

    • aftershocks says:

      @VilleRose, Spotify did not cancel Archetypes. The podcast ended because H&M decided not to renew their contract with Spotify. But Meg had rights to her content written into the contract. Thus, she took Archetypes with her when she and H closed the door on Spotify. 🤌🏽

  47. Lau says:

    “you get the impression hard work isn’t really Meghan’s thing”, oh because what the Windsors do everyday is hard work ? Sure, Jan.

  48. Square2 says:

    Every word any palace courtier spits out should be treated like the diarrhea coming from that American on-trial 🍊turd. (Sorry for the graphic description.)

    Millions of IG followers in 2016 was not someone who was a failure. Meghan has the smart & hard-working ethic to succeed.

  49. Deering24 says:

    FFS. Have any of these geniuses ever heard of investing money? Why in God’s name would they think H&M would even risk not providing for their kids’ future? Man, this is some evil shit….

  50. bisynaptic says:

    “Meghan gets greedy,” says the person who has attached himself to power and is too craven to identify himself, while he smears her.

    “She’s onboard to host inspirational content as well as relaunch her “Archetypes” podcast, which was axed by Netflix last year after just one season.”
    — Of course, they can’t even get their names right.

  51. MikeB says:

    This sounds like a compendium of Angela Levin quotes rather than a senior palace courtier. I do not believe it originates inside the palace.