Mirror: The Sussexes have been invited to Ghana after their successful Nigerian tour

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Last week, People Magazine’s royal editor Simon Perry wrote in his “diary” piece that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Nigerian tour went so well, they received invitations to tour other countries while they were in Nigeria. Judging from the way the Derangers swarmed on that story on social media, I take it that the Sussexes’ international popularity has touched a nerve. Several nerves, all over the place. King Charles and Prince William are said to be exceptionally irate that Harry & Meghan’s Nigerian tour went so well and Charles is apparently going to beg other countries to NOT welcome the Sussexes. Good luck with that! Meanwhile, the Mirror is reporting that Ghana is one of the countries interested in hosting a Sussex tour.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could be invited to Ghana after their ‘triumph’ on their high-profile trip to Nigeria, according to sources.

The West African country’s officials and leading icons are keen for The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to visit after their ‘success’ in their neighbouring country Nigeria, sources exclusively tell the Mirror. Insiders say the country’s leading bigwigs and artistic influencers are keen for the Sussexes to fly to Accra, the capital of Ghana that was so loved by Harry’s late Grandmother Queen Elizabeth II, and they will pull out all the stops to make them feel at home.

A source said: “There is already a lot of talk and excitement in Ghana, everyone is so keen for Harry and Meghan to come and experience the great culture and warmth. Several top names have already visited Ghana in recent years from Ed Sheeran, Naomi Campbell and One Direction’s Liam Payne. Idris Elba, who DJ’d at Harry and Meghan’s wedding is a regular too, he is part-Ghanaian and loves spending time ‘back home.'”

The source continued: “Harry certainly won’t be short of people to show him around and they will certainly roll out the red carpet for him, drafting in some of the finest Afro-beats performers to welcome him and his family. So perhaps it is only a matter of time before Harry and Meghan come out, and sample the famous jollof rice!”

[From The Daily Mirror]

I was like “wait, are they claiming that jollof rice is specific to Ghana?” Then I read the Wiki page – several countries claim to have originated jollof rice and there’s a friendly “Jollof War” happening between Senegal, Ghana and Nigeria. As for the Sussexes possibly going to Ghana… it would not surprise me at all if they have already been invited. Reportedly, there were representatives, celebrities and dignitaries from other African countries who flew into Nigeria specifically to meet Harry and Meghan. It would also make sense if other countries watched the Nigerian tour carefully and saw how Nigeria organized and those countries understood that there was a roadmap being offered. So, is Ghana next on their list? Who knows – this feels more like the Mirror just talking out of their ass, but I would love it if it actually happens.

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43 Responses to “Mirror: The Sussexes have been invited to Ghana after their successful Nigerian tour”

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  1. Well if true then I hope they go and have a great time just like Nigeria. If true then Chuckles trying to control other countries from not inviting the Sussexes isn’t working. If true then let the melt downs and incandescent rage tantrums begin.

    • OliviaOne says:

      Like we said when the article was out on the trip to Nigeria: Other countries will be tripping over themselves to invite them. I had predicted a Caribbean country would be next, so.. not bullseye but still 😛

    • Carmen says:

      That faint booming sound you heard was the royals’ heads exploding.

  2. Kokiri says:

    I hope so!

    More beautiful pictures, more people loving & appreciating them.

    • Asantewaa says:

      Ghanaian-Btitish here, Harry and Meghan are very popular in Ghana. And they would gladly be received. Infact, we are. claiming the left over 7% of Meghan’s DNA as Ghanaian. Let the jollof rice war begin. By the way, I don’t believe The Mirror. It is a concocted story.

  3. Libra says:

    The Sussexes have already said that no one speaks for them except their own team . I ignore this article as playing a guessing game.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Exactly. And no one even knew about the Nigeria trip until it was formally announced! The British press know nothing (surprise, surprise). They have no sources inside the Sussex camp and Harry and Meghan’s people have said they will not even communicate with the British tabloids like the Mirror.

  4. Pinkosaurus says:

    I really hope that if the royals reach out to countries to prevent H&M from being invited, those countries leak to the press about the effort. Can you imagine the royals trying to tell DC not to host H&M in an attempt to win the next Invictus Games? Mayor Bowser would not be having it.

    I believe the reporting that BP (or Tory government on behalf of the royals) has reached out to the White House to get them to “snub” Harry. The courtiers are so petty and unserious.

    • Jan says:

      Guess the Tory Government reached out, to the Biden administration, to ask why there is no State Visit being offered o Chucky and Cowmilla.
      Biden spent a week in Ireland, but could not find time to fit in a State visit in the U.K.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      It would be brilliant if these countries told Cluck off about this at the CHOGM in Samoa in September.

      Threaten to replace him as Head of the Commonwealth with the newest Princess of Nigeria. He’ll spontaneously combust, taking his idiotic handlers out at the same time. 🤣

      • BayTampaBay says:

        This could happen as the Head of the Commonwealth is an ELECTED position. The Head of the Commonwealth serves at the grace, pleasure & convenience of the Commonwealth Member Nations. The Commonwealth Member Nations can select anyone they want as their Head.

  5. Hypocrisy says:

    Would love to see more African countries join the Invictus games and family. Anything that helps veterans and their families is a beautiful thing. I also don’t believe that the Mirror knows anything when it comes to the Sussex’s.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Hypocrisy, the Mirror knows nothing. I agree with you that bringing in more countries to IG would be fantastic. I’m always for anything that helps our Veterans and active service members. The Warrior Games were soooo needed in the US and I’m glad that Harry had a vision to make IG for all of the Veterans and active service members globally. If only we could get governments to come together and cooperate as well.

  6. Nubia says:

    Good for them,I hope they go all.over. Would also love to see them in some Asian countries,this is probably why this year Earth Shot is suddenly going to be in Cape Town lol

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      How is Huevo going to pull off Earthshot, if he’s going to be in hiding for the rest of the year to fend off more questions about Kateatonic Missington?

      I feel like the last 2 garden parties rattled the royals, and Cluck had a wee chat with Sunak to bring forward the elections as a distraction for the nation.

      They act like they are colluding to try to hold together the monarchy – which, if it’s just a case of a PoW having cancer? That’s not a threat to the monarchy. She’s had 3 kids. Succession is more than secure.

      The two branches of govt, the dignified and the efficient, continuing to act like this, makes it *more* plausible, not less, that Huevo Did Something to touch this constitutional crisis off.

  7. Jan says:

    The Mirror is trying to get a head start on the Countries, they think the Sussexes will be invited to.
    I like how the Nigerian trip was managed, with so many people involved and no leaks to the Media, until the Ministry of Defense announced 2 weeks, their arrival, knowing it would take the BM 2 weeks to get a Visa.

  8. equality says:

    I hope they travel to every commonwealth country.

  9. M says:

    The use of the word keen immediately tells me the whole article is bs supposition. Keen seems to be their favorite word when they lie.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Same, Equality. Every single one.

      But I also hope they’re formally invited to, and visit, several of the white European countries (with monarchies) that the British RF love so much and care more about. You know, the countries whose culture Chuckles and Camzilla actually enjoy. And the people who Kkkeen doesn’t flinch away from.

      I’d love to see the red carpets rolled out for Harry and Meghan in Denmark, the Netherlands, and Sweden, etc. Followed by exploding all over palaces after huge crowds show up for the Sussexes. And more hastily organized military events for Chuckles and his liege man for life after Harry and Meghan spend time with and are appreciated by veterans.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        *heads exploding all over palaces…

      • Square2 says:

        “I also hope they’re formally invited to, and visit, several of the white European countries (with monarchies) that the British RF love so much and care more about.”

        That would be lovely but the possibility is pretty low. The other European RF might not be close to or very fond of the current KC3 RF, I doubt they want to court the ire of Charlie & Willy and the attack of British media. Remember, BRF, BM & British Government can go low, extremely low.

        Besides, the Sussex don’t do visit out of spite, they do it to advance their charity causes & help the local visiting countries.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        I would love to se them in Denmark and not just because I live here 😄. Denmark has spent such a very long time as a non-warfaring nation ( neutral during WWI, occupied during WWI and very very careful during the Cold War because an overpowering enemy was literally on our very doorstep). So when Danish soldiers started being sent to Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq – and coming back wounded, there was not really a big focus on veterans. There still is not enough focus on helping them.

        Besides King Frederik X has always been supportive of the troops, visiting them in Afghanistan and convincing his mother to do the same when she was monarch. While has not served in war, he has served and he completed the Danish special forces training.

      • Jks says:

        I would love for them to come to Spain on a family holiday, meet Queen Letizia who made Will look like a total asshole for not supporting his team. Meghan speaking to Letizia in Spanish would make everyone’s heads explode.

      • Lauren says:

        It wouldn’t surprise me to hear that Denmark was bidding to host Invictus games.

      • Renae says:

        Careful, trump wants Scandinavian immigrants!.

  10. YeahRight says:

    Even if Ghana is thinking about inviting them it’s way too early to say. It takes months to organize a tour like the one they had in Nigeria the Brits know that and if or when an official from Ghana deny it they will then write about how the Sussexes were snubbed. They will then go down the list of countries rinse and repeat.

  11. Jais says:

    Exciting. Can’t wait to see all the places the Sussexes go.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    Yeah the Mirror knows absolutely nothing. Harry and Meghan have no connection to Ghana so why would they be invited there?

  13. Anna says:

    I imagine any country who sent representatives to IG is a contender to invite H&M over, NATO sending that huge delegation over was practically all the endorsement IG needed that it was a serious organisation that wasn’t just set dressing for photo-ops (a la the royal leftovers). H&M’s visit to Nigeria just proved that their appearance is enough to bring good international attention.

  14. Beverley says:

    How droll! The wee king of Salt Island thinks he can still bully and give orders to other sovereign nations.

    When will he finally get the memo that the British “Empire” no longer exists?

  15. Monika says:

    All speculation at this time. There will be more speculation and focusing on H&M while the RF goes on an extended holiday.

  16. BlueNailsBetty says:

    Harry and Meghan went to Nigeria, primarily, to support the wounded veterans and promote IG. Nowhere in the cited article above does it mention veterans or mental health or anything the Sussexes are currently focused on.

    And don’t get me wrong, the Sussexes can go to any country for any reason and I hope they do just that. My point is this article sounds like more made up crapola from the rota. They didn’t even bother including actual topics relevant to Harry and Meghan’s work.

  17. Blithe says:

    I hope this is true, but : “DC first!” Lol. I’d love to see Harry and Meghan enjoying soft shell crabs, half smokes, Go Go music, and photo ops at the White House and the Pentagon— as they highlight the Invictus Games and the need for increased support services for veterans, including a wider array of easily accessed mental health resources.

    It’s wonderful how the trip to Nigeria really will serve as a template for future visits to other countries.

  18. Beverley says:

    Now watch the racism escalate! Whenever a Black or Black-adjacent person is successful, there’s much energy put into discounting their accomplishments. Wait for it.

    Soon there’ll be much dithering about how invites from Black/African nations don’t compare to invitations from predominantly white countries.

    Mark my words.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Beverley, I think they touched on that when they started going off on the ‘Nigeria is dangerous’ articles, etc. That showed how ignorant they are and they continue to be since they are determined not to educate themselves. I don’t know why there are ‘white’ countries that have to belittle other countries which have a predominantly black/brown population–unless it’s racism. It’s not just those countries who are taking note of all of this. Lots of people around the globe are watching.

  19. JFerber says:

    I hope they visit every African national, thus proving to William that Africa isn’t “his.” I somehow don’t see white Commonwealth countries like Canada and Australia inviting the couple–too much racism and many in those places worship the RF. But who knows?