Misan Harriman’s Sussex portrait was added to the National Portrait Gallery’s collection

In October 2022, Misan Harriman released three new-to-us portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Harriman took the photos one month prior, when Harry and Meghan were in Manchester for Meghan’s speech at One Young World. There was so much drama around that Manchester trip and the Sussexes’ visit to Germany, but those dramas were soon overshadowed by QEII’s death just a few days later. Misan waited weeks after QEII’s death to release his portraits, but wouldn’t you know, the Sussex portraits “humiliated” the royal family. There was a full week of royal tantrums about these lovely photos. You just had to be there, it was so much fun.

Well, funny story. The black-and-white image of Meghan and Harry in profile has now been chosen to appear in the National Portrait Gallery’s permanent collection. You guys remember the National Portrait Gallery, right? It’s one of the Princess of Wales’s few patronages. Here’s Misan at the National Portrait Gallery, talking about how proud he is to have one of his portraits put into the NPG’s collection:

Y’all, what is happening? I mean, good for Misan and his Manchester portraits of the Sussexes are beautiful and he absolutely deserves all of this. Good for him, 100%. I would have chosen the color photo of Harry and Meghan just because I find it more striking and powerful, but why not both? The profile pic is great too. But again, what is happening? Why does the NPG want a Misan Harriman photo of the Sussexes in their permanent collection? There’s so much high-level stalking of the Sussexes in Britain these days.

Photos courtesy of Misan Harriman for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

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54 Responses to “Misan Harriman’s Sussex portrait was added to the National Portrait Gallery’s collection”

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  1. Royal Downfall Watcher on says:

    LMFAOOOO. This is excellent. the BRF and the Rota are going to be crying and vomiting for months over this! Especially given their own portrait scandals. Lmfao!!!

    • Flower says:

      “Crying and vomiting for months”

      ^^ LMFAO they’re doing A LOT of that ATM

  2. CoffeeChamp says:


  3. Anna says:

    The timing of this, and the named royal racists’ portraits is certainly interesting👀

  4. Lisa says:

    thereby winning the May portrait contest I didnt know was coming

    cream always rises to the top

    • Fifty-50 says:

      Was not on my bingo card either. But it’s not over yet! William has a week to submit his entry lol.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Maybe he can submit his Frankenphoto, I’m sure that would get pride of place.

    • Royal Donwnfall Watcher says:

      Yes! hahaha! I cannot wait for William’s portrait. It will just be a little egg in a suit.

  5. SarahCS says:

    The colour one may be more visually striking but I love the full fingers-intertwined hand holding in the B&W image, I often find B&W images make me look more closely at the details.

    Maybe the bigger picture is that institutions outside of the royals themselves and the media are feeling enough water has gone under the bridge and they can now acknowledge the existence of H&M and the global players that they are?

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      It’s a stunning picture of two people looking seriously facing forward. I believe certain institutions (more than the BM will report), have always seen H&M as the modernization of the BRF. Kate being the patron of the NPG and her/KP’s photos being in serious question, leads to a lotl Not just ‘kill orders’ by major news outlets. They BM/derangers/whatevers tried to discredit Misan. And now…..

      H&M are high profile people. They’ve brought high profile attention to their patronages and charities they support in England. I don’t want to say the NPG is being clout chaser in this instance. They certainly seem to recognize that K. Missington isn’t helping.

  6. Anna says:

    The absolute SERVE of these photographs. Meghan’s face card is platinum and it never declines.

    Misan’s photographs of the Sussexes are absolutely incredible. Good for him!!!

  7. I love this for him. I’m sure there will be an incandescent rage tantrum thrown about this. Will Peg try and stop it?

  8. Koko says:

    Lovely. That’s all I have.

  9. Eurydice says:

    Oh no, more humiliation for the Royal Family!! Yum, serve me more.

    • Proud Mary says:

      The Sussexes just sitting quietly under a tree and still winning. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Golly, another slap in the face to the NPGs royal patron! And she has cancer! How dare they??

  10. BeyondTheFringe says:

    Man, Harry looks like the cat that got the cream in the color portrait.

    And rightfully so.

    • EvMoniquep says:

      In the voice of Tweety Bird, He did! he did get the cream!! Splitting my side lolol.

  11. Brassy Rebel says:

    It’s a relief to learn that there is at least one institution in Great Britain which is not under the Windsor thumb. A breath of fresh air!

  12. Nanea says:

    So happy for Misan, especially as he has only been doing this for a few years.

    My favorite pick would have been the color photo too, it’s visually striking, especially Harry’s blue eyes.

    But to me the bw one says “it’s us against the world”, and Harry is half a step ahead, as if making sure the path is clear. Both with a great posture, straight back, looking in the direction of whatever fate may throw into their path. And they’re ready to face it, looking unwaveringly at something unknown in the distance.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      The other thing I love about the b&w portrait is that their expressions are caring, intently listening and hearing, empathetic. Absolutely captured them.

      • Nanea says:

        A great work of art is always open to many interpretations.

        And yes, I agree with you.

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      As a photographer myself, the black and white photo is the stronger of the two. Not by much, mind you. Your interpretation is spot on. I will also add that this photo blows the theory of her dominance over him as well as her being a narc out of the water. In this relaxed and unguarded moment, they stand together as equals. Meghan is also perfectly happy to hang back and let him enjoy the moment fully. Likely a factor in why it became the front runner. Still, Harry remains protective. The intertwined hands was something I recognised as a gesture of protection as well as affection during the walkabout with Huevo and Waity. This portrait speaks to a lot about them as individuals and as a couple. Well done to Misan!

  13. Franz says:

    I would have chosen the color portrait. It shows where the real power lies in this couple.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    It is weird that they would want a picture of Harry and Meghan in their collection considering they’re not working royals but I guess it just shows that everybody wants a piece of them. It will probably never be put on display though.

    • Princessk says:

      It will at some point go on display, otherwise they would not have purchased it.

    • Magdalena says:

      It is going in their *permanent* collection, that means that it will be permanently on display, as opposed to seasonal portraits which go on temporary display and are removed after a while.

    • Sue says:

      Their collection is not limited to royal personages, working or otherwise, so arguably Harry and Meghan might have been included anyway.

    • ML says:

      This is wonderful for Misan (and Meghan and Harry). At some point I hope to visit London: this museum is free! https://www.npg.org.uk/ This is the kind of place I like to go to.

      • Nick G says:

        @ML the npg is my favourite gallery in London, from the Tudors to the present you are surrounded by the famous faces and personalities and can just be enveloped in history.

  15. Jais says:

    Congratulations to Misan. It’s a striking portrait so it deserves to be there. It’s powerful to view.

  16. sevenblue says:

    Is this the same place where they removed the painting of Harry & William because Kate was visiting? Let’s see first if they are gonna put it on display, because I don’t expect much from these institutions who bow down the BRF.

  17. Mslove says:

    I love the black & white portrait, congrats to Milan Harriman. Is this the same gallery that removed a painting of Peg & Harry? I think it is.

  18. B says:

    Lol I feel like certain institutions have realized the Sussexes aren’t returning to the royal fold and thanks to Charles shenanigans with security Meghan and the kids will probably never even visit England so they are getting creative with how they get their Sussex fix.

  19. Elo says:

    These in comparison to the new portraits of Charles and Kate… lol yikes.
    They are beautiful photos.
    I highly prefer the color ones – the black and white one seems so low lit.
    That solo one of Megan tho- wowzers!
    That’s a powerful photo – gorgeous!

  20. Aidee Kay says:

    I saw this announcement yesterday and immediately thought the photo they acquired is a brilliant choice. H&M are a huge part of the history of the UK for many reasons but in the end it will be because the fall of the monarchy will be traced back to their exit!!! So great to get this image of them turned towards their future, eager and yet patient for what is to come.

  21. swaz says:

    Wonderful portrait ❤ congrats Misan 😍

  22. Square2 says:

    That Salty Islands dislike (and some hate) Madame Duchess Princess Meghan, but they sure do LOVE to use her name to make money.

    Daily bashing of her on the newspapers & TV and online programs is a norm right now in UK. Other organizations also want to make money from her. This NPG choosing Misan’s H&M photo, BBC and ITV had a bidding war on streaming “Suits”, and the Royal Collection’s strawberry jam promote were just the most recent examples. She made UK a lot of money from the exhibition of her wedding dress in Windsor & Scotland.

    Anyway, congrats to Misan, a truly talented artist.

  23. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    Will they put the portrait behind protective glass to keep it from being defaced or destroyed like some of those folk (environmentalists? I think?) tried to do to some of the famous paintings in other galleries? because I can see some crazy trying

    Also. Stunning. Simply stunning. Either photograph could have been used. What a wonderful talent Misan has. All the congratulations to him!

  24. Bad Janet says:

    Loling at the royal family advertising how humiliated they are by the Sussexes, on the regular.

  25. Mel says:

    HAHAHAHAHA!!!! They are going to lose their ENTIRE sh** over this. Where’s the popcorn?

  26. Beverley says:

    Someone is brilliantly trolling the Left-Behinds with this! Wonder if we’ll soon learn that Pegs or Chuckles or Queen Side Chick pressured the powers-that-be to take it down.🤡🤡🍿🍿

    • tamsin says:

      I read that there are no plans to show it in the immediate future. I can see subtle pressure for it never to see the light of day as long as father and other son are alive.

  27. yellowy says:

    I find the black and white image very emotional. They are presented as a pair, preparing themselves to face the public. There’s a steeliness, watchfulness and a vulnerability that is underscored by them being undeniably joined and supporting each other.

    The colour picture is portraying them as chic and in control, but it a more ordinary step-and-repeat, photographic agency vibe compared to the black and white version.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      yellowy, I agree. This is a really great photo–I prefer black & white photos because I seem to ‘feel’ the photo better. Misan is very gifted.

  28. Izzy says:

    Let’s face it, the NPG gets no real value from its dolittle patron, so they might as well jump on board the Sussex Success Train.

  29. JFerber says:

    I prefer the color portrait too. It is so vibrant and Harry has such a cheeky expression I love it. Most of all, I think it would split the RF’s heads open even more than the black and white one, which is more serious, subtle and perhaps more inspirational. But I like to think of the RF’s heads splitting open like pumpkins in their bitter outrage and jealousy over the divine color portrait. Definitely congrats to Misan. He’s a great artist.