Mail: Prince William should be ‘the bigger man’ & ‘bring Harry back into the fold’

The Mail really went buckwild over the weekend, creating a special storyline for their devoted monarchist readers. The storyline: Prince Harry is suddenly desperate to return to the UK and reconcile with his family AND become a working royal again. Nevermind that Harry has been asked point-blank several times if he would ever want to “come back” to royal life in any way and he’s always said no. Nevermind that he’s made it clear for years that his goal is simply to have a relationship with his father and see his family every now and then and that’s it. Basically, all of this projection from the Mail is a confession: they all desperately need the Sussexes and they need access to the Sussexes and they can’t believe that the heir to the throne is such a lazy dud. Speaking of, the Mail also published this bizarre column from A.N. Wilson: “Why it’s in EVERYONE’s interests for William to be the bigger man – and bring Harry back into the royal fold.” Some highlights:

Harry’s unpublicized visit to the UK: Isn’t it time for the royal feud to end? When Prince Harry arrived at a Norfolk parish church last week, for the memorial service for his uncle by marriage, Robert Fellowes, many of those present probably prayed that there would be a reconciliation between him and Prince William. In fact, William left the Snettisham church without exchanging so much as a syllable with his estranged younger brother. He appears adamant that Harry is the black sheep of the family, for whom there can be no forgiveness. This is both deeply sad and worrying.

William’s coronation: There are rumours that William has said he will not even invite his brother to his Coronation, when that day dawns. This would be calamitous for countless reasons. Indeed, there are very wide ramifications. Many have spent years vilifying Meghan for refusing to speak to her poor, clumsy old dad, who made a donkey of himself before her wedding by posing for paparazzi pictures. William’s refusal to speak to his brother risks appearing just as petty. If William allows the feud to fester it will dominate every public occasion in which he takes part. At family funerals. At ceremonies of national importance. Instead of public attention being focused on the ceremony, people will understandably be thinking of ‘The Feud’ – second-guessing body language between the pair, poring over what few – if any – words and glances are exchanged. Do we really want this? Is it not the Prince of Wales’s duty to come to forgive? Or at least behave as if he has forgiven.

The poisoned air: There is something deeply unseemly about any family having a row in public. When it is the Royal Family, it poisons the air and undermines the very institution of the monarchy. The indications are that King Charles, especially in the light of his cancer, has been receiving spiritual advice from friends such as Richard Chartres, the former Bishop of London, urging him to build bridges with his younger son. Obviously, Charles would like to meet and befriend his American grandchildren. He should not have to feel anxious that he might leave this world before making peace with his ‘darling boy’ Harry.

Prince Harry’s memoir hurt William & Kate: It is no wonder that William remains aggrieved and angry. But as our future king, he needs to appear magnanimous, not mean-spirited. He should recall the example of the late Queen, his grandmother, who put duty before personal feelings.

Meghan’s suicidal ideation is trivial: There are even indications that Harry is prepared to drop his case against the Home Office about his ‘inadequate’ security arrangements. And he and Meghan are both hinting, via ‘friends’ and ‘sources’, that they are prepared to give up giving embarrassing interviews with TV and newspapers. The squabbles concerning Meghan and the Royal Household already increasingly look trivial – whether she did or did not throw tantrums, whether they were reducing her to a nervous wreck. She, and they, have surely moved on.

The Sussexes need the Windsors? Perhaps Harry and Meghan have realised, belatedly, which side their bread is buttered on. After their efforts to build a media empire fizzled out, boiling down to little more than a few pots of Meghan’s ‘home-made’ jam, have they now grasped that, without the House of Windsor, they have little social and political currency?

[From The Daily Mail]

This situation sounds more dire with each passing day. Dire for Prince William, that is. When Mail columnists are once again bleating about how William needs to forgive and forget, you know they’re trying to tell him that the status quo cannot go on indefinitely. They keep pointing out that William looks petty, cruel, violent, stupid, short-sighted and mean. And he keeps trying to tell them: actually, that’s my brand. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad and pathetic. What disturbs me the most is the obsessive interest in and fabrication of the Sussexes’ “moves.” The Sussexes are minding their business and doing their own thing while the British media chronicles and sensationalizes their every breath. It reflects the Windsors’ obsession with the Sussexes too – Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace are still constantly briefing about and against Harry and Meghan. It’s absolutely unhinged.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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68 Responses to “Mail: Prince William should be ‘the bigger man’ & ‘bring Harry back into the fold’”

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  1. aquarius64 says:

    The BM is taking a hard look at the money it’s losing from the invisible contract and it’s not working. This is a warning shot to Bulliam: bring Harry home or we’ll recoup our losses by airing your dirty laundry.

    • equality says:

      Well, since PW can’t bring PH home, let’s hope the airing begins.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        Indeed and the airing couldn’t happen to a nicer couple as she’s just as bad as he is.

      • sunnyside up says:

        I’m looking forward to it.

      • Libra says:

        @digital unicorn; she is definitively as bad as he is. I have posted this before but bears repeating; Kate lights William’s fuse then steps back to watch him explode. She stokes the “we hate Meghan” fire. She hates Harry for leaving her to marry up. Whenever I hear about William’s incandescent anger, I see Kate. Their mutual hate is all that keeps this marriage going, imo.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        The time to stock up on popcorn is now…

      • Moniquep says:

        @ Libra, OMG!! a light bulb just lit up in my head at your post. William hates Harry BECAUSE he realized Kate’s obsession with Harry is not your normal every day brother/ sister in law attitude. And he’s jealous as hell! That’s the root of all the incandescent rage in addition to Harry scoring a wife like Meghan.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        I think William never got over getting a younger brother. Even as a child he could not stand Harry having something he did not. He’ s stuck in eternal toddlerhood.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      Poor egg. All the kings horses and all the kings men can’t put him back together. He has been smashed and eclipsed for good by his younger brother.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        “William looks petty, cruel, violent, stupid, short-sighted and mean” – he’s inherited all his father’s ‘best’ qualities, then… and honestly Huevo has been hard boiled since his “Early Years”.

        Not even his most sycophantic courtiers can put enough lipstick on the pig to make him attractive to the general public.

    • Jais says:

      How many warning shots will be given though? It feels like a show of empty threats. Are they really going to spill against William? If so, they better start that drip or it’s hollow. And William is likely getting on that. I hope they start spilling the good stuff or this is just a performance.

    • Steph says:

      Meh. I wish this was true. I think if they intended to air his dirty laundry they would have already. There seems to be something legal holding them back. There is no way they the ppl in charge of the tabloids don’t know a real scoop on pegs will be like winning the lottery.

    • Becks1 says:

      I dont know if they will ever air the dirty laundry at this point, and the only reason I can think they’re holding back is because whatever they know about William is so bad it would be disastrous for the monarchy – this isn’t Charles having an affair that everyone pretty much knew about anyway. This isn’t Rose Hanbury. But I can’t think of what the palace is hiding with the help of the press.

      But I do think this is the press sending a warning shot to William. They want Harry AND Meghan back – they want the clicks, they want the photos, they want to be able to write endless stories about body language, etc. They want the glamour that H&M bring. Instead they’re stuck with a prince and princess of wales who are staggeringly lazy even when theyre supposedly perfectly healthy.

      But the two things are at odds, right? If the press isn’t willing to air all of William’s laundry and he knows it……then they have no leverage over him.

      • Jais says:

        Well, that’s the thing. I can imagine it’s annoying for William to have the press warn him that he must bring Harry and Meghan back. But what’s the press really going to do about it? If he knows that they will never discuss what they know about him, then he’s going to do as he pleases. At most the BM will passively-aggressively pick at him and he’ll get some bad headlines but it rarely continues for long.

      • EllenOlenska says:

        I suspect the “ out them or don’t out them” math factors in something like this “estimated days King c 3 has left + estimated revenue from funeral coverage plus estimated revenue for clicks on “ what happens to Cowmilla now and how long can we stretch that out for” and just how big will the turnout for another “ Billy scaled coronation be”

        They chuck all that in the calculator with a list of side stories they can spin off each topic and then when they have the click figure for that they weigh potential losses against the lift from dropping the goods on the royals,

  2. Simone says:

    Kate was having 6mths of chemo, which means this is the time when she should be having her final treatment scan & finding out whether the treatment worked or she needs another round of chemo. These Harry stories are probably not a coincidence.

    • First comment says:

      I’ve read online that a royal Rota characterized Kate’s cancer as “intermittent” on TV. It’s interesting, isn’t it?

      • Steph says:

        What is intermittent cancer?

      • lanne says:

        “Intermittant” isn’t a word used to describe cancer. Cancer can be in remission, treatment can be ongoing. I’m starting to think that she doesn’t have cancer at all. She had some kind of stomach/gastro illness, and after the “royal racist” kerfluffle and in light of her long absence, the geniuses at KP said “hey, let’s say she has cancer. It’s a perfect excuse! No one will call her on the lie because what if it’s true?”

        For both Charles and Kate to get cancer at the same time when they were both outed as racists? maybe, but the fact that her cancer seems to be “intermittent” is even more suspect. But no one can publically call it out–her medical records are private (as everyone’s should be). Nasty stuff.

      • Interested Gawker says:


      • seaflower says:

        @Steph intermittent cancer would be one that conveniently reappears when there is hard work t do, but disappears when say the Wimbledon men’s final is on….

      • Gabby says:

        Intermittent cancer. GMAFB. I’d say this cancer can be more accurately described as fictitious, pretend, mythical, invented, etc.

    • sunnyside up says:

      The odd cells they were hoping to kill off are too small to be seen so if they need to extend it it means that she has got cancer, which she was supposed not to have had after the op. We don’t know how long her preventative treatment was meant to continue. But more than 6 months sounds more like treatment of cancer rather than prevention.

  3. Snuffles says:

    The tabloids are losing money big time. I’m just waiting until they get to the point where they say “screw it” and start reporting on all of the stories they’ve been burying on the left behinds.

    • Lady D says:

      The stories will start with Kate’s family, then in descending order, the Zindals and York families, followed by Kate, Camilla and then William’s stories will be told.

  4. equality says:

    “William’s refusal to speak to his brother risks appearing just as petty.” Risks? I think since PW was abusive with this, he has surpassed petty. KC has the ability to make things right with PH anytime he wishes. He just wants to do it without having to admit to being wrong. Who said H&M were trying for an “empire”? And where is the evidence of failure? They are still creating content, just not at a pace to satisfy the BM. The BM, however, aren’t in on the deals to worry about their output. The media work is just part of what H&M are doing. It’s not their sole focus.

    • Jais says:

      LMAO. Did they just compare Prince William to Meghan? Saying they’re both just as petty for not forgiving a family member. That’s a stretch. Meghan has every reason seeing as her dad sold her letter to the DM. Funny the writer didn’t mention that. Whereas William was the original tabloid leaker and physical abuser of Harry. And why do these writers set themselves up. ARO hasn’t even launched yet so how can it have failed. The crow they will be eating one day.

      • Eurydice says:

        Really, Meghan is just not taking communication from Toxic Tom, she didn’t assault him, she didn’t take away his home, she didn’t hound him out of he country and she’s not briefing against him every single day even 4 years later.

        They won’t eat crow when ARO is successful – they’ll just complain about how she hasn’t written anymore children’s books or something.

      • Jais says:

        Lol, why hasn’t she written another children’s book?? They’ll be soon complaining about why hasn’t she written her memoirs bc you know they actually want her to. The BM, I mean, not the RF😂

  5. Digital Unicorn says:

    Oooh – someone is poking the angry egg head with a ‘give us something or else’. The Wails have hardly been seen all year, yet a still cancer stricken elderly man has been doing more than 2 40 somethings (one of whom HAD cancer). The beast is getting restless and am sure at some point we’ll be getting stories hinting that Katty’s ‘recovery’ has been too long and they need to get back to work now that schools back.

    Makes u wonder what the Fail has on the Wails to give them the confidence to even try and tell them what to do.

  6. chill says:

    Let us not forget that as the future King, William will be the head of the Church of England. A Christian institution. So, to be clear, the head of the Christian Church of England has no Christian charity or forgiveness. This is setting the worst example. So much for being a Christian.

  7. Cassie says:

    I hope I am still around when the media starts writing the grubby details of William and Kate’s real life .

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Exactly, articles like this are a big warning to WanK that their handlers are not happy that the scapegoats have fled and they no longer have anything left to write about. I have been wondering how long it will take before they turn on the disappearing duo who vilified the Sussex’s for wanting to be half in when they have decreased their own engagements drastically and are barely seen at all.. I doubt they even worked a full 30 days in the past year, maybe parliament should start basing their income on the hours actually worked instead of yearly lump sums that would be better spent improving the lives of the people. No one should be ok with paying that much money for 10% royals.

  8. LadyE says:

    “have they now grasped that, without the House of Windsor, they have little social and political currency?”

    This is the crux of the delusional worldview these goofy people, RF and tabloids alike, hold that makes them unable to interact appropriately in the modern world, not just with H&M, but the general public and certainly at the global level. They honestly think that adjacency to the UK royal family is “the” critical reference point for relevancy. They fail to understand how irrelevant and small they really are to the vast, vast majority of people the world over. They are a historical curiosity, like visiting a museum but with period actors. Except they’re not actors, it’s their life, which is actually sad and kind of surreal if you really think about it. Yes, I know the RF still retains serious money, land and “soft power” (at least in the UK), but as an institution, they are not players in any serious sense in global affairs. That time has passed.

    H&M engage in the modern world, with current issues and problems, not hamstrung by not being “political”. People are interested in H&M because they work on things that are relevant to people’s lives. My uncle was wounded in Vietnam at 19 and never recovered- he was an angry, violent, alcoholic man alienated from society and his family. My mom told me after watching the Invictus documentary how much she wished there had been something like the Invictus family for her brother and it led to a many hours conversation about my uncle, now long past away. It was sad and healing for my mom to talk about him and I’m grateful to IG for creating the space for that conversation. My mom doesn’t know anything about the RF, she’s of course aware they exist and her point of reference is QEII, but she knows and follows Harry because of Invictus. That he’s a “prince” is not something she even really cares about as far as I can tell.

    The “House of Windsor” just doesn’t get it….

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Very well said.. most of the people outside of that Isle are more interested in the Sussex’s for their accomplishments and chemistry than the titles themselves. It is also beyond pathetic that they are so fixated on the jam because even jam that may or may not be available sometime in the future is more interesting than any of the moldy old left overs.

      • LadyE says:

        Exactly! My parents LOVE Suits (my parents are retired lawyers), they watched it when it originally aired and then binged it again when it came out on Netflix. They know who Meghan is, but I seriously doubt they realize she’s married to Harry lol. My mom loves to watch cooking shows, she finds them super relaxing. When Meghan’s new show airs, I’ll definitely put it on for my mom.

    • seaflower says:

      All of this. The BRF soft power died with QE2

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      “have they now grasped that, without the House of Windsor, they have little social and political currency?”

      Nailed it, Lady E!

      Who has little social and political currency, Rota? Let’s look at FACTS:
      Was it Harry & Meghan, who have been INVITED to Nigeria, Jamaica, and Columbia, and Canada on a philanthropic juggernaut… and feted like rockstars…
      …or was it William & Kate… who were NOT invited to the Caribbean, just showed up and expected the locals to fawn over them and pay for it all… and not only were fired on live telly by the govt of Jamaica & the Jamaican people, they were also hounded out of more than one country by protests…?

      Who has little political currency, Rota?
      Was it Harry, who was received glowingly by NATO Joint Force Commander General Luigi Miglietta at the Invictus Games in Dusseldorf? Who was INVITED to the UN for Mandela Day?
      …Or was it William, who tried to GATECRASH the UN during a week highlighting Environmental work, and couldn’t even get a look in? Who left after conning some leaders into empty photo ops and poking reluctantly at some bivalves on a site visit?

      William does nothing productive, nothing to produce a legacy. He’s a talker.
      Harry is a doer. He makes plans, he gets sh-t done. Harry’s growing legacy is there for all to see, and it shines like their late mother’s philanthropic work.

  9. Karmaflower says:

    I’m cackling that Harry stayed at Althorp. Guess which side of the family doesn’t play rota games? It’s fabulous. Subtle message to William, we love you, you’re family, you’re welcome here…no leaks. If there is one, we will know it was you.

  10. Lady Digby says:

    Will cant cut the mustard now let alone “work FT as King” and all these panicky stories reflect that. Harry HAS to return to shore him up and job share? Sorry that ship sailed 4 years ago Will and it is up to you to grasp the nettle and face up to your FT work responsiblities now!

  11. Lau says:

    I really don’t understand how they manage to interpret Harry coming back to the UK for like a day in order to attend a family funeral and dashing right back to the US as desperation to be brought back into the fold. It really is beyond stupidity by that point.

  12. Proud Mary says:

    It’s the idea that Harry has no control or say in that matter that pisses me off. So, William is just going to “bring Harry into the fold” whether or not Harry wants it. Harry made it clear that all he wants from his sibling and parent is a familial relationship. That’s it. He has zero interest in rejoining the so-called firm. Move on A-holes.

    • Kitten says:

      Came here to say this. Does Harry WANT to be back in the fold? Because from the outside looking in, he seems very content to have washed himself of the shit stain that is the monarchy. Sometimes when you have toxic family members the best thing you can do for yourself is to drop the dead weight and never look back.

  13. s808 says:

    Okay this is the biggest sign of desperation imo. Poking W and telling him to make peace is a huge sign that they are DESPERATE. They’ve always made ‘reconciliation’ H’s problem and sometimes C’s but never W’s if memory serves me. Making this W’s problem now is a huge indicator that they are truly desperate and if something doesn’t change soon, they’re gonna look elsewhere for their clicks. Ball’s in your court Willie!

    • Jais says:

      They are desperate but if the balls are in William’s court then I think they’re shit out of luck.

  14. Tennyson says:

    I happened to know AN Wilson from academic circles. He’s a reputed author of both biographies and novels, scholar, former Oxford Professor of Medieval Literature. He’s also renowned as a staunch monarchist.
    Not sure how he stoops so low as to why he writes for the Daily Fail, but he has a point here. People are no longer watching events, but focus on the rift between the two brothers.

    • Nick G says:

      @Tennyson are you serious???? I had convinced myself this could never be *the* A N Wilson. What the hell is going on with people? If I accept that this is the worldview of a famous English scholar, it alters my perception of the entire culture.

    • Becks1 says:

      He does have a point. the focus is absolutely on the brothers.

    • Wagiman says:

      If that’s an academic, with that many blatent lies in the article, then it questions everything he’s written. His bias is so blatant that his writings are likely full of lies as this article is.

  15. Peg is a spoiled man child and his hate for his brother started the day Harry was born. He will never change no matter who tries to shame him.

  16. Tina says:

    Whats happening behind the scenes in the House of Windsor must be absolutely dire. The level of desperation and gaslighting this weekend surprised even me.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      If ever there was a time for Peter Morgan to give us another season of The Crown…!

      • Tessa says:

        The crown was flattering to Charles and not to Diana In the last season. The real Diana was not all weepy and was working on her various causes and charities.and the insipid Kate and william dramatization was horrifying. I think it ran its course

  17. wolfmamma says:

    Stories about how ARO is doomed , Meghan is trying so hard to make a lot of money and Harry’s desperate to get back in the fold at the same time as Harry isn’t interested in coming back are really interesting in that the Brits opinions and comments and the RF don’t get how pathetic they seem. If these stories were not tattered recycled again and again “ journalism” there might be some relevance … but they are years old and quite threadbare. Get a grip William

  18. TN Democrat says:

    Willy can dish out media scorn and scrutiny, but he doesn’t have the backbone to live with the same coverage he has gleefully reaped on Meghan, Harry and any other family member to divert attention from his free willy, failure to launch and miserable marriage. Lort. I thought it would take another year of “Where’s Keener?” to generate this type of scorn from the rota. The British media is getting ready to tear up the invisible contract and alll the king’s Camillas and all the king’s men in grey won’t be able to save Willy from his comeuppance. I can’t believe this type of coverage is coming from the Daily Mail.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    This piece just tells me that the British press need Harry and Meghan and they’re desperate for them to return to the UK.

  20. Interested Gawker says:

    The Magnificent Seven has shown itself to be a damp squib, KP is a reduced to being an ongoing series of AI mirages and the Sussexes are living their lives, making a difference and being successful.

    Oh well…

  21. windyriver says:

    “Perhaps Harry and Meghan have realized, belatedly, which side their bread is buttered on.” That’s true at least, though – hint – it’s not the side of the RF. The only thing belated about it, is H&M not leaving sooner. They took a big chance, but within just over 6 months had contracts with Spotify and Netflix, so at least a foothold in a new life. There was no going back from there, especially for a Harry alone without his family; the only ones who ever thought so are the RF and BM.

    And I doubt many people “prayed there would be a reconciliation” between Harry and William. At this point, who really cares, it’s more or less gossip fodder, thanks to the constant stream of silly tidbits briefed to the tabloid press. The focus might be different if William actually was a worker with substantial successful projects behind him. But the kindest thing to be said about him, at least up to this year when he’s done basically nothing, is that he was a dilettante, putting out PR in miscellaneous areas, with zero actual results. (Ditto his wife.). Meanwhile, Harry is on a roll heading into the first winter IG in February, and William will fade even more into the background. If he was smart, he’d at least be out there doing those ribbon cuttings, to at least be seen, but no.

    Also, did anyone notice that info in the Bookseller article about the paperback publication of Spare? The paperback is ‘only’ being published in 16 languages – but the hardcover was available in 37 languages in addition to English. That means most of the world’s population has had an opportunity to hear Harry’s side of things if they choose. Don’t believe it’s the Sussexes on the back foot at this point.

  22. Eurydice says:

    Hmmm, let’s ask Germany and NATO and Canada and Nigeria and Colombia and NYC how much social and political capital Harry and Meghan have.

  23. OriginalMich says:

    Indeed. Harry and Meghan “have little social and political currency,”… which is why foreign governments beg them to visit, why they hang out with A-list friends, why organizations love giving them awards, and why the British media covers them incessantly.

  24. QuiteContrary says:

    Translating that Daily Mail piece.
    — “Isn’t it time for the royal feud to end?” … Translation: We need more exciting content than the infrequent photo of Willy screaming at a football match!

    — “There are rumours that William has said he will not even invite his brother to his Coronation, when that day dawns. This would be calamitous for countless reasons.” The chief reason? This would be calamitous for our bottom line, because Willy and Kate have no shine.

    — “Many have spent years vilifying Meghan for refusing to speak to her poor, clumsy old dad.” Many. We are the “many.” We have spent years vilifying Meghan for daring to exist, but we need her and Harry back for clicks and cash.

  25. Mina_Esq says:

    They caused so much stress to Meghan that she suffered a miscarriage. As a woman, I can tell you that she will absolutely never forgive or forget that.

    The rest of the article is equally trashy and delusional. I can’t believe these people call themselves journalists.

  26. Moniquep says:

    Fellow CBers, I present to you the definition of delusional:
    ” After their efforts to build a media empire fizzled out, boiling down to little more than a few pots of Meghan’s homemade jams, have they now grasped the fact that without the house of Windsor, they have little social or political currency ”

    Are these the same jars of jams that literally wiped anything thing to do with the Windsors off the pages of all the British media for weeks.


    Did someone say this writer is some kind of hifalluting professor or something?
    Has he been locked up in some dungeon for the past 4yrs??

    YIKES !

    • Christine says:

      I’m dead! The same pots of jam that made the rota chug out a million boring articles about how Charles *also* sells jam. These people are jokes, all of them.

  27. Saucy&Sassy says:

    “The squabbles concerning Meghan and the Royal Household already increasingly look trivial – whether she did or did not throw tantrums, whether they were reducing her to a nervous wreck.”

    Trivial? Suicidal ideation is trivial? I guess if you’re going to rewrite history you should do it with a known scholar writing the article.

  28. Tessa says:

    Kate hurt Meghan starting with the time she started interfering in Meghan s wedding. William is so not magnanimous wanting to break up harry and meghan