Prince Harry’s ‘only UK engagement’ during this trip is the WellChild Awards

Much like the Duchess Meghan bullied staffers, trust us, brostoryline, I’m bored to tears over the British media’s neverending storyline of “Prince Harry must reconcile with his family!” I don’t know how many f–king times they’re going to say the exact same thing, but here we are. Harry arrived in London today or yesterday, but that’s only an assumption on my part. He is scheduled to host the WellChild Awards in the early evening in London today. After that, he will likely head to Lesotho and South Africa. At no point has Harry indicated or said outright that he would like to see his father during this trip, but that hasn’t stopped the British media from hollering about it for the past week. Well, now the Express says that Harry’s “only engagement” in England is the WellChild event.

There are no official plans in the diary for Prince Harry to see King Charles during this UK visit and it is unlikely that they will meet due to simple geography, according to a source.

Prince Harry will be staying within a stone’s throw of Buckingham Palace tonight as he arrived in the United Kingdom this weekend for tomorrow’s WellChild awards in London.

According to a well-placed source, it is highly unlikely that the Duke of Sussex will meet with his father King Charles during his fleeting visit as the WellChild event will be “his only UK engagement”.

The source adds that Harry, 40, is set to fly to South Africa soon afterwards on a trip to see long-time friends and to support his Sentebale charity.

“Harry’s only engagement in the UK is for the WellChild awards,” said the source. “He will then fly to South Africa to see friends that he hasn’t seen for a while and to support his charity. There are no official plans in the diary to see the King and it is unlikely that they will meet due to simple geography.”

[From The Daily Express]

From what I’ve determined about Charles’s treatment schedule, he’s basically spent the summer shuffling back to London for his cancer treatment every other week, usually mid-week, on a Tuesday or Wednesday. It’s not crazy to think that Charles could have moved some things around to come to London a day early and meet with Harry. But Charles continues to be a dogsh-t father, and so here we are. That’s not on Harry, and again, his sole event for this trip is WellChild. Meanwhile, every headline is “Harry Arrives Without Meghan” and “Harry is Trying to Mend Fences!” Imagine a whole-ass king and Prince of Wales clout-chasing the one who escaped their trap.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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44 Responses to “Prince Harry’s ‘only UK engagement’ during this trip is the WellChild Awards”

  1. wolfmamma says:

    Wishing Harry a great night at the WellChild Awards!

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Yes, wishing him a successful event! Harry does Harry and doesn’t give 2 shts anymore about dogsht father/grandfather/husband.

  2. Hypocrisy says:

    I wish Prince Harry a safe trip, hopefully this is his last trip to England for the next twelve months.

  3. Harry is there for one reason only and that is WellChild period. He knows his father is shit and isn’t going to waste time with trying to contact dear old pa. He will get in and get out. That’s it that’s all.

  4. Eurydice says:

    What does being a stone’s throw of Buckingham Palace have to do with anything? Didn’t the DB say on Friday that Charles will be in Scotland for this whole week? So, how could there be any plans for him to meet with Harry? Charles has made his plans, Harry has made his plans and that’s the end of it. BM, stop beating this horse – it’s seriously dead.

    • Becks1 says:

      Even this article doesnt make sense in that regard. it talks about how Harry will be a stone’s throw from Buckingham Palace and then says “well it would be hard to see his father because of simple geography” – because obviously Charles is in Scotland.

    • Someone_Hears_a_Who says:

      Also Charles does not live at BP so why is it relevant that Harry will supposedly be a stone’s throw from it?

      • Christine says:

        They are trying (and failing) to paint an image of Harry looking longingly out of his hotel room window, tears streaming down his face, while staring at Buckingham Palace, completely bereft he can never walk the halls again.

        I prefer to imagine him flinging open the curtains and giving the palace two middle fingers. How do you like me now, indeed. Harry is so much better than all of you pathetic weasels.

      • sunnyside up says:

        The DE has a low opinion of its readers and relies on them not remembering that the King is not at Buckingham Palace.

      • booboocita says:

        IIRC, Buckingham Palace has an asbestos problem. Why would Harry want to risk his health, among other things?

    • Neeve says:

      Are they going to pretend they are not Royals and dont use their helicopters like bikes,even if Charles was in Russia and wanted to go back to see Harry or lovingly ask Harry to go see him,they can make anything happen.

    • Gabby says:

      I think it’s a hint that some in the press have figured out which hotel he’s at. Time for Harry to seek out a new place before the 2025 WellChild awards.

  5. Becks1 says:

    So…..Harry is going to London for a night or two to specifically attend the WellChild awards and now the british press is moaning about how he’s……just attending the WellChild awards? (because we know this IS moaning and complaining, the BP wants him to meet with Charles so they can get stories out of it for months, or at least the BP wants him to WANT to meet with Charles.)

    Honestly it sounds like Harry’s schedule is being managed perfectly here. A week in NYC, and then a night or two in London to attend one of the most important events on his public calendar, and then he’ll fly to South Africa for several days for philanthropy and friendship, and then he’ll go home to his family.

    This makes me wonder if ARO is going to launch soon, so Harry is busy right now because Meghan will be busy in a few months?

    (busy as in traveling for work etc.)

  6. Maxine Branch says:

    If those gutter rats have not gotten the message, Harry has moved on and it doing the work he considers important. The Well Child’s benefit is one of those events he considers important enough for him to stop over in the U.K. Hopefully, directly after the event he will be off to Africa to attend to his next important event. Move on gutter rats, the Prince sure has.

  7. Lavendel says:

    That’s crazy, isn’t it? They certainly don’t have access to Harry’s diary and they 💯% don’t have access to any source near Harry.
    They don’t even have the slightest idea where he is or when he goes where. You’re writing this for people who are in the cult and believe everything. On the face of it, it’s so incredibly.
    Prince Harry und WellChild Awards a good event and good memories.

  8. Neeve says:

    This people are so bizarre, so meeting and catching up with your child is seen as an engagement?If they were a ‘normal’ family it wouldnt even be mentioned. Most people working or living abroad would not have that officially noted.

    • Laura D says:

      Do you know what @Neeve? I could accept it as an engagement if KCIII did bliddy move items in his diary to meet with youngest son! Instead all we get is how KCIII makes time to get on with his stepchildren and their children. Diana’s children and her grandchildren are ignored and snubbed at any given opportunity. The only reason why William and George are “tolerated” is because of their proximity to the throne. KCIII and his awful wife have repeatedly shown us that they want nothing to do with Harry so it’s about time the BM accepted this and moved on.

      • Gtwiecz says:

        Just like Camilla wanted. Chuck is grandpa figure for her grandchildren, not his. I’ve seen that in real life too, when men marry second wives.

  9. lanne says:

    The royal family and their flying monkeys are completely bereft of purpose. Their only message is hatred toward the Sussex family. What do they stand for? What is brand royal globally? All they have done is insult the Sussexes, insult Netflix, insult the polo community, insult Nigeria and Colombia, all while hiding in their palaces. It would be different if they were offering an alternative to the Sussexes–if they were out and about and doing things. Harry is looking like a statesman because he’s the only one out there doing royal-style work, or he’s the only one doing royal style work that anyone pays any attention to–sorry Edinburghs, apparently you aren’t worth talking about.

    All the Wales are doing are inviting comparisons between themselves and the Sussexes, and they can’t win that game. So their only option is slander. Surely the same old same old slander must be tiresome, even to people who don’t pay attention to royals. I really wish the British public figures would start calling this out. Or that republicans would call this out. Brand Britain globally is being fronted by a group of hateful bigots who don’t even have anything interesting or new to say.

    • Jay says:

      Not only are the left behind Windsors not competing, they go into hiding whenever Harry comes to town!

    • Gtwiecz says:

      They lack vision. The attacks on Harry and Meghan have destroyed Brand Britain. It has had the opposite effect they wanted. Charles is completely blind and let’s Willy and Kate do what they want.

  10. Pinkosaurus says:

    We are so spoiled getting to see Harry working in public so much lately, out statesmanning and philanthroping, looking like a snack and flashing that rizz. I hope he’s having a good time and I bet Meghan and the kids are so proud of him.

  11. Tina says:

    Meanwhile has William even be seen out in public since the car trip to church in Scotland? Oh wait no one cares.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      I laughed an unseemly, schadenfreude-laden laugh at this. Yes… Workshy Incandescent Wully has all the regard and public interest that he deserves.

      The empty streets stand in silent testimony to it!

    • Gabby says:

      He’s staying in until the beard gets fuller. Having the press call it “stubble” probably just infuriates him.

  12. Lady Digby says:

    I find trashing everything Harry or Meghan say or do or a lot of the times lies and BS just unacceptable bullying and a real hate campaign that is unending. Tabs are made they are being sued and the Firm seems bent on their destruction to punish them for leaving. It is ALL excessive and scary: I have never seen a hate campaign like it!

    • Gtwiecz says:

      Me neither. It’s like they’re all in a trance, plus the indifferent Brits, who don’t seem to care about how they’ve seen. I really don’t know how Meghan maintains her mental health. Not only the attacks from the in-laws, but the her father’s greedy family.

  13. Jay says:

    Harry has been a patron of Wellchild for 15 years now – that’s impressive!

    He usually attends the awards show as well as a reception beforehand, so if, ahem, he was overly worried about “counting” engagements, that would technically be two events! But I think it’s more likely that he’s instead focused on meeting and supporting these seriously ill children and their families.

    It’s been a good run for Harry lately – last week at the U.N., a quick stopover in London, then on to South Africa!

  14. SURE says:

    This virulent hate campaign underscores that KFC, C, WanK are just the sorest of sore losers.

    • Lavendel says:

      They are arrogant aristocrats who don’t care about the opinions of others. They don’t care what people think, they only care about using their power to do what they want and destroy what they don’t want. A man makes the mistress who destroyed his marriage his wife and forces her on the country as queen. He wanted to enforce it, he did it, regardless of what the people think. These people are not losers, they are power-mad kings who have amassed power and wealth by overpowering entire nations.

  15. tamsin says:

    Harry still has other interests in UK- to name a couple, Invictus and Scottie’s Little Soldiers are both head-quarted there. Considering Harry’s energy and efficiency, and he’s not pooped out after a half hour engagement, and needs to rest for a couple of weeks, he will probably fit in a lot more than just WellChild.

  16. Jais says:

    I guess no one is talking about what William is doing today bc there is no chance of them meeting.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    Harry’s supposed to be irrelevant so why is the British press following his every move?

    • sueinorleans says:

      The obsession they have with Harry and Meghan is exhausting. Surely there must be other Brits they can harass and belittle on a daily basis other than the two that got away.

  18. Fastgran50 says:

    Somebody must have lit a fire under the bald eagle. According to the royal diary he has 2yes 2events coming up on the 1st and 3rd of October. I guess Harry coming to the UK must have stirred him into action.The British media will come out with some crap about how brave William is with a sick wife, or how popular wills is compared to Harry . You can just see the tabloids swooning over wills rare appearance. I sometimes think the BM could do with a good kick up the butt along with Charles and Wills.

  19. QuiteContrary says:

    Imagine Willy or Kate going out of their way — flying in from another continent — to attend a charity event for sick children.

    Why isn’t the rota focusing on the unlikelihood of that? W&K apparently only attend events that they enjoy.

    The difference with Harry is that service brings him joy. (He inherited that from his mother, not his dog-sh*t father.)

    • Christine says:

      It’s unfathomable, and that is the actual problem the monarchy and rota will not admit for anything. I can’t imagine them crossing the channel to go to a children’s charity in France, much less another continent.

    • Jais says:

      Not only that but imagine them even spending their own money to fly somewhere for a charity event. Highly unlikely.

  20. Lady Digby says:

    The delulu Amanda Platell did an article lamenting the loss of both Harry and Meghan to the RF on Saturday because they are needed to take the burden off the Lazies!! She concluded that is pathetic that Harry now just feeds chickens and “occasional ” charity work!!! Interesting that she rated Meghan as an asset to RF but occasional charity work as a jibe against Harry?? Harry has been very busy and high profile this year whilst his brother is struggling to grow a beard and has had loads of time off. It is TOB who “occasionally” turns up for work and that should be the issue for the Firm.

  21. YankeeDoodles says:

    Does anyone else get the impression that the hysterical outrage about all things Harry and Meghan (for goodness’ sake, a florist was disgruntled 8 years ago?!?) is just one big multi-faceted distraction from what is really going on? That they *need* this “feud” to continue so that people don’t get curious about William? I mean…. There is a genetic anomaly that runs in this family that produces “madness,” according to a popular film. Then there are the rumours about substance abuse. Which can — in point of fact — aggravate a chronic, latent condition, and produce episodes of agonising pain and cognitive dissociation. Then there are the odd vibes around some old friends, one of whom married Prince George’s teacher from Thomas’s, a school that a friend’s child attends. Who had a child to whom William would normally stand as godfather. Then the apparent nickname he was bestowed, before marriage, “princess.” Then the telling remark of another observer on this site, “he looks like a long-repressed man finally coming into his identity late in life and making up for lost time.” At the worst possible time, just when his brother was starting a family with a woman he actually fancied. Then you throw in Carole Middleton, desperate to hold the whole thing together and totally out of her depth. …it just… reeks of a lot more than a brotherly feud. BTW, Simon Case just resigned owing to a “neurological” condition. This whole little sewing circle that involved Knauf, Case, and apparently extended to Wooten and Jones, seems to have elicited eye rolls from Scobie, who would know what they were up to, if anyone would. Hence his pivot to the Sussexes. It’s a very incestuous world and it’s all waaaaaay beyond the family man image William has chosen to project. Added to which, he’s probably locked into the idea of keeping all of this stuff from his kids. It’s… a mess. Rose is the least of it. And I still tend to think his real interest was David.

    • Gtwiecz says:

      I don’t think it’s far fetched. That is something he’d truly want to keep under wraps. I also still have questions about Thomas Kingston.

  22. Fastgran50 says:

    Surprise surprise Prince William and David beckham launched a video for earthshot.:On the day Harry arrives in the uk wills does something. How David beckham still brown nosing for a knighthood.

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