Taylor Swift wore Mugler & Louboutin for last night’s Kansas City Chiefs game

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Kamala Harris spent the last hours of Election Eve in Pennsylvania, and there were rumors that a mystery guest would appear alongside her for the last big campaign stop. Perhaps a certain global pop star who was born in Pennsylvania? But no, Taylor Swift did not make a surprise appearance at a Kamala Harris rally. Lady Gaga did! But Taylor was in Kansas City to watch the KC Chiefs beat the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, 24-30.

Taylor once again chose to showcase her legs for another Chiefs appearance. She wore a vintage Chiefs varsity jacket, black denim shorts, a tank top from Mugler, Louboutin boots ($2195), a Dior saddle bag ($4400) and a Chanel necklace. She’s really been doing the most for her game-day fashion this season, I feel like she’s really planning out her outfits to a crazy degree.

I think Taylor is registered to vote in Tennessee? So she probably already voted absentee. While I’m fine with Taylor making a point to support her boyfriend, it would not be my choice to hang out on Election Eve and probably Election Day in Kansas City, Missouri with a bunch of Republicans. Speaking of, Patrick Mahomes’ mom is just like his wife: MAGA to the core.

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34 Responses to “Taylor Swift wore Mugler & Louboutin for last night’s Kansas City Chiefs game”

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  1. Amy says:

    I have to admit I’m disappointed she didn’t do a rally appearance or anything like that. Even wearing a T-shirt or hat for a Senate candidate could’ve been huge.

  2. Mtl.ex.pat says:

    The husband and I have been Chiefs fans for ages. The husband had a connection to a previous player through work & initially tuned in to see him. Then the era of Patrick Mahomes began and we stuck around. But man are they making it hard for us to root for them. Now every time Harrison Butker goes to kick I find myself shouting, “kick the ball sexist piece of trash”. Then as the camera pans out into the audience, the husband says “hopefully they’re not going to show Mahomes’ racist wife. What the hell is he thinking?”

    Now this! Kind of starting to look like if you surround yourself with that many garbage people and don’t speak out against ityou’re probably a garbage person too.. . We have actually started rooting for Detroit is the up-and-coming underdog. Does anyone know of any horror stories in their background?

    • Josephine says:

      I suspect that many football players are republicant. And I think every single team owner except one donated to republicant causes. But definitely cheer for Detroit — they are an incredibly fun team to watch and Dan Campbell is a players’ coach. He does a bunch of ads with a super liberal law firm who has done a lot for disability rights, so maybe he’s a decent guy?

      • Sunny says:

        The NFL is made up of a majority of Black players, similar to the NBA, .and while some of the league is Republican, many,.many, many are not. I do think they get more pressure from the league and owners than say NBA players so from their league which is why the political activism is more muted.

    • Alice says:

      We’re rooting for the Lions too. 🙂 What a spirit!
      The optics in the Chiefs are off putting these days but I can’t say I’m surprised.

      • dj says:

        Oh come on football fans. Chiefs are doing great and as a life-long Chiefs fan (and from Kansas City, MO) I am a life-long Democrat. 2 Republican and 1 suspected Republican on the Chiefs and you need to follow another team? Prepare to be disappointed I am sure there are going to be 1 or 2 Republicans on many teams. We were at last nights (Monday night) game and it went into overtime. Chiefs won. Now we are 8-0.

      • kirk says:

        dj – So what ‘Indian’ tribe are they supposedly “Chiefs” of? Or are we supposed to believe the cover origin story that the “Chiefs” was a reference to KC Mayor Bartle, who was nicknamed Chief? If so, who are we supposed to be emulating when we do the famous whoop whoop tomahawk chop? Just asking for a friend.

  3. sevenblue says:

    I have read from the people working on Kamala’s rallies that Taylor was asked multiple times to join Kamala and her team said no. Although she is willing to make endorsements, she obviously doesn’t want to do political events, which is her right. But, I hope swifties stop making excuses for her to make her look good. I have so far read, “she didn’t want to overshadow Kamala”, “she wasn’t asked”.

    • Snoozer says:

      It’s her right, sure. But she did the bare minimum to be on the right side of history. Her wealth will insulate her from the fallout if Trump wins. She isn’t going in hard to bat for women’s rights this election. I find her feminism performative AF. She uses feminism to suit her. She rarely fights for others.

      • Elbows says:

        I’m sure she and her team did the cost benefit analysis of making appearances as well as making an Instagram post, but she already did the bare minimum for maximum praise so anything more was unlikely. She’s well within her rights to do as politically active or not as she chooses and her endorsement post was extremely effective, but she’s very business minded and how much it will benefit her will be an important part of the equation, if not the most important.

    • Kitten says:

      Genuine question: what actual impact do you think her appearance at a Harris campaign event would make at this point? Do you think it would sway undecideds and swing state voters? Because those are the people she needs to win and if Taylor Swift is going to be Thee Sole Reason that someone votes Dem for the first time, I would think Taylor’s full-throated endorsement of Kamala would be confirmation enough.

      TBC, I’m not a fan (I also DETEST the Chiefs lol) and I was pretty rough on her when it looked like she may not endorse Kamala, but at this point the nitpicking about everything Taylor does or does not do feels like, well, just that.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Kitten, well I am not a political advisor or anything, so I don’t know for sure why Kamala’s team is inviting all these celebrities with huge followings. If I have to guess, it might be, they are trying to energize young people (teens, early 20’s) since their voting record is very low. I know that some people tuned in some rallies to see Beyonce or their other fav artists, then stayed to listen to Kamala’s speech. Unfortunately some people really need a shiny object to look at to pay attention.

        Just to note, I am not criticizing Taylor, if I am criticizing anyone, it is swifties. They are making up a lot of sh*t to make Taylor look like this political, feminist goddess, which she isn’t. She isn’t even selling herself as one most of the time.

      • Kitten says:

        Ugh yeah ok, fair enough.
        She is a comfortable, rich white woman who dabbles in politics here and there–she’s not a political junkie. Again that’s FINE, but let’s stop with the false narrative that Taylor is going to single-handedly save democracy. Kinda happy that I’m isolated from any real interactions with her fan base if that’s the shit they’re putting out there.

    • Aurora says:

      She endorsed Kamala very eloquently. What else does she have to prove? I bet that even if she’d show up at a rally it would still be considered ‘not enough’.

      • Grey says:

        I would personally love for her to endorse, even just to say please do not write me in for President, please vote for Kamala, an actual candidate. I saw some Swifties posting online that they are writing her in for President and it made me think “that’s enough internet for today”.

        Whether I agree with it or not, she could direct the most out of touch fans that she has and stop some of that sh*t instead of having states with razor thin margins and people are writing in Taylor Swift instead of making their vote count.

      • Camomile says:

        Grey, she DID endorse. She wrote a very comprehensive post.

        People will always nitpick about her and complain she hasn’t done enough. It always smacks of something.

    • Sarah says:

      OK at this point, the people criticizing her for not attending an event or just looking for reasons to hate her and are not actually dealing in fact.
      Fact, one, her endorsement garnered more voter registration than anyone else who came out and endorsed.

      Fact two people who analyze the Pennsylvania vote are saying that her endorsement and her ability to get people to register to vote will probably make a difference or the difference in the state.

      fact, three she gave the Harris campaign access to her catalog, including songs that are not released.

      fact four merch with the Harris team.

      Fact, five, she motivated her fan base to organize campaign canvas get out the vote, and even do voter drives and get to the pole events.

      Fact Six she followed up her endorsement, not even a week later with a speech at her award ceremony dedicated to voting

      Fact seven, 2 days before the election, she sang all too well at a concert and in the line fuck the patriarchy she had all the brands go blue when usually during that era everything‘s red because it’s the red album now this means nothing to most people but to all her fans who, needs this meant everything and was very pointed.

      Fact 8 Her thank you post about Indianapolis. Also encouraged people to vote.

      And finally today she posted a TikTok telling her fans to vote.

      At this point her not going to an event that might’ve been a security and logistical nightmare for her and everyone involved or something she’s just not comfortable doing is not something that anyone should be complaining about because she’s done more than 99% of all celebrities and anyone who’s bitching is just looking for a reason to bash her. Don’t be a fan that’s fine but asking her who’s not running for president to do anymore than what she did as a singer is absurd.

      • Camomile says:

        @sarah, You said it perfectly and clearly for the people up the back who just throw rocks for shits and giggles.

        It must be let’s hate Taylor week again.

  4. ErgGirl says:

    Makes her endorsement ring hollow and performative, the bare minimum, which is probably how she really feels. Hopefully her endorsement did something and many of us can go back to ignoring TS and her MAGA-lite WAG lifestyle.

  5. Jais says:

    Taylor’s endorsement of Kamala Harris was eloquent and really good. I loved it. She has every right to go her boyfriend’s game. Would I have like to see her wear some Harris merch? Lol, that would’ve been funny.

  6. Eurydice says:

    I don’t follow her, but it seems to me she used to dress better than this. Maybe it was the days when she was always leaving the gym wearing a cute little dress? I don’t know, there’s something clunky and Kardashian about this outfit.

    • Ms single malt says:

      There was a time when TS was in nyc
      spending time with many girlfriends who were models/fashionistas. Her look was a little more twee.
      I feel that Taylor is dressing more like a wag/footballer gf who is loving being dickmatized/in a honeymoon phase. I’ve had long distance relationships that had super hot chemistry. I’m happy for her.

  7. wolfmamma says:

    Well.. I think she looked great. I thought her showing up with her Mom and brother for Travis was great as well. She just finished the US part of her massive tour. She changed the lyrics to her songs for support of campaign issues. Endorsed Kamala. Urged people to vote.
    How much more does she need to do, folks? I mean – she is not the one running for office here.

    • Ms single malt says:

      Agree. Some people are always going to critique her. I’m not a Swiftie but I can appreciate what she has done for VP Kamala Harris.
      I really hope the Swifties show up in droves to vote.

    • Kirsten says:

      All of this.

  8. DaniLou32 says:

    I’m disappointed, and in no way surprised that Taylor did the absolute bare minimum. I’m a fan of her music, but her as a person, no. I really though that she would at least sing Only The Young mashed with Change at her last US show date on Sunday, but she didn’t even do that. She only cares when something directly affects her. She did her preformative political awakening when she was with Joe Alwyn, but it’s obvious that herself and Travis don’t want to do anything to rock the capitalist boat, which I guess is their choice, but still.

  9. Kelsey says:

    Meh. At the end of the day she did her part and gave her endorsement. She went to her man’s football game. At this point people are going to vote for who they’re going to vote for, so hey.

    But LMAOOOOO WE BEEN KNEW @ Patrick’s MAGA mama. We been said that man don’t care because he’s of the same mindset and it’s what he knows. Birds of a Muppet flocking, nothing to see here!

    • Lucy says:

      Yeah we all knew his mama was like this. A lady with biracial kids living in East Texas being a maga trash can isn’t super shocking. Pat’s family is trash, between his maga mom and his dad’s drinking and driving problems and his brothers SA. Pat does seem nice, I think it’s going to be a long time if ever before he gets how toxic all these people and beliefs are.

      • Alice says:

        None of his reported actions outside of some performative charity have spoken of niceness. He’s acted arrogantly and disrespectfully towards a number of other players and was documented and still tried to blame them. He’s exactly the same as the rest of his family , only difference: he has to maintain a certain image. He hardly manages even that.

      • dj says:

        Alice when and how has Patrick Mahomes acted “arrogantly” and “disrespectful”? As our hometown quarterback he is on the local news and national news often. I cannot think of an example where he has not taken responsibility for any mistakes on the field. He is not like Aaron Rodgers who blames his teammates for his mistakes. He is the epitome of professionalism. He may have a crappy family riding his coattails that is what it is.

  10. fwiw says:

    Of all her shorts & boots type outfits I’ve seen here, I like this basic black with a Chiefs jacket the best. I particularly disliked the gray plaid ensemble–ugly, ill-fitting, unflattering, imo– several games ago. Then, flipping through an old People Mag, I saw that Ice Spice wore it first when she received an award:


  11. QuiteContrary says:

    She just posted a TikTok imploring her fans to vote.


  12. yipyip says:

    She is going to watch NFL in a rich persons box seat.
    She can wear whatever she wants, any place she goes. Those boots are not my fav tho.

    Vikings fan here.
    I will take Travis any day he wants to play for MN. 👍
    So jealous the Chiefs are going for a 3 SB.

    As for voting or endorsing, IMO, Trumps cult will not change their minds. They will back that crook as long as he lives.

  13. Michelle says:

    The comments about Taylor Swift seem extra mean today. I believe some of it is election anxiety. But the security risks of Taylor at the same event as Harris seem very high. The risk/reward of attending the Philly event probably didn’t make sense. And the public doesn’t know the intel behind the concerts she had to cancel in EU due to security risks.

    Taylor’s endorsement, giving the campaign use of her music, concert shout outs and Taylor’s social post today encouraging people to vote adds up to an insane amount of free exposure for the Harris-Walz campaign.

    If you haven’t voted, get out and vote! If you have voted and feel anxious? Take a walk or eat bad Halloween candy. It’s helping me.