Jennifer Aniston’s supposed extreme fasting diet and exercise plan in OK!

OK! Magazine ran a cover last week promising to provide Jennifer Aniston’s diet and exercise secrets for losing “7 lbs in 7 days! – Jen’s easy plan will work for you too!” Aniston is a proponent of the Zone Diet and is very clear in interviews that she eats well and exercises to maintain her gorgeous physique. She doesn’t deprive herself, though, and even said in an interview that just came out last month that she doesn’t follow any crazy diet plan. “Look, I eat really well and I work out, but I also indulge when I want to. I don’t starve myself in an extremist way. You’re not taking away my coffee or my dairy or my glass of wine because I’d be devastated. My advice: just stop eating sh** every day.”

So when OK! ran their cover with Aniston I assumed that it would cobble together her old interviews with exercise and diet advice and leave it at that. Judging from the excerpts they’ve published online, though, they claim that Aniston followed some kind of very low calorie detox diet a la Gwyneth’s dumb advice to juice fast. This goes against everything that Aniston just said about how she still indulges in moderation and seems like a stupid strategy by OK to promote some unhealthy diet and move magazines. Here’s what they say about Aniston’s alleged diet, which I would bet she’s never even heard of.

Before heading off to Hawaii in April to film her new flick, Jennifer Aniston went on a strict diet for a bloat-free, super svelte frame!

Breakfast: Jen enjoyed healthy smoothies. Try it: Freeze three cups of organic watermelon chunks. Blenc with two and a half cups unsweetened almond milk.

Lunch: Jen ate soup pureed with dandelion greens, spinach and arugula. Another lunch idea is not pate: Blend a zucchini, ginger, garlic clove, half a cup raw agave, half a cup uncooked soy sauce, lemon juice, cayenne and onion. Grind a cup each of pumpkin and sunflower seeds and almonds. Mix together.

Dinner: Seaweed salad revs the metabolism and may help dissolve fat deposits. Another organic option: Blend lemon juice, a garlic clove, a quarter cup olive oil and sea salt and toss with a salad of one bunch chopped parsley, a diced tomato and half a white onion, diced.

[From OK! Magazine]

Did Aniston actually do this? If she did she’ll never admit it because she just said that she’s not about to give up coffee, dairy and wine for a diet. Plus, if you believe OK!’s account of her exercise regime, it’s hard to believe she was able to keep up all the activity she does in a week and sustain herself on this small amount of food. Her fitness regime supposedly includes spinning twice a week, swimming three times a week, and other activities like light weight lifting, pilates, yoga, and climbing stairs. This is irresponsible of OK! to tout this very low calorie diet along with extremely rigorous exercise, but idiots like Gwyneth Paltrow do it too and act like it’s the only way to maintain their insect thin bodies. I’d like to see Aniston issue a statement that she doesn’t follow this diet, but she rarely responds to any tabloid reports so I doubt it will happen. (Here’s a link to Aniston’s trainer talking about her diet and exercise plan earlier this year. It sounds much more sensible than what OK! is promoting.)

We can tell Aniston is keeping up her fitness while she’s filming in Hawaii. She recently flew her yoga trainer, Mandy Ingber, to be with her on set. The Daily Mail reports that she did it right after meeting on screen “rival” and Sports Illustrated model, Brooklyn Decker, as if that was her motivation and she didn’t intend to bring Ingber out ahead of time. They write “Jen has been getting really wound up with the wardrobe department because her costumes are so skimpy and she’s worried about working with a younger model with a hot bod… She has upped her fitness regime and has had her gym equipment sent to her villa.” I’m sure she would do this whether or not she had any “competition” on set. That’s why we’re talking about her fitness and exercise routine after all. She doesn’t seem to need any more help in that department, but she still gets it and that’s how she stays so fit.

Bikini photo below is from February and credit: Bauergriffinonline.


Nicole Kidman says 'Aloha' as she makes her first appearance on the movie set of Just go with it to join Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler for a script rehearsal in Maui, Hawaii

Nicole Kidman stars alongside Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler in Just Go With It

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35 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston’s supposed extreme fasting diet and exercise plan in OK!”

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  1. Jackson says:

    What on earth do you end up with if you made that ‘lunch’ meal? Half a cup of soy sauce? Are you kidding? That has tons of sodium in it and would bloat you up like a water balloon.

    Where do they come up with this junk? Oy.

  2. Just a Poster says:

    Jackson I agree.. Hell I am now retaining water just reading about the soy sauce!

  3. RobN says:

    I’d eat that way if it would get me those legs on the cover picture, but I doubt that Aniston does.

  4. Tess says:

    She’s becoming all about her body.

    It is a beautiful body, trim and fit, but gawd you really can’t maintain a longterm career based on trying to perpetuate—ad nauseum—your image as a 25 year-old.

  5. lucy2 says:

    I sincerely hope no one takes nutrition and exercise advice from OK magazine.

  6. dread pirate cuervo says:

    Jackson, you’re so right! Plus, there’s just not enough protein to keep you sated in those meals. I don’t doubt these celebs do a little something extra to slim down before a red carpet event, but I think it’s more like avoiding salt & carbs for a few days.

  7. Cheyenne says:

    You might — just might — be able to maintain that diet for a week, but there is no way you will be able to stick to it for long periods of time. It seems to be very high in sodium (half a cup of soy sauce, jeez louise), and low in proteins. And losing a pound a day is not adviseable. The doctors recommend losing more like a pound or two in a week.

    The minute you go off that diet, you will probably gain back in a week as much as you lost in a week.

  8. A.K.A says:

    I really doubt she diets as they say. Her body seems very healthy. She’s not skinny like Renee Z.I’ve never seen Jennifer’s ribs before and she’s not all muscle-thin like Vadge & SJP.

    I think she really does what she says : exercises & eats well, doesn’t starve to death on some strict diet. She’s been pretty constant body-wise.

  9. Riley says:

    I felt the most painful cramp in my stomach just thinking about eatig watermelon puree, spinich, and dandelion for breakfast and lunch…ouch!

  10. dovesgate says:

    She has a gorgeous body but what in the world is going on with that bikini top? Is it a string bikini with the top strap pulled to the back to tan without tan lines or is that how its supposed to be? If thats how its supposed to be, who let her leave the house with her boobs obviously at war and not speaking to each other?

  11. jane says:

    OK! Mag is full of crap. Aniston probably never even talked to them. They make stuff up.

  12. Missfit says:

    Wow, another “diet and working out” story, oh lord! lol Like I said, most likely alot of these celebs suction it out with lipo and say they do such “hard work” “working out.” Fasting isn’t even healthy and ya, she is right about not eating junk everyday, that’s true. But not eating isn’t either and that only makes you weak. I’m surprised she doesn’t look like the Olsen twins. There are sometimes days I don’t feel like eating, but I don’t starve myself, I’ll just eat something small (a lunchable and fruit cup) cause I know I need something in my system. And there’s like alot of super food juices with all the nutrients in it that are obviously good at detoxing and speeding up your metabolism. I’m sorry but to be scary skinny isn’t sexy or hot. Although I’m not a big fan of JA, she DOES look great, but not all the thin broads in Hollywood look great.

  13. Chico says:

    It’s always about her body. Many ppl would look better if they had an army of hair stylists, wardrobe stylists, TWO personal chefs, a personal trainer, a personal yoga instructor, cosmetic surgery, and a team of assistants working around the clock. With that much help, looking good is not a big accomplishment. While I’m not her age yet, I keep fit, and I work 10 hour days and take care of my family. Now, that takes some doing. But, I do it for myself–not for the praise from others. So, I think we should stop praising these celebs for superficial things as if that’s the only thing that matters. Just my opinion.

  14. anon says:

    She does not need to worry about Brooklyn.. she’s fit but not that beautiful (face). J A looks just as good body wise, why stress?! And she is older, fit and regardless no one is exactly as they were at 25 at JA’s age. Even though she is fit as ever, better shape than most women half her age, etc… you will never duplicate your 25 year old self. And why should she want to? She looks fantastic! Oy. The money is good but the constant scrutiny is bad enough as a woman aging normally in the U.S. I do not envy it a bit.

  15. anon says:

    Why are all my comments in moderation? I have never said half the snark I see sometimes and I don’t fight with posters what is the deal?

  16. Benny says:

    I’ve said it before: these articles are dangerous and should not be allowed. People cannot “lose” a pound a day without dehydrating themselves (which isn’t really losing weight, it’s just making yourself sick).

    It takes 3,500 calories to lose a real pound of fat (not water). If you ate NOTHING all day (zero) calories, and jogged for 10 hours straight (300 calories per hour), then you MIGHT lose one pound a day. But you would also cause serious damage to your body.

    Just remember: 3,500 calories to lose a pound of fat. You do the math. It’s impossible to lose a pound a day.

  17. Lilias says:

    Chico I don’t see anything wrong with her taking advantage of her resources. There are plenty of celebrities who don’t and look like hell. I certainly take advantage of the hiking trails and public pools in my area to stay somewhat in shape.

    People aren’t praising her for how she manages to maintain her figure, it’s for making it an attainable goal. She looks healthy, not skinny, bony or like she actually eats that “diet” they claim.

    Even if one doesn’t have that help, they can still look like her with a bit of hard work (although, she probably works really hard too, you can’t look like that without putting in some work of your own-you can’t look like that in a bikini from plastic surgery or make-up alone).

  18. Scout says:

    Off topic – in the third photo down, could that staring man be any MORE obvious! LOL!

  19. Sue says:

    Why should Jennifer have to make a statement about a story in OK? How many people believe what is printed in the Tabs? She has done enough interviews where she has said she eats a healthy diet also the story in O was pretty great. I like Jen and as a fan it gets really old to see these made up stories.

  20. Chico says:

    @Lilias: What? At first you said it’s ok for her to take advantage of “every resource” which makes her look that good, but then, you praised her for making her looks an “attainable goal”? What? Not everyone has a personal on-call hair stylist, a personal yoga instructor, two chefs, and a team of assistants. Clealry, that has a lot to do with her looks.

    And, it’s not fair to criticize other celebs for looking like “hell” if they choose not to go the Aniston route. Maybe, they have other priorites besides looks: working on their acting craft, working on being better people, taking care of family, charity, or working on their drug habits 😉 etc.

    And, she would probably do much better if she stopped being so obsessed with her looks, and tried to be a better actor. She never really stretches as an actress, taking the same role over and over. I don’t know why someone would do so (how much more money/fame do you need)? What about respect as an actor? I know I don’t have a lot of respect for her as an actress. She’s more of a tabloid queen to me. Just my thoughts.

  21. Katiexo says:

    Scout – That’s Adam Sandler, haha. He has a wife and kids, so he probably isn’t looking 😛

  22. Melanie says:

    Ahhh! Scout, you are right. He is totally looking at her belly. That is so funny.

  23. Eye Opener says:

    Look up sexy in the dictonary….and there she is!!

    JA is the one every celeb wants to have a body like and dress like! Dang it – she is HOT! She is pplain and simple….a beautiful woman INSIDE and out! Right Mr.President?

    Love you Jen!!!

  24. Camille says:

    Well said Chico! Hear hear!

  25. Crash2GO2 says:

    @Chico: Let me take a stab at this.

    1. She hasn’t obliterated the features for which she is well known (and taken a bashing for in this very thread) by taking the plastic surgery route like some other actresses/personalities have.

    2. She doesn’t have any bones showing, or big plastic boobs.

    3. She works hard and keeps her nose clean.

    These are all attainable goals to someone of my limited means. After all, I don’t have the $$$ for plastic surgery, partying, or big plastic boobs. Therefore she is attainable.

  26. J says:

    I believe she eats well and just exercises.

    That said…can we talk about the tan? It seems like she’s the only celebrity of her age who is still a sun worshipper. Everyone knows how bad it is for you and ages your skin, and yet the girl is always seen laying out. If she’s trying to maintain her youthfulness, she won’t do it by frying in the sun. I know she is part Greek, but still, anyone who lays out in the sun as much as she does will eventually look like a leather face.

  27. nnn says:

    I for one don’t see anything wrong about praising her for her body. I know hers is no big deal where i come from as most women have that or better ones. But it’s legitimate for som people to praise her for her fitness. Nothing wrong there.

    There is a cultural trend in the US for physical fitness in a society where there are many overweight people. fair enough. Physical perfection is kinda obsessive in the US and Brasil compared to other western countries where they tolerate more flaws in their stars. Flaws that won’t be tolerated in the US (perfect white straight teeth, no flat chest, perfect straight nose, perfect tan skin, ect)

    What i found not right though is the same people who praise her often despise those who don’t necessary take the time to make it a priority as if physical maintainance should be the pineacle in every people ‘s life, including the stars.

    Some people prefer to cater for their brains or are confident enough in their own skin to not submit to the Hollywood physical perfection diktaat or have other priorities in their life than dressing good or having the perfect physical image. And those people are belittle because they don’t maintain their body a la Aniston.

    I personally think that a society who praise physical fitness above brains is a society that is going downhill.

    I would rather praise an actress who goes back to college, who keeps her flat chest, crooked nose, cater her brains and look like sh*t that someone who has nothing but herself to take care of and takes care of her body which is her prerogative but shouldn’t be held above other priorities like working two jobs, taking care of her family, reading, studying, just feeling good in one’s skin even if others think it’s not perfect, ect.

  28. malina says:

    I want that body! S#*t! I should probably move my arse instead of reading celebitchy lol

  29. Wiley says:

    She uses her physical attributes to take attention off her lack of acting ability. Maybe she should go back to school and learn some techniques and put out a real movie, not one of her stupid chick flicks, and then she would feel better about herself. Isn’t it funny how when actresses’ get older and their careers are going nowhere they are all of a sudden willing to do nude scenes? No thanks, too little, too late Jen.

  30. benny says:


    She had a nose job to make her nose thinner. It’s not really a LOT of plastic sugery, but it IS plastic sugery.

  31. kiki says:

    @ Crash. She hasn’t had plastic surgery? What? She had another nose job (or, “deviated septum” fixed). She also talked about using Botox. Her face has been really puffy looking, so I don’t think the Botox is taking well. Plus, I agree with the endless tanning. No one has that amount of time to lay out in the sun like she does.

    There’s nothing “attainable” about her looks to me. She just hides the surgery much better than others do. It’s the art of being made up/worked on, but trying to keep it “natural” looking. It’s all an illusion of attainability, really. No one else has that kind of time and money, unless you are a rich and have very little responsibilites.

  32. Aspie says:

    Yeah she has alot sources to help maintain her appearance that a more financially modest woman like me could never afford but you gotta admit, her body looks damn good!

  33. Vanessa says:

    Are you aware that what she is doing isn’t healthy and won’t let you keep the weight?

  34. Whatever she’s doing she’s looking pretty darn good.

    And I agree with her advice on just not eatinc crap, if we focus on real, wholesome foods then we’re good to go.

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