Britney Spears is grateful to her dad for “saving her life,” might marry Jason

Radar Online has a kind of heartwarming article about Britney Spears and how she’s grateful to her father for stepping in and saving her career and life with that conservatorship following her breakdown. It’s a nice reminder of how far Britney has come since she was carted away by ambulance in early 2008 and placed on a 5150 hold. I was blogging back then and I remember following her bizarre behavior closely. She was overmedicated, in my office chair physician’s opinion, and she needed someone to make sure she was on the right dosage and drugs for her condition. Her most talked about incidents at the time were when she shaved her head and later went after a paparazzo with an umbrella, but she also just used to drive around aimlessly, speak in a British accent and sit on the curb outside her house crying and fight with that evil dude who was trying to control her, Sam Lutfi.

After Britney’s dad took over there were plenty of stories that she resented it and just wanted some freedom, but she supposedly now knows that it was the best thing for her. Radar also reports that Britney’s beau, Jason Trawick, wants to propose but is waiting for the right time. The conservatorship could be lifted next year. Here’s more:

Jamie became Britney’s conservator almost three years ago, after a series of very public meltdowns by his troubled daughter, who has since turned her life around and is back on track and back on top.

“Britney now recognizes that if her father hadn’t stepped in and taken the action that he had, well…. Britney is now crediting Jamie for saving her life,” an insider tells “Britney is on top of the world right now. She is getting ready for the next leg of her world tour, which will be on September 22 in Moscow. Her father will be with her for some of the European performances, along with her mom.

“Britney’s relationship with her dad is in a very, very good place now. She was extremely emotional backstage before leaving for the VMAs and kept telling her daddy how much she loves him.”

Three years ago, Britney had a now infamous and much ridiculed performance at the VMAs in which she appeared out of shape and unable to perform her signature dance moves.

“Britney always knew she would have a comeback. She just didn’t know it was going to be on this level,” the source reveals.

Meanwhile, there will be a routine hearing for Britney’s conservatorship on Tuesday morning to deal with accounting issues. “After Britney’s tour concludes, which will be at the end of this year, her doctors and advisers are going to meet and confer about how much longer the conservatorship should go on for,” the source tells

“There is a very good chance that a decision could be made to pull the plug in early 2012.

“It’s likely that Britney’s business affairs will still remain under control of the conservatorship though, even if they determine that she no longer needs it for herself personally. The idea is that this will be a gradual transition for Britney to return to her life, on her own.”

Britney might also have another reason to celebrate in the new year.

“Jason (Trawick) is very, very serious about Britney,” the source shares. “Jason has made it known that he wants to marry Britney. It’s just a matter of timing of the engagement — and if the conservatorship is lifted off Britney personally, well, it makes it a lot easier for Jason to propose. He doesn’t want her to feel pressured, it will happen when the time is right.”

[From Radar Online]

Does she really need to remarry? I mean I’m happy for her and everything but maybe she should be on her own, legally, for some time before she takes on another husband. Given Britney and Jason’s storied history, it just doesn’t seem like a great idea for them to marry, or for Britney to marry in general.

Getting back to the conservatorship issue, it’s so nice to see Britney doing well and having completed two successful big tours after her very serious, very publicized problems. I would actually love to see Lindsay Lohan get clean and have a minor comeback of sorts. (Nothing too major, just enough to show she’s sober and totally embarrassed about her past.) Yes she’s awful and entitled and addicted, but it’s sad that there’s no one in her life who would help her, like Britney’s dad did, to get sober without trying to exploit her.



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46 Responses to “Britney Spears is grateful to her dad for “saving her life,” might marry Jason”

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  1. mln76 says:

    Hmmm I have softened a bit on this. I do think she’s getting better even if she was pushed out too soon. I also like the fact that Jason has a job separate from Britney and seems to have his own life. NOT a parasite like K-Fed. I still wish she had custody of her kids and was independent for a while before she marries again.

  2. aenflex says:

    This is wonderful news for her!

  3. corey says:

    They make an odd looking couple, but she is (and always has been) such a pretty pretty girl.

  4. the original bellaluna says:

    I really, really just want her to be happy and healthy. Since her “downward spiral” I’ve truly wanted her to get healthy and LIVE again.

    I do think she was pushed into that first tour too soon, but she seems to be doing well now.

    If she wants to marry Jason, marry him. He’s good to her, good with her kids, and if he loves them all enough for a lifetime, GO FOR IT!

  5. brin says:

    She’s right, her dad did save her life (and career)and it’s nice to see her acknowledge it. She’s in a good place now, hope she continues on this path.

  6. Kelly says:

    I agree w mln76. I’ve never been a Britney fan, but her story has been so sad, and I too think it’s fantastic that her dad was able to step in and really take charge. He did whatever needed to be done to make sure Britney didn’t completely self-destruct – which, in the head-shaving days, seemed extremely likely. Drug overdose, suicide, public implosion… pick one.

    At first I thought Jason was a parasite like K-Fed and that greasy dude (not Sam – the landing-strip-goatee guy), but he does have a job, seems normal, and has really hung in there with her. However, despite my sympathy and encouragement for Britney’s full recovery, I still think she’s as dumb as a post, and Jason seems relatively intelligent, so that part I don’t get.

  7. heylee says:

    I love my Britney! I have always had a soft spot for this southern girl and am so very happy that she has turned her life around. Those were some dark days for her in 2008 and it is great to see her like this.

    And even though I think that Britney never displayed the entitlement that Lohan displays now, I still in the back of my cold dead heart, have the wish to see Lohan turn a corner, surrender, and regain a professional career of respectability. Every person deserves to have self-respect and I doubt that Lohan has any (though she may convince herself that she does).

  8. Flan says:

    Don’t understand her obsession with marriage. Doesn’t she have to pay enough to K-Fed already?

  9. sapphire says:

    Her chances of living through 2008 with that Svengali were pretty small. She needed help and was lucky to get it.

    Cue the conspiracy theorists-can’t wait to hear from the usual group who claim she is medicated, chained and is only a puppet.

  10. Ruby Red Lips says:

    I’m really happy to hear that Britney is on the mend, she certainly looks like she has some life in her eyes again 🙂

    Agreed, so lucky that she had her dad who genuinely cared and wanted to help her recover…

    @ Celebitchy, Agreed that noone cares enough about Linnocent to help her (including herself) and sadly I don’t think Linnocent will ever get sober, I think her path is completely opposite to Britney’s and is not going to end well 🙁

  11. Mimi says:

    Ok, first I know this isn’t 1999, but I really wish Britney and Justin would get back together. She seemed truly happy with him. It’s funny how when I was younger I despised this woman but now I can’t help but root for her.

  12. gee says:

    Her hair looks outstanding! I love Britney, I hope she gets what she wants. I feel like she mostly just needs a bath and a hug.

  13. becky says:

    how telling is it that everyone is rooting for britney and no one gives a s**t about lindsay?
    i wonder if lindsay death have a public reaction similar to amy’s death. I personally dont think I would see her any differently. amy was a sweet girl and so is britney, and lindsay is just the most insufferable brat ever. though your point of her getting sober enough to be embareassed by her own actions sounds like the worst punishment of all. worse than death, no?

  14. apsutter says:

    She is actually looking very good now. In the close up pic her eyes seem joyful for the first time I can remember in a long time. For quite a while they always looked so sad and empty. I hope she can keep it together professionally and personally.

  15. the original bellaluna says:

    Here’s the thing: Britney has an ACTUAL, DIAGNOSED MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE. She takes her meds; she still works; she’s a good mom; she’s an ACTUAL FUNCTIONING PERSON who gives a damn about something other than herself.

    Linnocent is too busy lying, denying, and making excuses; snorting any type of powder she comes across; drinking her “tea” *coughvodkacough*; and not giving a damn about anything but her next fix and/or hustle.

    THAT is the difference.

  16. Cindy says:

    @Mimi – me too! I was never a Britney fan because I thought in her early career, she came across as dumb jailbait. But I have a lot of respect for her after everything she’s been through. She’s lucky to have parents like hers instead of like Dina Lohan or that Courtney girl.

  17. Lee says:

    I agree that her eyes do look alive. She looks engaged and aware, in a way I haven’t seen with her (in photos) for years. I hope this signals not only health, but also a level of maturity in line with a woman her age. That would be good for her, and her children! Fingers crossed here…

  18. whitedaisy says:

    Her Dad did save her life and career.

    That being said, doesn’t anyone else believe that this Jason person is a paid minder?

  19. Tiffany says:

    It is about time that Jamie Spears not get reemed for taking care of his daughter. There was nothing but talk about how he was in it for the money. He was also smart enough to bring back Larry Randolph the one manager who actually gave a damn about her and her career. For the people who say it was too soon to perform, Britany has said herself that performing is what kept her sane. If this story is true, I think that it is sweet and about time that she thanks her father. Because from past interviews that was not always the case.

  20. lucy2 says:

    Agree about the difference, bellaluna. And that’s why I find myself rooting for Britney, even though I’m not a fan.
    Glad she’s doing well and recognizes what her dad did for her (as any good parent would have). It’s a shame it got to the point it did, but she’s definitely doing better, so that’s great.

  21. It is ME!! says:

    I have NEVER been a Britney fan. I think she is still overrated, CANNOT SING, and is not too bright. BUT! I can’t hate on her for a) having mental health issues, and b) finally getting better. I am glad that she is taking her health issues seriously, and that she has people in her life (her dad, her boyfriend) who care about her and want to see her get better. If only all mental health patients had the same support…

    I think her mom put so much pressure on her, for so long, she finally cracked. Add that with all the KFed and custody issues. Glad her dad stepped in.

    I think Lohan would make a full recovery if she stayed away from her crazy ass parents and found someone who cared about her and who was willing to put their foot down with her. She might even end up being less bitchy.

    I fear Xtina might be heading down the same road as these young ladies.

  22. bagladey says:

    Britney looked genuinely happy and in a good place at the VMAs. I’m happy for her. I join the list of commenters who don’t think it necessary for Britney to get married (and maybe complicate things) any time soon.

  23. luls says:

    Wow, theres pure JOY in her eyes (normally they’re sad or vacant) and her hair looks GREAT for once!!!!

    Britney’s back bitches! 🙂

    (i really believe that throwing herself into her work is the best treatment for her)

  24. 4Real says:

    “The only man a girl can trust is her daddy.” – Frenchie

    I never forget that line…

  25. GradStudentEatingHotPockets says:

    Preach it @bellaluna

    Except Lindsay probably has a couple personality disorders mixed in with her substance abuse/dependence disorders…but you know, we’ll never know.

  26. sapphire says:

    @Tiffany-Exactly the point I was trying to make. I got tired of the whole puppet master for cash nonsense people were posting. And it’s pretty admirable that the guy stepped up, did what was best for her and didn’t run his mouth to TMZ or Radar.

  27. I admire Papa Spears for saving his daughter.

  28. Kloops says:

    Awwww. I’m not a fan of her music but I am rooting for her. Not sure she has a whole lot left ‘in the tank’ professionally speaking but I don’t follow her closely enough to know for sure. Still, she looks 100% better, her kids are cute as stink, and her parents seem to be helping, not exploiting, her. You go, girl. But take it SLOW.

  29. mel says:

    She does look better than we’ve seen her look in years. I think the conversatorship paid off in a big way for Brit. I wish her well.

  30. curleque says:

    I never thought that Britney would ever look this healthy again. She looks great! Good for her. But I don’t think she needs to remarry… she should just be.

  31. Ron says:

    When child stars parents are as well know as their kids it’s always a problem. I had no idea what Britney’s Dad’s name was until he took over her affairs, he obviously has not interest in fame unlike her mother, who was everywhere. I do think her Mom has done the right thing since her breakdown and pulled herself out of the public eye and helped her daughter. If the Lohans would do the same thing maybe Lindsay could be helped too.

  32. bluhare says:

    Count me in the Comeback Britney Fan Club. Again, no great fan of hers, but she’s looking great, and apparently feeling so as well. Good on ya, dad.

    And even better on ya for telling her to cough up more money for a good weave!

  33. Seal Team 6 says:

    I’ve admired her father for braving the firestorm and doing the right thing by his daughter. Props to her mother for finally falling into line, too, and becoming a mom again, instead of just making money off her kids.

  34. ladyballz says:

    You think that’s JOY in her eyes? Look at the stiffness in her smile and how it almost curls on one side. She is definitely detached and not into it anymore. But, she is doing her job and making money and people still want to see her so i applaud her for staying in the game. though honestly, I don’t think she’s known any other life and has absolutely no skills or frame of reference to survive outside of the spotlight. It chills me to think of how damaged she is. It is the same with lindsay- she has been raised outside any normal framework, and has never been given the skills or the parenting that would prepare her to be successful on her own. Sad but totally fascinating.

  35. Dingles says:

    It’s funny… I was in middle school when Britney took over the world and I *hated* her for her perfect body, perfect hair, perfect everything. She represented everything your average young girl wants to be (and sadly, is expected to be), everything the boys wanted and everything I could not be. She was the ultimate “popular girl.”

    Now as an adult I look at her and realize that she’s human. Just another flawed person trying to make it through the day. And all that perfection back in the day came at a high price. As a person looking at another person, I really respect her for coming back like she has and never giving up the fight.

  36. anne_000 says:

    I’ve liked her father for years for taking over like that. Too bad Lindsay & Amy’s fathers didn’t get the clue.

    When I saw that Britney documentary in which her father was cooking her breakfast, I thought that was really sweet. All throughout that documentary, you could tell he was more concerned about her as a person than as a money-making offspring.

  37. Amanda G says:

    Her father definitely saved her life and I’m happy she has a solid relationship. Still, I feel sorry for her. She is clearly not interested in being an entertainer anymore and would be much happier hanging with her kids and going to Starbucks. I wish her handlers would let her retire or take a few years off. She deserves it.

  38. Jaana says:

    She is still not better. Haunted eyes!

  39. PrettyLights says:

    @Dingles you said exactly what I was going to say. She got popular when I was in 7th-8th grade and I used to hate listening to the guys talk about her and seeing her EVERYWHERE because I was jealous I couldn’t look like that! Now, the more I read about her the more real she gets. She also seems really down to Earth and not stuck up at all like Christina or other pop stars. I’m rooting for her and happy to hear she’s doing so well!

  40. sharylmj says:

    She will probably never be 100% able to take care of herself. It’s so great to see people around her that really care for her. She looked great at the awards show and I loved what she was wearing and her hair and make up looked beautiful. SO happy that she is recovering and that she has Jason too. He seems really good for her and that he really cares about HER. I too wish they would just let her retire.. but maybe she really doesn’t want too, yet.

  41. Dirty Martini says:

    Count me in the “you go girl” Spears fan club. Love how she came back. Love how her family did circle in. Look, I used to trash talk KF, but let’s be honest about this too–he’s a good dad (but get a vasectomy already~!) and the could have really truly played crap with her meltdown–but he didn’t. He too manned up, recogtnized he needed to be dad, but allowed that those kids will need a mom too, and he didn’t cut her off, and he too did his part in supporting her.

    As far as her getting married again–I think shes the type of woman who needs a man in her life, and she needs stability.

    I say go for it.

    Team Brit Britt, all the way.

  42. locamochagirl says:

    I was SO OVER Britney during her meltdown. Now, I can’t get enough. I love her. I am so glad she’s coming back. Those stories about how she’s still a zombie make me sad. I hope she’s doing alright!

  43. Pensol says:

    If I ever have kids, no way will I ever push them into celebrity. It’s just too damaging.

  44. SEF says:

    Am I wrong for not caring about her one way or the other? She got rich and famous with so little talent, then did her best to waste it all. Yes I agree that her family did save her. On her own, though, she’s a dumb, talentless hick.

  45. jemshoes says:

    This is a good story, and we all hope it’s true. 🙂

  46. coucou says:

    Britney, just say NO to the black eyeliner, it does your eyes no justice.

    Ha, imagine if the celebs did read all this?

    Oooh i feel sorry for most of ’em, we celebitches can be rough!