Rihanna’s hard boozing poses imminent danger to her liver, say sources


Kaiser’s already covered these photos of Rihanna at the Battleship premiere, but I pulled out some more from the set because of how physically drained Rihanna looks at this event. Sure, her body looks great, but her eyes tell a different story. This premiere took place just a few days after the Met Gala where she wore that fantastic Tom Ford dress and then proceeded to allegedly land herself in the emergency room after partying hard and tweeting that freaky photo of an IV in her arm. This week’s issue of the Enquirer builds upon the events of the past few weeks and also refers to Rihanna’s blunt-filled, alcohol-laden Hawaiian vacation from this past holiday season. The tabloid has also talked to a couple of medical “experts” who have not treated Rihanna for their take on her downward spiral:


Rihanna is in a desperate life-or-death battle with liver damage caused by years of boozing and out-of-control partying, sources tell The Enquirer exclusively.

The 24-year-old Grammy winner was hospitalized after an early May bender, and her reckless behavior, couple with her grueling work schedule, has friends and experts warning that she’s on a fast track to becoming the next Whtiney Houston.

“Rihanna is spiraling out of control and is headed for an early grave,” said one concerned insider. “It never seems to be one beer or one cocktail. Once she gets started, Rihanna pounds drinks all night long, sometimes until the sun comes up. She definitely goes on binges. She’s been a hard drinker since her teens and her friends and family are desperately urging her to get into rehab.”

Medical experts say the sexy singer’s drinking habits could be deadly. “Rihanna could be dead tomorrow from liver failure,” Orlando-based, board-certified physicial Dr. Gabe Mirkin told The Enquirer. He noted: “Anybody who drinks alcohol for more than two hours a day, even if it is binge drinking once a week, is looking a premature death. Once the liver is permanently damaged, it’s over.”

Dr. Robert Waldman, consultant to the Cliffside Malibu treatment center and a 25-year veteran of addiction medicine, agreed. “The earlier you start to drink, the more the body becomes dependent on alcohol. It can cause deadly cirrhosis of the liver and alcohol poisoning — even at her age.”

Rihanna’s world came crashing down earlier this month. She missed an “SNL” final dress rehearsal and needed a shot of penicillin to make it htrough her May 5 performance. And on May 8, she tweeted a picture of her arm hooked up to an intravenous drop, claiming she was suffering from a nasty bout of the flu, a day after attending the Costume Institute Gala in New York. She was reportedly hospitalized for exhaustion and dehydration.

Ratcheting up her stress, she’s coming off a grueling tour last year, and she’s been flying all over the world to promote her film Battleship. Rihanna recoverd from her frightening hospitalization to make it to the May 10 L.A. premiere, but then she alarmed onlookers by skipping dinner, opting to chew gum and drink a lime cocktail instead. Two days later, she was seen partying until 4 a.m. in a New York nightclub.

Sadly, the entertainer, whose father is a former crack addict, appears to be continuing her nonstop pace — blazing a round-the-world party trail since shse started the year knocking back beers and smoking pot during a Hawaiian vacation.

[From Enquirer, print edition, May 28, 2012]

Questionable medical ethics (on the part of those two physicians) aside, I agree that Rihanna needs to slow down in several regards. She needs to take it easy professionally and whittle down her schedule a bit, and she needs to stop boozing so hard. Perhaps she truly seeks to ease the pain associated from her past (?) relationship with Chris Brown, but hardcore drinking is (obviously) not the way to accomplish any long-term healing. As Kaiser also mentioned recently, Rihanna strongly identifies as a Pisces, and (speaking as one myself) that astrological sign tends to have their head in the clouds if left unchecked. It’s probably safe to say that Rihanna really has been drowning her stress and sorrows in too much liquor, and I would suspect that a visit to rehab is in the cards.

Just for the hell of it, here’s a photo from Rihanna’s twitter that she took of herself and her father. If he’s really a former crack addict, then addiction might very well run in the family.



Photos courtesy of WENN and Twitter

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29 Responses to “Rihanna’s hard boozing poses imminent danger to her liver, say sources”

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  1. Neelyo says:

    Elsewhere in ‘duh’ news, if Lindsay keeps doing blow at the same rate, her septum will collapse.

  2. Marjalane says:

    I didn’t think it was possible to destroy your liver at such a young age, but I’ve recently heard of a 19 year old boy that’s done it from drinking- college bingeing- He’s looking at needing a liver transplant. Very sad that she doesn’t have someone that forces her to get help.

  3. Cherry says:

    Ok, I’m not saying that alcohol abuse isn’t bad for you and all, but I’m pretty sure these reports on Rihanna are grossly exagerrated. She’s not an alcoholic. She’s just a young girl having fun. We’ve all been there, and moved on eventually, right? Also, I disagree about her looking ‘physically drained’. Maybe she was tired that evening. It happens. Overall, she looks pretty damn healthy to me.

    • marie says:

      my thoughts exactly. I used to binge drink but I eventually grew out of it. Hopefully the same can be said for her..

    • Shelly says:

      I agree. To me she just seems like a young woman who’s a free spirit and having a good time. I don’t get any vibes that she’s physically or emotionally compelled to drink/drug/whatever, like Lohan. I think she’ll eventually grow out of it for the most part, like we all did. And she looks gorgeous to me!

    • Seagulls says:

      I haven’t. I just sort of happened into not drinking, but I drink maybe once every few months, one cocktail. Consequently, I am a phenomenol lightweight. She could very well be alcoholic, especially if she started binge drinking young and has continued to do so. Her liver could be in terrible condition, though I sure hope it isn’t.

    • Jilliterate says:

      That’s a dangerous attitude to have. Yes, most people have “binge” drank at some point in their lives, typically when they’re young, which of course most doctors say is inadvisable. But age does not protect you from addiction, no matter what our culture might think. I have a few friends who abuse booze and/or pot (to the point where they’re high/drunk by 12 in the afternoon most days), and they apparently believe it to be acceptable because they’re in their 20s, when a 50-year old with the same behaviour would definitely be classified as an addict.

      That’s not to say Rihanna is absolutely an addict — I’ve never met her, and certainly have no idea what her habits are like. But youth is not a guaranteed immunity to addiction.

  4. hateonit. says:

    she annoys the living crap out of me. ii don’t find her pretty. her voice sounds like shes whining and she’s over exposed. that being said, ii do not want anything bad to happen to her. she needs help. ii heard on the radio her mom will be joining her on her tour. hopefully she’ll have some stability there.

  5. corny says:

    RiRi has been slowing falling over the edge and I’m expecting a Britney type meltdown any second now..tic toc

  6. lower-case deb says:

    wow. Captain Obvious much?

  7. wonderwoman21 says:

    Rihanna is just a contrived talentless wannabe. She tries to be all hardcore like she is the biggest rockstar of them all, but her music is a horrible racket & complete pop crap devoid of real workmanship. She is a musician as much as the skid marks in underwear are chocolate.

    • Veruca says:

      So you’re a fan then, huh? 😛

      Sorry — I’m snarky before the caffeine kicks in… and for what it’s worth — I agree with you.

      Although I do think the girl needs to take it easy. Fan or not, I don’t want to see her destroy herself.

  8. Jessica says:

    boo hoo.

  9. grabbyhands says:

    You know what? no1curr. If this story is meant to generate concern, it’s a fail. Mostly because it’s probably not true (and possibly a plant meant to get attention) and if it was, a week from now she will be posting around 200 pictures on her twitter of her getting drunk/high/naked to show how thug she is and how she doesn’t care what anyone thinks. Yawn.

    • Cherry says:

      I’ve been called out before on this site because I see conspiracy theories everywhere, so I didn’t put this in my comment, but I agree with you. This is obviously a planted story to either make RiRi look badass or make people feel sorry for her… or both, as long as she gets attention.

      • Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

        I hope that’s not what’s happening in this case but celebrities are masters at executing the kind of long con it takes to stay on the right side of public opinion. Whether you turn out to be correct or incorrect, I don’t see anything paranoid about the notion because if that scenario playeed out as you suggest it wouldn’t be the first time that ‘where there’s smoke there’s fire’ was spun into where there’s smoke, there’s dehydration’. Makes you wonder to what lengths Paul Newman had to go to keep his affair with Joanne Woodward a secret from the first Mrs. Newman…for a while?

        Saturday night’s coming, time to do something about this ‘exhaustion’.

  10. DreamyK says:

    Pfft. Let’s talk about her liver after she lives through a divorce. I know very few people who didn’t drink to drown their sorrows because of the divorce sads or drink to celebrate their divorce from that a**hole that made them so freakin’ miserable.

    • Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

      I’m much, much younger than the rest of family members and though I’m well over the age of majority, I still run into the ‘Shutup baby, you’re not allowed to have problems because I have to win at losing and your youth will never catch up with my divine sufferings.’ Then the martyrdom starts. Two people could live identical lives, but if you separate their experience by a week, that older party will see himself as touched by the hand of cruel, cruel fate while the younger *obviously* spent lazing days cavorting with the pixies and fairies in some kind of Pony Arcadia. Do people actively wish pain on other people in order to satify their egos? That’s fucked up from a great height.

      You can never sink low enough to deserve the clemency of the high horse. Exhausting.

  11. Day says:

    If by physically drained you mean high as hell, then I agree. Rihanna looks high in those pics. I do think people are over reacting to her partying and drinking. She is doing what any normal 24 year old would do.

    That is just my guess. I don’t know her so she could be headed for a breakdown or something. She is so arrogant, bitchy and full of shit that it is hard to give a damn about her.

  12. Shelly says:

    Oh, please. She may party hard, but lots of us partied hard at her age, and we didn’t die from liver failure. I agree she probably needs to slow down, but I call BS on this story.

  13. jover says:

    Sign on wonderwomen do the people that listen to her really believe this is good music; background noise at the club, maybe, but music really;I honestly don’t care one way or the other; the music industry created, if she spins out of control, they will easily create another crappy pop star.

  14. Skinnybetch says:

    Don’t most people drink a shit load of booze in their 20’s?

  15. Lene says:

    I have a friend who is Pisces and if someone asked me to describe her I would say she loves tacky clothes and men who threat her like a door mat.

    • solidgolddancer says:

      That was my ex-roommate. She also needed A LOT of attention all the time and became draining to be around.
      Sad on so many levels :/

  16. Faxon415 says:

    I wish people who talk astrology actually knew more about it. The only pisces placement in Rihanna’s chart is her sun. Her moon(emotions)and venus(love) are in Aries and her mars(sex/action) in sagittarius- she is predominately a fire girl, which explains a lot. Astrology is way more in depth than the superficial horoscopes in Cosmo that only address your sun sign. I recommend everyone to go online and get a free birth chart and see what’s up-it is really fascinating and I bet the more Rihanna knew about her chart, the more she would be able to understand herself a little more clearly.

  17. Deann Baldwin says:

    I am still curious as to why she had a shot of penicillin as that is a broad spectrum antibiotic? It is used for infections. Does she have an infection? Did she have a culture and sensitivity prior to the shot to determine if that was the proper antibiotic to fight whatever ailed her? Curious minds want to know.

  18. kg says:

    lay off her everyone parties.

  19. mg says:

    After reading some comments im slightly concerned that it seems to be ok to binge drink and put your body in danger cos “everyone does that in their 20’s”. Doesn’t make it right or healthy. Celebrities do things a little harder than the rest of us too, with diets, excerise and partying, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she was drinking a little more than the average 20=something does and putting stress on her body.
    Addiction creeps up on you too.
    Yeah I did the whole binge drinking too in my 20’s…. don’t think anyone should give her an easy time still though.
    When you put yourself in celebrity status you are a role model and there are plenty of younger people that will look up to her and follow her.. lets not have thousands of slutty-dressed kids walking around with a joint in one hand and a bottle in the other.

    Either way though I d agreee that theres probably a story made up out of nothing here..

  20. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    It IS possible to get through your twenties without letting the reptilian part of your brain always have the final say. Don’t we have enough entitlements without demanding some kind of cocaine ceruse kit and chemistry set cocktails? I’m not saying we should have the temperance hotels make a comeback but packing every orfice you’ve got with snort ‘n’ swig isn’t exactly some kind of sacred rite of passage, either. Why do we always grouse for more?