Bristol Palin’s reality show bombs; says she’ll wait until marriage to have sex (again)

We’ve heard that Bristol Palin’s reality show is just awful and not even on par with the very low bar set by other family reality shows. The numbers are in for the show’s debut and they very much reflect that. The premiere of “Life’s a Tripp” only had about 726,000 total viewers, which is less than half the debut number for Roseanne Barr’s one-off reality show, “Roseanne’s Nuts,” according to Deadline. I’d like to point out that Kirstie Alley’s reality show, “Kirstie Alley’s Big Life” also got double those ratings with a 1.4 million premiere. So Bristol’s show is not long for this world, which should come as good news to most people, not that many of us beyond the gossip-obsessed are paying attention to it.

As an aside, remember when Bristol and her baby daddy Levi reunited briefly, got engaged and were on the cover of US Weekly? That was in July, 2010. They swore in the accompanying interview that they were waiting until marriage to have sex again. (They had a child together and Bristol admitted that they had sex many times, even though she tried to claim the first time was when she lost her virginity to Levi while blackout drunk.) Well Bristol has another boyfriend, Gino, and she’s been with him seriously for at least a year and a half, going by when we first heard about him. (An article earlier this year claimed they’d been “on and off for three years,” which would have overlapped with her brief reunion with Levi. Either way, they’ve been together awhile.) Bristol tells In Touch that she and Gino are waiting to have sex until marriage. Good for her I guess, and why again is she volunteering this information? She said the same thing back in January, so I guess she’s sticking with it.

“Gino and I are going to wait until marriage,” she says of her pipeline worker boyfriend, Giacinto “Gino” Paoletti, also 21. “I’m doing what’s best for me. It’s between me and God, and I know it’s right.”

“Since I have this platform, I want to use it for good…

“I want to let girls know that this isn’t ideal, this isn’t fun, this isn’t easy.

“Gino’s an awesome male role mode. He takes Tripp fishing, takes him out on the Jet Skis and shows him off to his friends. He just loves Tripp endlessly, and I am so thankful for that…

“Gino is on the same path; he has the same faith as I do. I’m blessed to have him by my side.”

“[Levi] hasn’t been an active father to Tripp, He hasn’t been paying child support. I don’t wish that on anyone.”

[From In Touch, print edition, July 2, 2012]

I don’t mean to split hairs here, but if she’s been with this guy for this long, why is she saying they’re “going to wait until marriage” to have sex not that they “are waiting until marriage.” It just sounds like she’s revising history after the fact. Again, good for them if that’s their conviction on the matter. It sounds kind of sweet if you forget everything you know about Bristol.

Bristol has to have some kind of career now that her reality show dreams are being shattered. Since she’s not going to college she could always go back to lecturing on the abstinence circuit for big bucks. That’s probably her plan here.

Also, to address the quotes about how Levi is a deadbeat dad, Levi’s new pregnant girlfriend said that he’s been trying to see his son, but that he refused to appear on Bristol’s reality show. After that, Bristol supposedly shut him out. I could buy that side of the story but I don’t believe Levi is a devoted dad, either.

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77 Responses to “Bristol Palin’s reality show bombs; says she’ll wait until marriage to have sex (again)”

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  1. ORLY says:

    “Bristol Palin’s reality show bombs”

    There IS a God!

    • laylajanelovesgossip says:

      I’m rolling my eyes so hard they may get stuck that way… why is this family getting any air play?????

    • olcranky says:

      there may be a G-d but he’s a sick lil m-er f-er, I heard Todd Palin just got a new reality show of his own

  2. Maguita says:

    Honey, the cow is out of the barn. LITERALLY. For quite some time now. Why anyone would be interested if she sleeps with half of LA is beyond me.

    And once again, why wait until marriage? Action speaks louder than words: You’re horny, own up to your horny-ness. F-ck your man and stop giving a damn what people think of you… Because if you paid attention, you would understand: Many remember all that you’ve done, and do not take your preaching seriously.

    So live your life, finally!

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      She is SO out-of-touch and SO completely lacking in self-awareness, this one.
      I suspect Palin placed her political aspirations ahead of proper parenting because this chick has made some seriously bad life choices. She’s a ship without a rudder. Makes me think she never got the proper guidance from her mother.

      • Maguita says:

        Have you seen Game Change?

        Worth your while.

      • deep says:

        I’ve gotta respond to this. Where to begin? Bristol made a mistake, as many teens do and got pregnant. She didn’t have an abortion like most do. Good for her for owning up to her responsibilities. And, as far as her talking about sex. She is doing that for a reason. She is saying look at me, I made a mistake, but I LOVE my son. It’s hard and not the life I would have chosen but it happened and I’m dealing with it. So, I would say she has damn good parents. And, by telling people about not having sex until marriage, is a good thing. I think she is a great role model for young girls. As far as her reality show tanking..okay, I watched it, it wasn’t great. But, at least she wasn’t bleeped every other word for dropping the f bomb. The reason people don’t like her is because she is a good girl. She was an unwed teen and she owns it!! She’s not a drugged out doped out person dancing on table tops. That’s why the show wasn’t a success. So, IMO if I had a daughter I’d want her to look up to Bristol. And, Sarah and Todd did a great job. They have great kids. Mind you, not perfect, but better than most. I’d rather her be a role model than a Kardasian or a Hilton or a Lohan any day of the week. People damn you if you are good and damn you if you are bad. And, that’s just wrong. Give me Bristol any day!!

        Oh, and I wouldn’t watch Game Change if you paid me. Lies…all Lies…all proved lies.

      • It is ME!! says:

        deep: so what if Bristol had an abortion? Isn’t that her business?

        If she wants to wait until she gets married to have sex again, that’s her business, too, and no one elses. That’s the whole point of CHOICE.

        I’d rather my daughter look up to someone who grew up to be a doctor, nurse, teacher, professor, or fire fighter than Bristol. She really has nothing to offer. Her best course is to go to school and make a good life for her and her son. I really hope she does that.

      • deep says:

        @it is me…somebody somewhere thinks she has something to offer. she’s a best selling author and gets paid for speaking engagements. So, I don’t think she needs any help in deciding what to do with the rest of her life. She’s doing just fine.

      • Tiffany says:

        Deep, she is not a good role model, nor is she a “good girl”. A good girl would put her responsibility to her child FIRST, and get an education and stable career instead of chasing stardom over, and over, and over again. She isn’t doing what is best for her kid, she is using him as a prop to get attention for herself. Thrusting your kid onto a reality show is the LAST thing a good parent would do. Honestly, I would rather hear her use the “f-bomb” instead of the slurs against the LGBT community that she always throws.

        She might not be dancing on table tops, but she was riding a MECHANICAL BULL! Gee, that’s wholesome! How is she any different from the Kardashians?

      • deep says:

        @Tiffany she is as much entitled to her opinion as you are. And, just because somebody believes different than you doesn’t make them wrong. Doesn’t make you wrong for having a different opinion from her either. She has her child with her to prove a point. And, like I said earlier..somebody some where likes her. She’s got the best seller and paid speaking engagements. So, obviously, she is liked by some, me included. And, I have that choice just as you have the choice not to like her. And as far as riding a mechanical you equate that to dancing on table tops is beyond me. To each his own.

        Oh and she’s doing just fine financially. Why are you so bothered by what she does with HER life? Just don’t watch her or follow her. She’s doing pretty good.

      • Tiffany says:

        Deep, first of all I never said she wasn’t entitled to her opinion. Don’t pin that on me.

        Secondly, it isn’t just HER life that she is responsible for. She is also responsible for her son, and she is making very selfish choices as a parent. You ask why I am bothered by her so much? Because she is preaching at others on her tv show, blog, and in books, including berating the President on her blog because he supports same sex couples. If she didn’t want to be critiqued, she shouldn’t hold herself up as being a superior person to others (including the entire homosexual community).

        Third, it means nothing to me that some people like her. Some people also like the Kardashians..that doesn’t mean they are respectable. You really shouldn’t chose heroes based on whether they get hired for speaking arrangements or not. Snooki also has best sellers on the NYT list.

      • deep says:

        @Tiffany….LMAO re Snooki and her best seller! ๐Ÿ™‚
        Yes Bristol put herself out there. But, YOU have the choice to not watch her or read her book. SHE also has the right to HER opinion just as much as you or I do. SHE can say and think what SHE wants. As can you. She can be critiqued, by that I mean people can disagree with her, but it doesn’t mean her opinion is any less valid than yours or mine.

      • Susie Q says:

        Deep, Paris Hilton danced on tabletops and the numbers for her show were even worse than Bristol’s…both of them should learn that just because YOU want to be famous it just might not happen. Both of them are obviously disliked by most and should consider careers that don’t count on admirers..

      • olcranky says:

        sorry I’m still stuck at the comment saying that Game Change has been “proven” to be all lies

        Bristol, err, Deep care to provide the proof that everything in the film was all lies

        also, am I the only one who watched that film and though Moore’s portrayal humanized Palin?

      • deep says:

        @olcranky…not enough time or space to educate you re the Game Change movie. Do your own research. Don’t EVER take anybodies word and especially something you see in a movie as truth. Seek it out yourself. That’s for life in general. I NEVER take anybodies word on anything. I research it and seek truth. The tools are out there…do your research and you’ll find the truth. That movie was based on lies re a disgruntled person and his point of view. Don’t even take my word for it. The only way to know truth is to seek if for yourself. All said in kindness. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • jwoolman says:

        Deep-if you want to get an eyeful of Bristol’s language unleashed, read the full interchange on Facebook when she and little sis Willow went after a classmate who just said something rather innocuous criticizing her mom’s new reality show. Various shades of “f” words galore. And Bristol was old enough to know better. TV shows are edited… Just google:
        Bristol Willow Palin Facebook

        The Palin girls were not taught very well about how to behave in public or private. Willow has already needed rescuing by Palin money and influence to keep her out of serious legal trouble. Likewise for older brother Track. Look for other role models for non-rich children of non-politicians – the Palin kids aren’t up to the job.

      • It is ME!! says:

        @deep: Let’s be honest here, for about a second, please. If she really had anything to offer, she wouldn’t need a reality TV show, would she? No, she wouldn’t. Let’s not forget that she is going and pitching TV shows, and these channels pick it up because of her mother and her last name, not that Bristol herself has anything tangible to offer. I mean, most people think she lives a boring life (based on her show). That’s why the show is sinking quickly, because Bristol has nothing to offer. She should just live her life, without TV cameras. Billions do it every day. Oh, and opinions CAN be less valued if said opinions are not based on fact. For example, one person has an opinion that the world is flat. Another person has an opinion that the world is round and calls out the FlatEarther. See? One opinion is based on provable science, the other is not.

        @jwoolman: Track seems to have settled down over time. He’s out living his life, not trying to grab at 15 more minutes of fame. Kudos to him, I say.

      • dallasite40 says:

        Deep: you are just ridiculous! Game Change was very sympathetic to that idiot Sarah Palin. It’s not been proven as lies.
        Is that you, Sarah??? Can you see Russia from your doorstep? Are you the idiot who didn’t know that there is a North and South Korea? Are you the fool who couldn’t name one book you’ve read? Or the Sarah who doesn’t take care of her special needs baby??

    • ahoyhoy says:

      A whole HERD of cows is out of that barn! Any non-virgin who keeps re-claiming their virginity is protesting too much. Good golly.

    • Jess says:

      She is 21! Not a child… Forget the virginity card bc no one CARES!!! Maybe get on the tried and BIRTH CONTROL PILL!!!! It’s not hard. I think they even have them in Alaska. Next!!!

      • deep says:

        I’m sure Bristol knows what a birth control pill is. She is making a decision to not have sex before marriage again on moral grounds. And, she is talking about it, again, on moral grounds. I know she has a child out of wedlock. But, seems to me she is trying to tell young girls not to make the same mistake she did. She loves her son but knows she should have waited until she was older and married before having a child. She owns it and is trying to help. So, Go Britol!!

      • Shannon says:

        Good lord, I cannot believe you are buying into this crap! She is going to wait for marriage to have sex again? PLEASE! The jig is up! She is the flaw that is abstinence only teaching: Just keep denying sex is natural, bury that head in the sand, forget education and just say no! She says she made a mistake and wants to help other girls understand how hard it is…but never does she talk about the importance of birth control, the many options that are out there, god forbid the dangers of STDs, or what a healthy relationship looks like. She is a hypocrite! It doesn’t make it ok to do one thing, regret it, then get up on a pedestal and pretend to be all pure. Rinse and repeat. I would be appalled if my daughter looked up to her. An ignorant bigot that is no better than a Kardashian or Lohan. No skills to speak of, no discernible talents, never had to work for what she has (she has her idiot mother to thank for that). She’s not broke, she’s not struggling, and she is not reinforcing that being a single parent is difficult – she has a reality show! The public is not stupid (well, in this case). She’s doing the same thing for single mothers that “Teen Mom” did – sure they can say it’s hard and a struggle, but who is on the cover of US Weekly? Who is all over the internet? These people aren’t working for free! And as for her being a “best selling author” or all her speaking engagements, that means s*it.Those Jersey Shore delinquents manage to put out books and command an audience. So do the Kardashians and Lindsay Lohan and the Jersey Shore losers. The public loves to reward bad behavior and those performing it are too self-absorbed to realize it’s not the person that people adore, it’s watching the trainwreck. As someone said earlier, why can’t our daughters (or sons) look up to teachers, doctors, humanitarians, social workers, people who actually contribute to society?! If you really think Bristol Palin’s motives are pure in all of this, I challenge you to see her behavior when the cameras aren’t rolling. Isn’t it a bit strange all of her major projects are publicized when she’s decided to get right with god or whatever and pretend to be some model citizen? Disgusting.

      • olcranky says:

        @Deep, she’s 21, has been with this guy for 3 years, and I seem to recall there being some news (maybe when she lived in the Arizona house?) that they were living together (but weren’t having sex). If they’re that committed and spend that much time together, why not just get married now and provide some stability to Tripp?

    • deep says:

      @Shannon…all opinions and WE including BRISTOL can all have ours. Like I said before, if you don’t like her and disagree with her…don’t watch or listen to her. But, there are a lot of people out there that do admire and look up to her as a role model. Like it or not. She does hold respect with a group of people and they have as much right to be respected for their point of view as any of us do. And, as far as knowing if she is “having sex when she says she’s not” how would you know?? Are you in her bed room at night? So, that’s just your opinion…not a fact by no means. And, she does speak re STD’s and birth control. She says she is just doing what is right for her. And, is sharing her story..again, as she has a right to do if she is asked. Which, she is asked to speak quite often.

      oh and IMO Bristol has more class than Paris has in her little finger.

      • olcranky says:

        you’re setting the bar really low if you’re using Paris (or pretty much any celebutard whose talent seems to be living their life in front of cameras)

      • deep says:

        @olcranky…I haven’t set any bars for anybody.

      • olcranky says:

        @deep this comment “IMO Bristol has more class than Paris has in her little finger.” is what they call setting a bar – a very low bar, but a bar nonetheless

      • deep says:

        @olcranky…nope, I set no bars. that comment to Paris was made to a response by someone else who equated mechanical bull riding to Paris table dancing. So, I set no bar!

      • It is ME!! says:

        so the bar is the floor. okay then.

    • olcranky says:

      considering that much of it has been substantiated by the people who were involved AND much of it played out in Palin’s interviews and public appearances this gist of it seems pretty accurate regardless of any dramatic license they took

      • deep says:

        That movie wasn’t just made on Palin’s public appearances and interviews. Palin or McCain had zero involvement in the making of that movie. And, needless to say a LOT of dramatic license was taken. That’s the fact. Like I said…do your own homework. Don’t believe everything you see or what someone tells you to be truth. Seek it for yourself.

    • Trillion says:

      Amen to that. Love the quote that this abstinence decision is between “her and god”… oh and apparently everyone else on the planet, should they give a damn.

      • deep says:

        People pay her for her opinion. And, good for her!! And, who else would the decision be between if not her and God? That’s her choice too. You don’t have to agree with her. But, why bash her for making her own decisions AND admitting to making mistakes and moving forward with her life. I see no shame in that at all. I also see no shame in the fact that she believes in God. Since when, and why is that such a horrible thing? How sad that is.

  3. Skaffie says:

    Yeah and Walmart has a unicorn sale this summer?


  4. valleymiss says:

    She says that her decision to wait till marriage for sex is “between her and God.” And that’s fine and all, but then WHY IS SHE TELLING US ABOUT IT?

    • Kimlee says:

      Becasue she having sex but wants us to believe she not and buy in to her “good girl” image she and her family are trying to paint.

    • dizzy says:

      Because she desperately wants us to believe that she’s a good Christian girl.

    • april says:

      Because she’s money hungry. Everything the Palins do is for money. Bristol exploits everything about herself to make a buck. Even her son, her sex life, you name it.

  5. ahoyhoy says:

    I think Levi is as interested in his son as most men his age, especially considering the way that family treated HIM. He found his child support/ custody lawyer through Sarah, and he stupidly believed they would be impartial. He got screwed by this family, even called a date-rapist in the conception of his son—when the other kids on the camping trip in question have disagreed strongly with Bristol’s assertion that she was a virgin OR that she wasn’t audibly enjoying herself that night.

    I thought the short reunion with Levi coincided with her DWTS baby? She looked heavily pregnant by September on DWTS.

    • Lilalis says:

      Huh, what baby? She only has one, right?

      And yes, this girl seems incredibly dumb, whoever pays her to talk about abstinence and virginity deserves exactly that.

  6. hmmmm..... says:

    The Palin’s are sooo 2008…YAWN!

    • Eddie says:

      Deep is bristol i think.. bristol the more you defend yourself on here the more pathetic you seem. Give it up.

  7. Jessica says:


  8. Folly says:

    The whole Palin crew needs to go and stay gone

  9. Lucy2 says:

    Barn door open, horse halfway across Alaska.
    I agree this is just to set up more speaking gigs.

  10. Dibba says:

    I have no words to express my utter contempt for these people and my never ending desire to never hear of, nor see them again.

    • ahoyhoy says:

      From your keyboard to God’s iPhone, Dibba. Let’s hope.

    • deep says:

      Then why did you read this on Celebitchy and why are you commenting? If you truly wish to never see or hear from them again..then, stop reading about them and watching them speak on tv. You chose to read the article re Bristol on Celebitchy AND comment so you obviously don’t mean what you write. Just sayin

      • Mrs. O says:

        @deep….you do know the name of this site, right? Celebitchy. Not Rainbows and Unicorns and Happiness. Snarky comments abound. And since you seem to be unable to understand why people dislike this woman, I’ll try to explain in a nutshell: she’s a proven liar, she’s homophobic, she slut shames women for having sex, she refuses to take personal responsibility for her actions…need I go on? And don’t say having her son is taking responsibility, because that’s like saying her son is a punishment for having sex and that’s a really horrible label to give to an innocent child. Hope that clears it up ๐Ÿ™‚

      • deep says:

        @Mrso thank you but I don’t need anything cleared up for me. LOL! And, yes I do know what site I’m on. I AM just as entitled as you and everyone else to have my own opinion. Even if it varies from what you or anyone else thinks. Just like you can have your opinion as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Jayna says:

    I want to know if she’s giving him blowjobs on and on. I highly doubt they are truly celibate. Call me jaded. Just because he doesn’t put it inside of her doesn’t mean they aren’t having sex.

  12. Dimebox says:

    Well, I’ll bet God is as tired of hearing from her as we are.

  13. NerdMomma says:

    I feel like her words would make a lot more sense if there wasn’t such thing as birth control.

    Has no one ever told her that it exists?

    • Jess says:

      TY!!! It’s not HARD!!! Screw all u want, they’ll make more!

    • lucy2 says:

      She can’t sell high priced speaking engagements about birth control though, only to those who preach an abstinence-only education so that’s the route she’ll publicly take. Which I still think she’s a ridiculous speaker for abstinence, considering she did the opposite!

  14. serena says:

    Come on, who the heck believes her AGAIN? And frankly, who cares if she is gonna wait to have sex (like I believe that) when she has already a baby and has proved herself as a hypocrite?

    Also, I’m not on Levi’s side on this but I don’t buy what Bristol said. I think Bristol and her family actively stop him from seeing their son. Well, he doesn’t pay child support and he’s a douche-bag but that isn’t the matter now is it?

  15. Karen says:

    I like the publicity shot of her and stack of books and not one person around except for a bemused looking guy at the counter. Well photo bombed my friend!

    • deep says:

      Her book is a best she cares about that picture all the way to da bank. ๐Ÿ™‚

      So a lot of somebodies liked it and bought it. Go Bristol!

      • Trillion says:

        …and McDonalds sells lots of crapburgers. Doesn’t mean its good.

      • jwoolman says:

        Don’t know if this applies to her book, although I have trouble imagining who would run to buy it… But it’s fairly common practice to buy up large numbers of a book to get it on the bestsellers list when individual sales aren’t going well. Then the books can be destroyed or used in other ways. In this case, copies could be giveaways at political events, for instance. Anyway – bestsellers status by itself is meaningless nowadays. You have to look for other signs that real people are buying it, reading it, discussing it (without snark).

        Bristol is too young and inexperienced to have much life wisdom to share, especially since as a rich girl her experience as a single mom is light years away from normal. She didn’t write that book, anyway – in interviews, it hardly seems that she even read it! Someone else wrote it after talking a bit with her, and obviously some stuff (such as the sex in a tent story) was heavily embellished and spun by someone much older than Bristol. The same is true for some “statements” Bristol has made online about various faux pas and controversies – not her voice. I remember her talking on tv long ago together with Levi in a much more natural and realistic manner. But she found that doesn’t sell with her mom’s fans.

      • It is ME!! says:

        Excellent points, jwoolman!

  16. normades says:

    I for one think she’s a lying hypocrite and don’t believe for a second that she’s celibate.

  17. dizzy says:

    This proclamation (that we’ve heard from her before) is all for show. She wants everyone to believe that she’s prim, proper, and such a good Christian girl from Alaska (gtfo, Bristol!). I’m not mocking waiting until marriage. If that’s someone’s belief and decision, good for them. But this fool wants us to believe she’s something she’s not. She’s a hypocrite and alot of the things that come out of her mouth are very un-Christian.

  18. ViloDeMenus says:

    How could the show, about a narrow minded, barely educated, real life unemployable, single mother, who gets some money on a speakers circuit because she shot out of the vagina of another narrow-minded failed female politician, when she talks about abstinence – which she doesn’t practice. How could that fail?

    Again, she herself is a girl who by luck was able to turn the tragedy of poor decisions into some money by virtue of being related to someone who has turned into a shill herself. It was bound to fail because who wants to listen to the ramblings of an idiot teen/early 20’s girl as entertainment? She’s no Snooki! Somehow she was able to sell herself to Lifetime *I’m seeing a bad trend with that station* and pocket that cash. I’m glad people are not buying into bad role models for themselves or their families because this one is a bad role model with no redeeming value to the world at large. I think the citizens of Alaska will be happy if she can stay off the welfare roles, she’s already using the clinic for native American’s for her son’s healthcare, so in part they are subsidizing her son already. She shouldn’t be rewarded, she should be a cautionary tale.

  19. the original bellaluna says:

    If it’s “between me and God” she needs to sit down and STFU about it.

    “Between me and God” doesn’t mean “and the whole world, so I can continue to speak on abstinence-after-the-fact circuits and get a check.”

    See the diff?

  20. Mooshi says:

    “dizzy says:
    Because she desperately wants us to believe that sheโ€™s a good Christian girl.”

    Well that doesn’t make any sense, since she is Jewish.

  21. jwoolman says:

    Levi was a devoted enough dad to take Bristol to court when she thought (after her mom didn’t need him anymore for the campaign) she could just decide on her own to toss him to the curb and keep him from visiting her son. The court enlightened her on the fact that it doesn’t work that way, not even in the Palin Alaskan fiefdom. She really has literally gone many extra miles to make it difficult for Levi to visit Tripp. I’m not sure how she managed to do that, I remember Levi tried to fight it when she first took Tripp to live out of state, to Arizona or wherever. She has a lot more money than he does and having to travel long distances is much more of a hardship for him. Neither of them are well-educated, so any real non-showbizzy jobs he could get would be less flexible. So he’s damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t – if he takes showbizzy jobs that pay well, he’s condemned as a stupid famewhore. If he takes the normal type of job he was originally destined for – he has a tougher time dealing with Bristol’s manipulations. He’s awfully young to be able to successfully navigate such treacherous waters.

    Anyway, I wouldn’t believe a word Bristol says on the matter. Levi is probably tired of fighting her and her mom, though, so I could see why he might decide to focus on his younger child with a more cooperative mom, and hope he can get together with Tripp when the boy is older and it will be harder for Bristol to deny visitation (by then, Tripp can travel to visit his dad).

    • mayamae says:

      Bill Maher had this hilarious segment on his show called, “Free Levi”. Bristol was still pregnant and Bill Maher was urging him to run for his life. The funniest part was when he said just sit him (the baby) at the table with the rest of the kids, they’ll never notice, and name him another white trash name like Track and Trig. I almost died when she ended up naming the baby Tripp – how did he know?

      By the way – I of course believe all fathers should claim and support their children. But I cannot resist a Palin joke.

  22. Jennifer12 says:

    Teenagers have sex, but are often not mature enough to handle it or be careful about birth control and the resulting kids suffer. However, there’s an awful lot of adults (chronologically, anyway) who do the same thing. I don’t love the Palins, but Bristol is okay. She’s not running around birthing kids by tons of dads and she seems like a devoted mom. That said, she needs to stop chasing reality fame, and get an education and a career. Levi Johnston is a user and a famewhore and a liar, and he is never going to support his kid, so she needs to step up and be able to. Levi’s fiancee or whatever the hell she is needs to be quiet and worry about how she’s going to support their daughter, because Levi isn’t employed or trying to get a job. Why are people still paying attention to Levi and whoever he’s associated with, anyway?

  23. baron samedi says:

    Is she considered a celebrity?