Justin Bieber’s team thinks it’s all Selena Gomez’s fault that he’s a major brat

Justin Bieber

I just raided Justin Bieber’s Instagram account and found some new-ish photos of himself with Mally, the unfortunate capuchin monkey. I’d like to provide a brief update to our stories in which Mally was seized by German customs officials because Bieber didn’t have the proper paperwork for transport from Los Angeles to Munich, and then “heartbroken” Bieber merely shrugged his shoulders and left the country while the poor monkey was left traumatized in a shelter and refusing to eat. German authorities have offically given Biebs until the end of the month to file the proper paperwork before they will release Mally into Bieber’s care. If Bieber doesn’t come through for the monkey, the temporary shelter has arranged for Mally to head towards a more permanent shelter where workers have experience raising groups of capuchins and will work to reverse the trauma of Mally being taken from his mother at nine weeks and then being abandoned by a douchetastic pop star. Good luck, Mally.

Justin Bieber

Who knows if Bieber is even still listening. At the moment, he’s preparing to perform in Norway where offiicals have rescheduled school exams just so legions of young fans can attend the concert without worrying about making poor scores. Sigh. In other Bieber news, TMZ has received word that his team is blaming Selena Gomez for all of Bieber’s recent drama. Really:

Justin Bieber has been spinning out of control not because he’s trying to “act like an adult,” not because his friends are a bad influence … but because he’s suffering his first case of heartbreak — courtesy of Selena Gomez — so say people who are in regular contact with the singer.

Our sources tell us … Justin was “torn apart” when Selena pulled the plug on their relationship in December, when she walked out on him in the middle of their Mexico vacation.

We’re told Justin feels “tortured,” because Selena has not made a clean break — far from it. We’re told she is regularly calling him and sending him mixed messages, and it’s been messing with his head.

That could explain why Justin went to Selena’s L.A. home last week, but hasn’t been seen there since.

Our sources say … the pot smoking in Newport Beach, the reckless driving and the fighting has all occurred after the split, and they say it’s very clear that Bieber is holding a lot of anger that he’s releasing … often inappropriately.

[From TMZ]

For what it’s worth, Selena has already denied that she’s been contacting Justin at all. Now let me get this absolutely straight — it’s all Selena’s fault that Justin spits in people’s faces and threatens to kill them, cancels concerts (or shows up two hours late), and does silly things like wear a gas mask in London while heading towards an almost certain meltdown of epic proportions? That’s a bit of a stretch, to say the very least. I mean, she totally made him cry and then laughed about it, but bitch, please. Bieber needs to take responsibility for his own actions, but that won’t happen while he’s surrounded by sycophantic booty kissers. Maybe Justin still really is upset about Selena breaking off their relationship (after all, he did try to give her a puppy last week), but that is no excuse at all for his behavior.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Justin Bieber on Instagram

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44 Responses to “Justin Bieber’s team thinks it’s all Selena Gomez’s fault that he’s a major brat”

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  1. mkyarwood says:

    Eh. The less he wears a shirt, the more I think he’s just a twink.

  2. Faye says:

    I’m not even a big animal lover, but that picture of the poor little monkey clutching the stuffed animal kind of breaks my heart. I don’t have any pets, but if I did, I would be sure not to get any little babies ripped away from their mothers — that is so cruel!

    As for the Biebs – I can’t even. Of course it’s the fault of some evil vixen that he’s a complete moron. Of course.

    • kpist says:

      Awwww, I was thinking the same thing. Poor Mally.

    • Rachel says:

      It makes me even sadder that German authorities are giving the little asshole more time to reclaim that little baby, meaning more time for him to be traumatized instead of immediately sending him to a place where there are people trained to help him handle the trauma he’s already been through.

      Also, DO NOT BLAME YOUR BAD BEHAVIOR ON OTHERS. My God. Grow up and be a man. I always tell people that you can’t control how you feel. But you are responsible for what you do about it. When you make bad decisions and do stupid, douchetastic things that affect others, that’s on YOU.

    • Liv says:

      I so agree. It breaks my heart to see this poor little monkey without his mother! Just because a stupid bratty boy has never learned to use his brain. I want to slap him in the face.

  3. Jane says:

    I’m not surprised that he pulled off this stunt. He’s the lowest form of life to me.

  4. paola says:

    I don’t think it’s Selena’s fault if he was born a baby douche. He’s just been given too much money and too much attention too soon. I blame the parents, in this case the mother. If i was a star at 17 i would have not been able to shake my mom off my back. She would have been annoingly there, behind every move saving me from rehabs, stupid actions and irritating face frowns. Plus I wish i could slap off the frown he wears on his douchey face every single day.

  5. LadyMTL says:

    Good lord, it’s like this is the first time in his life he’s ever been told no. Oh wait, maybe it is. A more self-entitled, self-absorbed, whiny little brat I’ve yet to see. Apologies from Canada for unleashing it on you, rest of the world.

    • Rachel says:

      Thank you, but I don’t blame Canada. I blame Usher.

      The other night on The Voice, Usher pointed out that he discovered Justin Beiber… that is NOT something to be proud of Usher!

  6. AlexandraJane says:

    I will take on the monkey…he is so cute. Poor little guy.

  7. DanaG says:

    It couldn’t possibly be Justins fault now could it? Didn’t rumours whirl that Justin cheated did he think Selena would be ok with that? I guess the puppy didn’t work for her I can see him calling her non stop. I hope for the sake of Mally he leaves that poor monkey alone so it can go somewhere and be a real monkey and experience life with others of his own kind not a stupid human who clearly has a lower IQ and has only just learnt to walk up right but not pull up his pants.

  8. GoodCapon says:

    Awww that second photo!!! So CUTE!

    Yep, Bieber did all those douche-y things because he was sooooo heartbroken. Poor kid! Yeah right. His team is grasping at straws to make Selena the bad person here.

  9. dorothy says:

    Him and his “people” are starting to sound like Lohan’s camp. Not his fault, someone else caused it….blah, blah, blah. Grow up!

  10. bowers says:

    Sure, blame the woman. Jeez.

  11. Lady Satan says:

    I hope poor Mally does end up in the care of a permanent shelter. Monkeys are not pets and this poor little creature deserves a better life than being at the whims of spoiled brat.

    • Regina Lynx says:

      I agree. Monkeys (or any other exotic animals for that matter) are NOT pets.

      PS. Your nick kinda scares me 😀

  12. SydneySpy says:

    Well, der. Of course it’s all Selena’s fault. Just like it was the fault of my 11-year-old son’s friends when the group (he included) decided to pour rapid-set cement into the nasty neighbour’s letter box.

    • Jackie Jormp Jomp (formerly Zelda) says:

      Oh my God–how did you keep a straight face while reprimanding him for that? Because it’s pretty funny.

  13. JL says:

    There is nothing more immature than blaming others for your bad behavior.
    Thanks for proving what an immature brat you are AGAIN Beiber.

    Like Selena is going to watch all this and come running back for more – LMFAO. Selena finally matured and decided she was above all that mess – good girl.

    Now where in the hell is this child’s infamous mother – hanging with Dina Lohan getting tips on how to cash in before he goes bust?

  14. lisa says:

    since selena has been out of the picture, justin’s wheels have fallen off. if she kept the lid on that huge pile of spoiled and crazy, that UN position really is the right thing for her.

    please someone save the monkey

  15. T.C. says:

    Bitch please. Grow up boy and stop blaming someone else for your behavior. Poor Mally needs a rescue from this twat.

  16. Lulu.T.O. says:

    Team Mally!!

  17. MonicaQ says:

    Man, when I was heart broken at 15 I just ate ice-cream and watched Jeopardy! in a dark room. But when you’re in HS like Beiber then…

    Wait, he’s oh–19. Nineteen you say?! Why, that’s an adult!


  18. swack says:

    ” . . .Norway where offiicals have rescheduled school exams just so legions of young fans can attend the concert without worrying about making poor scores.” Way to make education more important than a concert (and no they are not putting education first, they are just worried about test scores). I don’t know why JB didn’t know that you cannot just take any animal into another country or back into the US without proper papers. In the long run it is a better situation for the monkey because I don’t believe JB will come back and get the monkey and the monkey will be in a better place to live.

  19. Jag says:

    The best thing for PR that Justin Bieber could do right now is to: agree that he was wrong to take the monkey at all, agree that she was taken way too young from her mother, and he should give her permanently to that group who rescues Capuchins with a large donation for her care. That would help a lot!

    • Rachel says:

      I hope his PR manager is thinking exactly like this. Immediately release the monkey to a sanctuary who knows how to give him the care he needs.

  20. Red32 says:

    Please. Whatever makes his mom & dad feel better, I guess.

    When I was 20, I broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years. I barely ate anything for a day and I just walked around town for hours to clear my head. But I still went to my crappy job and I didn’t neglect any animals – hell my cat was probably considering clawing my eyes out for annoying her so much.

  21. The Original Mia says:

    Hahahahahaha! Is this the first time he’s been told no? Someone has a lot of growing up to do.

    Mally is adorable, but he shouldn’t have been a pet to begin with. I hope he goes to a proper shelter and lives a long life.

  22. anoneemouse says:

    I only have a bit of advice for poor wee Justin:


  23. Sarcasmo says:

    That poor sweet little monkey! Babies (any baby) is adorable when sleeping.

    Uvv COURSE it’s not his fault he’s being an epic dickbag. Because, you know, it’s never HIS fault!

    Looks like Selena got out just in time. And the reckless driving didn’t start AFTER the break-up – that’s been happening for awhile now.

  24. Moi says:

    O.M.G. That second pick of Mally. How much would it be to complete this paperwork send that baby to me? I will get my checkbook out right now. Poor thing. :((

  25. Feebee says:

    Not surprising to see how he’s turning out considering he’s surrounded by his ‘team’ who sound like a bunch of petty bitchy a**holes.

  26. Mar says:

    What a loser

  27. CatJ says:

    I hope Justin got the tweet from Jann Arden on Wednesday night:

    ”dear justin B. Please take a long break from your crazy career and get it together. The world will be here when you come to your senses”.

    Thank you Jann; and hey Beebs, have a look around you at some of your fellow Canadian performers who aren’t messing up, blaming it on everyone else and don’t need to cause attention to themselves with antics, but get noticed and admired for their talent and humility.

  28. Annie says:

    Everything has been messing with his head lately. First, that there’s a new music act taking away a lot of the attention: One Direction. He was not ready for that. Second, I think the fact that he didn’t get Grammy nominations really pissed him off because everyone around him has been kissing his ass for so long, they probably made him think he would get his first Grammy this year. Then nothing. And instead of handling it together like adults, they fed his narcissism. Oh how DARE they not nominate this genius. That just messed with his ego. Third, all his douchey friends and bad influences, free loaders and hanger-ons are pretty shady people. His mom’s book and movie came out. Fourth, getting dumped. You mean YOU are breaking up with ME? Again, he’s not used to not being #1. So not only does he have to witness a new band and new kids getting all the attention, not scoring a single Grammy nom and then being put in his place by a girl that HE treated badly first, he now has to face the fact that maybe, just maybe, people really don’t like him and many of his closest friends and family members are just using him. We are witnessing a tantrum. Nothing more. But if he’s not careful, he can get himself in big trouble.

    He’s very angry right now. This kid has issues. If you have one half kissing your ass, and the other half hating your guts, you don’t get balance and you lose perspective of who you really are and what people want from you. I think he’s having a little identity crisis, and he’s not enjoying being told NO.

    This phase is far from over.

  29. betsy says:

    This sad story about this baby monkey is making me FURIOUS. I am praying PETA gets on this and finds out who sold this poor baby at 9 weeks old–and rips them a new one. This is so wrong and cruel and inhumane–there are no words… And who was the idiot douchebag “friend” who bought a monkey as a gift???? Really, you don’t buy people pets for gifts–what a total jackass! Little baby beibercakes can’t take care of himself much less an innocent animal. I can’t even imagine how scared Mally is–and seeing her clutching the teddy bear is gut wrenching. That should be her mother! Fortunately, the Beiber punk is on about minute 12 of his 15 minutes of fame–and when the inevitable, apocalyptic meltdown of his career does arrive these parasites surrounding him are going to scatter like cockroaches. And his mother wanting to be the next Bachlorette?–WTF?? Yep, the nuts don’t fall far from the tree… Go away you two morons. Just go the F away.

  30. KellyinSeattle says:

    His hair looks stupid in the last photo, but still is better than is usually is. I, too, find him unbearable, and his mom is just as bad – she’s so needy and wants to be on TV…

  31. april says:

    I don’t buy the Selena break up is the reason he’s acting out. I thought he was cheating on her with Victoria Secret models and she ended it.

    I think the real reason is that he was dissed by the Grammy’s and his ego couldn’t handle it. Even his manager made a public statement that the Grammy’s should have included Bieber.

    So of course his team will spin it that it’s because he and Selena are over.