Peter Cook’s 21-year-old fiancee comes from a well-connected, rich family

After Page Six announced Peter Cook’s engagement, he re-confirmed everything on his Instagram: he is indeed engaged to a 21-year-old college student named Alba Jancou. Peter Cook is 60 years old, he’s been married and divorced twice and both his ex-wives said that he has a “thing” for very young women. Like, 18-21-year-olds. Peter and Alba have been dating for a year, apparently, although they met a few years back. She is the same age as his daughter Sailor. Sailor and Alba even look sort of similar too, although I think Sailor is prettier.

Anyway, Cook has been confirming the engagement to every outlet, because he’s super-proud of the fact that he “landed” a 21-year-old. He told People Mag that “we are very happy.” To Page Six, he said that he and Alba are “soulmates.” People Mag also confirmed some details about Alba’s life – she is/was a student at Tulane, she also attended “a prestigious English private boarding school” called Millfield. Her parents are art gallery owners Tanya Bonakdar, 53, and Marc Jancou, 51 (note the ages). The Jancous own galleries in New York, Switzerland and London. So… she’s got family money and family connections to the rich, powerful and artistic.

As for what Peter’s family thinks about all of this… apparently, his daughter is fine with it?

After Sailor Brinkley-Cook‘s heroic sub-in on Dancing with the Stars for her mom Christie Brinkley, who broke her arm during rehearsals, it was clear that the two have a very close mother-daughter relationship. And sources say Sailor, 21, is also tight with her father, Hamptons-based architect Peter Cook, 60, who recently got engaged to his 21-year-old fiancée, Alba Jancou.

“Despite the bitter breakup between Peter and Christie, Sailor has a very close relationship with her dad,” a source close to the situation tells PEOPLE. “She always raves about him. But she has not said a word to anybody about his personal life or the new girlfriend,” the source continues.

[From People]

What do you think? I bet Sailor probably does adore her dad, but… I bet she’s not super-jazzed about her dad dating someone her age. While Sailor has raved about her dad on Instagram in the past, I don’t see any comments or posts on her page congratulating her dad. She didn’t comment on his engagement IG either. Huh.

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119 Responses to “Peter Cook’s 21-year-old fiancee comes from a well-connected, rich family”

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  1. Cee says:

    She looks so trashy.

    • olala says:

      just was typing the same. She looks so cheap and trashy

    • Lena says:

      It’s the hair. To me that platinum blonde with roots is ugly on anyone.

    • My3cents says:

      I was kinda conflicted if it was ok to say it, but yup, trashy.
      Also- are dark roots a thing now?

      • Cee says:

        Yeah, I felt kind of bitchy… but hey, at least she can actually improve her image with very little effort. She has the resources, however lacking in taste.

    • minx says:

      The roots, the nails, the cleavage, the eyebrows….not good.

      • Fluffy Donuts says:

        Thank you!!! If she has so much money, why doesn’t she look better? Surely, she can afford a better dye job! And for the love of all that’s holy, put on a decent bra.

      • AnnaKist says:

        I had to go back for another look. Ooooooo, you’re right. Not good at all.

      • bros says:

        you can tell this one is slopppppy.

        a couple years of too much rose, tanning and bleaching… ooof.

      • Dani says:

        This is what college girls look like now. The richer ones carry real Chanel as opposed to Rebecca Minkoff but…this is what they all look like.

      • minx says:

        I dunno, my daughter is in college and neither she nor her friends look anything like that. They’re up on all the trends, but they look cute and young, not hard and trashy.

      • westerner says:

        I teach at a public university in the Pacific Northwest, and basically no one looks like that. (Of course if they did dress that way they would freeze to death.) They mostly look as though they rode their bikes to school and are going hiking, or else to their work-study job, after class, which is often the case.

      • 50centish says:

        As a wealthy white girl… She should be able to get makeup that matches her skintone.

      • Cee says:

        I spent a semester at an american uni and no one looked like this. Most kids looked like they had just rolled out of bed. Granted, this was a decade ago.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      she does look very…um…basic?

      like, you could plop her down at a Dairy Queen in Alabama and she’d fit right in. her outfits, the hair, the garish make up, the too long fake nails…all of it.

      scrub off the make up and put back the natural hair color and voila – you have Mayim Bialik.

    • Dani says:

      Literally my first thought. The crop top. The chest tattoo, The wannabe Chanel bag.The nails. The overcaked makeup. The black eyebrows and bleached here. She is a literally all the current trends mixed in to one and he is WAY TOO OLD.

    • Jensies says:

      Imagine being either of them. . .and thinking *you* were the one who got lucky in this deal. It’s a bridge too far for me. Bless their hearts.

    • bettyrose says:

      Not a fan of calling people trashy on basis of looks, but she sure doesn’t look like the globally educated bohemian daughter of artists. I wonder if her young-ish parents have always wanted an older sibling?

    • holly hobby says:

      She also needs something to hold the girls up in the tank top photo. She’s too young for a saggy chest.

  2. Meghan says:

    That young woman is never smiling in her pictures with him….

  3. jules says:

    Just goes to show, money can’t buy nice eyebrows.

  4. kliving says:

    She needs to burn that hideous purse.

  5. Sonia says:

    she Definitely got her boobs done, so why did she neglect her chin?

    • Michelle Cooper says:

      Ouch, that’s a harsh comment. Her body, her choice.

      • xo says:

        It IS harsh, but just to play devil’s advocate. . . when someone is obviously pursuing the fake sex doll look, people do kind of lose respect, you know?

        it’s smart to quietly anticipate it.

    • stormsmama says:

      WTF? not cool

    • bobafelty says:

      she loves older men, especially jay leno

    • lucy2 says:

      There’s nothing wrong with her chin. We complain when everyone gets the same plastic surgery face, and then complain when they don’t.
      Her choice of brows, hair color, nails, etc? Go for it. But natural features shouldn’t be criticized.

      • bettyrose says:

        Lucy –
        ITA about not criticizing natural features. But that boob job looks really uncomfortable, so one wonders where she draws the line at cosmetic surgery.

  6. Michael says:

    What could this young woman see in this old man? If she does not need the money then she could obviously find somebody closer to her age. Does she have a thing for old guys?

    • My3cents says:

      Maybe this is just a stepping stone to getting on Real Housewives? She already has the look down.
      Of course the engagement ring photo has to have her boobs in the frame. Classy.

      • Christin says:

        I scrolled back up to look at that. My eyes were fixed on how the photo captures her entire hand and hardly any of his. I assumed it was to hide any of his age spots.

        The hands don’t lie about age.

    • xo says:

      maybe he flatters her & she’s falling for it . . .
      maybe there is genuine compatibility there . . .
      maybe he reminds her of her father (sorry, weird, i know) & there’s some subconscious zing thing happening. . .


  7. Margie says:

    I wanted to say all of these things myself. On paper, she should look like one of the Swedish princesses. In reality, her look is…jarring.

    • AnnaKist says:

      That’s it! Very well put, Margie.

    • Heylee says:

      I live in Scottsdale, I was just in Miami, this young lady looks very normal for what I see in both places.

      She’s 21 and making a perhaps unwise decision, but in the Kardashian age I’m a little surprised by the negativity aimed at her appearance. Feels nasty as opposed to Celebitchy.

      • bettyrose says:

        Yeah, when I lived in SoCal, this kind of look was the norm. I often associated it with pathologically low self-esteem, though. I don’t blame young women for that. Being raised in a culture that pressures them into valuing only their physical appearance. But it’s a curious aesthetic choice for someone who seems to have been raised with a broader perspective than those narrow communities, and who doesn’t seem to have the need to hustle for wealth. (I guess one could argue that the Kardashians didn’t need to hustle for wealth either; they certainly had enough money to attend college and build professional skills, but one could argue they also endured intense psychological abuse as children that stripped them of any sense of their own value).

  8. LP says:

    Im looking at her, I’m reading her family’s bio, and I’m getting…low key trump supporters. Rude? Maybe! But I’m getting that instinct!

  9. Ali says:

    The things that get normalized in dysfunctional families are hard to comprehend unless you’ve experienced it first hand.

    I know it’s very popular but I dislike the talon nail look.

    • bettyrose says:

      I don’t have strong feelings about the talon nail look, but it certainly doesn’t scream “I work on a computer all day.”

  10. Michael says:

    Are there any pictures where they aren’t drinking cocktails?

  11. Lena says:

    I do like her ring and that was a sweet message he wrote. This guy has a bad record
    But maybe like Michael Douglas he’s gotten too old too old to mess around. As for her maybe she’s had bad experiences with guys in their twenties or has socialized around old folks in her life.

  12. TIFFANY says:

    As someone who read Gastby, Peter, that quote does not mean what you think it does.

    • Veronica S says:

      lol, I know right? Who thinks “romantic” and “Fitzgerald” go together?

      • Tiffany says:

        It wouldn’t surprise me if Alba said that she loved The Great Gastby….with Leo DiCaprio.

        Something tells me she is not into literature. Just a feeling.

        Dude just spelled his own doom. *goes to copy for future use when they divorce*

    • Millenial says:

      YES! I was like… ummm Fitzgerald is not who you want to be quoting here, my dude. But LOL.

  13. MellyMel says:

    Well, she definitely doesn’t look like she came from money…and I’ll just leave it at that.

    • Mumbles says:

      She looks like an oligarch’s daughter to me. Money, but not old money, or even new legitimate money.

      I was trying to remember for what other reason I didn’t like this guy. Then I remember a story Alexa Ray Joel told once about going to a party or a friend’s house as a teen/young adult in the Hamptons and her ride home didn’t work out so she called the house to ask to get picked up, and he answered and told her angrily she wasn’t getting a ride, she better walk home. And so there she was, walking the dark roads home, almost getting killed as cars sped by her. Garbage.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        Millfield, I think this is the school attended by Elizabeth Taylor’s oldest son when she & Richard Burton lived in London on their yacht and at The Dorchester Hotel.

  14. AnnaKist says:

    Bleh. All these “romantic” photos, as if it’s his first go on the roundabout… I get that it’s probably for her benefit, but he’s a creepy twat, and she’s likely needy.

  15. Beech says:

    She’s 21? Huh.

  16. ariel says:

    Poor stupid girl. Bless her heart.
    Perhaps she will do better with her second husband.

    • Liz version 700 says:

      That is an optimistic way to look at it Ariel. He is not her disastrous first husband, he is just the next ex. Maybe the second guy will e less creepy at least. This guy has a very strong grooming vibe and clearly likes his ladies young and easy to control.

    • Sophia’sSideEye says:

      This comment. *chefs kiss*

  17. Cel2495 says:

    Prob it will be verb mean for me to say this but her face looks like it’s been just pasted on her body in every single pic 😮

    Ps: he is gross!

  18. Lowercaselila says:

    Narcissistic/predator/misogynistic . Christie you dodged a bullet.

  19. This is gross in so many levels and there is a clear power imbalance in this relationship regardless of her financial status and we are going all in … on her looks.

  20. Valiantly Varnished says:

    Welp that explains why he’s marrying blonde female Jay Leno.

  21. Lisa says:

    There was never a doubt that she came from money

    • Tiffany says:

      I would like to see those ledgers because no parent would think that this is the best their 21 year old daughter can do.

      Oh, to be a fly on the Hamptons set wall.

  22. Veronica S says:

    The article makes it sound like something out of those old historical novels where the attractive young daughters were married off to rich, elderly suitors to maintain the family’s flagging wealth lol. It just makes the appeal on her part even more baffling if she has the resources to do better.

  23. Mia4s says:

    What’s the end game here? She has money. Reality show maybe?

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! “Blonde…..sure she is” 😒

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      My instant thought was reality show for her as well – she has Love Island contestant written all over her.

      Plus why would anyone call their child Scotland – Alba is Scottish gaelic for Scotland.

  24. Jessica says:

    I can’t imagine her parents are happy. Ugh!!

  25. SJR says:

    So if she does not need his money…wth is she doing with that old, icky dude?
    Bad mistake. I feel sorry for her and “poor, stupid girl” nails it on the head. Regrets will follow, I feel sure.
    If she was my daughter..I would be weeping openly for days. No, no, no.

    • Sam Louise says:

      She doesn’t have money. Her parents do. Perhaps she had a taste of being “poor” (ie. left home and now has to actually pay bills) and doesn’t like having to work for money? Marrying a semi-celebrity with lots of cash could be quite attractive to her! 🙂 They’re both vapid social climbers. May they live happily ever after!!!

  26. Tiffany says:

    Who plasters their social media handle over their engagement photos, oh yeah, stupidly young people.

    Peter is a idiot.

  27. Slowsnow says:

    It’s funny how we are thrashing this young woman for her fashion sense… And assuming lots of things about her.
    Her parents are super respected gallerists when while I am surprised to see how their daughter is so removed from their own aesthetic, it wouldn’t occur to me to have digs at her when obviously the person at fault is mostly the older, narcissistic man.
    Btw, she looks exactly like her mum but a sort of Miami version.

  28. A says:

    Poor girl, someone needs to talk her out of this and also introduce her to some good make up artists and hairdressers

  29. Christin says:

    Youth and bad decisions sometimes go hand in hand. He used to be a nice looking guy, but character and behavior are the true tests.

    I would be interested in what her parents think about having a son-in-law a decade older than they are. Their daughter is 21 and preparing to marry a guy who is months away from Social Security retirement benefit eligibility. Money and publicity surely cannot gloss over that.

    • Tiffany says:

      “Their daughter is 21 and preparing to marry a guy who is months away from Social Security retirement benefit eligibility.”

      HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!! This is so true.

      Bless you Christin. Bless you.

      • Christin says:

        I was about to type that at least he could advise his in-laws on Medicare within a few years.

        Fun memory here — He was a catalog model back in the late 1970s/early 1980s. He and Lori L (of college scandal infamy) were always in the JCP catalogs when I was a kid. He would have been in his 20s then.

        Maybe he can explain what a catalog was and show her the pics, as he was sunny good looking in his polyester shorts.

  30. ME says:

    Ok so she’s not a gold digger then? Her family might have money but that doesn’t mean SHE has money. Does she work? Her own bank account may be empty, who knows.

  31. MariaS says:

    I just don’t see what’s in it for her. He’s a 60 yr-old, twice divorced, serial cheater and ephebophile. She’s young and wealthy. Is he her gateway to the Hamptons set? Her ticket to notoriety? 21 year old “men” can be absolute idiots but Cook is horrible. I’m curious to see how this plays out for both of them and my hope is that karma bites him in the arse.

  32. Willa says:

    His thumb looks like a penis..

  33. JennyJenny says:

    That outfit with the crop top and the hot pants, that’s what she’s wearing in the Hamptons?
    Also, you can see her tattoos below her boobs in the crop top.
    Boy, did this dude downgrade…

  34. Courtney says:

    He’s actually not terrible looking for 60, but constantly hanging around teenagers makes him look that much older in comparison. Not a good look.

  35. Paisley says:

    I’m thinking this young girl has hardly any experience with guys and this one came along and bowled her over with attention. SHe has let Peter call all the shots. Sad because I think he has massive problems and will probably hurt her emotionally some day.

  36. Wellsie says:

    If the only thing you can say about someone you intend to marry is “she went to a school” maybe reconsider. It’s so disgusting when men interfere with young lives like this. Let her grow up, for the love of god.

    • Your cousin Vinny says:

      @wellsie, well put. It is interference. She might genuinely believe right now that it is all consensual and her choice but in years to come she may well feel she was taken advantage of and or didn’t really know what she was signing up for. He knows full well what it means to be 21, 31, 41, 51 and soon enough, 61 and all the perspective the years in between provide. She does not and cannot have that same advantage to help her make the same decisions. The imbalance is clear.

      Why isn’t anyone mentioning he was also unfaithful with a teenage girl while married to Christie? I can only imagine how he explains that one away.

      All that aside, I wish this girl the very best in life.

  37. Valerie says:


  38. MomE says:

    Im sorry but she looks like Ruth Buzzi (comedian from the 1970’s)

  39. HeyThere! says:

    It takes a lot of money to look that cheap!💀 this whole thing is gross.

  40. Reef says:

    lol, if you come from money and you still marry an old man either you’re not as rich as we think or she must really love him. Congrats to her. I hope during her marriage she learns to blend her makeup and that you must change your foundation with the season as you lighten and darken.

  41. Joanna says:

    She looks a lot like the women I see in my area of Florida. They seem to think the blonder and tanner and thinner, the better. And they love to wear these tennis skirts. I think the dark tan and roots make her look trashy. But w as dark as her natural hair color is, she will always have roots. And with platinum blonde, it’s more noticeable. If she wasn’t so blonde, you wouldn’t notice them as much.

  42. kelleybelle says:

    “Super proud that he landed a 21 year-old.” Oh my, aren’t YOU an intellectual giant. Oink.

  43. GreenBunny says:

    If she really does truly love him or has some personal issues that she’s working out on him, what happens when she ages out of the “Peter Cook Experience” and he trades her in for another 19 year old?

  44. JRenee says:

    He wants the $$$

  45. betsyd says:

    Imagine once being married to a bombshell like Christy Brinkley and then downgrading to this trashbag. I find this young woman hard to look at, and I can’t say it’s just her physical appearance or the fact her betrothed was already 40 when she was born…

    Ahh love.

  46. MomE says:

    BetsyD I’m glad I’m not the only one who was reminded of Ruth Buzzi lol

  47. Rose says:

    Yikes at the comments on her looks , god forbid someone isn’t perfect looking . She looks totally normal to me . Y’all are so catty.

    • ennie says:

      O don’t think it’s her actual prettiness, but her fashion and styling. It’s not what I’d expect from a cultured rich person to wear those outfits and accessories, to have that “look”. It screams “look at me”in a sort of cheap way.

    • otaku fairy... says:

      Catty is definitely the right word. It’s time to retire ‘trash’ as a label for women. It definitely doesn’t scream ‘not brainwashed by patriarchy’. Put it in the same box to the right with ‘so gay’.

  48. Jillybean says:

    This is definitely the look you go for if you are trying to rebel from you artistic worldly parents!!!

  49. whybother says:

    ehh… not going to drag her over her trashy clothing
    she is 21 yo, probably experimenting and dumb
    finding style is not that easy for everyone
    but her dating and engage to that old man tho?
    bless her heart

  50. Savannah says:

    When I look at these two all I can see are insecurities.
    They find in each other what they are missing in themselves.

  51. Mignionette says:

    This looks like a starter marriage. He get’s some freshly killed (if albeit poorly packed) meat and she gets the notoriety she has been craving.

    I’m giving this three years tops from engagement => marriage => separation => mudslinging via publicists => divorce => soundbites from Sailor