Brian Cox confesses that he’ll probably move out of America if Donald Trump wins

An incomplete list of things and people hated by Brian Cox: woke culture, Millennials, residents of Los Angeles, all of America outside of Brooklyn, Method actors, Jeremy Strong, Meghan Markle, ambitious women, billionaires, the Windsors and Edward Norton. Brian Cox is a crotchety old man. That is his brand. Too bad he’ll be forever loved and worshiped for his truly incredible performance as Logan Roy in Succession. Well, Succession is over and now Cox is back in London, working on a West End production of Long Day’s Journey Into Night. To promote the show, Cox attended HistFest and ended up mocking Joaquin Phoenix, Joe Biden and Braveheart. A certified Grade-A Hater.

No-one was safe from actor Brian Cox’s wrath as he launched into a tirade about terrible films, actors, theatre critics, and politicians at HistFest last night. First on his hit list was Napoleon by Ridley Scott. “Terrible. It’s terrible. A truly terrible performance by Joaquin Phoenix. It really is appalling. I don’t know what he was thinking. I think it’s totally his fault and I don’t think Ridley Scott helps him. I would have played it a lot better than Joaquin Phoenix, I tell you that. You can say it’s good drama. No – it’s lies.”

Then he pondered Phoenix’s rather apt name. “I think he’s well named. Joaquin…whackeen… whacky. It’s a sort of whacky performance.”

The Succession star and BBC newsreader and Mastermind host Clive Myrie talked about the loss of historical accuracy for the sake of good drama. “Braveheart is a load of nonsense,” Cox said. “Mel Gibson was wonderful but it’s a load of lies. He never impregnated the French princess. It is a bollocks [sic] that film.”

Cox is currently on the West End playing the lead in Long Day’s Journey Into Night at Wyndham’s Theatre. He has not been best pleased with the theatre critics, who have tried to compare his role on stage with his role in Succession. “It’s stupid! Why make that comparison? It’s so obvious,” he deplored. “Most critics are stupid. They really are. Theatre criticism has gone right down the tubes. You think of those wonderful critics of the past, there’s nobody to match them now. Because they don’t do their homework.”

Cox then took aim at method acting. “Oh no that’s all bollocks. It’s a kind of nonsense. We’re transmitters. That’s what we are as actors. We transmit energy.” In his view, it’s less important to behave like the characters he is playing in his down time, and far more worthwhile to do the research. “You have to do your homework,” he said. “That’s the delight of it, the information you get because you’re reading everything about Churchill and you’re building up a picture of who this person was.”

And don’t get him started on the US – where he currently lives – or its latest presidents. “I think my relationship with America will be coming to a very short sharp end quite soon because of that very thing,” he said, after Myrie mentioned the recently tightened abortion laws in some states, and the possibility of Trump getting re-elected. “It’s very hard to govern America and you certainly don’t need idiots like Trump doing that,” Cox said. “I do think that Biden is a good man but he’s too old.” Will Cox leave the country if Trump gets in? “I probably will,” he said.

[From The Evening Standard]

“I do think that Biden is a good man” well at least there’s that. And honestly, Cox has been dying to get the hell out of America for years now, at least that’s what I’ve gotten from his interviews. He’s one of those prickly British actors who thinks American filmmaking, American acting (usually variations of Stanislavski’s Method acting) and Americans are all garbage compared to the British way of doing things. Except Cox is Scottish so he also sort of hates the English, just not as loudly as his Yankeephobia.

Re: the stuff about Joaquin and Napoleon… I haven’t seen it, but I know the reviews were not great and historians were mad about a lot of the fake history. It was always going to be weird and controversial but whatever, everyone promptly forgot about that film anyway.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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29 Responses to “Brian Cox confesses that he’ll probably move out of America if Donald Trump wins”

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  1. Indica says:

    I am very lucky in my chosen career that if I really decided to move out of the US, I could do it. I am seriously considering the same action as Brian Cox if Trump wins.
    The idea of him winning is so upsetting to me that I honestly lose sleep some nights.

    All US Citizens: Please please please register to vote and vote.

    • Miranda says:

      I’ve lost sleep over it as well. The fear of Trump getting elected again has even gotten to my 11-year-old stepdaughter, who asked me the other day if my dual citizenship would apply to her, in case we need to leave the country (though I didn’t have the heart to tell her that my other country, Italy, is all kinds of f–ked up in its own right these days).

    • The Robinsons says:

      Don’t fear…Trump will NOT be winning anymore Presidential elections ever again… his goose was cooked by his crazy response totheCovid, that cost over a million American lives. The next big dilemma will be how to incarcerate him.

      • Blithe says:

        This really isn’t the time for complacency. Millions of potential voters support Trump and what he represents. Dozens of judges and hundreds of politicians— and the entities that purchased them — have done everything they possibly can to suppress votes, sow lies, and encourage complacency among non-MAGA voters. I’ll stop being fearful once the Orange menace is actually contained. Even then, the political power and the values of Trump’s MAGA base is not going to magically disappear.

      • Ciotog says:

        I firmly believe that Trump’s handling of COVID gets him more votes, not fewer. Lots of people did not want to be bothered to take measures to save themselves and others.

      • olliesmom says:

        The problem is that there are still so many idiots with their crazy conspiracy theories that deny that Covid even existed.

    • olliesmom says:

      And encourage everyone that is not registered to register and vote blue! And talk to all the “on the fence” /undecided people and get them to vote blue!

      I don’t know how you could be undecided at this point. He’s came out and told us time after time who he is and what he is going to do. HE’S NOT A GOOD MAN.

  2. Bettyrose says:

    Succession conveniently ends without revealing if Logan Roy’s fascist candidate wins. Brian Cox is now a very famous actor. He can campaign against fascism if he so choose. He can make a difference.

  3. Megan says:

    Grumpy old man shouting at clouds.

  4. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    Cox is 100% right about Braveheart. I enjoyed it at the time, but it really played fast and loose with historical accuracy. The Battle of Bannockburn was 9 years after the death of William Wallace, and the movie made it seem like it was the next day. Also made Robert the Bruce look like the wimp and a traitor. And don’t get me started on the stretch crushed velvet gowns on the princess. LOL so 90’s.

    If you want to see a great film about Scottish history, watch Rob Roy. Cox played an absolute bastard in it, and he was extraordinary.

    • Bettyrose says:

      The pilot episode of Shetland displays Cox in his truest form. 🤣

      • Twin Falls says:

        I just rewatched all of Shetland and was like is that Brian Cox?!? Amazing.

      • bettyrose says:

        @Twin Falls – I’m not sure I knew Cox by name when I first watched that season, and I didn’t recognize him as anyone I’d seen before. The second time I watched (because all Shetland seasons require multiple viewings) I did know Cox and it was halfway through the episode before I even got an inkling of who that was. He absolutely disappeared into the character. I think he’s a great actor, but I also think that character was probably pretty close to his own persona.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      It’s the only thing he said I feel it’s right. Braveheart is a farce, a drama loosely based on a character that really existed and nothing more. Everything in the film was historically wrong, even the portrayal of William Wallace himself!
      Yes, I advise to watch Rob Roy instead.

    • Korra says:

      Even though I remember watching the 1996 Oscars as a kid when Gibson won for director and Braveheart won for best picture, I didn’t get around to actually watching the film until last summer. And even going in knowing that it was woefully inaccurate, it was not even entertaining, imo. From the plot to the one dimensional characters to even some bad performances (I despised the villain’s acting), I am surprised at how acclaimed and popular it was. To your point about Robert the Bruce, while I agree with you, I also think fictionalizing him as a coward and traitor ended up making him the only complex character in the film with a notable arc because everyone else was so flat.

      Cox can be so irritating with his old man ramblings, but this is a criticism I can get behind, lol.

  5. Eurydice says:

    In my many years, I can’t tell how many times I’ve heard this or that celebrity declare they’d move to Canada if this or that person was elected president – of course, nobody bothered to ask what Canada thought about that.

    Brian Cox isn’t a US citizen, so it makes no difference if he moves out, but if everyone who doesn’t want Trump moved to another country, then who would be left to fight him?

    • TurbanMa says:

      I understand where you are coming from but I just… didn’t ask for this fight. My ancestors came from european countries in the late 1800s from my mom’s side (poor irish people) and early 1900s on my dad’s side (poor slavic people). I don’t want to be part of a country that has these incarceration rates, gun violence and corporations running everything. It’s just really sad when we understand the recent history of this country, the treatment and attempted genocide of indigenous people, incarcerating the japanese immigrants, slavery, privatized industrial prison complex, gun violence, police culture, now abortion rights… it’s just a lot and staying and paying taxes here and contributing to this system at all just feels like being complicit at this point.

      • Eurydice says:

        I can understand your point, too. I wasn’t born in the US and my family are relatively recent immigrants – we came in with a whole different set of “fights” in our family history than that of the US. Choosing to become a US citizen didn’t change my history, but I feel that I have to accept the current fights along with the advantages.

  6. Mia4s says:

    Guys, I’m worried. I don’t have confirmation that Brian Cox hates me. I mean, I assume he does. But I worry. 😁

    “the stuff about Joaquin and Napoleon”

    Oh it was bad. Really bad. I watched it on Apple TV and only made it a little over an hour. I can’t finish it. Weird thing to single out but yes, it was very bad and no one’s finest hour.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      Ridley Scott has made some horrible or weird films of late, not surprised this didn’t break the trend… he’s been completely off base with almost everything. He should stop doing historical films, last good one of his was likely Gladiator 24 years ago.

  7. TurbanMa says:

    I tried to leave for good. Married a guy from another country whom I met in college. It didn’t work out and I’ve been back in the US for 14 years? In that time I’ve had american friends move to Brazil and Portugal. I would like to do it. Waiting for my oldest to get into college and settled and then we will take my youngest and move… somewhere. Personally I think I’d like Iceland, I want to be somewhere that non-men have been in leadership roles for a long time and that doesn’t have a government owned by corporations. Taking suggestions, thank you.

    • Gah says:


      We still have a toehold in the US in the form of an NYC apartment but we left in 2020 and I don’t think will go back.

      We went to the Dominican Republic during Covid and now live in Argentina where if we get passports we can then immigrate to Spain.

      My hubs is a UK citizen but NOT a US citizen and we might even go there. (Gasp I know but we have lots of his family there lol)

      In any case I’d encourage you to consider what’s important.

      South America is great but each country is different. I have also thought of Iceland!! We loved it there and we love the pro woman culture (there’s a snowboarding/surfing doc that covers their role in leadership that’s cool).

      Argentina is not is not our forever home but health care is GREAT and cheap.

      We will likely end up somewhere in Europe . Oh I have a 9 year old and she has requested not having to learn another language aside from Spanish lol.

    • olliesmom says:

      Denmark and Sweden are good countries to look into.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    When he leaves the US is going back home to Scotland or home to his apartment in London? All the famous Scots love Scotland so much that they live in London.

    • olliesmom says:

      Are they living in London to avoid paying taxes to Scotland? i wondering if Scotland has a high tax rate? I thought that British taxes were high.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        There is more work for them if they are based in London or in LA. However in recent years Scotland has become the highest taxed part of the UK so if they lived there now they’d be taxed to sh!t.

  9. Brassy Rebel says:

    All this ranting and raving from a very grumpy old white guy who hates wokeness and then it turns out he hates Trump too? I didn’t see that coming.

  10. olliesmom says:

    I always wondered where the line was blurred between Brian Cox and Logan Roy!

    FU** OFF!

    And the fact that he hated on Jeremy Strong’s acting methods. You do you Brian and Jeremy will do Jeremy and it all works together and we get the masterpiece that is Succession.

    I’m terrified that the orange menace will get back into the White House somehow too. I don’t have the option to leave the US and I wouldn’t anyway. I’m old, so I’m going to stay and fight the good fight.

  11. AC says:

    I don’t like Trump, and the USA has never been perfect. But I dislike 👎 it when people like Cox have been Ungrateful.
    And btw – You’re welcome Brian Cox for the Opportunities that America has given you. Obviously you took advantage of it.