Katherine Heigl has huge hair & a downward-spiral career

LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 09: Katherine Heigl attends the European Film Premiere of 'Killers' at the Odeon West End on June 9, 2010 in London, England. (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images)

My God, Katherine Heigl needs to stop letting her mom do her hair. This isn’t some kind of quaint, Southern, the-bigger-the-hair-the-closer-to-God look. There are literally little old Southern ladies with big, blue helmet hair looking at Heigl and saying, “Take it down a notch, honey.” Anyway, this was Dame Heigl in London Wednesday night for the British premiere of The Killers. For some reason, Ashton Kutcher “couldn’t make” the premiere, either because he had film commitments (maybe) or because he knows The Killers is a steaming turd and he doesn‘t want anyone to know he‘s in it (likely). Heigl’s dress is Victoria Beckham. I don’t hate the dress, honestly. It’s got a revamped Roland Mouret circa 2005 vibe happening. What? Oh, I meant “Victoria Beckham is a completely original fashion designer who never copies, ever.”

So, LaineyGossip mentioned that there was this excellent piece in New York Magazine’s Vulture column, and it is definitely worth a read. The piece is called “Katherine Heigl: The Definitive Vulture Analysis of the Divisive Rom-Com Queen” and it makes several excellent points about Heigl’s current and future place in the industry. Apparently, according to industry insiders, Dame Heigl’s place inside the industry is pretty good right at the moment – she’s one of only five women who can have a movie greenlit simply by taking a role. And she’s the youngest too! The other women are Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Angelina Jolie and Reese Witherspoon. Heigl’s in pretty rarefied air. Too bad she’s such a bitch, right? Yeah, that’s what everyone else says too. Full Vulture piece here, and here are some highlights:

27 Dresses and The Ugly Truth…banked a combined $165.7 million domestically, $365.6 million worldwide. While the numbers may spit on Pauline Kael’s grave, they also make it hard to ignore that Katherine Heigl is today’s one true bankable rom-com star. And yet, this stature is complicated by her polarizing public persona: While to some she’s a ditzy-delightful movie presence, to others she’s a headstrong, self-immolating, gaffe-spewing, headache-inducing diva freak. Or both.

Heigl started out as a child model at age 9, then played Gerard Depardieu’s 16-year-old daughter (in My Father the Hero) and an alien (on TV’s Roswell in 1999). But now, for better or worse, she is known for three things: (1) starring on Grey’s Anatomy; (2) leaving Grey’s Anatomy; (3) complaining about everything.

After she starred in Knocked Up in 2007, the totally-not-reliant-on-her comedy from Judd Apatow, she derided the film as “sexist.” When the producers of Grey’s Anatomy moved to accommodate her simultaneous shooting of the show and a movie, she complained to David Letterman about her seventeen-hour workdays. And she publicly dissed her Grey’s writers for weak story lines — as explanation for why she hadn’t submitted her name for an Emmy. (Her mother, Nancy, who is also her manager, reportedly told her she “didn’t have a hope in hell of winning.”)

To some, this translates as “refreshingly outspoken.” To others, it translates as ”enormous pain in the ass.” Of course, if you’re Russell Crowe, Oscar eater, you can survive inducing widespread ass-pain. But can Heigl?

In a time when studios have thrown a lot of Jennifers (Aniston, Lopez, Garner) at the wall to see who’d stick, Heigl is the only actress who has. As a whole, her post–Knocked Up movies have been competent, successful, familiar, and undistinguished — all of which you might say about Heigl herself. There will always be starring roles for pretty blondes who are delightfully ditzy and can chew their lips emotively on cue. However, there will also always be blondes like that, too.

AN AGENT’S VIEW: “She still green-lights studio movies. And personality aside, she is a movie star. The problem is that it’s getting harder and harder. Look at this project Blended at Warner Bros. that she’s attached to. It’s a two-hander [needing a male and female lead to pull it off]. And the producers are telling us, ‘We can’t go back to any male lead she’s ever worked with.’ And that’s because she’s a goddamn nightmare. It’s a shame, because she’s talented. She has a shot at being Julia Roberts, but she’s headed towards becoming Jennifer Aniston — someone who works regularly, but who could have been a superstar.”

A MANAGER’S VIEW: “So far, [she and her manager mom] have sent this message: She’s expensive, and she’s unpleasant to work with. It looks like they’re going for a ‘quick burn’: Make as much as you can, while you can. I’ve always felt the way to longevity was quality, not a bunch of romantic comedies in a row just because they pay big. I already feel like the audience has tired of her [in that genre]. She needs to make it an event to go see a Katie Heigl movie. I don’t know if she has the acting chops to do other things, but she needs to do other things, and to work with great directors.”

A PUBLICIST’S VIEW: “She’s almost her own worst enemy. You have to be so careful which outlets you’re going to put her with. Always do the safe stuff: Leno. Today. You need someone on your side. Because Katie’s just a risk.”

THE RUNDOWN: Is Heigl worth the headache? Since Heigl is unlikely to ever land another network series or Judd Apatow comedy, she’d better hope her audience loves her in Killers or her next project, Life As We Know It, about a couple that inherits an orphaned baby. If either one hits, she’ll be well-established as this generation’s Meg Ryan, and studios will overlook her drama for a while. But if both films bomb, well, let’s just say she hasn’t earned a lot of get-out-of-flop-free cards in the industry. And there are already troubling signs that she’s priced — and talked — her way out of her rom-com throne.

And as an interesting note, Heigl’s personality clashes could have a much wider effect on Hollywood. As one agent explains, male actors are more powerful than actresses in attracting moviegoers. So while Heigl can get a movie green-lit on her own, studios still want to hire a notable male co-star. However, as the other agent noted above, none of the actors who have worked with Heigl want to repeat the experience, which further shrinks the pool for every subsequent project she does, and slows down the development process. So if one of the only five actresses who can get a movie made can’t find a co-star, it markedly shrinks the number of movies that Hollywood can make. So much for sisterhood.

[From New York Magazine, Vulture]

As an outsider, I have some humble advice for Dame Heigl:

1. Try genuine humility. When apologizing, acknowledge your mistake, own it and sound heartfelt. Don’t deny, blame other people, or act snotty when apologizing. You are not God’s gift. You’re the only one who thinks you are.

2. Fire your mom. She’s clearly not giving you the best advice, and she doesn’t have respect amongst your Hollywood peers. You need someone who can kick your ass and keep you in line and tell you to STFU, and obviously, mommy isn’t doing that. Surround yourself with competent professionals who will tell you the truth.

3. Fire your stylist, or if you don’t have one, hire a really good one. I’d even appreciate it if you got Rachel Zoe. Red carpet appearances don’t always have a lot to do with box office, but your image needs a total revamp, and the big, dark hair, huge forehead and old-lady clothes isn’t reading “fresh young talent”.

4. More babies and more dogs. It’s the only time most people like you, when you’re talking about your baby or your dogs. You sound authentic, real and accessible.

5. Stop being a bitch. To everyone. If you can’t stop saying bitchy things, just stop talking. Pull a Garbo, and just stop doing interviews for a while. Don’t spend any time on the film set if you don’t have to. Stop repeating bitchy patterns.

LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 09: Katherine Heigl attends the European Film Premiere of 'Killers' at the Odeon West End on June 9, 2010 in London, England. (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images)

LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 09: Katherine Heigl attends the European Film Premiere of 'Killers' at the Odeon West End on June 9, 2010 in London, England. (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images)

LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 09: Katherine Heigl attends the European Film Premiere of 'Killers' at the Odeon West End on June 9, 2010 in London, England. (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images)

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36 Responses to “Katherine Heigl has huge hair & a downward-spiral career”

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  1. Lori says:

    Omg that hair!!

  2. waldemar says:

    what I don’t understand is that Roland Mouret HELPS her with ripping of his own designs.

  3. Maritza says:

    Advice number 5 is the one she should stick too, oh and change her hair color back to blond.

  4. Jane Q. Doe says:

    I can’t believe Heigl was cast as Stephanie Plum in the Evanovich series. Ugh.

  5. Leticia says:

    There is something about her that seems so dowdy, matronly, and old. Not that she physically looks old, but that she throws off that bitter man-hating spinster vibe.

    She is pretty, but not at all sexy.

  6. Lou Dobbs Flour Power says:

    I cannot stand this woman and do not understand how anyone would actually pay good money to look at her smarmy, smirky, insipid perpetual bitchface. She reminds me of Ashley Judd, who, if all the stories are true, is the biggest most elitist twat on the planet (seriously, look her up, she’s horrid). And God knows, ONE Ashley Judd is plenty, we do not need the updated version!

    And whose idea was it to put her with Ashton Kutcher? It’s like the producers WANTED box office poison because I cannot think of two more horrendous, unlikable, impossible to relate to “celebs” on Earth. What sane person would actually pay money to see those two?

  7. ! says:

    In the pictures at the bottom of the post, it’s startling how much she looks like Kate Gosselin in the middle snap.

  8. Laurie says:

    She should have stayed on Grey’s, even in a limited capacity. She would have retained a faithful and supportive fan base!!

  9. truthSF says:

    This paragraph is a wakeup slap to Heigl’s, and she better acknowledge her place:

    AN AGENT’S VIEW: “She still green-lights studio movies. And personality aside, she is a movie star. The problem is that it’s getting harder and harder. Look at this project Blended at Warner Bros. that she’s attached to. It’s a two-hander [needing a male and female lead to pull it off]. And the producers are telling us, ‘We can’t go back to any male lead she’s ever worked with.’ And that’s because she’s a goddamn nightmare. It’s a shame, because she’s talented. She has a shot at being Julia Roberts, but she’s headed towards becoming Jennifer Aniston — someone who works regularly, but who could have been a superstar.”

  10. chaz says:

    Another suggestion…lost some damn weight. Your looks are average at best, your real assets are just below your neck.

    You will be out of the business if you don’t start working out and get rid of that damn cellulite.

  11. Oi says:

    That vulture piece was interesting. I agree, she really needs to fire her mom (sorry mom). Bad things happen when old friends and family run your career. Maybe Dolly Parton could give her some advice.

  12. Bonnie says:

    I use to like KH before Grey’s. I remember her playing on the Hallmark Channel’s Love Comes Softly movie that started the series. And of course on Roswell. I was happy for her when she got Grey’s but then her attitude just got worse. Now I don’t care for her anymore.

    She won’t last. But then I don’t think many of the stars that’s come out as “big” in the past 5 years will last. None of them seem to have any class to have any longevity. The days of people like Jimmy Stewart and Tom Hanks are long gone.

  13. ViktoryGin says:

    Wow. Had no idea that she’s so maligned, but she obviously digs her own grave.

    How is she so bankable in the first place? Her daftness aside, she’s honestly not that interesting in the rom-com genre, but then the genre itself is scarcely interesting.
    Watched The Ugly Truth not too long ago and thought her performance was stiff and contrived…like someone who doesn’t have a natural sense of humor and is trying too hard to be comical.

    I did chuckle at the Meg Ryan comparison. They used the reference positively, but I couldn’t help but think…look where Meg Ryan is now. smh. Hmmm…on second thought, maybe it is apropos.

  14. Scarlet Vixen says:

    loL–the hair is hideous. Maybe she was running late and stuck her finger in a socket for a quick perm as she ran out the door? I do love the dress and shoes, tho. Much better than some of her other looks.

    I’ve wanted to like her for a long time, but just can’t. I loved her husband (singer Josh Kelley)’s music for a long time, but then I saw him in interviews and he’s kind of a cocky douche, too. Match made in heaven, I guess.

  15. jules says:

    She’s just trying to prove se deserves to be Stephanie Plum….but doing a bad job

  16. Green Is Good says:

    Yikes, that hair is cringe-worthy!

  17. Annie says:

    1. Auditions for Frumpy McFrumperson were on her “to do list” this day?

    2. Ackkkkkkkk!

    3. Wanting to be the next RHWNJ?

  18. Q says:

    @Lou Dobbs – thing is, Ashley Judd is a whole lot prettier.

    Come to think of it, Kutcher is, too.

    Heigl seems to think she’s gotten where she is for something other than her looks, thus feels like she can show up looking like she’s going to pot luck book club in suburbia (no offense to my book club). Face it, at this point she’s known for being pretty and being a jackass. If she keeps trolling it up at premiers, that leaves us with jackass. Doesn’t sound like a profitable plan.

  19. Hautie says:

    I am willing to bet the hair is for the Stephanie Plum movie. The character in the book is a pretty brunette with curly hair. Italian back ground.

    I still can not believe she got this series.

    Yet, I am dying to know, who the two lead male actors will be playing opposite of her. (Joe and Ranger)

    The one positive thing that she really needs to do, is shut up. Stop giving interviews. And the public will forget that she has no social skills or class.

    But every time she opens her mouth up to sh*t talk about every one she has ever worked with…. it just stops me from ever watching anything she does.

  20. Feebee says:

    Funny that Ashley Judd is mentioned because when I saw the second photo I thought, if Ashley Judd got the same face fill out plastic surgery on her face that Heidi Montag did, she’d look just like Heigl in that photo (because yes she is prettier but rumoured to be as much of a bitch).

    I don’t understand her hair. Is she kept away from mirrors and the subsequent photos?

  21. Iggles says:

    She has a shot at being Julia Roberts, but she’s headed towards becoming Jennifer Aniston — someone who works regularly, but who could have been a superstar.”


    Jenheads probably exploded at reading that!

    Bonnie – I loved her in “Love Comes Softly” too! Was such a wonderful movie.

  22. serena says:

    oh my god.. what the hell is going on on her head (and I mean in and out)?
    Of course her mom can’t be her manager, come on you not 20 anymore and you can find surely a better manager.
    Mom-manager are NOT recommended.

  23. original kate says:

    “This isn’t some kind of quaint, Southern, the-bigger-the-hair-the-closer-to-God look. ”

    LMAO, kaiser! i am southern and all the women in my family -except me- have this hair!

  24. Slymm27 says:

    What in heaven’s name is on her head. Seriously, she just needs to shut up. She thinks she knows it all.

  25. Michelle says:

    While I appreciate that she isn’t stick-thin, she does need to watch her weight, it makes her look older. She’s only just starting out in this rom-com scene and has already lost that fresh-faced look. Her face is naturally quite round and with that awful hair it will look MASSIVE on the big screen, ack.

    1000x yes on number 5 with the following addendum:

    Stop playing shrill and bitchy characters (see: Knocked Up and Greys), you’re making it worse. And learn to get along with your coworkers, geez!!!

  26. bellaluna says:

    From what I’ve read about her and the things that come out of her mouth, it’s no surprise to me she’s on a downward spiral. That’s what she gets for biting the hands that feed her. The fastest way to irrelevance is to bad-mouth the writers on your show – ask a few former soap stars about that! Or take a look at how what’s-her-face died on Desperate Housewives.

    Pretty soon there won’t be any male leads willing to co-star with her in rom-coms, so she won’t have to worry about doing them anymore. Though I must say, with all I’ve read about her, I was mildly surprised that NONE of her previous male leads are willing to work with her. That speaks volumes.

  27. Alex says:

    Umm, male actors draw more audience because nearly all movies star males. The few female starrers that slip through are insipid pablum – usually a get-the-guy or wedding movie. Gotta love the circular logic Hollywood uses to maintain the boys club status quo. They do themselves a huge disservice ignoring the female demographic in any real way. Then when box office is down, they scratch their heads and wonder why. Heigl should be applauded by other women for having the nerve to speak up, most women behave like submissive sheep. This is the 3rd recent post on this blog that tells an outspoken female to zip it. Disturbing.

  28. Jennifer says:

    Her hair looks like Delta Burke’s from her Designing Women days.

  29. Jeri says:

    Heigl is not an “empowered woman.” She’s a whiny complainer that thinks she’s God’s gift to everyone and no one else knows more or better than her.

    Putting her forward as a woman that speaks her mind is a dis-service to all intelligent women.

  30. GatsbyGal says:

    She has a weird bitch face and I don’t like her.

  31. Laurie says:

    What a double standard….truth is Russell Crowe was always a diva and everyone knew it when he shot his mouth off but he still rose to superstardom….his problem was he had a violent temper and started picking bad roles or losing roles because of it.

    Heigl seems to be typecast in stupid rom com movies because she does manage to pull them off almost effortlessly. It seems like she is smarter than the average person..and her smarts are probably at odds with the persona she is supposed to pretend to be. Anyway, she does appear, anyway, to be a pretty decent person all told. She should follow the advice from this site.

  32. d says:

    Love the dress and shoes, hate the hair. Cannot BELIEVE she greenlights movies. She may be a good actress, but imo, she always seems self-aware in her roles now, like there’s too much of Katherine and not enough of the character. Also I don’t think she’s had a long enough career to command anything. So a good role for her: I can see her back to blond, in some type of outdoor adventure thriller, where you have to be a hardass to survive (something like that Meryl Streep rafting one…had Kevin Bacon as the psycho). Say something like a group of biologists get stuck somewhere and have to canoe out to civilization. Maybe even on her own or iwth one other person. Or some fun scifi role. OR, I think she’d be excellent in horror films and people would love to see her in them too. She needs roles to make her personality work for her career. With the right guidance that could happen. Too many romcoms and she’s typecast and made too many enemies.
    Yeah, fire yer mum and/or get a good agent who can put up with you and find good roles (forget about Oscar worthy, that clouds the issue). It is strange though how she doesn’t have the sexy. Maybe it’s all these bad outfits. But it’s like there’s nothing behind the look. Or a hardness. I bet she had issues that are hindering her from making good connections.

  33. Beth says:

    I like Katherine’s movies (haven’t seen Killers) but I can see her disappearing in a year. I’m more interested in her movies than in her as an actress. Sorry to bring her up but it’s funny how Jennifer Aniston has been trying for 10 years to be a big movie star yet it’s Katherine who’s making a lot more and has so much power. Also these photos of her are unfortunate. I know celebrities wish they were only photographed when they are posing.

  34. Isa says:

    I can’t believe she green lights movies either. She’s not that great.
    That last picture cracks me up, I seriously thought that she looked skinnier than usual.
    I don’t think she needs to lose weight. She has never been a stick figure and not everyone in Hollywood needs to be.

  35. Anj says:

    Looks like she thrust 10 packs of hair extensions below her weepy hair.

  36. kd says:

    Here’s my advice Katie, Just go crawl in a hole and do us all a favor.

    Spare us from bitchface!