“Jared Leto tames his ‘Mo (hawk)” links


Jared Leto tames the ‘Mo (Hawk). [Go Fug Yourself]
Ralph Fiennes, Colin Firth, Gary Oldman and Michael Fassbender to star together. F-CK ME. Jesus, that‘s going to be a good movie. [Crazy Days and Nights]
Vienna was cheating on Jake after all. Get some, V. [Evil Beet]
Kelis is looking hella rough. [Hollywood Rag]
Sparkles & a Jack Russell terrier. Cute. [Accidental Sexiness]
New clip from Salt! [Moviefone]
Ronaldo has painted toenails. Thoughts? [The Frisky]
ScarJo looking corpsey and genetically engineered for Mango. [CoverAwards]
Just another day at the office for Lady Gaga. [Starpulse]
Barbara Walters is back! On Skype. [Bitten and Bound]
Snoop Dogg wants to do an appearance on a British soap opera. [PopEater]
Ashley Greene looking hot. Like, it‘s 100 degrees hot. [ICYDK]
More of Marissa Miller‘s FHM pics. Eh, I still don‘t get this girl. [Celebnewswire]
My new favorite photo of Kate Gosselin. Melania Trump‘s face is like, “What is happening?” [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
HAHAHA, Lindsay wants to appeal her jail sentence. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Betty White is a calendar girl! [PopBytes]


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24 Responses to ““Jared Leto tames his ‘Mo (hawk)” links”

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  1. Ricci says:

    Nice pants and shoes (rolls eyes)

  2. Oi says:

    The pit bull that supposedly bit Vanessa Carlton got off too.

  3. jen says:

    He’s hot!

  4. ewww says:

    He’s hot no matter what he wears. The hair, clothes, makeup doesn’t matter. Jordan Catalano 4ever! lol. But seriously, yum!

  5. Obvious says:

    That hawk was still hot. The boy was “cursed” with perpetual good looks-no matter what he does.

  6. Mia says:

    One of the prettiest men alive. A little off kilter though and he doesn’t do as much good work as I wish he would. Maybe he should drop that band.

    And I call BS on his hairdo. Mohawk’s require commitment. You have to shave the sides. Anything else is just a Fauxhawk, like Angelina Jolie’s first adopted kid circa age 3 or a dripping wet parrot.

  7. prissa says:

    Not feeling the color. I think his darker hair color goes so much better with his eyes. but I agree with everyone else – HE’S A HOTTIE 4 SURE!

  8. danielle says:

    Uh, he needs to realize he’s in his late 30s and trying WAY too hard to be cool. It’s lame at that age.

  9. danielle says:

    Gross! Gosselin looks super orange, and her face is way paler.

  10. Jack says:

    seriously jared, have sex with me

  11. Alexis says:

    Pretty good actor, douche singer and…human being.

  12. grace says:

    Oh man, I don’t believe there is any other man prettier than him. There may be hotter, or charmer, or whatever, but not prettier. His face is just perfection.

  13. Chris says:

    I’m a bit disappointed with the way Jared’s career dropped off after Requiem for a Dream. He really should’ve capitalized a lot more on the momentum that role gave him. As for the outfit, I guess it works if you’re built like a racing snake.

  14. lucy2 says:

    I am seriously cracking up at Melania’s WTF face! Aside from the fact that her barely moving face looks downright painful, her look of subtle disgust and a later and horrified forced smile at Gosselin is hilarious.

    Jared was an interesting actor, it’s a shame he doesn’t do much these days.

    Salt is just not grabbing my interest, I feel like we’ve seen this sort of thing before. Looking forward to Inception a lot more.

    That Betty White calendar is AWESOME!

  15. gg says:

    Leto is nuts. danielle said it perfectly. Too old to go to so much trouble, Jare; you look desperate. Seriously, tone it way down.

  16. Shannon says:

    The band is awesome Mia, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You get to talk to the band after they play and get your stuff signed. That’s pretty awesome, not a lot of celebrities will take the time to do that. At least they take the time to be appreciative of fans. Quite rare these days.

    I think Jared looks ridiculous in these pics though. Men should stay away from bleach if they’re straight, they don’t know how to use it correctly.

  17. mln says:

    Jared Leto,Ralph Fiennes, Colin Firth, Gary Oldman… some of the hottest of the 90’s too bad JL didn’t age well.

  18. XYZ says:

    Now thats better.

  19. birdette says:

    do people really not realize how dumb they look when the bleach their hair? instant turn off in a man or woman.

  20. Toe says:

    Didn’t Cameron Diaz Date him? His face is perfection even with Bleached hair!!!

  21. rawr. says:

    @mln; Are you serious?! The guy is 38. Everyone I know says he looks younger, even my friends who don’t like him agree with me.

  22. Naomi says:

    Ahhh he looks good no matter what.
    What’s with the complaints over his acting career?
    He’s focusing on 30 Seconds to Mars which some people seem to overlook how damn successful it is.

  23. nj says:

    Haha last winter I had a minor car crash and was taken to hospital to make sure I have no inner injuries.. And the doctor who checked me out looked EXACTLY like this http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_78wgd5ujqrc/Sm–hlDp1lI/AAAAAAAAIBE/KB_bgtm2Sdk/s400/JaredLetoMrNobody2.jpg

    And no, I didn’t hit my head in a crash 😀 He honestly looked just like that, he had the same hair, same eyes, same nose, everything. No kidding. It was weird, but I’m not complaining. And yes I can tell you the doctor’s name just in case lol!

  24. KeithB says:

    Whats funny is that a lot of people are saying he needs go back to acting and stop playing music. He has been a musician his whole life and he moved to LA to persue that. He took small acting roles on the side for money. 30 Seconds to Mars has been a band since 1998! His acting career didnt take off til Requiem in 2000. And one more rant, why because he is getting older that he has to turn into a prude and be like everyone else and bore down his life? He has a mohawk cause its rock music! Think about the famous musicians who are WAY older and still dress like 20 year olds. Cmon….