Kim Kardashian’s hilarious, waxy, spiky cover for Prestige Mag


This magazine is cracking me up. Oh, sometimes I kind of love Kat-Face Kardashian, I really do. She’s pretty harmless in general, and she provides so much hilarious material. Where to even start with this? Kim put this scan up on her website for the Hong Kong Magazine, calling it “one of my most risqué covers to date!” Risqué. Lovely word for “her dress is going to maim one of those poor gentlemen, in an area where they will really feel it.” Also: her waxy cat-face is simply out of control at this point. And yet, with all of that working against her, I have to admit that this cover is a little fierce. I would like to see this dress, pose and concept with another girl, please. Oooh, Anne Hathaway! She could work this cover.

In other Kat-Face news, she and her sisters are about to launch a clothing line for plus-sized women called K-Dash. I’m not going to yell at them for that at all – I think it’s nice to see a “celebrity” clothing line for plus-sized women, and it’s an interesting message to send while other “celebrity” clothing lines seem stuck in Juniors. Let’s hope the line isn’t just a series of muumuus. Although, knowing the Kardashian women as I do, it’s probably just the same old slutty clothing, just in XXL. Hey, don’t hate! Plus-sized sluts need nice clothes too!

Since I’m being so nice to Kim in this post, I thought I’d show these new photos of her stuffing her face with… ice cream? Yogurt? Whatever it is, I love that looks like she’s enjoying the hell out of it. Good for her.

Kim Kardashian treats herself to frozen yogurt before her weekly pedicure in Beverly Hills, Ca on September 01, 2010.  Fame Pictures, Inc

Kim Kardashian treats herself to frozen yogurt before her weekly pedicure in Beverly Hills, Ca on September 01, 2010.  Fame Pictures, Inc

Kim Kardashian treats herself to frozen yogurt and male conversation before heading off to her weekly pedicure in Beverly Hills, Ca on August 31, 2010.  Fame Pictures, Inc

Prestige cover courtesy of Kim’s website.

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22 Responses to “Kim Kardashian’s hilarious, waxy, spiky cover for Prestige Mag”

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  1. YOYO99 says:

    She is gross!

  2. maya says:

    She is eating yogurt. This site gives Kim and her family a lot coverage. It doesn’t matter if it is good or bad coverage. I hope she is paying this site for the coverage.

  3. Samantha says:

    Obviously their shows do well enough to warrant the coverage. Someone out there in the universe is watching.

  4. artista says:

    Yawn…I hope they paid here in yogurt.

  5. DDD Cups of Justice says:

    Prestige = Kim K?

    Does not compute.

    Let’s see Kim K on the cover of Steppin’ Out, that’s much more appropriate!

  6. Tia C says:

    That photo reminds me of the episode of “Sex & the City” where the two gay guys invite Samantha to join them in bed, then they end up ignoring her and just doing each other. Looks like that’s about to happen here, lol!

  7. Samigirl says:

    I HATE this cover. She looks…heavy, I guess. The dress is NOT flattering, and the hair sucks.

  8. smith says:

    The cover is okay but as usual Kim brings zero to the party other than her ever-evolving face; look into her eyes, there’s nothing there folks. I hold no ill-will towards her, but it disturbs me that even in the (mostly) empty-headed celeb world she emerges like a vapid plastic doll. It’s cliche to say, but when she stood next to her wax figure it really was a toss up as to who had the better personality.

    Her “like” interviews are “like” rubbish, and even on DWTS she couldn’t drum up any feeling, rhythm or presence because she was too worried about messing up her hair to actually move.

    How is it that a large number of people tune in to watch her do anything? She bores me to dry tears.

  9. freckles says:

    I totally agree with Samigirl.. this cover is HIDEOUS, and she looks dead. I can’t believe you think it looks even kind of “fierce.” The dress makes her look like she has the top half of a linebacker, Her hair looks like a pixie cut gone bad, and her pose and face are just totally lifeless… she looks awful! And it kinda looks like those guys are twins… awkward.

  10. turtles says:

    She is beautiful, successful, and comes off as sweet. I dont get why people call her heavy. I think she totally pulled that cover off.

  11. jojo says:

    OMG! She is so gorgeous! She is so fashionable! Nice person. Love her.

  12. aenflex says:

    photoshop much?

  13. Rose says:

    this kaiser chick always sounds so bitter. I don’t even care for half the people she writes about, but wow she needs to lighten up! It all just comes out hateful and perez hilton-like. at least on d-listed the guy is funny.

  14. original kate says:

    she looked better with her original nose.

  15. beebee says:


  16. kas says:

    It looks like she was photoshopped into the picture with the two dudes.

  17. Alarmjaguar says:

    Rose, there are plently of other posts for which you could have called Kiaser out, but this really isn’t one of them. Plus, while she can be hilariously bitchy (hence the name of the cite), she’s also very thoughtful and thus light years away from Perez.

  18. rudy5 says:

    @rose.. Website is called… durrr

  19. LolaBella says:

    I think she looks pretty on the cover and less ‘cat-like’ in the face than she has looked recently on the red carpets.

    The guy on the left looks like he either just got his junk pierced by one of the spines on her dress or like he’s about to barf all over her. 🙂

  20. TruTru says:

    She has that “deer in the headlights” look–like I can’t beleive I am doing this, ME!!!

    I can’t imagine what that face and ass will look like in 10 yrs..

    she had more “feeling” in her porn, and that was minimal! LOL

  21. A~ says:

    Mmmmm, pinkberry. Yummy, yummy frozen yogurt of SoCal.

  22. amirza says:

    will the thorns on her dress poke the male models?