Ashlee Simpson’s vintage Chanel: classy, pretty or bland?


We spend too much time on Jessica Simpson. We are like Papa Joe in that way – always obsessing over Jess’s life and clothes and boyfriends and gay BFF breakups. And Ashlee becomes The Forgotten Simpson, and her clothes are rarely analyzed, her weight loss discusses briefly then instantly forgotten, her marriage not scandalous in any way. So let’s talk about Ashlee for a moment – these are photos from launch of Decades Denim in LA last night. Ashlee recently cut her hair into this sweet little pixie cut – you’d think that she wouldn’t be able to pull it off, but she does.

As for the dress, and as for Ashlee’s figure – I think she looks really good. The dress is vintage Chanel, and I find it slightly boring, but it looks good on Ashlee, and she sometimes has pretty nice taste. It’s a classy dress, and I like that she’s somewhat covered up. As for Ashlee’s figure – after a few years of everyone calling her anorexic, it looks like she’s put some weight back on (just a few pounds), and I think she looks pretty healthy.

PopEater says that Ashlee is channeling Edie Sedgwick – I can see that. Especially with the earrings, which are my least favorite part of the ensemble. They overwhelm the whole look, which could have been completely cute. They’re too heavy, and they distract from the hair. The makeup is great though. Overall: Ashlee is now a better dresser than Jessica Simpson.



Photos courtesy of Bauer-Griffin and WENN.

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64 Responses to “Ashlee Simpson’s vintage Chanel: classy, pretty or bland?”

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  1. JaisyMaisy says:

    Is it just me, or is her old nose sort of back? How is that possible?

  2. Julie says:

    I really don’t see how you don’t judge this as too skinny. Maybe not anorexic, but I don’t believe natural in any way shape or form.

  3. Moi says:

    i love the hair and the dress – she looks great. I’m just not liking the earrings with this look – they are too long and just don’t ‘go’.

  4. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    OMG WHY IS THAT NOT IN MY CLOSET!?!?!?!?! This Chanel is to die for, and it looks good on Ashley.

  5. Maddie says:

    I love that cut, it looks great on her, and I too ditto the Edie Sedgwick comment.

  6. RobN says:

    Classy, which must be really hard to achieve coming from that family.

    The hair really suits her.

  7. aenflex says:

    bleh. dress would be better on someone else.

  8. Samigirl says:

    She looks fab. LOVE her hair.

  9. Miss says:

    She looks great!

  10. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    She looks cute.

  11. jeane says:

    YES! I’ve been thinking the same thing!… Her old nose seems to be growing back. Weird.

  12. Carrie says:

    The haircut is adorable, and the dress is cute- she looks good.

    I’m not loving the one-legged pose in the first picture. Think about how unnatural it would be to stand in front of a bank of photographers and to kick back your leg in a pose- weird, right? Studied and obvious and embarrassing.

  13. gabs says:

    The haircuts great. The posing is so tryhard though. Shes also much thinner isnt she? Overall, yeah shes a better dresser than Jess but she doesnt have the big boobs to worry about. Its hard to dress right with huge boobs

  14. Diane says:

    I think she’s adorable, that hair style is cute on her.

  15. guesty says:

    she’s very twiggy-esque. like the dress.

  16. J says:

    She looks fabulous – I love her haircut. I am a sucker for a short cut…

  17. sickofit says:

    please eat something, girl. IMO shes still way too skinny.

  18. Eileen says:

    She’s very cute…but then I think of how much $$$ and surgery it took to get her this way and then I’m ‘meh’ about her.

  19. S_____ says:

    I’m that thin. I eat. Some people are thin.

  20. roguesiren says:

    IMO she is prettier and carries herself better than Jessica. I have noticed that her fashion choices have improved and she is leaning towards a classy look. I think the Chanel is to die for and looks great on her.

  21. GrnMtGirl says:

    I like the dress and the hair, but the earrings are definitely out of place.

  22. CandyKay says:

    It looks like her old nose is growing back.

    This is a good thing, as I think the revised nose didn’t fit her face.

  23. Moreaces says:

    She does look really cute, to bad she is irrevelant.

  24. dread pirate cuervo says:

    Covet the dress! Earrings, not so much. I would’ve done studs instead of chandelier. Maybe something the size of a quarter, like pave diamond buttons? But if it wasn’t for the fug earrings, nobody would really be talking about how great she looks. Well played, Simpson.

  25. spinner says:

    Her hair looks great!!
    The dress is gorgeous!
    She needs to learn the art of posing & that hideous chin implant is really annoying.

  26. sharylmj says:

    love her, love her style, love her sweet little boy.. her hubby ?? not sure, but they seem really really happy.. she looks awesome with short hair! you can see her face and it fits her small frame. Her long hair always looked greasy and messy to me.. she’s a beautiful girl.

  27. devilgirl says:

    I think she looks really nice. Of course I also gave Miley a compliment today, so who knows if my judgement is off or not.

  28. Sarajane says:

    I love the hair, makeup and the dress.

    The earrings? I appreciate them because I design jewelry for a living, but I think they were the wrong choice for that dress.

    I also don’t think she’d look AS thin if she wasn’t posed all awkward. *shrugs*

  29. Crash2GO2 says:

    I really do like this cut and color of hair on her. ALOT. However, she is too thin, and still won’t stand up straight.

  30. mercy says:

    In one word: ADORABLE

  31. Bella Bella says:

    She looks like a Tranny’s take on Sharon Stone.

  32. Natalie says:

    i dont like the earings. with the high neck of the dress and the big/long earings, its to much for her small face. but the dress is cute!

  33. danielle says:

    She looks better than usual. I’ll always remember her Burger King flip out and will never like her tho. Jessica at least seems nice, this one, not so much.

  34. serena says:

    She’s so much better with that haircut. Anyway the dress is pretty and compliments her, not so much the earrings.

  35. Wendy says:

    I love that dress! The earrings are too big IMO – between the earrings, the haircut and the eye makeup it really does seem like she’s trying to look like Edie Sedgwick, but whatever, there are worse people to look like. The stork pose kind of makes me giggle though…

    Again people, enough with the “too thin” comments – too thin for what? How would you like it if people described you as too fat?

  36. samanthalous says:

    Never lift your shoe unless they are blood red on the bottom.

  37. Heavenbound says:

    Wow!! for once I think she looks pretty.

  38. archiepelago says:

    @ S____


    Not every skinny girl needs bashed ‘to eat more’. I was very underweight growing up and the bullying was horrendous but if I ever try to talk about it now, people somehow think being skinny is the be all and say stupid stuff like ‘well at least you were skinny’. Umm, missing the point somewhat.

    I think this haircut is gorgeous on her.

  39. truthSF says:

    I love her haircut!

  40. Julie says:

    I actually kind of love those earrings. And you’re right – the hair is quite cute on her. Well done, A. Simp.

  41. Jeri says:

    I agree that she looks very pretty.

  42. Ferguson. says:

    Yes, enough with the ‘too skiny’ comments please. I’m as thin as she is, and I eat… a lot (though I eat healthy, not junk food). I find it offensive when people tell me to eat more because I ‘have no meat on my bones’, srsly.. they dont know anything about me. But whatever, didnt mean to take it personal but i guess it bothered me.

    About Ash, I love her hair… the new cut looks cute on her and that color makes it look even cuter. The Chanel is dreamy. But I agree with all of you who say that the earrings are too big and therefore, out of place.

  43. Xx says:

    Chanel Chanel Chanel. Nuff said.

  44. Sumodo1 says:

    Ashley’s got a stylist! That’s what this photo says. One with an Edie Sedgwick fixation. Also, if there is a stylist, those earrings may also be Chanel from the same period.

    Do we think Rachel Zoe is styling?

  45. KellyBrynn says:


    my thoughts exactly.

    that and the fact that’s she’s famous for “acting” and “singing” (my neck hurts from rolling my eyes so hard)…basically a celebration of mediocrity.

  46. Maritza says:

    This is the best she has looked so far.

  47. The Hamm is My Dream Man says:

    She looks adorable aside from the earrings which are terrible.

    She’s not “too skinny” either. She looks fine. There are people in this world who are thin and healthy. She looks that way to me.

  48. fancyamazon says:

    Nice look, and I like the colour of the earrings and style of the earrings, but not the size. She should have gotten some nice drop style vintage garnets to go with that dress. But she looks great, and I love the hair.

  49. Kitten says:

    Love the haircut on her. It’s fun to see short hair making a comeback. Long hair has been the trend for a decade or more it seems.

  50. Crash2GO2 says:

    I apologize if I offended anyone with my ‘too thin’ comment. It is simply my perception that this is not a healthy weight for her. Perhaps it is the slumping – it makes her look too weak and tired to hold herself up (to me). But then maybe I am projecting onto her – I just went through yet ANOTHER bought with sinus infections and antibiotics that made me sick to my stomach and I’m feeling a little too thin myself.

  51. OtherChris says:

    She looks pretty good. How is it she and her sister look nothing alike, right down to their body types?

  52. hatsumomo says:

    Her old nose is growing back.

  53. bereal says:

    She can’t pull it off

  54. original kate says:

    the color of her hair is nasty – kind of a piss yellow, and the back needs to be trimmed because she is one step away from mulletville. overall i don’t like this look on her. i don’t know – she just bugs me. exactly why is she famous?

  55. anti says:

    LOVE her haircut…and the dress too!

  56. Stubbylove says:

    Absolutely love it.

  57. Camille says:

    I think she looks cute. She is definitely the better looking Simpson sister now.

  58. notsoanonymous says:

    I’ll say the nice things first – despite the fact that she doesn’t have the pixie/angelic face to pull off that cut, I don’t hate it on her. It’s also not my favorite, either.

    To another a previous poster, the reason she has a different body type than her sister? It’s called an EATING DISORDER. Ashlee publicly admitted to having one in her teens while trying to fit the typical ‘dancer’s body’

    Yes, some of you may be genectically this thin, but I don’t WHATSOEVER buy the crap comment that Ashlee is.

  59. Confuzzle says:

    Intriguing how her old nose grew back. Will she get it whittled down again? *cough* I mean, have that deviated septum seen to again?

  60. Henriette says:

    Meh. The dress looks dull on her. But have to give her props for staying out of the press and just going about her bid’ness, quietly, these days. Now if only her sis would do the same!

  61. Dannnii says:

    Ok, so she may be 8-9 pounds underweight, but she looks REALLY pretty here.
    She seems like a sweet spirit too, which is why she is attractive to me.

  62. truthzbetta says:

    Surgicized nose, obvious eating disorder, basically retired at 25. I liked her better when she was supposed to be the punk but real Simpson.

    Fake fame.

  63. Isa says:

    Intouch did a small article about Ashlee’s old nose coming back a while ago.

    The reason people comment on her being too skinny is because is not naturally that thin. She used to be at a heavier weight (one that looked normal on her) then she showed up in a green and white dress to some event super skinny and has been that way ever since.

    So yea, some people are naturally that skinny…but I don’t think she is.

  64. telesma says:

    Adorable. Classy and pretty, and a very good look for her. I hate short hair on myself, but it looks great on some people, and she’s one of those people. And, well, Chanel is Chanel. It’s classic. Classic and bland are not the same thing, though some classics can be bland. “Bland” is pretty much anything Jennifer Garner wears.