Kelly Osbourne in a bikini for Shape Mag: adorable or enough already?


Kelly Osbourne is the December cover girl for Shape Magazine. I have mixed feelings about this. One on side, I’m really happy that Kelly has gotten healthier and that she has achieved her goal of losing weight and keeping it off, and I know she’s really proud of herself, etc. On the other side, I feel like a bitch for thinking to myself “We get it, Kelly, you lost weight and now all you can talk about is how hot you are and how you are competition for all of the hot Hollywood girls, please shut up.” NOW DON’T YELL AT ME. I think she looks great these days, and I’m happy for her. Sigh… whatever. Here are some excerpts from her Shape interview:

Kelly Osbourne on body image: “I was called fat and ugly in the press almost my entire life. I understand that being judged by others comes with the territory, but it broke my heart and ruined my self esteem. It sets you up to hate yourself in a huge way. I was so angry about the things people said about me. I truly believe it’s the main reason I turned to Vicodin and ended up in rehab three times. I just hated myself.”

On diet and exercise: Calling herself an “emotional eater,” Osbourne’s path to healthy living began when she appeared on Dancing with the Stars. Her partner Louis van Amstel filled her in on nutrition habits like eating a high-protein, low-carb diet. “He made me eat turkey burgers and salads…Then I started losing weight and realized, ‘Oh, it’s true what they say: Diet and exercise really work!’ ”

Continuing the exercise: “My girlfriends and I just started doing plyometrics,” she added. “It’s a killer—it hurts so much. But when you walk out of there, you’re like, ‘I can’t believe I just did that and my body looks this good.’”

Losing 50 pounds over all: “I used to eat chips and cookies and drink soda all day long,” she admitted. “I had to start making better choices. [Now] I indulge with pizza and cheese—I love Brie—and have cookies sometimes. But now, when I’m full? I stop eating! It may have taken me 26 years to figure it out, but I’ve finally learned how to do it right.”

Kelly said she cried when she saw the Shape cover: “I never thought in a million years I’d be that healthy girl who wakes up every morning to exercise,” Kelly says. “I’m rocking a bikini!”

She exercises six days a week: “I just commit to half an hour a day,” says the reality star. “It doesn’t seem overwhelming and I can handle that. I do half an hour on the treadmill and when I feel like doing more, I’ll do a few sit-ups and some weights.”

On being a simple size: “Now every designer will send me anything that I want, and I can’t believe that I am in this situation,” Osbourne gushes. “I opened up all of these zip bags last night from Marchesa — off the runway — and I can’t believe that it fits me.”

[From Radar & The Examiner]

Yes, because fitting into the sample size is all that’s important in life. I know that’s not what she was saying, and I don’t think I’ve ever had a moment in my teenage or adult life where I could have ever fit into a simple size, but really? You get to wear some free Marchesa clothes and that makes it all worth it? I’d say getting Marchesa clothes sent to you is a good enough reason to keep some extra weight on. Now, if it was Burberry, my ass would be going to the gym like a fiend too.


Photo by: Quasar/ 2010  11/1/10 Kelly Osbourne at the 200th Episode of Dancing with the Stars . (Hollywood, CA) Photo via Newscom

47229, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Monday November 8 2010. Kelly Osbourne at the Glamour Magazine 2010 Women of the Year Gala, held at New York's Carnegie Hall. Photograph:  Darla Khazei,

Shape photos courtesy of Just Jared & Radar.

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85 Responses to “Kelly Osbourne in a bikini for Shape Mag: adorable or enough already?”

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  1. CeCe says:

    No way. Props to her. Why in the world should people get sick of seeing someone who has better herself?

  2. The_Porscha says:

    Yeah. I wouldn’t have any problem with this if it wasn’t the 18 millionth interview dedicated almost solely to her size. Discussing her new size and her new happiness – despite the impression she WANTS to give – makes us correlate her happiness with her appearance, which is totally sad. Hopefully she’s happy that she’s healthier, not just because she’s smaller, but that’s not what it sounds like. Sounds like the self-esteem issues she mentioned are still being worked on.

  3. Toe says:

    She looks good. Long hair looks good on her.

  4. LindaR says:

    Good for her for losing the weight and keeping it off. And Shape is a fitness magazine so she would look weird dressed in a heavy overcoat. How good she really looks is questionable, however, since photoshopping will take care of any residual affects of being overweight for as many years as she was. Hopefully it will be over soon when the public loses interest. I became royally sick of looking at pics of Valerie Bertinelli too and am thankful she has moved on from commercials that interrupt what I like to watch to a show that I don’t want to watch. Am waiting for Osborne to write a book about her “life so far” and her “journey” from drugged out fatty to “taking control of her life” yada yada yada. Same story, different celeb.

  5. Kaiser says:

    The Porscha – Yes, that’s what I was trying to say, you said it much better than I did. Thank you.

  6. Eve says:

    @ The_Porscha:

    Totally agree with your comment.

  7. LisaMarie says:

    Now if she’d just get rid of those bangs. They accentuate her face in the most horrible way possible!

  8. Po says:

    If you’ve been given everything and losing weight is the only thing you ever really had to work at, wouldn’t you be excited too. She doesn’t have a day to day job or even a charity to run, and as far as I know she’s not in college like some young women her age so what else is there?

  9. brin says:

    Adorable AND enough already!

  10. OtherChris says:

    She looks cute and it doesn’t look like they photoshoppeed her to hell and back. I hope she stays healthy and happy. She seems like a good kid.

  11. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    To be big for a really long time and having to endure the fat girl shame…IDK unless you have ever been a fat girl you don’t know how awesome it is to just be able to shop, blend in, and feel attractive. I am happy for Kelly and I don’t mind hearing about her life after weight loss. You know Sharon was quite large to, I guess thats where Jack and Kelly got it.

  12. kelBear says:

    Her hair looks like crap on that cover.

  13. samihami says:

    Adorable! Good for her!

  14. annaloo says:

    I love that bracelet

  15. Diane says:

    I’m glad she’s healthier now but I have a feeling with the holidays coming up and all the eating that goes with it, she’ll be monitored close and we’ll hear all about it if she gains 5 lbs.

  16. Tess says:

    It’s just unrealistic. Keeping poundage off is a lifelong struggle and these self congratulatory moments may be fleeting in the long run, not to mention setting herself up to look foolish if she regains some weight. Think Oprah.

    It’s not like she’s reached some static plateau that she’s got a lock on maintaining. But she talks like she’s finally got it all figured out.

  17. David says:

    She looks good

  18. Anguishedcorn says:

    Having become a very Large Marge in college and after having a child, and then losing 35 pounds and keeping it off, I can completely relate to how she feels, and how she gushes. Like it or not, how we feel is integrally linked to how we look. If you think otherwise, you’re kidding yourselves. I like reading her interviews because she is so happy and proud, and that comes through.

  19. Rita says:

    The Shape cover doesn’t appear to be airbrushed to much and I have to say that it is the very best picture I’ve ever seen of her. Now, if she will just work on the inside like she apparently has the outside, she’ll be a wonderful lady.

  20. devilgirl says:

    Enough already.

  21. Lady Jane says:

    Poor Kelly. She will always have a fat head. She kind of looks like a dwarf version of Ivana Trump.

  22. Megan says:

    the bangs are not doing her any favors… but on the cover she looks great she should be proud

  23. Kricket says:

    me thinks she looks adorable! i guess i would rather hear about Kelly’s size than the ever-so-boring EL-P.

  24. LittleDeadGirl says:

    I find it a little ironic that she talks about how the media ripped into her and ruined her self esteem and now she’s on a show with Joan Rivers doing basically the same thing to others. Hmm.

    Still I think any of us can relate to her feeling of finally getting over some major hurdle and being happy and I hope she sticks to the hard work and makes it but realizes life is not just about being in shape and looking good. Those things are important, don’t get me wrong, we’re all superficial to some degree but in the end we need alot more like family and friends and ambitions to make it all worthwhile.

  25. krissy says:

    I don’t get it…If my parents were really rich and I never had to work or worry about money, I could also eat the best food and hire a personal; trainer and be in perfect shape. What’s the big deal, what else is she doing now that she is sober?

  26. Anti-icon says:

    gosh she’s tiny. I’m proud of Kelly. I watched the Osbornes and she’s really blossomed.

  27. Brittney says:

    Her body does look good, but she also looks too small for her frame. Head-to-body ratio is a good indicator of that. The fact that intense, cruel Hollywood criticism led her to addiction is a bad sign considering her 50-pound weight loss, even if she truly is doing it through diet and exercise.

    No one should lose weight because others make them feel bad about their body. This sends a terrible message to women that you can only feel good in your own skin after you lose enough weight to fit into the absurdly small sample sizes.

    I’m glad she’s healthy (if she is) and happy… but what would happen to her self esteem if she gained some weight back?

  28. mln says:

    I’m glad she lost the weight but she should stop trying to convince people she is now “competetition: for the other skinny girls because there is absolutely nada going on in her career. It’s not like being a sample size means that her version of Papa Don’t Preach wasn’t atrocious.

  29. guesty says:

    enough already.

    her face/head just doesn’t match her body. it’s almost like a photo-shopped image of two different people even tho it’s not.

  30. Jaye E says:

    As someone who has lost a ton of weight in the last year, I can tell you that after being the butt of ridicule and the self loathing that comes from being fat, being able to shop in regular department stores and fit into straight sizes is huge. I’m sure that KO is happy that she’s healthy and added some years to her life, but it’s okay to be happy about being the ‘skinny’ girl for the first time in ever. Cut the girl some slack.

  31. Bonfire Beach says:

    I feel bitchy today so I say enough already. It really does sound like she equates her happiness with being skinny.

  32. Jezi says:

    I’m happy for her. It’s very deserved on her end. She struggled for years and finally is happy with herself. She works very hard to maintain her figure. I train at least 4 days a week and it’s extremely hard to keep up the stamina and drive that it takes. Granted she has the time and money to do it but it’s still hard. Good for her.

  33. Hollowdoll says:

    The statement about being small enough for designer clothes is a bit much. But I can’t blame her for being excited after losing so much weight. I think things will calm down and she won’t be so over exposed.

  34. bored says:

    Losing weight is a reason to be happy, you look better and you feel better. Like it or not happiness in life DOES come from how you look and how you feel about that. This magazine is about weight loss, healthy and fitness so of course thats what they are going to focus on. Obviously there are other dimentions to this woman’s life that make her happy and give her life depth… we just dont see it because looking at someone’s life via magazine articles is kind of looking at someone in 2D form. There’s less a problem with her and more of a problem with the public and their perception.

  35. Amy says:

    I like her, and her weight loss journey is inspiring to me (as someone who’s gained 20lbs in the last two years). But that Garth Algar hair looks awful and does her face shape no favors.

  36. Vi says:

    yawn, talking about her weight loss is the only career she has

  37. anon33 says:


    ROFLMAO at “garth algar hair”

  38. Bodhi says:

    Doesn’t she have some sort of thyroid problem that she doesn’t take care of because it will make her gain weight?

  39. serena says:

    Who the fuck cares about celebrities losing weigh? And of course, getting a cover in some magazine for it.
    WOW, that should be the example to young girls. (sob)

  40. Majosha says:

    @Po: Good point. It’s kind of sad, really, that with all the opportunities at her disposal, losing weight has been her most lauded achievement to date.

  41. bros says:

    why is she at all relevant? I dont even want to look at her, no matter what size she is.

  42. Fknight says:

    Enuff already….give it more time…girl just got skinny…i bet she’ll be bigger in no time….she needs to do something about that face…cheek lipo or a cheek tuck..something….she’s a butterface

  43. CIdee says:

    Good for her! Losing weight and feeling physically healthy can change a person’s life. So glad she has made such positive changes.

  44. J says:

    @Anguishedcorn and @Bored,

    I would tend to disagree, in the fact that how we look can certainly affect how we feel about ourselves, but absolutely does not DICTATE how we feel about ourselves. I have lost a similar amount of weight to Kelly (about 45/50 lbs.) since my youth and believe it or not I was more confident and secure with how I looked and myself in general before I lost the weight. Of course I’ll admit that I like the way I look better now, however, I am also more concerned now about how other people see me.

    I’m just saying, when I was bigger, I didn’t really care what people thought about that. I still thought I looked good and I felt attractive. I didn’t feel the need to compete with my skinny friends because I felt that I was attractive in my own right, even if in a way not completely sanctioned by our society.

  45. RHONYC says:

    she has become the girl she used to love to hate.

    heidi klum. 🙁

  46. Roxanne75 says:

    She needs to stop showing off before this starts to backlash on her…which it already is starting to do…

  47. spooge says:

    No amount of body can cover that fugly face

  48. Bella Mosley says:

    Sounds like the green eyed monster has consumed the author and others to me. I am very happy for anyone who has bettered herself and she has every reason to be proud.
    Of course many arent. They are and probably always have been the bullys. Must be horrible to have such a negative attitude.

  49. Amanda says:

    Unfortunately, the face remains.

  50. ! says:

    I think all of it would bother me far less if she hadn’t bothered to go blond, too. That takes it into the realm of “Ooooh, you were all angst-y and shit because you wanted to be just like them, I get it now.”

  51. Anastasia says:

    Hey I’m just happy someone’s on Shape who isn’t ripped all to hell with muscles and gristle and you can see their damn bones. She looks healthy and nice.

  52. Cletus says:

    ANGUISHEDCORN is probably the best handle I have ever seen.

  53. LunaT says:

    I’ve always thought that she was adorable. It’s rad that she feels good about herself, but there’s a bit of the bobble head look going on. Seems to me that happens when too much weight is lost. As long as she’s happy and healthy 🙂

  54. Big Mama says:

    I have always loved her. I think she is so fun and real.

    With that said, she has a fat-girl head.

  55. animac says:

    what a drag show

  56. MissyA says:

    Isn’t she a recovering addict? Or at least, she’s struggled with binge behaviors in the past? A lot of people I run with (myself included) tend to their channel anger/anxiety into their workout. A less destructive form of self-indulgence.

    I don’t know, I give her a pass for looking within herself and finding inner strength. I do wish she’d concentrate more on her newfound physical prowess, and less on how well she can fit into sample sizes. That kind of fixation on superficial benchmarks can lead to yo-yo fluctuations (ala Oprah).

    It’s one thing to be proud of yourself, it’s another to be so emotionally invested in how you look.

  57. Anti-icon says:

    The one thing I think Kelly has — inherited from her mother — is that she seeks guidance, and takes it. I bet she will refrain from talking about/being photographed on her weight after this cover. I don’t think she wants to be seen as only this one thing.

    I think she might be a good role model for other teen girls. (Take over Tyra’s show.)

  58. Jeri says:

    “Enough Already”

  59. Jenna says:

    she looks great but seriously… enough already. we get it. u lost a ton of weight. now contribute to society.

  60. hmm(the original) says:

    Enough!! We get it, Kelly, now you get to sit at the popular girls table at school. Yay!! Successful weight loss is something to be proud of and it’s a worthy accomplishment but maybe now it’s time for Kelly to establish new goals and hopefully, in time her self worth won’t be so tied into her size.

  61. Jess says:

    She looks good, but I have a feeling she didn’t do it the healthy way 100%.

  62. notsoanonymous says:

    I’m not going to comment on her weight/enough already/etc…

    But I do want to point out that this girl actually had a major heartbreak this year when she found out her man was cheating. Everyone said ‘oh, she’s going to get fat again’ and yet she didn’t – she stayed in control and didn’t end up (too much) in the papers for her personal relationship doing the ‘poor me’ routine. She remained fairly private about it and handled herself with a lot of grace.

    Good on her, I do think she looks fantastic here.

  63. Liana says:

    I think she looks great. And it didn’t happen overnight, it took her awhile. Good job!

  64. angel martin says:

    Here’s the thing–

    Ok a few things actually:
    1) I relate to her, I don’t think I was ever as overweight as she was but I was a bit chubby throughout my teen years and even into my early 20’s, and I always heard from my FAMILY of all people “you are too beautiful to have extra weight, your face is too beautiful, if you lost a few pounds you’d be perfect” and it just ruined me emotionally. I can’t recall a time in my life when I didn’t feel like this flawed monstrosity. This is me:
    Granted, that is me now, after having lost about 20lbs that I carried with me on and off for 10 years. But I have been/am starving myself, eating less than 1,000 calories a day when my bmr is 1531 cals [just to exist I burn that many cals]. She is lucky that she has all these different expensive opportunities to get in shape and do it the healthy way, because I can tell you for sure that with her self-esteem issues mirroring mine, if she didn’t she would have just chain smoked and starved herself to be thin the way I’m doing. I was never an “emotional eater” but I was an “emotional sloth,” when I’m depressed I just don’t do ANYTHING and eat like someone who has a normal routine. If I had $$ I’d have a personal trainer come in and dictate my life, but if it’s up to me to do something good for myself I just don’t because I kind of hate myself especially for having weight problems and anything linked to my weight problems triggers the urge to punish/destroy myself. I really relate to Kelly, always have [I turned to hydrocodone for the EXACT same reasons she did], but I’ll be damned if I’d bleach my hair and try to fit the mold I always found disgusting just because my figure finally fits the role. I resent her for that. It’s like she’s a sellout. I wasn’t the angsty grunge girl just because I felt fat, that was authentic, it looks like for her it was a last resort kind of thing [“if I can’t be one of the pretty shiny people who wear a size 0, I will look and act like I hate them all and never want to be anything like them—oops now I’m skinny, sign me up for the Heidi Montag look”]

    2)Kelly has genetic weight issues, and they are a bitch to overcome. My family is full of skinny bitches on my father’s, but I’m in large part Native American on my mother’s paternal side and we have the “thrifty gene” which means our bodies are still strongly programmed to store fat for the winter if given the chance. My mom is like 100 lbs and 5 foot even, but even she gains weight quickly under certain circumstances. Kelly’s mom passed down some kind of major obesity gene, and I’m skeptical about whether or not she can overcome it in the long term. She is celebrating prematurely, and kind of making an ass of herself.

    3) Do any of you guys think this is kind of a reaction to being dumped/cheated on by that sexy model boyfriend Luke Worrel [sp?] everyone thought was crazy for dating her in the first place? I get the feeling she is trying to prove that he wasn’t out of her league afterall, because I bet that rejection and all the scrutiny she faced when they were together [“he can’t really be attracted to her, it has to be a fame/gold-digger situation”] did more damage to her than all the years of media insults she faced. So now she maniacally seeks to be thin and “standard” because she never wants to feel that way again.

    4) I hate to say this, this is cruel and awful, but her build just isn’t meant for a teeny-weeny starlet weight. Those photos from a few weeks ago or whatever at the DWTS event, where she wore that super small short dress, really revealed that. Her leg bones/musculature are naturally robust, and her legs sprawl out at the knees in an awkward way. I wonder if that is just the residual effect of having been too heavy for many years? Does it ever go away? It blows my mind that she can fit into sample sizes with her frame. Those who mentioned that her head looks too big for her body–I think it’s the other way around. Her midsection is too small for the rest of her. Look at her arms, her calves, her hands, that is a big boned girl. Her head is the clearest example of that. I really believe she will always feel flawed and inferior until she gets some kind of plastic surgery done to even out her jawline with her newfound waistline. She looks off. A longer, straighter hairstyle that is NOT blonde would help her a lot in that regard, as well.

    5) I am really curious to know what she says her current weight is. It would shock the hell out of me if she weighed less than 140. She is naturally muscular and dense boned, both of these things make a huge difference on the scale.

  65. Annicka says:

    Okay, I used to be fat, and I lost a ton of weight, so I know exactly where Kelly is coming from. I also lost 50 pounds. It’s wonderful to go from fat girl to ex-fat girl but you know what, Kelly? You might still be riding the high of weight loss but everyone else is FUCKING SICK OF IT. Nobody wants to hear about the same shit over and over again! After I lost weight, people didn’t want to hear about it again and again because THEY CAN TELL. When you go from fat to skinny, people can tell without being informed that you’ve dropped 50 pounds. Good for you, now shut up.

  66. The Bobster says:

    Quagmire in drag.

  67. Elle says:

    She looks great but I’m tired of her already.


  68. Ally says:

    What’s really depressing is all the fashion magazine mavens who never granted Kelly Osbourne an inch of space in their publications who now suddenly find her “stylish!” and the new “it girl”.

    Gee, I wonder what it is about her fashion sense that suddenly changed — um, nothing, she just shrunk.

    They’re less interested in fashion than in selling fashion by making women feel inadequate.

  69. Kim says:

    Oh Lord! Im embarrassed for her. She wants so desperately to be Paris Hilton like (why i cant imagine) and she never will be. What happened to the girl who dressed funky and didnt care about weight, fake blond hair, to tight clothing and photoshopping? She went Hollywood =(

  70. Kim says:

    Sad this is the only “accomplishment” she is known for. Not her humanitarian efforts or charity work or acting or singing – just for being a chubby girl who lost weight. Pathetic that she bought into the whole Hollywood, anorexic disease hook line & sinker.

  71. LolaBella says:

    She’s ‘shopped to hell on that cover, but good for her on the healthy lifestyle choices and resulting weight-loss. She really does look good in candid shots.

    “I understand that being judged by others comes with the territory, but it broke my heart and ruined my self esteem. It sets you up to hate yourself in a huge way.”

    Ironic since she is now part of the panel on the Fashion Police judging others and ruining their self esteem. Hmmm.

    I hope she realizes how fickle Hollywood is and that the moment she puts the weight back on she’ll be off that show and Joan and Melissa will be making fun of HER.

    OT: Now, what’s this about eating STUFFING and weighing LESS? Do tell!

  72. Marjalane says:

    So why is she famous? I forget. I know her parents are famous….but what has she done? I understand she was on Dancing with the stars awhile back…was she any good? Did she get ridiculed for not being a “star” in her own right? Or was it O.K. because her mother was just a bitch, not a politician? It’s all so confusing.

  73. Jaye E says:

    @LolaBella, I’ve actually watched that Fashion Police show (even though I find Joan Rivers utterly repellent) and KO is the most gracious member of the panel. She seems to make it a point NOT to make catty remarks. She often comes off as the young voice of reason.

  74. blinditemreader says:

    Girl is hyperthyroid and is damaging her body. She’s at serious risk for osteoporosis, let alone the fact that she looks smaller than the weight her frame is meant to carry.

  75. whatuseeiswhatuget says:

    Unfortunately, she also lost 50 lbs. of personality and cuteness.

    With that said, I hope she gains 50 lbs. of talent too…at least! She is pretty useless other than being a potty-mouth Brit rock star offspring.

  76. Moops says:

    So, she had no self-esteem when she was heavier, because her self-worth was entirely dependent upon others’ approval of her. And instead of doing some hard work (in therapy, or whatever) to rid herself of that negative, self-defeating mindset, she lost weight. And now she feels better, but nothing has really changed. She only feels better because WE like her better now. She’s turning men’s heads and getting kudos from the women, including most on this site. We should save our congratulations for when she’s not so desperately trying to curry our favor.

    Because even if she keeps the weight off forever (highly unlikely), she will get older just like everyone else. If she lives to be at least 80, she will spend at least half of her life in that nether-region where, as a woman, you no longer have much sexual power and you become semi-invisible. What will she do to feel good about herself then? Probably get a slew of plastic surgery, like her mother, which will just make people mock her more, which will make her feel worse, etc. etc. Get off the magazine covers, Kelly, and get into therapy. It will cost a lot less and be a lot less painful than the road you’re on (botox at 30, a thread-lift at 36, an eye lift at 40, etc.)

  77. Quercus says:

    angel martin: Bingo. I totally agree. I always thought she was very attractive at her more normal weight; now, not so much. She had a beautiful shape that is not the stick-thin Hollywood “norm”. Why is female flesh so horrible to us in this culture? Are we really that collectively blind to the various versions of beauty, of which she was one embodiment? Did nobody tell her that she was sexy the way she was? Because she was. Now I fear we’re in for years of her yo-yo dieting. Oh Kelly. 🙁

    It breaks my heart that your family was so messed up about your looks. From your picture, you’re freaking gorgeous! And you would be with more weight as well, by the way. No caveats attached.

  78. angel martin says:

    Thanks 🙂
    I have body dysmorphic disorder, so I really *can’t tell* what I look like in terms of size/shape, it’s terrible. The criticisms from my otherwise loving family have impacted me more than they will ever understand, I’d imagine in a way similar to that of how Kelly was affected by media criticism. Can you imagine getting all dressed up for some kind of media event, thinking you look OK at least, then reading comments in the media about how heavy you looked etc.? Sad, but it doesn’t excuse how she is pandering to those same people now. Ah, I do understand though.
    She really does look misshapen now, either because of poor styling choices [in other words, she wears the smallest things she can fit into instead of what her frame demands] or because she just isn’t meant to be a skinny girl.
    I still want to know what her weight and dress size really are.

  79. Crash2GO2 says:

    Can we please stop talking about this girl as if she has had normal weight loss? It is due to a medical condition, NOT to diet and exercise, and NOT due to psychological scarring for having been a larger girl for most of her life.

    I can’t believe anyone is letting her get away with talking about how she lost this the healthy way. PLEASE.

  80. BabyCakes says:

    She’s not the only celeb who has “lost weight” via lipo.

  81. CB Rawks says:

    I’m happy for her on the weight loss, but she is not actually *pretty* competition for other Hollywood girls. She’s just not pretty. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  82. CB Rawks says:

    That’s well said, Moops. I was a dieting yo-yo for years to try to keep my mum from attacking me, and it was all based on pleasing others.
    Now I’m happy to say that I’ve got an emotional handle on the whole thing, and just consider health the most important thing. And I feel much better all round.

  83. Cookie says:

    She’s still ugly as hell though! And that jaw line! Enough said…

  84. bunny wabba says:

    i had wondered how photoshopped this is but saw the footage of the shoot on “the talk” and her body looks exactly the same. i’d say there is very little photoshopping so good for her!

  85. cc says:

    She’s a whiny, spoilt, talentless girl who would not be in the spotlight if not for her famous father. Unfortunately she does not have the looks, so no amount of diet or exercise will bring her the stardom she so desperately craves.