Angelina Jolie has boy and girl twins, Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline

Angelina Jolie gave birth to boy and girl twins, Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline last night in Nice France. The babies weighed 5.03 lbs and 5 lbs and were delivered by c-section. Earlier reports were confused as to whether Angelina had giving birth to twin girls, was still pregnant, or had boy and girl twins. Now the Associated Press and People have confirmation from her doctor along with the names of the babies. He said that everyone is doing well and that Brad was by Angelina’s side during the birth:

“The babies are doing well. The operation went just perfectly,” Dr. Michael Sussmann told PEOPLE Sunday. “Angelina is in very good spirits. Brad Pitt was at her side. He was there and all was well.”

“The mother and father are very, very happy,” Sussmann told PEOPLE.


Knox and Vivienne will join their four siblings Maddox, 6, Pax, 4, Zahara, 3 and a half, and Shiloh, 2. Both Brad and Angelina have been outspoken about their quest for a large, happy family, with Brad saying at separate times that they wanted a soccer team, and that they would stop at somewhere between seven and nine children.

Little Vivienne’s middle name, Marcheline, is surely in honor of Angelina’s late mother, Marcheline Bertrand. It’s hard to tell what the twins’ other names mean and there’s sure to be a lot of speculation over the next few days.

Congratulations to the entire family on their new editions, and best wishes for a happy life together.

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112 Responses to “Angelina Jolie has boy and girl twins, Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline”

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  1. emma says:

    Knox is Brad’s maternal grandfather’s middle name.

  2. xiaoecho says:

    Quick, everybody bow down in obeisance

  3. Victoria says:

    Congrats to the happy parents!!! cant wait to see the babies, esp Knox!!

  4. geronimo says:

    Aw, three boys, three girls. Nice. Congrats to them.

    Interested to see what Knox looks like too – bet he’ll look like a male version of Shiloh and Vivienne will look like Ang. Vivienne Marcheline is beautiful, not sure on Knox as a first name – prefer Leon.

    Speaking of boy Jolie-Pitts: what’s with all their names ending in ‘x’??

    (Felt your pain on the other thread, xiaoecho, if that helps!)

  5. raspberry says:

    i read this in some random site:

    knox = from the hills
    leon = lion?

    lion from the hills?

    viviene = alive (lively)
    marcheline = name of angie’s mom
    so sweet, keeping the memory of her mom alive

    congrats to this lovely lovely family.

  6. raspberry says:

    also leon is the middle name of brad’s grandfather

  7. Jacqueline says:

    fantabulous news !!!!! Well done Angelina :-))
    The Jolie-Pitts must be “over-the-moon” with happiness and so very relieved the births have come at last, (as also their millions of fans and supporters).
    That’s a healthy weight for twins and hopefully they can all go home very soon and be together during this golden time.
    Congratulations to them xxxxxxxx

  8. jamesbond says:

    jolie should just rot in hell. bloody homewrecker

  9. jennifer says:


  10. Terry says:

    jamesbond:ehhhr… Wrong! Angie is a “happyfamilycreator”.

  11. Ling says:

    Terry: quit fooling yourself.

    I’m not sure I agree with the “rot in hell” sentiment. But I do hope karma pays her a visit.

    I really hope there’s another Gwyneth Paltrow incident, wherin a paparazzo asks one of Brad Pitt’s exes how they feel about the baby and they respond with a pithy “No!” and a wide smile.

    Ill will aside, Vivienne Marcheline is a beautiful name. Knox Leon drew the short stick in terms of boys’ names… Knox has some quirky merits, but Leon is just a purely unfortunate name. Isn’t “Cousin Leon” the weird archetype in any given work of fiction?

  12. mig says:

    omg the world stop turning and we all bow this is so ridiculous a skank got more kids and you all act like it is the greates thing ever babys get born all the time there is nothing special about that and nothing special about thees two idiots the get way to mush attention fore absolutly no reason ad all

  13. janepitt says:

    What the sky didn’t open up and shower the world with gold because this whore shot out her two illegitimate spawns?

  14. Because I say So says:

    I’m kind of disappointed, actually. I was expecting to feel the earth shake. Oh well. Congrats to the parents

  15. Anni says:

    congrats. i like the names. all the best to all of them! i hope theyยดll have some privacy…at least for the time being.

    and to the haters: shut the frick up. two new human being were born and thatยดs always a wonderful thing regardless of who the parents are. stop making a fool of yourselves.

  16. Laila says:

    Now they are going to milk this for PR till kingdom come…..

  17. countrybabe says:

    The babies might look alike. J-Lo’s twins look alike. Invitro for sure.
    I can see people paying 16 million for pictures of the boy. We already know what the girl will look like. If the boy looks like Ange that might be interesting. He’d look like another James Haven. Too funny.

  18. daisy424 says:

    The negative posts are predictable. Some people can’t stand to see others they are jealous of enjoy themselves and be happy.
    Congratulations to the proud parents!

  19. Hanna says:

    does any body know if angie’s assistnat had her babies already she was due at the same time as angie, rumour had it angie wasn’t pregnant at all and her assistant was carrying her babies for her (surgate). i want to see the pictures of her babies too, i hope she hasn’t vanished from the earth.

  20. 123 says:

    well congrats to the parents of the babies… i know they are coming into a blessed household..and for god’s sake its enough already with the homewreaker statements.. even jennifer aniston is over it .i feel for her but she made a huge mistake ..she didnt give brad the babies first off.. she put her career first, ange knew that giving brad babies would keep him with her.. this is what he wants to be a daddy.. he is less show biz, more daddy biz.. they should get married thats the only thing i have against them.. its not a good example.. but those who hate should get over themselves

  21. 123 says:

    hanna you must be joking! now i have heard it all.!!lol!! next!!!

  22. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Congrats to them. Love love love the name Vivienne Marcheline. Uh… maybe Knox Leon will grow on me. ๐Ÿ™‚

    To the haters – suck it, bitches.

  23. jennifer says:

    Hanna- ๐Ÿ˜†
    the assistant will send you her baby pics
    just to calm you down

  24. geronimo says:

    Hanna, do you mean Angie might have paid someone to…you know…*whispers* do away with her assistant? And pass the twins off as her own? So it’s the assistant’s babies that were actually in that French hospital all the time, recovering from the plastic surgery both had to undergo to make them more authentically J-P (lip implants and whatnot) in advance of the intense media scrutiny?

    That Ang. Always one step ahead. I’m convinced.

  25. poopie says:

    Of course by C section- it’s the Hollyweird Way- gotta keep that baby chute area in tip top shape for others, eh? and BIG DEAL.. she had babies ! doesn’t take any knowledge to get preggers and pop out your spawn. people are acting like it’s a MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT ! look at all the breeders out there that SHOULD NOT BE BREEDING; if THEY can figure it out, well…. so let’s move on to something of importance. and i think she had someone else have her spawn for her, you know, SHE being the QUEEN and all…..

  26. xiaoecho says:

    geronimo….word on the street is that they fertilised the twins in a test tube using Angies egg and Brads…er, you know, and then (breathlessly) implanted them in the assistants womb. For this the Pitts have promised to use their celebrity to bring attention to a third world nation of the assistants choice. She also gets steak knives

  27. poopie says:

    does she get wind chimes and a bamboo steamer too? NOTHING would surprise me with this duo

  28. geronimo says:

    lol, womb space for social issue publicity? Sounds fair to me. Only a very unreasonable person would have a problem with that. 8)

  29. jennifer says:

    ^ ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜†

  30. geeeee says:

    Congrats! I love both of the names for both of the babies, especially Leon (even if it is a middle name)! In French, Leon is more like “ley-o”, not “lee-on” like in English.

  31. Laila says:

    Angelina runs the show, she even chose the names. All the French connection is so Angelina. She then told Brad that Knox will have his papaws middle name. Any one think this is becoming a freak show.

    I wonder what she will do next for some more attention. Adopt? I wonder.

  32. Hanna says:

    to : 123

    what do you mean you heard all , i’m serious don’t make it like i’m joking just because you don’t have an answer, which part do you think i was joking , the part that the assistant was also pregnant and due at the same time which is true,
    or the part that she is carring angie’s babies, well i’m not joking on that part either if she wasn’t carring angie’s babies then they should show us the assistant’s babies too, she was due exactly at the same time as angie.

    123 i hope you haven’t forgot about the assistant’s pregnancy, or has she already vanished from the face of the earth.

    and i have news for you , with angie you can not say you heard it all cause you never know what she is going to do next.

  33. Hanna says:

    to :geronimo

    read my comment again i said surgate meaning from both brad’sperm and angie’egg , she’s just carried the babies, other wise show us the pictures of the assistant’s babies too.

    i can feel a few of angie’s angents in this thread.

  34. oxa says:


  35. jennifer says:

    hanna: ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜†

  36. Danielle says:

    To “poopie”:

    Some women have to get c-sections for a variety of reasons. Most of the time it’s because their pelvis is too narrow and won’t give way for the baby’s head. I’m definitely going to need a c-section when I get pregnant. My mom had to get one with me after being in labor for 30 hours because the doctors just wouldn’t listen when she said there’s no way she could push me out.

    And other times it’s because they have pre-clamp (short term for it) and their placenta is releasing toxins into the body and could kill both mother and baby.

    Just don’t judge c-sections as the easy way out of labor. It’s not. There’s a longer healing time involved than with a natural birth.

    Congratulations to Angie and Brad though on their expanding brood. I hope to have one of my own once I’m through getting my RN license.

  37. geronimo says:

    Hanna, what Jennifer said X 1000.

  38. Erica says:

    I find it disgusting how many people put the blame solely on Angelina for being a “homewrecker.” Come on people, whatever you think of her, it takes two people to cheat. Brad Pitt isn’t some innocent bystander – why is it always the woman who is an evil witch and the guy’s role gets completely ignored. He was the one who was married. Get some perspective. It’s not like she kidnapped the guy. Oh wait, apparently she may have since she can arrange “disappearances.” Give me a break. ๐Ÿ™„

  39. A.J. says:

    I’ve never been one to buy into all the Brangelina hype, and admit to being pretty ambivalent about them in general, but many congratulations and well wishes to their entire family, regardless! ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. Meredith says:

    I’m not sure I like Knox Leon (Knox always reminds me of the brand of gelatin!!) but Vivienne Marcheline and its meaning, that’s fantastic ๐Ÿ™‚ Congrats to them!

  41. KERRI says:

    Congratulations. I look forward to seeing People’s photo shoot of the twins. What a beautiful couple Brad and Angie are. Love you both. $11 million to charity!!! WOW. Take note J-Lo and Marc. What did you buy with your $8 million. A new Fox Fur coat with matching fox eyelashers, or your own mink-farm for your next fur-lined fashion show.

  42. Anne says:

    I don’t feel one way or another about AJ or Pitt, not really a fan of either’s acting. I watched Gia on HBO one night because it was on and Tombraider because I love the games, so I’m not a fan. I do think AJ has done a lot of good in this world, regardless of her motive.

    Selling the baby photos then giving the money to charity is honourable. Selling your baby photos while you are richer than 99% of the population already and not giving it to charity (or me ๐Ÿ™‚ is just greedy. If you want the paps to leave you alone, release the photo to your fav mag, no money needs to pass hands there.

    I’m glad she and the babies are doing well. The names for the boys each having an x on the end is…interesting. The girl’s name is lovely. I wish them all continued good health.

  43. candyasss says:

    There just going to grow up being spolied cokehead brats.

  44. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Spoiled cokehead brats… like Jennifer Aniston?

    Ah, The Pity Party still has legs.

  45. someone else says:


    Sometimes i wonder if you are a crackhead yourself. You type alot of stupid crap.

  46. vdantev says:

    good on them. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Candyass, Kaiser, and the other haters in this thread- get f*cked with a rock.

  47. what says:

    Fort Knox

  48. mollination says:

    I really hope Leon is pronounced “Ley-o” like someone claims it is in French. “Lee-on” is just tragic! So we all agree the girl’s name is good. The boy’s name is….?? I like Knox….but “Lee-on”….I just can’t. It will NEVER grow on me!

  49. mollination says:

    Oh, and this conspiracy thread is the best laugh I’ve had all day!!!

  50. Alarmjaguar says:

    On the C-section note, I just had twins in May (all the cool kids are doing it) and had to have a c-section. Your risk of needing one is much higher with twins due to position, blood pressure, etc. That’s not to say that it doesn’t seem like a trend in Hollywood, but there may have been a very good reason for it.

    And, for the sake of argument, why the hell shouldn’t a woman be able to choose any option she wants?

  51. lunachick says:


    I’m glad to hear Angelina is doing well, and that both children are healthy.

    I love the girl’s name – it’s beautiful, classic and meaningful.

  52. Why wait until they make headlines in the tabloids? Crabby’s checked the stars to see what the future holds for Viv and Knox Jolie-Pitt, and if they are to be believed, these two will live their lives atop Status Mountain. (But we don’t need astrology to tell us that!)… Read more of what their astrological charts reveal about the twosome at!

  53. Mairead says:

    Oh such joyous news – the Golden Age of Publicity is surely here, all hail our glorious new leaders (the second Ms Zee lets them take over of course ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜ˆ ๐Ÿ˜† )

    *psssssst geronimo – as an Agent of Angie, do you get all the cool kit like x-ray specs, a teeeny-tiiiiiny spy camera and, of course, a beautifully-cut trench coat? ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

    But anyway congratulations to the happy couple (as it said to all newborns, resident whingers) and Vivienne’s name is glorious. And, I actually do like Knox Lรฉon (alt gr button + e) Jaysis Angie’s getting conservative in her old age! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

    I think Lรฉon is more correctly pronounced “lay’ohn” – but as always I’m open to correction

  54. someone else says:

    Don’t all celebrities and their children live lives that are of high status, so what is the point of an astrologer stating that.

  55. brad pitt says:

    I think Maddox came up with the name Knox. AJ probably thought it would hurt Maddox feelings if she named Knox after Brad.

  56. daisyfly says:

    Congrats. If there’s one thing that can be said about these two parents, it’s that they’re hands on. In Hollywood, that’s a rarity, and maybe, JUST maybe, their children will not end up as screwed up as some others.

  57. Anastasia says:

    What cool names. I like that they pick different names, but they aren’t wacky/stupid different like so many celebrities do.

    WHAT is it about this couple that bring the absolute crazy nutters out of the woodwork? Geez, people, I can’t stand Britney Spears and I didn’t post all kinds of horrible shit about her the day she had her kids. Wow.

    I count a handful of people around here who need counseling and possibly meds, asap.

    Oh and by the way, she had a smidge over 10 pounds of baby in her. And was bed bound. No wonder she was reported as being “grumpy.” That would be too nice of a word if it had been me!

  58. drm says:

    Congratulations to Angelina and Brad. And best wishes for Knox and Vivienne. The sibs will be really excited too…how nice for them all.

    FYI Having had twins I can vouch for being grumpy when you have over 10 pds of baby on board. They are now 13 and really fabulous boys…

  59. Kolby says:

    Well, I’m happy for them. I love the names (and knowing Brad & Angelina, Knox’s middle name is probably pronounced the French way, like the character from The Professional.

  60. geekazoid says:

    Im not happy about all this silly attention they are getting. You’d think she was giving birth to Jesus or some thing, it’s discusting. Her children arent anymore special than any of ours, and I blaim them as much as the press for allowing all this nonsense to continue.

    In my opinion Kidman should be getting alot of attention that woman had been in so much pain because of the miscarrige she suffered and now when she finally has a child no one gives to shits. She was a UN ambassidor loooong before Jolie was even thinking about anyone but herself.

    How was it Kidman was able to stay out of the Limelight and remain private but the Jolie-Pitts haevn’t? Even though they claim they hate the attention.

    I’m going to be rrrreally pissed if these two auction their photos again, there is no way they would donate ALL the money to chairty, esspeically having 6 kids now.

  61. EYE OPENER says:




  62. vdantev says:

    No all cap posts eye opener, read the rules.

  63. Steph says:

    Vdantev: you need to get a serious life.

  64. Ashley says:

    Too good to be true for her to have both a boy and a girl! It’s not a common occurence to have twins and then be lucky enough to have fraternal ones. They must of had in Vitro fertilization and planned this out. (Though, I’m sure they’ll never admit to it.) They certainly have the money. Now a days you can pick the sex of your children before hand. I’m sure that’s what they must have done.
    Well congrats to them ….. again.

  65. lovely brad says:

    so so happy for brad, this man deserves every thing he gets, thank you angie, for giving brad his family. he is so handsome and nice, and she is beautiful, but they are so much more than that.

  66. Hanna says:

    to: geronimo:

    brangelina’s agents lurking in thread and when they ran out answers, they start accusing cause that’s the easiest way for them to side track people, well then:

    geronimo, what angelina said X 1000000

    let me see how it feels

  67. blip says:

    ooh .. So happy for both of them ..
    congrats ๐Ÿ™‚

  68. Nan says:

    I normally do not care about these two, too much. I must admit to being pleasantly suprized that one of them was a boy. Good for them. I know that they are both happy. Who wouldn’t be?

  69. paris herpes says:

    Let the media circus begin…Angie plans to take over the world with an army of these brats that she can barely take care of without an army of nannies. Hey that sounds like a great plot to her next movie, Army of Brats!

  70. Mairead says:

    Vdantev is right about the caps lock thing, it’s very annoying to read and doesn’t help put the point across any better. And she was polite enough about it too; for someone with a thoroughly unserious life ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hanna, are you using an English translator? It is not very good. Your writing does not make sense. I recommend using another.

    And with all due respect geekazoid, Nicole Kidman has gotten plenty of attention during her pregnancy. I don’t know about where you live, but it was plastered across the newspapers here when she gave birth to Sunday, and indeed some articles were devoted as to why the little girl was named that.

    As for becoming a UN ambassador first – of course that is true, Nicole is older and has been a “name” for longer. But it is excellent that Nicole chose to put her fame to good use and I agree that she should be given great kudos for that.

    As to how Brangie conceived the babies – why are some people so obsessed with whether they had IVF – it’s your assumption and while it may well be accurate, it’s still just that, so there is no need to act like a peacock fluffing his feathers in pride. It’s a private matter, and to me would be just as ignorant as interrogating those of you who had non-IVF pregnancies about which sexual positions you used when the baby was conceived.

  71. Snowblood says:

    Congratulations to Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt! How wonderful is that, to get both a boy and a girl, and both healthy, to boot. I saw the Celebitchy news early this morning when I was getting up & ready to go yard saling and beach-combing for the Sunday, and I loved it! It was a sweet little tibit of world news to start my day out with.

    What threw me off and rather bothered me, though, was that like 75% of the first 28 comments I read following the article were acerbicly nasty and crudely ugly, and I wondered – who the hell writes these kind of things about babies and mothers giving them birth, not to mention about celebrities they’ve never and will never meet!?There’s far too many bitter, foul, ignorant, small-hearted, mean-spirited bitches and pricks in this world, man. It’s heartbreaking, and hope-quelling, to think about it for too long. Too much shallow, nonsensical cruelty in this human race, just too much petty ugliness.

    I mean — it’s newborn BABIES, you conspiracy-theorizing cretins!! Christ, can you just give your hatred a vacation for one damn day? And these jerks were among the first to post! What, you’ve such utterly empty lives that you’re online at celeb gossip sites in the wee hours of the morning on a Sunday, giving yourselves high blood pressure and deep forhead wrinkles whilst feverishly typing out your anti-congratulatory hope-you-die kinda comments? good god that’s sad.

    Then again, love weighs more than hatred, and there were a lot of kind and happy congrats here, this morning, as well, so at the end of the day, I guess love wins, after all, bitches!!

  72. Snowblood says:

    Oh – @ Mairead, I second your post! We must have just cross-posted, but yeah – all of that, I second.

    And thanks to VDantev, too, for schooling that idiotic all-caps spambot; I’d have totally done the same if I were around when it posted that crap.:wink:

  73. geronimo says:

    Mairead – can’t talk about it, Ms Z runs a very tight security ship, and I WILL NOT BE demoted to tiny white sock ‘locate & match’ duties again. ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

    Agree with all your said above – (although, to be fair, an alternative translator is unlikely to make Hanna’s thoughts more logical… ๐Ÿ˜• )

  74. xiaoecho says:

    Why hasn’t anyone mentioned that twins run in Brads family??

    Well, they do!

    His mum’s a twin if I remember correctly – but of course feel free to annihilate me if I am mistaken

  75. Syko says:

    My god, the bitterness here is incredible. Not to mention the misspelling. SurROgate, please, not surgate. Oh, and to the person who thinks the babies were planted so they’d get a boy and girl – look it up, fraternal twins are much more common than identical.

    Like them or not, blame Angelina for Brad’s marriage breaking up or possibly blame Miss Purity who didn’t want kids until she was almost 40, whatever you think of the Jolie-Pitts – two new babies came into the world and are healthy and a good size. Let’s be happy for humanity, no matter how you feel about the parents.

  76. Shane says:

    Congrats to them on deciding to have biological kids this time around. Hope they treat all the kids fairly and don’t show favoritism to the adoptees due to guilt or whatever.

  77. Bitterhens says:

    ” Ling:
    July 13th, 2008 at 1:00 pm

    Terry: quit fooling yourself.

    Iโ€™m not sure I agree with the โ€œrot in hellโ€ sentiment. But I do hope karma pays her a visit.”


    Karma has already paid the visit and that is why Angelina is awash with blessings and happiness, successful professionally as well as fulfilled in her personal life whereas Jennifer’s career is in the toilets and she is getting peed on in her private life, ain’t karma a bitch? Some of you sing about karma and you can’t even see it when it has manifested.

    Geekazoid, put the pipe you are smoking down. Jolie has been involved with UN for 7 years whereas Kidman only started two years ago and has only had 2 field visits whereas Angelina has had about 30 plus the millions she has donated, don’t hate on beautiful, acconplished woman, too bad there is nothing to Anniston except being cute.

    I am so happy for Brad, I don’t know how she was able to survive that neurotic self absorbed twit for so long. He is having the last laugh at the hatchet job that his ex wife tried to do on him and Angelina, he did a serious upgrade.

    Congratulations to the Jolie-Pitts.

  78. Lola says:

    Now that the twins are here, comes the reality to looking after 5 toddlers. She may collect these kids for attention but even with nannies and all the money from the pictures, she is going to wake up to the reality after six weeks.

    Lets count down to the next adoption. And the freak show goes on and on and on…………

  79. Lola says:

    The Jolie pitt twins were born two day ago. is reporting the story in minute detail, yet it is still not the most read story on the site AFTER TWO DAYS!!!!. That gives. Think again for those bidding for the pictures. Are they worth it. Bragnelina burn out no? ๐Ÿ˜†

  80. Bodhi says:

    I actually just found out. Lack of an internet connection will do that to a person…

    Anyway, congrats to the fam!

  81. geronimo says:

    I’m sorry, bodhi, not good enough. You should have known. Did you not see the bright star in the east?? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  82. Kolby says:

    xiaoecho – twins are only hereditary if they run on the mother’s side. Just like male patterned baldness.

  83. Bodhi says:


  84. Andrea says:

    Yeah, seems a bit contrived…a boy and girl…one minute apart…I’ll bet the boy popped first. Oh right, she does not pop them, she has them surgically removed.

    I don’t think that people are bitter, I think that some people are disgusted that celebrities dominate the news when there are actually important issues to be addressed in this screwed up world.

    My mom used to say…a dog has puppies, a cat has kittens and a woman has babies…no big deal!

  85. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Mairead & Geekazoid –
    Nicole became a UN goodwill ambassador in 2005 (for UNIFEM, I believe). And I think she’s taken all of two goodwill trips. Jolie became an ambassador in 2001 (for UNHCR). She’s taken like 30 trips. Just saying. Little bullshit like that irritates me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  86. WTF says:

    Andrea, great post.

    What difference does it make how many good will ambassador appearances both nicole and angelina have made. Since when did being a good will ambassador become a popularity contest. Kaiser since nicole’s preformance is so disappointing to you, why don’t you take over nicole’s role as good will ambassador? There is a possibility that not all of nicole’s appearances have been mentioned in the press.

  87. daisy424 says:

    No burn out here, give it time, the caption in People says; most read stories this week, she just had the babies.

    ‘She collects these kids for attention’, are you totally deranged with jealousy, or just plain stupid โ“

  88. janepitt says:

    The cadre of nannies employed by these two will be taking care of these children. As for bringing new life into the world. Some people still remember Angelina accusing others of being selfish for having children when there were so many to be adopted. There is no hate just a reminder that this bitch is a hypocrite. All this hoopla over the birth of two illegitimate kids born to a whore.

  89. Lola says:

    Daisy, on the left hand side of their website, has the stories with the most hits. Nope it is not the Brangelina twins, neither it is on yahoo’s and google’s most searched and on most websites I have visited it does not have the highest hits.

    You don’t have to insult me, I am just making a point that may be there is a Brangelina burn out. The people stories is even in Red alert and still it is not the most read, not even second, but third. On the third day! Mind you, Nicole’s story went straight to number one. People seem more interested in what Tom Cruise gave her for Sunday Rose than the Brangelina twins, as it has had most hits for the last four days.

    I guess they should be convincing Nicole to take that money for Sunday Rose, the issue would have more sales.

    P.S. I get it, you are a Brangeloonie, you don’t have to use foul language to show that! ๐Ÿ™„

  90. Mairead says:

    Daisy, relax – as Andrea says – cats have kittens; dogs have puppies; people have babies; Lola has a breathtaking imagination (and far more patience than any of us to go looking for statistics). Things are as they should be ๐Ÿ˜‰

    (on a more serious note – I agree with Andrea’s second point, much more deserving stories are being forgotten or ignored in mainstream media. However, this is a gossip site so a bit of fluff is expected. Having said that, I’d hoped Ingrid Betancourt’s story would have turned up here, or even Robert Redford getting an honourary degree from my alma mater. But you guys can’t catch everything ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

    Gosh Bodhi – all this baby-drama must have been distracting Maddox from his empire-communication duties. I mean, even if you missed the star in the East and the blue and pink smoke coming from the Vatican- SURELY you saw the dirty-great-big Batman-style signal in in the shape of a soother (pacifier) in the sky?
    What HAVE you been up to all weekend ๐Ÿ˜†

    Ms. Zee will be displeased though ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

  91. Sick of Angelina says:

    July 14th, 2008 at 11:02 am

    ”Karma has already paid the visit and that is why Angelina is awash with blessings and happiness, successful professionally as well as fulfilled in her personal life whereas Jenniferโ€™s career is in the toilets and she is getting peed on in her private life, ainโ€™t karma a bitch? Some of you sing about karma and you canโ€™t even see it when it has manifested.”

    What an evil DISGUSTING thing to say about Jennifer. Go suck Angelina’s tits or something

  92. Syko says:

    Sheesh, Sick of – it’s disgusting to mention that Jennifer is dating a man who is known to be into golden showers, but okay for you to tell a poster to go suck Angelina’s tits?

    I’d like to know where Lola gets the idea that they will be looking after five toddlers. The only one who really fits the definition of a toddler at the moment is Shiloh, and it’ll be a year or so before the twins reach that age group. Maddox is a school boy, Ms. Z is about to start school, and Pax is a preschooler too. One toddler. And lots of money to hire help with them.

  93. daisy424 says:

    Lola, I don’t consider myself a Brangeloonie,I was simply reacting to the tone of your gleeful reporting re; People.
    But, your ‘she collects these kids’ comment showed your rancor for this woman, which is evident in your comments concerning this couple.
    I’m from the South side of Chicago, if you consider what I wrote ‘foul language’ you need a thicker skin.


  94. Bodhi says:

    ๐Ÿ˜† @ Mariead! I must have left my Brangelina alert bracelet in my other “AJ+BP For Eva!” jacket…

  95. I choose me says:

    Trying to reason with Lola Syko? Tsk, tsk. Love, love the name Vivienne Marcheline. I’m kinda meh about Knox Leon.

    Congratulations to the happy couple! That is all.

  96. Megan says:

    This was on the front page of the Metro newspaper today. Is there really nothing else going on in the world? An actress has a baby… big. effing. thrills. There was a picture of the MAYOR of the French town holding up the birth certificate, as if God herself had given birth in that hospital. They’re just people! I really don’t get it.

  97. Mairead says:

    LOL Bodhi. Get onto Pax for another and tips on how to be a more efficient and thorough BADette. And make sure you get extra sparkles and sequins from Shiloh in honour of the happy event – I hear she’s gotten extra purple and yellow ones in ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  98. Savanah Anderson says:

    I will have to agree with jamesbond. The bitch Jolie should just rot in hell.

  99. Kolby says:

    What exactly does rotting in hell entail? Have we really thought about this? I mean, I thought you burned in hell – where does rotting come into play? ๐Ÿ˜›

    Anyway – the reason why this is getting such overwhelming coverage is because there IS an audience for it. If people didn’t give a crap, neither would the media.

  100. Mairead says:

    Well Kolby. She’s been plotting plotting plotting for years to have everything set up especially for her. So while everyone else burns, she – being the ultimate martyr – shall slowly rot. Meticulous planner is our Angie ๐Ÿ˜‰

    And while we’re diverting from the topic – the word “karma” is bandied about here like condoms at a Gay Pride rally, usually in terms of immediate or short term retribution.
    I always thought it was the sum of actions in this and previous existences which will determine aspects of one’s future existences – i.e. when we’ve all shuffled off our mortal coils, or otherwise pissed off this earth.

    I think you lot are thinking of the Wiccan principle of each actions returning onto the doer threefold.

    Either way, both apply to good and bad actions so it generally balances out in the end. ๐Ÿ™„

    Oh and apologies in advance for shouting but…

  101. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Yes, the concept of “karma” is rooted in reincarnation – the good and bad we do in this life will be paid forward into our next life. This daily hysteria of birthin’ babies as karmic retribution for stealin’ husbands is, in a word, redonkulous.

    My idea of hell? Being peed on by Mr. Dark Dick Rot. Karma indeed.

  102. Carrie says:

    I think she should have named them Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae…

  103. Laila says:

    This story has been over covered by the media but the public is simply tired, that is why it is not getting many hits on most sites. Everything is just way over the top, with Angelina’s blessing.

    Does any one else think there are paid Brangeloonie bloggers?

  104. janepitt says:

    Some of these people have to be on Brangie’s payroll, or there is some computer program posting inane messages because I refuse to believe those freaks over at JJ are actually human. If they are, then the world is fucking doomed.

  105. Anastasia says:

    My very good friends had fraternal boy and girl twins with no help four years ago. I can’t wait to tell them that it’s VERY SUSPICIOUS that they had a boy and a girl!

    And that I now suspect they used IVF!


  106. daisy424 says:

    104 posts and counting, sounds relevant to me.

  107. COLLIN says:


  108. lance says:

    hahahahahaha! you posters are too funny.

  109. crazy fan says:

    love them

  110. rosy1 says:

    Angelina Jolie has boy and girl twins, Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline, her recent films are good and i appriciate


    Knox Leon

  111. kendra says:

    im sooo happy 4 them! atleast she didnt name them sunday rose lol but good names i think ;D ๐Ÿ˜€