Catherine Zeta-Jones hides her cigarettes when she realizes she’s being pap’d

48094, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Thursday December 2 2010. Catherine Zeta-Jones swiftly dumps a cigarette in a pile of dry leaves after realising photographers are in Central Park. Catherine's husband Michael Douglas is currently recovering from chemotherphy and radiotherapy treatments for stage IV throat cancer. Photograph:  Wagner Az,

I’ve read about Catherine Zeta-Jones being a smoker for years, but for some reason, I thought she quit? Something about the babies and pregnancy or something? Well, maybe she quit temporarily and she just smoked the occasional cig to calm her nerves, because the paparazzi caught her sucking on one in Central Park yesterday. PCN photos is really funny about it too: “Catherine Zeta-Jones swiftly dumps a cigarette in a pile of dry leaves after realising photographers are in Central Park. Catherine’s husband Michael Douglas is currently recovering from chemotherphy and radiotherapy treatments for stage IV throat cancer.” Judgy much? Yes, smoking is bad for you, etc, but it’s not like she’s packing his IV with nicotine. He’s not around, she’s walking the dog, and if she didn’t get a couple of drags, she was going to STAB SOMEONE IN THE FACE. Plus, I’ve done the smoking/quitting smoking thing… it’s HARD. And when the stress comes, you CRAVE a cig. And CZJ is obviously going through a harder time, so I’m not judging.

It cracks me up that she’s smoking with no hands though. And she’s really sucking that cig likes it’s her first one in a while. You know she probably blows smoke out of her nose.

48094, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Thursday December 2 2010. Catherine Zeta-Jones swiftly dumps a cigarette in a pile of dry leaves after realising photographers are in Central Park. Catherine's husband Michael Douglas is currently recovering from chemotherphy and radiotherapy treatments for stage IV throat cancer. Photograph:  Wagner Az,

48094, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Thursday December 2 2010. Catherine Zeta-Jones swiftly dumps a cigarette in a pile of dry leaves after realising photographers are in Central Park. Catherine's husband Michael Douglas is currently recovering from chemotherphy and radiotherapy treatments for stage IV throat cancer. Photograph:  Wagner Az,

48094, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Thursday December 2 2010. Catherine Zeta-Jones swiftly dumps a cigarette in a pile of dry leaves after realising photographers are in Central Park. Catherine's husband Michael Douglas is currently recovering from chemotherphy and radiotherapy treatments for stage IV throat cancer. Photograph:  Wagner Az,

48094, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Thursday December 2 2010. Catherine Zeta-Jones swiftly dumps a cigarette in a pile of dry leaves after realising photographers are in Central Park. Catherine's husband Michael Douglas is currently recovering from chemotherphy and radiotherapy treatments for stage IV throat cancer. Photograph:  Wagner Az,

48095, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Thursday December 1 2010. Wrapped up warm, Catherine Zeta-Jones and daughter Carys struggle to find a New York cab as they head out on the school run on a chilly New York morning. Catherine carried her daughter''s violin case for her as they looked for an elusive taxi. Photograph:  Wagner Az,

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92 Responses to “Catherine Zeta-Jones hides her cigarettes when she realizes she’s being pap’d”

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  1. RHONYC says:

    she’s always been a closet smoker like goldie hawn.

    but, come on…give her a break. she’s probably up to a carton a day stressed & worrying over her hubby’s condition. 🙁

  2. Eve says:

    I’ve read about Catherine Zeta-Jones being a smoker for years, but for some reason, I thought she quit? Something about the babies and pregnancy or something?

    Well, I saw a picture of her smoking while she was pregnant (she was topless, sunbathing in a yacht or something) so I don’t think she cares that much…I mean, not as much as she cares about her public image.

    My problem with smokers is not the habit itself (frankly, it’s their problem if they want to ruin their health). I just can’t stand those who think they can smoke everywhere, like right next to me or other non-smokers. That’s simply beyond disrespectful.

  3. k says:

    Yeah, she smoked while pregnant. I doubt she ever quit. I doubt she cares about how it affects her kids.

  4. spinner says:

    Yeah, she smokes. Last time I looked, smoking was not a criminal offense. It amazes me that people can’t see what is being done to the masses. Smokers pitted against non-smokers. Skinny people against fat people. etc. We are being conditioned to be so judgmental but at the same time they are pushing everything to be Politically correct. Enough already!! She’s outside. She’s not hurting anyone. People just want to live & be happy. Last I checked we were still FREE to do that.

  5. Sumodo1 says:

    Pah! I love this broad! Kids, she takes care of ’em. Dog? She walks it. Husband? She stands by him.

    I’d sneak a smoke while walking the dog if I were under such stress, wouldn’t anyone who craves a cig?

    (I quit three years ago, but smoked after a wake, recently).

  6. Lori says:

    As someone who watched relatives die of smoking-related illnesses while all those around them refused to quit, I’m not so ambivalent. At least she took it outside.

    I bet if she quit smoking those rumors of her being much older than she admits to would stop.

  7. eva says:


  8. bella says:

    @Lori…I think you’ve got something there…it’s not a cigarette but a joint! LOL

  9. bella says:

    @Eva…I think you’ve got something there…it’s not a cigarette but a joint! LOL

  10. buenavissta says:

    To all of you successful former smokers: how did you do it?! Really, I’m looking for advice and I’m curious which methods produce the best long term results.

  11. Obvious says:

    smoke if you want, i could care less, but i don’t want to smoke, and i don’t want to have to inhale second hand smoke. i’m lucky most of my smoking friends respect my stance and will stand downwind or most a bit a way.

  12. Crash says:

    She snuck a little of her hubbies medicinal marijuana, is my guess! Ha! Better for calming nerves than a cig.

  13. bellaluna says:

    ITA w/ Sumodo1.

    Her husband isn’t around, her kids aren’t around – show me a smoker (former or not) who wouldn’t use the opportunity to sneak a cig.

    @ buenavissta – There is no easy way. I quit cold-turkey. Imagining how gross it tastes helps & hanging around in other people’s second-hand smoke truly stinks once you’ve quit.

  14. lucy2 says:

    I’ve never been a smoker so I can’t fully understand the addiction, but if having your husband, the father of your two young kids, have to go through chemo for throat cancer isn’t enough to make you do everything you can to quit, I don’t know what is.

  15. Rose says:

    Buenavissta- I am off cigarettes 8 years now. I quit after reading the Allen Carr easy way to stops smoking and did not even finish the packet I had.
    The book is really CBT on paper, it helps to redesign how you think about smoking, changing it from a reward for example. Like, I used to say ‘Oh I’ll hoover the house and wash the floors then I can sit and have a coffee and a cigarette’ like I ‘deserved’ the stupid cancer stick!
    I never smoked again and can be around smokers or have a few drinks without a craving. It was easily the best investment in a book I ever made. But you do have to want to quit. V/Important.

  16. Eve says:

    @ Lucy2:

    One of my friends saw his father almost die from a heart attack (due to being a chain smoker) and he vowed then to never smoke again. He (my friend — who also has a heart condition, by the way) was smoking the very next day, unstopabbly. And he didn’t try anymore during the following days/weeks/months.

    So my guess is that to quit smoking requires more than just watching a beloved one going through a traumatic experience. Or maybe they think that it won’t happen to them.

  17. Catherine says:

    I still love her.
    I read a while back that she smokes herbals and says its not bad like cigs, but isn’t smoking still inhaling smoke into your lungs? Just own up to it and leave it at that.

  18. devilgirl says:

    She can smoke all she wants as far as I concerned. She’s an adult, she is living with a man who is sick as a result of his habit. It’s her health, not mine.

  19. Praise St. Angie! says:

    it does look like a joint.

  20. teri says:

    I’ve smoked since 17, quit for several years. Then on New Years eve while out with a group of friends it only took one cigarette, just one. When I did quit before I did it cold turkey, all the withdrawls from it were terrible. Just being all around bithcy and munchies, just anything to fill that void. Sucking on hard candy or gum usually worked. It’s hard to kick the habit but that person really has to want to quit. Can’t be pushed or forced, it’s just their will. Cold turkey is the best if you can do it. But one drag off a cigarette will get you addicted again.

  21. hairball says:

    Addictions, whether nicotine, alcohol, food, drugs etc, are just sad for everyone involved. Obese people are just easier to spot and ridicule.

  22. Jeri says:

    I’m a former smoker (3 yrs this month) but it still amazes me how judgemental people are about smoking. You may as well poke heroin in your vein for the reaction you get and people feel free to express their views to you.

    There should be smoking areas (just like bars for drinking) and all you prejudicial assh-les can do your sneering and nose wrinkling in private – you don’t own the world.

    Yes, I’ve had loved ones die of cancer and I fully expect I will too and EVERYONE will say – SHE’S a FORMER SMOKER YOU KNOW. Doesn’t matter if you quit, they’re still gonna judge you. Wouldn’t want to let the dead lay in peace, would we.

  23. lrm says:

    I grew up with parents smoking incessantly,and I HATED It even then. I tried getting them to see how much money we’d save and could go to disneyworld as a family [ha ha great incentive for them! not]…i even had a coffee jar labelled to put the money in. they didnt go for it. it was only years later, when they developed severe illnesses in only their early 40’s, that they quit!!! [i’m 41 myself, and wow…just thinking back on that] Not particularly respectful tot he fact that the smoke bothered me-in closed in cars on winter days, etc. uugh.
    Now, they hate being around it themselves…
    So, it’s not just that it’s smokers vs. non smokers. You do need to account for the fact that it affects non smokers. Even if it were perfectly fine for one’s health, someone’s right to breathe clean air trumps someone else’s right to smoke next to them. I’m not sure what a libertarian philosopher would say to that, but obviously we have to weigh out our actions, just like I teach my children to do…you gotta compromise sometimes and play nicely.
    For CZJ-she looks/seems like she smokes anyway-lol-old school glamour move star type [not with that outfit here though!!!!] she’s beautiful, and yea, probably would look younger if she quit sooner than later.

  24. aenflex says:

    leave her ass alone. her man almost died for gods sake.
    if he almost died of a heart attack from being overwieght she should also stop eating?

  25. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    I am considerate. I dont want to have this habit but I do, so I am considerate of others and when stressed, its a hard thing not to do.

  26. bluhare says:

    I quit cold turkey 20 years ago (I was a child smoker . . . that’s it) and quit alcohol cold turkey 5 years before that. My advice is to make sure you REALLY want to quit and aren’t just doing it to make someone else happy.

    I did both on my own (well, with AA on the booze), and in my experience cold turkey is the best way. Not the easiest, but if you have an addiction you need to be afraid of going back to it. Afraid. You don’t get that by using every aid in the non smoking or drinking book. When I quit smoking, I knew I could do it after I hadn’t had a smoke in 24 hours. If I can make it one day I can make it two, and so on. And I did. It was awful, much harder than quitting booze, and I had dreams for YEARS about smoking and I’d wake up all freaked out I’d started again, but the relief when I realized I hadn’t was awesome.

  27. Cruisin_Through says:

    I’m not sure why it surprises me how judgemental people can be, but it never ceases to amaze. The woman has to be stressed to the max. I don’t think this is the time to be so harsh. People act like smoking is up there with pedophiles or something. She’s grown, she’s outside. Leave her alone.

  28. bluhare says:

    PS That dog is cute on legs!

  29. LittleDeadGirl says:

    It’s horrible if she smoked while pregnant or around anyone else (who minded anyway) but honestly once a smoker always a smoker in my opinion. I quit too (cold turkey) and don’t smoke but when I go through bad times … like when my friend died … cigarette were the only thing that calmed me and I hated the looks I got from friends as if I was drowning puppies. We all have our little crutches, our little sins so to speak, so let’s be understanding of others. If you are a smoker don’t smoke around nonsmokers cause it’s rude and if you are a nonsmoker don’t judge smokers if they respect you and don’t smoke around you.

  30. laurie becht says:

    @buenavissta – how to quit.

    I smoked for 40 years. One to two packs a day. I really loved it. I tried quitting many times with the gums and patches and hypnotism and whatever. What finally worked was Chantix tablets. It was prescribed by my dentist. A bad side affect were horrific dreams, but it really did work. I also used those smokeless fake cigarettes to make it seem like I was smoking. Take it from a die hard smoker. You CAN do it! And while smokers don’t bother me, they do reek! 🙂

  31. bluhare says:

    Be careful re Chantix. It can have significant side effects especially with people who have pre existing mental conditions (and in no way am I referring to you, #30 ___becht!).

    Basically, most of the quit smoking drugs (wellbutrin, zyban, chantix) are anti depressants that somehow work to reduce cravings. That being said, I’ve heard Chantix can work wonders.

  32. The Truth Fairy says:

    Yeah that looks like a blunt. Maybe she is trying to relax because of all the stress in her life. But the question is, how can her PR people spin this? I think smoking cigarettes when your husband has throat cancer from smoking looks much worse than smoking a joint, but her PR people might not agree.

  33. Eve says:

    There should be smoking areas (just like bars for drinking) and all you prejudicial assh-les can do your sneering and nose wrinkling in private – you don’t own the world.

    @ Jeri:

    Prejudicial assholes? A bit harsh and generalizing, aren’t we? The reason why the, as you so politely say, prejudicial assholes wrinkle their noses upon the sight of a smoker probably has to do with two things:

    a) The smoker probably started smoking without even excusing himself/herself — it’s like they light up a cigarette right next to you almost as saying: “Fuck you! I’ll smoke anywhere I want and I don’t care if it bothers you”.

    b) The smoke, the smoker’s clothes, skin and hair DO smell bad, you know.

    And no, not everybody is judgemental as you so angrily said. I for one do not give a damn about someone else’s vice if it doesn’t affect me directly. Some of the people I love the most in this world are chain smokers and even though I wish they would quit (because I do want them to live longer and healthier) I do not control nor I wish to control their lives.

    As for those who manage to successfully quit smoking but eventually die of smoking-related diseases, I’m truly sorry for them. That all their effort may have not been enough. Again, I’ll be sorry, not gloating and judging.

    I’ll repeat my original idea: want to smoke your ass off? Fine by me. Just please don’t do it while standing next to those who don’t.

  34. Jane says:

    I don’t smoke and I don’t care if other people do as long as it not around me or in my face which has happen when I was in the city some bitch stood right next to me and blowing smoke in my face as well as two other people while she was on her cell not giving a dame at a stop sign. The only problem I have with people smoking when they do it while pregnant because it’s a pretty fuck up thing to do to risk your unborn child health.

  35. Delta Juliet says:

    I smoked for awhile and one day I decided I didn’t want to anymore and I stopped.

    My father in law has had two massive heart attacks (as in, he was dead, and they zapped him back to life) and has had surgery for blood clots in his legs. He has been threatened with amputation. His grandchildren won’t go to his house because it smells so bad. He still smokes constantly.

    As far as CZJ, I am concerned about the fact that she threw the butt into a “pile of dry leaves”. Hello?!?!?!

  36. tracking says:

    I’m far less surprised about the cig than the fact that she’s walking her own dog. I would have thought she’d have minions for that.

  37. Mizz Tickles says:

    People get high off of judgment and self righteousness about ‘what they don’t do’ and how superior they are for it. I’m a smoker who has a judgmental friend about this habit who stinks up the air with strong perfume.

    People also have the right to fragrance free air but people don’t seem to be as up in arms about perfume pollution as they are about cigarette smoke.

  38. eja102 says:

    I hope the leaves were wet.

  39. Brittney says:

    Yeah… I don’t see a filter, and it isn’t burning like a cigarette.

  40. Raven Sparrow says:

    She’s smoking her husband’s weed!!! That’s why she’s walking the dog ! 😀

  41. SamiHami says:

    Buenavista, I smoked for 25 years and my parents both smoked for more than 50 years. We are now 3 years smoke free. I understand how hard it is to quit; I had enough false starts, even having quit for 2 years at one point only to start up again.

    For me and my dad, Chantix did the trick. The drawback was that it did have some side effects. One was nausea, but it was mild enough that it wasn’t terribly bothersome. The other was the crazy, wild, bizarre dreams. That was what really bothered me. But, I didn’t want to smoke. With Chantix I just didn’t have the craving anymore.

    I only took it about 3 weeks instead of the recommended 12, but that seemed to be enough for me. Haven’t had a single cigarette since (although I still have an occasional dream that I’m smoking, and wake up feeling guilty!).

    My mom quit cold turkey, but considering she has lost several of her sisters to cancer in recent years, I think that was motivation enough for her.

    Good luck to you! You can do it if you really want to.

  42. minnie says:

    i’m surprised at how many people are so defensive of smoking! i don’t want to judge others, especially when they are going through difficult times in their lives and may be desperate for comfort and frazzled to the max. but smoking is soooo bad for you!! there is really NOTHING good you can say about it; it is bad for your health, your looks, your “smell”, and its expensive. i mean, would any of you want your kids to grow up to be smokers?

    as a empathetic person i cannot possibly help but wish that she (and others i see smoking) would quit! emphysema and smoking related cancers are, by all counts, absolutely horrific and painful illnesses that i would not wish on anyone.

    i don’t see how that’s judgmental, especially since i totally get that smoking is not be the worse thing in the world, and in some cases (lindsay lohan) its definitely the lesser of all evils. but that doesn’t mean i don’t wish people would not do it.

    smoking while pregnant (or in confined spaces with small children), however, is a whole different story….

  43. Jaxx says:

    For those who want to quit? I was put on Wellbutrin for depression and had smoked for 20 years. I found myself not wanting to smoke–at the time I didn’t know that Wellbutrin was the same stuff used for smokers. I quit without any effort or struggle. I was shocked that I even WANTED to quit but there it is. I stayed off the cigs for the next six years. Didn’t even want one, and never thought I would smoke again. Such a relief to be rid of the habit.

    Unfortunately a significant crises happened in my life and I bummed a cig off a friend. I thought I could just smoke a couple, right? Now I’m back on a pack a day. After SIX YEARS OF QUITTING.

    I’d forgotten just how much I love to smoke. I’m not ready to quit yet but when I am I will go back on the Wellbutrin. Worked like a charm. But I learned my lesson, once you quit you can’t ever sneak a smoke again. Or at least I can’t.

    Oh, and don’t even get me started on how much weight I gained after quitting….

  44. clorismetchum says:

    lord ya’ll can be so mean and judging at times! hell, if i was going through what this lady is, i’d be smoking out of every orifice in my body just to deal! hell, whatever helps her through it.

  45. fizXgirl314 says:

    Spinner, I’m so with you… people have become so paranoid… All this second hand smoking propaganda is so absurd… Smoke diffuses pretty quickly in open space, people like to be so dramatic about the whole thing… I quit about a year ago but I had some major drama recently with an ex and I had a couple of cigarettes.. it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s been smoking consistently… Maybe she just snuck a few puffs when she was pregnant… Like I’ve seen pregnant women have a sip or two of beer… if you took a picture of them at that moment it’d be like “OMG SHE’S KILLING HER BABIES”… it’s a little absurd how frantic and paranoid we are as a society… If we chilled out we’re probably live a lot longer than if we stressed out about all these things…

  46. lambchops says:

    Smoking is a hard addiction to overcome, but having a partner with Stage IV throat cancer would be enough of a scare for most people. I don’t get it.

  47. pam says:

    @buenavissta, I am a smoker, I have never smoked in my house, so now that it’s winter time here in the mountains of North Carolina I refuse to go outside and smoke, and I will not smoke inside around my kids. I haven’t had a cigarette for 3 days. You could try that, works for me!!!

  48. citmyway says:

    if you look at that picture close it looks more like a joint then a cig!

  49. MSat says:

    If watching your husband waste away from throat cancer most likely caused by smoking doesn’t get you to quit, then what will?

  50. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    HAHAHHA I think it is a joint..

  51. guest says:

    @ buenavissta – My two cents:

    I smoked for 16 years, and quit 19 years ago. I tried patches, hypnosis, gum, signs around the house, and visualized how I would behave if, for instance, I found a cigarette in a coat pocket. All these attempts were useful in the long run. (Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t quit the 1st, or 3rd, time.)

    What made me quit for good was joining a 12-step smokers anonymous group. For me, what I needed most was ongoing support. I quit cold turkey soon after joining, then had a relapse, but stayed in the group for about a year learning to deal w/ stress w/o smoking.

    I did experience a depression after quitting, and wish I’d known about Wellbutrin to help me through that. I did have to change my habits around alcohol and some friends that were triggers for me. I still have occasional dreams & urges. Quitting what I saw as an enslavement to tobacco (do I have cigarettes & a lighter w/ me? Can I smoke where I’m going?) has been totally worth it.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  52. me says:

    Thanks for telling me smoking is bad for me. I wouldn’t know that without you all. Now if you excuse me, I’m off for a fag while you finish your McDonald’s.

  53. leni says:

    Yes, people are judgmental. They have a right to be–just as people are judgmental about child abuse or drunk driving or any other behavior that endangers others. Smoking is not a libertarian issue–your freedom to kill yourself as long as it doesn’t bother me–it is a public health issue.

    There is overwhelming evidence on the negative effects of secondhand smoke. You should be judged for inflicting a possible cause of illness on others just as strongly as if you drive drunk.

    I just lost my cousin to emphysema, the seventh person in my family to die of smoking related illness. I had two parents who complained and blamed me for insisting that they open the windows in a car full of their cigarette smoke. For years. Guilt trip every time I told them I couldn’t breathe. Great parenting……

    They are both dead now–one of lung cancer, the other from suffocating due to the effects of 40 years of smoking. She quit 20 years earlier, but her lungs were so damaged that it killed her anyway.

  54. jr says:

    it looks like a joint…good for her…gotta cope somehow…like her.

  55. citmyway says:

    That is a joint. Look at the (wait let me count…..) 4th pic down when she’s holding it away from her mouth. If you look at the end, that would be a hand rolled joint OR a hand rolled cigarette. You decide…. Hey, like many of you said, “it’s a stressfull time in her life right now”

  56. california angel says:

    It does look like a juicy j.

  57. Kiska says:

    She is smoking a joint!

  58. Shay says:

    Very intelligent – not, considering her husband is undergoing treatment for throat cancer.
    Celebrities aren’t noted for their intelligence.
    People have to be stupid to pick up cigarettes when there is an abundance of research proving the health risks. Those who deny the health risks are living in a dream.

  59. Athena says:

    Your husband and Father of your children is diagnosed with throat cancer from smoking for many years and could have died and you chose to light up? Christ.

    It’s not a joint, it’s a roll up. She smokes them all the time. People think they’re healthier then normal cigs. *rolls eyes*

  60. observer says:

    Having babies was part of her contract with Douglas. Smoking while pregnant with the babies was not prohibited by the contract, so she didn’t care. I truly believe her marriage to Douglas was strictly a business contract from her perspective. I doubt she’s the least bit stressed over his illness and is probably happy she’ll finally get his money without having to follow contractual obligations.

  61. lachica says:

    maybe she’s hiding it from Michael. and the paps busted her.

  62. Madchen says:

    I’m still thinking about the “dumps a cigarette in a pile of dry leaves” part. Does Central Park have smokejumpers?

  63. melissa says:

    If you all saw what the chemo treatment for lung cancer entails, you would be spitting that cig out at the computer screen and off them for life. Trust me.

  64. Whatever says:

    She snuck a little of her hubbies medicinal marijuana, is my guess! Ha! Better for calming nerves than a cig.

    Ha, can’t blame her. That’s what I would do!

  65. buenavissta says:

    Gratitude to everyone who shared their battle plans!

    ( My old dad, a 70 yr old man with 55 years smoking under his belt quit with Champix. It’s the only method mentioned here that I’ve not tried. )

    thanks, y’all!!!

    @Madchen: I wondered the same thing.

  66. Maritza says:

    Yep, it does look like a joint.

  67. McMe says:

    @ Lenni – Thank you for the post. You said exactly what I was thinking but could not seem to articulate.
    Sorry about your parents….

  68. ziggy says:

    who cares if she smokes? her business…..

  69. LittleOat says:

    “Addictions, whether nicotine, alcohol, food, drugs etc, are just sad for everyone involved.”
    I agree. Addiction is a powerful thing, and it’s sad because it does affect friends/family/loved ones.

    Seeing what her husband is going through isn’t enough to prompt her to quit. Paralyzing his friend wasn’t enough to get Leif Garret to quit drugs. Seeing people starving in poor countries doesn’t “cure” every food addict/anorexic/bulimic.

    Sometimes people are strong enough to fight their addictions, but unfortunately a lot aren’t. And it’s harder to fight during stressful times.

  70. sauvage says:

    I’m with those who quit cold turkey. I had been cig free for years (not counting the casual smoke once in a while, but I never really started smoking again, I would just have one or two cigarettes on a boozed night out) when a crisis happened in my life and I started again. I smoked for about a year, more than ever, when suddenly I decided to quit. I was on the phone with a friend, smoking the last cigarette out of my second packet that day (!) when I decided that it would be my last one. I didn’t tell anybody, but that was it for me. I’ve now quit for two months and the craving has stopped. As others on this thread have stated, I sometimes dream of lighting up and feel incredibly guilty about it, only to wake up and realize that I didn’t do anything.

    So for me, it’s all about the decision not to smoke. Just like that. I decided to quit and stuck by it. But there were multiple times when I thought that I SHOULD quit – didn’t work because it was not what I WANTED back then.

  71. Kimberly says:

    Oh my! I had NO idea she smoked.

  72. slymm27 says:

    stop the rant… just saw her smoking this once, and the rant begins… Oh believe me she knows what disease her husband has, she is the wife dealing with it, so stop the judgement. See, people will smoke, deal with it. Go to the non smokers area, or tell the person blowing smoke in your face how disgusted you are. It is that simple. Stop nagging.

  73. di butler says:

    Meh, whatever. A good 80% of Hollywood smokes, they just hide it like heck. I have a relative working on movie sets and she tells tales of actors who will stop important scenes to go get a drag, damn the cost. Drives directors crazy.

  74. mln76 says:

    Sorry slymm27 but there is a famous pap shot of her hugely pregnant/naked & smoking a ciggy by the pool. So yup she smoked while pregnant, which is a heinous thing to do why bother having a kid if you aren’t going to give it a chance to be healthy. As for the non smoking/smoking issue I love the fact that in NY there is no longer any smoking in restaurants, bars etc and soon there will be restrictions in public parks. Smoking is such a vile and disgusting habit I as a health concious person have a right to clean air. I don’t hate people who choose to smoke but when they are in a public space they should refrain from doing it.

  75. mln76 says:

    BTW MD is on this week’s cover of People mag and has been very vocal about his cancer struggle if he wants the public’s sympathy he should also be subjected to the question. Is CZJ smoking around him? Does he still smoke? I do think it’s valid.

  76. REALIST says:

    Smoking is a a very hard habit to kick. I used to do smoking cessation programs as a pharmacist, and even with behavioral modification and the increasingly improved drug therapies (well, at least better than the nicotine gum and patch), it usually takes several tries to quit. Apparently women have a more difficult time quitting nicotine than men-or is it that women are regularly exposed to MORE STRESS so it’s harder for them to quit? Anyway, I’m with the gentle reader above-please try to quit for your own sake, but if you can’t, please be considerate of others.
    I think the dog is a Bichon Frise-cuuuuute! And it IS cool that she walks her own dog.

  77. ladyb1973 says:

    looks like someone’s got caught kissing the sky..hahah..good on her..there’s a lot worse things she could be doing..

  78. birdgherl says:

    I am more offended by the dead animal around her neck. Gross.

  79. Chris says:

    Yup, as others have said, I thought it looked like a joint too. I wonder who her dealer is? Imagine being a dealer to the stars. 🙂

  80. heathen says:

    @buenavissta — get the book “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking” by Allan Carr. You can buy it on Amazon. My dad was a 2 pack a day smoker for more than 40 years. I got him this book & he is now a former smoker of 2 1/2 years. It really works & it worked for me too (I’m now a 5 year non-smoker although I never smoked as much or for as long as my dad did) The best part is you are supossed to smoke while you read the book but by the time you finish it you will not want to smoke anymore.

  81. mm says:

    Don’t you know that most of Hollywood smokes? All of those gorgeous actors and actresses – they smoke, people. They don’t eat, they smoke.

  82. Crash2GO2 says:

    “So yup she smoked while pregnant, which is a heinous thing to do why bother having a kid if you aren’t going to give it a chance to be healthy.”

    Heinous? lol Yeah, smoking a cig isn’t the best thing to do while your pregnant. But neither is drinking chlorinated water or eating processed foods. A cigarette once in awhile isn’t going to hurt anything.

  83. lala in nYc says:

    i like the fluffy snow-white pooch!

  84. skibunny says:

    Smoking effects EVERYONE. Who do you think is clogging up our health care system with thier acquired diseases caused by smoking. Our health premiums go up and our quality of care goes down because doctors are so overloaded.My husband smokes and is having a very hard time quitting. I’m going to go out and get that Allan Carr book. Thanks for the tip. And good luck to you all who are trying to quit.

  85. slymm27 says:

    please enough with the nags complaining about smokers. See smokers are here to stay, will be around forever, so ….deal with it. Nags just do not rub me the right way. Just because she smoked a cig or two dont mean her baby is going to turn into a gimp. The scary stories we tell ourselves.

  86. RB says:

    my sympathies to everyone including myself who have struggled with this habit/addiction. I understand the non-smokers point of view – but unless you have been addicted to cigarettes, you simply cannot understand and I don’t expect you to. Being addicted to smoking is exactly like being addicted to food, or alcohol or even drugs – you feel like you cannot get through the day without it. I’ve been struggling to quit for a while – thanks for the tips on the Alan Carr book – I’ve heard about it, maybe I’ll try it.

  87. Emily says:

    My housemate and I tried to quit when we moved in together in September. I managed about a week and then cracked. But I’m still not smoking while I’m at work, which I’m happy with. Am down from about 10 fags a day to 2-3. My next goal is to get to just smoking when I drink. Does anyone know if that Alan Carr book helps with not smoking when you’re drunk?

  88. frewt says:

    Three things. Firstly, no wonder she manages to stay so fecking thin. Smokers smoke instead of eating and smoking is a stimulant. I put on 5 kilos (10 pounds) within a year of quitting. Secondly, her skin often looks like shite, here’s why. Thirdly, her husband is recovering from THROAT cancer. You’d think that would be enough to scare any sane spouse off the fags….

  89. Kim says:

    Its a cigarette people big deal. Many celebs are popping pills or snorting cocaine all day, everyday. Not that cigs are good for you BUT shes going thru alot with her husband so ill give her this vice.

  90. Trippin says:

    Wow are you for real? Re: Douglas and Zeta Jones smokings mln76 says “if he wants the public’s sympathy he should also be subjected to the question. Is CZJ smoking around him? Does he still smoke? I do think it’s valid.” I guess your sympathy comes with strings. How about just feeling sorry for another human being for going thru the whole nightmare of cancer,and how his wife and cute little kids might lose their father? MD doesn’t need to justify anything to the public. Empathy and sympathy comes naturally from your heart and doesn’t have to be earned. I bet you also believe that Christopher Reeve’s non-smoking wife really did smoke too. 🙁

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