Colin Farrell is ready to get you pregnant now


These are photos of Colin Farrell and his tight little ass and his even tighter little black t-shirt getting organic juice in Hollywood on Friday. This is maybe the best Colin has looked in years, right? I’m not loving the facial hair stuff, nor the fact that in recent public outings, Colin has used a pair of reading glasses as a de facto headband, but all in all, I would hit this Irish bastard like he was made of fire. Look at his arms and tell me you wouldn’t hit that. Damn.

Speaking of letting Colin get me (and you) pregnant, there has been a lot of quiet, disturbing buzz about a book written by one of Colin’s exes. Not the Alicja Bachleda chick, who actually had his baby. No, this was one of Colin’s girlfriends before Alicia – a British journalist named Emma Forrest, whom Colin dated for about a year circa 2008. Emma wrote a memoir called Your Voice In My Head, all about her bulimia, her breakdown, her broken heart, etc. In the memoir, she doesn’t call Colin out directly, but most think her reference to “Gypsy Husband” is definitely Colin. A long excerpt of the book is here, at The Guardian, but here are some excerpts about Colin:

It has been five years since I’ve self-harmed when, at a dinner in LA, I am introduced to a man with long, flowing hair who is wearing a keffiyeh. He looks like the world’s campest terrorist, but he’s actually a movie star with a storied reputation. In the candle-lit garden, we sit next to each other and talk, and he admits later that every single thing he tells me is intended to translate as, “I’m not like you’ve heard I am.” It works.


He worries a lot. He doesn’t like it that my front gate doesn’t close properly, so, though he is on a film set thousands of miles away, he sends builders to fix it and make me a bolt lock for my front door. He doesn’t like the way I can’t open my windows at night because I don’t have screens to stop the cats getting out. He sends the builders to make screens.
Whenever he comes home from making a movie, he brings me back strange things. He FedExes, from Spain to LA, a single Werther’s toffee. My LA girlfriends, the ones who have been here too long, snipe, “No diamonds?” and I explain I wouldn’t wear diamonds, never have. “Yes, but he doesn’t need to know that.”

“He knows that,” I say, and understand, myself, the answer to the question all the gossips are asking: “Why is he with her?”

An hour into a late-night phone call, he broaches a new topic. “When I get back from this film, let’s have a miniature human, that grows.”

I freeze, look around my bedroom for witnesses.

“A baby?”

“Yeah, one of them.”


Yet I am happy. We are happy, and we’ve been this way for six months now. It’s the longest I can remember. It’s not mania. We don’t need each other. We just really, really enjoy each other. And we’re good people together. I love him and, for the first time in a relationship, I also like me.

We agree to a road trip across America when he gets back. He asks me to book out Christmas and my birthday for a trip to Istanbul. He’s decided that we should definitely start trying for a baby in January. I want everything he wants.

“The only thing I know for certain,” he writes, “is that I want us to be family.”

He texts me from the plane to say he’ll be in my arms in a few hours and our life together will begin in earnest. Then he turns off his phone and the plane takes off.

When he arrives at my door, he is trembling. “I think I need space,” he says.

It takes me a while to understand this is him leaving our relationship. A thought occurs. “Did you think that if we had a baby, you wouldn’t be able to leave? Is that why you wanted me to get pregnant?”

“Maybe. That might be true.” He can’t look at me because he is crying so hard.

I lock myself in the bathroom. I call from under the door: “You can go now.”

“Em. Please let me in! Em!”

“I’m fine. Please leave now.”

“Have you cut yourself?”


“Are you going to?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Promise me!”

“I can’t.”

But I don’t cut. I don’t do that any more.

[Excerpts From Your Voice In My Head, via The Guardian]

So… now we know what Colin is like as a boyfriend. It’s all pickup lines and poetry and hot sex and “let’s have a baby together” until one day he comes home and announces that he needs space. I hate to admit it, but I am so one of those women who would have fallen for that kind of line. It’s a good thing I’ve never met him, right?





Photos courtesy of Fame.

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53 Responses to “Colin Farrell is ready to get you pregnant now”

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  1. Girafe99 says:

    I fell in lust with him from Tigerland, he was and still has that something makes you want to run away with him

  2. Mistral says:

    I think that whole relationship with Emma Forrest was a healing time for him. He was getting out of self-destructive partying. It was a case of brainy chick/tortured artist + playboy/tortured artist: the two meet and both provide the other with what they’ve been missing. I think that they were both good for each other and were exactly what they needed at the time. Even though it is sad that they couldn’t make it work, not everything is meant to be “forever”. They both seemed to come out of it stronger…

  3. Bodhi says:

    I would’ve fallen for that like a ton of bricks…

    Colin, lover, just let me finish brewing up this baby & my uterus is all yours… My husband & I have an understanding when it comes to you…

  4. Kj says:

    He probably has some deep seeded emotional issues about family and commitment, possibly abandonment. And I totally would’ve been in this womans position. Head over heels, totally with it, and then the door slams in my face.

    I really want to get that memoir. Her writing style is very beautiful and seems like she has a powerful story to tell

  5. Michaela-Christina says:

    I would NOT hit that. He looks like a walking STD.

  6. Terry says:

    He always looks dirty, full of STD and bad breath. Also a guy who doesn’t take any responsibility for his actions.

    How is that sexy?

  7. lisa says:


    I loved your comment. And while it was about Colin and Emma.. I think it can apply to many celebrity couples. People find each other a various points in their lives. And sometimes what is needed for another person is not forever. Just a few months or years. We all grow and change and the relationship or marriage we are in at the time stops being what is best.

    Relationships end and people move on and find other partners. Some that are better for them. Sad that the public applies different standards for celebrities then those for themselves.

    Life really is too short to be with the wrong person.

    Colin is hot..but there is something about him that is just so lost. But hey other guys don’t get bad reps for dating lots of women. George Clooney.

  8. Devon says:

    There was a time when I would have hit it but it had been waning for a while and then I read this and it turned me right off. He’s still a beautiful creature but no…just no.

  9. Liana says:

    yeah, I wouldn’t hit that with someone else’s vagina.

  10. caramia says:

    as if

  11. lachica says:

    good points Mistral. or maybe he’s really gay but remains in denial.

  12. redlips says:

    I’d hit it a thousand ways to Sunday and then, rinse and repeat!

    He is divine….

  13. Someone Else says:

    His facial hair seems confused.

  14. PrettyTarheel says:

    I’d think about hitting it, but there’s only so much a bleach bath can cure.

  15. newtsgal says:

    That man could do what he wants, where he wants, how ever long he wants to me and twice on Sunday….LOL!

  16. coucou says:

    Sorry, but only a miserable twat would project her STD’s on this divine piece of manhood…he is ADORABLE, and just because you can’t have him girls, doesn’t mean you have to get all nasty about it…

    Yeah, i know, i can’t have him either, but at least i can dream…damn, every step he takes he is just such the HOTTIE…

  17. original kate says:

    i would NOT want him as a boyfriend. i would, however, take him for a weekend. a very naked weekend.

  18. Why so serious says:

    I don’t get his appeal. He is a manwhore.

  19. Liana says:

    sorry coucou… I wouldn’t want him even if I “could” have him. Not every man is every girl’s type. *shrugs*

  20. LittleDeadGirl says:

    Well up to the whole crying bit which makes me uncomfortable (I’m not emotional at all) I thought all the rest was sweet and all dramatic and romantic. We all need one of these crazy relationships we know won’t translate into marriage but will make a good story when we are old and wrinkly. I’d have fallen for the whole sending builders to fix doors and windows cause he is worried about her safety … also look at those arms … just look … yum

  21. Heaven bound says:

    …. And I accept!! 🙂

  22. icantbelievethis says:

    You left out the best parts:

    ‘Around the time I find out about Dr R, the newspapers find out about my relationship. We read obsessively the nasty comments. I am fat and ugly. He is unwashed. We are pregnant.’

    ‘Because they don’t know that it’s over, his online fan community continue to say that I’m fat and ugly. I look at the comments about us compulsively and, though I understand that reading them is a version of self-mutilation, I can’t figure out how to stop.’

    I can’t imagine making anyone feel that way.

    As for him, yeah I couldn’t say no to him nor would I want to.

  23. Hmmm says:

    What a loser.

  24. lili says:

    where is he handsome? where? show me because i dont see.
    pretensious guy

  25. Luckylilgem says:

    He totally built their romance up and to let her down a plane ride later? It sounds a little bit like he enjoys inflicting pain. Why not be more careful with your words if you know you like lots of freedom?

  26. kelly says:

    I just can’t believe the reportage of a long-term self harmer; they are so fucking duplicitous and narcissistic and believe me, I speak from weary experience so don’t tell me I don’t know. They live in a place where the truth is just another prop, so if that chick’s own word is all the evidence she’s presenting, pass a bucket of salt.

    That said, I can totally buy that Colin’s a needy, fearful creature; he acts like one, after all. I’d still fuck him in a heartbeat, tho 😎 but then I dont need lovehearts and flowers- I can fuck them and flick them like it never happened. He flicks my dirty switch big time. Hooboy. My Emerald Isle oestrogen is going off just looking at him.

  27. Sasha says:

    Good point, Mistral.

    They were good for each other at that point and it just didn’t work out.

    Her writing about it isn’t all that bad. At least she offered for him to go over the memoir before it was published. He knew it wasn’t bad details, just ‘I’m human’ sort of details.

    To his fans, myself one of the biggest, it won’t make anyone hate the guy. He has commitment issues which isn’t anything rare or something that makes him a bad seed. Lots of people do! Any fan who follows him knows that fact about him well enough not to sweat this memoir’s release. It’s his own personal flaw and one he’ll get over eventually.

    I also don’t think he is painted in a bad light just because he knocked up another girl very, very soon after they split, which would hurt any woman who was in love. I don’t think that was purposely done, the pregnancy was a surprise to both him and Alicja.

    I can’t wait to read it. Colin still seems like a sweetheart to me. I’ve read other excerpts and you can tell he cared about Emma. He just realized he wasn’t ready to settle down and met someone new.

    He’s a decent boyfriend in my eyes, he just won’t be around for long unless you tie him down to the bedposts. lol.

  28. Sasha says:

    Luckylilgem makes a very good point.

    He needs to be more careful with his wooing words.

  29. shockedandappalled says:

    I would’ve fallen for it. But now that he has two kids by two different women, and I know that he was looking to knock up Emma Forrest until he dumped her unceremoniously, I probably wouldn’t and am turned off. I don’t like the fucked up-ed ness.

  30. Kylie says:

    Let’s remember we’re only hearing one side of the story. I’ve followed Ms Forrest’s blog for a while and already see a few inconsistencies. I think it’s alot of fiction blended with some truth.

  31. Ash says:

    What’s so hard to believe? Guy likes girl. Girl likes guy. Guy realizes he doesn’t want to be tied down. On to the next one!

  32. Minx2 says:

    well.. I guess Alicja fell for that line except that she managed to get pregnant before he dumped her. Something definitely wrong with the guy, as far as I’m concerned. But I can see why women fall for him. I think he genuinely loves them until his feelings cool a bit, which makes him panic and run away.

  33. Stephanie says:

    I would pass on this dong. No thanks!

  34. euroschmuck says:

    He does nothing for me.
    This month Alicja gave interview for one Polish magazine where she first time officially confirmed that they split up and that pregnancy took her by surprise.
    Still, must have hurt Emma when she found out and made calculation…

  35. viper says:

    You know how guys are too crazy about very experienced women; because they just don’t know where they’ve been?

    Yeah same deal here; I wouldn’t want a penis infested with herpies and God knows what else any where near my uteris or anywhere near my vicinity.

  36. Twez says:

    >>…all in all, I would hit this Irish bastard like he was made of fire.<<

    I could not agree more.

  37. Camille says:

    His junk has been inside Britney Spears, so no, I wouldn’t let him touch me even if I was on fire, let alone if his dick was lol.

  38. Disco says:

    This kills it for me. What a douchebag.

  39. Mairead says:

    He’s a likeable eejit and all, but I can’t see the huge attraction to someone who sounds like he’d climax with the words “deadly buzz!!!” 😐

  40. truthzbetta says:

    Jeez, this Emma Forrest is a piece of work.

    She seriously wrote about Britney Spears’ public meltdowns from HER point of view.

    Spears hasn’t let us in on any diagnoses, yet as a supposed journalist Forrest writes article “Britney Spears Tragic descent into Mania is a Journey I Know Too Well.”

    The rest is all this super boring, not too attractive chick’s melodromatic story, when world famous Brit Brit was supposed to be the big news.

    Colin does not date smart.

    But he looks like he knows how to perform acrobatically and enthusiastically in the short term. He should quit trying to do the love ’em part, and just admit he’s going to do ’em and leave ’em. Gerard style.

  41. spotchecker says:

    i’d like to get him drunk, b/c he’s really funny and he makes me laugh, somewhat [increasingly, for sure] indiscernible accent notwithstanding. then i’d order a few more drinks so that when he had to finally go take a piss, i would leave both him, and him w/ the final tab, having gotten everything i wanted from that fine irish lad/bastard.

  42. Lola7 says:

    I’d do him, but I would have to sanitize him first.

  43. slymm27 says:

    i will hit that dong, over and over and over again……i could not care less if hr has issues or not. He will just be my ring a hot, dirty sex man. My heart lies elsewhere.

  44. Nancy says:

    Oh Colin you sexy SON OF A B!

  45. MissVJJ says:

    I would hit it sideways.. Id bang it like a screen door in a hurricane.. Id let him have it his way like it was Burger King.. I would let him smash all night till the sun rises.. Oh gawd Colin!!!

  46. Mimi says:

    Colin is kinda a guilty pleasure for me. If I slept with him I just wouldn’t tell anybody about it lol. Oh, the shame of being one of Colin’s conquests lol.

  47. Debra says:

    But hey other guys don’t get bad reps for dating lots of women. George Clooney.

    Yeah but Clooney’s not compulsively impregnating them all along the way. That’s the difference, no? Too f’ed-up for me. Too bad. Seemed like a good lad but that is going too far. Any woman that ends up with him is going to spend the rest of her days in therapy trying to sort it all out.

  48. Anna says:

    So, your boyfriend shows up on your door distraught, tells you something very different from what he told you just a few hours before, and your first reaction is to attack him with his insecurities and make him worry about your health? Wow, you are such a model girlfriend! I can’t believe he broke up with you!

  49. Shenandoah says:

    Anna, and what would you do? Think about it realistically. The guy states he wants to have a baby with you (heavy news) and gets on a plane to be at your door mere hours later, whereupon he tells you everything has completely changed? How would you react? That’s hard-core messed up, on HIS part. Nevermind what her reaction, she wasn’t the one saying she needed to create a human life to solidify their relationship, and then turn around and say, you know what, I’m just going to take off. See ya.
    Behavior THAT screwed up would certainly take me off guard.

  50. abel says:

    hit it & quit it 😀

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  52. Injerenyrenner'sarms says:

    well I believe he’s cleaned up now from all of his bad habbits…I guess I would..

  53. Marilyn says:

    Some people get pretty scared and I agree with Mistral and Sasha. We don’t know his reasons but it’s plainly obvious that he cared. Colin was just a confused/lost person, just like the author was and you can’t expect that just because you love someone that that will change the way you feel or make it better. I just hope, like for any person, they both find what makes them happy and whole.