Ricky Gervais’ Gay Scientologist joke at the Globes: did he go too far?

Ricky Gervais was obnoxious during his hosting stint for the Golden Globes, but that’s what we’ve come to expect from him. People asked if he went too far when he hosted the Globes last year, (last year was the first time the Globes had had a host in 15 years) and this time he took it up a notch. I found him funny as hell, but I gossip for a living and love it when someone takes the piss out of celebrities. The best part of his opening monologue was when Ricky mimicked Crystal Harris jerking off Hugh Hefner. That was so over the top that I was crying laughing. He didn’t just do a quick demonstration, and went on with it for a while. There’s of course controversy over his intro, particularly a gay Scientologist joke he made, but that’s probably why they hired him. The Globes are getting more buzz than usual and he definitely made people laugh. Here’s what Popeater says about it:


Gervais started out by ripping into Charlie Sheen, admittedly an easy target, so easy that those jokes about Sheen being drunk by breakfast were given a pass. Who among us hasn’t laid into Sheen these past few months? It was an ample way to start.

But then Ricky went after a weaker target, ‘The Tourist.’ Sure it was a critical and commercial bomb, but Johnny and Angie aren’t exactly the kind of stars who laugh along with the joke. “I haven’t even seen ‘The Tourist,'” Gervais said. “Who has?”…

Gervais then mentioned that the special effects team from ‘Sex and the City 2’ should have been nominated for making the cast look younger on the movie poster.

“Girls, we know how old you are. I saw one of you on an episode of ‘Bonanza’!” Apparently, Ricky’s mom never told him the two taboos in comedy are still a woman’s age and her weight.

His most shocking joke of the night came when he mentioned that Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor were heterosexual actors who played gay characters in the film ‘I Love You Philip Morris.’

“So the complete opposite of some Scientologists, then,” Gervais said. He admitted his lawyers had vetted that joke. Even that didn’t settle the groans echoing throughout the ballroom.

Later in the show, Gervais introduced Bruce Willis as Ashton Kutcher’s dad. Come on, that one is just dated.

Introducing presenter Robert Downey Jr., Gervais went through a list of the actor’s films and added, “But many of you in this room probably know him best from such facilities as the Betty Ford Clinic and Los Angeles County Jail.”

Downey Jr., felt compelled to dig back at Ricky on behalf of his fellow celebrities.

“Aside from the fact that it’s been hugely mean-spirited with mildly sinister undertones, I’d say the vibe of the show has been pretty good so far, wouldn’t you?” Downey Jr. sniped back.

[From Popeater]

Popeater’s Jo Piazza concludes that Gervais “didn’t play to the room” and “went after soft targets with some hard jokes.” The crowd was really responding to him, so I don’t agree with that conclusion. I love it that he didn’t kiss ass, and the fact that he was willing to go after so many people made the show much more interesting. We’ll get more than enough brown nosing during the rest of Awards season, and like Gervais mocking Crystal Harris, we’ll look at our watches and wonder when it will end.

Here’s the Hulu version of Ricky’s opening monologue. (Only works if you’re in the US)

And here’s a YouTube version for people outside the US [via Huffpo]



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80 Responses to “Ricky Gervais’ Gay Scientologist joke at the Globes: did he go too far?”

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  1. insidescoop says:

    This opening is great! I love the look on everyone’s face too, like “what the….?! is it ok to laugh at this?”

  2. Jazz says:

    Aww, could of done without the RDJ joke, all that crap was 10 years ago. As for the $cientologists – he didn’t go far enough! Ricky you in danger boy – ruuuuuuuunn!!

  3. WhiteNoise says:

    Agree completely, CB. The GGs are about entertainment and Ricky brought it in lorry loads. Can’t see the problem with any of his targets – I’m sure Jolie and Depp are able to laugh at themselves, and Ricky only mirrored what countless critics have been saying for the past month about The Tourist. What I like most about him is that he’s an equal opportunist piss-taker, no one is safe and that’s how comedy should be. And I couldn’t agree more with your last sentence re the brown-nosing ahead.

  4. Samsam says:

    I think Rickys finale was one of the best moments of the GGs!


    But may have ensured his exit from the podium with his last joke, “I’d like to thank God—for making me an atheist,” a sentiment that, celebrity-roasting aside, may not sit well with a broadcast network.

    Read more: http://tunedin.blogs.time.com/2011/01/17/ricky-gervais-golden-globes-insurrection/#ixzz1BGli7hda

  5. Alina says:

    I think he was great..and who the fudge is angelina jolie, she’s a star not a well respected actress, proof the stupid, stupid movies she made in the last few years…it’s not like he made fun on meryl streep..

  6. Jen D says:

    Celebs get sucked up to all awards season. This is good for them;) Besides, I think a lot of them have tougher skins than that. A lot of the humor was kind of personal, but it wasn’t something like, well, “She’s a cunt!” It was at least thought out.

    I wonder what James Franco and Anne Hathaway will be like? It’s different for them, because they have and will have acted with many of the people they could possibly be making fun of. I guess the Oscars aren’t really known for “lampooning” celebs.

  7. A.Windsor says:

    No Use for Ricky Gervais and as for the rest of the commentary>>> Why call it an awards show? If called a roast – then lets make the “opinion” funny. Otherwise its just a CHEAP SHOT – and perhaps would be better off on the SARCASM Channel… Gervais is TACKY

  8. kiko says:

    well he wasn’t hilarious but at least he was trying and i can respect that…

  9. candy says:

    Shocking….and f_cking funny……love the brits. Maybe Russell Brand can take his place next year?

  10. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    Oh Alina…your all wrong love…however Angie didn’t mind the joke and of course she nor Johnny Depp took it personally. Angie is a class act and always will be.

    I love Ricky Gervais, he is very funny and he never ceases to NOT go for the jugular. I of course don’t agree with his RDJ joke because to me his struggles with addiction and law are very serious. Its not a laughing matter when someone is that ill. I am very proud of RDJ for overcoming his demons.

    Clearly don’t like the Scientologist thing he said either. Its annoying to me people say sh*t with out proof.

  11. brin says:

    Americans are a soft target for Brits.

  12. merry says:

    AH! I loved it, just watched it on Youtube and I think Gervais was funny and even a bit courageous(let’s hope none of his jokes backfires…). Good show this year!

  13. Tuatara says:

    @JenD – I completely agree. They are well paid and spend several months of the year giving themselves awards. This is the price they pay.

  14. Shay says:

    He is just saying what everyone else is thinking. He has also had some work done to be presentable, and he has lost weight, so he too has succumbed to La-La Land.
    He really shouldn’t criticize films. It’s not as though his films have broken any box office records lately, but he makes valid points.

  15. lisa says:

    @jazz.. aww so things that happened 10 years ago are not funny.. I’ll have to remember that when people on this site go off on other celebrities and what happened in their lives 10 or more years ago..

    Ricky was not funny and in poor taste. YES and that dig at RDJ was low rent. But as I said people here do that all the time with other celebrities.

    HE ruined the show and I muted every time he spoke.

    All this stuff about them being paid millions so they need to be taken down a peg. silly.. If you don’t like the money they get then stop going to the movies, and stop watching TV. Stop buying magazines and blogging about them Celebrities are celebrities because of the public fascination.

    @ Alina….And really why the nasty about Angelina. she did not complain about Richy or his joke, so there again you focus on her. His joke about The Tourist was lame so why in the world would Angelina care one way or another. And just for information purposes. Angelina gets shit thrown at her on a daily basis for 6 years.. I have yet to see her break or go crying about it. So yeah she is not thin skinned,

    Maybe you should stop seeing her movies since you find them so offensive.

  16. VIktoryGin says:

    Well, they knew what they were getting into when they hired him…again, no less.

    If they want innocuous political correctness, go with Ellen.

  17. tooey says:

    If Gervais hadn’t been hosting I probably wouldn’t have tuned in. Without someone like him it’s just another boring awards show. Oscars, anyone?

  18. Isa says:

    Some of it went too far. You can make jokes, but he is biting the hand that feeds him.
    It seem to me he just committed La-La suicide.
    There is no way he will ever be asked again after this.

  19. Isabel says:

    Ricky was awesome. Absolutely hilarious. Hollywood lacks the ability to laugh at themselves. Get over it.

  20. daisydoodle says:

    I love Ricky Gervais, he should have gone deeper. These people are put up on pedestals and, I’m sure have very thick skin, considering the rejections actors go through to get to the top. Award shows are about fashion and missteps throughout the live show. To show real reaction in live time without a retake is priceless.

  21. Rachel says:

    He was AMAZING! He didn’t go too far at all. Everything he said were things that have been said on this very website. Celebs are so used to people sucking up to them and are so up their own @ss it’s not even funny.

  22. xxodettexx says:

    i loved it… we get enough celebrity @ss-kissing from “reporters” nowadays so its nice and refreshing hearing the snark we all at celebitchy thrive on!

    edited to add: apparently they are already freaking out over at time bc of rg’s closing speech…

  23. Jayna says:

    The RDJ joke was crass. He has a big body of work since then and was a presenter and didn’t deserve it. But RDJ gave it back to him making a very pointed comment.

    I was disappointed in Ricky. Last year he was edgy, irreverent, and a little biting on people who deserved it. He crossed the line this time, and it just turned meanspirited.

  24. OriginalGracie says:

    I love Ricky and laughed out loud just watching this.

    Funny is funny and he is always spot on with his humor.

    They certainly went over his material with him beforehand. It’s not like he just went on cold.

    And everything he said….it was all true. I like this better than the phoney lovefest these shows usually are where everyone is slobbering all over each other telling them how fantastic they are.

  25. C-Love says:

    Loved it!! He was hilarious. I read the ‘Time’ article last night and didn’t take it as them “freaking out.” But I agree with the analogy that RG’s performance last night was the Hollywood version of Stephen Colbert at the WHCD. These people should know who they hired, right?

    Regardless, RG was spot on and as the saying goes, “F*ck ’em if they can’t take a joke.”

  26. sakyiwaa says:

    i think a joke is always about “ridiculing something”. i don’t like all jokes making fun of people. and i don’t like Ricky’s brand particularly, but i guess “A JOKE IS A JOKE, so lighten up” will be the usual response to this. what a world we live in.

  27. Reality says:

    Love Ricky gervais, and if some people found him offensive, that’s the whole point. If he played it safe it would have been just another boring awards show.

    Humour is subjective, and some people don’t feel comfortable with certain jokes. Watch Jimmy Carr, his humour is on a knifes edge, I sometimes cringe as I laugh, but I love him too.

  28. Tess says:

    Loved that Gervais treated the audience with the dismissive contempt they so richly deserve. And just generally love Gervais.

    But, last night was a full-on display of the incredible rudeness and shallow narcissism of Hollywood celebrities.

    Never have I seen a ruder audience. They could barely rouse themselves from their own conversations to pay attention to anybody but A-List celebs.

  29. mln76 says:

    I think the celebs in that room were offended. EVERYONE gasped and like two people laughed when RG outed the Scieno’s and no one likes Tom Cruise. I also thought Helen Mirren’s speech was a bit of a classy diss on Ricky. But RDJ was the best he should host the Oscars. But all that being said I love Ricky Gervais. He was just being himself if you’ve ever watched the real Office or Extra’s that is his humor it’s painful but then you’re crying with laughter. I think he was a bit harsher than last year but I don’t think he wants to come back. And his last line made my night.

  30. someone says:

    I thought he was hilarious, and my daughter never watches award shows, but she watched this one..and laughed her way thru it…Ricky was spot on…

  31. Anti-icon says:

    Ricky Gervais was awesome, as last year, only better. Roast. He will probably get in trouble, but I stand by him for making that awards ceremony watchable for home viewers who are “tuned into” showbiz.

  32. vibius says:

    Hes the only reason I even watched. Who cares about the rest. It was the first time that I actually sat through one of these in over a decade. Yes it was raunchy and over the top. Watch his standup – this was tame.

  33. Roxanne75 says:

    It’s agreed! The globes were a success b/c of his humor! About time!!!!

  34. junk573r says:

    I think it’s hilarious that Love Angelina talks about AJ as if she had a heart to heart with her after the show and knows her feelings aren’t hurt. I’ve idolized a celeb before (fucking TRENT REZNOR won a gg, I almost passed out) but I’ve never spoken as if I knew a celeb. I find it weird.

  35. garvels says:

    I thought Rickie was hysterical and I thought he was fair and tried to offend everyone….ha ha..I thought I saw Depp and Angelina even laughing at Gervais. I truly don’t think RDJ was even remotely offended by Gervais’s jabs. I really could care less if Hollywood was offended by some of his jokes. Give me a break..Hollywood for the most part, offends and trashes groups of people on a daily basis.

  36. redlips says:

    No one in that room gasped….good gawd! Gervais was fabulous!! He was talking to a room full of self loathing prople who take themselves much to seriously. He was the only reason I watched. Loved it!

  37. Angela says:

    I’m glad he expanded the circle of celebrities that usually get mocked. At this point, Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson and Lindsay Lohan are easy targets. I see it as an improvement that he poked fun at Angelina, Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr. – the people that get their asses kissed constantly.

  38. Judy says:

    I get up early and have a really hard time staying up past 9:00 p.m., but I did last night thanks to Ricky Gervais–couldn’t believe what I was hearing but laughed the whole way through. Best awards show ever!

  39. Emmy says:

    I’m a massive RDJ fan and I didn’t find the joke funny, however I think RDJ is smart enough to have come back with a clever response, I was a bit disappointed he got a bit starry.

    I dislike RG, never could understand why you americans love him so much but he made my night last night, I loved the scientology, gay joke. He now needs to avoid being alone on highways, especially at night.

  40. OXA says:

    Bloody Brilliant!
    He was the best parts of the show and played to Viewers instead of kissing celebrity butts.

  41. Eileen says:

    That was hilarious! I hate award shows and didn’t watch but after that clip I will definitely watch one if he hosts! I dislike those stupid shows because I don’t get why we have to give awards to actors…their millions of dollars a show or movie, free everything they want and ass kissing treatment isn’t enough?

  42. KJ says:

    Gervais was awesome. I hate hosts that pander. Let’s be real – this show is just an excuse for stars to get dressed up, booze, and mingle. And the nominations, this year as they have been in the past, are wonky. Why should he have to tip toe around anything? That room was chock full of narcissistic assholes ripe for the new-asshole-tearing. If he had done some shitty, ass kissy hosting job, I would not have watched it in it’s entirety. We spend way too much time letting these stars believe their shit doesn’t stink. I’m glad Gervais kept it real.

    And on that note – Popeater’s Jo whoever is a spineless twat. The only reason this person was so offended by Gervais was because Popeater caters to celebs. They get exclusives because they don’t give real, true gossip. Just the fluff-n-stuff so they’re still in good with the celebs. It’s on par with a People Magazine analysis. Of course they’re going to jump to the celebrity defense. They’ve got their collective noses way far up Hollywood’s ass.

  43. Dizzybenny says:

    great show,great job now on to the snooze show called the Oscars.

  44. TeeTee says:

    He made the show!!! he was hilarious and he SPOKE the truth!!!

    hilarious!! and most of those celebs in there KNEW he was speaking the truth!!

    I LOVE this man!!! Robert DeNiro could do nothing but laugh, cause he has seen and knows alot of the secrets!

    I can only laugh at fans that take offense to his humor, truth hurts huh??

    I just feel sorry for the assistants that had to put up w/these spoiled “losing their talent”, ex druggie, alcoholic, current druggie, gay and control freaks that garnish our screens.

    They make their employees/spouses lives a living hell, I am sure! I shiver at the thought of the “at home”aftermath.

    Ricky did a fab job!! kept it spicy!

  45. guesty says:

    rg was a snarky blogger live…love it.

  46. Katie says:


    Ricky Gervais the king! He just says what the rest of us are thinking.

    Tom Cruise is a FAG, he just needs to come out of the closet.

    again ricky Gervais is the man! KUDOS ON THE WEIGHT LOSS RICKY

  47. Amanda says:

    Ricky was pretty fabulous. People who were offended need to knock it off with the drama. Laugh a little people– it’ll be okay!

  48. skibunny says:

    He was the reason I watched. Hilarious!

  49. eternalcanadian says:

    I thought RG was crass and rude. There’s ways to be classy and funny while poking fun at peoples’ public failings. RG was a big, fat fail for the Globes. Anyone notice how he basically disappeared for like 40 minutes and when he came back he was all polite? Me thinks he got a scolding backstage and he’s done as a host for an award show.

    I really, really hope Anne Hathaway and James Franco aren’t rude like this for the Oscars. I saw Anne’s skits on SNL and it was so embarrassing to watch I hope she doesn’t do a song and dance routine on the Oscars.

  50. Jess says:

    Good for Ricky. I love him!

  51. Jayna says:

    I disagree with everyone. He crossed a line into meanspiritedness. Last year he was great. But these people didn’t come to be treated in a meanspirited roasting fashion. Last year he was irreverent and got some digs in but never turned in into such meanspiritedness Robert Downey Jr. was a presenter and has worked very hard to put the past behind him that happened ten years ago He didn’t deserve such disrespect. This was not a roast. It was an awards show to honor There’s a line he crossed that made him not funny for the people that came there and made them uncomfortable. It’s not about us getting our jollies off over it.

  52. Hautie says:

    I loved it.

    Lets be honest he just said openly what everyone else in LA has been gossiping about.

    I died when he took that poke at Angie Jo and Depp. Where as Depp was laughing… I assume Angie Jo was not. 🙂

    And the Hefner jokes were brilliant. Cause lets be real… everyone is thinking the same thing. She is j*cking off an 84 year old man. Ewwwwwwww… hahahaha!

  53. LittleDeadGirl says:

    I thought it was funny. Dated at times but not THAT offensive. I mean come on the rest of the show is boring as hell … the commentator taking cracks at the audiance is the only funny part. Half the time the real stuff that should be nominated isn’t so it’s not even about watching something you love win an award any more … it’s about watching bloated egotistic stars get the piss taken out of them a bit and that’s always funny …

  54. Judy says:

    I think Gervais’ remark about the scientologist was directed at John Travolta–NOT Tom Cruise.

  55. observer says:

    I thought he was great. Everyone has been so programmed to be politically correct these days it’s ridiculous. It’s great to see someone unafraid to tell the truth and do it with such hilarious humor.

  56. Kim says:

    Yeah because Robert Downey is the one we look to for class =(

    Ricky is hilarious. Stars have huge egos and dont like to be made fun of – that makes it all the more fun to make fun of them!

  57. mln76 says:

    @Judy they are both rumoured to be gay. LOL

  58. The Bobster says:

    He won’t be over the top for me until he goes after actresses for their African fashion accessories.

  59. mln76 says:

    According to PopEater he’s banned from the Globes for making fun of the Pres of the HFPA. I think he wanted to offend everyone because that’s who he is. I also am laughing because there is an episode of Extras in which he is banned from the BAFTAS (English Oscars). Life imitating art.

    @redlips well according to this article it was boos and groans but I still think I heard gasps. 🙂


  60. TeeTee says:

    something tells me that the Oscars will be fake and boring.

    some folks don’tlike the truth, LOL

  61. Lindsay says:

    junk573r- Did you ever see the last Real Housewives of New York reunion, the last one? At one point Bethanny (sp?) was like this is ridiculous we keep asking Kelly questions acting like it is going to make sense but she is in her own little world. It is pointless and crazy, it will never happen. That is how I feel about L.A. most of the time.

    Isa: That is what people said after her hosted last year.

    Lisa: He ruined the show for you even on mute?

    Judy – it was aimed at both of them. He said the movie was something along the lines of unlike two Scientologists. And the said “What? THEY are not here.”

    The network and the people there knew what they were getting. His joke about RDJ was far less offensive, to me, then Gwyneth’s comments recently. Also, it least he made a joke of someone who has made light of it in the past and is recovering. Going after Lindsay would have been more timely but much less tasteful since it is something she is struggling with now.

  62. JenJen says:

    Tom Thumb probably heard about that joke thru the grapevine,so he started all that Oscar crap to avoid this one.

  63. lucy2 says:

    For the most part I thought it was funny in a very biting way. I think it’s good when the host picks on the audience a bit and makes them laugh at themselves. Some of them take themselves and all this WAY too seriously.

    I thought the Scientology thing was about both John and Tom, because I think he said something like “they’re not here”.

    Could have done without the RDJ comment, the guy has worked hard to turn it around. Charlie Sheen? Have at him, but let’s let RDJ move on.
    And my goodness, there’s a huge difference between people commenting on gossip blogs vs. introducing someone in person that way at an event televised to millions of people.

  64. JenJen says:

    @Isa, it’s funny you should say that. I thought the funniest part was when he introduced Steve Carrell as the guy killing the cash cow for all of them. He created The Office. I am sure he’s not worried about biting anyone’s hand.

  65. N.D. says:

    I’m team RDJ

    “I think it’s great to be funny, but it’s just better if you can do it without hurting people,” Downey said


  66. bagladey says:

    I laughed my ass off!!! Ricky Gervais was hilarious as hell, and I hope they’ll have him back.

  67. Alina says:

    I gave the example with angelina because she was mentioned in the Popeater post like she’s some kind of royalty, I just don’t see her like that..I admit I dislike her, but she is a good actress when she picks the right roles…the same spy movie on repeat I don’t like

  68. Henriette says:

    Even when he went over the line, he was trying to be funny & irreverent and that’s very cool. I usually don’t give a rat’s butt about awards shows and ricky was the only reason I gave this year’s GG even a glance. Even if the organizers were cross with him, I bet they look at the viewing numbers and realise they wouldn’t be this high without Ricky’s hosting.

  69. gg says:

    How is this hilarious?? I agree with all the things he said but he just doesn’t get any laughs from me, ever. I guess I’m too fixated on him looking like a tranny. Is it the beard? The fangy teeth? Or the shaped eyebrows?

    And candy, you might have missed Russell Brand’s two stints on awards shows. He bombed far worse than this. He’s already blown any future presenter awards for not having any jokes.

    Anyway, he needs to lay off RDJ. With everything he’s been through he should get pref. treatment.

  70. lily says:

    I thought Ricky Gervais was beyond hysterical – Tim Allen is such a total dweeb. Who is he? Did he think that he and Tom Hanks hurt RG with their remarks? RG is the only reason I watched the show. Will not watch next year if he is not hosting.

  71. Eve says:

    Loved everything he said. He could host every single awards show from now on and I’d watch them all.

  72. Michelle says:

    Sorry guys, but he overstepped a few boundaries and he just wasn’t funny to me. I was waiting for him to make fun of Michael Douglas because if he did, I was gonna hunt him down and kick his a$$.

  73. GirlyGirl says:

    Nope he didn’t go too far enough.

    He’ll be back, word is the ratings were so high the Bogus HFPA will have him back just for the dough he generated.

    Hollywood weenie’s who were offended should just grow-the-eff-up a little bit.

    And Hey eternalcanadian!!

    Don’t worry about Anne Hathaway and James Franco. Anne will bore you into a nice dreamy slumber and Franco will be so high he’ll spend most of the night at the craft table eating cheesies.

    Seriously though, don’t most people (like me) just watch the red carpet shows and then watch the highlights the next day? Awards shows are so over the top pompous I find them silly.

  74. Meanchick says:

    Bravo Ricky! I loved every single minute of it! It was refreshing to hear honesty within jokes and not some suck butt making nice with all the pretty celebrities.

  75. Mikunda says:

    Well, the jokes aside, was the GG really the place to do that? It was after all about celebrating the talent of the actors who got the awards.

    While I am fine with the jokes, I think that the GG were not the right place/audience for them. While RG is good,I don’t think his jokes were appropriate because they defeated the purpose of celebrating the Golden Globes.

    He sounded a bit like the typical cold-hearted Brit who is a bit mean-spirited, a bit envious, a bit nonchalant… I don’t know. Definitely a miss though,not a hit.

  76. Hakura says:

    I think some of these people need to pull the iron rods out of their asses.

    The whole world doesn’t have to be PC, in fact, most comedy isn’t. He may have stepped ON the line with a few of them, but not over.

  77. LT says:

    My roommate hates Ricky Gervais, but I thought he was really funny hosting the GG! My absolute favorite joke was about Steve Carrell – you can just see the love between those two guys and the way Carrell pushed him away from him when he was walking out was hysterical!

    Also, Tina Fey and Steve Carrell were by FAR the best presenters of the night – hilarious!

  78. LT says:

    After reading everyone’s comments I just had to make a remark about RDJ…

    I love RDJ, but C’mon guys, do you REALLY think RDJ gave a rat’s ass about what RG said? He got him right back with his remark when he went on the stage! Lighten up!

    RG is a comedian and doing stand up; not everyone is going to find all the jokes funny, but that’s the life of a standup.

    Plus it’s refreshing to see someone who ISN’T kissing the ass of all the celebs! I think a lot of the celebs there (well, the older A-listers anyway) are comfortable enough in themselves and their works that they could laugh about themselves. Being able to laugh at yourself is one of the great things in life!

  79. Aspie says:

    I found his HBO specials to be a boring but he was spot on during this show!

  80. chris-e says:

    Gervais was hilarious and refreshing as far as the GG’s go. I was surprised but relieved to hear a few good jokes!..and that’s all that happened, a few good laughs. Whoever takes it more seriously or more personaly than that desperately needs a sense of humor and I just feel sorry for them. If you watched the show to see the rich and famous get their bums kissed a little more than usual or you can’t step outside your own beliefs/perspective for one moment on behalf of a joke…get an effing life. It was funny!