Kate Bosworth wants us to know that she & Alex Skarsgard are still together


Everytime I don’t hear about them together for a few weeks, I have a brief moment of hope that Alexander Skarsgard has finally dumped Kate Bosworth. But this chick is a Clinger, and she still enjoys the association she gets with Alex. Thus, her publicist dropped People Magazine a line to ensure that we would know that they are still very much “on”:

Though they walked into the Warner Bros./In Style Golden Globes afterparty separately, Kate Bosworth and Alexander Skarsgard were very much the couple behind closed doors of the Beverly Hilton Hotel, where the pair partied together with pals, and remained upbeat through the night. After the True Blood hunk took a quick phone call, Bosworth lovingly tugged at his sleeve and said, “Come on, let’s go this way.”

[From People]

So, she’s still around. Now we know. They’ve pretty much been dating for a year, and they go to official Hollywood events together, and she orders him around. What the hell is her hold on him? Ugh. You know what’s interesting though? I can’t find photos of either Kate or Alex at the HBO event on Sunday. So… not only did they not pose for photos together, they didn’t pose for photos at all. It’s so nice that Bosworth’s publicist told People where they were then.

In other Bosgard news, Lainey says that those reports about Alex wanting to marry Kate are plants from her publicist too. Could be.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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34 Responses to “Kate Bosworth wants us to know that she & Alex Skarsgard are still together”

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  1. jj says:

    vid of her leaning in to kiss his younger brother? Don’t mind if I do.


    Go to about 2:05 or so

  2. Jane says:

    They didn’t go to the HBO party, but there are plenty of videos and paparazzi pics of another one they went to.

    He finally shaved off his fleshbeard and looked hot in a suit. And FYI Kaiser, they have the same publicist.

  3. Crash2GO2 says:

    @jj: Seriously, I just wasted 2:05 minutes of my time. That was nothing.

  4. LauraBell says:

    @jj – Is “leaning in for a kiss” code for “trying to talk to someone”?

    Huh, good to know. I would also like my time back please, I was hoping for something scandalous.

  5. Macheath says:

    He has serial killer eyes. Don’t understand the panty-dropping hysteria with this one. So not attractive. Both of them.

  6. Devon says:

    Need to learn not to read gossip in bed. Can’t tell you how many times this trick has put a damper on my day before it’s even started.

    Hate the BosHo so much.

  7. Bodhi says:

    She has a publicist? WHY?

  8. Lory says:

    People mag had to use a 2009 picture for that article so I don’t know if that’s true. I personally think that it’s just a matter of weeks.

  9. Obvious says:

    @Jane thank you for that. I still kinda like Kate. maybe these are plants from Alex. oooooooo intriguing.

  10. luls says:

    the redness and bags around his eyes are awful!! he looks like a druggie.

    they suit each other!! both give off this emaciated, european-blonde, druggie, vibe….

  11. Devon says:

    I think the redness around his eyes could be from working pretty much at night, all night. And he’s definitely not emaciated. Have you seen him without clothes? Emaciated he is not. Hot, fine piece of Swedish ass he is. 😉

  12. Gwen says:

    *deep sigh*

    So much Swedish hotness wasted on her 🙁

  13. gobo says:

    Hot man in wooly jumper. Melt.

  14. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    DEAR GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

  15. JM says:

    Isn’t it time they stopped the are they/aren’t they garbage? He looks like the biggest a$$ in Hollywood. If this is a real relationship, he’s a crappy BF. No matter how pretty he is, if that was my man and he consistantly dissed me, walked 8 feet in front of me, refused to have a single picture taken with me in public, I’d have long since thrown his gorgeous butt out with the trash.

    If it’s PR for the strait to DVD “Straw Dogs”, he’s an idiot for keeping up the charade this long. Either way, he’s lost..looks, career & fans.

    For the stans who insist they are happily in love, If he actually looked happy in her presence (post Scream Awards 2009), I’d cut them both some slack but as it is, I think the beige clinger is milking this and his soul dry.

  16. TVMAVEN says:

    She needs to fire her publicist. That is straight-up embarrassing – that he would release that info almost suggesting that she needs Alex in order to get exposure or be relevant. FAIL.

  17. Ally says:

    I’ve been saving this Glamour UK interview with Alex Skarsgard for you CB Alex nuts for a while. Here are the quotes, I think they will make you swoon:

    “I’d travel across the world for a woman, for sure, but I’d rather do something that shows more thought.”

    “I’ve been with women who are older and younger than me so I couldn’t say which was better. Five or ten years younger would be fine, but you could be up to 15 years older than me.”

    “I don’t go for really dressy women. My family has a small cottage in the middle of nowhere in Sweden, it has no phone, TV or even shower – you have to swim in the lake to wash. I love it. Taking a girl there is a good indicator of whether she’ right for me.

    “You need to be able to trust each other in a relationship or it just won’t work.”

    “I really enjoy that time when you’re figuring each other out. I’m not the kind of guy who’s going to come up to you and just say how I feel, but I will make my feelings known.”

    “Women love vampires because of the element of danger. I’ve been asked to bite before, but I wouldn’t do that in public. In private, maybe…”

  18. snark says:

    Wow, why do people defend her as if she doesn’t pull this crapola all the time? As usual, Kaiser got this one right. Why is this stuff always out there on them to correct what they see on JJ and in the blogs? No one saw them together all night – they arrived and left together, but his brother Bill seemed to get babysitting duties. And no, she didn’t kiss him, but she’s always way flirty and inappropriate with other men which you CAN see in that video. That’s a little too much lean in and she looks like she’s breached the whole personal space zone, he’s actually backing away. There’s also a pic floating around with her draped on Ryan Kavanaugh too. She likes attention and he isn’t giving it. Agree, I wouldn’t put up with that behavior, for sure, but I guess it’s ok for her. And “lovingly tugged on his sleeve” must translate to you’re ignoring me again, do what I say. This has been a year of public avoidance, how much longer?

  19. Gwen says:

    @TVMAVEN: Hasn’t she been relevant mostly for who she’s dating for quite a while now though? She’s not really doing much acting (at least she’s not very succesful..) and she’s selling cheap jewelry online – I guess she really needs this sort of pr in order to get any mentions at all..

  20. original kate says:

    “I’ve been asked to bite before, but I wouldn’t do that in public. In private, maybe…”

    oh. my. frigging. god.

  21. dahlia47 says:

    They look good together. He’s not hot, but his body is pretty nice looking, so I don’t blame her for holding on to this one.

  22. jill says:

    The PR plants by the publicist are just embarrassing they are so transparent. “Kate lovingly tugged at his sleeve” Are they getting an intern to write this stuff? Kate seemed to be spending most of her time giggling up at little brother and Ryan Kavanaugh and I read she shut down her last party while with Camille Belle, not Alex.

  23. latam2012 says:

    i smell jealousy rather than bosworth actually doing anything wrong. He always has terrible bags.

  24. kelly says:

    LOL, you guys can have his simple arse! It comes with that knitted monstrosity he’s sporting there. Enjoy.

  25. Hmmm says:

    He’s so sexy. He should hook up with January Jones or someone of that caliber. Kate is too basic for him.

  26. Mistral says:

    The cottage sounds like paradise.

    Kate has nice style and is very pretty, but she needs to stop going to every event/pap hangout.

  27. hanna says:

    If Kate stopped going to every event/pap hangout, what would she do for a career? Warrior’s Way didn’t open any doors, did it?

  28. Devon says:

    January Jones is a big fat NOT. She’s so fucking stupid it hurts. When she was talking about her dress on the GG red carpet she actually said “I’d seen it…” Fuck. Such an indication of trash. Can we all say “I saw it…?”

  29. Emily says:

    “‘I’ve been asked to bite before, but I wouldn’t do that in public. In private, maybe…'”

    oh. my. frigging. god.”

    I second that, and add an inarticulate moan.

  30. Kyra says:

    Look, he’s kinda pretty & all, but I think the same thing about him I do about Vin Diesel. Gay. In to other men, gay. The on again off again thing with them, their insistence they are just friends, then the publicity leaks are just a way to keep females thinking he’s straight & not leave them wondering.

  31. Camille says:

    @Gwen: I felt that exact way when Brad Pitt hooked up with Aniston. 😆 (I only started to like BP again once he thankfully gave her the old heave-ho 😆 )

    I hope these two will be dunzo soon, this coupling does not make Alex look good. At this point I like to pretend they are not a couple. *puts fingers in ears and sings la la la*

  32. Athena says:

    Here’s some video of them leaving http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRg8wLVPFxQ&feature=player_embedded and there is a picture on twitter of them here http://forums.thefashionspot.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=571601&d=1295254275

    Funny how he NEVER wants to be seen with her. I think he’s the douche bag not her.

  33. Really? says:

    How is he the douchebag if she allows him to treat her that way? He wasn’t a douche with his old acknowledged girlfriends.It’s pathetic that she talks about him and he’s still not talking about her after a year. She doesn’t have to stay. Oh wait! No one will pay attention to her unless she’s linked to him.

  34. piedlourde says:

    The broad looks like a freaking mannequin (but I do covet that shade of lipstick).
    And Alex should hire a good make up artist before he goes to events expecting to be photographed. I’m Swedish too, and I have those same reddish/blueish bags under my eyes. Some Scandinavian complexions benefit from a bit of discrete concealer in the winter…