Charlie Sheen was “rushed to the hospital” this morning (updates)


Charlie Sheen was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Hospital this morning, TMZ is reporting. Apparently, he threw some huge party last night, and then this morning, someone called 911 at 6:35 a.m. (PST). Cocaine? Alcohol poisoning? Did a hooker shoot him? Or is it just another “ear infection”? Ugh.

Charlie Sheen was rushed to the hospital this morning, TMZ has learned. We’re told Charlie was taken out of his home on a stretcher and loaded into an ambulance at 7 AM.

Two young women exited the house at the same time Charlie was taken out with a towel partially over his face.

Charlie was transported to Cedars-Sinai Hospital in L.A. The 911 call was placed at 6:35 AM.

Sources say Charlie was having severe abdominal pains which triggered the 911 call. Stan Rosenfield, Charlie’s publicist, tells TMZ Charlie was in the emergency room this morning — sleeping.

We’re told Charlie’s father, Martin Sheen, and his mom, Janet Templeton, are at the hospital.

UPDATE: Neighbors tell TMZ Charlie threw some sort of party last night. They heard women inside Charlie’s house singing Red Hot Chili Peppers songs throughout the evening. The party went on — loudly — well into the wee hours.

[From TMZ]

I mean, I’m not wishing death on the guy, I’m really not. I hope that he’s fine, and whatever happened to him, it serves as a wake-up call to get his life together. But I suspect it won’t. I suspect one of two things is about to happen: either Charlie really did something really horrible to himself, and it’s life-threatening, OR Charlie did something really horrible to himself, and his team will cover it up and Charlie will be allowed to continue as is, a trainwreck.

Speaking of Option #2, Charlie’s rep tells Us Weekly: “He was having severe abdominal pains and went to the hospital.” Us Weekly also notes that Charlie’s sober coach “has not heard from Charlie since he told him not to start [drinking] New Year’s day.” So… yeah.

UPDATE #1: I’m sure we’ll have a million updates on this, so this is just the first! TMZ spoke to someone at the hospital who said “It’s serious.” Also, TMZ says that at last night’s party at Charlie’s house, he had five girls.

UPDATE #2: So TMZ is now reporting that Charlie had a “briefcase full of cocaine” -delivered to his home hours before last night’s big party, and that Charlie was partaking heavily. Oh, and the cocaine was in “bricks” if that makes a difference. So, the theory is now “cocaine overdose”. But Charlie’s PR team is still on the offensive! His rep tells TMZ: “I can’t comment because I have no idea if it’s true. You choose to believe your source. I don’t.”

UPDATE #3: TMZ reports that Charlie is suffering from a “hiatal hernia in his stomach” and that “the condition causes acid and food to back up into the esophagus causing extreme pain.” It’s actually more serious than TMZ’s crack team of doctors claims – they’re making it sound like a bad case of acid reflux. Of course, I’m still not buying this as the real reason why Charlie was rushed to the hospital.

UPDATE #4: (By CB) In case you’d like to know what Charlie Sheen’s house looks like while he’s on a bender, one of the porn stars (of a rumored five) that he was partying with tweeted a pic from inside his house. It features her barely covered hairless vag in the foreground, and a table covered with drug store supplies in the background like mouthwash, lube, rubbing alcohol, disinfectant wipes and intimate lotions. (Hope there were condoms there.) This is why people have a hard time believing the hernia storia. The porn star who tweeted that has since hired a lawyer. Oh and the people who called 911 on Charlie’s behalf were none other than Charlie’s neighbors, Adrienne Maloof-Nassif of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and her plastic surgeon husband, Paul. Hopefully he’s doing ok whatever the case. Extra reports that his first words from the hospital were “I’m not dying.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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116 Responses to “Charlie Sheen was “rushed to the hospital” this morning (updates)”

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  1. ceenitall says:

    I think it’s time his dad stepped in again and sent him back to rehab.

  2. l says:

    @ ceenitall

    Not to be rude, but…..??????

    And just how would you go about “stepping in” if you were his dad? It’s not like he’s a small child that you can pick up and put in time-out. He’s a GROWN A** MAN that has many other “grown ups” making excuses for him all day long. NO ONE can do anything to help Charlie except Charlie.

    Charlie Sheen is an addict/idiot. Period.

  3. truthSF says:

    I think he’s trying to kill himself.

  4. kelbear says:

    You would think it’s more than just abdominal pain since both his parents are there. And also his ex wife.

  5. Stubbylove says:

    Charlie – the kinky dildo action goes in the back door – not the mouth! Hello abdominal pain! Really, he needs serious help NOW or this guy’s gonna die. Martin – go help your boy.

  6. mauibound says:

    It’s like we say out here in Vegas,

    Hookers and blow, it gets em every time!

  7. Li says:

    He has a sober coach??!! Really?!

  8. Attagirl says:

    His liver probably exploded due to excessive alcohol consumption…it’s time to go on the wagon – permanently – Charlie boy, you have children to consider you selfish pr*ck.

  9. YT says:

    Ulcer? That would explain abdominal pains.

  10. Sigh. says:

    @ Li —

    Girl, get outta my head, cuz that’s the EXACT same thing I thought!

    Did the guy quit to go fill the vacancy at the Cibrian/Rimes house for “douche wrangler?”

  11. Disco says:

    @Stubbylove….LMAO!! I just spit my soda at the computer screen!!!

    Seriously though, I just feel sorry for his family. I can’t imagine how painful it must be to watch someone self-destruct. And they must be so embarrassed.

  12. amoteafloat says:

    I don’t care if he ODs. I also don’t care if this makes me a bad person.

  13. STOPGOOP says:

    pancreatitis attack

  14. Anaya says:

    Not surprised by this. Charlie is a mess. But for the sake of his parents and children I sincerely hope that he will be okay.

  15. Chris says:

    Y’know Martin Sheen had his own battle with addiction too and had a heart attack on the set of Apocalypse Now when he just 39 years old. So I’m sure he has a lot of empathy for Charlie.

  16. brin says:


  17. sam says:

    really sad…but hope it is a wake up call for him. The man has children…can’t he count his blessings. He needs serious help.

  18. MSat says:

    Let’s start an “excuse pool!” Which excuse do you think his PR machine will issue this time?
    -Food poisoning
    -Bad reaction to “medication” (my personal favorite)
    -Swine flu


  19. Camille says:

    Oh juicy stuff, not surprised by this either.
    I have no pity at all for this guy, but I feel for his family. Having to watch a family member self destruct so spectacularly and not be able to stop it has to be utterly awful.

  20. TXCinderella says:

    His pancreas probably exploded due to excessive drinking like what happened to Duff Mackagan.

  21. brin says:

    Maybe his “ear infection” spread to his abdomen.

  22. mln76 says:

    Martin Sheen did alot during Charlie’s first run ins with the law even going to the judge and reporting Charlie’s bad behavior so there would be consequences. The difference now is Charlie has made millions and doesn’t need his dad support or legal help, he also has CBS covering his tracks for him. This is Charlie’s issue plain and simple. It sounds like he may be getting some serious side effects and still has a death wish. I hate to say it but it’s better that he hurts himself then him hurting others.

  23. Bronson says:

    i’m going with something heart-related since he does so much blow. he probably went into cardiac arrest or had a heart attack.

  24. mary jane says:

    wow Sounds like heart failure to me too.

  25. lucy2 says:

    I feel bad for those that still care about him and for the people who’s jobs depend on him, but I feel no sympathy for Charlie himself, or those who continue to make excuses and enable him.
    This guy has had more opportunities, good fortune, wake up warnings, and second chances than anyone else I can think of, and each time he’s spit life in the face and gone off to find more hookers and blow.

  26. Melinda says:

    Hmmmmm, Msat I’m going to guess exhaustion with a side of “reaction to a medication,” from the ear infection of course.

  27. michelle kelley says:

    I love his show I however do not like his behavior in his personal life I feel sorry for his kids doesn’t he have like 4 or 5?

  28. mary jane says:

    Four… and they’re all very young.

  29. OXA says:

    If he were a dog carousing or causing so much harm to himself and others, he would be put to sleep.

  30. DGO says:

    It could be hepatitis, liver cancer, perforated bleeding ulcer, any number of potentially serious things. I know he’s an addict, and people say he had it coming, but I feel sympathy for him. It must be awful to be in the grips of something so much.

  31. SRM says:

    Although, I am sure its drug/alcohol related it could also be appendicitis. I had it 2 years ago and it was worse than labor for me.

  32. wunderkindt says:

    Clearly too much blow!
    This guy will keel over soon if he doesnt quit.

  33. Wif says:

    I honestly hope he’ll be okay. I don’t know why, but I do.

  34. Emmy says:

    Nelson Mandela’s in hospital too…a man who has not squandered his life.

  35. Wicked SteppMom says:

    I always liked Emilio Estevez better anyway…What the hell ever happened to him?

  36. lucy2 says:

    MSat, he can’t use swine flu, Tori Spelling already claimed that one to explain being skeletal for the past several years!
    Though I picture his people and CBS right now throwing out potential “causes” just like you did.

    I think Emilio has been doing some directing over the past few years.

  37. Bodhi says:

    Charlie has 5 kids. The oldest one is in her 20s & got married recently. He has 2 girls with Denise Richards & a set of twins (boys, I think) with Brooke Mueller

  38. CallieTrichid says:


  39. javagirl1 says:

    Despite everything, I feel for him. Addiction is a horrible thing, indescribable to people who have never had one. Charlie seems to have a death wish, undeterred by even his children.

  40. hellen says:

    Does he have a case of impacted hat?

  41. ! says:

    I’m sure they’ll just say he had indigestion after a lovely meal with his daughters and ex wife, and cramped up after going swimming a little too early. Oh poor Charlie!

    This may sound horrible but I really couldn’t give a fuck less what happens to him.

  42. jen34 says:

    I don’t think Charlie is going to be around much longer.

  43. Roma says:

    Do you know how much blow you have to do in one sitting to OD? It’s a lot if you’re sniffing it.

    It’s more likely that his heart would give out or his pancreas as many suggested. It’s sick that CBS keeps putting him on the air – how does he not have a morals clause? Of that’s right, because they based the character on him.

  44. frankie says:

    Pancreatitus – it can kill you. Long term alcohol abuse

  45. anon says:

    @hellen:”Does he have a case of impacted hat?”

    lol 🙂

  46. GradStudentEatingHotPockets says:

    It’s that flu that Kim Kardashian had that made her lips swell up…except this flu attacked his liver and pancreas and made them both swell. That damn flu!!

    Also dehydration/exhaustion for battling the flu…

  47. original kate says:

    meh – just a raging case of douchebagitis with a touch of hookeremia.

  48. hottathanholywatta says:

    his days are numbered

  49. Cat Burrito says:

    What a LOSER!! Why does life sometimes reward those who just want to waste it. At least he has enough money and society doesn’t have to pick up his tab.

  50. Hakura says:

    I do understand why some people don’t particularly care what happens to him. He has had more second chances than I can count…

    But I do feel for the people that care about him having to see him do this to himself without any concern to what it does to them. His children especially… It has to be hard to think their father would rather get high with the likes of ‘Bombshell Mcgee’ than worry about staying alive to spend time with them.

  51. Bill Hicks is God says:

    “severe abdominal pains” consistent with acute alcohol poisoning no doubt. Or his liver and pancreas were trying to make a getaway.

  52. girlygirl410 says:

    I think, he thinks he is invincible. I don’t think he has a death wish or even cares about his kids (that is sad btw). I think the backing by the studio and the lack of consequences by his work, family and friends makes him feel in invicible!

    It is sad this man will never know his children. His ex’s need to move on and find real men to be the male role models for thier childred.

  53. Marjalane says:

    It’s a shame the hospital staff has to take time away from normal people to treat this dirtbag. I feel for his parents, but his kids are better off without him. I wonder how many of the wheels at CBS are pacing the floor right now, worried about “the franchise”.

  54. Angie says:

    I always liked Emilio Estevez better anyway…What the hell ever happened to him?
    I just saw an article about him yesterday. He has a winery I believe.

  55. jenna says:

    hernia? Appendix??? Bad reaction? Ecoli?? Oh god. That last one… Gross. I bet he was doing some nasty ass to mouth action and a got a lil bacterial infection. Yuuuck.

  56. albeli says:

    “meh – just a raging case of douchebagitis with a touch of hookeremia.”


    I’m going with alcohol related organ failure.

    Which will be reported as food poisoning.

  57. mimi says:

    Drug addiction is more powerful than any of us non-addicts can ever imagine. It is a form of possession. Blame the addict? No,blame the drugs,dealers..etc.
    Addicts make a horrific choice to do drugs…but they never, EVER, deserve the death penalty for it.

  58. Cheyenne says:

    Emmy: Nelson Mandela’s in hospital too…a man who has not squandered his life.

    On a greatness scale of 1 to 100, Mandela rates a 100 whereas Sheen rates a minus-10.

    I will mourn Mandela’s end when it comes and it may come soon, as he has been in frail health and he is 92 years old.

  59. Cheyenne says:

    original kate: just a raging case of douchebagitis with a touch of hookeremia.

    Sounds like a valid diagnosis to me.

    Angie: I always liked Emilio Estevez better anyway

    I like the fact that he had enough pride in his Hispanic heritage to take his father’s original name back.

  60. original kate says:

    “On a greatness scale of 1 to 100, Mandela rates a 100 whereas Sheen rates a minus-10.”

    @ cheyenne: word.

  61. archiepelago says:

    @ Cat Burrito , amen!

  62. archiepelago says:

    @ Mimi, I have compassion for addicts but I have none for men who abuse women.

  63. KsGirl says:

    “Why does life sometimes reward those who just want to waste it.”

    I don’t understand this sentiment and I’ve seen it before, noticeably with Britney. The whole “why does life reward these celebs who are awful people …etc.”? How is Charlie Sheen (or Britney) being *rewarded*? Would you change places with him right now, or Britney, for his bank account? I bet nobody here would. Everyone pays lip service to the “money can’t buy happiness” thing but I’m not too sure everyone really believes it deep down.

    Charlie Sheen is rich as hell. He also appears to be in the grip of several serious addictions, is in hospital with serious complications, and will probably never be thought of fondly by his own children. Somehow I doubt being rich makes up for that. In fact I’m damn sure it doesnt.

  64. mln76 says:

    @mimi he has a pattern of abuse that dates back at least to when he shot his ex-girlfriend 20 years ago. I don’t have any sympathy for that behavoir and would rather him abuse himself and his body then others.
    @Cheyenne I agree and have always wondered if so many fans and the media would make as many excuses for him if he had a more Hispanic last name like his brothers. Instead of him being the good old Irish party boy.

  65. ruru says:

    NOW can they cancel Two and a Half Men???

  66. Whatever says:

    I do feel bad for him and his parents. It must be a nightmare to watch your son self destruct. There is NOTHING you can do for an addict. You can support and encourage their recovery, but the sad fact is they have to do it themselves. I can’t imagine what his mother is going through right now. I hope he gets well and finds peace.

  67. Nanea says:

    “I can’t comment because I have no idea if it’s true. You choose to believe your source. I don’t.”

    What kind of comment is that?

    Is Stan Rosenfield losing his “magic” touch with Sheen now? He sounds like a beginner, putting out a statement like that.

    And I co-sign the douchebageritis and hookeramia.

    It’s sad though that people like him make people’s lives at hospitals difficult because they need so much attention and care when there are surely people rushed to that place at the same who are much more deserving but don’t have his millions.

  68. OXA says:

    TMZ says Charlie had a Briefcase full of coke delivered to his hime and started doing it.
    Charlie gets no sympathy here as he is the one that called and ordered the coke and the hookers just like a pizza delivery. He lives in a gated community so he had to let security give them access, they did not drop by his house & force him to party.

  69. craigc says:

    How can this guy even F__k when he does so much coke??

  70. mimi says:

    Not ever defending abuse of women, but was he sober/clean when it happened?

  71. meme says:

    ruru :NOW can they cancel Two and a Half Men???



  72. Ruby Red Lips says:

    “Charlie Sheen is rich as hell. He also appears to be in the grip of several serious addictions, is in hospital with serious complications, and will probably never be thought of fondly by his own children. Somehow I doubt being rich makes up for that. In fact I’m damn sure it doesnt. ”

    Totally agree…great comment that is sad but true

  73. Pegster says:

    New update from TMZ: They’re claiming it’s a ‘hiatal hernia’ in his stomach.

  74. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Just looked at TMZ – apparently CS has been treated for some kind of hernia…..hmmmmm

  75. Jason says:

    hopefully this will slow him down

  76. albeli says:

    According to the Mayo Clinic website:

    Small hiatal hernias
    Most small hiatal hernias cause no signs or symptoms.

    Large hiatal hernias
    Larger hiatal hernias can cause signs and symptoms such as:

    ■Chest pain

    I’m not buying this. Who gets rushed to the hospital with severe *abdominal pain* for heartburn? Maybe if he’d had chest pain, but please. This is along the lines of his ear infection. At least come up with a good lie.

  77. Hmmm says:

    Hernia? So why did his family rush to his side?

  78. nina says:

    According to, one of the causes/risk factor for hiatal hernias is drug abuse, specifically cocaine.


  79. MB says:

    Would anyone even miss this peice of scum if he never made it out of hospital?

  80. Lee says:

    Too damned young to be soooo screwed up.

  81. lrm says:

    Actually, and this is random-but i just recently saw a youtube video ad starring martin sheen, for the ‘Galicia Spain tourism board’ or something like that.
    I was researching NW Spain-and turns out, to my surprise, that ‘sheen/estevez Sr.’ is from Galicia, Spain.

  82. lisa says:

    I don’t watch the show.. but my Mom was a big fan. She said over the last few years you could see Charlie looking worst and worst. Looking at the pictures he looks bad. And it is easy to see that.

    He has problems and if he does not get help it is a matter of time. Wonder what CBS will do if he dropped dead.

    Such a waste when he has so much.. Children and success in his work. but Drugs and such will take it all away.


  83. Rita says:

    Yes, if you eat a brick of cocaine it will cause indigestion…amoung other things. Take two hookers and call me in the morning….or your next life, which ever comes first.

  84. daisydoodle says:

    Rita, you should have a snare drum behind you….

  85. Solveig says:

    Hiatal hernia and the reflux of stomach’s acids on the oesophagus actually cause a pain that is very similar to a heart attack, that’s why his conditions looked so serious.
    I used to suffer from it, few years ago (no, I didn’t snort cocaine), and believe me is one damn atrocious pain, especially because you fear you’re having a heart attack.

  86. daisydoodle says:

    I work in the OR as a nurse and one thing that came to me is esophageal varices which can occur with alcohol abuse, you can bleed out very quickly. I can go into other problems with his addictions, but the list is long….

  87. albeli says:

    But the reports say he went in with abdominal pain, not chest pain. I really don’t buy the line they’re spinning.

  88. JRenee says:

    It has to be painful for his loved ones to watch him commit slow suicide. He’s on a mission & won’t stop until he’s dead unless he gets help, not continued cover-ups.
    He should be admitted on the grounds that he is a dnager to himself.
    I’m betting every major newspaper already has his obit written and just need to add death date. Very sad for his children & loved ones!

  89. Someone Else says:

    What kills me is that Paris Hilton’s boyfriend gets popped for a bit of weed and he’s facing a felony.

    The Whole Flippin’ World knows that Charlie is essentially funding the nation of Peru with his habit but, hey! People really like his show (and CBS really likes cash). How come he never gets arrested?

    Sorry, I’m a major a##hole for saying this — but I hope he does kick it soon. He’d be doing his kids a favor in the long run. And maybe save a life of a woman or two.

    Let that bastard run wild anymore, and it’s just a matter of time.

  90. Melinda says:

    This has become so ridiculous. It’s amazing the spin his people are putting on this. Next you know there will be another story on TMZ that Charlie has ODed and his publicist will try to convince everyone that he has not overdosed and passed away, but was suffering from allergies, has taken a benedryl, and is taking a nap. He should be returning to the set tomorrow to continue filming (weekend at bernie’s style).

  91. icantbelievethis says:

    I feel so bad for his kids. Especially the 2 youngest. I hope Martin Sheen is an involved grandpa b/c those kids need positive role models.

  92. guesty says:

    I’ve had a hiatal hernia forever. Teqiila shots with beer chasers on an empty stomach followed by a nite of throwing up caused mine.
    How stupid…right? Riiight.

    Anyhoo…they can be painful & mimic a heart attack.

  93. Hakura says:

    @Mimi (57)- “Drug addiction is more powerful than any of us non-addicts can ever imagine. It is a form of possession.”

    I really wish I couldn’t speak from personal experience. Unfortunately, I do know what he’s going through, to an extent. It’s absolutely horrible to go through withdrawal of any kind, it screws up your brain chemistry, sends you into a raging depression, & leaves you feeling like you’d do anything to make that misery go away.

    For me, it was prescription pain killers. I had an injury (a badly pulled muscle on my side, that unfortunately kept getting pulled… I’ve had it act up on me once or twice a year for 7 years now), so they gave me something non-narcotic… (But it should be considered a narcotic. It’s a pain killer that’s highly addictive, I don’t understand why they haven’t categorized it based on that.)

    I know it’s not exactly the same as alcohol & cocaine… but the withdrawal, at least, I can understand. Which is why I really feel for his family. It has to be so hard to watch someone go through that, frustrating if they don’t know what it’s like.

    BUT. I do agree with archiepelago. None of that will EVER be an excuse for abusing anyone. He’s a complete sleaze beyond comprehension in that regard.

    @Someone Else (89)- The Whole Flippin’ World knows that Charlie is essentially funding the nation of Peru with his habit but, hey! People really like his show (and CBS really likes cash).

    LOL! I heard that such drugs are actually also being used to fund ‘terrorism’… so technically, Charlie is indirectly contributing to funding terrorism.

  94. lucy2 says:

    I have to agree with whoever above said his kids are probably better off without him in their lives. Not that I’m wishing death on the guy, I just think he can’t be anything but a horrible influence and a source of pain for his children as they grow up. Of course, he doesn’t seem too interested in them anyway, so maybe it’s not an issue.
    I just don’t feel sympathy for him like I might for someone else struggling with addiction, because he actually seems to enjoy this sort of thing, and flaunts it. It’s gross.

    Very cynically I have to wonder if CBS has some kind of insurance policy against the star of their show dying, and that’s why they won’t just cut him loose. Just a wild theory.

  95. jan says:

    God help him.

  96. Hakura says:

    @jan (94)- God help him.

    Not to devalue the seriousness of the statement, but I think someone should introduce them before Charlie goes asking for favors.

  97. W.O.M. says:

    Charlie’s hospitalization blamed on a “Hiatal Hernia?”

    I can only assume that “Hiatal Hernia” is the screen name for a coke-lovin’ porn star.

  98. JenJen says:

    Heard he is in stable condition. He will probably be partying again on Saturday night.

  99. Kim says:

    MSat…. you called it! his reps are claiming dehydration with low blood cell count. riiiiiiight….

  100. Twez says:

    “sober coach” – hysterical. I guess that’s when you have to pay someone to be your AA sponsor because you are just that big of an asshole.

  101. MrsOdie2 says:

    Is there any hope that his young children won’t turn into complete third generation Hollywood disasters? Yegads.

    This guy IS invincible. I think he sold his soul to the devil a long time ago. CBS must make him pay for his own insurance. How could he have a job otherwise?

  102. adtwah says:

    What a moron.

  103. Tazina says:

    They’re saying low red blood cell count, sounds like bleeding ulcers, which you can bleed to death from. Loading your stomach up with liquor and cocaine would probably do it. My father lost a huge amount of blood from his (blood erupted from his mouth and rectum simultaneously) and he was drinking hard liquor and coffee.

    I feel sorry for Sheen’s children, but then again, do they see him enough to care?

  104. d says:

    I think he’s trying to get rid of all his money as fast as he can so that there’s nothing left for his exes or anyone else. He’ll cut off his nose to spite his face, if I’ve got that expression right.

  105. NicoleAM says:

    LMAO at #90!

  106. wunderkindt says:

    Charlie had his own ‘snow day’.

  107. Jordi says:

    “Red Hot Chili Peppers songs throughout the night.” *sigh* This is so embarrassing for his daughters.

  108. Quest says:

    The alledged entertainment package included:

    “drug store supplies, mouthwash, lube, rubbing alcohol, disinfectant wipes and intimate lotions”

    With all those sanitation supplies and preventatives you would think adding bricks of cocaine and some hookers…eh I mean “porn stars” would be a safe bet.

    Sorry Charlie. This is a no brainer

  109. so says:

    #91. Weekend at Bernie’s – now that’s funny.

  110. cara says:

    SOMEONE hates themselves, Jee who could it be…..that old, withered up man above maybe????

    Chuck’s got some demons, man, for sure. I mean, sh*t, there comes a time when coke and ass get old, no?

    This dude’s case is sad as hell. And what’s even sadder is what did he just get for pay for that REtarded show he’s on??? Miley’s the worst celebrity influence, hmmmm, I’d wager Chuck here is AND those who support him are. (network producers)

    on a side, anyone else remember when Chuck here though he had watched a “real” snuff film in the 1980’s……….it’s time to change Charlie. (and that pic on dlisted of “his house” = GROSS)

  111. bros says:

    I would just like to add that it amuses me greatly that charlie sheen has the same ikea coffee table I used to have in grad school!

  112. MNGIRL76 says:

    @ guesty

    Basically the same way I got mine! I was also very stupid! Live & learn I guess…

  113. bluhare says:

    Hiatal hernias are really common. My mom has one, a good friend has one. I don’t know that much, but I do know neither one has been carried out of their house “out of it” as he was described by someone when the parameds took him to the hospital.

  114. guilty pleasures says:

    I agree with those who don’t wish death on anyone. Addiction is a disease which requires treatment. It’s just sad that so many people choose not to become engaged in a program of recovery…if they had cancer they’d likely partake of the chemo etc.
    I also agree that 2 1/2 men has run it’s course, CS is boring and predictable in the role, the show is boring and predictable…
    Further, I agree that he will be dead soon. Too bad.