Cameron Diaz hand-feeds Alex Rodriguez during the SuperBowl


Something completely gross happened during the SuperBowl – Cameron Diaz and Alex Rodriguez were there, and they were loved up. Loved up to the point where Camy was hand-feeding A-Rod. Like he was a baby bird and she was the mother bird. No, it wasn’t that bad, and in their defense (why?), I think Alex’s hands were full with other gluttonous pleasures, and Camy was just giving him a taste of whatever she had (popcorn?).

Ugh, Cameron, no dick is worth this. I don’t even see how Alex is capable of pleasing a woman… but for argument’s sake, let’s say he is. Are A-Rod/Centaur orgasms worth this? The trips to Paris, the hand-feeding at the SuperBowl? It’s a mess. And I’m losing respect for Cameron.




Screencaps from the video, additional pics courtesy of Fame.

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64 Responses to “Cameron Diaz hand-feeds Alex Rodriguez during the SuperBowl”

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  1. brin says:

    They got booed, too so everyone was grossed out!

  2. S says:

    haha his hands weren’t busy…one of them is hanging there right in front of his face!

  3. mln76 says:

    @ brin I think they got booed because A-Rod is a Yankee in Texas.
    I hope Cammy gets a new piece soon.

  4. QUEST says:

    Camy: “hey bobo, look a snacky poo – just open your mouth, mommy’s gonna give you a treat right now for being such a good boy” (A-Rod is now waiting for an ear scratch)

    Oh Camy, you can do so much better maybe a rott instead of a pothound is a better match for you.

  5. Rita says:

    Yes, when you’re feeling neglected shove a handfull of popcorn in his face to get the attention you grave while whispering how much you enjoy being his personal pleasure post….now that’s dignity.

  6. Diane says:

    Is she in the 6th grade ? And what the hell happened to her face?

  7. Riley says:

    She likes douche bags. It was really weird. Speaking of douche bags, the camera panned around and behind George W. sat Ashton Kutcher, but his favorite leather handbag was not on his arm. Did Demi skip the Superbowl or had she just gone to the bathroom or something? Also, A Rod may have gotten booed because he was a Texas Ranger who kind of pulled a LeBron when he went to the Yankees, I think. I know he is pretty open about how much he disliked playing for Texas and regrets it even though they paid something like 60 million dollars a year.

  8. PrettyTarheel says:

    The case for why these two make sense:

    1) Although they move in separate spheres professionally, they are sort of comparable on their fame rating. Say A-Rod to a sports fan, they know who he is. Say Cammy D to a CB reader, and we know who she is.
    2) Neither one is financially dependent on the other (as far as we know). They are each well-paid in their field.
    3) Camerone is a known douche lover. See: Justin Timberlake.

    I’m reserving judgement until I see how they behave during baseball season. Perhaps they can be one of those couples we love to hate.

  9. brin says:

    @min76….oh (either that or they didn’t like “Green Hornet”)!

  10. Marie says:

    Kasier, my daughter and I were watching and were so grossed out. We were like “really, seriously did that just happen?” I swear Arod has a mangina and Cameron wears the strap on.

  11. mia girl says:

    Diaz must be “dicknotized”…

    there is no other possible explanation.

  12. dorothy says:

    All I can say is: Ewwwwwww

  13. TXCinderella says:

    They got booed because the Texas Rangers paid A-Rod a butt load of money to come and play for them and he sucked. When he got the opportunity, he bolted to NY and Texas is still paying off A-Rod’s contract. Revenge was sweet when Texas beat the Yankees in the MLB playoffs. Dislike for A-Rod is very deep here!

  14. gabs says:

    This is gross. Cameron is probably one of those girls I hate that plans her life around her bf and ditches her friends. At least Kate hudson banged him and left never looking back. Youd never see her clinging and feeding him popcorn

  15. mimi says:

    I used to have ALOT of respect for her- I mean she was the one who publicly had the balls to say ‘I’m happy not being married and I don’t NEED a baby to be happy or fulfill me’. To me- she said what Jennifer Aniston never would cop to and I loved that about her. And now she is with AROD the whoremonger of MLB? Feeding him and traipsing behind him like a puppy all across the globe?…Cammie D I love you but NO! I actually liked when she was with Justin Timberlake for those 4 yrs or so.

    SN- AROD must have a *Magical Peen* and have *EXPERT* head game! (I’m just sayin if she’s stayed for this long…)

  16. jr says:

    why is he a douchbag…can someone give me the story??

  17. Alex says:

    I was in a bar watching this, and this popcorn episode got the biggest boos and retching sounds from the crowd, coming in second only to the boos given to Bush.

  18. QUEST says:

    Oh well after JT it is all down hill for her

  19. Isabel says:

    LOL – I saw this happen when they were showing the celebs up in the skyboxes. So gross.

    Did anyone see CZJ and Michael Douglas? Was Ashton Kutcher sitting on the end of their row sans Demi, or was I seeing things?

  20. Eve says:

    @ Kaiser:

    No, it wasn’t that bad,

    It was that bad.

    and in their defense (why?), I think Alex’s hands were full with other gluttonous pleasures,

    His left hand looks very free to me.

  21. LittleFATMe says:

    I was of the thought that this was just a hook up and shut up thing, but it seems more serious. Was there a reason I thought that? (Or did I just make it up?)

  22. guesty says:

    watching this as a gif is lol funny.

  23. anjasmomma says:

    It was funny when A. Rod noticed the camera was pointed at them he elbowed Cameron. Such a gentleman!

  24. Raven says:

    mimi:@The whole feeding him thing not a big deal and traipsing behind him like a puppy all across the globe I how do you know he not following her around.

    gabs: @ Where do you get that “Cameron is probably one of those girls that plans her life around her bf and ditches her friends” there are a lot of photos of Cameron out with her friends partying with other guy and its unusual to see Alex with her when she is.

  25. jc126 says:

    It was very funny, glad I saw this live. HATE A Roid.
    And why does he have himself painted as a centaur??? He’s NOT a Sagittarius, ffs.

  26. jinni says:

    So, Angie leaning on Brad at the Globes like their at home watching t.v. on the couch or her fixing his tie as if he’s a giant toddler whose clip-on is coming off at church is cute/acceptable , but Diaz’s behavior isn’t? Maybe she was just being lovey dovey, why does she have to be desperate?

  27. luls says:

    people wats the big deal of feeding someone? people are ok if shes BLOWING him, but feeding him is a crime? it seems cute and sweet to me.
    get over it!

  28. Overit says:

    She’s totally f*ck struck…

  29. Anastasia says:

    I was in a Packers bar and the gross-out sounds when they showed this were deafening. They also booed Bush and his Joker-faced wife, who looked extra crazy.

  30. pebbles says:

    I don’t understand the attraction to Rodriguez…..AT ALL.

  31. Nancy says:

    God he looked so disinterested in her and she obviously looked desperate to get his attention by shoving popcorn in face and he looking like he could care less they were both gross and pathetic.

  32. mln76 says:

    @jinni are we really going to compare apples to oranges? The J-P’s have been together several years and have a houseful of kids and are in a committed relationship.

    A-rod is an infamous womanizer who is known to have a painting of himself as a centuar hanging above his bed and has bedded actresses on rotation since his divorce. Cammy is humiliating herself end of story.

  33. RHONYC says:

    lmao! 😆

  34. Eve says:

    @ jinni:

    The difference is that Jolie and Pitt seem to be into each other while doing it (PDA, people!) — whether is for the cameras or not. Cameron Diaz looks like she’s begging for Rodriguez’s attention.

  35. mimi says:

    @ Raven

    There were eyewitness accounts that I’ve read on Lainey and I think US weekly talking about how when they were in Miami and Cabo that she was following him around, begging him to pay attention to her, etc…and how as soon as she went to Europe alone for some type of event,he was seen at a party flirting away with women including allegedly Kelly from RHONYC (i highly doubt that last bit)

  36. Heavenbound says:

    I don’t care for either of these two. But, all I see is Cam showing affection towards her partner, don’t see the gross factor in that.

  37. Feebee says:

    Unfortunate gross moment.

  38. Mshuffleupagus says:


    Angelina would commit Hari Kari for losing enough respect for herself to feed her boyfriend food IN PUBLIC. Gah. Everybody knows the PDA line gets crossed when you start pulling that sh*t, it just makes the girl look pathetic and the guy look like he’s some kind of relationship quadriplegic who’s probably as active in bed as a beached manatee.

    Cameron is that girl who takes her boyfriend to a strip club and pretends to like watching him stuff dollars down a chick’s g-string while quashing her sobs back into her diaphragm. No wonder her abs look so good.

  39. mia girl says:

    Maybe this is a phase that some famous almost 40, never been married/kids women go through in which they find a douche to hang on to and have great sex with.

    Wasn’t Aniston about Diaz’s age when she was hanging all over John Mayer?

  40. Roxanne75 says:

    “Ugh, Cameron, no dick is worth this.” Thank you usual you make Mondays at the office worth it!

  41. bluhare says:

    As far as ARod, I don’t know why Texans were so surprised he dumped them for NY. The Rangers dangled an offer to him when he was here in Seattle and he dumped the Mariners for Texas. Sorta like the guy who cheats on his wife, and you’re surprised he does it to the next one.

    I hate to say this because it’s buying into stereotypes, but Cameron should try losing some of the surfer girl crap for some maturity. She’s almost 40 and traveling for cock is something you do in your 20’s. She might want to think about letting her men travel . . . quietly.

  42. bagladey says:

    I don’t see what the problem is. Why can’t a woman finger feed her date? Is it a women’s lib thing?

  43. machiavelli says:

    Can you believe, this is the only part of the Superbowl I saw? (Was watching Hot in Cleveland marathon) Instant reaction was GAGGGG!!! She used to be confident, now she seems so clingy and needy. Not attractive.

  44. Lisa Turtle says:

    I disagree with most of you. I think that Cameron and Alex are physically a perfect match for each other. They are both very muscular, tall and lean with very low body fat. They’re both light-eyed hispanics. They seem to have chemistry. Their level of activity is compatible. Both like to travel, both like to go to events and dine out & hit the town with other notable persons (Bill Clinton) – If you look at the facts, there is nothing but speculative inferrence that their relationship is a bad one. Some gossipy rumors spread by scorned ex-girlfriends say that A-Rod is a douche? Well maybe he is, but right now he doesn’t seem to be acting very douchey towards Cameron. He’s a grown man and he’s been attached at the hip to the actress for the past 6 months. Obviously, he likes her.

  45. mia girl says:

    @ Lisa Turtle…
    I hope your post is sarcastic…

    “light eyed Hispanics” REALLY?

  46. JenJen says:

    @ Mimi, I agree I liked her with JT not this bed hopper.

  47. D says:

    I think JT ruins women. Brit & Cam…both downhill after their breakups.

  48. Maritza says:

    I like Cameron so if she if he makes her happy I’m happy for her. I see nothing wrong with her feeding him, women in love do things like that and even more.

  49. Marjalane says:

    Yeah, there was a collective groan from the crowd at the bar I was at as well. I’m not sure that anyone but a Yankee fan (and C.D.) has ANY affection for doucheboy.

  50. Lisa Turtle says:

    @ mia girl.

    What is wrong with saying that? I was simply comparing their matching physical characteristics. What is that saying? “People like people that remind them of themselves” – it’s something like that. I’ve found that among my friends, they tend to date a polar opposite, or someone who is very similar to themselves. Sometimes opposites attract; but sometimes people who are very similar attract. I think Alex and Cameron are the latter.

  51. lucy2 says:

    My first thought was Ew, those two. My second thought was, can’t wait to see what the CB crowd says about that one!

  52. irishserra says:

    @Lisa Turtle: I understand what you are saying. In fact, it’s been understood for a while now that while generally opposites attract, people with larger-than-life egos tend to be attracted to others who are similar to them in looks. A-Rod is known to have a ridiculous ego and him choosing a Cuban girl with eyes similar to his is not totally bonkers.

    Also, while living in Miami I’ve run into Cami on a couple of occasions and while she comes off as laid back and ditzy, she’s actually quite arrogant.

  53. anotherrandom says:

    I don’t get all the hate either. I was literally doing that this weekend and fail to see how it makes me pathetic. He wanted to taste some of my food so I gave him some forkfuls. Why is that bad? Oh yeah, and it was in public at a restaurant. I’ve also given bites of my food to my friends on my own fork. I must have missed this in the etiquette class…

  54. Az says:

    I never had any respect for her to begin with. And she is looking worse than ever.

  55. GGooDei says:

    That feeding was totally staged! COONERY!!! Just for some dick?

  56. Nikki says:

    This is just plain foul. They are both vomit-worthy. Cameron Diaz is a nasty she-man, and to use someone else’s phrase, A-Rod is a pig in shoes. FAIL.

  57. PJ says:

    @Lisa Turtle: I agree they have a lot in common, including being of Hispanic descent. Also, they are both into working out and doing active sports like surfing. Cam’s not interested in kids, and A-Rod already has kids so probably doesn’t want any more. He likes making money, and she makes more of it than almost any other actress on the planet.

    It’s not a big deal for couples to feed (or groom) each other. I don’t understand why people have a problem with it.

  58. Camille says:

    Yuck. These 2 make the most un-hot celeb couple. I’ve lost what little respect I had for Diaz also since she has been with this grease ball.
    Next she’ll be declaring that she wants to have his babies or something 🙄 *gag*.

  59. Wresa says:

    “Cameron is that girl who takes her boyfriend to a strip club and pretends to like watching him stuff dollars down a chick’s g-string while quashing her sobs back into her diaphragm. No wonder her abs look so good.”

    Well. Said.

  60. crtb says:

    I don’t get all the hate because she fed him some pop corn. I find that kind of stuff sexy.I love doing it and I love have a guy doing it to me. It is a real turn on.

  61. jzhz says:

    I agree with Lisa Turtle and crtb – not a big deal. I’ve seen couples do grosser things in public, that’s for sure!

  62. Becky says:

    I’m not a fan of A-Rod or Cameron Diaz, but I don’t see what the big deal is. For whatever reason, she finds him attractive and they’re having some kind of relationship/fling. I think it’s funny and entertaining-it doesn’t gross me out, it makes me laugh. Plus, I don’t get the hate on her appearace-she looks fine to me.

  63. DrM says:

    that is the most god awful pic of her…and why is her face a completely different (orange) colour then the rest of her?

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