Miley Cyrus is dating a 22 year-old guy who used to date Amy Winehouse

Photos of Miley and Josh are here

When I saw this story on TMZ yesterday in which Miley Cyrus was seen nestled between the legs of her costar in yet another movie she’s starring in, So Undercover, (which recently finished filming and is due out this year) I honestly thought it was taken on set while they were filming a scene. (Photos are here.) It turns out that Miley wasn’t on the clock and that she has likely hooked up with her most recent costar, a 22 year-old British actor named Josh Bowman who briefly dated Amy Winehouse and was seen in St. Lucia with her in the summer of 2009.

Miley obviously has a type – hot guys from English-speaking foreign countries who she also happens to work with. This guy also has a type – dark-haired singers who speak and act like 40 year-old divorcees. I hope that’s where the comparisons between Miley and Amy Winehouse end. At least Miley is single when she’s hooking up with her costars.

I’ll say something nice – that puppy is cute, and it’s possible that Miley and this guy are just playing it up for the cameras. They do look really cozy though and this is totally Miley’s M.O.

Miley Cyrus is shown out getting a frappe on 2/5/11. Credit: Photos of Josh Bowman from his IMDB resume and credit Claire Newman-Williams and Paul Gregory





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12 Responses to “Miley Cyrus is dating a 22 year-old guy who used to date Amy Winehouse”

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  1. Marjalane says:

    This guy looks just like the first guy Miley was living with. Justin? Jason? How can she lose with a dude that has the Amy Winehouse seal of approval, as well as a nice assortment of STD’s?

  2. the original bellaluna says:

    First thought upon reading that title: Oh, dear!

  3. Shay says:

    Ewww she had better make him have a battery of medical tests. It’s not just HIV out there, but Hep B -especially with druggies/junkies like Winehouse.

  4. sapphire says:

    Lab results first, please.

  5. QUEST says:

    She is sure spreading her wings…this girl needs to slow down. Seriously.

  6. anti says:

    she’s doing the britney beverage walk.

  7. Isabel says:

    I would get tested for HIV if I was in the same room as Wino…that’s how strong the skeevies are on her. Good luck with that one, Miley. You’re a genius chipmunk.

  8. Bodhi says:

    Has her face always been that puffy?

  9. Isabel says:

    @Bodhi – you know this girl is rocking some serious booze bloat! What with her salvia and old boyfriends and 5 tattoos. Girlfriend clearly has vodkaface!

  10. Art Vandelay says:

    Yeah she is looking pretty pudgy around the face and yes, she is the next Britney with a jug of Starbucks sugar filled coffee drink in one hand and lord knows what in the other hand.

  11. The Bobster says:

    Wow, did she get fat.

    There’s no telling what diseases she could pick up from that guy.

  12. WYIJM says:

    If I remember correctly, he claimed he just met Amy on the beach, they were papped, but nothing was going on.

    So at least he may be STD free.