Jennifer Aniston talks about her baby plans: “Relax! It’s going to happen.”


For goodness sake. Jennifer Aniston scored the cover of People again. Thankfully, People had already used up their “FIVE YEARS AFTER BRAD headline last year. For this cover, we get promises of “Dating * Babies * Exes” because… yeah. No comment. I won’t even go there. And I won’t even throw a big fat “I told you so” to all of those who deny that Aniston consistently talks about having babies in vague terms to appease her fan base. Even Aniston knows the drill at this point, telling People: “I think people honestly just want to see me as a mom and married and barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. And I just want to say, ‘Everybody, relax! It’s going to happen.’” Her fans think that about her because she’s always talked about it, as she is again.

What’s the biggest misconception out there about Jennifer Aniston?

“That I’m unhappy,” the actress tells PEOPLE in this week’s cover issue. “I’m really happy. Really!”

Embracing the truths in her life has been key to Aniston’s joy even as the rumor mill continues to churn. For starters, she says, she hasn’t dated anyone in more than a year and a half, and she isn’t adopting a baby – from Mexico or anywhere else, for that matter.

“I think people honestly just want to see me as a mom and married and barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen,” the actress says. “And I just want to say, ‘Everybody, relax! It’s going to happen.’ ”

For now, Aniston, who turns 42 on Friday, is busy promoting her new namesake fragrance, out this month, and her romantic comedy, Just Go with It with Adam Sandler, which hits theaters Friday.

“Adam and I have a sense of humor that is so in sync, we could basically just say nothing, our eyes would lock and we’d burst out into laughter,” she says. “I mean we just had a really nice sort of chemistry.”

For more of Aniston’s revealing interview – including her feelings about her famous exes and her pal Courteney Cox – pick up this week’s issue PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday.

[From People]

It would have been interesting for her to go in a different direction with that lead-in, right? How about this: “I think people honestly just want to see me as a mom and married and barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. And I just want to say, ‘Screw you, my womb is none of your goddamn business, I like my mojitos and my hookups with boy-toys and douches, but I just feel like I have to placate my fans so here you go: when I‘m 47, I’m going to adopt a Mexican baby and name her Chaquita Mojito. There. Happy?’”

Also, for those keeping score: Aniston was boozing it up for this interview. It’s right there on the cover! “Over cocktails and girl talk…” Boozehound.




People cover courtesy of CoverAwards. Additional pics by WENN.

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73 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston talks about her baby plans: “Relax! It’s going to happen.””

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  1. PrettyTarheel says:

    And here we go again….
    Embrace your life, embrace your singleness and your hookeups and your weed/Happy habit, and I will start a fan club.
    Otherwise, I may start boycotting her posts.

  2. mln76 says:

    She does this everytime she is selling a movie. And she has already played out the Brad card, it’s pathetic and I can’t wait to hear all the justifications for this 42 year old woman. Like many on this board have been saying she invites this attention because she knows what sells, she chooses to be a victim because it gets her a paycheck. By the way Lainey has an interesting line about Aniston in her Smutty Shout-Out section. I don’t know if it’s true or not but it’s definitely interesting.

  3. Maud says:

    I want to read the Liam Neeson article. Not sure if they seel People in the UK.

  4. The Hamm is My Dream Man says:

    Does anyone at this point (even fans) really believe that she wants children? It’s pretty clear that she likes drinking, vacationing and having Norman as her baby.

    But if she really does want a child, then whatever, she’ll prove all the skeptics wrong.

    But, quite frankly, if she wants to mess with the media and pretend like she wants babies even if she doesn’t, more power to her. They need to stop asking her about it.

    EDIT: this is also the first time in (my) recent memory that she’s spoken about having children way since that interview five years ago. I don’t follow her news that closely so I could be wrong. And I’m sure someone will oblige me.

  5. brin says:

    Of course she’s happy, if I had her life & $ I’d be pretty happy, too.

  6. Riley says:

    Holy Cow that black dress is bad, bad, bad. Winona Ryder bad…

  7. flourpot says:

    Did she have work done to her breasts? They’re looking awfully round.

  8. alma says:

    yikes! that’s an ugly dress! :O

  9. Jezi says:

    If I was single, no kids and looking hot like her, heck I would be drinking pretty frequently myself and having a grand ole time with my girlfriends. So what? People love to pick on her.

  10. Toot says:

    She must have very little in her life if she’s still talking about “exes”, when the last one was over a year and a half ago. I just hope there’s no mention of Brad.

  11. Eve says:

    After looking at this second (the first being the one from the previous post) picture where she’s posing with the kids, I can say she seems uncomfortable around them. Relax, people. I’d be too.

  12. tiki says:

    the picture with the kids is priceless. her face just screams, ‘where am i? who am i? what’s up with these kids?’ hilarious.

  13. Trace says:

    Chaquita Mojito! LOL, Kaiser. That is awesome. I must admit that she isn’t as annoying now that she’s no longer bringing up her divorce. But, please. Only her poor, gullible fans would believe she wants kids. Look at her expression in the pic with the kids. She’s barely touching them and probably thinking, “Okay, are we done here? Please, watch the dress, keep off of the dress”!

  14. Summer says:

    Jezi people are not picking on her because she drinking pretty frequently and having a grand ole time people what her to embrace it and not pretend she something. If she just say I don’t want kids or to get married again people would respect her more instead of same story she been telling for the last 6 years and from her actions she not looking for someone to settle down with and that ok just don’t lie about it when you’re promoting a movie.

  15. Anna says:

    Why does People still consider her cover worthy?

  16. truthSF says:

    OMG..that dress is HIDEOUS!!!

    And comb your hair, it looks a mess.

    edit: The Hamm, Jen has mentioned wanting/having kids alot in recent years, almost every time she does an interview of some kind, which is why ppl keep bringing the subject up.

  17. mymy says:

    When woman are without children in the real world people want to know why? It is human nature. As for Miss Aniston. I truly think she doesn’t want to close the door on the possibility of children. Another very common female trait.
    The fact that she is drinking cocktails is of no concern of mine. Why can’t she?
    Plenty of articles are written about this very subject. Childless after 40. It might be hard to understand and accept that putting off having children in your 20’s and early 30’s is a big reason why you might end up with none. Woman still want to believe they can have it all on their terms. Well this is a lesson that it is not always true.
    I don’t have any anger toward her for this. I don’t see how that is useful. But I do feel she is in denial over her fate.And anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to hold off having children better rethink it.

  18. Happymom says:

    I agree with pp who said they’d love it if she’d actually just be honest and said she loves her single life and doesn’t have any plans at this point to change or have kids. I have 4 kids-but being a mom is not for everybody-and that’s fine. Enjoy all those trips to Cabo and partying with Chelsea-it’s your life. Stop trying to appease whoever you think your fanbase is.

  19. JuJuBee says:

    If she wanted kids, she would’ve had them by now. She has the money to make that decision a whole hell of a lot easier for her. I think her life is phenomenal, live it myself (without the millions of course)and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I think she has to keep up the pretense of wanting a family to appease her fan base. A single gal, by choice, is still a head scratcher for a majority of people. Not everyone is meant to be a mother and speaking for myself, I know I respect a woman more when she can make that honest decision for herself.

  20. lucy2 says:

    “my womb is none of your goddamn business” is exactly what she (and many other female celebs) should have said years ago and should say today.

  21. Rachael says:

    I love her. What is everyone’s prob?

  22. Jezi says:

    @Summer True! Maybe she doesn’t want kids, maybe she can’t have kids, maybe she wanted kids with someone she can have a family with. Who knows! But I see what you’re saying.

  23. Marjalane says:

    Oh my. I didn’t think the dress looked that bad in the other pic I saw….but it’s awful. Not only does it look bad ON her, but it’s an ugly dress to begin with, where as Brooklyn Decker’s dress was an ugly print, but it looked great on her. I don’t know why she feels abligated to appease her fans with baby talk- I would never regret having my kids, (18 years ago-) ( and yes, I was a child bride) but with everything going on in the world and the economy, I’d think twice about it today. (not that J.A.’s economy and mine have ANYTHING in common)

  24. TQB says:

    I’m sorry, I adore her. I think she’s funny and cute and blahblahblah. So I’m a fan.

    But I’m not a dumb fan. I don’t believe for one minute that she’s remotely interested in having kids. I’d really respect her if she’d stand up and say, no, actually, I like my life, I like being Coco’s godmother. I like dating younger bad boys, drinking, smoking and having a good time. Suck it.

  25. KarenK says:

    She’s 42 years old — she was married, she has enough money to support a child, and she has a career that would allow her to raise a child (not a 9 to 5 job).
    Obviously, she doesn’t want children which is fine — and her business — not her fans, not the haters.

    She has to find a way to stop all this bull**** about when she’s having kids. It’s ridiculous! Her PR people have to get out in front of this and end it. She looks stupid — instead of what she is — an independent, wealthy woman living her life as she wants to!!

  26. Kim says:

    ITA I wish she would simply say I don’t want to discuss the baby questions before the interview starts. I ‘m sure she stated she didn’t want to discuss Brad. People Mag would respect her wishes.She will be visiting a sperm bank on next weeks tabloids, now.

  27. dit says:

    Wow, what’s with all the hate for Aniston?? I don’t get why everyone is on her case forever and ever. It’s like people resent the fact that she’s got lots of money, she goes on vacation every two minutes, and she’s hot.

    Get over it, people.

  28. Spaniard says:

    lucy2 IAWTC

  29. Lisa Turtle says:

    She is such an a$$hole.

    Full spread in People discussing nothing but her personal life and her wishes to have a baby? And she goes on Chelsea Handler and says “Why me?” Why does my personal life get so much attention?

    Bish, please.

    Here’s a clue Jen: Because you sell your personal life. Because everytime you a grant an exclusive interview the conversation revolves around men & babies & the white elephant in the room – Brangelina.

    This cover should read “Relax! It’s NEVER going to happen.”

    Jennifer Aniston admits “I’m not a lonely spinster! I love drinking tequila, blowing coke, smoking weed, and vacationing with my crazy single friends! There is nothing wrong with being a perpetual bachelorette, the world is crowded enough. This is it for me! I don’t want kids, I don’t want breast milk, I don’t want strollers. I’m a happy bachelorette, and that is my choice!”

    But, then Jennifer would lose the last vestige of fame she has left. Her floundering personal life.

  30. Ann says:

    Women have to realize that it’s ok not to want to have kids. And people need to stop harassing them about it.

  31. kg says:

    lay off with the booze accusations
    & get a life

  32. Lisa Turtle says:

    It’s absolutely absurd that this woman continues to be relevant primarily on a relationship that failed 6 years ago.

  33. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    I dont think she will ever have children IMHO…

    Frankly, I dont care either.

  34. skibunny says:

    @lucy2: ITA

  35. lili says:

    I have been saying the last 10 years that I wanted to have kids, and had several long term relationships in the meantime. Just because women like myself are not settling on having kids with whoever, whenever, and at any price, does not mean that we don`t want to have them. It just means that we value ourselves enough to want to have it on our terms. And it is called “childfree“, not “childless“, btw.

  36. mimi says:

    What the FECK is she wearing? Ugh it’s hideous

  37. Cheyenne says:

    Rachael: I love her. What is everyone’s prob?

    Everybody doesn’t love her. Is that a “prob”?

  38. Cheyenne says:

    @lucy2: ITA. So why in hell doesn’t she tell the press that and refuse to entertain any further questions on the subject? Don’t only blame the press for asking the questions; they’re out there to get a story. Blame her also for playing along with them.

  39. ana brito says:

    OH MY GOD!
    That opened fat legs picture is horrible!
    She seems to be so matrone!

  40. PJ says:

    Real life isn’t so black and white! plenty of women are ambivalent about having kids.

    You can want kids, but not bad enough to raise them without a father, not bad enough to adopt, not bad enough to go through fertility treatments. It’s something every woman has to decide for herself.

  41. ctkat1 says:

    Ummm…choosing whether or not to have children is a personal choice, and nobody’s business.

    However, to go on the cover of People magazine and talk about how you are going to be pregnant “someday” when you are 42…denies some pretty basic facts about fertility.

  42. Kim says:

    ctkat1 Maybe she is like Vivica Fox who claims she “knows” she is fertile. JA just stated on Extra that adoption is not for her.

  43. Catherine says:

    I honestly don’t think she should feel the need to go onto every interview to explain how happy she is and map out her life to keep everyone satisfied.
    I don’t see the problem if she wants to stay single and child-free. Being a mom can be a hard gig at times and I believe she likes her freedom. Maybe none of it is for her. She shouldn’t have to go public with her thoughts to appease anyone.

  44. MNGIRL76 says:

    I love ” cocktails and girl talk” & I probably would be a little hammered at awards shows to. Not to stick up for her because I don’t like any1 in the Brangaloonie/Maniston Bermuda Triangle. She’s not hurting any1-let her booze it up.

  45. lucy2 says:

    @Cheyenne, I think it’s the problem many celebs have – they talk too much personal stuff early in their careers, wanting to be successful, get publicity, raise their profile, etc, and then after a few years it’s hard to close the door after it’s been opened. I would still like to see more celebs say “none of your business” or “that’s private”, whether it’s about pregnancy, their kids, their marriage, etc, but I’d bet a lot of them are afraid to do so or advised not to, for the sake of PR and their careers. For many of them a big People or Vanity Fair article is good for their careers, and you don’t see many of those with celebs who don’t “open up”.

    I like Jen, but agree that she has contributed to the focus on her personal life. If it were me, I’d try very hard to avoid that, because in the long run I think the negatives must outweigh the positives.

  46. mauibound says:

    Forget Brad, who cares if she wants kids or not, her life is exactly where I’d love mine to be … Beautiful, healthy, and financially secure… and then some! Good for her! Have a extra mojito for me Jen!

  47. Cheyenne says:

    KarenK: She has to find a way to stop all this bull**** about when she’s having kids. It’s ridiculous! Her PR people have to get out in front of this and end it.

    I’ve been saying that for years. And if her PR people can’t or won’t do it, then she needs to find some new PR people. As you said, they are making her look stupid, and I don’t think she realizes it.

  48. Jaana says:

    I saw a pic of her and her age was definitely halle berry, paris hilton..they need to realize they are not young anymore…

  49. skibunny says:

    February 9th, 2011 at 3:38 pm KarenK: She has to find a way to stop all this bull**** about when she’s having kids. It’s ridiculous! Her PR people have to get out in front of this and end it.

    I’ve been saying that for years. And if her PR people can’t or won’t do it, then she needs to find some new PR people. As you said, they are making her look stupid, and I don’t think she realizes it.

    @Cheyenne: they’re making her rich,not look stupid. She doesn’t give a rat’s ass what we think. Especially when she looks at her bank account. This woman is nowhere near stupid.

  50. renai(jrt) says:

    I think she toys with the media (fans) because she has been toyed with by the media ( fans) not a good way to go through life. probably going to come back and bite her in the a s s as she is using a child to toy with and that never works. we see with Halle and Camile how that plays out…….and then the messed up kids are left to live with the leftovers.

  51. josephina says:

    If she stops talking about Brad…
    If she stops talking about Brangelina…
    If she stops talking about babies and marriage…what would happen?

    Well, she would be left to talk about herself and her life experiences. The recent ones. I am sure something spectacular has happened in her life since 2005. Would anyone of you be as interested? She seems to have more in common with Cameron Diaz. The difference is Cameron Diaz stays true to herself.

    BUT…she would lose a lot of fans from the mini-van majority club and the posters at Female First. Those who fell for her “victimhood,” might not appreciate being played as a sucker for 6 long years.

  52. renai(jrt) says:

    those kids couldnt look more alien to her if she tried.

  53. Summer says:

    lili: the different between you and her is that you’re looking for right guy and have been in several long term relationships, Jen relationships only last a couple months which means she not looking at guys who what to be in a long term relationships she looking for guy who just what to have some fun. You on the other hand are searching for your future husband and the father of your child, you can’t tell me in 6 years she has not been in 1 long term relationship that she is looking for her future father of her child.

    I’m 28 and I have embrace the fact that I don’t what to get married or have kids my family and friends all know this and support me its empowering to know what you what out of life and not having to pretend you what something you don’t. The people who think because I’m a woman I should have a kid can go F*ck themselve it’s my life not theirs. Wants she stops lying about it we will probable see a whole new side to Jen and “Rachel” will be a thing of the past.

  54. Camille says:

    I love that they used the collar on that coat to hide her chin 😆 .

    As for the People article: 🙄 .

    I agree completely with your write up Kaiser- she’s at it again, anything to sell movie tickets I guess and to keep her fan base/image intact 🙄 .
    Maybe she should talk about her ‘hobbies’ or whatever that she apparently has (according to her fans). I’d be far more interested in hearing about that stuff than the usual crap she spouts in interviews.
    I bet her apologists/super fans/Loonistons will have a field day with this thread 😆 .

    Oh and for the record (for those who care lol) I’m not a ‘brangeloonie’, but I am a non fan of Aniston (as far back as Friends- so BEFORE the BS triangle crap) and it has NOTHING to do with BP dumping her. 😀

  55. Paley says:

    Perez says that she told him she has been dating. Maybe dating just one person is what the difference is, but who really knows the truth. She is waiting too long to have children; it could be she is just living that fantasy in her mind.

  56. Blaze says:

    @ #50(can’t read your name)- I don’t think it’s fair (or logical)to compare hypothetical moms to real moms

  57. dragonlady sakura says:

    Why do people get so upset she’s not barefoot and pregnant by now? I’m 34(cough)and unmarried without children. Although, I do want to marry and have a family, I haven’t found my Mr. Right. When people know this, they act shocked like I just told them I drown kittens and puppies. WTF?

  58. Shy says:

    She looks so uncomfortable and unnatural even when she hugs another kids 🙂

    Well I don’t blame her if she doesn’t want. Some people don’t want to do it. She is happy like that. If one day she will woke up and will feel lonely and will decide to adopt child then it’s her own thing. All that mini-van majority pushing and pushing her. She really needs to say them to back off and that it’s not their business.

    I don’t know what she is afraid of. She doesn’t have any respectful career. All her solo movies fail. Only those where she plays furniture alongside famous comics get money. And she has nothing to do with it. The one’s where she was Lead and more famous actor failed. Critics laugh at her. Media and people laugh at her. No one respects her…

    Why is she afraid to tell them to back off with that baby thing.

  59. Cheyenne says:

    @skibunny: Oh puh-leeeeze! Of course she cares what people think! Why do you think she’s perpetuated this tired myth of the innocent-victim-done-wrong-by-her-man and the some-day-I-want-a-baby bullshit? She knows damn well the minute she comes clean about never having wanted children, most of her fan base will disappear.

    As you said, she’s filthy rich. She’s got more money than she will ever be able to spend. But I wonder if it’s making her happy.

  60. jemshoes says:

    It’s OK to be a certain age and not be married.

    It’s OK to be a certain age and not have children.

    It’s OK to not want children by a certain age.

    It’s OK to be married and not want children by a certain age.

    I agree with the many posters here who say that the only thing not really OK with JA is that she uses her personal life to flog her films, and that no one would be talking about her personal life if she didn’t keep bringing it up herself … to sell us her movies.

    I like rom-coms, and I’ve watched a fair few with JA in them, and she’s been OK – sometimes enjoyable. Sure, she plays the same character over and over again, but that’s neither here nor there. My point is, because I like bland, fantasy rom-coms with 2D characters, I’d end up seeing one with JA in it anyway. So I don’t need her telling me to back down from prying into her private life because (1) I’m not a fan, and (2) I’m actually not interested in her private life. 🙂

  61. Becky says:

    Wealthy people and celebrities don’t have to live by the same “rules” that the rest of do. Jen can meet someone and have a baby at 42, 43, 45, etc. because she has the $ to get fertility treatments or use an egg donor (look at Kelly Preston). She’s not in denial, she just lives in a different world.
    However, I am very tired of hearing her talk about it-if she is ambivalent about having a child(which I understand) then she needs to make some sort of vague statement (such as “we’ll see how things go”) and then move on to the next topic. If she doesn’t want kids, she should just be honest and say so (like Cameron D.). Why is there still such a stigma around not wanting kids? I don’t get why so many people (mainly women) have such strong opinions about it-it’s annoying. Kids aren’t for everyone and not having one doesn’t make you less of a woman (although scarily enough there are people who actually believe that it does-I once worked with an ignorant bitch who said “women who don’t have kids aren’t really women”).

  62. DD says:

    I can’t believe people are actually that concerned with her fertility plans, even if she talks about it in interviews. Why would some posters get upset about whether she means it or not. She should be allowed to live her life and even talk about what she wants. Seriously will anyone’s lives here change if she actually went through with it? I’ve seen a few actors say one thing and do another about stupid issues like this, it didn’t affect me one way or another and I still like them.

  63. Isa says:

    I think if she wanted to have children she would seek out men to date that ready for the commitment.
    The last few men she’s dated have been nothing more but boyfriend/have fun material. Which is fine if you want to just have a nice time, but a waste of time if your clock is ticking.
    Her carefree attitude makes me think she’s not that serious about having kids. Which is fine, I just wish she would take more of a Cameron Diaz approach if it was true.

    Everytime I see a picture of a this girl I crave a margarita. Damn.

  64. lachica says:

    the lies this woman will tell to sell a movie. sheesh!

  65. anonymous says:

    Jennnifer Aniston looks like Madame Dracular in that awful dress. From the look on her face when holding those children, JA does not want any. she is too conceited and self-centered believes the world stops whenever she enters the room attitude, for those few seconds the kids was taking too much of her camera time, lonely and bitter because Brad Pitt left her for angelina Jolie who is an Oscar winner and far more beautiful than she will ever be,this fact is eating at Jennifer Aniston that is why she is so unhappy I won’t be surprised to hear that she was drunk on the red carpet.

  66. Caz says:

    Seriously who cares? I’m more interested in reading how Liam is after the sad death of his lovely wife (featured on the cover). As other posters have said, if she was honest about wanting to booze, do pot & sleep around and not want kids or marriage I too would have more respect for her. These ridiculous movie PR campaigns where she shifts her attitude on things to suit the movie she’s currently pushing is really transparent. I’m 40 and don’t envy her a bit. She’s starting to look really old…all that partying is catching up with her. For the posters who wonder why we don’t like her…it’s because we see through the PR nonsense. At least Cameron Diaz is honest about what she wants out of life. Jennifer is just plain boring and actually doesn’t have a lot to say that’s interesting.

  67. skibunny says:

    @Cheyenne:She was done “wrong by her man”! A long time ago. She doesn’t talk about it. In fact she probably hates being defined by her marriage to Brad Pitt. And her womb isn’t out of commission yet. To have a baby to appease her fan base is ludacrous. Seriously I think people will like her regardless.

  68. Kasper says:

    has anyone noticed that whenever she is on a cover her mouth is hanging open, not slack-jawed exactlty… more like a baby gurgling excitedly as a parent does the airplane with a spoon thing

  69. Newbie says:

    Sheesh. If I was raked over the coals for all the “wrong” guys I dated, I’d be in big trouble (and it sure would ruin the fun memories)! People, people. She may be over forty, but the woman looks youthful. And she looks damn happy. And please please please, don’t forget: she’s got enough money to pay for a team of surrogates to give her the children she wants. Who knows if she’s had her eggs harvested? Who knows if she’s miscarried? Who knows, and frankly, who the hell cares.

  70. Sakyiwaa says:

    a. i wish people would really leave her alone so she can live her life and stop critizing her choices cos they are her choices.
    b. i wish people would leave her alone cos she’s boring and harmless …even with her money and average looks
    c. i wish people would leave her alone cos she’s the ‘the world’s most misunderstood star’
    (which i would NOT take as a COMPLIMENT if i were her, btw. she should ask herself how one ends up getting ‘misunderstood’. Probably, by saying one thing and acting the opposite…like marrying one of the world’s hottest guys and being with him for nearly 10 years without having the golden haired kids your fans wanted and then acting like ‘it was gonna happen any day’ back then and how now people are ‘stealing your thunder’, SIX years after the split. *Then again, BP is probably such a TOUGH act to follow… as i’m sure she can testify. Juliette Lewis, Jill Scholeon, Robin Givens, Shalane Mccall and Gwyneth Paltrow didn’t seem to have a problem though. I mean, she could probably do way better than BP for the father of her kids…or not. i love BP but i didn’t love him with her. plus, he’s still got his golden haired kids plus kids of ‘other colored hair’ each of whom he really loves. Maybe, JA’s kids don’t need a Dad. should we care?
    Also, acting like everyone’s best friend while hanging out with questionable characters, not so good for not getting ‘misunderstood’)

    But really, i want good stuff to happen to her. Really, we should all just be happy; she’s ‘happy’. Really!

  71. Praise St. Angie! says:

    “I can’t believe people are actually that concerned with her fertility plans, even if she talks about it in interviews. Why would some posters get upset about whether she means it or not.”

    DD, I’ve mentioned this on several threads, and what’s especially perplexing is that the people who seem to care the most are people who claim to 1) hate her or 2) not to care about her. (and, in all honestly, they also seem to be fans of AJ. and hold the protests people, we all see which threads you post on and which “side” you take.)

    here’s my take on it. we all know there are crazy fans on both “sides”. according to the AJ fans, there are JA fans that wish all sorts of horrible things on the Jolie-Pitts. IMO, the AJ fans basically transfer their (well-deserved) disgust with those fans onto JA herself, and take any opportunity to bash this woman…though they “don’t care about her”.

    I’ve even read posts from AJ fans on here that said “we’ve had to defend her for years now”…as if it’s THEIR DUTY as a fan to defend any nasty thing said about her, anywhere, on any website. Newsflash for those folks: Jolie doesn’t know you, and doesn’t care whether or not you “defend” her on some gossip blog. Consider please, Jolie’s usual MO of NOT responding to tabloid stories. she doesn’t care, so you shouldn’t either.

    I don’t get it, but it sure does provide some wickedly good entertainment.

  72. KateNonymous says:

    “Wealthy people and celebrities don’t have to live by the same “rules” that the rest of do. Jen can meet someone and have a baby at 42, 43, 45, etc. because she has the $ to get fertility treatments or use an egg donor (look at Kelly Preston). She’s not in denial, she just lives in a different world.”

    Becky, that means she can afford it. That doesn’t mean that the processes will work better for her than they do for any other woman of her age. That may work, or it may not.

  73. _Salem_ says:

    She clearly never wanted children. She sounds like she is ‘protesting too much’ by talking about it, when we all know she doesn’t want children. Aniston had a good man; a patient man that put his hopes and dreams on hold for her; year after year as Friends was renewed each time. She made promises to him, and broke them. She had a good man, and she threw him away for a career. She made her choice. She has to live with it.