Linnocent is 35 minutes late, and bitch still gets her continuance


I’m just going to give my reactions to Lindsay’s court appearance in real time:

*Bitch was late. Her hearing was for 8:30, and when that rolled around, Linnocent still hadn’t left her house. Rude, tacky, and disrespectful. Her lateness speaks volumes about how little she gives a damn about any of this.

*BITCH IS STILL LATE. She left her Venice Beach crack condo at 8:45 PST. Ridic.

*Twenty minutes late now. I hope the judge says she’s in contempt of court and drags her into jail by her crack weave.

*Waiting for cracked-out Godot.


*Lindsay seems to be wearing a tight beige LEATHER dress with long sleeves. Black tights, hair in a ponytail, lips jacked. Gross. She looks like a hooker working a Republican convention.

*Finally, this junk starts. The judge doesn’t seem mad at all – I think he was in a closed-door meeting with Holley and the DA. Lindsay didn’t get reamed for being 35 minutes late.

*The judge seems to go out of his way to be nice to Lindsay. Apparently, Holley and Meyers worked out some kind of fake continuance where Lindsay has until March 25 to take a plea, and if that doesn’t happen, the preliminary hearings for a trial starts on April 22. The judge says: “”We’re going to set an interim date of 3/25/11. The only reason you will be here (and see me again) is to plead guilty to the charge. If you and your attorney decide not to settle this by prelim you don’t have to appear. The only date you will have to appear then is 4/22.”

*The judge seemed to bitch out both the defense and prosecution for leaking to the media: “I can’t believe how these things leak out, TMZ Radar Online, these guys ought to be in the foreign service. I don’t even tell my wife what’s going on, so I can’t understand how they find out this information. It’s not fair to either side to have these things leaked out in drips and drabs. It doesn’t benefit anybody so please try to keep any offer I make confidential.”

So… Lindsay got her continuance, sort of. She gets another two weeks to decide whether or not to take a deal, but the preliminary hearing has already been set. LINNOCENT 4 EVA.





Screencaps via TMZ’s livefeed.

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74 Responses to “Linnocent is 35 minutes late, and bitch still gets her continuance”

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  1. skilo says:

    I hope she doesn’t take the plea at the last minute. Crackie needs to get at least 6 months just for dragging this mess out so much.

  2. serena says:

    What a fucking smirk.

  3. Innocent says:

    She was only 5 or 7 minutes late.
    The hearing was set for 8:30 but according to TMZ the Judge had agreed to a 9am start but had forgot.

  4. Unbeweavable says:

    Who wears leather dresses?!?! WTF is that?

  5. m says:

    WTF is she wearing?? some kind of nude latex tube dress? And her face is scary sad! Especially in the 2nd photo, she looks like that Geicko gecko.

  6. aria says:

    clownish face

  7. C says:

    What was the point? She had plenty of time to decide…she already said she wouldn’t go to jail. what a waste of time. And April 22 is way too far off. >:(

  8. searching4grace says:

    Ugh. The smirks on their faces are absolutely disgusting. This whole thing should be sold to Barnum & Bailey. She could live with the elephants. They’d make her smell better, and have an equal amount of wrinkles in their skin.

  9. Hautie says:

    Yet again Lohan goes into court with too tight clothes and no bra.

    And it is about time for her to take this plea, do the time and move on.

    She does not realize that all of her past behavior will follow her into a trial. Which really could end with her in jail for over a year.

    Geez do the 20+ days and get it over with.

    And no one is going to hire her for squat till she gets all this non-sense done and behind her.

  10. kelbear says:

    When the judge met with her attorney they decided to change the hearing to 9am. Either way, she was still late. It was probably her mom who leaked the info.

  11. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    She was too busy up in Samantha’s crotch to know that it was time for court.

    All HAIL Lilo didnt Go to JAIL AGAIN!!

  12. Mshuffleupagus says:

    Her dress looks like a free clinic condom.

  13. Roma says:

    My parents taught me to be 15 minutes early for everything or you’re being disrespectful to others. You’re essentially saying my time is more important than yours.

    My mother also used to say if you dress like a whore, don’t be surprised if people treat you like one.

    I think I should lend LL my mother for her next court appearance.

  14. Majosha says:

    What a useless piece of trash. I can’t read about this shit anymore.

  15. Rita says:

    “She looks like a hooker working a Republican convention.”

    Elephants have feelings too, you know? They’re usually told to stay in the room and are seldom allowed to roam the convention hall….the hookers, that is.

  16. original kate says:

    who wears pleather to court? oh right, hookers. and WTF is wrong with her face? botox? lip injections? fillers? everything? her grimace is terrifying small children and animals all over LA.

    good god.

  17. Diane says:

    “Please try to keep any offer I make confidential.” What kind of crap is that from a judge?

  18. Tia C says:

    She looks much thinner again all of a sudden. Something tells me her sobriety has gone out the window. And I can’t help but wonder at this point if she will ever work anything other than the inside of a court room.

  19. skilo says:

    Does anybody else kinda hope Crackie cracks under pressure and does something epically stupid before the April 22 court date like get cracked out and drunk in public swinging naked from the chandelier at some hotel bar screaming f*ck the police or something. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

  20. Missfit says:

    I agree…she looks like a trashy prostitute from the hooker lane. Uggh, look her stupid twat smug face, it needs to get bitch slapped. Her lawyer looks as if she’s embarrassed to be sitting next to her, ha.

  21. happygirl says:

    Kaiser, thank you for putting up with our crack excitement today, and an extra thank you for the excellent reporting. 😉

  22. the original bellaluna says:

    Blohan is a one-crackhead budget crisis for the city of L.A.

    All those court employees waiting on her pleather-clad ass.

    Throw her in jail for contempt of court.

  23. brin says:

    Talk about a trial of errors…including the pleather dress.

  24. Isa says:

    “She looks like a hooker working a Republican convention.”

    Can’t make out from the pictures whether it’s leather or latex.Even though the color is way more neutral, it’s still inappropriate for court!
    What’s wrong with a suit like us regular people wear to formal meetings?
    She still doesn’t take it seriously, her clothes and appearance are more important.

  25. the original bellaluna says:

    @ Innocent – No, the judge said he couldn’t read his own writing, and then returned to his chambers. BIG difference.

    @ skilo – Yes, and I’d pay to see it!

  26. Ben says:

    The shit this woman gets away with… what with this and Dina’s constant “MY INNOCENT CHILD! MY TINY TINY CRACKBABY” cries, no wonder she’s so entitled.

  27. Isa says:

    And yes she does look very skinny and hollow.
    Not good…..

  28. C says:

    @skilo…me me me! I do! Something where they have no choice but to lock her up (just dont want anyone hurt).

  29. k says:

    @ Innocent: 5 or 7 minutes late is still late. She should have been early.

  30. GeekChic says:

    I’m confused about something. If she goes to jail, will it be for stealing a necklace or will it be for the violation of probation? Shouldn’t there be two separate court dates, one for each? Shouldn’t she be going to jail for both the theft and the violation of probation? If I recall correctly, didn’t the previous judge say she would get 6 months immediately for any probation violation? I’m just not sure I understand any of this. Can anyone enlighten me?

  31. Praise St. Angie! says:

    “They’d make her smell better, and have an equal amount of wrinkles in their skin.”


    EDIT: Her lawyer looks like she totally over all this and is just waiting for it to be over.

  32. skilo says:

    @c Oh I agree I want no innocent bystanders harmed just Lindsay humiliated maybe she could get drunk and naked and make a scene on the balcony of her condo screaming “Wait for me Sam! Promise me you’ll wait for me! I luuuuve you!” ROFL

  33. albeli says:

    Ugh. Throw her cracked out smug ass in jail already.

  34. brin says:

    Well, that’s 30 minutes we’ll never get back.

  35. Innocent says:

    I agree but if she really was 35 minutes late then that would have meant she would have been leaving her house at the time she was supposed to be appearing in court.

  36. Julia says:

    “She looks like a hooker working a Republican convention.” **snort**

    Kaiser is now my imaginary best friend.

  37. mia girl says:

    Bitch stole Lady Gaga’s condom look!

  38. logan says:

    Who leaks these things? My guess, Momma Lohan!!!!!!

  39. junk573r says:

    Isn’t there like a petition or something we can get going? I don’t understand how regular people aren’t more pissed off at frequency and severity of her consequence/jail dodging. If her history with the law made it to local nightly news, you can bet people would demand justice. The only reason this hasn’t happened yet is the vast majority of america hasn’t heard of it. She pisses me off in eleven hundred different ways but this is number one. You can put money on it if I farted near a cop I’d get a ticket or (with my luck) jail time.

  40. Rita says:


    As I understand it, if she pleads in the theft case she will do time for the felony and that will automatically put her in violation of probabtion that adds more time. If she goes to trial and is found not guilty of theft, then she did not violate her probation.

    Technically, she’s in violation of probation by simply being arrested again, but she IS LILO.

    One more thing. If these judges feel so over worked because their dockets are full, why do they keep letting crack-heads come to court 5 or 6 times before anything is done about it?

  41. devilgirl says:

    That isn’t a leather dress. That is some rubbery thing. Too tight and thin to be leather.

  42. irena NL says:

    Disappointing but I’m thinking the judge might know of some future developments in this case that may be in Lilo’s favor, and wants to allow time for those to come forth and unfold.

  43. GeekChic says:

    @Rita, thank you for answering my questions. So then, if she pleads guilty and gets jail time for the theft, will she then get another 6 months for the probation violation (or will the sentences be served concurrently)? Is this why she isn’t wanting to plead guilty?

    And I totally agree, why do they keep giving her continuances if they are so overworked? Would a non-celebrity get this treatment? No way!

  44. Rita says:


    I think because the offenses are completely seperate, the sentences will be consecutive but the judge will probably “balls-out”. The probabtion violation will probably add only a week or two so she’s looking at a max sentence of about 30 days due to over crowding.

  45. photo jojo says:

    My ex was over an hour late to court when he was already in contempt for not paying support. Judge gave him a total pass. It happens way more often than you think.

  46. Estella says:

    Where did this bitch expect to go today, court or an s & m club? W.T.F.

  47. lucy2 says:

    I don’t think a continuance is all that unusual, but it’s annoying that she AGAIN was late and not reprimanded.
    She looks disgusting. Seriously, her lawyer should insist on her not showing up in hooker-wear, though I know she does it for the attention.

  48. Sloane Wyatt says:

    I love dirt as much as next guy, but doesn’t this unrelenting finger pointing and judging strike anyone as rampant misogyny? Can anyone say ’slut shaming’? I mean come on, in comparison the guys get a free pass. David Arquette, Shia LaBeouf, etc., it’s a ‘boys will be boys’ double standard. Even including Robert Downey Jr.’s worst drugged out years, the coverage was and is now mostly sympathetic if you happen to be a drug using male celebrity.

  49. Jenny says:

    I love the look on Shawn Chapman Holley’s face. She really doesn’t want to be there.

  50. bluhare says:

    Sloane: David Arquette hasn’t been charged with any crimes and appears to have taken responsibility for his behavior. Shia LeBoeuf isn’t quite on this level either (although I think he has potential). Charlie Sheen is the closest and it appears he may have a significant mental illness a la Britney. Lindsay doesn’t. The UCLA folks confirmed that when they released her. Christina Aguilera is having her issues as well, but she hasn’t hijacked cars or stolen jewelry yet.

  51. Cath says:

    This lawyer of Lindsay’s is starting to look really unprofessional with all the smirking. I remember her being more professional at the start of all of this. I guess Lindsay’s crack taint is wearing off onto other people now.

  52. peacelovekitty says:

    Looks like LiLo’s back to doing kilos!

  53. Mimi says:

    That’s some bullshit right there. Oh well, either way her ass is going to jail. And hopefully we won’t hear about her for a while.

  54. luls says:

    lol, her face, the pleather.. everything combined…. she looks like a SPACE ALIEN in these shots!!!!! :p

    And her lawyer’s smug-ass face is offensive!

  55. GeekChic says:

    @Rita, oh well, so much for the “guaranteed 6 months and no early release” for another probation violation. Lindsay and her lips from pouter space win yet again. Ugh.

  56. Quest says:

    Lindsay has a face everyone wanna smack around (but only a mother would love).

    I can’t understand how this fool is making such a mockery of the justice system.

  57. happygirl says:

    @GeekChic – LMAO @ pouter space! That’s great.

    Hi, Rita!!! 🙂

  58. Hakura says:

    “Apparently, Holley and Meyers worked out some kind of fake continuance where Lindsay has until March 25 to take a plea, and if that doesn’t happen, the preliminary hearings for a trial starts on April 22.”

    It’d the best present if by my birthday, April 23rd, she’d gotten her ass kicked in court at least a little. She’s never going to end up going to jail… Who knew Lindsay actually had a talent? I believe she’s honestly still operating under the delusion that she’s going to get away without any jail time at all Perhaps she thinks if she drags everything out as long as possible, the legal system will become frustrated with her & simply let her go, to get her out of their hair.

    Unfortunately I consider this a big possibility, especially if the ‘time’ she’d be sentenced to would end up so reduced to almost nothing because of the crowding… They may just decide going forward with a trial against her would be a waste of the court’s time & money…

    @Roma (13)- “I think I should lend LL my mother for her next court appearance.” – – Well, it is something she doesn’t have… She really can’t count on her agent/PR expert Dina for responsible advice.

    @Diane““Please try to keep any offer I make confidential.” What kind of crap is that from a judge?” – – I think he just doesn’t want to be subject to people’s criticism when they realize he’s all talk, & he backs down from giving her a reasonable punishment. If he intended to follow through with a decent sentence, he wouldn’t be so worried about the public knowing about it. But I thought all of that was public record? Or is it only the final plea deal that’s public?

    @Skilo“…maybe she could get drunk and naked and make a scene on the balcony of her condo screaming “Wait for me Sam! Promise me you’ll wait for me! I luuuuve you!” ROFL – – As a fellow ‘Sam’, that mental image (& the accompanying imaginary audio) is shudder-inducing. …*SHUDDER* If I were a lesbian, & Lindsay was the only option, I’d choose to be celibate…

    @Estella“Where did this bitch expect to go today, court or an s & m club? W.T.F. – – We never know where she intended to go for lunch… If I could see anyone starting a day in court & ending it covered in latex & candle wax, it’s Lilo.

  59. Nikki says:

    I would love to just kick her in the vagina.

  60. Roxanne75 says:

    QUOTE OF THE DAY: “She looks like a hooker working a Republican convention.”

  61. Alix says:

    I don’t know why any judge lets any defendant get away with showing up late to court. I’d add a contempt charge every time it happened.

  62. Izzards Chick says:

    “waiting for cracked out Godot”

    hahahahahahahahahahaha thats got to be the funniest line this year…facebook status-worthy

  63. skeptical says:

    here you are again! and again i can only say it’s lindsay’s smug entitlement that pisses people off, including me.
    she turns her court dates, which are supposed to be serious, into her own personal red carpet. i suppose she does it because it’s the only action she can get nowadays?
    Her constant whining and claiming to be a victim while making money off her trainwreck status. She treated Samantha despicably yet claims that dating a woman was the biggest risk anyone could take. As if Ellen hadn’t already paved that road. And Ellen treated Anne Heche a hell of a lot better.

    RDJ actually went to jail. He took responsibility. Lindsay refuses. She got herself a lawyer who finds every loophole in the letter of the law so she can avoid the spirit of the law.
    Lindsay doesn’t know what shame is.

  64. Hannah says:

    We all just want to see her fry and thus are frustrated by the delays. However, the continuances are normal. My guess is that they are making headway on the plea deal and just need more time to hammer it out. The dockets are full and thus it is more economical for a defendant to plead out than to have a trial.

    With respect to the violation of her DUI probation, that hearing will be held concurrently at her next court date. If she pleads guilty, Judge Schwartz will address that issue. If she pleads innocent then that matter will be before Judge Sautner. Either way, she’s going to jail.

    This is where attire comes into play. While there are sentencing guidelines, judges have a lot of discretion. With her outfits, Lindsay is showing disrespect towards the judges and the judicial process and doesn’t seem to take this matter seriously and that will be taken into account during sentencing.

  65. Kim says:

    Little girl lost is all i can think of when i look at her. She is a sad puppy!

  66. Jayna says:

    When a tabloid catches her leaving her place 15 minutes before her court date, and, thus, she is 35 minutes late, that infuriates me that she is so blaze about this. No respect to the court system at all no matter how much hot water she’s in.

  67. MiMi says:

    Why do we care about these mediocrites? She made more $$ last year than anyone on this board will see in a lifetime. Charlie Sheen? Mediocrity. Ah, but a rich one! I used to feel sorry, try to identify, not compare blah blah. F*ck that! They are meg rich mediocrities who feel contempt for everyone and everything around them and yet that must work because (the American standard for all life…they’re rich!!!

  68. Crash2GO2 says:

    Why is she only inflating the upper lip? Economizing?

  69. gg says:

    eh, wake me when it’s over.

    “Waiting for cracked-out Godot.”

  70. mimi says:

    Can someone explain the extreme hatred/vitriol directed at this girl? She is pretty and talented…with some problems who comes from a troubled family.
    Her scrapes with the law seem to affect so many people personally – why?

  71. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Is it just me or can you see some white powder on her left nostril in the 3rd pic??? Is v faint, but is there…. May explain the sudden weight loss and why she looked so strung out

  72. Paige says:

    cant stand it, look at that smirk!!

  73. Hakura says:

    @Mimi“Can someone explain the extreme hatred/vitriol directed at this girl? She is pretty and talented…with some problems who comes from a troubled family. Her scrapes with the law seem to affect so many people personally – why?”

    I think what gets to people is her arrogance… She’s somehow deluded herself into thinking she’s above everyone else… & the way the justice system is failing to punish her is only feeding that idea.

    She disrespects the court (thus the law itself) by showing up late, & in completely inappropriate clothing, (The ‘FU’ nailpolish made her opinion pretty clear.) We see too many celebrities getting a slap on the wrist (or being sent off to a ‘rehab spa’) for crimes that would surely put us in jail… How would it have gone down if *I* stole that necklace?

    The worst thing for most of us is that she’s openly flaunting the law, Totally wasting the court’s time & money dragging this out, & hasn’t learned a damned thing. It’s the realizaton that she may never be really forced to take responsibility like the rest of the world has to, which is infuriating.

  74. LindaLu says:

    @original kate
    Your comments have me ROFLMAO.. The level of with and sarcasm on this site are unmatched!