Sienna Miller has a blonde mustache: should we point it out?


You should take this as evidence of what a slow news day it is, gossip-wise. So I was looking through these new photos of Sienna Miller and her sister Savannah promoting their fashion line, Twenty8Twelve. As I was glancing through the photos, I noticed this extreme closeup of Sienna’s mouth:


WENN added a note that Sienna’s “mustache” was super-obvious. Sure. Of course it’s obvious when you’re using high-quality images and you zoom in on her mouth!! Now, this is a sensitive subject for me, because I HAVE a mustache. Many women do. It happens, especially when you have dark hair. I not only have a mustache, I have crazy eyebrows that are constantly in need of maintenance, and I’m not even going to get into what other grooming necessities I have because of dark, Indian genes. Going back to the mustache – there are solutions! Waxing and bleaching are two of the most popular “choices” for ladies who don’t want to wander around with a dirtlip.

But for the love of God, when it’s a natural blonde and she has a tiny, insignificant little blonde mustache, DO NOT POINT IT OUT. Don’t act like the feminine ideal is complete hairlessness at all times, forever. I would kill to only worry about Sienna’s little blonde mustache. Yeah… I can’t believe I’m defending Sienna either.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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85 Responses to “Sienna Miller has a blonde mustache: should we point it out?”

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  1. Celebitchy says:

    Surgiwax is the best! No strips and you just heat it in the microwave. I have to order it from though because it’s hard to find in stores. I use the bikini formula for the face, it’s cheaper and I think it’s better than the facial wax. The stuff gets way more hairs than the wax with the strips and it’s much cheaper than Nads. It’s also better than the Sally Hanson kind you heat up in the microwave, I tried that once and it was way too sticky.

  2. Rita says:

    “….mustache. Should we point it out?”

    Please, next time wait for our answer and if you “point out” Kelly Bensimon’s little vadge accessory, I won’t eat for the rest of the week!!!

    (Maybe 3 exclaimation points were too much)

    Oh yes CB, thanks for that. Now I’ll spend the rest of my lunch examining my tuna salad sandwich.

  3. GG says:

    So? It’s not like it’s something unnatural. I don’t think anyone should make a big deal of this.

  4. manda says:

    omg, this item just crushes my self-esteem. I have a blond mustache that is only really visable at that extreme of a close up, which of course I see because I get right up into mirrors and scrutinize my face. I literally JUST got through giving myself a pep talk that it’s not that bad (the last time I waxed it, the first time, I broke out horrible and am afraid to do it again). Now WENN, and first commentor David, have smashed all that to bits.

    Why is it that men can be hairy cavemen but a few stray hairs on a woman is a story? I’m really tired of this trend…

  5. anti says:

    …what about the lady gaga japan relief bracelet thing?

  6. Melissa says:

    That hair doesn’t look blonde to me. Also – she has huge pores!

  7. the original bellaluna says:

    In one of the recent posts on Sienna, she seriously looked like a younger Chelsea Handler in the header pic.

    Yeah, wax it. No biggie. How nit-picky of them to point it out. Not to mention, rude!

  8. esblondie says:

    It’s nice to know someone that beautiful isn’t 100% perfect, just 99.9%. I love her. I know she’s a homewrecker and all, but I just like to look at her…

  9. teehee says:

    I think more women have hair there than we are all aware of— because the majority of them pluck it away (or wax). Personally I also grow a few dark hairs around the corners of my mouth– but you dont see me going out with it — I always pluck it as soon as I can.

  10. mln76 says:

    So glad I don’t have to deal with facial hair (yet)–I don’t even have to pluck my eyebrows. I think on this one subject she should get a pass.

  11. tomas says:

    that’s NOT blonde!

  12. koala says:


  13. wtf? says:

    well its not quite tom selleck so i’m good…………ssshhhh for now

  14. brin says:

    Maybe Jude told her to shave and that’s why they broke up.

  15. lrm says:

    she is flat out gorgeous…..

  16. searching4grace says:

    I’m super pale with REALLY dark hair. I completely understand that phobia about any dark facial hair. I break out really bad with waxing, too. So I pluck and have one of those women’s trimmers. It’s ridiculous to point that out, and gives us even more issues with our bodies.

  17. Bailey says:

    I don’t see the problem. who the heck stands that close to her? unless you are a close talker or are being intimate. you will see hair and pores standing that close. pimples! Gasp! and that is pretty close!

  18. says:

    Who the fuck doesn’t have lip hair? BFD.

  19. Quest says:

    Close-ups are a bitch.

  20. Meanchick says:

    Here here! It’s just silly to expect women to be perfect and even sillier to expect women to not have hair on their lips or forget to wax every once in a while. It’s not like she’s got Phyllis Diller in a headlock. (hairy under-arms)

  21. Lenore says:

    AMEN KAISER!! Cosign the whole thing.

    Speaking as a pale-skinned, dark-haired, follicularly over-blessed lady, I’m sick to death of the obsession with female body hair. Sure, get rid of it if you want. (I do, and I do, and I wish I could learn not to care about it.) But this idea that it’s unnatural for a woman to have face or body hair, and that she has some sort of duty to get rid of it ASAP, lest the rest of humanity be faced with the spectacle – it’s pathetic and misogynistic and hateful.

    I have no strong feelings about Sienna Miller either way but the fact that she was comfortable enough to go out to a public event with a little mustache growth makes me warm to her immensely. My heart sinks to think that this, like Julia Roberts’ pit-hair of yore, will become a major news issue, and that Sienna will be made to feel like some sort of circus freak instead of COMPLETELY FUCKING NORMAL. I hope she can laugh at the scrutiny.

    And #1 David – if you think a little lip hair on a chick is “gross” then frankly, and crudely, I hope your dick falls off in the night and you wake up to a scene straight out of the Godfather, screaming KHARTOUM! as you try to dig your penis out from between the wrinkles in the duvet.

  22. KLO says:

    I have a mustache too. Bugger off, wax-o-maniacs, humans (yes, ladies too) are meant to have hair on their body.

  23. aenflex says:

    Wax…my bestest friend ever. I am Native American and share the dark haired thing.
    I don’t think it’s a faux pas or anything. But I would wax for a carpet appearance. It’s not like they caught her on the way to the store or something.

  24. Victoire says:

    Indian genes. How exotic ! You have to be gorgeus.. =)

    Back to Sienna, hm, I have blond, naturally very light hair so I never had this problem.

    But this looks bad =(

  25. OMJ says:

    Thank you Lenore! (The penis thing had me giggling like a loon.)
    Also David, don’t be jealous because Sienna grows a better mustache than you.

  26. acidburn says:

    It is so sad to hear people calling this situation “grosss” or just saying “ewww”. Why should we always (women) suffer because of the way our bodies naturally look?

    It is tough to be us in this world – we are always the targets of superficials judgements…it is not my fault to have a hairy body (i am brazilian and, as you already know, we are a collection of different cultures. And, because of that, women usually tend to have lots of hair in the body).

    It is also really sad to feel the obligation of having waxed every month – which is something really annoying – just because society demands the perfect female all the time.

  27. EdithP says:

    Good grief, if you got that close up to a baby it would have a mustache.

    I have a lovely Indian lady who threads my eyebrows, and she always asks if I want my upper lip done. I always say no (it’s fairly light and I’m afraid of regrowth) then go out to my car and scrutinize my lip in the mirror.

    I don’t even want to talk about those 3 or 4 or 8 hairs on my chin.

  28. Darla says:

    The thing is that she’s stupid as punch, evil, and untalented. All she has is her looks, so she better be hosting Epilady Before she leaves the house.

  29. k says:

    Ladies, my family is from the middle east. You have no idea how much body and facial hair I battle. Her mustache is nothing. If it’s making you squeamish, my goodness … don’t you have a charmed life.

  30. ordinarygirl86 says:

    Big fucking deal….I’ve seen bitches walk around with hairy armpits and tank tops or hairy legs and short so THIS is just silly. It’s barely noticeable…

  31. Henriette says:

    It pisses me off that women are criticized for body hair. It’s natural, normal, and those who want to do something about it should and those who choose not to shouldn’t be ridiculed. It seems that as women become more and more powerful in the world at large, there’s a backlash that tells us we all have to look like airbrushed porn stars or supermodels.

    Are a few hairs on Sienna’s upper lip disgusting? HECK NO! (The fact that she nailed Balty Getty when he was still married, on the other hand…)

  32. OV says:

    … regardless, she has great teeth!

  33. ordinarygirl86 says:

    I feel that women go through ALOT to come off PERFECT to men whether it’s lip waxing, eyebrow,bikini or brazilian, etc
    Men don’t realize all the stuff that we do to make ourselves attractive to them!

    But my boyfriend does because if he demands my kitty cat be bald then he KNOWS his shit better be weed whacked and trimmed before I even THINK about going down…. 🙂 Why? To show him what it’s like to be required to do maintenance on an area because that’s what someone else EXPECTS. 🙂

  34. TXCinderella says:

    I used to break out when I waxed my upper lip, but now I use Neosporin right after I wax and I do not get any more breakouts. It works great and if you get the kind with pain relief, it dulls the pain from you just yanking your hair out by the roots. Yes, waxing is a neccessary evil.

  35. DiannSteph says:


    It was so gross to see the upclose pic and then David’s comment right after with “GROSS”

  36. Roma says:

    I blame Kim Kardasian.

    Sure I just like to blame her in general but she lasered her hairline and that annoys the shit out of me.

    Hair is hair and woman are born with it so it’s obviously natural. I stopped getting brazilians and I only shave my legs every week or two. Don’t get me wrong, I still maintain what’s going on down below but I think I just prefer a little carpet to the hardwood.

  37. MM says:

    Lenore you freaking crack me up!! I love it.
    Get a life people. I think the girl looks great. Healthy and happy for once so get off her normal, natural facial hair!!

  38. Mshuffleupagus says:

    Blondes always miss hairs. I knew this blonde girl that had a full on neck beard no one could tell her about.

  39. Dana M says:

    Siena, I recommend threading.

  40. womanfromthenorth says:

    Lenore… well said!

    I too have the dark hair going on. Oh and I have a few “granny” hairs I have never been proud

  41. Ben says:

    Who gives a shit?! Obvious my ass.

  42. Ricci says:

    with or without, she is still beautiful. Haters will always hate lol

  43. David says:

    WOW just letting you my dick is still attached.

  44. Penguen says:

    A little off topic (I apologize), but can I just ask – what the heck is threading? I’ve heard of it, I’ve seen ads for it, and I still have no freakin’ clue what it involves. Sewing up hair?

    As for the hair thing, it’s not a big deal. Whatever. Sienna has a little extra. *shrug*

  45. Dirty Martini says:

    Thank you for making me feel better about me. Being a light skinned brunette, I too have one. And I wax it and pluck it.

    Now i dont feel quite so …. hirstute.

    Really I do but I’m kept company by that pretty homewrecker, Sienna.

  46. Ari says:


  47. The Bobster says:

    No big deal. I knew a woman with a blonde mustache thicker than mine. Made me jealous it did.

  48. Venus says:

    I’m more offended by those ugly shorts.

  49. Dana M says:

    Penguen: I love threading. The hair doesn’t grow out for months with threading. The only problem is finding a good threader in your area. I recommend going on Yelp to find a good one.


  50. Violet says:

    ugh i can’t believe there are women saying that’s gross or there are no excuses. how about the fact that it’s just hair and only visible in extreme close up? i have to wax because i have black hair and fair skin but that bit of peach fuzz is nothing! why must we perpetuate the idea that the female ideal is to be as hairless as a newborn?

  51. malina says:

    No no no!

    Everybody has facial hair, it’s only the intensity and colour that differs. Let’s not make it a new standard to be sooo hair free!

    Or let’s go all the way and get rid of the hair on your head as well, huh?

  52. matilda says:

    I think it’s just gross.

    You can spout all you want about women’s body hair being natural but at the end of the day being female and having black whiskers sticking out all over like Sienna is at best indicative of sloppy grooming – gf knows they’re there, just can’t be bothered removing them. All it would take is a quick go over every morning with the tweezers while you do your eyebrows, or wax or even cream (I use this on my bikini line – it rocks). I would say for a public person this would be automatic each day, unless you’re as lazy as hell. Famous men trim their nose and ear hair! She’s certainly got enough money to organise herself some lasering if she’s that pressed for time.

  53. Mia says:

    Thanks for the suggestion, Celebitchy. I get mine waxed once a month. No shame. Stupid hormones.

  54. lin234 says:

    I’m more surprised she hasn’t had it lasered off so she doesn’t have to think about it.

  55. jemshoes says:

    Yes, I’ll join the naturally-hairy-women-pluck-shave-wax club. One of the best things I’ve ever done was IPL (intensive light pulse) treatment under my arms. It’s been a couple of years now since the treatment and I only have a few hairs grown back – a complete blessing compared to the “black forest” I used to have to manage! Sorry, TMI. 😀

    Blonde mustache or not, SM is still pretty.

  56. Maritza says:

    She beautiful, as for the hair I’m sure anybody will look hairy when they zoom in with those advanced digital cameras.

  57. Solveig says:

    First of all, every close up of every face and every body parts is gross per se: you see pores, you see pimples. Close ups are always unfair (and unecessary).
    Talking about Sienna’s mustache, well, if that’s a mustache come here in the Mediterranean area and see what mustaches look like, LOL.
    I’d really love men to be forced to shave themselves, to try to always look good even during ordinary days, to feel the pressure of being decent looking.
    You know men, if you are not beautiful some women could fall in love with you anyways, but not because your intelligence and charms compensate the lack of beauty, but because women are less superficial than you (despite what the world loves to believe).

  58. theoriginalsisterkitty says:

    I am a blonde and I bleach my lil mustache. I wouldn’t wax or pluck.

  59. Jennifer Leigh says:

    Has anyone else tried Smooth Away? That little pad that you buff your hair off? It WORKS. Maybe not on thick hair, but the thin hairs on a lady-stache buff away and it’s not abrasive and leaves the skin super soft! I love it!

    Maybe we should send one to Sienna..

  60. april says:

    Her teeth are perfect!

  61. Darla says:

    I so do not get people who go on and on about her beauty. Does it matter at all anymore what a person does, what kind of character they have? She’s evil and treats people really badly. She’s one of the ugliest people around, stache or no.

  62. beth says:

    i have a mushstashh too 🙁

    i have considered lasering it off though….

  63. Isa says:

    Yes, let’s all point fingers and laugh.

  64. MsCatra says:

    Hey CB, can you throw up a link for us?

  65. REALIST says:

    LMAO-I guess even A-listers have fuzzy lip days.

  66. islandwalker says:

    # 5 Manda- I can’t use ANY waxes either. I have a lot of tiny blonde facial hair, mostly since I turned a certain age ( cough* peri-menopause*cough.) I completely inflamed my face and neck ( which I had NOT waxed) by trying to get rid of just the ‘stache. I looked like someone set my face on fire and had a hideous rash for weeks. Lesson is…. we are animals, we have hair! My husband said he never even noticed it until I obsessed about it. I got over it and wear my face, with all it’s wrinkles and imperfections, proudly! I’m guessing if we asked all of the people on here who thinks it’s gross to post their pictures, there would be no replies.

    Seriously, Sienna Miller has bigger problems than a little mustache! Geez!

  67. DrM says:

    @Celebitchy: NoWax is the best!! I never have to worry about where to find it, it doesn’t stink, leaves no redness and best of all it never needs to be repeated!!


  68. Micki says:

    Thanks for the laugh ladies!

    I wonder whether men argue that heatedly about penis lenghts and de-haired balls…
    Anyway, I’ll go asap and shave…

  69. Celebitchy says:

    @MsCatra – this is the SurgiWax stuff I use for my face. I think the formula for the bikini area is better and a little different, but the face one should work too.

    Note – you heat it in the microwave, but wait until it is a creamy consistency before using it. I do not do my own Brazilians at home, (I know that is TMI) but from what I understand they changed the formula of the face wax but this Brazilian wax is the original formula they were using.

  70. Darla says:

    BTW lasering only works if you have fair skin and corse hair. It would work for her, but not thin peach fuzz.

  71. Annie says:

    I totally agree Kaiser. So Sienna has some facial hair: most women have at least a tiny bit. But it’s not as if it’s thick and black and visible in normal-zoom photos so it’s no biggie. So why zoom in on it?

  72. EdithP says:

    Threading is awesome. Have you ever worn a rubber band on your wrist and rolled it up and down and it rips out your arm hairs? Same sort of principle, except the ladies that do it can do it with the precision of tweezing. They twist ordinary sewing thread between their hands and hold the end in their teeth and go at it. AND, my lady only charges $6.

  73. Caz says:

    If you’re going to be painted as a nasty, man-stealing, can’t keep a relationship kind of woman, you might as well look as gorgeous as Sienna does. That’s justice in a weird kind of way.

  74. Jezi says:

    I have the light mustache thing going on. I used to thread and now I shave it, I know, I know, bad to shave. But I don’t have time to go get it threaded when I have a 3 year old at home. Plus it’s expensive and the pain is not worth it. But I am so insecure about it. And as I got older, I also had dark hairs growing on my breasts. Ah, so attractive! Being a woman is so hard.

  75. jay says:

    Is this really an issue??? I can not understand the issue over body hair on women. It really is not new news that women have body hair. People, women included, have hair for a reason, so what is the big deal??? The media and Hollywood putzes try to create some living porcelain as the ideal is just wrong. For me, the exotic looks of Mediterranean, Indian and eastern European women are a big attraction. I can only hope you do not try to conform with this nonsense.

  76. ST94 says:

    Here’s the thing. Most guys don’t want to be with a woman with a ‘stache. It’s gross. It looks gross and unfeminine, and I’m purely speculating here, but I’d imagine it feels (really) gross and unfeminine. Humans have hair..blah blah blah…women aren’t supposed to have really noticeable facial hair. You can argue otherwise if you want, but I’d like to see you grow out your mustaches and beards and take note of any sincere compliments you receive. See how many men (or women) are attracted to you or what your significant other says. Every time I see a woman with facial hair I cringe and get dry heaves. The body image issue women have to deal with is something I honestly do have sympathy for, but the facial hair thing is not something I would ever budge on in terms of accepting and I’m not sorry for that.

  77. manda says:

    Thank you for your support, islandwalker!

    Lenore, you are funny as hell!!!!

  78. Phat girl says:

    All I can say is never ever use that smooth away stuff. It’s sand paper for christmas sake. I ordered it and got an infection on my leg that took over a year to get rid of. My doctor thought I was crazy for rubbing sand paper on my skin.

  79. raincoaster says:

    She is NOT a natural blonde. Vanity Fair even interviewed her when she had ketchup on her hair, trying to take the green out and explaining she loved to dye it blonde.

  80. SS says:

    @Venus….Fan bloody tastic…’re the only person I agree with!!

  81. Rachel says:

    To me that is a major deal. I’m lucky that my Native American genes over ran my Mediterranean genes in the fur department. I have one little dark hair I pluck and for some reason the rest is so blond that I can shave it off once a week. Thank you Lord!

    Sunday: deep condition the hair on my head and shave the peach fuzz

    If I am going out, you KNOW that hair is plucked in it’s place. If I’m not then it’s at my discretion. It’s like shaving your legs, if you know someone’s going to see them – shave them. If they aren’t then you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Getting a pre-red carpet face wax is not that time consuming.

    PS: That is a light brown mustache that is growing out not a blond one. Mine is 99% blond and it looks like bleached mustache if I leave alone.

  82. Rachel says:

    @islandwalker are you saying my blond peachfuzz stache may turn into a blond peachfuzz beard in 5 years? Thank goodness I live in a Persian neighborhood. Threaders everywhere.

  83. Russell says:

    I believe that it’s what’s in a person heart that matters and not the amount of body hair a person has.I believe that natural hairy women are just as beautiful as women with little or no body hair. That’s just my opinion. Have a nice day. Thank you, Russell

  84. Russell says:

    Be a beautiful young natural lady.