Russell Brand wants mainstream American acceptance: will he get it?


Russell Brand has an interview in the April issue of Details, likely to promote his starring role in the Arthur remake. The Details piece doesn’t really have any new information or scandalous quotes, because that’s not really who Russell is trying to be at this point. The point of the article is that Russell – with this remake of Arthur and his marriage to a pop star – is aiming for complete mainstream American acceptance. He wants to be Dudley Moore, he wants to be Tom Hanks, he wants to be accepted by everyone. It’s a pretty good read – the full piece is here, and here are some highlights:

On his marriage to Katy: “at once the most mundane and spectacular thing in the world.” “There are a lot of areas where I’ve simply relinquished decision-making. It really does make my mates laugh, though.”

More about marriage and how it‘s changed him: “Because now I have something to protect, and it is very odd indeed. There are a lot of things you have to amend to be in a monogamous relationship. I’ve had to readdress everything and start buying deck furniture. On the Titanic. Avoiding the constant icebergs. In the end, putting snowshoes on the bottom of it?”

On his tabloid-fueled rocker-sex-god persona: “Well, it seems obvious that to turn myself into a character—incredibly theatrical and rock-and-roll and languid and sexualized—was to emphasize areas where I was confident, to draw the eye from the obvious deficit of a man only just getting over being a junkie. I’ve very confident in the physical manifestation of a rocker. And there are aphorisms I still deem tight: the carnal self is the true self. In that barbaric, marauding period of promiscuity, there was a type of Aleister Crowley ‘Do what thou wilt’ as the sum of the law. That voice you use when you come? I was using it to perform. Not some distant, attic-dwelling emotion brought out occasionally, like a front room you never use except when the vicar visits. I was in there f-cking all the time.”

On coping with addiction: “The only way to cope is with a program. If you stop doing recovery, even eating too much chocolate, something will flare up, and I know where that leads, because I’ve been there before. To me, gravity is heroin, and then death.”

[From Details]

He talks about Katy and their marriage quite a bit, and I still feel… like it’s going to end up in disaster. I don’t think Katy and Russell really have the same goals in life, or for their marriage, and I think Russell is more in love with the idea that he’s a changed man rather than being in love with his wife. Plus, I feel very strongly that Russell’s true love is Dame Helen Mirren.


Photos courtesy of Details.

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65 Responses to “Russell Brand wants mainstream American acceptance: will he get it?”

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  1. teehee says:

    Ahhh… very good point that his wife is just proof to himself that he can be or is something new…

  2. gamblea says:

    My husband loves him, but he gives me the willies.

  3. Marc says:

    First of all he is not funny. Second he is disgusting his hair, his face yuck.

  4. Rita says:

    Mainstream America is a bit averse to purple leisure suits.

  5. Saskia says:

    I don’t think he’s especially funny. Certainly not funny enough to compensate for the fact that he looks like a Geico Caveman after a shave and a couple cans of mousse.

    So probably not great odds for long term mainstream success Stateside. We Americans are nothing if not shallow creatures.

  6. Quest says:

    I have a strange likin’ for him…he makes me laugh in a weird way and I wan’t him and Helen have a naughty hook up

    (sorry, my deranged mind is lacking caffine at the moment)

  7. sasa says:

    Why would you want that Russell?

    I find him too be very smart and very funny but his latest choices in life are confusing me. Some people are just not mainstream and that’s completely fine. It all seems so forced to me, this married man who wants general acceptance phase. He probably lost motivation for doing comedy and instead of reverting to bad habits decided to “change” so he doesn’t slip back. I think it’s a terrible idea.

  8. Beatrix says:

    I wish people will let go of his sex and drug addicted past and let him evolve.
    I’ve met Russell and I have to day he is a highly intelligent and charming GENTLEMAN.
    Go on YouTube and watch his show, Re:Brand if you get a chance.

    Anyway, while I think he and Katy look cute together, I feel that the marraige
    is a test for both of them. It seems as if they are trying to prove something to themselves.
    For Russell, it’s that he can be faithful and “function like a normal person”
    and for Katy, honestly I think it’s an act of rebellion for her.

    But we all know what will happen if Helen calls….lol

  9. NiceLady says:

    duh, why do you think he married who he did?

  10. guesty says:

    He’s so gross imo.

  11. Hollowdoll says:

    I think his act in general is funny. Wasn’t to impressed with his opening monologue on SNL. I think part of the problem is that he was trying to pander to middle america. I will see Arthur with him and the fabulous Dame Hellen Mirren. (I agree I think if she was interested he’d probably drop Katie in a hot second). Russell better step up and bring his A+ game, seeing he has the balls to think it could possibly be anywhere near as the original. I really, really wish Garner wasn’t in this movie.

  12. Sigh. says:

    The trailers for this flick does NOT look good (funny) to me.*

    Brand doesn’t seem to be trying very hard at all or something, and Garner looks like she needs to dial it back.

    I could be wrong, but so far…meh.

    *And yes, I am old enough to remember the existence of Dudley Moore/Liza Minnelli/John Gielgud (in his Oscar winning performance) in the original, and even the Oscar winning theme song, “Arthur’s theme/The Best That you Can Do,” but no, I did not see it til much later. I was too young then. So that’s not it.

  13. michkabibbles says:

    i was actually a big fan of his stand up before i knew anything about him as a person (or persona). if anyone has the slightest interest in him, i highly recommend his book (my booky wook). he’s incredibly honest about his nefarious past, the reasons why he did what he did, and how he came to recover. it’s funny and sad at the same time, and he’s got a great voice for storytelling. it’s an “easy” read. i can really respect him for the positive changes he’s made in his life.

  14. JoJo says:

    His only true love is of his own glorified self image. I bet he spends all day staring in the mirror practicing his “sexy” face. Yuk, that’s not my idea of a real man at all. He’ll never be mainstream America. Give me Clint Eastwood, Robert Redford or Paul Newman any day! You wouldn’t see any of them in a purple people eater crap suit.

  15. kiko says:

    i don’t give a crap about his past i just don’t find him that funny or hot or the photo with the purple suit will haunt me for life!!creepy!!!

  16. the original bellaluna says:

    Sometimes I find him funny, sometimes I don’t. But why, oh why, would he want to appeal to mainstream America? Does he know nothing about who that entails? Ugh. Stay original, dude.

  17. aenflex says:

    @Rita – speak for yourself!

  18. TQB says:

    Every time I read or see an interview with him, I’m sorry, I find him more charming. This one – the rambling introspection. I dig it. I agree I’m not sure where this marriage is going, but I likewise agree with @Beatrix that we need to let him move on from his past.

    Let me put it this way: of all the “sex” addicts out there in The Biz, he’s the only guy for whom I actually buy it was a legit addiction, and the only guy I believe actively struggles with and works on his recovery.

  19. faye says:

    God I hope not. He sucks.

  20. Dizzybenny says:

    I dont love him and i dont hate him.I just dont care!
    @12 Saw the trailer also and it looks really bad.It’s a comedy but i did not smile once looking at that trailer.
    At least it’s not in 3D 😉

  21. mln76 says:

    I am going to say it until I am blue in the face. People should read his book. It will change their opinion of him. This interview doesn’t surprise me in terms of it’s depth and maturity because in the book he shows how mature and insightful he is (It’s also very funny).And anyone who has the temerity to write an insightful autobiography is capable of alot. I don’t think he is a flash in the pan. I don’t think Katy is quite right for him and agree on the Helen Mirren match, I hope their marriage works out but yeah they seem way too different.

  22. Tiffany says:

    I like Brand and want to see the film but I agree with a previous commenter, not a fan of Garner. I have YouTubed and seen him on talk shows, the guy is very bright and likes America so I am not surprised that he wants to attract us as an audience. I think that he is funny, smart and observant, honest and matter of fact about his past so he is on my list.

  23. Racheal says:

    @ Rita: You are so very right. The last time I saw a purple suit was at prom. It was hysterical.

  24. Ally says:

    While I was in London, there was a promo on TV for Russell Brand’s award-winning or best-selling stand-up show or somesuch. So I watched it. An hour in, I was waiting for the funny to start. Lame beyond belief. A persona and nothing else. No content, no material, no jokes, not even a po-mo comic philosophy à la Izzard or Cho.

    The Brit theatre audience was eating it up, though, in a I-get-to-be-close-to-the-fella-Kate-Moss-shagged kind of way.

  25. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    Hey, we Americans run away from “MAINTSTREAM AMERICA”. Its boring and judgemental.

    Be yourself, stay out of the loop.

  26. Rita says:


    Apparently you and @aenflex don’t travel in the same circles or maybe she was at your prom. (Just kidding Ms Flex. I bet Johnny Depps’ Girl has a purple leisure suit in the back of her closet..Disco lives!!!!)

  27. Mae East says:

    I find him disarming–he’s delightfully articulate in his joke-telling.
    I agree with Kaiser’s skepticism regarding the longterm prospects of his marriage, though. I’ve read both his and her descriptions of the relationship and they both talk about their meeting in romantic comedy terms (she threw a water bottle at him and he instantly knew she was the woman strong enough to challenge him and nothing would ever be the same, etc.). I think that people who mythologize their meetings in the way that movies do are often disappointed by what comes after.

  28. sasa says:

    I admire him for personal growth and battling his addictions. I just don’t think marriage to Katy Perry and trying to be mainstream are a good choices for him. I could be wrong of course.
    For those of you who will not read his book and are interested in why some think he’s funny watch his interview with Craig Ferguson on Youtube.

  29. whitedaisy says:

    I like him. Very much. He is actually honest and open which is non-existent in celebrities. I find him to be charming, disarming and quite humorous.

  30. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    @ Rita.. sure do and just for you I am gonna pull that sucker out and wear it proudly to WALMART just for you!! 🙂

  31. Judy says:

    He needs to get a haircut, shave, and stop wearing those stupid skinny jeans that look ridiculous on him. If that’s his signature look (and it appears to be), he needs a new one. He’s just creepy looking.

  32. Feebee says:

    Why the hell would he want mainstream america’s approval? Who are they anyway? Are they the ones who make Two and a Half Men so popular?

    Brand’s brand of comedy can be funny (SNL wasn’t the best though) however he’s much funnier on the chat show circuit. He makes me laugh out loud in every interview. But it’s not all funny, he’s actually very intelligent and sometimes you have to listen well because what he says sometimes can’t be heard over the screaming of his visuals.

  33. jessica says:

    Please NO!!!

  34. Boromir's bytch says:

    The previews for Arthur make me laugh so I’ll go see the movie. I’ve liked his other movies so I guess I’m a fan.

  35. bluhare says:

    I like him. He’s smart and well spoken. He’s also pretty effing original.

  36. Rita says:


    Please, please, please include the white belt with white shoes and be sure to link us to pics!!!!

  37. Nanea says:

    I somehow like RB, although I can’t explain why. Like many others though, I’d rather see him with Dame Helen. (sorry Taylor & Katy)

    He’s also promoting Hop, where he’s voicing the Easter Bunny’s son and heir, EB.

  38. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    @ Rita.. no prob! Got those too!!
    I have to glitter myself up and find my short lace anklet socks.. then I will be ready!

  39. Rita says:


    Short lace anklet socks!!!! OMG,now you’re talking. Just wear the leisure jacket with a purple miniskirt and the rest and you’ve really sexed it up. Nostalgic haute couture is our new motto. Cut me in on the profits.

  40. Bodhi says:

    Why the hell would he want mainstream america’s approval? Who are they anyway? Are they the ones who make Two and a Half Men so popular?

    Hear hear!! I love Russell & find him to be hilarious! If he went all mainstream America he would be boring as 40 hells…

  41. sasa says:

    @Johnny Depp’s Girl @Rita
    I’m confused. You’re both regular posters here on CB, so why are you spamming up the place?

    On topic- I’m glad there are many people who like Russell. Sometimes the only comments he gets are bad and those are usually lame (something about appearance or wardrobe). Yes he looks and dresses strange, it’s been like that for a really long time. It’s his thing.

  42. lucy2 says:

    I don’t find him funny or at ALL attractive. His voice kind of grates too. He doesn’t seem stupid, I’ll give him that, and that’s great if he turned his life around, but I just have no interest in being a fan of his.

    I’ll be shocked if that marriage goes more than a few years.

  43. LittleDeadGirl says:

    @Rita. You gave me a much needed laugh! Thanks hun that was awesome … and I agree … he is not Tom Hanks although both have bad hair at this point in time …

  44. Zelda says:

    I like him.
    Ever see him on a British quiz show? Hilarious, smart, improvisational, original.
    I think the lamest thing he ever did was marry no-talent, obnoxious, thinks-she’s-not-but-SO-is-mainstream Katy Perry.

  45. Anti-icon says:

    I really like him. This interview is so intelligent. He has already been through the various addictions….and that does make his marriage and his career at odds….but even though he is young, he is still eccentric.

    I’m pulling for these two crazy kids…..I Really, Really Am. Because her background (Katy) is weird, too, with the fundamental christian parents….it’s like being in “recovery” all the time for her, as well.

    Good Luck Newlyweds!!!!

  46. jj says:

    Ummm… what does he DO exactly? I only know him from being with Katy Perry, and that’s bad enough. The trailer to Arthur looks horrible; his voice is so “thin” sounding he is just not funny to me. These celebrities today crack me up the way they say, “I want this or that” but don’t realize you have to EARN it, you don’t just get it handed to you. In other words, he has to be FUNNY to be accepted by mainstream America and until that happens, him saying that he wants that is not enough. Just like Beyonce and her Oscar; girl you gotta know how to act to get one of those, you just can’t wish for it. But JayZ will probably buy it for her eventually.

  47. jover says:

    He’s not that funny attacks tiresome and easy targets with his weak humor – and he’s completely mainstream. After all he’s completely a hollywood insider and player now – Why not take on the greed, stupidity and hypocrisy of hollywood. He’d never do it. Btw, Johnny Depp’s girl, get off your self-righteous moral pedestral non-mainstream America is every bit as judgemental as mainstream America – they just don’t have the intellectual honesty to admit it.After all, if you weren’t judgemental you would engage the tea baggers in honest debate not smear them as racists. (No, I’m not a tea bagger either.)

  48. sandy says:

    i like him, for all the reasons everyone else don’t, he is different, honest, not afraid to be himself, intelligent, eccentric, maybe not all that funny, but entertaining, stay original Russell, you will make it, lol i like his style, including the purple suit lol

  49. KsGirl says:

    I’m a big fan of RB, mostly through and of his stand up. He’s intelligent, brutally honest and funny as hell. I am, however, not convinced he’s kicked his addiction to fame/wanting to be famous. It’ll be interesting to see how the campaign to win over mainstream America works for him and, if he achieves it, whether or not he really wanted it in the first place. He strikes me as one of those people who will never relax, never be content with things how they are at the moment.

    That’s not criticism, btw. And I agree with the sentiments on his marriage – I just don’t see that working out longterm.

  50. Mia says:

    He’s funny in small doses. Very small doses. Anything more than that and he’s annoying as hell. He’s not attractive at all. Very greasy looking.

  51. Jess says:

    I don’t know. I always kind of want to root for newlyweds. If they work hard, they can make it. Maybe I’m naive.

  52. Kirsti says:

    He looks exactly like Weird Al now.

  53. Kim says:

    Hence why he marred Katy Perry. Oh come on we all know this was arranged marriage (to him) in order to gain popularity in America.

  54. guilty pleasures says:

    Love him, agree that it’s silly to strive to be acceptable to mainstream America, what is that anyway?
    He is adorable, irreverent, quirky, funny, and ROCKS a purple suit!!!

  55. tooey says:

    I LUUURRVVVEEE Russell and that whole bit there on the sex-god-rock persona made me perspire just a bit, my, my. Must buy this issue of Details! But I agree that he and Katy probably won’t last. He’s going to free himself to come after me. ;0

  56. craigc says:

    No! Douchebag! Go home!

  57. irock says:

    Never happen. Too hard on the eyes. And he looks like he smells!

  58. Emily says:

    I love him, I think he’s hilarious. I watched one of his DVDs the other day, and they way he spoke about Helen Mirren-if they aren’t/weren’t shagging, I’ll eat my hat collection.

  59. gg says:

    I agree with JoJo and bellaluna.

    My main aversion to him is his fake rocker persona thing. It’s an insult to real music rockers. You are not allowed to be called a rocker if you don’t play anything or sing. If you have no musical talent and dress and act like him you’re a Fop, not a Rocker.

    His condescending Dickensian chat show sentence structuring and “London” accent is designed to impress Americans who have never heard a genuine Brit speak. But most of us have, is the deal. I’m married to a Brit and I see straight through Russell and it ain’t pretty.

  60. Diva says:

    Love him, have for years, only Essex boy I still love (having previously been married to one of his countrymen)! It’s funny to see so many people making judgement calls on him based on his choice of clothing and hair product… and that’s what it is, ladies and gentlemen, product. You don’t get skin that flawless being dirty.

  61. Mario says:

    He’s so ugly and gross. He looks like a homeless drug addict, I wish he would just go away.

  62. kikay says:

    i dont find him funny at all 0-being funny,0-acting ability,0-looks department,… capability = crap

  63. REALIST says:

    See, this is my whole theory as to why he married Katy Perry-to break into the American market. I read “My Booky Wook”; he is extraordinarily intelligent and funny, but he is also given to addictions. He gave up drugs, but I still wonder about women. Also, the one consistent thread in his life once he discovered what he wanted to do has been AMBITION. Why not marry to further it? Wouldn’t be the first time.

  64. Rex says:

    Mainstream? Yeah right….

  65. JenJen says:

    No kidding, isn’t that why he married Katy?