Chris Brown gave GMA’s Robin Roberts permission to ask questions about Rihanna


Would you like to know how friggin’ dumb Chris Brown is? Robin Roberts and GMA producers got permission from Chris and his people BEFORE the interview to ask questions about Rihanna and how Chris beat the hell out of her. And Chris still punked out like a little bitch, like he hadn’t already given his permission to be asked those questions. Honestly, though, who should we be angrier with: Chris, for being such a dumb, violent, tantrumy child, or GMA for being so obsequious to a violent misogynist and chair/window-hater? I’m more pissed off at Chris, but I’m not happy with GMA:

Robin Roberts asked Chris Brown if she could question him about the Rihanna incident BEFORE the live interview began on “GMA” this morning … this according to sources connected to the production.

Sources tell TMZ … Roberts insists both she and other “GMA” staff members spoke with Chris before the interview and asked if it would be OK to fire off “a few questions” about the Rihanna incident … and Chris approved.

As TMZ first reported, Brown flipped out after the interview — and apparently smashed a window in his dressing room.

Robin is telling people at the show she did NOT try to set him up … and insists, “I’m pulling for the guy.”

As for the broken window, sources say no one in the studio saw Chris throw the chair into the window … but he was definitely in the dressing room when the window was smashed.

UPDATE 9:19 AM: After Roberts left the “GMA” building, she posted on her Twitter page, “Sure has been an interesting AM @GMA. Still sorting thru everything myself. Just my 2nd day on twitter, wonder what tomorrow will bring?”

[From TMZ]

I just feel like… everyone should just accept that Chris is over. His label should know that he’s over, the media outlets that give him air time and print space should accept that he’s over. I didn’t even want to give him any more space after the Rihanna junk, but he still gives interviews, he still gets major television appearances, and he still has fans – he has more than 2 million Twitter followers, for the love of God, and they follow his every oblivious tweet. When is this dumbass kid going to be over?

UPDATE: Radar reports that because GMA producers just called their in-house security and not the police, Chris Brown’s probation likely won’t be affected. Also: no one saw him break the window. But we all know the little psycho did it.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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73 Responses to “Chris Brown gave GMA’s Robin Roberts permission to ask questions about Rihanna”

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  1. anti says:

    just watched the video of the interview…

    “everything HE went through?!!!?! WTF?!”

    and he did play it like he didn’t give permission.

  2. OXA says:

    If he is on Dancing with the Stars next week I will not watch. I am hoping that ABC will ditch him.

  3. mln76 says:

    Unfortunately beating women doesn’t ruin your career. Charlie Sheen is a prime example.

  4. Anti-icon says:

    If anything, this prick was given special treatment to ASSURE his success……and that’s not right. (But I do think it’s appropriate, because it gave him the chance to show contrition….and he has none. He’s a violent offender who is till violent, obviously.

    And he blew it. Big Time.

    Good by loser.

  5. brin says:

    Well, he certainly is living down to his reputation. What a tool.

  6. lucy2 says:

    You know…reading the other post a small part of me was wondering if he, in a sick way, doesn’t enjoy all the attention this has brought him. He’s certainly much higher profile now than he was before everything.
    Is he that savvy/sick to encourage these confrontations just to stay more famous? Or just too stupid and childish to realize or accept what he agreed to?

  7. Katalina says:

    He’s over (finally), no doubt. The only thing he has going for him is the fact that 2 million people follow him on Twitter. And you have to figure that a large number of those just follow him to see what kind of dumb sh*t he’ll say next.

    Also – DWTS and ABC are being inundated with messages from fans saying they will stop watching if Brown is allowed to perform. I hope ABC bows to the public pressure. People calling and writing to express their disgust with this arrogant d-bag is the only thing that will get him gone FOREVER.

  8. The_Porscha says:

    The unfortuate thing is, the kid still sells albums and has high-performing singles, and that’s what drives me crazy. Money talks in this business and in Hollywood, and as long as he’s raking it in, he won’t be over, as bad as we want him to be.

    Now, I have to repeat what I’ve been saying ad nauseum for months: GET THIS KID A CAPABLE PUBLICIST AND COUNSELOR. If my money was behind this asshole, you’d better believe I’d get him some real help and tell him how to answer questions like a man, rather than a petulant child who’s gotten too big for his britches. He desperately needs to be taken down a few notches. Part of the reason he’s learned *nothing* is because he’s still making millions of dollars and has a lot fans. He really, really needs to lose that – although I don’t know how, if they’ll stick with him through this crap – in order to realize what a slimeball he is.

  9. hoganbcmj says:

    I don’t get it, but he’s more “not over” than ever. All over Twitter, industry people are supporting him, Brandy and Diddy to name a few. I don’t get why he isn’t totally over, but he’s far from it.

  10. j says:

    I love that he has always been the hand in his undoing – and that to this day, he still fails to see that.

    He didn’t lose the fame and fans because Rhianna fell on his fist, but he is the victim! And now, I hope ABC gives it to him, all again by his own actions, yet he will be eternally the victim – this is why I loathe him.

    Because he is such a selfish, disgusting, prick who only knows how to victimize himself.

  11. Isabel says:

    I don’t even know if the permission element matters to me.

    He has been given the choice of 2 paths in life…1. Man up and prove your worth, prove that you’ve changed, accept responsibility for your actions (no matter how perpetual) and develop your talents….or, 2. Be a pissant misogynist douchebag who learns nothing and expects everything.

    He chose his path. And he’ll ride it into obscurity.

  12. Westcoaster says:

    Storming out of the studio if he did not know the questions about Rhianna were going to be asked I can see(many celebrities do that if they do not like the questions being asked). But he gave permission for the questions to be asked and then he gets angry and throws a chair through a window? It almost sounds like he was on something(bad batch perhaps?)

  13. mmf says:

    He is not on DWTS.
    Did I miss something?

  14. Wendy City says:

    Acting a fool works for Charlie Sheen…

  15. The_Porscha says:

    mmf: He is supposed to perform on an episode of DWTS, apparently, coming up soon. The people that want him off want ABC to cancel his performance.

  16. mmf says:

    Thank you Porscha.

  17. Saskia says:

    Chris Brown still has a successful career for the same reason Charlie Sheen’s tour shows are selling out in minutes. People are messed up and willing to talk themselves in circles making excuses for famous jackholes they “admire.”

    Sometimes celebrities commit acts of violence and then spend the rest of their lives crying about how they’ve been victimized and there will always be people who fall for it and make excuses for them. It’s gross and awkward and shameful, but it happens all the time. Natalie Portman publicly denounced John Galliano recently because he got drunk and said a bunch of disgustingly stupid stuff in a bar, but Portman is also the same woman who equated eating meat with committing rape and then turned around and signed a petition in support of Roman Polanski. She’s Harvard educated but she’s still dumb as a damn box of hair and was one of MANY people to go on the record in support of an admitted child molester. Life is just fucked up that way sometimes.

    As for Chris Brown, probably the fastest way to be rid of him would be to patronize him. It would be a wonderful thing if every time he had another tantrum, the world at large just rolled their eyes and went “Awww, does widdle Chwis need some naptime?” With any luck, his head would explode from rage. Problem solved!

  18. irishserra says:

    The sad thing is you will still have low-IQ little bitches defending this trash and buying his shit music. Ugh.

  19. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    He’s probably thinking, Where are my paddles??

  20. CoffeeTalk says:

    Let’s hope (though its extremely unlikely) that ABC will get enough complaints about Chris Brown that they’ll cancel his appearance.

    Unfortunately, chances are, his cruel mug will be front and center and people will clap and cheer.

  21. DoMaJoReMc says:

    While I, in no way, condone what he did to Rihanna, I REALLY thought he was trying to turn his life around. He did his public service and seemed like he was really sorry about what happened. And if Rihanna could forgive him enough to ask the courts to relax the restraining order, who am I to judge? I was actually looking forward to his performance next week on DWTS to see how much he has ‘grown’ and ‘changed’. Well, I guess I will not look forward to his performance after his ‘performance’ this morning. He really HAD the chance to turn his life around and I would say he blew it.

    To be fair, tho, I wish the questions about the Rihanna incident would stop. It’s over and in the past. Let it go. Enough with the questions, already. We know what happened.

  22. citmyway says:

    I agree that he will never have a career again and everyone should just accept that. This only proves that he still has SERIOUS anger issues!! I don’t understand why when celebs do shit like this they sugar coat it saying “noone saw him do it”. HELLO PR people if nothing else spin it like “yeah, he’s a bad ass, so….” lets not pretend he didn’t do it. I don’t think there is anything that will ever salvage his career. I’ve known that since all this happened. Just call me Cleo……

  23. Katalina says:


    While I understand that the Rihanna questions may seem tiresome to some people, the fact remains that it is not the kind of incident that will just fade away. People are always going to ask about it.
    Also, I have yet to see an interview in which he actually seems contrite and to understand just how awful what he did was. Everything I have read from him about the incident is him blaming beating the sh*t out of a woman on “being young” and has made it all about what the effects of it were TO HIM. He’s a spoiled, entitled little piece of garbage who thinks that because he did some court-ordered community service, everybody should forget about it. Apparently he already has and we’re all just a bunch of meanies who expect him to own up to what he did.

  24. happygirl says:

    Unbelievable. So, because the cops weren’t called, he hasn’t technically “broken” his probation?? WTH?

    Ugh. Tool.

  25. Alex says:


    In this case she wasn’t asking questions about ‘the incident’ that happened 2 yrs ago, she was asking questions related to the restraining order – which is recent news. I personally thought her questions were fair. He was acting like a douche – completely inarticulate as well. Painful to watch.

    And since he knew about the questions ahead of time his violent outburst after is all the more frightening.

  26. Alicia says:

    Chris Brown is a jackass, what he did was reprehensible and he should be punished.

    But Mr. Sheen, who has hit his wives, pulled guns on them and done who knows what else gets to go on late night shows, kiss the host and everyone laughs, sells out arenas and makes more money and now we hear CBS wants him back.

    It is the horrid double standard that gets me angry. Both are idiots but one rightfully has to face questions and the other just skates.

  27. gg says:

    Him and Kanye, man – this is why I love self-glorifying rappers soooo much … 🙄

  28. DoMaJoReMc says:

    @ Katalina and Alex:

    Good point…well taken. I really was hoping for him to grow up. Sadly, it seems that it is not going to happen. Too bad…he had such an opportunity to make something of himself. Talk about pissing it away :/

  29. TQB says:

    Yeah, this totally demonstrates how seriously he took his arrest and rehabilitation for his earlier uncontrolled anger incident. It’s totally just a “mishap” from his past that people should get over and stop asking about. He’s totally a grown-ass man who’s way beyond that sort of thing. Totally.

  30. Venus says:

    Roberts is “pulling for the guy?” Um, can I ask why the eff is she “pulling for” this douche?
    Personally, I’m glad it happened — just shows he hasn’t learned a thing & doesn’t deserve a second chance.

    @Alicia: You are right about the double-standard with Chris Brown & Charlie Sheen — unfortunately for Chris Brown (and I’m saying that sarcastically) his victim (that we know of) was more famous than he was and thus was seen as someone who “didn’t deserve that.” Charlie Sheen, OTOH, “just” abuses porn stars & gold diggers (like Denise Richards). Society finds the “kind of women” that Charlie abuses “acceptable” to abuse — you know, those “sl*ts” got what they deserved kind of thing. Sad, but true.

  31. kas says:

    “no one saw him break the window…”

    Maybe the window fell.

    Brown has those idiotic followers that keep saying he “deserves another chance”. And each time he pulls something like this, they just re-up with the “another chance” BS.

  32. Rita says:

    Let’s not be so quick to judge. Maybe Chris ducked when Robin Roberts threw the chair….could’ve happened.

  33. caramia says:

    Once a thug, always a thug thug thug

  34. demaderas says:

    Everyone already knows that Chrissie Boy is a pure punk–it’s really Robin Roberts who should be ashamed by this incident. “It’s serious…what happened to you, what you went through”: Roberts’ choice of language is ridiculously timid, journalistically irresponsible. Grow a set, Robin. It’s what Chrissie Boy did–not what “happened to him”–that is serious.

  35. cremesoda says:

    wow, so happy to read that there are smart ppl in the world that don’t keep condoning these idiotic celebs behavior. I personally don’t watch or support this loser or charlie sheen so I guess Chris forgot that sure plenty of ppl will forgive and support Sheen but they’re the same type of dumb dumbs that would support him too. Have you seen the comments on other sites? Bossip is full of low iq “team breezy” kids bragging about how they spent their lunch money to buy this tool’s cd

  36. Macey says:

    Im soo tired of hearing about him and Rihanna too but he should have handled this differently to get the public to think he’s really matured and changed for the better. I dont know his music at all so Im not sure about his fan base but this was just dumb. I actually wish they would both go away. Rihanna has been shoved down our throats every since that happened. I doubt anyone would be playing her music today or she would have had the exposure she had if this had not happened. Not that i condone it or anything b/c I dont, but lets face, it did help her ‘career’.

  37. happygirl says:

    @ Rita ~ L.M.A.O.!!
    Hey…anything’s possible, right! 😉

  38. original kate says:

    still a douchebag, i see.

  39. Anaya says:

    There is a double standard. A HUGE one. I don’t think it matters than Rihanna is a celebrity while Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson’s women are considered “gold diggers” or porn stars. I truly hate to say this but I think race is an issue as to why Charlie and Mel are given second chance after second chance and yet with Chris so many are saying he’s over, spoiled, this and that. Now that I’ve placed the race card on the table let me add this.

    I do not condone domestic violence by anyone of any sex, race, occupation, rich or poor. Charlie, Mel, and Chris are all disturbed. Each of them have F’d up countless times publicly and privately. We don’t have to agree with how they choose to treat their anger or drug problem, even if they refuse treatment like Charlie has, but if the media and others are going to select which one of these guys deserves to be forgiven or maybe which they like the best or which is more bankable or tolerable then they should treat all of them exactly the same.

    Chris still has a huge fan base as does Mel and Charlie. How is it that certain ones aren’t to be forgiven and others are? One isn’t any better than the other so stop with all the he’s over and I’m so angry bullcrap. Either be pissed at ALL of them, stay that way and don’t buy their music, watch them on tv and movie screens or drop the hypocrisy all together.

  40. truetalk says:

    @Kas;”maybe d window fell” LOL!

  41. Whatever says:

    I said on the last post that I hoped other talk shows would cancel his appearances after this. I just read on Popeater that DTWS may cancel his appearance because of his bitch fit this morning at GMA. I really hope they do. I’ve never watched DTWS, but if they kick his punk ass off, I may start watching.

    Please with the race crap. It has nothing to do with race and there are plenty of apologists on the other thread pulling for this douche. A more obvious difference is that he beat her unconscious and the picture of her poor face shows how badly he beat her. Not excusing the other two fools, but there is no picture of Oksana’s face beaten, cut, swollen and bruised like the pic of Rihanna. Both are bad, but Chris really beat the hell out of her. Honestly, I wasn’t even sure that was Rihanna when I first saw it.

    Oh and no double standard or racism in court either. Both got a bullshit sentence with no jail time and just a bit of community service and probation. Charlie got even less. Also, I fail to see where Mel is getting a second chance. People hate his ass. Charlie, on the other hand, well that’s a different story. No idea why.

  42. Ashley says:

    As far as the Charlie Sheen/Mel Gibson comparisons – what about the fact that Chris Brown’s demographic is YOUNG, IMPRESSIONABLE kids, whereas Mel and Charlie aren’t? I feel like that deserves considering.

    I wonder how we would respond if, say, The Bieber flipped and beat the crap out of Selena Gomez. Would he be forgiven in 3 years, or would he still face scrutiny? I kind of feel like it would depend on how he handled it.

    I wish more people felt contempt for Charlie Sheen. The whole situation grosses me out.

  43. truetalk says:

    reminding people of other idiots who did d same thing u did is immature and shows you’re not ready to take responsibility for your own actions.
    meanwhile,having a lot of followers on tweeter sometimes means people wants to be the first to know what stupid thing u say next

  44. TQB says:

    Why are we even talking about any other famous women beaters? Everything Brown’s said about being reformed, or learned from the past, or keeping the past in the past went out the window he broke. He’s a violent person with anger management problems. So are lots of other people, but that doesn’t make Brown any better/worse.

  45. Kat says:

    He’s a narcissistic, woman beating, irreformable douche. I will enjoy his slide into obscurity.

  46. dragonlady sakura says:

    First of all, it was the windows fault. It antagonized him and deserved what it got.

  47. Deeta says:

    His career is not over.. his last album is pretty decent and considering the rest of current artists he is pretty talented (yes – the bar is very low).

    The fact that he beat up a woman.. is just news because he happened to beat a famous woman. Nobody else gives a crap if the woman isnt famous.

    His career will only be over when he stops making money for other people.

  48. Fire says:

    Two things about this little addendum to this morning’s outburst leaves me dumbfounded.

    One – he GAVE PERMISSION to ask about Rihanna but he acted like he knew nothing about it and seemed very rude to Robin when she did ask about it. Why give permission?

    Two – if he knew about it beforehand, why, oh why, didn’t SOMEBODY in his “breezy” bunch coach him on how to answer it without looking like an asshat and filling with rage? Seriously WTF?! Does he not have a PR guy or something? Why not say “you know, it’s been a difficult two years with all the backlash, etc. but I’ve learned a lot, have been working on myself, and turned that energy into my new album” or some crap like that. Then she might have dropped it and maybe he wouldn’t have had that outburst. Then John Q. Public might have been like “dang, this guy seems like he’s changed.” Now he just looks like a provoked animal.

    But, I have to admit, he definitely drummed up a lot of press. Maybe that = album sales??

  49. Anaya says:

    The point I am making is that there is a difference in how other sites are covering the story as well as how some people are reacting to it. I only brought up Mel and Charlie because they’ve been in the news a lot recently and they’ve been accused of domestic violence and having problems dealing with their anger. I think they all have gotten a slap on the wrist when they went before a judge.

    I remember when I went to TMZ and was reading comments there on a Mel thread there was/is a huge amount of support for him which is mind-boggling. I think it’s gross. It doesn’t matter if it’s a slap or a beating. They’re both wrong. I’m not standing up for Chris Brown. It’s just weird how at first there was so much disgust and hate for 2 of these men, even polls asking about fairness and forgiveness which the majority of people voted yes. Then with Chris the outrage is still there. I was thinking why is it that the media and a certain percentage of the public seemingly has lightened up on Mel and Charlie but they want Chris’s career over for good. I don’t think it’s just race but also wealth and fame that plays a part in this and other cases like it.

  50. melinda says:

    @Anaya- I think all 3 of these men are dispicible. None of them get a pass in my book. They all behaved in a horrifying manor and got nothing but a slap on the wrist. None are sorry for their actions, but it seems like CB is more vocal specifically about what happened between him and Rihanna, and is obviously not sorry for what he did. He is so overwhelmingly stupid, he isn’t even capable of doing any damage control for himself, he just acts like the violent, pathetic, a*&hole that he is. I think a lot of people wanted to give him a second chance, (myself not included) but there isn’t anything redeemable about his character and he can’t seem to hide it.

  51. Whatever says:

    reminding people of other idiots who did d same thing u did is immature and shows you’re not ready to take responsibility for your own actions.

    So true. I have this problem with my 8 and 10 year old CHILDREN when I reprimand them for something. They will sometimes say, “Well she….” and I have to remind them that we are talking about you and not your sister. Of course, he is not 8 or 10, just acts like it.

  52. ordinarygirl86 says:

    I swear to God I WILL watch Dancing with the Stars all season LONG- if they tell this fucker he CANNOT perform on their show!

  53. Ruffian9 says:

    Punk-ass loser piece of s–t asshole.

    And girls swarm him. Unbelievable.

  54. memememe says:

    Side question because I don’t understand anything about this douchebag: Why does he refer to himself as Breezy? WTH does that even mean?

  55. craigc says:

    Nothings gonna happen!!!!
    He’ll just get more famous… Our society has a habit of awarding people who are infamous.
    He’ll write a book, make more millions, and all of his fans will still love him.
    sad but true!

  56. leah says:

    ^^ Above quote “but it seems like CB is more vocal specifically about what happened between him and Rihanna, and is obviously not sorry for what he did. He is so overwhelmingly stupid, …
    “is so overwhelmingly stupid” Exactly x2! This is why some people in the media are NOT supporting him. (Sadly a lot are blaming Robin. Ugh) Charlie just lets it all hang out and atleast Mel is trying/is staying out of trouble after the voicemails came out. Sheen’s honesty or his exaggerations (because I think he’s just playing a character now to mess with people) aren’t in the media to convince them of anything like how he’s changed, doesn’t give out faux sorry-s etc but Chris acting that way when he is obviously NOT is deceiving and people not just the sites hate that. This isn’t the first idiotic comment from Brown remember. He has never realized what he did is wrong. I just think he doesn’t listen to pr people either because I’m sure they told him what to say. He still got a candycoated question from Roberts. Also, I saw a lot of anger about Mel’s sentence which I was happy about when he got the same one Chris did, both for same things heck even after that picture of Ri bloody came out. This is the norm though. I’ve read a lot of non famous people who get the same slap on the wrist.

  57. jemshoes says:

    @ memememe

    Me too! So I googled “Chris Brown” and “Team Breezy” and this, apparently, is a support group / fan base for Chris Brown on Facebook and Twitter. I don’t care enough to research any more than this. 😉

  58. gg says:

    @Anaya – I totally hear what you’re saying, but if you mean by “second chance”, how they each handled their press after their publicly embarrassing criminal behavior, that was their second chance. Let’s look at that and compare the three:

    Each handled his own press differently.

    1. Charlie broadcasted and admitted his three-way relationship, and went on televised rants and people wanting to see a trainwreck will pay to see him kill himself. Charlie PRs himself and makes money deals all day, and it’s paying off. He’s a salesman and an actor and he has a crazy rant screenplay in his head and acting talent. But anybody with morals is still revolted by him.

    2. Mel hid out completely for a few months and was only shown going to meetings, being careful that he did not grab his crotch or seem to be having a good time, did chat shows and acted contrite, looked deep into their eyes, and used language like, “what I did was wrong and I take full responsibility “, etc., and sounded fairly contrite, but then he kept getting busted for driving under the influence and then beating his girlfriend, people went, “meh, what a #$% creep”. He’s trying to remake his image and I don’t see anybody at all buying it.

    3. Chris was photographed wearing a huge bling necklace that said “OOPS”, was shown in the surf and sun on vacay, issued no comments at first but when he did they were strangely third person, and was seen out enjoying himself in photos. Then he started striking out and saying belligerent things on twitter. I will give him credit for saying some positive tweets, but ineloquently typing in all caps every negative vibe he throws gets old. Then he goes on a few chat shows and looks down on the floor and says a few noncommittal sentences about “what happened to him”, and acts insincere. He gets no jail time, and has to pick up trash and now he’s all done. Years later, he is now saying he’s a “grown ass man” so people need to stop bringing up the Rhihanna thing and now he blows up and throws a chair at a *tv station*(the worst place in history to throw a hissy – he couldn’t just wait till he got home??) after another impatient interview. This is called striking out at detractors instead of being positive. This is a really bad move. Why he had no statement ready from his PR person, I have no idea! It was suicide for him, since he can’t think on his feet, same as Kanye.

    My entire point is, he handled his own press horribly and did not act contrite, and bloodying a woman violently is far worse than even Mel or Charlie’s crimes. None of them went to jail, which they all deserved, except Mel for a few cumulative hours whilst drunk.

    So, to all the defenders, *this* is why people are so disgusted with him – he acted like a child after it, and has not moved on himself. He needed acting lessons and a script if he is so out of control that he cannot act like a remorseful adult man.

    :: steps off box ::

  59. Liana says:

    so stop with all the he’s over and I’m so angry bullcrap. Either be pissed at ALL of them, stay that way and don’t buy their music, watch them on tv and movie screens or drop the hypocrisy all together.


    I think all three of them are revolting individuals and from what I have seen around here, so do the majority of posters. I see little to no hypocrisy.

  60. What a stupid piece of shit. I’d like to see him throw a punch at something his own size now that he’s effectively mastered beating down women and inanimate objects.

    Throw him, Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson in a room together and let them each get a taste of their own medicine.

  61. d says:

    I think Chris B stopping growing when he became famous and got in showbiz, so regardless of his age, he might as well be 17. He has been and is coddled way too much and has not been taught – or has not learned – how to conduct himself, how to behave in public, and how to take responsibility. So of course when the slightest pressure’s on, he acts immature, of course he acts out. I also think he became more famous than he was capable of handling, which has been clearly evident by his actions. He wasn’t and isn’t yet capable of handling the fame, the pressure, and responsiblities professionally. He can’t express himself clearly because he just doesn’t know how, can’t think under stress. And he knows it all this and that’s why he gets frustrated so easily. IMO. I agee with theprevious poster who said he’ll be around as long as he makes people money.

    Anyway, so expecting him to be contrite or remorseful or even to understand is expecting too much. It won’t happen and you can’t force it either. It’s like with some abusers. If you wait for them to apologize and feel bad, you’ll wait forever, because some people just will never get there. They either can’t or won’t and some even enjoy your suffering because they know you’re waiting for their apology, which they won’t give. You need to move on without it.

    That he make his album all about him speaks volumes. I mean, I’m kind of embarrassed for him.

    He either needs to fire his PR or learn to listen to them for once — if they’re any good at all – because rightly or wrongly on the interview, he needs to learn how to conduct himself in public if he wants to repair his image. But of course, I’m sure he doesn’t think he needs to repair anything, etc., etc.

  62. jb says:

    You should known better put guy on TV same day the album coming out. This going happen everytime someone bring up Rihanna, he need to learn peoples going do that he from safe from BET…

  63. Sassy says:

    Ok…I’m not a lawyer, & didn’t sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night….but how about this for “justice” for Chris…Can’t someone bring a civil suit against him for endangering people’s lives walking on the sidewalk below where the jagged, dangerous shards of glass rained down? Ok, so “no one actually saw him throw the chair at the glass wall?” Who gives a shit? The burden of proof is “less” in a civil suit. The burden of proof comes down to subpoenaing everyone who was in that room w/Chris. If one of his “people” takes the fall for him…we’d all know that, but ultimately it’s Chris Brown who has the $$$$. Does anyone agree? I’ll tell you THIS MUCH…if I was an innocent bystander on that sidewalk when the glass came down, you’d BET YOUR BOTTOM DOLLAR I’d SUE THE SHIT OUT OF THAT self-entitled snot!

  64. Saskia says:

    “My entire point is, he handled his own press horribly and did not act contrite, and bloodying a woman violently is far worse than even Mel or Charlie’s crimes.”


    I’m certainly not trying to make concessions for Mel Gibson or Chris Brown, both of whom I think are disgusting and in desperate need of anger management (and better management in general) but I’d just like to point out that Charlie Sheen shot Kelly Preston back when they were engaged. HE SHOT HER. Like, with a gun. I don’t know WHY people are so keen to forget that shit ever happened. HE SHOT HIS GIRLFRIEND.

    Also, Mel Gibson may not have “bloodied” Oksana Whatsherface, but he did smack her when she was holding a newborn, and those things are weak and break really easily. They can’t even hold up their own head.

    At this point, it’s pretty ridiculous to sit around and try to figure out which of these three asshats (Brown, Gibson and Sheen) is marginally less revolting than the others. Ain’t a one of them who’s worth much of anything, as far as I can see.

  65. Annie says:

    @ Saskia – Yes, it was VERY scary what Charlie Sheen did to Kelly and even more frightening that people and the media especially seem to have forgotten about it. But I don’t agree that what Chris did is any less disturbing. It’s not as if all he did was throw a punch on Rihanna in the heat of an argument- he beat her until both her eyes were swollen shut, BIT her and then he tried to strangle her until she blacked out and dumped her off alone leaving her for dead. Allegedly he was shouting “I’m gonna kill you” the whole time too. In short he went after her like a rabid dog. Now what if he’d had a knife nearby? The day after he showed no concern about Ri’s welfare and was only concerned about if the cops were onto his ass yet.

    While I believe anyone can turn their lives around whatever they’ve done, the reality is that in most cases deeply disturbed psychopathic behaviour such as this tends to get worse with age, not better, so for Chris stans to dismiss it as a youthful “oops” incident is delusional. A youthful mishap would be something like calling Rihanna fat on TV – something immature and hurtful but trivial like that not beating her senseless. What he did was not a “mishap” but the result of something deep inside his psychology. Does Chris deserve a second chance?Perhaps, but not for a very long time after say he’d been to college and held a real job and when there’s some sort of EVIDENCE he’s really changed – like say having no violent outbursts for 5-8 years. He certainly does NOT deserve to be given a second chance immediately and for free without even having to answer any questions about the incident. His attitude right now is “just shut the f up forget it and let me promote my music”. Sorry Chris, it just doesn’t work that way, you’ll either have to go away for good or actively demonstrate that you’ve changed.

    About Mel – I agree this is not quite as serious. He has a big temper problem for sure but I don’t think he could ever have actually killed Oksana or intentionally harmed his child.

  66. Annie says:

    I’d just like to add that I’m not saying that there’s no double standard when it comes to Sheen vs Brown and race probably does have something to do with how people judge them but the fact remains that Chris WAS given a second chance (WAY sooner and easier than he deserved imo) by the music industry and much of the public since his young age worked in his favor. People love to see a bad kid turn out good unlike Sheen who at almost 50 is considered a lost cause so people don’t really care what he does as much. It’s to be expected that interviewers ask questions about the violence – he’s the type of person people’s kids will want to listen to or the interviewer’s own young rels might be fans of. His target audience is the same as Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift’s rather than the adult crowd. If you’re considering buying your 14 year old this guy’s music don’t you think you have a right to know if this is a nice kid with a temper problem who’s doing his best to turn around or a raging headcase who’s likely to kill someone soon? I don’t think that question was in any way out of line or a ‘double standard’.

  67. Saskia says:

    “But I don’t agree that what Chris did is any less disturbing.”

    Whoa, I never said it was. Chris Brown has repeatedly demonstrated that not only does he have anger management issues and a nasty temper, but a ready willingness to act on it with no regard for the physical safety of those around him and a refusal to sincerely apologize for it after the fact, to the point that he talks about it in terms of “what happened to him” and victimizes himself, lashing out physically when confronted with the facts of his own past actions. That’s not just violent behavior, it fits with the clinical definition of sociopathic behavior.

    I want to reiterate that I was in no way attempting to make any of these dudes look “better” than the others when lined up like psychotic ducks in a row. They’ve all gone out of their way to demonstrate what worthless human beings they are in recent years, and I think it’s a waste of time to argue about which ones might fare better by comparison. Can it ever be arguably better or worse to try and kill someone with your bare hands versus using a weapon? There is no better here. There isn’t even any decency here.

  68. Peg says:

    This guy is a nut job waiting to go off. I was slow to give him a second chance, but I did watch him on SNL. Now the stupid dick pic that he seems so proud of and this temper tantrum are too much. Any kind of support for this behavior only feeds into his sense of entitlement and that he has been the wronged party. Like any other deluded abuser, he probably thinks that GMA is at fault as is Rhianna. Eff him. He’s nfg and I’m done.

  69. Eve says:

    Personally, I’m glad it happened — just shows he hasn’t learned a thing & doesn’t deserve a second chance.

    @ Venus:

    Me too.

    And people, stop calling this idiot a “kid”, he’s a f*cking adult who should know the difference between right and wrong. In fact, you don’t even have to be an adult to know that.

  70. Offended says:

    Disgusted that someone who clearly has no remorse has been given an opportunity to be sincere if it was just one incident that he lost his temper. He proves that he has an anger issue and no desire to control it.

  71. Eve says:

    He looks like an OJ Simpson in the making.

  72. Pink Elephant says:


    “Failed Anger Management Education”

  73. gg says:

    He’s making serious moolah $$$ out of this little episode – I just heard on Inside Edition that a song on his new album is #1 on iTunes now.