Jennifer Love Hewitt & Alex Beh broke up after nine months


Is it the correct use of “ironic” to say “It’s ironic that Jennifer Love Hewitt goes by ‘Love’ since she’s so unlucky in love?” I think that’s correct. It would be like me going by the nickname “Slim” or “Flatsy” or “Blondie” – also things that are not true. So Love has failed at love once again. According to Us Weekly, Love and Alex Beh are done after “nearly a year together.” According to our archives, they lasted about nine months. Nine months is… not bad. Especially when you consider that Love already has three potential engagement rings picked out at Tiffany’s, and that she’s incapable of NOT whoring her latest relationship out to the press, forever and always. When you look at it that way, Alex is a trooper for hanging in there for so long. Oh well… now we know why Love has been wearing so many muumuus lately. Breakup, ice cream, The Pear Ass. Bless her heart.

Jennifer Love has lost in love again. After nearly a year together, Jennifer Love Hewitt has parted ways with beau Alex Beh, her rep confirms to Us Weekly.

“They haven’t been dating for a little while,” the rep adds.

Us first reported that Hewitt was dating actor-director Beh in late July 2010 following her March split from Ghost Whisperer costar Jamie Kennedy.

In the wake of her Beh breakup, “She’s doing well,” a pal tells Us.

Back in February, all was well with Hewitt, 31 and her man. “He buys me flowers every day,” she told Us in an NYC fashion week event. “Ever since we met. Every single day — I’m serious! He’ll either give me a bouquet, or handpick one. So sweet!”

No matter her relationship status, the TV vet told Ellen DeGeneres in January that she she has three Tiffany engagement rings picked out — just in case.

“I actually have three because I feel like I’m doing the guy a favor,” she said. “I feel like I don’t want to be upset if he picks a bad ring.”

[From Us Weekly]

Sigh… will she ever find The One? Or did she already find him and she just scared him off with how needy, controlling and clingy she is? I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve said this to Love, but I’ll just say it again: she needs to spend some time alone. Just stop dating for a while. Be without a boyfriend, find out how to rely on herself without defining herself as The Girlfriend of, The Fiancée of, the Psycho Stalker of –. The girl barely goes a month alone without picking up a new boyfriend, and of course we have to hear all about how This Guy is The One, to the point where she’s had a dozen Ones in a decade. Enough! Take a break, Love!





Photos courtesy of WENN.

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24 Responses to “Jennifer Love Hewitt & Alex Beh broke up after nine months”

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  1. brin says:

    AMEN, Kaiser. She needs to stop looking for the next guy and spend time alone so she won’t look like Jennifer Desperation Hewitt.

  2. postaldog says:

    Maybe she and Jennifer Aniston can start a club together since they both seem incapable of hanging onto a guy and both are so desperate to be seen with someone.
    Pity, she tries so hard and seems in such a state of denial about everything from her hips to her personal life.
    She probably should spend some time alone, but I expect she’ll have the hooks out for the next “ring buyer.”

  3. lucy2 says:

    She tells everyone she has 3 engagement rings all picked out…gee wonder why it ended?

  4. Krista says:

    In the third picture down, Jennifer looks just like Alyson Hannigan. They look like identical twins! Wow, I never noticed that before!

  5. PrettyTarheel says:

    She, Jessica Simpson, and Jennifer Aniston should form a support group: Women with issues who John Meyer has dicked over.

  6. Matt says:

    Yes, she needs to learn how to be on her own for a while. she bases her whole personality and career around her relationships. I like her though, she seems flawed but in a normal way.

  7. brin says:

    @Pretty Tarheel…lol, a/k/a Six degrees from John Mayer’s dong.

  8. Samigirl says:

    She is just in love with the idea of being in love. My mother was the exact same way. God bless any children she has, because it will f them up.

  9. pebbles says:

    girl, please……
    I am not worried for her….
    she’s only 31, she’s gorgeous……
    something tells me that she will be just fine.

  10. mln76 says:

    ITA about girls like her if she takes a year off of dating and works on herself she’ll probably find ‘the one’.

  11. NayNay says:

    I hate to say it, but who didn’t see this coming. Desperation is a HUGE turnoff to guys, and well come on, she took the poor guy ring shopping, and was going to buy her own ring (I think I remember reading that somewhere.) I agree with everyone that she needs to take some time for herself to find out exactly who Jennifer is. Then, hopefully, she will become a more independant person.

  12. sapphire says:

    @brin-and two out of three have beady little eyes.

  13. Roma says:

    The problem is that Jennifer can’t have sex with someone without thinking that she’s going to marry them.

    She needs to have a one night stand with a hot Australian surfer to realize random dong can be awesome. Maybe then she’ll understand it’s okay to be by yourself and wait until she meets someone that will love her.

    Because come one. Jamie Kennedy? Really, girl?

  14. Melanie says:

    She is a perfect Chicos size 2.

  15. Roxy75 says:

    Can she please not always have a guy. I hate that some women are afraid to be lonely…they always need a guy and put up with anything that gives them attention. She is so better than this. She is gorgeous, cute as a button and worth it!

  16. edvard says:

    he should change his Beh to a Meh

  17. Kasey says:

    This time I can’t say I didn’t see this coming. The weight gain, the frumpy, ill-fitting fashion choices, the abundance of candids of her in her wacky clothing sans Alex I’m actually surprised we’re only just now hearing about their split. I figure either she gave him an ultimatum to define the relationship and where it was going and it wasn’t heading where she wanted so she got out (nothing wrong with that) OR he stopped bringing her her daily delivery of flowers.

    @Roma, I agree with your assessment but actually offer a different solution. I think that since she can’t have sex with someone without thinking she is going to marry them and because she is so traditional in her thinking (marriage then the baby carriage and definitely marriage and a baby carriage), she needs to 1-only seriously date guys who are also desirous of that same thing and with her AND 2-stop having sex with guys she is not married to. I honestly believe it’ll save her time, embarrassment and dignity if she changes her ways.

    Let me be clear, I am saying she should no longer have sex until it is with THE PERSON SHE IS MARRIED TO. Any guy who is willing to get to know her and deal with her and her issues and actually wait until they are married is probably more likely to be in it for the long haul and want what she wants as well as what she has to offer. Great example, Nick Lachey who was the BEST thing that ever happened to Jessica Simpson. Also, I strongly believe the amount of guys out there like this are few and far between so she’ll have to be by herself for a while and if something doesn’t work out she’ll be waiting by herself for a while for the next guy. Because of this she’ll have greater opportunity to become more level-headed and could actually be detached enough to evaluate herself and what she wants and whether or not she needs to change that or how she is going about it as well as the fact that she should be treated better than she is allowing herself to be treated and could do better. She has been giving away the milk for free, coming off desperate and never any closer to what she claims to desire from life for so long I think its a bad habit she needs to change. I realize my 2 cents will probably come across as conservative and prudish (I’m okay with that) and let’s be honest, what she has been doing is NOT working so she needs to go about it differently.

  18. LindyLou says:

    ITA with most posters – maybe she should just stay single for awhile and learn to be happy by herself…and she should buy herself a diamond and forget about being married.

  19. Lila says:


    Couldn’t agree more!

  20. meilamon says:

    She should have just married Carson Daly all those eons ago. At least he proposed.

  21. colt13 says:

    She probably asked him if she looked good in the first outfit, and he probably couldn’t lie with a straight face.

  22. Joanna says:

    Why does everybody think he dumped her? How do they know she didn’t dump him? And duh, she’s a stacked, pretty woman, of course, she can have plenty of bfs. We don’t dissect every famous guy’s breakups, we just save it for the women. So Typical.

  23. Kasey says:

    @colt13 LMOL! You are so wrong for that but so funny! Thanks for my first joke of the morning (all the way in Eurasia).

  24. DARREN says:

    you look hot in this picture i have always like you when you started on party of five ghost whispers and i am glad to see a sexy kitten like you back on tv i would love to meet you one of these days i will be in calafornia on may 14-26 2012 accross from disneyland i would love to date a women like you see you soon on client list .love ya Darren