“All of a sudden, ‘Captain America’ looks kind of awesome” links

The new trailer for Captain America. Now it seems kind of… awesome? [Pajiba]
Emma Stone signs on to Pride & Prejudice & Zombies. [LaineyGossip]
Man tackles Bieber, claims to be a cop? Bizarre. [Dlisted]
The Travoltas are still in Paris – check out how tall Ella is! [Pop Sugar]
Christina Aguilera‘s drunk cameltoe. [Yeeeah]
A 19-year-old dude slapped an endangered seal. For real. [Gawker]
Kim Kardashian guest-judges Project Runway, another reason not to watch. [Celebuzz]
Little Ginny Weasley looks like a 40-year-old hooker on this cover. [Evil Beet]
Avril Lavigne in a bikini. Meh. [IDLITW]
Liv Tyler interview – she talks about The Hobbit! [PopEater]
Heidi Klum wears a horrendous onesie. [Go Fug Yourself]
Somebody named Sam Jones (not Kim Cattrall) is headed to jail. [The Blemish]
I like Katie Holmes‘s jeans again. And her boots. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Paris Hilton shows up for Radio Shack. Seriously. [I’m Not Obsessed]
WTF? They‘re remaking War Games?!? [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Megan Fox says Brian Austin Green cries about everything. Aw. [Celebslam]
Other kids‘ films that should have been made before Cars 2. [Agent Bedhead]



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33 Responses to ““All of a sudden, ‘Captain America’ looks kind of awesome” links”

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  1. Flan says:


  2. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    OMG Now thats a trailer that would make me wanna see a super hero movie. The last 2 that have come out look like crap but this one actually looks entertaining. Chris Evans looks like he really pulled this off.

  3. Novaraen says:

    Nice! Definitely will go and see this one. 🙂

  4. xxodettexx says:

    i saw the trailer and thought the same thing! in concept, it seemed like it was going to be a disaster but so far, everything ive seen has shown a somewhat solid movie… after xmen first class, looking forward to another comic book movie done well! 🙂

  5. KJ says:

    At first, I thought they would ruin this. But the more I see of the film and of Evans as Cap, I’m getting a little excited. I love that there’s some grit to it. They toned down the campiness, and while that works well in comics and cartoons, it’s hard to suspend that much disbelief with movies. I’m hoping this trend of better and better promo material continues.

  6. Rita says:

    The dream of every young boy whose ever been picked on.

    Go super heroes…Gooooo Captain America…we’re number 1. These colors don’t run!!!!

    (Wow, that was a good trailer..double wide)

  7. lolab says:

    great trailer, it’s the first superhero that’s interested me in years. And that’s a feat cause captain america is so lamely normally. lol

  8. Mairead says:

    Manchester never looked so interesting 😆 And doesn’t a mustache look good on Dominic Cooper?

    I saw snippets a few months ago, but the whole trailer looks excellent.

  9. RHONYC says:


    it’s amazing how either he made the physical transformation (or they digitalized it) his scrawny body to that Hulk-y adonis bod.

    i’ve been afraid to go to the movies since that bedbug scare at the 42nd St AMC, but dammit…I’M GOIN’!!!

    “i’m just a boy from Brooklyn”.

    hey-yoooo, represent! 😉

  10. aquarius64 says:

    Love the poster!!

  11. lucy2 says:

    Looks good, definitely has a retro vibe. At the movie theater I kept seeing this and Green Lantern trailers at the same time – world of difference!

  12. run around sue says:

    this movie will kill the green lantern off.I just hope they do the new superman movie justice also.

  13. Scarlet Vixen says:

    Agent Bedhead obviously doesn’t have a 3yr old boy. LoL My son–and every little boy I know–are peeing their pants to see Cars 2. We finally had to put a calendar on the fridge with opening day circled, and he’s been crossing off each day for over a month!

  14. heb says:

    at least he didn’t club the seal

  15. fannomore says:


  16. Jojo says:

    ella travolta = mini female Jimmy Kimmel. Discuss

  17. Celebitchy says:

    They’re remaking war games? That pisses me off so much. I love(d) that movie.

    -edit- Captain America does look awesome!

  18. dj says:

    This looks fantastic. Makes me feel like this is going to be a real movie with Tommy Lee Jones in it. I swore no more super hero movies after Thor and Green Lantern looks equally horrible. But I’ll have to see this one. The posters also look great.

  19. Rita says:


    Big Co-sign on War Games.

  20. Relli says:

    “Kim Kardashian guest-judges Project Runway, another reason not to watch.”

    WHAT. NO. UGH. This is the worst news ever. The Kartrashians ruin EVERYTHING!

  21. jen says:

    Richard Armitage for HGF!

  22. DD says:

    Captain America looks awesome!

  23. Andi says:

    That picture does look pretty good.

  24. Girafe99 says:

    This was filmed in part really close to where my friend lives in the Northern Quarter, I am ashamed to admit but on rather tipsy legs my friend and I tried to get a ‘closer’ look at Chris Evans, suffice to say our drunken pleas to security that ‘hey we want to see Chris Evans naked’ was not appreciated.

  25. crazydaisy says:

    yeah he’s hot. and being used to promote war, violence and US imperialism. rah rah for guns, bombs and the red white & blue. blech.

  26. Shay says:

    Another US propaganda film. Surprise-surprise.

  27. Mairead says:

    Aaaaah’merricaaaaaaaa… F*ck yeah!

  28. Eve says:

    Going to see this one for sure.

  29. manda says:

    re: project runway–i’m pretty sure tim gunn doesn’t like/respect kim kardashian, so that must have really sucked for him! i think he’s great, i’m sure he was very poised. ugh, i can’t stand her, though. i’ve been watching reruns of the the first few seasons, and that’s been getting me psyched for the show to come back. now learning this, i’m a little disappointed.

    re: katie holmes–ummm, trying a little too hard. it must be so unbelievably hot where she is in this pic. just looks kind of dumb in miami

  30. Girafe99 says:

    Apparently Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz got married!!!

  31. Chris says:

    I remember when Spiderman came out shortly after 9/11 and people were reportedly cheering at the trailer in cinemas. I reckon this would’ve got an even bigger ovation if it had come out shortly after 9/11 because it would’ve provided that strong dose of patriotism a lot of people were craving at the time

  32. Ari says:

    How was Chris Evans ever scrawny? >_> he has been built for years. Anyway, I cannot wait to see this movie and hell yeah its “American Propaganda” but the Captain has been around since the 50’s and pretty much a staple of our society just like good old fashioned comics in general. If you don’t like Americans, thats fine, but don’t tread on our young culture of positive things. Its a made up character during a very unrestful part of our time. And during a world war no less, when everyone had no problem asking for our help then.