Elijah Wood is annoyed that he can’t even smoke outside

When I first read this story, I relied on Contact Music’s secondhand account, which made it sound like Elijah wrote a whole essay on behalf of smoker’s rights. However I was able to read the full article and Elijah just mentions not being able to smoke outside as one of ten things that he found annoying. The whole article is actually pretty awesome, so while I’ll bitch about Elijah’s point about smoking in a moment I have give him props for writing a intelligent, funny list of things that bug him.

(Some of) Elijah’s Top Ten Irritants
1. Remakes and reboots. Have we not the balls to support original material? Why must the vast majority of our unique pieces be relegated to miniscule budgets and poor exposure, while hundreds of millions of dollars are put toward rehashing used ideas? How about we even out the budgeting a bit. Remember when we chose a little-known Polish director to helm a film about the devil impregnating Mia Farrow?

3. Anti-smoking laws that now extend to outdoor spaces. Can we not let the use of free air be determined by the people using it? Should someone have a problem with roving smoke, they could simply ask the offending smoker if he or she would kindly refrain. Most spaces are smoke free, and I accept that – particularly inside restaurants – but can smokers not have patios and general outdoor areas?

4. Truncated texting. Most of us have full keyboards on our magical mobile devices – use them. It was understandable on numbered keypads and even forgivable with the aid of T9. But now? C u l8r? No, you won’t.

5. Orcs. Ugly f’ers

6.(Most) clubs. Crowds of people dressed in their finery, standing outside, lining up around the block yearning for acceptance – only to enter a loud space with predominantly awful music, bottle service, and neither the room to move nor the ability to utter words that can be heard without shouting. I’ve often wondered why hordes flock to these overstyled douche cantinas.

7. When people aren’t held accountable for their actions. If you f*ck up, deal with it – it’s your responsibility. Somehow we’ve created a world where a person spills coffee on himself, sues the coffee company and wins.

8. Relationship statuses on Facebook. Breaking up with someone in the real world is hard enough. There’s no need to do it digitally. That there’s some weight attached in changing your status from “in a relationship” to “single” is ridiculous.

[From Black Book]

“Overstyled douche cantinas,” that’s priceless!

In terms of the smoking issue, I get headaches from second hand smoke and am extremely sensitive to it. When I’m in Berlin I live in a big apartment building. Since there are so many places where people can smoke in Europe, it’s still very common. People go outside and smoke on their balconies and the smoke inevitably drifts into my windows and bothers me. I wouldn’t dare tell people not to smoke on their own balcony, but it does make me ill. Plus, I’ll be honest, there’s nowhere in the entire city that I can comfortably eat outdoors because so many people smoke. So I have to go inside the restaurant in the summer and smoke still comes inside anyway.

When people are allowed to smoke anywhere outside they often huddle near doors to buildings. Non smokers have to pass through all that smoke and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been affected by clouds of smoke that have stuck to my hair and clothing, right after I got all cleaned up to go out.

It’s also not enough to tell people that we can ask smokers to stop. Elijah Wood is surely considerate about it, as are the majority of most smokers I would guess. Just a few a**holes can ruin it, though. Once I was at a Shakespeare in the Park festival when I was visibly very pregnant and the couple seated right next to us refused to stop smoking because it was “outside.” When my husband pointed out that I was pregnant, the people were like “so?”

So I get that smokers think that it should be fine to smoke outside, but that doesn’t mean that noxious stuff doesn’t bother non-smokers, that air is somehow “free” for the taking, or that we’re all just going to get along fine. Instead of trying to figure out where he can smoke, maybe Elijah should quit. That’s the point of these laws restricting smoking, and if they save lives they’re worth it.

Also, in regard to #7 – I used to feel the same way about the McDonald’s coffee lawsuit until I saw the HBO documentary Hot Coffee. The lady wasn’t driving despite what you may have heard, she was in the passenger seat and the car was parked. She got 3rd degree burns all over her thighs and the photos were horrific. There were hundreds of other burning incidents that McDonalds completely ignored until that lawsuit was brought against them, so I have a different view of it now. I do agree with his statement on personal responsibility though, and I loved reading him bitch about so many different things.

Wood is now starring on a new FX series called Wilfred. Kaiser has been watching it, and she says he’s awesome and that the show is incredible and funny. I can’t wait to check it out!



Wood is shown on 6/20/11. (He’s wearing different outfits but the photos have the same date. Credit: WENN

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89 Responses to “Elijah Wood is annoyed that he can’t even smoke outside”

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  1. gee says:

    I don’t usually like him but this may have won me over a wee bit.

  2. Quest says:

    I particularly love #7 and think Linnocent should take note.

  3. Chloe says:

    I know it’s unfair but Sin City spoiled Elijah for me. I remember looking at the screen and going “Why are you doing this, Frodo!”

    Can someone recommend a good movie with him?

  4. Dorothy#1 says:

    I love him, I still watch LOTR at least twice a year!!! I have always wondered why he doesn’t work more. (along with others from the cast)

  5. seVen says:

    I’ve loved this guy since Flipper. I’m sensitive to second hand smoke as well but we’ve got to share this world with lots and lots of people. Might as well be happy and polite about it else we’re all going to be miserable.

  6. flourpot says:

    The show is wonderfully twisted. Give it a go.

  7. Lila says:

    Loved him since hearing the commentary on Lord of the Rings. Adorable sense of humor.Wonder if he’s still smoking those clove cigarettes?

  8. SolitaryAngel says:

    He’s just so CUTE! I want to carry him around in my purse!

    That said, I too have problems with second-hand smoke; emphysema runs in my family and I have it now; my son started smoking much to my dismay about 8 months ago and not only do I have breathing issues now, the smoke puts a film across my contact lenses. I absolutely DESPISE the smell that gets on me too! Gross. It pisses me off to no end that he doesn’t consider my feelings on this.

  9. Derpy says:

    He looks like the type to be a Draenei.

  10. Jaye E says:

    I saw “Hot Coffee” recently and was flabbergasted by the womans injuries. I too thought she was driving w/a cup of hot coffee between her legs. I have a completely different view on what the media would term “frivolous lawsuits”. Big corporations have the money to put any kind of spin on a story they want.

  11. Theuth says:

    I love this piece, and he found me in agreement on everything, especially #4 (I hate T9, and I purposely send long-ass msg to people who keeps sending me abbrevations -_-).
    On smoke…well, I agree with him about the ban outside – considering the level of smog and pollution in towns, I think it’s stupid to force people not smoking, but I get about the smoking in front of building’s, it’s annoying.

  12. Kaboom says:

    You can watch him in “Wilfred” on FX these days, a very odd comedy series.

  13. Ell says:

    People clearly have a point about second-hand smoke. But just as important are the dangers of chemicals we are using on ourselves and in our homes. Why aren’t we looking a the effect they are having on ours and our children’s health?

    For instance, I don’t think it’s a coincidence so many babies suffer with asthma and eczema these days when you examine the contents of washing detergent, air-freshners and highly perfurmed cleaning products.

    Perfume is so toxic, it’s poison. Sorry just had to voice that as there’s so much emphasis on smoking we miss the other dangers in the air we breathe.

  14. Chloe says:

    @Derpy: you’ve just broken my geek meter! Lok’tar ogar.

    I’ll give Wilfred a go then.

  15. mia girl says:

    “C u l8r? No, you won’t” LOVE IT!

    And as a LOTR lover – Elijah will forever be a favorite of mine

    @Chloe – He has a good supporting role in “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”

  16. Micki says:

    Ah, SB, you have an issue with second-hand smoking.I quitted about 15 years ago-after Uni, but I’m not that bothered with smokers. I’m more stressed out about a crazy lunatic behind a fast car wheel than a smoker next to me in the park.

    And I agree about Orcs-they are ugly f’ckers LOL

  17. silken_floss says:

    @Chloe- Check out Everything is Illuminated
    Very interesting quirky movie.

  18. Amy says:

    Always loved his big blue eyes, such an intense stare.

    As for the smoking laws, I live in Spain and they finally banned smoking indoors in bars and restaurants just after the new year (before they had passed the law but they had made it optional so pretty much all bar and restaurant owners ignored it since most customers were smokers). I can’t tell you how nice it is to go to restaurants and bars and not have to worry about coming home reeking of cigarette smoke. However outside on patios smokers can still smoke. I lived with a roommate this year who smoked and yeah, it sometimes got annoying because even though she smoked out on our balcony or in her room, the smoke smell would still permeate throughout the rest of the apartment. But honestly you do get used to it and you compromise.

  19. Stephie says:

    So love his eyes.
    Good list too, and I’m sure there’s plenty more that can be added. At least they’re all legitimate issues.

  20. dread pirate cuervo says:

    I think Frodo comes across kind of douchey here, but I agree with everything but the smoking, so I guess I’m a douche, too. As an ex-smoker, I know I am waaaay worse than a non-smoker when it comes to second hand smoke. I have zero tolerance. I can smell people smoking in passing cars & it makes me nauseous. But smoking so degrades your sense of smell that smokers have no idea how disgusting it is. It lingers in the air & sticks to trees, buildings, etc. Smoke inside your house with the windows closed–thx from the smoking nazi.

  21. madpoe says:

    Thank-you Elijah! Tho’ I’ve never had Orc issues, I can still co-sign my fellow Aquarian humored thoughts.

  22. Celebitchy says:

    @Ell – thank you for making that point! I have problems around perfume and household chemicals too, and I have to use natural alternatives and fragrance free stuff. Sometimes I have problems in my friends’ homes due to the fact that they use scented detergent (esp. fabric softener) or spray Lysol around, so it’s not just smoke. I know I’m an exception and that it doesn’t bother most people.

    Also it does make me wonder me how it’s affecting children, especially babies. I just saw a sweet baby the other day who reeked of fabric softener sheets. Why do they put that crap in it? You can freshen clothes without perfume. I get that people like the smell though.

    Oh and the plug in air fresheners are maddening to me. They make me dizzy.

  23. TQB says:

    I was so excited when bars and restaurants started becoming smoke-free, but the unanticipated side effect is that now all balconies, decks and patios are disgusting. I live in New England and we only get a couple of months a year where dining outside is an option. I don’t think I should have to chose between appreciating the outdoors and breathing. I’m not crazy about the smokers huddled near doorways but I can concede that one; I’m just passing through. I figure that a breath or 2 of smoke is no worse, as pointed out above, than your average city’s pollution. It’s the sitting in it that’s awful.

  24. fabchick says:

    I loved it. Bitchy in a good way.

  25. gamblea says:

    is he high?

  26. Anonymous says:

    I hate when smokers hundle in front of doorways. My mother’s husband is a smoker and he likes to hold my daughter and i won’t let him hold her sometimes because he goes out and smokes and comes in smelling like smoke heavily. It’s so gross and he doesn’t get why I want him to wash his hands and “air” out before holding her. It’s getting to the point that i won’t let my mom watch my daughter if he’s home. It’s going to be at the point that my daughter doesn’t go over there at all. Second hand smoke is effecting my mother’s health but he refuses to quit or cut back.

  27. Blue says:

    @ Ell I totally agree. My mom has issues with strong perfumes and cleaning products. They give her headaches and mess with her sinuses. So when she cleans she wears a mask and opens everydoor and window. I was worried for my daughter’s health so when I clean with chemicals I have my mother take her out for a couple hours. But for the most part I clean with baking soda and use fragrance free or lightly scented products for laundry.

  28. Jeebus says:

    I smoke. But I’m polite about it. Most people forget to be polite.

    At Derpy all he needs is the tail and horns to make the draenai look complete. ^_^

  29. blondie says:

    LMAO!! As always, Elijah is a very sexy man. But this makes him a funny sexy man!

  30. Dani says:

    What’s with the crazy eyes? I don’t particularly have anything against him but the eyes are a bit scary.

    The hospital I work at is nonsmoking including the grounds but it still doesn’t stop people from smoking. I have found my patients hiding in a bathroom smoking and sneaking outside to smoke. Everyday I see numerous cig butts on the ground. I don’t know how you enforce the rule. I refuse to be the smoking police, because my job is stressful enough w/o all that BS.

    I have seen many patient’s die with ailments most likely related to their smoking and it is not a pretty way to go out. I am specifically talking about COPD. However it never seems to be a deterrent to those hard core smokers. Addiction is a powerful thing.

    Another thing, I am not going to ask a smoker to please refrain. Many smokers can get irate with that request and I don’t care to be at the other end of their tirade.

  31. L says:

    Yea other than the coffee thing (that woman had serious injuries-she was a grandma who just wanted them to pay for a small part of her medical bills) and the smoking thing he’s right on.

  32. Snazzy says:

    I love this list, and I can pretty much agree with him on everything. I fell in love with him when he did “the good son” with Macualey Caulkin. Even at a young age, he was a good actor.

  33. RHONYC says:

    Wilfred is fuggin’ HILARIOUS!!!

    Bongs. Psycho neighbors. & a talking dog. a talking dog that only ‘talks’ to Elijah Wood’s character. 😆

    watch it. you’ll pee your pants! 😉

  34. lin234 says:

    I love his list other than number 3 since I hate the way smoking smells. I lived across from my best friend growing up and her mother only smoked outside their house but whenever I went over, I could smell it in all her clothes, hair… The smell gets everywhere.

    I completely agree about the club scene. I’ve always hated it. Once a friend came back from another state during college and another arranged a get together at this bar/club on the one night she was free. Anyways it was ridiculous. We got the only open table which happened to be underneath the speakers and spent the entire night just shouting at each other and trying to “catch up”.

  35. DesertRose says:

    I live in California, and in my city, it is illegal to smoke in public. For real. You can’t smoke on property that is owned by the state/county/city. Not only that, but if someone comes to my house and tells my husband to stop smoking (outside only, I’m a quitter) and he refuses, he can be cited for endangering their health. GTFO, right? As an ex-smoker, my feelings are pretty strong about the subject, but still, I get so tired of the harping. It is the power of addiction, so why are smokers ostracized when other addicts are given a pass?

    Edit: Why the moderation? I know I’m newer here, but I don’t think I’ve been bad.

  36. mia girl says:

    Just a note on the “crazy eyes “comments…

    My eyes are an extremely similar blue to Wood’s and very sensitive to light. When I am photographed, especially if there is flash involved, my pupils get very small. That coupled with the translucence of my eye color gives a “crazy eye” effect .

    When being photographed I have to make a conscious effort to squint my eyes a bit so that it does not look like I am trying to suck out your soul through my eyes!

  37. Tanjee says:

    My problem with the new smoking laws,and I don’t smoke, is that if the powers that be see smoking as so horrible and damaging why punish the smoker and not the company making millions off of the product. It just seems easier for them to punish the user instead of having the balls to tell the makers that your product is killing people and causing pain for others. It seems like a cop out.IMO

  38. bub says:

    i love all the new smoking laws. smokers have no clue how disgusting the smell is to non smokers and people who are sensitive to it. i’ve sat next to smokers on a beach and the smell just carries through the air. I usually just move but I find it so annoying that they sit there clueless.

  39. curegirl0421 says:

    As a long-time smoker I was totally against banning outdoor smoking – until I quit. Once I did I realized that smokers can’t smell what non-smokers can, and honestly don’t realize their smoke not only stays in their clothes and hair (making them smell) but also drifts into the places where the smoke isn’t supposed to go, like up to apartments or into restaurants (I was really embarrassed when I realized this, and haven’t ever taken it up again or even been tempted). I think public smoking really should be banned altogether except for strictly enforced smoking areas well away from everyone else.

    @Tanjee, I totally agree – however, that’s totally not going to happen while the tobacco companies are writing checks to their politicians. Alas.

  40. REALIST says:

    Watching Elijah on Craig Ferguson (he was on last night, 7/11). He’s very cool, but tiny. I didn’t know! Maybe smoking stunted his growth (it’s a JOKE smokers!!).
    Re: douchebag factor–he was a VERY cool guest, and he can jam on the “mouth organ”.
    Compare to guest Paris Hilton, who was boring and snotty on the “Late, Late Show”. But shrewd-that did surprise me. She has quite the clothing/accessories empire.

  41. Pyewacket says:

    As for his comment about the coffee lawsuits, I agree.

  42. the original bellaluna says:

    Agree with @CB and the other posters about fragrance sensitivity. I can stand only one or two perfumes/colognes and no air freshener at all. I use the “free and clear” laundry detergents and fabric softeners, to the extent that the baby and me have different laundry products than hubs. I have a v-e-r-y sensitive sense of smell.

    I used to call my mom “old aerial nose” because she could smell whenever I’d been smoking or drinking. Now I know why.

  43. the original bellaluna says:

    Also, I’m an occasional smoker, but I am considerate. Last time I went to the grocery store, there were 2 ladies outside on a bench (a good far distance from the entrance, BTW) in conversation, and I asked them prior to lighting up.

    Basically, it’s good manners and common sense (neither of which is “common” these days).

  44. HotDog! says:

    ITA with all you non-smokers, smoking’s super gross. However, on the flip side, when I smoked, it always annoyed the hell out of me when I’d be on a park bench, smoking away from families, and pretty much all people(I live in CA, so people have no problem telling smoker to stop, etc, and I hate dealing with confrontation), when a pregnant mom, or family with kids will plop their asses down right near me, FULL KNOWING THAT I AM SMOKING, and then start being jerks about it. Wtf’s up with that? I’m sure i’m not the only one that this has happened to. Still bugs me today, even tho i’ve been cig free for almost 5 years.

  45. Kelly says:

    He’s got them crazy, crazy eyes. LOL @mia girl.

    I think he sounded really intelligent and funny in his interview. Many actors sound really stupid, a few sound surprisingly smart, but he sounds like one of the sharpest tacks in the box!

  46. Violet says:

    Good list…except for #3.

    Smoking is absolutely disgusting — aside from the health issues, it reeks to high heaven and the stench gets into everything — hair, clothes, furniture. Plus it stains teeth and hands.

    But I realize it’s insanely addictive — my dad finally managed to quit a couple of years ago after a bzillion attempts — so I’m not unsympathetic to how hard it must be not to be able to light up everywhere.

    That said, I am a big fan of clean air. People smoking near the doorway don’t seem to clue in that everyone that passes by ends up getting a lungful of carcinogens, plus the smoke ends up wafting into the building. And even just one smoker in an outdoor setting can really ruin a meal or event, not just for the people nearby but also those farther away but down wind.

    I don’t think most smokers realize how gross and uncomfortable the rest of us find the smoke.

  47. mzjask says:

    i’vr loved him since radio flyer. pretty old flick, but the man has had skills since he was a kid! definitely one to keep watching, and those dreamy eyes certainly dont hurt!!

    i also think that while smokers still have the right to smoke, i still have the right to breathe clean air.
    Cut That Shit. Its Gross

  48. kibbles says:

    I had a major crush on him in middle school. He was such a cute kid and I still like him as an actor, but he will never look as good as he did in his pre-teen and teen years. He’s very talented and seems smart and witty. It’s just disappointing to see his looks go after being one of the cutest teen stars in the 90s.

  49. MourningTheDeathofMusic says:

    I am on occasional smoker and a considerate one at that, but I get deeply annoyed at those non-smokers banging their drums about how “gross” it is.
    Know what? There’s plenty in this world that I find absolutely disgusting/repulsive/gross. Habits that people have, smokers and non smoker alike – but I have the grace to keep my opinions of those habits to myself, because it is just that, my opinion.

    And as the old verbiage goes – Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

    And as for this quote in the article: “That’s the point of these laws restricting smoking, and if they save lives they’re worth it.”

    That is a very naive and dangerous statement to make.
    You can replace the word ‘smoking’ with many, many things, suddenly, it isn’t about “saving lives” and it becomes more about Big Brother controlling what we do: Commanding what you eat (those fatties need to be told what they are allowed to eat), smoking, anorexic people not eating, alcohol consumption… The list can go on forever.

  50. the original bellaluna says:

    @ Mourning – ITA: something is ALWAYS disgusting to someone.

    Personally, I find men hawking loogies and spitting on the ground in public and picking their noses like they’re invisible at stop lights W-A-Y more disgusting than smoking.

  51. k says:

    Smoke, perfume, scented air fresheners/candles, VOC-laden paint and cleaning agents are all out to kill me. I fail the “survival of the fittest” test.

  52. mln76 says:

    Well there have been laws on the books since the 19th century in NYC making it illegal to spit in public due to the spread of TB. Problem is it’s rare to get a ticket. I’d love it if that was enforced because it obviously spreads disease and is plain old gross.
    I get that smoking is addictive and it’s hard for smokers to fathom that smoking outdoors not only bothers others but can make them physically ill. But it does, and there are many, many people out there who are very happy about the ban.

  53. Vicki. says:

    Can he come out of the closet already!

  54. lrm says:

    um, no, it’s not an ‘opinion’ re: smoking being bothersome to those of us who are allergic to it.
    brilliant…and no, you cannot replace smoking iwth other things per se….
    Um, the right to breathe clean air trumps the right to smoke, as far as personal rights. every.time.
    In a logic argument/debate, it would be tough to say otherwise….

    But no, it’s not merely an opinion….
    It’s like ‘healthy food’; some of us literally feel like sh*t when we eat certain things-which are now no longer en vogue-and so people think youa re being preacy or the health police…or ‘being healthy’…when you are simply living based on your own needs/desires….

    For some people, the smoking thing is a visceral reaction; for others it may be more intellectual/theoretical-ie, based on studies, or common sense, they don’t want to be exposed to second hand smoke.
    But for those who literally get sick from it, it’s far more than an opinion….

  55. lrm says:

    And Elijah’s standout for me is Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind-he is always hilarious…..

  56. UKHels says:

    problem is, smoking is legal right? but if it’s so dangerous then it should be made illegal, right? but it brings in too much money (packet of 20 in the UK is now £7) for the government so they won’t make illegal – rank hypocrisy!

    I’m a smoker but appreciate that most people really hate it – so I try and be considerate. Unfortunately most smokers aren’t…!

  57. Cheyenne says:

    @Violet: Ever walk into an elevator where somebody has just been smoking? *GAG!*

  58. Kelly says:

    @bellaluna – I agree – spitting is unbelievably gross. The worst is when you have a near-miss, or a cross-fire, while walking down the street. It is a violation, yet the problem is that cops never catch the spitters in the act!

  59. Violet says:

    @Cheyenne – Yep, not pleasant. When that happens, I just breathe through my mouth until I get off the elevator.

    I grew up with secondhand smoke, and even ended up with roommates and boyfriends later that smoked. I never liked the smell, but I was used to it and never really thought about it.

    It wasn’t until I lived and worked in a smokefree environment that I finally realized the impact all that secondhand smoke had had on my health — for the first time ever, I was able to go off all my asthma meds. My hair, my clothes, my furniture no longer smelled of cigarettes, the air around me wasn’t grey, and the walls weren’t covered in a thin coat of tar.

    It was a revelation. So, yeah. I strongly believe fresh air is a right in public spaces, both indoor and outdoor. It’s much easier for smokers to chew nicotine gum, than it is for nonsmokers to carry around oxygen tanks.

    (Incidentally, I also think perfume should be limited to the home. What may smell good to one person might give someone else a headache or induce an asthma attack. Furthermore, the cosmetics industry is poorly regulated and many perfumes contain carcinogens. But that’s a rant for another day.)

  60. spinner says:

    But why does he always look like he’s just been shot out of a canon??

  61. MourningTheDeathofMusic says:

    @lrm – I said nothing about those who have an actual allergy to such things as smoke/heavy perfumes/strong scented candles/etc.
    You are arguing the wrong points with me.

    I was commenting on those who say it is ‘gross’. That is an opinion.
    Although something may be in a collective agreement with a majority group of people, it is still, nonetheless, an opinion on the subject.
    A majority of a group might find eating snails to be gross – but that doesn’t make it fact. It is opinion.

    And to argue about ‘healthy foods’ and what is or isn’t en vogue has NOTHING to do with someone expressing an opinion on if they think that something is ‘gross’.
    A food allergy is a food allergy – you may love something but can not have it because it makes you ill. Does that then evolve into one having an opinion that the food they’re allergic to is ‘gross’? No.

    So.. um.. HELLO – reread my comments and see how you’re preaching at me was completely off the mark on what I was talking about.

    As for the elevator comment by someone else: the same stench factor for smoke smells apply to those who have terrible body odor or someone wearing copious amounts of an over powering perfume, or even someone carrying extremely pungent foods.

    I don’t know too many people who enjoy driving past road construction where they are laying fresh tar. I consider that smell to be foul and noxious and I can’t imagine it being healthy to stand there and breathe it for extended periods of time. But eventually I drive on and get to a point of fresh air, that is until I drive past that large dairy farm, where it happens to be a day they’re mucking out the stalls. Good grief, that will hit you right in the nostrils!

  62. Miss Diagnosed says:

    Hahaha! Love #4. I hate abbreviations and frisky punctuation in messages. I don’t do “computer lingo”, and constantly have to have my 9 year old niece help me decipher blogs and e-mails. I once thought <3 was some sort of gang sign. I thought it meant triple threat, until she tilted my head to the side, and I saw that it was supposed to be a heart. It doesn’t look like one.

  63. Penguen says:

    @ Celebitchy, Ell, and everyone else who posted about perfumes:

    It’s so good to know I’m not alone! Perfumes irritate my sinuses, throat, nose, and eyes, and usually gives me a headache – it’s awful. It’s so bad that often I can’t go down store aisles with cleaners and detergents without getting sick. I’ve even had a hard time just walking past a person with strong perfume or cologne.

    It’s funny, because I wasn’t ever sensitive to this stuff until my late 20’s. Have any of you noticed that your sensitivities got worse with age?

    Oh, and to whoever posted that Elijah would be a Dranei, you’re spot on.

  64. Violet says:


    Yes, I was in my late-20s when I started getting really sensitive to smoke, perfume, potpourri, as well as scented toiletries, candles and detergents. And most household cleaning supplies — I totally have to avoid that aisle in the grocery store, otherwise I end up wheezing and nauseous.

    I get my household cleaning supplies and laundry detergent from a health food store. Unscented, of course. (Though it’s interesting to note that I don’t react adversely to essential oils so I’m guessing it’s the synthetic chemicals used to scent products that trigger my allergies.)

    I hardly ever wear makeup anymore, but whenever I buy toiletries or cosmetics I always check the ingredients first to make sure they’re safe (http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/).

    I really wish I weren’t so damn sensitive to smoke and scents, but it’s a reality I have to live with 🙁

  65. jensational says:

    I’m an ex smoker so when I see people bitching about smokers, I wanna punch them in the face. Here’s a thought: We ALL have the right to smoke or not to smoke. If you’re sitting next to someone smoking, why can’t YOU get up and move? Why should the smoker have to do all the moving and putting out their ciggies and quitting to appease non-smokers? I say if you don’t like someone’s smoke, move your seat. 🙂

  66. MourningTheDeathofMusic says:

    I <3 my level 85 Draenei Shadow Priest! Roxors-boxors dairy queen bbq. 🙂

    I have a sweet spot for Elijah and would pwn n00bs with him any day. I’d even let him ride my Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth at no extra cost.

  67. Katija says:


    THANK YOU. I am a former smoker as well, but I did NOT turn into one of those sanctimonious holier-than-thou former smokers who feels the need to lecture every smoker they meet.

    Plus, I kept waiting for the day when it would make me nauseous, but that day hasn’t come. Honestly, half the time I would rather take a cloud of smoke to the face than a cloud of some of what college girls outside of bars call “perfume.” Blech!

  68. k says:

    @jensational: are you kidding?

  69. Crimson & Clover says:

    Where I live the smoking ban was accompanied by a “fifteen foot rule”. No smoking within fifteen feet of buildings, so no crowds of smokers around the entrances to buildings. Basically relegates smokers to the curb. Makes a huge difference on the clean air front, but I do sometimes feel bad for smokers. They’re pretty much second class citizens these days. I think that’s what EW is getting at. I get that they’re knowingly endangering their life, and everyone around them via second hand smoke, but sometimes I see the smokers all huddled together on the curb and feel a twinge of sympathy. Then I breathe deep and it passes.

  70. sapphire says:

    I’m a ex and I don’t hassle those who choose to smoke. I understand CB and others with health issues, but driving in smog or diesel fumes leaves lung deposits. I am (and was) totally ok with the ban on indoor smoking-but why don’t they put the butt bucket under a shelter 50 feet away?

    It’s the finger wagging that annoys me.

  71. mln76 says:

    @jensational ….you’re argument only works in your home or in your car. If you are in a public space, in front of a public building, in a restaurant, walking down a sidewalk on a crowded street you’re so-called ‘right to smoke’ will never trump a person’s right to clean air especially if like many posters they have health conditions that are sensitive to smoke.

  72. mzjask says:

    for so called “occasional and considerate” smokers, a few of you certainly have Your Opinions seem to the contrary.
    a debate for the sake of debate… cute. must be on summer vacay.

    smoking kills but it also makes the govt millions of dollars every day so sadly, there will not be an ending in sight.

    however, its nice to think that those of you who loudly toss out; “well if you dont like my smoking then you can leave” verbage are the same ones who may lose loved ones to those cancer-causing “habits.” karma.

    and at the end of the day, Yes i am an adult and will walk away from another sound-minded individual being inconsiderate of shared spaces but it is comforting to know cigarettes are STILL banned inside and at certain outdoor establishments.

    sorry EW, you’re cute and all but not that cute.

  73. Mary Jane says:

    F*ck the smoking debate — you’re either OK with it or not — PLEASE, smokers, be considerate… but NONs, you can be a bit much as well. BUT…
    I must say I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this urbane, well-spoken man! (At 5’2″, I love the shorties!). I would love to do Vape and bong tokes with this guy!
    Aside from the “smoking” thing, I think Mr. Wood (hehe) composed a very decent list…

  74. Quercus says:

    Wow, it is interesting to see that I am not alone in my chemical sensitivity. For all the people affected by it, it’s amazing to me that products seem to be getting even MORE heavily fraganced as the years go by.

    Despite that, I can’t hate on smokers; I think they get picked on a lot. I just do my best to avoid avoid avoid (the only “cure” for chemical sensitivity).

  75. Jaime says:

    Elijah hates remakes/reboots?
    Wilfred is a remake of the Australian show Wilfred!

  76. ToastedSkin says:

    Could this man BE anymore perfect?

  77. Ycnan says:

    Just watched Hot Coffee and yeah you are so right that lady really suffered and she was totally smeared. Wow, so eye opening.

  78. Emily says:

    @Jaime, that was my original reaction as well! What a freaking hypocrite!

    The rest of the interview was pretty funny, though.

  79. MourningTheDeathofMusic says:

    @Jamie, I don’t know if programs brought over to the states (like The Office, Wilfred, Sampson and Son, All in the Family) are necessarily remakes in the way he was meaning?

    A lot of those programs are tweaked to be more understandable to the culture viewing them. If they broadcasted the original show, a lot of the humor might be lost in translation?

    I agree with his reference to movie remakes. Same plot, same lines, updated outfits, special effects and music score.

    But I agree, the knee jerk reaction to his statement would be that he’s sounding a bit hypocritical.

  80. Shoe_Lover says:

    He is so right on about remakes/reboots/re-imaginings. Get an original idea!!!!! This Footloose remake kills me and dont even get me started on the Halloween “re-imagining”

  81. Emily says:

    @MourningTheDeathOfMusic, both shows have the same actor playing Wilfred, and both have a very similar humour from what I’ve seen of them.

  82. Sue says:

    the original bellaluna@ I agree with you 100% about the spitting thing about two years ago I was on the train going from NY to PA and a man that sat diagonal from me spent the whole hour long train ride hawking loogies and spitting into a cup, the poor lady sitting across from him just got up and decide to stand the whole ride because she was going to be sick, it made me and my sister gag the entire ride and if the train wasn’t pack we would have moved sets. To this day it makes me squeamish just thinking about it and I have a strong stomach, some people have no consideration for others.

  83. Annie_Grey says:

    Where’s number 2?

  84. barkinglane says:

    “What Really Happened?
    Stella Liebeck, 79-years-old, was sitting in the passenger seat of her grandson’s car having purchased a cup of McDonald’s coffee. After the car stopped, she tried to hold the cup securely between her knees while removing the lid. However, the cup tipped over, pouring scalding hot coffee onto her lap.”

    So she’s still rsponsible for putting a cup of coffee between her legs….coffee is hot and anyone who does this is stupid….putting a cold cola between one’s legs is different than hot coffee….it’s not McDonald’s fault, it’s her own….I’m sorry she got burned but she didn’t use common sense.

  85. harfang says:

    This is awesome and I shared it on Facebook with my friends but I wanted to thank you, actually, for mentioning that woman who had to sue McDonald’s. Her labia were damaged, I remember. I love Weird Al’s “I’ll Sue Ya” but the line “I spilled a frappuccino in my lap and brrr, it was cold!” always makes me sad. I remember that right away, when it happened in the early ’90s, this really valid lawsuit became an excuse for political incorrectness for its own sake. How has it stayed that way for 15 or 20 years?

  86. Celebitchy says:

    For anyone who thinks that coffee lawsuit was frivolous based on the details that were given to the press, Seriously, watch Hot Coffee. The “tort reform” movement was funded by very big corporations in order to protect themselves from lawsuits that were often legitimate.

  87. Derpy says:

    @Chloe, Power to the Forsaken!

    @Moriticans, pft. Your spriest has nothing on my fire mage 😛

  88. Sara says:

    I live in Hamburg and I smoke every now and then but the lady who lives downstairs sits outside year round from 6 am to 11 pm and her smoke is always coming into our windows and it drives both my husband and I a little crazy. There is nothing like waking up to smoke on a summer morning. I really wish Europeans built building with ventilation but sadly the only way to get fresh air is to open the windows.

    Although smoking next to a pregnant woman is wrong I wouldn’t expect Germans to care. They aren’t exactly the most considerate people and that’s putting it lightly.

  89. Whitney says:

    I get the non-smokers not wanting to be around smokers. I’ll cross the street to avoid smoking around kids and pregnant women. But for f&*ks sake, we have rights too. Get the hell over it. There’s lots of things people do that I don’t approve of such as letting kids run around restaurants, or wearing uggs, or treating wait staff terribly, but there’s no law against any of those. Also if I’m smoking a cig and you perch up next to me, don’t tell me to put it out. I was here first. Eat a bag of dicks.