Halle Berry trots out her hostage, Olivier Martinez, so they’re not done… yet


Well, I was wrong. My sixth sense failed me. Or did it? DUN-DUN-DUN. A few days ago, I got a spooky feeling that Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez were dunzo. They hadn’t been pap’d together for nearly more than a month. Well, Olivier hadn’t been seen at all for more than a month, and I thought he might have bolted, or he could have been shackled in Halle’s dungeon (you never know). But Halle and Olivier stepped out yesterday, looking… er, not exactly happy. In some of these photos, I swear Olivier is being led, hostage-style, at gunpoint. So I’ll admit that I wrong, but I’ll also take credit for this perp-walk. Perhaps Halle figured it was time to do a photo op and her crazy ass demanded that Olivier walk with her in front of cameras. OR ELSE.

What does this mean? Perhaps it’s like Halle said to Gabriel Aubry, in a conversation he allegedly, secretly recorded – Halle views this relationship as “business”. She and Olivier are “together” for as long as it takes to get their film Dark Tide out and promoted, and then they’ll not-so-quietly split and suddenly we’ll hear from Team Halle about how Olivier is a terrible, racist, abusive monster?

All I know is that this doesn’t really look like a couple in love. Oh, and Halle’s hair is much too short. I don’t like this new haircut.





Photos courtesy of Fame.

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62 Responses to “Halle Berry trots out her hostage, Olivier Martinez, so they’re not done… yet”

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  1. Cherry says:

    The bitch may be crazy, but she’s soooo pretty. Who else can pull off this pixie cut? And she’s in her forties, for crying out loud! Stunning.

  2. brin says:

    Glum and Glummer. They look like they are over already…hope they can stay together til the film comes out…lol.

  3. whocares says:

    her hostage? LMAO!!!!

  4. Quest says:

    Da da da dum…da da da d……I can hear the musical intrigue working into these pics…just waiting for the drama to unfold.

  5. Jezi says:

    I was trying to pay attention to the gossip of it all but her hair just distracted me. Yuck! Not a cute cut at all.

  6. folly says:

    what’s with the almost identical haircut,they look like brother and sister

  7. katnip says:

    My hair has been that short before.. it feels so good.

    I thought they were done too. But they are together. And they don’t look miserable to me.

  8. K-MAC says:

    She can pull it off, and she is gorgeous! I agree with you on their status, I bet they are dunzzo and just playing the game…wow, they look miserable

  9. Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

    Perhaps Halle let Nahla cut her hair?

  10. BW says:

    I normally LOVE Halle Berry in a pixie haircut, but I swear I thought she was Arnold Schwartzenegger in that top photo. It must be the glasses and the way she’s grinding her jaw.

  11. really says:

    She is such a FROG LEGS twit! Over-rated and an ugly person inside who lies on her men because she is a NUTJOB.

  12. Blue says:

    That first pick looks like she’s gonna knock someone out. I still think she is gorgeous.

  13. smith says:

    She looks like a mental patient in the first photo …it’s only 60% the hair. The rest is pure deep crazy.

  14. the original bellaluna says:

    They look like they’re done, but holding hands to save face.

    And is his hair longer than hers? Not that really care, but her bangs look f’d up!

  15. Chicken'sMom says:

    He USED to be sooooo sexy. Now he is not even meh.

  16. Leticia says:

    He must be very short. She is quite short, and in the photos above, he is wearing boots with a heel a bit over 1 inch. I bet that without shoes he stands at 5’4″.

  17. atorontogal says:

    Her true colours comes out in that first pic. I believe her face in that pic belies her real personality. And yes it is ugly!!

  18. Lucy says:

    I never bought this relationship and always thought it was a publicity stunt just until the movie comes out…they never look happy together or like they are hot for each other…and the haircut is horrible…yes, she is beautiful but that hair is much too short, although I will say on anyone else it would look even worse…

  19. SEF says:

    That’s what it looked like when my 5-year-old cut his own hair!

  20. Honey B says:

    Please let me age like this woman. She can keep her crazy – she’s a stunner.

  21. Maritza says:

    Yeah, it looks like the passion has fizzled. Halle looks better when she spikes her hair up. Olivier has aged a lot since the movie “Unfaithful”, he used to be such a hunk.

  22. Elizabeth says:

    He does not have a happy look on his face. More like he is forced to do this. And her facial expression says “Oh, just get out there and get papped already and stop bitching!”

  23. madpoe says:

    I don’t get why Halle insists on being so bald! Ecch!

  24. ladybert62 says:

    great description! “her hostage” – gave me a good laugh. Yes her hair is very short – perhaps we share the same haircutter as he does that to me even though I say “not so short!” ha ha

  25. TxGal says:

    I used to like Halle but every since her little scandal with Gabriel Aubry I’ve had second thoughts about her. She has cried too many times that she has been supposedly abuse. Makes you wonder who is really telling the truth.

    Regarding her so-call relationship with Oliver always felt it was just something to make their movie together more appealing for people to go see.

  26. Stubbylove says:

    How unfortunate is Olivier’s aging? It is truly heartbreaking. Holly’s body is friggin’ smokin’ – Cripes.

  27. bluhare says:

    Girl needs to buy a bra that fits.

  28. Ugh-I thought he escaped.

  29. Rio says:

    Pixie cuts look best on someone who either has insanely delicate features or looks constantly whimsical and carefree…not like a CIA hostage negotiator.
    Geez, she looks like the lovechild of Dolph Lungren and Will Smith in that top photo.

  30. hello says:


  31. mk says:

    Cute couple. They are starting to look like each other.

  32. Very Telling says:

    Halle is 5’7″.

  33. Thea says:

    I think he is over it judging from the photos and she looks it too.

  34. Lydia says:

    They look great together. I too thought that they were broken up. I envy her those muscles in her thighs.

  35. Turtle Dove says:

    “So I’ll admit that I wrong, but I’ll also take credit for this perp-walk.”

    It is an interesting coincidence, and I think, yes, you can take some credit.

    “…we’ll hear from Team Halle about how Olivier is a terrible, racist, abusive monster?”

    Maybe not right away, Kaiser. She’s on a seek and destroy mission at the moment.

    They look miserable and not at all like a couple.

  36. Tomas says:

    Even Halle can’t pull off that short of hair, she doesn’t look good at all. And her fashion sense off the red carpet is pure trailer park, the daisy duke shorts everyday at 45 years old is just sad.

  37. Maddox says:

    Wow! They sure do look happy right? And so in love. Not even remotely pissy or unpleasant.

  38. Amanda G says:

    Olivier looks terrible! He used to be hot? And they have the same haircut which is really creepy to me LOL

  39. k.at says:

    When I look at her, she just seems like an evil, bitter person- no soul. And her custody battle, and dragging her baby daddy through the mud is furthering this opinion. I hope everyone sees past her physical beauty and sees the beast beneath

  40. WickedSteppMom says:

    Sheesh, did they get a two-fer on the haircuts & sunglasses? I’ve heard that people sometimes resemble their pets…

  41. mzjask says:

    is it just me or do these two really resemble each other now with Halle’s shorter do?!

  42. LucyOriginal says:

    Remember when he was in S.W.A.T? Remember when he was in mission impossible (2, I think)? He doesn’t even resemble his hotness from those days…

  43. dleen says:

    she looks more manly than he does

  44. Bonita Applebaum says:

    I think they look perfectly fine. They are walking and holding hands. What are they suppose to do to prove they are happy…hump her legs while walking down the street? Come on.

  45. beanie says:

    No doubt she is gorg..but the hair is too, too short..I don’t think I’ve ever seen it this short before.

  46. crtb says:

    Halle is beautiful period. In the looks department, she can do not wrong. In the 2nd pic, her bra doesn’t fit well. I couldn’t remember who her boyfirend was so I looked him up. He is not aging well,is he? He used to be sooooo fine! now, not so much. He is past his prime.
    What Halle needs to understand is that “pretty is as pretty does”. She is only as pretty as she behaves.

  47. tracking says:

    Yeah, the dynamic between these two does not look good. When does their movie come out??

  48. hmm says:

    I think she’s gorgeous and it’s funny because there is another photo of them smiling, but I guess that wouldn’t fit the narrative. Perhaps she is so serious, I don’t know, because she has a crazed stalker at her home that was just arrested yesterday. No one knows what went on between Halle and her ex and I wonder if the rush to defend him is based on the way he looks.

  49. Annie_Grey says:

    Olivier thinks it’s his job to date every woman in hollywood. He couldn’t stay with her forever.

  50. SUNSEEKER says:


    Agree with the first part, but no I do not defend him because of his looks, what have his looks got to do with it. I would defend him whatever, he is a father and has rights. To malign the father of your child in public is wrong. Gabriel said in the beginning he wanted this sorted in Family Court as this would be done in private. Halle and her team have kept this in the news. Gabriel just responded, I would have said a lot more if I had been in his shoes.

  51. Juliesunflower says:

    Don’t like Halle. She is a manipulative so and so who is way too fond of disrespecting her baby’s father.

  52. Come on says:

    Not really sure why all the hate on Halle Berry. Is it cause she still beautiful and great shape for her age? Gabriel was the first to say he wants custody of the child, would seem weird why any mom would not defend herself in getting her child – usually kids stay with their mom anyway. True that because of her age, she wanted the baby in the first place and guy may feel bitter and used because of it – he was not raped into haveing the baby with her, cause if it was that he would have gone to court to terminate the pregnancy. He must just be greatful the baby is healthy and beautiful.
    Olivier Martinez is 45 and not dying his grey hear. Still in great shape for his age too.
    Halle has always seemed hopeful and had bad luck with men in her past, give her a break.

  53. The Truth Fairy says:

    This reminds me of when Brad and Gwyneth were together. They started dressing alike, wearing their hair alike, to the point they started looking like brother and sister. Looks like the same thing is happening here. Barf!

    Olivier will stick around as long as he is getting good publicity from this relationship. Whenever she drives him crazy, he just jets off to Paris “on business” until he feels like he can deal with her again. Once he’s gotten what he wants from his association with her, he’ll jet for good.

  54. SUNSEEKER says:

    Come on

    Another one who goes on about looks, Halle being good looking has nothing to do with it. And Gabriel did not ask for full custody asked for shared custody, because she made it difficult for him to see his daughter, Court papers on Radar on line.
    Oliver in good shape, I would not give him house rooom, old looking and haggard. He looked his best when he was with Kylie.
    But at the end of the day none of us really know who did what.

  55. Yayamommy says:

    Hmmm maybe it’s possible they look glum because Halle is dealing with a stalker issue at the moment who literally came up on her door? Invaded her property 3 times with a book that had her name written in it? That the stalker has a violent past and record? I don’t know about you guys, but that would give me some serious gluminess and creep me out. I mean geez, that was only like what, 5 days ago?

  56. bitca says:

    1st pic is hilarious; love it! For a split-sec, really did think she was pressing a gun in his side. If her desperate need for attention wasn’t so obvious, I’d almost give this a pass & think perhaps they didn’t WANT to be papped (ie, the standard Mr & Ms Affleck/Garner Excuse)… but the short-short cut-offs & tight-lipped smiles are kind of a giveaway.

    Have no issue w/the shorts themselves, BTW (not like they’re soo tight or sooo short that passersby can tell if she’s wearing a bikini or thong). If you are fit enough to wear ’em—what the hey—it’s summer. Just don’t dress like Miley, no matter what your age… please?

    And I’m cool w/Halle having a drawer-full of Photo-Op shorts. Mid-40s actresses must be about 65 in Human Years, but she & Aniston still get Hot Babe roles—in large part because they put so much work into the Photo-op Shorts, Leggy Skirts & constant tabloid Drama. Berry can get grittier parts if she wants, but Aniston knows she’s got to unstick herself from rom-coms. If she’s really going to take time off, Career seems a likelier reason than Love.

  57. Gypsy says:

    I have seen it for real and I can tell you this: You’re never going to look happy when idiot Paps are shouting insulting things at you to get a sensational photo to sell.

    It appears Halle haters prayers weren’t answered that Halle and Olivier would break up so they can finally sleep peacefully knowing that Halle is unhappy.
    We have too much money and free time and not enough morality.

  58. Gypsy says:

    This “Halle and Olivier being together for business” tale sounds like THE TALE OF A JEALOUS DESPERATE MAN, saying if I can’t have you then I will destroy your career before I let you be happy with another man.

  59. Linda Lou says:

    I used to think the world of Halle Barry. I thought she was the most beautiful actress in Hollyweird, next to Liz Taylor, sadly, I have actually become weary and bored with Halle. She is not that great of an actress just rather lovely eye candy. Even that got old…her beautiful looks. I don’t know, I think between her public break-ups with her men and her lack of great acting chops…..dare I say, she will be more famous for her lovers than her films!

  60. Tara says:

    She’s taking good care of her body and thats good because she’s diabetic. the haircut is recent it was a little longer last month. But her face is looking a little stressed. they both look weird and depressed. Not sure what’s going on there.

  61. alecia moore says:

    my hair hair has been that short before it feels so good ure neck is free stick ure head outside of a window its refreshing

  62. Camille says:

    I agree with everything you said Kaiser.

    And Halle and Olivier both look like shit in these pics.