Betty White isn’t going to the ball with a Marine

As we just heard, Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake are both going to different balls for different Marines who asked them out via YouTube. During a press junket for their new movie, Justin Timberlake urged Mila Kunis to accept a male Marine’s video date request that was shown to them by a reporter. After the news got out a female Marine made one asking Justin to join her at her ball, which he reluctantly accepted. Mila and Justin were on The Today Show yesterday to promote Friends with Benefits, and Justin kept making double entendre jokes about how Marines had balls. It was dumb but funny.

Well another Marine, Sgt. Ray Lewis, recently stepped forward to ask a famous female celebrity to accompany him to another ball. He extended an invitation to none other than Betty White, 89. (As I mention every time I write about Betty, I have to re-verify her age because I keep assuming she’s about 83. Like if I met her I would think mid-70s, but I know she’s in her 80s and I just can’t get my mind around the fact that she’s 89. Bless her, I hope to have a fraction of her humor and longevity.) Betty declined, saying she was taping her show Hot in Cleveland that day, but that she was flattered and loves a man in uniform. I wonder how she knew which day he meant, since he didn’t give a date or place like the other Marines. There are different balls after all.

While Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake are planning to attend a gala—which marks the Corps’ 236th birthday—on the arms of active soldiers who invited them via YouTube, guess who turned out to be the one who got away?

Betty White, whose late husband was an Army man, is already booked that night!

“I am deeply flattered and truly appreciate the invitation,” the 89-year-old said in a statement Monday. “As everyone knows, I love a man in uniform…But unfortunately I cannot accept, as I will be taping an episode of Hot in Cleveland.”

“Love, Betty White,” she concluded.

At least the charming Sgt. Ray Lewis—”like the football player,” he said—shouldn’t have any trouble finding another date, even though he really laid out a case for why White should go with him (aside from the pushups and other feats of strength he performed in his video).

“She’s funny, she’s sweet,” he began, the video cutting to him in his dress uniform, holding a rose. “She’s an all-around perfect woman…I think we could laugh together.”

[From E! Online]

That was a really nice response and I hope this guy finds another date. I wouldn’t be surprised if these Marines found romance through these YouTube videos. If they’re looking for love they could just record little video introductions and ask potential dates to record a response if they’re interested. It’s not a bad way to meet someone, as long as they’re in the same area and don’t end up falling for someone online who is too far away to make it practical. This Marine was probably just hoping to get his face out there for his career, but I’m sure he’ll get plenty of offers for dates.

Why shouldn’t Marines and US service people be able to score famous dates to their dances? They’re serving our country and it’s really nice to give them some recognition for that. I bet some other celebrity will step up and volunteer to be Sgt. Lewis’ date. Just wait. He won’t be the last one asking either.

Sgt Lewis starts asking around 1:00 in.


Betty White is shown on 1/18/11. Credit: Fame

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23 Responses to “Betty White isn’t going to the ball with a Marine”

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  1. really says:

    Love her!!!!!!!

  2. the original bellaluna says:

    Love Betty White! Also love that JT got roped into going. Hopefully, girlfriend will wear her “douche off.”

  3. Derpy says:

    Awwww that video is so sweet, sad that Betty can’t make it.

  4. gee says:

    He seems adorable, he’ll rebound!

  5. Tara says:


  6. lucy2 says:

    I think it’s really cute that guy asked Betty. I bet if she wasn’t working, she’d go!

  7. KatScorp says:

    LOL $5 says WeWe volunteers 😉 Sgt. Lewis is charming; I’d go with him if it were at all geographically reasonable.

  8. Chrissy says:

    Funny video! Too bad she couldn’t go. I bet that ball … whichever ball he was actually asking her to … would have been the best one of the year. :o)

  9. fabgrrl says:

    I feel badly for that poor Marine. His heart is probably broken and he is sobbing into his MRE right now. But it is for the best, Betty is just too much woman for a young man like this to handle.

  10. Athena says:

    When there were just rumors of the fact that Mila might not be able to make the ball due to filming people were ALL over her for it asking why she couldn’t take the day off, Betty does the same thing and no one says anything? Well, why don’t whoever is in charge give HER the day off?! It’s not like it’s across the world and happens everyday.

  11. RHONYC says:

    have some respect!

    don’t put Betty White’s name in the same sentence with the words ‘ball-a-Marine’. 😆

  12. machiavelli says:

    This trend puts the celebrities in an awkward position. Just because a marine asked, everyone demands that the celebrity accept. Why shouldn’t they not be able to accept or decline? I am all for supporting the troops, but there is no need for a riot if someone doesn’t want to go out with someone.

  13. NancyMan says:

    I bet ‘back in her day’ Betty spent plenty of quality time in the ‘trenches.’

  14. MourningTheDeathofMusic says:

    I normally don’t feel any bit of sympathy for any celebrity, but in this instance I do.

    The people using video to ask celebs on dates put those celebrities in very awkward positions.
    The celeb either says yes and has virtually a blind date where they don’t know the person and said person is using their celebrity as a status moment at the dance or the celeb declines and is publicly made to look bad for refusing the gesture.

    I think it’s just uncomfortable and I don’t believe Mila would have accepted had Justin not been bullying her right in front of the camera to say yes.

  15. Anti-icon says:

    Good for Betty White. She always does the right thing, says the right thing. Lives the right life, and I admire the Hell out of Betty White. As a person, a humanitarian, a funny lady, a very respectful wife/widow, and she just rocks.

  16. Turtle Dove says:

    @12 – “This trend puts the celebrities in an awkward position. Just because a marine asked, everyone demands that the celebrity accept.”

    Exactly. In their place, I wouldn’t want to go to a dance with a complete stranger. Plus, it’s weird that people are making these requests in the first place.

  17. Amanda G says:

    Betty White can say no to whoever she wants IMO. She is a legend!

  18. The Bobster says:

    She’s looking for a better offer.

  19. I Choose Me says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more Athena and I love Betty White but I don’t understand the double standard. Furthermore, I don’t get this automatic sheep bleating respect for military personnel that some people seem to have. Me, I take people on a case by case basis – I don’t care what office you hold. There are some noble, upstanding people in the military to be sure but there are assholes too. That’s right, you can enlist, pick up a gun and fight for your country and still be a sh-t human being. So no, I don’t think Mila or Justin or Betty or anybody should be pressured into going for good PR or whatever just because the requests are coming from people in the militay. Anyway, I hope Betty White’s response kills this stupid trend.

  20. hatsumomo says:

    I sincerely hope this trend is over soon. It was stupid to have started.

  21. Maritza says:

    She works a lot, the old gal needs her rest, good for her for saying no.

  22. i am a cylon says:

    @ Choose Me


  23. louiset says:

    @Athena: I agree with you. Why is Betty great for declining because of scheduling conflicts but people were ready to string up Mila up if she declined due to work? Either way I feel bad for celebrities when requests are made public. It’s like when Ina Garten declined to cook for a dying child, she was villainized by everybody.