Kate Winslet forms ‘British anti-cosmetic surgery league’ will not ‘give in’

palm springs 6 070107
Kate Winslet bugs me for some reason. I know I’m supposed to admire her for not being super skinny and completely plastic-looking, but she keeps reminding us of both of these facts and she seems kind of sanctimonious about it. I’m pretty sure she’s had some injectables because her face is looking different, and that’s totally her prerogative. Everyone else is doing it, right? Only Kate wants us to know that she’s so against plastic surgery that she’s formed a little informal club among her upper crust celebrity friends, who probably sit around drinking cocktails and bitching about how bad so-and-so’s new face looks. That sounds like a lot of fun to me actually.

Proud of her natural curves, Kate Winslet has declared that she is joining forces with her fellow British actresses to fight against Hollywood pressure to undergo cosmetic surgery.

The 35-year-old star of Titanic says she has formed what she describes as the “British Anti-Cosmetic Surgery League” with her Oscar-winning friends Emma Thompson and Rachel Weisz.

“I will never give in,” vows Winslet. “It goes against my morals, the way that my parents brought me up and what I consider to be natural beauty.”

Winslet, who is the daughter of “jobbing actors” from Berkshire, adds: “I am an actress, I don’t want to freeze the expression of my face.”

Her comments echo those by Thompson, to whom she has been close since they appeared together in Sense and Sensibility in 1995. “I’m not fiddling about with myself,” said Thompson, 52. “We’re in this awful youth-driven thing now where everybody needs to look 30 at 60.”

Weisz, 41, for her part, has said her natural beauty is an asset. “People who look too perfect don’t look sexy or particularly beautiful,” said the Oscar-winning star of The Constant Gardener, who married Daniel Craig this year.

[From Telegraph.co.uk via ONTD]

Here’s why I think people are against plastic surgery – the bad plastic surgery is all that they notice, because it stands out. There’s decent surgery, and there are people who look fresher after having subtle work done. Think Sharon Stone, Meryl Streep (yeah, I went there, she had a little something to look that great) and Glenn Close. Their chins are too tight to be natural, but you don’t look at their faces and think “woah.”

I hope that Kate Winslet eats her words and gets something else done besides just a nose job and Botox. (Because that doesn’t count as “giving in” by her definition.) And I hope that it’s very obvious. Then we can have our cocktails and gossip about her. We’re doing it anyway. I’m not going to bitch about Emma Tompson or Rachel Weisz though, they probably just were getting their drink on and had no idea Kate Winslet was going to tell the press they’d formed some asinine club.

Here are some of the women I’ve mentioned in this article.






Photo credit: WENN.com

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77 Responses to “Kate Winslet forms ‘British anti-cosmetic surgery league’ will not ‘give in’”

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  1. Eleonor says:

    The only one looking surgery free seems Glenn Close (sorry Maryl)

  2. brin says:

    So smug. I’m sure that line in the sand will keep moving as she ages. We’ll all be watching & commenting, too.

  3. LOL says:

    She is close friends with Dicaprio whose current squeeze is about nothing else but cosmetic surgery. I bet they`ll have a nice conversation about it! LOL!

  4. tiki says:

    wouldn’t the more accurate name for her group be ‘won’t give in–again’?

  5. deva says:

    I’m not against plastic surgery because of all the jacked faces out there. I’m against plastic surgery because:

    1) it promotes self inflicted violence against women.

    2) plastic surgery is surgery and all surgery comes with risks of complications–infection, bleeding, death.

    3) the widespread popularity of plastic surgery ups the ante of expectation in regards to what a woman of a certain age is supposed to look like.

    4) you can look “more beautiful” and younger on the outside but you can still be ugly on the inside and you are still going to die! it is an unhealthy way to deal with your mortality.

  6. eva says:

    Deva – completely agree, well said!!

    I actually don’t see much of a difference between Kate 2009 and Kate 2011. Maybe she had a chemical peel or maybe it’s just the different lightning. I don’t think she’d go into such lengths to proclaim her hatred toward plastic surgery if she’d had anything done. She’d just deny it and be quiet.

  7. Eve says:

    Did she forget completely that she had a nose job?


  8. Quest says:

    I am really not against plastic surgery …it is really a personal choice for those who chose to do it, but when you see people like Kim K, Janice D or many others using plastic surgery like an addiction, it makes you wonder when will it stop…it can portray a false sense of beauty

    As they say Never say Never Kate(oh gawd, did I just quote the Biebs…lawd!)

  9. lucy2 says:

    I don’t think she’s had anything really done either, at least not yet. But I don’t see the need to be continuously vocal against it – just don’t do it.

  10. Eleonor says:

    She did have an eyelift, the batshaped eyebrows prove it.

  11. Lindy says:

    I honestly don’t think she’s had anything done. I have been looking really carefully at the pics and if you take a close look, I think she got her eyebrows waxed very severely. So in the 2011 pics she has a major, Cruella DeVille kind of arch going on–not attractive. We are used to seeing her with more natural, straight, thick eyebrows.

    That said, I wish she could find a way to come out against plastic surgery without sounding so smug. It’s grating even though I agree with her message.

  12. gee says:

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with some good work. I do think theres EVERYTHING wrong with looking like someone from the RHO series.

  13. Cidu says:

    Just took a look at those nose job photos. I actually don’t think she has had one. The after photo is just on a different angle and is photoshoped.

    But who knows… I’m definitely no expert. She can do what she wants, I just hope her self-righteouness doesn’t backfire. I love Kate as an actress. But I don’t understand why celebs think they’re the authority on whatever pet project it is they chose to embrace and then talk about. Just because they’re public figures doesn’t make them experts.

  14. tapioca says:

    Kate does seem like one of those who’s smart enough to realise that an actress who’s untouched might not work from 40 to 50, but once she gets over that hump she’ll have the pick of all the elder stateswoman & character roles because she’ll look appropriately “lived in” rather than jacked to Hell. Think Glenn Close, Judi Dench, Vanessa Redgrave – they let go of their youth and will probably be working until the Reaper calls!

  15. fancyamazon says:

    @deva ITA with what you said. It’s like lying about your age, your body is still the same age, and your organs, energy level, etc… all reflect your actual age rather than your intended projected age no matter what you do.

  16. Pyewacket says:

    So tired of Kate Winslet and her anti cosmetic surgery rants.

    Live and let live. If women want bad plastic surgery so what? If women want good plastic surgery, so what. It isn’t up to Kate Winslet to be the purveyor of what women/men should do to their faces.

    Great Kate, don’t let anyone force you to do what you think is wrong, and don’t force others to think as you do.

  17. Seal Team 6 says:

    I love Kate Winslet, and I hope she stays true to her word. My God, look at Helen Mirren and Diane Keaton. Gorgeous. Look at what Priscilla Presley did to herself — she was an incredibly beautiful woman.

  18. guesty says:

    She means she will not give in AGAIN.

  19. UKHels says:

    doesn’t mind the airbrush though does she?

  20. Seal Team 6 says:

    @ Tapioca

    EXCELLENT point about a 40-50 dry spell and then all the meaty older roles.

  21. Cherry says:

    @19. UKHels: Good point. For a woman who’s so smug about ‘natural beauty’ she sure as hell isn’t afraid of the airbrush/photoshop. Remember her Lancome ads? Hello, totally wrinkle-free alienface.

  22. Seal Team 6 says:

    I think of her rants, and many other people’s take on it, is that it is expected for women in the industry to get work done, and so they do, usually with not great results. Pacino and Michael Douglas had neck lifts, and that took years off their ages. I also think Streep and a few others had the same thing done, but they have been smart to mainly leave their faces alone.

  23. RocketMerry says:

    I agree wholly with deva.
    I am completely against plastic surgery, no matter if “subtle” surgery makes people look better according to current aesthetic standards. It seems as if the only things that people (particularly women) want to be are “sexy”, “pretty” and “young”. Hence the fourteen year old models portraying the modern seductress in nearly every advertising poster.
    And no matter what, I won’t believe that Meryl had surgery, ever. I like to think she never would. Sigh.

  24. constance says:

    Forget Kate, Sharon stone says she’s surgeon-free?! GTFO! I believe her as far as I can toss her. I’m sure she claims her good face is due to all that good karma from letting disaster victims know the truth about their bad karma.

  25. SEF says:

    I still don’t see it on Meryl (or Glenn Close). In different lighting you can see lots of wrinkles, and her neck is definitely not tight. Let’s leave her out of the discussion, haha!

  26. Susan O. says:

    @deva well put! Age gracefully, eat healthy, get good sleep, smile- so the lines curve up. My grandma’s advice!

  27. Pyewacket says:

    Good points on the airbrush. I don’t see her part of the group in Britain that wants photoshopping and airbrushing banned.

  28. GeekChic says:

    @RocketMerry, I’m against pressuring women to feel the need to meet some sort of societal idea of what is “perfect.” But I’m not completely against plastic surgery. In fact, I’ve had plastic surgery in the form of a breast reduction. I went from an absurd 34DDD to a much less painful and more manageable 34C. I have a friend who had very heavily-lidded eyes, to the point that she looked 10 years older and you really couldn’t see her eyes. She hated it and it made her horribly insecure. After living with it her whole life, she finally gave in and had a very subtle blepharoplasty. The amount of confidence it gave her was really a wonderful thing. My mother broke her nose as a child and it was never set, so it was crooked. In her 30s she had it fixed and corrected by a plastic surgeon, and could breathe through it better and was just in general so much happier with her appearance.

    If you’re “completely against plastic surgery,” then you’re saying that the three of us should have never gone under the knife. I would have had to live with ridiculously huge, painful breasts, my friend with no self-confidence, and my mother with a permanently crooked nose through which she couldn’t breathe. Are you so sure that ALL plastic surgery is really that bad?

    As for the post, I really don’t think Kate has had anything done. It just looks like makeup, angles, and different brows to me.

  29. ginger says:

    Actually I thought that she had said she wasn’t a fan of photoshop. Wasn’t there some big thing with a GQ cover years ago where she complained about it?

    Anyway regardless of whether I like Kate or not, I have to agree with Deva. There is way too much pressure to look perfect. Aging is natural, there’s nothing wrong with it, and it should be portrayed as such by hollywood.

  30. girlwithapearl says:

    Sorry bitch, but don’t even GO THERE with Meryl. That’s sacred, yeah?

  31. bubbs says:

    Why is there a need for an anti plastic surgery group? If Winslet (or anyone else) doesn’t want plastic surgery she shouldn’t get it. It’s a personal choice. I’m so sick of these celebs turning anything and everything into some personal sanctimonious crusade.

  32. mary says:

    kate couldn’t be a part of the actual group, look at pictures of her nose and eyes-she’s had both tweaked.

    Nothing overly done, but come on kate, it’s a bit obvious.

  33. Embee says:

    The Middleton girls need to take eyeliner lessons from Kate’s makeup person (in the third picture). THAT is how to wearblack eyeliner.

  34. original kate says:

    god i love emma thompson.

  35. Jaxx says:

    All these thirty-ish women saying NEVER–ha! Wait till the late 40’s and early 50’s hit. That’s when Mother Nature really takes the wrecking ball to your face. We’ll see how sanctimonious they are then!

    If I had the money I’d have my eyes done right this minute. It feels awful to have loose eye flesh hanging over your eyeball. And forget eyeliner, you can’t wear it. That will really kill the Middleton sisters!

  36. Jaxx says:

    Oh, and I forgot to mention–I’ve never seen Glenn Close look lovelier, wrinkles give her character!

  37. Hibiscus says:


    She’s done everything.

    – Nose different (back of nose straight as a runway, wasn’t always like that).
    – Chin different to her earlier days (a bit longer, better pronounced).
    – Fillers, Botox
    – etc.

    That’s a Hollywood plastic-face if I’ve ever seen one

  38. Melissa says:

    The problem is that some people (men and women) are going completely overboard when it comes to plastic surgery. Everything in moderation. Plastic surgery is very beneficial for reconstruction purposes as well. Lets not forget that.

  39. blonde on the dock says:

    I don’t think she’s had anything done to her face. Beautiful woman! Rachel Weisz is soooo pretty. These two are far prettier to me than anyone in Hollywood where everyone looks fake and generic.

  40. MariPily says:

    I agree with Jaxx. Kate is only in her mid 30’s…it’s easy to be anti plastic surgery when all you have are a few laugh lines that can be hidden with good makeup.

  41. mln76 says:

    I don’t blame actresses for getting plastic surgery but why do they have to scream at the top of their lungs about not doing it. Kate had a nose job like almost every other actress since they came out in the 40s. And if she hasn’t done any other actual plastic surgery it’s only because Botox and chemical peels etc aren’t surgical. Can’t she just keep her mouth shut about it and act.

  42. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    Maybe if we let her do some more glorified porn scenes and toss some Oscar nominations at her, she’ll be appeased for a while and remember that a lot of grown women really don’t need that advice, especially considering the source–unless you all have great aunts in Mayfair with a fleet of valets who would take of you during your convalesence whist she figures out what to do with herself for the Season. ‘Won’t give in’ (or ‘won’t get fooled again by those who think those faces are naught but virgin snow), sounds like an abstinence slogan or something you’d hang over a temperance hotel.

    Hollywood is the only place where people are lauded for having done nothing. The absence of its money and pressure might make one think, ‘Wow, though I’m proud that I somewhat resisted, aren’t I a bit of an idiot for thinking it made me some kind of prophet, preacher or protector? Did I truly give people a reason beyond ‘because I’m better than them”

    Good intentions are as useful as bad ones when they’re just sitting there. At any rate, the last person from whom I need advice from is a woman who whines her targets into submission, and relates the tale as if she were at the front for the next decades. And all of the alarmist types who type our the word misogyny before a solid definition invades the premises: getting annoyed with, or even feeling distate for your pet is not misogyny and browbeating doesn’t do much for sexism or definitions.

  43. Turtle Dove says:

    Eve – exactly.

    Kate is walking a fine line with me. I like her but this BS, “I didn’t have PS,” is starting to cheese me off. She has. We know she has. We don’t expect her to stand up and yell it to the roof tops, but just don’t say anything.

  44. aenflex says:

    ITA – good surgery is almost impossible to spot. This means it can never be drastic or exagerrated. People’s own inherent need to exagerate things in physical forms is ancient, and soon it’s gonna have us all looking like freaks 🙂

  45. mln76 says:

    Oh and she’s got a write up in the new EW and she all but admits she’s going for an EGOT she makes sure the writer knew she already has a Grammy for audio work on a book on tape. We all know she’ll win an Emmy I’m betting next year she’ll be on Broadway.

  46. rebecks says:

    Uhmmm… just looking at her forehead and eyebrows (the arching) it’s patently clear she is using injectibles, and has prob partaken in some aggressive dermabrasion. Just like Selma and Sofia V., these ladies only want to set unrealistic expectations for women with their mis-statements.
    It’s like they think it builds this super human celebrity mystique.
    Not the case, imo.

  47. ShanKat says:

    @mln76: snaps for the EGOT reference. That was sweeeeet.

    Kate’s just pissy because she’s perma-B list.

    That face is full of fillers. No question. I agree that only Glenn looks like she’s had work. Which is not to say they don’t all look effing fantastic. Especially Emma…I can’t wear red lips that well NOW, and I’m more than a decade younger than that hot bitch.

    Un-surgeried, un-Botoxed faces are now the exception. Jesusfuckingchrist.

  48. ShanKat says:

    @mln for EGOT reference.

    Kate’s just pissy because she’s perma-B list.

    That face is full of fillers. No question. I agree that only Glenn looks like she hasn’t had work. Which is not to say they don’t all look effing fantastic. Especially Emma…I can’t wear red lips that well NOW, and I’m more than a decade younger than that hot bitch.

    Un-surgeried, un-Botoxed faces are now the exception. Jesusfuckingchrist.

  49. Alix says:

    I’m against the way our culture shames women into getting plastic surgery. Women don’t just get these surgeries for the heck of it. Its not fun.

    They do it because for whatever reason — whether it be insecurity, fear of losing their job, or something else — they think they need to, in order to be successful in life. And in some cases, in our shallow culture, they do.

    What should be adressed is how our shallow and somewhat mysoginist culture encourages worshipping beauty, and shaming everyone who doesn’t quite fall into these standards of beauty.

    At times, shaming those who have surgery feels a lot like blaming the victim to me. Hollywood executives who consider victoria secret models and actresses interchangable, and magazines that airbrush everything, indoctrinate our girls from a young age telling them that they are ugly and therefore worthless. They are who should be blamed.

    Until this stops, I refuse to shame anyone who chooses to get plastic surgery.

    Its easy to get up your high-horse and talk about how much better you are than these people or how platic surgery should be banned, but it certainly is not going to help their insecurity or do anything to get to the root of the problem in the long run.

    In other words STFU Kate Winslet!

  50. Runs with Scissors says:

    @Deva: I totally agree.

    I’m not against it because it’s noticeable, I’m against Plastic surgery because it DOES promote violence against women.

    Hello, these women come out completely bloody pulps, purple and yellow and broken and sutured. It’s a disgusting form of self mutilation that is borne out of total VANITY (no, I’m not talking about fixing a broken nose, or reconstructive surgery, etc.)

    There’s really no reason for it except being vain and self centered. God, donate that money to charity, go on a trip to learn about the world, take some painting classes, help a kid pay for college, support the arts, anything else.

    If people weren’t ashamed of it and didn’t think it was shallow and selfish, they wouldn’t LIE about it.

    And hearing GOOP say she nursed her children and now needs to “fix” her breasts. WTF? That’s what naturally happens to breasts when you age or nurse your babies. It’s lovely, there’s nothing broken except her shallow, stupid head.

    Women need to stop paying someone to hack them apart and shove plastic in their chests, or break their noses and cut them up, or inject POISON into their faces so they can’t make natural facial expressions, just to feel more attractive to men (or to compete with other women for the attention of men.)

    A guy friend of mine asked some of us women if we would be turned on by a man who got plastic surgery. No, we all thought a man who would do that sounds insecure, self-hating and vain. NOT attractive. Why is it any different for women? I think men think it’s gross too.

    The question isn’t whether it’s subtle work, it’s the fact that you’re willing to do that to yourself. It says a lot about you, and that’s why people lie about it.

    I love Emma Thompson too! Out of all these people, she’s the only one who I think will stick to her guns about this.

  51. RocketMerry says:

    I am completely against plastic surgery meant to conform people (mostly women) to aesthetic standards that are mainly imposed from a society that is very oppressive whenever body image is concerned.
    Having said that, surgery for medical issues, including breast reduction, correction of fractured bones or cartilage and vision enhancing is not the subject of my post nor the subject of the article in discussion.
    I met a lot of people who had all sorts of cosmetic surgery, almost never for medical reasons. In fact, the women I met who needed it for car accident scars and congenital, very minor deformations decided not to get surgery.
    My point is not that people must not get surgery when needed; but most of the people who get cosmetic surgery do it under social pressure. And that is a shame and I am completely against it.

  52. sam says:

    Eyebrows, make up and hair are all different in the second photo.

    Maybe she hasn’t had surgery, but expensive creams, treatments and peels, make up and lighting are all options that could have helped her maintain her skin/look.

    I have friends in their 30s who are full of wrinkles and some who are essentially wrinkle free at this point – I think some people are definitely genetically blessed, and while surgery is the trend in the acting community, we shouldn’t assume that all of her look is due to going under the knife

  53. april says:

    Alix – good job! I agree with you. I’ll go a step further and say people also want PS to restore what they had. When you start to lose your looks due to age it isn’t easy. Even Dr. Oz said he wants under-eye surgery to remove his bags after he had a guest on who was very successfully treated by a plastic surgeon. My mom who is 85 constantly still regrets not having some work done on her face due to aging. She cannot now have surgery because of her age and she can’t have injections because of being on blood thinners. So to each their own!

  54. fizXgirl314 says:

    I’m with deva and runs with scissors on this one. People have really gone overboard with plastic surgery. Sometimes it’s ok (and I mean very rarely when you have a major problem that you just can’t get over) but mostly people are using it like it’s a vitamin these days (especially celebrities). I commend her stance on this. I think it just sets women back for the very same reasons runs with scissors mentioned. Do something more useful with that money that you’ll remember on your deathbed and think fondly of. Visit a country or learn something new. Those things will comfort you a lot more than the occasional glances you’re pining after will… fix your head, not your body.

    Alix, I also agree that the culture needs to change… but how else would the culture change if not by women like Kate Winslet et. al who stand up and say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”

  55. Rianic says:

    I always said never never. Then, at 35 – from ears of squinting from poor vision (and crappy opthamologist) plus working on a computer all day for eleven years caught up. I had deep forehead lines. I had a few units of Botox – for me. I can still frown, squint, move my brows, but the lines are gone. It has boosted my confidence so much. It was a one week decision thing – I asked my dermatologist while in for a microderm and left w the ‘Tox. I haven’t looked back. You need to look at who’s doing it before getting it done. What is the aesthetician’s idea of beauty? How severe does the office staff look (trust, they’re all getting it done).

  56. Tara says:

    I dunno Alix. The case you make convinces me we shouldn’t be shaming people who get plastic surgery or people like winslet who are speaking out against it. they are two comprehensible responses to a f*cked dynamic.

  57. Alix says:

    Sounds like a chastity pledge for Actresses of a Certain Age. Stay pure, ladies!

    Kate W. is getting a little strident on this issue… and I’m sure she doesn’t consider her obvious nose job “cosmetic surgery” because (1) like everyone else, she’ll claim deviated septum; and (2) technically, it doesn’t affect her ability to move her face. But geez, let it go, honey.

  58. Kim says:

    To me personally i feel botox and fillers etc are same as plastic surgery. They are altering face albeit not permanently. Kate has had procedures just maybe not under the knife.

    I find it misleading to regular/non celeb women when celebs say they are anti surgery YET have had many topical procedures. I have much more respeect for someone like Janice Dickenson (crazy as she is =) who admits she has had everything done.

  59. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    I wonder where the division between ‘refreshed’ and ‘traitor to the cause’ lies on their planet? It it anything like the difference beween ‘sage’ and ‘increasingly abrasive scold’? God love ya, Kate but my position remains unchanged: talented, attractive, somewhat hard to take in her positioning herself as eternally embattled everywoman preyed upon by all and sundry. Maybe she hasn’t visited ‘Discreet Procedures by Archie Bell and the Drells’, maybe she’s just clinically unable to unclench. That’d be remarkable.

  60. Kelly says:

    I think it is great she wants to stay away from plastic surgery and has friends to support her.

  61. Jenny says:

    Is anyone over 20 commenting on this site!?

  62. bappi says:

    I´m really really tired of Kate Winslet acting like she represents WOMEN and using words like “normal” and “real” and “inspirational” to talk about herself. She is not more real than my cousing Carol,who can eat all the crap she wants and remains skinny as a toothpick, and she is in her 30s. There are DIFFERENT women and I´d appreciate if she just stopped trying to represent us all.

    BTW, she and Weisz are major hypocrites. They both had work done in their noses and both often look frozen on the red carpet, so this “campaign” or whatever seems very ridiculous to me

  63. Kosmos says:

    To DEVA…..ditto, I totally agree as well, it ups the ante and sets up unrealistic expectations of women or even men who age…let’s stop the nonsense and be okay with each other as people. Stop the breast implant look, too, this look is getting tiring. Makeup, okay, even injectibles are not that bad because I don’t consider them to be surgery, but the rest of it is unnecessary.

  64. Violet says:

    @Deva and @Runs with Scissors – Word.

    It gets on my last nerve when celebrities yap on about the evils of cosmetic surgery when they’ve had work done.

    I wish more actresses allowed themselves to age gracefully. I’d rather look like Emma Thompson — who looks fantastic, by the way — when I’m older than a totally plastic version of myself, thank you very much.

  65. IrishEyes says:

    I don’t think she’s had PS, and you can tighten certain parts of the face up with various expensive creams for short periods of time. I’m all for positive plastic surgery, but some women just get lucky. My great gran? Yeah, 89 years old and no wrinkles except laugh lines. She has better skin than all her great grans! I’m just saying, some women DO have just awesome tight chins.

  66. moocow says:

    Is there any sort of a petition that Emma Thompson WON’T sign?

    I lost all respect for her when she came out as pro-Polanski. The fact that Thompson’s a part of this makes it even more laughable.

  67. Christina says:

    I agree with points everyone has made.. When it comes down to it – to each their own… BUT it is rather frustrating that a youthful appearance is so desired when many of us start to feel at our best once we finally leave those years (I’m just shy of 30 and couldnt be more excited)… But yes… In my early 20s, I felt like quite a little spitfire hahah but things get a harder and saggier once you start to pass 25 or so (especially places where weight has been lost.. Ugh… Hahaha) anyways, I do not think Kate had anything done. She was younger and much rounder in her earlier photos/career so that shows in the width of your nose, shape of your jaw, cheekbones, etc… This exact thing happened to me and on certain days (hydrated? Facials? I dunno…) but my coworkers used to joke about my “botox forehead” even though I’ve never had a thing done.. But I DO splurge on exercising, yoga, and facials/peels/proper skin care and it works wonders!!! So I believe her.. But she’s still very young… She may be eating her words 10 years from now…..

  68. bugsy says:

    I love me some Kate. She’s amazing. If she wants to act like a diva every now and again, so be it. But bitch, please. You haven’t had major work done, but it’s clear you’ve been freshened up. That being said, go back to your incredible craft so I can keep watching every scrap of your film. That goes for the other Kate (Blanchett), too.

  69. Hibiscus says:

    Winslet has had the full plastic surgery treatment to her face like most actresses in the industry.
    It’s bussiness.

    She’s a liar, full of issues about her body because people used to call her fat and ugly.
    There is barely any resemblance to the plumb and plain girl she used to be and the difference is not just a little weightloss.

    People just don’t recognise ist cause plastic surgery’s only in the news when it goes wrong or is overdone.

    It is like it is

  70. girlwithapearl says:

    I laugh at these arguments people make “Her nose wasn’t liek that 15 years ago”-It’s called ageing, and my mother’s nose isn’t the same as 15 years ago and she’s had zero plastic surgery. The fact is that when you age, fat comes off your face-that means chin and yes, nose.
    I remain fiercely loyal to Winslet, and refuse to belive this gossip rag crap you’re trying to push.

  71. MK says:

    Glenn may not have had surgery, but she’s def had botox– her forehead barely moves on the 3rd season of Damages. Love her though, and she looks fantastic Don’t think she has tinkered around too much.

    Add me to those who believe Kate. She’s kind of snotty but I don’t get the vibe that she’s lying… she seems to feel very passionately about it and I don’t see a motive to do that if she didn’t really believe it. Maybe I’m naive.

  72. moolahh says:

    am i the only one that’s surprised to know that kate is friends with rachel weisz?

  73. Jeannie says:

    @ moolahh


    The tabloids said the last ten years Kate hates Rachel because she stayed friends with Sam Mendes.

  74. John Wayne Lives says:

    Emma T. doesn’t need plastic surgery, god I love her! But she needs to wax that upper lip.
    Im sorry Emma 🙁 I love you too much to lie… *hangs head*

  75. Anoni Mus says:

    Just look at the glorious lines on Emma Thompsons face. There’s so much character in that face, and her smile and INNER LIFE are what shine through and give her beauty.

    Give me that over Kate’s total smoothness any day.

    Maybe one day, ugliness, quirkiness, individuality, will be glorified because women are all going to look the same.

  76. Neena says:

    I call BS. I don’t see the point of an anti-cosmetic surgery league. I think she is just joking.

    Anyway she has definitely had some work done. If you see her on tv walking the red carpet her face is waxy. I agree with all the commenters who have said that she has had chemical peels and botox.

    Most actors and actresses in film have had some work done. No matter how talented an actress is they are simply not allowed to age on screen.

  77. Anon says:

    Is there a member list somewhat of this league? All the women I’ve seen in it so far seem to have been born pretty hot with no need for surgery whatsoever (or have done it but just not so obvious).