Alex Skarsgard on filming w/ Kate Bosworth: ‘We were just good friends at the time’

True Blood hottie Alex Skargard is one of the cover models for this month’s BlackBook Magazine, along with his ex girlfriend, Kate Bosworth, who is on a separate cover for the same month. They’re both promoting Straw Dogs, a remake of 1971 Dustin Hoffman film about a woman who returns to her country roots and is confronted by the angry ex boyfriend she left behind. BlackBook has put Alex’s interview online, and he comes across as just as thoughtful and well spoken as he always does. He really seems like a decent well-rounded guy and he’s even very gracious and sadly a little reserved when he’s talking about Bosworth. He doesn’t get into their now-over relationship at all, and just praises her as an actress and says he doesn’t want to reveal too much of his personal life. It sounds like they didn’t get together as a couple until after filming wrapped.

There’s plenty more in the article (along with some mild spoilers for upcoming True Blood episodes, so beware) and here are the highlights:


bbset11covers1On the rape scene in Straw Dogs (spoilers)
The rape scene, which caused a stentorian uproar when the original Straw Dogs first screened four decades ago, is no less difficult to watch in the remake. After violating Amy, whose mix of pleasure and pain while being assaulted lends the scene a layer of uncomfortable ambiguity, Charlie sits back and watches as one his hulking cronies follows suit. “It f’ing breaks his heart, watching her get raped by someone else,” says Skarsgård, the gaze of his piercing greenish-blue eyes difficult to match in this moment. “It’s not like he ever says, ‘Yeah, f&#k her!’ In a way, he feels like she’s his territory. He thinks, ‘You’re my woman. I offered to protect you for the rest of my life, but you didn’t want that, did you? If you don’t feel this passion, this real thing we share, then fine, you’re on your own.’ It’s definitely more complicated than him f’ing her because he can’t have her.”

On Kate Bosworth
The set of Straw Dogs, the production of which Skarsgård admits was “exhausting on an emotional level,” seems an unlikely place for romance to blossom—nonetheless, it’s where he met Bosworth, whom he dated for two years until they broke up in July. “Kate is such a great actress, and she’s so much more than a good-looking Hollywood starlet. We were just really good friends at the time,” says Skarsgård, who lives on his own in a rented house in the Hollywood Hills. “But we shared a really special experience on that film.” (Although I didn’t know it at the time, Skarsgård was safeguarding a secret—the dissolution of his relationship with Bosworth had yet to become public fodder—which partly explains why our easy banter atrophied into guarded responses so quickly when the subject was broached. It didn’t last long. A downright neighborly guy, he generously explained, “I make it a rule not to talk about myself and Kate. I so desperately try to keep my private life out of the tabloids because becoming a celebrity rather than an actor can really get in the way of a good performance.”)

On his Melancholia director, Lars Von Trier, getting banned from Cannes
Unfortunately, Von Trier’s knack for eliciting career-topping performances from his actors was overshadowed when he uttered three little words during a press conference at Cannes: “I understand Hitler.” Shaking his head at the foolishness of it all, Skarsgård says, “Lars isn’t a racist, but he likes to provoke people. It’s almost like he has Tourette’s. If he’d been drunk and yelled it at someone—if it had felt genuine—that would be one thing, but it’s just bullshit he says because he’s trying to be funny. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, and it definitely didn’t this time.”

Stephen Moyer acts like he’s giving Skars a beej
Before the cameras begin rolling, Skarsgård walks up to his mark in the center of the room, Moyer kneels in front of him—his character is picking something up off the ground when the shot begins—and the director watches them from his chair in front of a camera monitor. While waiting in their places, Skarsgård looks down at his costar and says dryly, “It looks like he’s sucking me off,” to which Moyer responds by bobbing his head vigorously. Skarsgård closes his eyes and starts moaning with the intensity of a slash-fiction hero, after which Moyer stands up and wipes imaginary fluids from his mouth with the back of his hand. He scans the crowd and after taking a slight bow says, “And the Emmy goes to… ” A crew member whispers to no one in particular, “Now that’s what I call ‘Action.’”

He’s nice to fans, but won’t bite them
Later that night, the fourth season of True Blood officially wrapped, Skarsgård returns home to shower before meeting me at the Hollywood Roosevelt for a burger and a few ice-cold bottles of IPA. Over two hours, he draws more than a few glances from a group of Australian tourists and even from social gadfly Rumer Willis, the daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. “It’s you, Eric, isn’t it?” says one particularly guileless man, as if testing the waters before introducing Skarsgård to his wife. “Would you please take a picture with her?” He graciously obliges, wrapping his arm around the woman’s waist and smiling for the camera. “Would you… bite her?” This he does not oblige. When the couple retreats back to a far corner of the restaurant, Skarsgård says, “That’s one thing I’ll never really understand. But the main reason I don’t ever do it is because if I do it just once, every single person will be like, ‘Bite me! Bite me! Bite me!’”

[From Blackbook via ONTD]

Whenever I read or see an interview with this guy my crush is renewed. He’s not just playing some Hollywood game, he really does seem like he’s striving for normalcy and like he’s genuinely nice. The article has a little more on his thoughs on L.A. and the paparazzi. He says that “LA is such a one-trick pony—80% of the people here talk exclusively about managers and agents,” and that being photographed when he’s out seems “strange, and I want it to be strange—I don’t ever want to feel like that’s normal.” At least he’s willing to pose for photos like these, where we get to see him wear the hell out of suit and stare into our souls with those piercing blue eyes. They could have mixed up the poses for him a little more, though. These look too homogeneous in that he’s making the same intense face in every shot.

Straw Dogs is out in the US on September 16th. I’m still waiting to see how Alex and Kate handle the red carpet together, but you know he’ll be game for posing with her. He’s just that kind of guy.






Photos via Blackbook. Note that their site does not appear properly on Google Chrome.

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36 Responses to “Alex Skarsgard on filming w/ Kate Bosworth: ‘We were just good friends at the time’”

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  1. GiGi says:

    Kate’s article is up now on blackbook, too. She’s also very kind yet vague when describing Alex.

    As far as promos go… he recently gave some phone interviews to his fansites and was very non-committal on doing any Straw Dogs premieres stating that he was very busy and wasn’t sure what would happen with that.

  2. loveyourwork says:

    Gorgeous man! He is just so effing gracious. I’ll see Straw Dogs just for him – and to see the Bos chemistry in action.

    Imagine it being as lackluster as Sookie-love? ew. Though that would not explain anything as far as a 2-year relationship is concerned.

    but she seems so asexual. so we’ll see…

    oh, and does anyone else look at her cover and wonder what the heck is going on with her cheekbone/jowl situation? Other than that bit of weird, I find the photo to be quite captivating.

  3. lucy2 says:

    He does come across well in interviews.
    If he wants his private life private (which I respect a lot) he made the wrong choice in girlfriends though. I don’t think she talked much about him, but seemed way too into being photographed with him.

  4. Jess says:

    I follow a few Skarsgard tumblrs and oh lord, yesterday was the most Skars-filled day of my life, with this internet (which was good, she also had some very nice things to say about him in hers) and there were new pictres of him with that little girl he’s filming at and he was at the US Open looking HOT. Googley moogley.

  5. Robin says:

    He seems like a nice guy, but the whole we shared something special is such a cliche. And yeah, he picked the wrong gf if he wanted privacy.

  6. Devon says:

    Jess, I too follow a few ASkars tumblrs and good lord! My dashboard was FULL of Skarsporn yesterday. It was heavenly. Pictures of him on set with that little girl? *sigh*

    This man. He is made of all sorts of awesome that make my lady parts quiver and shake with such an intensity that I have to put down my laptop and jump in a cold, cold shower. I want him to come over so we can cuddle on the couch, watch movies and have hot, hot sex. Then afterwards we’ll go for coffee and wander around town holding hands, hitting up a bookstore. Finally, capping off the evening by having more viking sex.

  7. the original bellaluna says:

    SEX on TWO LEGS! OMgoodness – YES!

  8. MJ says:

    I am still pissed that someone thought it was a good idea to remake Straw Dogs. Seriously, is nothing sacred? I don’t get how a director would want to touch a Peckinpah film with a ten-foot pole, considering he was one of the most celebrated American directors of all time.

  9. Pyewacket says:

    I love both him and his father.

  10. really says:

    Lecker, lecker, lecker und sehr lecker!

    He just gets my blood going!

  11. Daisy Kenyon says:

    Great photography===I’ve never heard of Blackbook?!

  12. Gwen says:

    I find him sooooooo attractive, it’s not even funny.

  13. maggie says:

    I don’t get what people see in this dude. He’s not that attractive, huge under-eye bags, and his old.

  14. CC says:

    I’m not buying the shit he’s selling. I guess I’m completely imune to him, thanks to his (ex) “girlfriend”. It’s just too easy to see his physical flaws when I don’t think much of him as a person.

  15. Sue says:

    He’s old!?!? he’s 35.

  16. Cecile-ex-askars-fan says:

    Let me get this straight… this is the refreshing swedish guy who has a different way of live the actors life, ok? but he (let’s forget who is the person involved) he can’t say he had a relationship with.
    IDK, I was rooting so hard for you Alex, but you don’t have… IDK, you’re not a man, you are grosser than a Disney boy.

  17. cr says:

    CC, so making a bad choice in girlfriends makes you think less of him as a person? That eliminates a lot of people to think well of.
    Lucy2, I think he realized some time ago that she wasn’t the person to be with if he wanted a more private relationship. Which is why I think it was definitely over by Coachella, if not before.
    Maggie, those ‘bags’ under his eyes? He’s had them since he was a child, probably what my mom would call ‘allergy shiners’.

  18. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    @celebitchy, I just came here to tell you that my 7 year old cousin just scored a role in “maisie knew” with Alexander and Julianne Moore! I asked her if she could sneak me on set in a really large piece of luggage 😉

  19. Kim says:

    Going to be macaulay culkin

  20. hairball says:

    I LOVED last episode of TB. God is he HOT as regular Eric. But now Sookie disses him and so now they aren’t together, that’s it??

    I understand a show needs conflict to keep things interesting but when it gets to the point of frustrating, it’s not good.

    They could do SO much with Sookie and Eric together and still have conflict withIN their relationship. Only two episodes left. Please don’t have it be ten min per episode of Eric and sookie and the rest witch fighting. Then the season ends for almost a year. WTF.

  21. bigchili says:

    @MorticiansDoItDeader – I am sooo jealous of your daughter. lol

    I really hope he does a red carpet for Straw Dogs with Kate & her new boyfriend – since she wants to claim she cheated & dumped ASkars for him – that side by side would be hilarious.

  22. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    @bigchili, I’m jealous! If she were my daughter I’d be meeting Alex too! Sadly, she is my cousin, so she and her mother will be meeting him while I drool over the pictures they’ll get to take with him!

  23. bigchili says:

    @MorticiansDoItDeader – Wow, I totally misread that. Well, I’m super jealous of your cousint then. I would love to see that man.

  24. Camille says:

    Love him. Sigh 🙂 .

    I’ll take Alex over that fugly and douchey Hamm guy any day of the week.

  25. atlantapug says:

    Alex, I’ll be “just friends” with you any day of the week.

  26. hairball says:

    @atlantapug: ha ha
    Where are these AS sites…?

  27. cr says:

    hairball, the Tumblr sites?
    I usually start with askarsswedishmeatballs and Santress and follow the links from there. There are literally too many to keep track of.

  28. donnado says:

    He thinks she’s a good actress? Now I have no respect for him at all.

  29. the original bellaluna says:

    Morticians *wipes drool off chin* WOW! I don’t think “green” or “jealous” even begin to cover it.

  30. hairball says:

    Thanks cr!

  31. helen says:

    If Zoolander does “Blue Steel” in every photo, what would you call what this dude is doing? It’s always the same face. He looks like he’s been ‘it on the ‘ead wiv ‘eavy ‘ammer.

  32. helen says:

    I want to draw an arrow to his head and write- Please Insert Brain on every one of these pictures.

    he sounds very pleasant though.

  33. cr says:

    Helen, sadly I don’t think Alex has much creative control over photo shoots, so we’re stuck with the ‘brooding, dark’ vampire Swede. I’d much rather see goofy, smiley Swede myself.
    Perhaps one of these days photogs will learn that laughter is also sexy, not just brooding.

  34. dahlia1947 says:

    Ah um whaa.. this man leaves me speechless…

  35. coucou says:

    Helen #31, right on on the Zoolander Blue Steel mention – and let’s not forget that our friend Alex here was one of his doofy model roommates MEEKUS who died in the freak gasoline fire!

    Earth to Meekus…it’s all i ever see him as.

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