Reese Witherspoon goes to yoga class, maybe smokes up afterwards

While her husband relaxes with a good spliff (not that there’s anything wrong with that,) Reese prefers to get all bendy and new age doing yoga. (And if her husband’s into it maybe she enjoys a toke afterwards, as commentor Viv wonders.)

I’ve done my share of yoga, but I’m not into that bikram stuff where it’s all hot and unbearable. My aunt swears by it, but I can only stand the sauna for ten minutes so I’m not sure how I would tolerate doing poses under those conditions. Salma Hayek told a story on David Letterman’s show about how she tried to do Bikram yoga and was grossed out by other people’s sweat dripping from the ceiling. (Yes that’s random, but I can’t bring myself to just publish pictures without including some kind of news, so forgive me.)

Yoga-loving Reese is set to star in a new movie with Jake Gyllenhaal, a Middle East political thriller called “Rendition.” It starts filming in November.

Pictures from Hollywood’s Best.

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3 Responses to “Reese Witherspoon goes to yoga class, maybe smokes up afterwards”

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  1. Viv says:

    Oh tight, thanks for the mention. =) That made my evening (aside from the margaritas).

  2. Celebitchy says:

    Viv it didn’t even occur to me that Reese would enjoy pot too, she seems like too much of a control freak, so I had to give you credit for that. I would like a nice margarita.

  3. grumpy says:

    The best thing about Bikram … besides that the studio is across the Street from my apartment is that you get no colds all of flu/cold season cause the heart kills them all before they launch … your skin is all baby smooth glow …and it kills your desire to drink through some kinda sick serotonin overload … so you stay skinny and get lots done … its worth the heat hallucinations … which as my Mummyji said … are worse than delhi in the summertime.