Linnocent didn’t show up for community service because they were mean to her!


This is yet another Linnocent post about her ongoing, self-manufactured drama and general dumbassery. As we’ve already discussed today, Linnocent got kicked out of her community service program for being an unreliable, lazy crackhead. To make matters worse, she also blew off her court-ordered therapy sessions. There’s more to add to the pile of crack shenanigans, and I’m just going to do it in bullet points:

*TMZ reports that Linnocent is telling friends that she was “unfairly” treated at the Downtown Women’s Center, “insisting the staff was REALLY mean to her from the second she arrived. Lohan has assured her inner circle … she did everything she was asked to do while performing her court-ordered community service at the L.A. center over the past few months … and NEVER showed up late.” Of course.

*Linnocent is also telling friends that she “loves” her service at the American Red Cross, “saying her relationship with the staff is good.”

*According to TMZ’s source in the Probation Department, as of September 30, Linnocent had only completely 21 hours of community service. 339 to go!

*The last time she was in court, Judge Sautner told her that she had to see a psychiatrist every week as part of her probation, and that “work” is not an excuse. Apparently, Judge Sautner also said that if Linnocent violated, she would go to jail. Blah blah blah.

*Remember Danette Meyers? She was the LA DA who prosecuted Linnocent for all of her myriad cracked-out capers. Ms. Meyers says: “If true, it only confirms my opinion that formal supervised probation was warranted in this case. My opinion is based on 25 years of experience prosecuting cases. It is unfortunate the court did not agree with me.” Summary probation = no appointments with probation officers. Formal probation = drug and alcohol testing, meetings, etc.

*A random dentist tells Hollywood Life that Linnocent‘s damaged teeth “appear to be from a combination of smoking, drug use and lack of personal care… smoking [cigarettes] causes yellowing of the teeth, which we definitely see here in this picture. However, at such a young age, smoking wouldn’t cause the decay and browning you see around the gums. Damage like that is something we see in patients who are using or have used drugs… Marijuana and other drugs don’t affect the teeth the same way. Marijuana is smoked and so the heat generated from smoking causes inflammation which can cause damage to the soft tissue. However, drugs like cocaine, crack, meth all have acidic properties which is more destructive to the enamel which ultimately leads to decay.” METH.


Radar doesn’t think Linnocent will be sent to jail because she had until next May to complete everything. TMZ thinks she definitely will go to jail. Meanwhile, I wish I was playing outside in the sunshine.



Photos courtesy of Fame and WENN.

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134 Responses to “Linnocent didn’t show up for community service because they were mean to her!”

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  1. Psyren says:

    I used to feel sorry for her but now I’m just content to sit back and watch her self destruct. I refuse to feel pity for someone who has that kind of attitude on top of having every conceivable resource and opportunity available to get help.

  2. Liz says:

    i never comment on LL reports just because I think it is all so pathetic and her self-entitlement is so pathological that I don’t usually have the patience, but…..i recently googled for images for LL’s MiuMiu campaign and it is actually really drastic how stunning she once was. WAS, LL, got that?

  3. brin says:

    Awwww, poor misunderstood Crackie (she must be flashing back to her Mean Girls days).

  4. theotheryael says:

    meanwhile i want to jump into my work’s shower and scrub off the nasty i’ve surely caught from seeing those photos.

  5. ladybert62 says:

    She has only completed 21 hours of community service – come on lazy lindsey, get cracking – you have 39 more hours to do so I can win with my 60 hours bet – I need some bragging rights!! ha ha

  6. Jermsmom says:

    Take a look at the expression on the face of the guy behind her in the first pic! It screams “wtf! Trainwreck!”

  7. Praise St. Angie! says:

    “However, drugs like cocaine, crack, meth all have acidic properties which is more destructive to the enamel which ultimately leads to decay.” METH.”

    Oh, I think it’s all three. Coke/crack when she can get it (read: when someone else is buying and supplying) and meth when she has to buy for herself.

    so, the Judge said she had to go to therapy and working was not a reason to not go and she’ll go to jail if she doesn’t do it. so, what are the odds that the Judge keeps her word?

  8. grabbyhands says:

    Sadly, this will probably be enough to make it possible for her to walk free yet again. The bottom line is, she’s never really going to have to do hard time, ever, for anything she does and she knows it.

    The WTF/Gurrl, please looks on the faces of the three guys behind her in the first picture are priceless.

  9. gee says:

    Our Lady of Methfaces did violate her probation though.. if the LA court system was ANY other in the US, she’d be in jail. And if she was ANY other person, she’d be in jail. Why does she get away with so much? I bet they have the judge in their pocket or something.

  10. pringles says:

    I haven’t seen it mentioned (we are all so blinded by her crack teeth) but after the “I’m just like Marylin” nonsense she has not so subtly changed her look to be more like her. Specifically, the hair is now snowy platnum white like Marylins and the eye make up is JUST LIKE Marylin’s. Marylin had very iconic eye make up. ON Lindsay it is really out of place. Its like a Marylin costume. I really think this girl is delusional in a “lock me up in the looney bin” kinda way with the Marylin thing. And I won’t be surprised if she someday soon succumbs to her own OD death just like Marylin….

  11. Skins says:

    How can she show those teeth in public? Ugh!

  12. the original bellaluna says:

    Go, Ms. Meyers!

    Of COURSE they were “mean to her:” she showed up (WHEN she showed up) acting like an entitled selfish crackhead!

  13. kristen says:

    it’s all catching up with her. eventually, it always does. love that dress though.

  14. fluffyrabbit says:

    I’m just not getting the vibe that she’s smoking meth. As seen in something like this picture..,file=38164,filename=addict_faces_of_meth.jpg

    …meth heads always have sores all over their faces due to the impurities that are in the drug.

    Personally I think Lindsanity is smoking crack/coke.

  15. Rita says:

    Throw her sorry butt in jail and leave it there. No need for a nice smile in the slammer.

  16. Jules says:

    The expression on the man’s face in the first photo is priceless. Talk about the ultimate WTF face.

  17. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Oh those nasty mean honest working staff who choose to work with battered and scared and frightened women were annoyed (rightly so) at having a drug adled glass throwing sociopath to see to also!!! FFS!! Its PUNISHMENT/CONSEQUENCES Linnocent….u broke the law u dumb biatch!!!

    Honestly, wtf did Linnocent expect – ok scratch that, Linnocent expected to be idolised as she believes she is godlike compared to us plebs!!

    But u know what really grates is she got kicked out of her cs and assigned to a ‘cushier’ one – why isnt getting kicked off your CS seen as disobeying the court?! Or at least failing to adhere to their orders??? Grhhhhh!!!

    Cracktinis and crackmopolitans being downed one after the other…..

  18. Twez says:

    My god, her face! Coke bloat beyond belief.

  19. RocketMerry says:


  20. yt says:

    Are you insinuating that the staff at the Downtown Women’s Center did not bow and curtsey to LL as well as immediately fulfilling her demands for special treatment? How dare they! That really is mean of them! Obviously they didn’t get the memo on the care and feeding of LL.

    Luckily she’s the court’s problem, not mine. I’d toss her in prison with no extras allowed.

    Meanwhile, I see a sudden rehab visit before her next court date.

  21. Obvious says:

    *sigh* can someone explain to me why for the longest time I tried to defend and support her? I really wanted to see her succeed and get out of this mess, but now? ugh. I feel dirty just looking at her.

    I hope she gets jail, California, home sweet home, please don’t let me down again.

  22. gee says:

    @Obvious – I think everyone did that.. it’s nice to give the benefit of the doubt, but she doesn’t even deserve that anymore.

  23. Roma says:

    I think that much like Charlie Sheen, she is freebasing cocaine.

  24. logan says:

    Congratulations California judicial system, this is what YOU have created!
    Glad I am not a tax payer in that state.
    She is costing you a fortune.

  25. jensational says:

    I don’t usually try to defend Lindsey but regarding her teeth….isn’t it entirely possible that she may have had something to eat before she got her picture taken? Happens to everyone, I’m just sayin’…

  26. the original bellaluna says:

    fluffyrabbit – No, meth-heads have sores where-ever they decide to “pick” when they’re tweeking. And those sores are absolutely from the “impurities” in meth surfacing through their skin.

    I knew a chick who tweeked on her arms. Another tweeked on her legs.

    Not all meth impurities surface on the face. And you can snort meth, or smoke it, or free-base it. (Just a little FYI)

  27. Embee says:

    It is Lindsay who is being let down by the judge’s permissiveness, just as Dina has been letting her down with the same her whole life. That she has not performed her community service or therapy is not surprising. She is way too far gone. As we saw with Britney Spears, someone has to step in and take over for things to improve. Sadly, Lindsay doesn’t have anyone to do that.

  28. SEF says:

    LOVE the expressions on those 3 guys behind her, in 1st picture!

  29. newtsgal says:

    OMG! The look on the guys face behind her in the 1st photo is priceless and says it all…..hahahahahaha!

    On another note how funny is it that ol Lindsays’ first credit on IMBD is on the Letterman show back in 92…dressed as GARBAGE!!!!

  30. the original bellaluna says:

    Obvious, because you want to believe the best in humanity, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But Linnocent is so delusional, so self-entitled, that there’s no hope for her.

    logan – I’m pretty willing to bet that others (besides the CA judicial system) had a hand in creating this monster. I mean, she’s only been in the judicial system for what, 5 years? Her asshole entitlement issues were in place long before then.

  31. ahoyhoy says:

    Somebody forward that top photo to ‘this is photobomb’. They love ‘celebrity’ pics.

  32. serena says:


    I’d say that’s from drugs too.

  33. Madisyn says:

    I haven’t read the article or the comments, so if I repeat any of yours (and I’m sure I’m not the only one), please bare with me

    Did you people see the three guys looking at Blohan, with a ‘IS THIS BITCH FOR REAL’ look on their faces?


  34. atorontogal says:

    @jensational….what kind of spicey hot food must she have eaten to get her teeth that shade of yellow and all chipped and and and just so gross!!!

  35. Firecracker says:

    TMZ is always wrong, they always think Liho is going to jail and she never does. But…the therapy angle just might earn her a stern talking to from the judge!

    “Lindsey, honey, I know that you are really, really trying, and that you want your life back. I will give you 25 more chances to do what I am imposing on you. That is all. Please turn the cameras off”.

    “Now that the cameras are off, what are you going to wear to your next court date? How about blue, I think you look really good in blue.”

  36. womanfromthenorth says:

    she looks more of a drunk than a crack head kids. Skinny half dead looking she is not. Boozer and maybe cokehead. JMO

  37. grace says:

    If she does not go to jail this time around, I will start sharing with her the belief that she can do whatever she wants without ever being held accountable for that.

  38. Skins says:

    Imagine the crack-toothed babies her and Charlie Sheen could have. We can only hope

  39. Lady D says:

    @ Madisyn, and good morning.
    “Firecracker – 38 hours
    Rudy Red Lips – 40 hours
    Dawning Red – 48 hours
    Seal Team 6 – 51
    theotheryael – 54
    Bess – 55 hours
    ladybert62 – 60 hour
    Lady D – 44 hours.

    Does her CS have to be done in 2 or 4-hour blocks. Can she put in 2.5 or 5 hours? Should we be betting in 4-hour increments?

  40. gg says:

    Mostly what I notice is she never seems to brush her teeth. There are always clumps of white and dark stuff on them. awful.

  41. G says:

    She’s not going to jail. There’s no room in jail, she’s done house arrest and while she is certainly a screw-up she’s not going to do realtime. What she will do is collect more probation, more bad publicity ,more misunderstandings that mire her in never-ending, never resolved drama.

    It’s sad, but she’s obviously not ready to take responsibility for her actions. Over and over she says she is, and that she “gets it.” But she doesn’t.

  42. Annie says:

    She has those picking scabs on her legs and sometimes hands. Skin picking can happen with any stimulant drug.

  43. the original bellaluna says:

    atorontogal – Some kind of spicy food with METH as the primary ingredient.

    Mad, my twin, I’m still waiting to place my bet on said CS hours. I don’t know, for some reason (maybe the Vegas-sized-wear-around-your-neck cracktini or the purple bruise on my [possibly broken] cheekbone from tantrum-throwing todder) I’m just not willing to throw in my bet yet!

    (Hey! Lainey changed her logo!)

  44. newtsgal says:

    Can I please… place my bet too?
    I can’t find that pic of Lilo from 92…its tragically funny if you remember the old saying Trash in Trash out……LOL!

  45. Sue says:

    Why is she even relevant anymore…… I say boycott!

  46. Bess says:

    The problem is that Blohan has been treated as “special” her entire life. Everyone from her parents and siblings, to onset tutors and teachers, to some of the judges assigned to her case, have allowed her to slide by or given her chance after chance.

    The only three people who even attempted to straighten her up are the “Georgia Rules” producer who sent her that scathing public letter about her lack of professionalism, the DA Dannette Meyers and Judge Marsha Revel. OF course, after each of these people tried and failed to teach her a lesson, her mother lied and publicly defended her.

    If jail and public humiliation fail to give Lohan a reality check, what will?

  47. Devon says:

    Instead of going to jail, because you know she hasn’t done anything wrong, the most she’ll get will be the formal probation. We are thinking about moving to California and I wonder if there is a way to put something on our taxes that says “NOT FOR LINDSAY LOHAN’S CRACK SHENANIGANS!”

  48. OhMyMy says:

    @Sue: I’m sure we’d all be there with you on a boycott….but boycott what? She hasn’t delivered anything to boycott lately. LOL.

  49. Madisyn says:

    Lady D

    I answered you on the previous post but I’ll repeat.

    Lady D, 44 your in. As far as I can tell, the judge was clear, she must do 4 hours or MORE of CS on any given day.

    Firecracker – 38 hours
    Rudy Red Lips – 40 hours
    Lady D – 44 hours
    Dawning Red – 48 hours
    Seal Team 6 – 51 hours
    Morticians – 52 hours
    theotheryael – 54 hours
    Bess – 55 hours
    ladybert62 – 60 hours


    I’m so determined to ‘win’ this, I’m waiting for Tuesday to place my ‘final answer’. I doubt she’s going to do ‘tons’ of CS but if she does, I want to be prepared. I’m having my cracktini in my very large, promotional Vegas margarita glass, so big I almost can’t lift the damn thing.


    Of course you can. The more the merrier. Place your bet or sit back and wait till we see how many ‘tons’ of CS she does till her court date Wed.

    Let me state for the official record, ALL ARE WELCOME to JOIN the BETTING GAME, the CRACK TAILGATES, and PARTAKE in CRACKTINI’S BY THE ‘POOL’. Well except, ‘NO LOHANS’ at the vodka vat.

  50. lin234 says:

    lol at the food comment. That is gold. Go eat something and see if it immediately stains your teeth brown and chips your teeth.

  51. Shannon says:

    @fluffyrabbit – it takes a long time for a meth user to start getting facial sores. The tooth decay starts much earlier. My boyfriend was a heavy meth user for three years when he was a teenager, and his teeth do have some damage, but nowhere near as bad as Lindsay’s. And he never had any other visible signs of drug use. Just saying, she could very well indeed be using meth. I have a feeling she uses lots of different drugs.

  52. the original bellaluna says:

    Devon – Madame, it is “cracknanigans” thankyouverymuch!

    Also, unless you have phenomenally good jobs, excellent insurance (both health and vehicle), lots of money for taxes and every other single thing you may need to survive, and a very high tolerance for bullshit, I recommend you reconsider. CA is beautiful, but not worth it. Choose Oregon or Washington state instead. (If “west coast” is what’s on your mind.)

    Mad – Yes, I think patience is a virtue in this betting game. (Not on her survival rate, of course, because if she makes it to the 27 Club I will be both DISGUSTED [doesn’t deserve it] AND SHOCKED she lived that long!)

    And yes, all except The Clan of The Crackhead are welcome at the tail-gates, pool, and betting pool.

  53. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Madisyn, just posted on other Linnocent post, but can my name be changed to RUBY red lips on he betting list rather than rudy – thanks 🙂

    *waving and raising my cracktini to all the ladies*

  54. newtsgal says:

    Yall keep in mind that of Sept. 30 she only had 21 hrs.
    So… I think she’ll come in at 56 hrs.

  55. Sue says:

    @ohmymy – should have been more clear, was meaning giving her any media attention…….

  56. Madisyn says:

    RUBY Red Lips

    My apologies. I’ll change it here and the other post immediately.

    Firecracker – 38 hours
    Ruby Red Lips – 40 hours
    Lady D – 44 hours
    Dawning Red – 48 hours
    Seal Team 6 – 51 hours
    Morticians – 52 hours
    theotheryael – 54 hours
    Bess – 55 hours
    newtsgal – 56 hours
    ladybert62 – 60 hours

  57. OhMyMy says:

    @Sue: That would be interesting to try. IDK…I bet Lohan Inc. would just freak out trying to top themselves to get attention.

    They have been quiet for little amounts of time over the past year and just when you think you can heave a sigh of relief and forget about them they come out with something stupid or outrageous again.

  58. Seal Team 6 says:

    I’ve worked with CS people before, and when one was “fired” for whatever reason (not showing up, surliness, laziness), their PO was called and they were VOPed. ALL were sent back to jail or to prison and had additional penalties tacked onto their sentence.

  59. Apple says:

    Doing hard work isn’t “mean” it is called “working” like the rest of us do 40 hours a week 5 days a week. Not 40 hours over six months.

    Looks like she hasn’t done an hour of her CS at the LA morgue either.

    I hope the LA court system knows what a laughing stock they are to the rest of country. Lindsay and her lawyer know the judge won’t send her to jail due to overcrowding. She will get another chance just like she always does. So she can go to milan and whore uh, I mean do “modeling shoots”.

  60. newtsgal says:

    Oh, that’s 56 hrs.-CS
    and 0 hrs w/ conselor
    and 0 hrs @ morgue

    Thank you Madisyn!
    A round of craktinis for everyone on me!

  61. Green_Eyes says:

    @Lady D, are we betting on how much more she will get OT how much she claims she’s done? Sorry somewhere I lost feeds regarding bet. But I’m in..just know it’s in 4 hr increments lol.
    Will check back to see what bet is regarding.

    I too noticed the 3 guys faces behind her before anything else.. Those looks kinda say it all..

  62. Seal Team 6 says:

    Also, CS isn’t supposed to be mean or cruel, but it IS supposed to be punitive, meaning boring or sweat-inducing, or whatever. No something like an internship at the Red Cross. Kind of takes away the whole reason the Judge choose DWC.

    Should have kept that Felony charge, Judge.

    LA County and its courts and Sheriff look like asskissing idiots.

  63. Firecracker says:

    Wait wait, Madisyn I think Innocent should not be allowed to participate in our CS numbers game because she’ll win!

  64. gizmerelda says:

    can i be in the bet for 47 hours please?

  65. Seal Team 6 says:



  66. Devon says:

    The Original Bellaluna…

    “cracknanigans” that is amazing! If it was my choice, we wouldn’t be moving to the US at all, but my husband’s company is based in Silicon Valley, he’s a programmer, and the best opportunities for him are there. If I had my way, we’d be staying in Canada/Vancouver or moving to the UK, where they also have an office. I’m crossing my fingers and toes that we end up in England.

  67. Madisyn says:


    I personally don’t care of the Family von Crack come to the tailgates or join the betting pool (they’d certainly have an ‘in’) but the Treehouse and ‘pool’ are OFF LIMITS!

    Seal Team

    When you say “I’ve worked with CS people”, you must mean US regular folks. Not super ‘special’ entitled twits like Blohan. Did you see the ROL article that ‘allegedly’ quotes Blohan as saying “Nothing is going to happen to me” in court. THIS IS WHY people can’t stand this twit. The arrogance is unprecedented. I just hope this judge does what Judge Marsha (the one) does and wipe that smirk right off her face. She didn’t think she would go to jail then either.

    Apple & newtsgal

    She CANNOT even attempt her CS at the morgue until she finishes off her CS at the DWC and now the Red Cross. The judge was crystal clear on this. Its been well documented.

    I thought about this, its probably because its ‘disruptive’ to schedule CS around people who are bouncing back and forth between different CS assignments. These places need volunteers and need to schedule accordingly. Its much easier for these centers to assign people to certain jobs for a certain amount of hours. JMHO

  68. Quinnie88 says:

    Im with everybody about the meth, I am sure when she can get her hands on Crack she smokes it, but from what i hear meth is ALOT cheaper and it really tweeks you right out! Lindsey to me is delusional and her behavior screams meth so does her teeth and skin! i do think she also dabbles in painkillers and oxys or something of that nature……… i think she started with those and moved up crack and meth.Give her another few years of using meth and she will look just like the faces of meth too!

  69. Madisyn says:


    Your down for 47, good luck.

    Firecracker – 38 hours
    Ruby Red Lips – 40 hours
    Lady D – 44 hours
    gizmerelda – 47 hours
    Dawning Red – 48 hours
    Seal Team 6 – 51 hours
    Morticians – 52 hours
    theotheryael – 54 hours
    Bess – 55 hours
    newtsgal – 56 hours
    ladybert62 – 60 hours


    If you insist, Innocent is out! We won’t record her number. Cracktini? I’m having ANOTHER!

  70. Devon says:

    Posted 7 minutes ago to Linnocent’s twitter account…
    “I am not to be made an example of anymore. I am working hard and fulfilling my obligations every single day, to the court as well as myself. If I travel, its for work and its been approved. As is anything I do when I leave the state. I’d appreciate it if people will just let me do what is asked of me, so that I can get my life back. Please ignore the reports which have no truth to them. Thank you.”

    Bitch. Please.

  71. Nemesis Rose says:

    Lindsay is such a crack hustler liar. She says they were mean to her from the second she started? Well then, what the hell was up with all the tweets she sent out saying how much she LOVED working there, and how much she LOVED the women and the staff?

    I’ve never done CS, but I have volunteered, and sometimes you don’t get along with everyone. Being a responsible, mature adult, I didn’t just blow off my duties, or even go somewhere else, ’cause I felt certain staff were being “mean” to me. I asked to speak to my supervisor and we worked it out. That’s what GROWN UPS do you immature little diva brat!!!!!!

    God, this bitch makes me angry! And yeah, love the face on the guy in the suit, (1st pic). He looks confused and terrified at the same time! Hahahaha!

  72. Bess says:

    As I wrote on the last post, when Linnocent says that people are “mean” to her, what she really means is that they expect her to come to work on time, dress appropriately, no talking phone/texting, no attitude and no two hour lunches. You know, the kind of stuff those of us in the real world already know.

    As for her tweet, I am going to love to hear how she’s going to try to scam the judge into thinking her 3 week + trip to NY & Europe was “work”. How does going to parties, 2 fashion shows, getting drunk, making out with your mom, throwing glasses and then being a temporary girlfriend for three different men qualify as work??

  73. newtsgal says:

    I will not be made an example of…..”now move that cone and pass me the crackpipe NOW!!!
    Bitch please……if anything you are the blueprint for doing it wrong!

  74. Nemesis Rose says:

    “I’d appreciate it if people will just let me do what is asked of me,….”

    Delusion thy name is Lindsay Lohan! This is the problem. You AREN’T doing what is ASKED of you! But of course it isn’t your fault is it? Someone is always “out to get you” or is trying to “screw you over” in some way. I’m sure you were dragged kicking and screaming to Fashion Week in New York and then loaded (pun intended) onto a plane and sent to Europe against your will. All the while dreaming of the less fortunate that you could be helping while you partied “unwillingly” the whole time. Just keep your yap trap shut. No one believes a word you say.

    I have to get off the computer before I have a stroke, this bitch is pushing me over the edge.

  75. Firecracker says:

    Lol, Newtsgal!

    I didn’t know that she could even spell the word example, let alone the meaning of it. Obviously, someone composed it for her.

  76. Gretchen says:

    how can she spend so much on lip and cheek fillers and not her teeth? i’m just trying to imagine her looking in the mirror in the morning (9pm)…of course she sees about 3 linnocents, so all the cheeks, upper lips and teeth must just get confusing…i mean, teeth, there are just, like, sooooo many…how can she deal with those?

  77. Lllllll says:

    I’m naive, can somebody explain to me what “free-basing” is? Does it mean smoking it? Is it worse than just snorting it? I’m so confused… thanks in advance!

  78. Madisyn says:

    Nemesis Rose

    I hear ya, girl. Most people here laugh and laugh at this idiots quotes or tweets but like you, I get ANGRY at the thought this twit actually thinks we believe her. I really, really hope the judge wipes that smug smirk off her face come Wed.

    Remember her face July 6, 2010, when Judge Marsha actually sent her to jail, she wasn’t expecting it. I wonder if thats Shawn Holley’s revenge on Linnocent. Tell her ‘most likely nothing will happen’ and then BOOM, jail time, bitch.

    Alot of people put down Holley, but my opinion is, she’s just doing her job. Thats what ‘good lawyers’ do, they get their clients off. I WON’T fault Holley for that, I fault the judge. Its up to her (in this case) to see through the bullshit and impose a proper sentence. I personally gotta give Holley credit for putting up with Blohan in the first place. It can’t be easy taking those 4 AM cracked out calls in the middle of the night.

    Can you imagine being a lawyer, telling your client exactly what was expected of her and said client just doing the exact opposite. I sometimes see the frustration on her face in court when she’s just on ‘this side’ of an outright Blohan lie.

    How exasperating it must be for her. I would love to have a few cracktini’s with her. IF SHE COULD, the stories she could tell.


    What you said! BRAVO!

  79. newtsgal says:

    Me thinks she watchs to much TV….
    I wont be made an example of…..
    I wont be ignored Dan….
    L///// free basing is smokin, after it’s been cleaned up…..

  80. the original bellaluna says:

    Kinda makes you wish this was Georgia and we could throw her ass on a chain-gang, doesn’t it? 😉

    I think I’d pay actual money to see her cracked-out ass in prison stripes (or orange, whichever is least flattering) working roads on a chain-gang. (Which is not going to match HER definition of a chain-gang.)

  81. BRE says:

    I don’t know when in May she is due her hours are suppose to be completed but if we look at the end of may, that is about 32 weeks to go. To make up 339 hours she would RIGHT NOW have to start completing at least 10 hours a week. 10 hours isn’t much but I doubt she will start anytime soon and for her, 10 hours is just too much work unless it involved photoshoots. She will probably push it off and then a few weeks before claim some terrible illness that prevented her from completing the hours

  82. Firecracker says:

    BRE, I think she’ll check in to rehab close to the May date, as she’s done before to avoid punishment for not getting it done in time.

    Every time I’ve checked this thread today, that guy’s face on the right keeps making me crack up. It’s just so funny!

  83. the original bellaluna says:

    L//// – Free-basing is when one uses foil (as a heating surface) and a lighter to liquify the “solid” rocks (of crack, meth, or coke) and then injects (or smokes) them into one’s body. It’s nasty, dangerous, and flammable.

    BRE – April 2012 is when she is SUPPOSED to be finished serving ALL 480 HOURS. (I’ve done the crackmetic on previous posts, but if I feel so inclined, I’ll go find it and cut & paste it here.)

    Seeing as she’s only done 33 (or 38, dependent upon who you believe) hours, she’s got a lot of CS in her future, including the remaining 300-odd hours at the Red Cross (since the women’s center quit her ass) and 120 at the morgue.

    (On another note, I have the sads. I just read that Catherine Bell and her hubs of 17 YEARS are separating. No wonder she was “altered” at that speech.)

  84. Seal Team 6 says:


    Exactly. Holley is a good attorney and is doing her job. Not just the job she is being paid to do, but the job she ETHICALLY is required to do. And, she did try to fire Linnocent as a client, but wasn’t allowed to.

  85. the original bellaluna says:

    Dudes in the background are all “Stay at least 2 feet away from the Cracken! Somebody call the CDC!!! Kill it with fire!”

    (sorry. first time I actually looked at the pic.) 😀

  86. Lllllll says:

    @OriginalBellaluna & newtsgal: Thanks for the explanation, ladies. That sounds icky.

    I half-feel bad for Lindsey, half don’t. It’s sad to watch someone destroy themselves (& at this point I question how much control she has VS how much control the drugs have over her), but she’s had chances the rest of the world would never get and threw them away with both hands. At the end of the day she choose this path. I just hope she realizes it’s never too late to start over.

  87. brinna says:

    OMG her teeth are so gross! WTF… that is so disgusting

  88. beanie says:

    I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt with the teeth knowing how vain she is. Maybe she ate some chocolate dessert before and didn’t brush and her teeth are stained from her smoking and coffee. But knowing how vain she is, why didn’t she get veneers and caps to even out her teeth when she could afford to? Duck lips, horrible platinum weaves, fillers and breast implants…teeth???

  89. BRE says:

    @the original bellaluna, Wow, that is even more hours a week, thanks for the info, there needs to be some sort of website betting on how many she actually completes and her reason why she says she can’t. “crackmetic” love it!

  90. Boo says:

    Okay, let me see…

    If she was turfed from DWC 2 weeks ago, that was right about the time she was whoring it up around Paris/Milan, right?

    Now, some things aren’t adding up for me. IF she got permission from TPTB to be out of LA for a solid month, someone must have known she would be missing both therapy AND already-scheduled work time at the DWC, right? So…did she really have permission at all? And if so, why would she be given permission to leave when she clearly would be violating probation if she did? Or did she get permission for time in NYC, and then the whole Philip Plein thing came up and she took off without getting permission for that? BUT, if that were the case, why would probation have hooked her up with a new CS job so quickly? Why wouldn’t they have violated her probation upon her arrival back in LA?

    And while I’m here awaiting Mod Freedom, I must address the latest Cracktweets from Her Crackesty: she is working hard to get her life back??? How in the world has her life been taken from her? Shaking her ass all over major European cities and snorfing up all the good shit she could physically inhale off the toilet seats of New York, Paris, and Milan hardly translates as “imprisonment” to me.

    Someone help me figure out all of this. And pass me a frozen crackarita with extra “salt.” I’m *parched.*

  91. Nemesis Rose says:

    @Madisyn: Right on sistah! I would not want to be Holley for a second! That woman must have a mean right hook though, she’s probably got a punching bag in her office/home that she beats the hell out of once she gets out of the courtroom or off the phone with this nutbag. I agree on cracktini’s and a tell all!

    I just wish this chick would finish it already. She’s like a bad movie that you don’t want to keep watching, but you just have to find out how it ends. Where’s the fucking fast forward button? I’m so sick of her and her candy corn teeth and My Little Pony hair and delusions of grandeur and apathy for her fellow citizens and her orange skin and her lawlessness and her lying and her family and, and, you get the picture. *HUGE Sigh!*

  92. Bess says:

    Seal Team 6 & Madisyn,
    I understand that it’s Holley’s job to keep Blohan out of jail & making sure the police, DA & probation department follow all the rules. Okay. What I don’t understand how she is able to ethically be okay with the crap Linnocent pulled at UCLA & Betty Ford. She basically scammed both institutions, probably got free treatment as payment for all the publicity and new prescriptions for meds.

  93. Madisyn says:


    Actually, lets say Blohan has done zero hours of CS. At 480 hours, 360 at the Red Cross (now) and 120 at the morgue, its 3 months of Monday thru Friday, 8 hours a day. As of now, like bellaluna said, as of last count, her July 21st court hearing, it was only 33 hours. So thats 4 days and one measly HOUR. She was sentenced May 11, 2011. Now the judge doesn’t have to go to the day because her court calendar could be full but expect that year end review around April 11, 2012.

    Seal Team

    Holley did try to quit her ass and was ‘required’ to stay on just for her turning herself into jail July 20th. After that, I BELIEVE she was free to quit. We’ve debated this before and I’m sticking to my opinion. What I think did happen, is Holley wasn’t getting paid and no judge can force a lawyer TO STAY with a non-paying client after the CASE IS FINISHED. After she went to jail and rehab the case was finished. When she fvcked up again with that failed drug test, I BELIEVE Blohan miracuously came up with Holleys retainer and fee’s. Vikram or some other random john at the time, someone’s paying Holleys expensive fee’s and its NOT Blohan.

  94. Madisyn says:


    Wasn’t it Kim Delaney who appeared ‘altered’ not Catherine Bell? Anywho, have a cracktini, it will take away the ‘sads’.


    So many questions, so little time. Good questions, which I hope will be answered come Wed. I’m getting a baadd feeling she must have had the judges permission to leave the country, not probation. If not, why has the judge not violated her the minute probation found out she missed ‘therapy’? If I go on, I’m going to confuse myself even more than I already am.

    “Her Crackesty” Brilliant. DOUBLE frozen crackarita with extra salt just for that alone.

    “I’d appreciate it if people will just let me do what is asked of me,….”

    Who’s ‘stopping you’? The only idiot that is ‘stopping you’ from doing what is asked, is you, you fvckin twit. The delusions get bigger, the tweets get dumber.

    Nemesis Rose

    Holley could NEVER tell anything but can you just imagine the sales a book like this would generate. I know I’d be first in line to buy it.

    Ditto ‘Huge Sigh’


    Holley probably isn’t OK with Blohans behavior, but its not her responsibility to control Blohans rotten behavior, its Blohans. I understand your frustration but how do you think OJ’s dream team got off a double murderer? Not with ‘ethics’, thats for damn sure.

    As far as ‘scamming’ institutions, thats her profession, aside from hooker. She’s a grifter, thats what she does, and she’s damn good at it.

  95. Bess says:

    Hey Madisyn,

    I think we should also start some sort of pool on what Hurricane Crackhead will wear to court. She’s really shown us a variety looks in her previous appearances. Will she go for no bra, tight dress or perhaps see through and loose-fitting. The options are endless. What do you think??

  96. Madisyn says:


    That ‘what will she wear’ would be tough to gage a winner, I think, you’d have to narrow down the parameters. As for myself, I could care less what she wears as long as the hearing is televised. I’m not big on fashion, I think she looks like shit regardless of the designer but nothing is going to help that ‘faces of meth’ mug. If you want to host that post, be my guest.

    Or maybe we add a bet for the ’will she or won’t she go to jail’. I’d want to keep it simple and next to the hours, just add a ’yes’ or ’no’. Whacha think?

  97. Memphis says:

    1) I like the dress!

    2) Her face is hideous!

    3) Her teeth make me want to vomit. I have seen better teeth on stray dogs.

    4) I really wish she would just go to jail..Real jail where they take out her extensions and she has to keep looking over her shoulder to avoid getting shanked in the cafeteria kind of jail.

    But as usual, Crackie will probably get off scott free even if she does no more CS…God, I dislike that bitch!

  98. Lucky Charm says:

    I guessed 45 hours cs and three weeks in jail.

    Off to read all these comments now.

  99. Alynn says:

    LOL at the way those 3 guys looking at her in the first picure!

  100. Danielle says:

    Lohan says she cleared the two-week trip with her probation officer … allowing her to travel to France for a modeling job.

    Lohan claims the P.O. and her therapist BOTH gave approval for Lindsay to complete her therapy sessions over the phone … and she did … twice. Lohan claims each phone session lasted 45 minutes.

    Lohan has been warned by Judge Sautner … she is not allowed to miss even ONE therapy session, or her probation would be violated.

    Lindsay doesn’t know why anyone would argue that she didn’t complete her requirements — but she strongly believes the probation department is out to get her … and desperately wants to make an example out of her.

    We’re told Lindsay “can’t wait” to go to court on Wednesday to tell her side of the story.

    here we go,i knew it would be a phone therapy…new story tmz

  101. Sisi says:

    Bess, last week I saw photo’s of her walking with Chanel bags in Europe. My bet is that she chose her outfit then and there.

  102. Sara says:

    I wonder how if she even knows she’s only still famous for being an Amy Winehouse like mess?

  103. Annie says:

    @beanie – disagree that Lohan is ‘vain’. Any vain person worth their salt would be acting reclusive and camera shy if their looks were deteriorating like La Lohan’s. Instead Lohan seems to bask in the attention her negative spiral is getting her. If anything it’s more her loss of status and privalidge within the hollywood set that seems to piss her off. She’s a narcissist, sure, but from my perspective she doesn’t seem to give jack shit about her looks/body like a ‘vain’ person would.

  104. Boo says:

    If she completed two phone sessions…and was out of LA for four weeks….ummmm..

  105. Boo says:

    In NYC Sept. 9. Last Paris pics, October 5. Just sayin’. She better tweet a new lie when she checks the dates.

  106. Seal Team 6 says:


    She doesn’t have to be morally okay with what Linnocent does or doesn’t do. Morality has NOTHING to do with the ethical code attorneys have to abide by for how they represent their clients. It isn’t Holley’s duty to judge her client. However…..

    … it is very apparent she was NOT okay with having a loose cannon client and thus fired Linnocent as a client, but the Court made her continue to represent Crackie.

  107. Seal Team 6 says:

    Wouldn’t the JUDGE, not Probation and the therapist, have to okay phone sessions???

  108. NancyMan says:

    I’d like to think that I don’t wish ill on anyone- especially people I don’t actually know. However,….

    This girl needs and deserves to be slapped down and slapped down HARD!

  109. MacScore says:

    Do y’all remember that hideous beigey linen-type dress/bag thing Blohan wore at one of the “fashion shows” (Paris?). On Joan Rivers’ “Fashion Police” it got voted “worst look of the week”, and Joan – gotta luv her with her raucous voice – yelled out, “My God, that’s the first time I’ve seen DRUG BLOAT AFFECT THE BOOBS!” Nearly died laughing.

  110. LA Native says:

    I’m just wondering when anybody is going to comment on all the guys giving her the OMG Crackie! side-eye in a lot of these photos….priceless and really says it all, doesn’t it? Oops, guess some of you finally did, my mistake. Not so on other sites.

  111. Bess says:

    I’m wondering if the judge and probation officer had any idea that the Cracken was attempting to scam the Downtown Women’s Shelter when they allegedly allowed her to travel and do the two phone therapy sessions.

  112. hillbilly in the corner says:

    No, the real question should be….how much money has been “donated ” to the judge and certain people in the right positon to make it look legal……
    If she that confindent that she’s not going to jail…she knows that her ass is covered…thats why the smurk and the blizt of denials and ass covering statement this weekend and up until the court appearance…they did the same media manevers in the jewerly trial and they are doing the same here…Not very imaginative but if it works …….

    Slap her wrist, give her , her Norma Desmond closeup Mr DeMille and let her walk..and she will be back on the party circuit in two weeks snoring her way into a pine box with a year…..all the time proclaiming herself the best most beatifull and best actress in hollywood……….

  113. Madisyn says:

    Lucky Charm

    Your in girl

    Firecracker – 38 hours
    Ruby Red Lips – 40 hours
    Lady D – 44 hours
    Lucky Charm – 45 hours – Yes
    gizmerelda – 47 hours
    Dawning Red – 48 hours
    Seal Team 6 – 51 hours
    Morticians – 52 hours – Yes
    theotheryael – 54 hours
    Bess – 55 hours
    newtsgal – 56 hours
    ladybert62 – 60 hours
    Madisyn – ?? hours – NO

    After reading Danielles TMZ story, I’m going with a resounding NO! Plus wouldn’t the judge have violated her already? Damn, just when I see a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’, I’m disappointed once again. Honestly were going to have to wait until next April or May for her ‘year end’. She will absolutely NOT complete her CS and thats when she MAY finally go to jail.


    My thoughts EXACTLY after reading the TMZ story. She had ‘permission’ for two weeks away but theres photographic PROOF she hasn’t been in Cali for 4 full weeks.

    I think Blohan is ‘impulsive’ and by that I mean she ‘reacts’ first, ‘thinks’ fourth or fifth. She’s very defensive and when negative stories comes out, she tries to deflect them so quickly but ultimatly comes out being the liar she is. If she would just STOP, listen, think, her crack lies would be semi-believable.

    And when I say ‘thinks’ fourth or fifth, I mean her ‘team’, and by ‘team’ I mean Dina when she wakes up from her stupor, has a cracktini or three, and does a 1/4 of a gram of coke to wake up.

    Naw, even then her crack lies just SHINE!

  114. DiaBLa says:

    I love the 3 Guys facial “WTF” Expressions. Says it All!!!!

    As far as her hours go, I am down for 36 hours. Once they fire you from your CS, it is hard to get someplace to go. Who wants to deal with her crap?

  115. Ruffian9 says:

    LOVE the look on the guy to the right of her in the first pic.

  116. AliceV says:

    This chick is a complete waste of a human being. Nice job parenting there, Dina.

  117. Madisyn says:


    No problem putting you down for 36 hours, but keep in mind, she’s already been photographed going into the Red Cross as a replacement for the DWC. If you change your mind, let me know.

    DiaBLa – 36 hours
    Firecracker – 38 hours
    Ruby Red Lips – 40 hours
    Lady D – 44 hours
    Lucky Charm – 45 hours – Yes
    gizmerelda – 47 hours
    Dawning Red – 48 hours
    Seal Team 6 – 51 hours
    Morticians – 52 hours – Yes
    theotheryael – 54 hours
    Bess – 55 hours
    newtsgal – 56 hours
    ladybert62 – 60 hours
    Madisyn – ?? hours – NO

  118. Cherry Rose says:

    @Annie – No, Lindsay is truly vain. But because she’s so delusional (I don’t even need to give examples for this), she truly does believe she looks hot. And of course, being the narcissist she is, she fails to see what the rest of the world sees when they look at her. Not to mention all her sycophants who kiss her ass and probably feed the lie and tell her that she’s still got it.

    As for her deteriorating looks, it’s a combination. For one, she’s extremely lazy and can’t even bother to take care of herself properly (and of course, being high the majority of the time adds to that), and of course, she probably smokes 2-3 packs a day, does drugs, and seemingly has never heard of sunscreen.

    And I’m sure by what Lindsay means by “they’re mean to me” is that they don’t coddle her, or make any special arrangements for her. I’m quite sure Lindsay thought she’d get the red carpet treatment, and was pissed when that didn’t happen.

    And an FYI on the price of meth. If meth dealers know that you have money, they can charge you as much as $325 for a gram. Price also varies depending on how pure it is, and where the location is. But a big factor is if the dealers know you’re rich, they jack the prices up.

    Coke is pretty much anywhere from $60 to $100 a gram, depending on the dealer, and how pure it is. And crack? I have no idea honestly.

    If you’re wondering how I know this, it’s called the internet and from knowing a few drug users.

    As for Lindsay’s teeth, they’re obviously decaying. She never had that gap between the two front teeth until recently, nor were they yellow until recently as well. They’re obviously decaying, and because she’s a drug user, drinking carbonated sugary drinks doesn’t help the problem. Added to the fact she’s probably not keeping good teeth hygiene, and voila!

    Sorry for the long post. Oh, and Madisyn and TheOriginalBellaluna, I’m fine. Thanks for the concern. Hope you ladies are having a good day.

  119. logan says:

    Without his life-long friend,
    Puff could not be brave,
    So Puff that mighty dragon
    Sadly slipped into his cave. Oh!

    Puff, the magic dragon
    Lived by the sea
    And frolicked in the autumn mist
    In a land called Honah Lee

    Every time I see a story about this twit, Puff the Magic Dragon song slips in my head and stays there all day.

  120. Madisyn says:


    “My God, that’s the first time I’ve seen DRUG BLOAT AFFECT THE BOOBS!”

    People are getting less and less afraid to call her out, even as litigious as the twit is. Don’t ya just fvckin love it!

    Actually, I’d love for her to TRY and sue Joan Rivers. Rivers would eat her up and spit her out. Ya know, Joanie doesn’t do ‘sea jasper’.

    Cherry Rose

    I’m glad your ‘fine’. As long as your not ‘Lohan’ fine, your good.

  121. Victoria says:

    I don’t recognize the person in the picture.

    What happened to her?!?!?!!!

    I can’t believe what I see.

  122. Madisyn says:

    Bess Angel

    You said:

    “I’m wondering if the judge and probation officer had any idea that the Cracken was attempting to scam the Downtown Women’s Shelter when they allegedly allowed her to travel and do the two phone therapy sessions.

    How was the Cracken attempting to ‘scam’ the DWC? THEY didn’t allow her to do anything, it would have been up to the judge and probation dept.

    I’m confused.

    Hillbilly in the Corner

    “Slap her wrist, give her , her Norma Desmond closeup Mr DeMille and let her walk..and she will be back on the party circuit in two weeks”

    TWO WEEKS, are you serious, try 2 HOURS. Where have you been? Hillybilly, you smokin that ‘sea jasper’ again?

  123. Cherry Rose says:

    Why hasn’t Innocent posted anything? You’d think she’d be telling us that Lindsay hasn’t done anything wrong and won’t go to jail, blah blah blah. So strange that she’s being so quiet.

    @Madisyn – Yes, I know what you’re referencing by “fine”. But, I’m doing well. Certainly better than Lindsay, and I don’t even have a fraction of the money she does. Hah.

    Besides, I really don’t like doing drugs (except alcohol, but that’s only on the weekends).
    1) I’m bipolar, so drugs affect me a lot differently than most people, even pot (hello paranoia). Not to mention I’m already on bipolar meds, and ADHD medication (which I’ve been on since I was 5)
    2) I don’t like not being in control of myself. I don’t even like taking an anti-anxiety pill when I have a panic attack, because of how they affect me.

  124. JaneWonderfalls says:

    I like the dress but it just looks terrible on her, I just wish she would change that stupid hair color, it does nothing for her but make her look washed out, I guarantee if she just changes her color back to her natural hair color or even a dark chocolate brown it would help her by 15%.

  125. Madisyn says:

    Cherry Rose

    I think ‘Innocent’ is over on TMZ defending the ‘honor’ (try not to laugh too hard) as Nicole. Theres two posts up today and two yesterday, so she’s a busy, busy girl.

    I disagree, you probably have MORE money than Blohan, just not any rich johns. Big diff.

    Myself, I haven’t done drugs in 17-18 years and thats just the way I like it. Like you, alcohol is my ‘sea jasper’ of choice. And thats more than enough.

    Anywho, you feel better, and soon! Thats an order!

  126. Bess says:

    Cherry Rose
    I definitely think there’s some sort of serious mental illness at play w/ Linnocent as well.

    By “scamming” the DWC I meant Linnocent’s habit of scheduling appointment & them not showing up, bailing early & most likely giving attitude,

  127. skeptical says:

    uhh I’m pretty sure blohan used to gush about how wonderful it was at the DWC and she was gonna work with kids and blah blah lohan crap.
    Now her tune has changed.
    Big surprise.. not.

    Major LOL at the 3 guys behind her.. seems all 3 are less than pleased at her presence.

  128. Madisyn says:

    Regarding the three gentlemen

    The African American man is saying ‘Uh, I don’t think so’.

    Man in the middle is saying ‘Who’?

    And the piece de resistance is saying ‘WTF, Bitch, please’!

  129. the original bellaluna says:

    Okay, missed some stuff (Toddler-from-Hell Day) but I will read through the new comments when I finally get the beast to bed.

    I think Linnocent is vain, but I also think she is delusional enough to think she looks like DA BOMB and strut her stuff like she’s worth whatever these johns are compensating her in hotel-stays and drugs.

  130. Blood Red Witch says:


    I didnt jump ship. But, I am busy trying to find a new town/state to move to that has better than 20% unemployment. Plus TMZ is finally posting again and I even missed commenting on a few stories there. I love playing with the trolls there (except for Nicole whom I like.)

    Any way, Love the first pic here. Those guys faces say it all. The nastyness the SMELL, the Delusion on an epic scale! My new fav pic because of their reactions

  131. Amanda says:

    Thanks for that close up of her teeth…ew.

  132. Annie says:

    @ Cherry Rose – wow, it is hard to fathom that someone could be THAT delusional. I found myself sliding into addiction a few years ago (mostly booze, coke and pills). The one thing that got me to turn around was that I became very self conscious worrying I was looking like a “dirty druggie” to the extent that I started isolating myself and pushing loved ones away even though people still said “you look fine”, even occasionally “you look beautiful”. If someone had told me I looked like Marilyn Monroe or some other glamourous film star I simply would not have believed them even if I was drunk/high. And I never looked nearly as bad as Lindsay. I lost some muscle mass and had broken out skin, but no irreversible premature aging like she has. True, I never did anything in the volumes that this girl must do and I only tried meth a couple of times but I still find it jaw-dropping that someone could go around looking like fried shit acting like they are top model material. Maybe she literally does not ever look in the mirror but relies on her hangers on to tell her how she is looking and avoids looking at pics of herself online too?

  133. Hakura says:

    Honestly, I personally don’t think Lindsay is on meth. (Definitely on *something* though) It’s just that many of the obvious-visble signs of meth-use (like skin sores/specific patterns of tooth decay) are missing from what I can see. She’s definitely got a substance abuse issue other than alcohol, just not sure what. There are a lot of prescription medications that (when abused) can cause damage/weakness in the teeth.

    As far as dental problems go, I can’t throw stones. Granted I’ve never been on drugs (I’ve never even tried smoking a cigarette once), but a genetic condition that naturally caused me to have almost *no* enamel to protect my teeth. Which caused them to just completely fall apart, regardless of good hygeine habits.

    @Pringles“And I won’t be surprised if she someday soon succumbs to her own OD death just like Marylin….”

    Sadly, due to the odd obsession she seems to have with Marilyn, she’d probably see the way she died (of an OD) as something glamorous. (Or as something that would gain her the sort of ‘following’ Marilyn had).

  134. Madison34 says:

    I love how the guy on the right is looking at her with such disgust.