Katie Holmes hates Noel Gallagher, vigorous handshakes and laughter


I stopped paying attention to the Gallagher boys two seconds after I heard of them more than a decade ago. How many are there? There’s Noel and Drunky and Angry and Fighty, right? Or maybe there are just two? Or three? It doesn’t really matter, does it? One of the Gallagher boys – Noel – was on The Late Show with David Letterman last week. He just happened to be making a scheduled appearance the same night as Katie Holmes. Now, Noel has a blog, and he seems to update it with some regularity, so of course he wrote about how he literally ran into Katie backstage at The Late Show. His portrait of “The Kate-bot, Xenu’d” is not particularly flattering – you can read the whole blog post here, and this is the basic story:

… I was with my mate, and friend of the stars, “Scully”, who does like a celebrity meet and greet… From there we made our way to the Ed Sullivan theatre for the David Letterman show.

The Letterman show takes place in the Ed Sullivan theatre, on the very stage where that band The Beatles changed the world on the Ed Sullivan Show way back in 1963, I think?

On the show with us was some right-wing politician – who showed up with some very smartly turned out security – and top Scientologist Katie Holmes! (Mrs Tom Cruise)…more of which later.

…We literally bumped into that top Scientologist Katie Holmes on the way into the studio. We came out of the lift and BANG, there she was.

Now at this point my mate, and friend of the stars, Scully was doing a bit of filming for my website and managed to capture the moment. She did look a bit miffed at the various North-West accents and some vigorous handshaking, but there was no need to send one of her people over to demand the video be deleted!!!! Un-f–kin’-believable.

We didn’t let it spoil the day though. And what a day. Loved it.

[From Noel Gallagher’s blog post]

So, basically, some British boys were goofing around backstage at The Late Show and they introduced themselves to Katie and filmed her for two seconds and she sent “someone” (her Xenu handler?) to go over to Noel Gallagher and demand that he and his boys erase the tape. Was she doing drugs with them or something? Probably not. She’s probably just kind of a douche and she didn’t want to risk being teased or mocked on Noel’s blog (or anyone’s, I guess). She’s so sad.





Photos courtesy of Fame and WENN.

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55 Responses to “Katie Holmes hates Noel Gallagher, vigorous handshakes and laughter”

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  1. Kaboom says:

    Not liking the Gallagher twits, either on their own or paired up, is a good thing in my book.

  2. samira677 says:

    I really like her hair and I’m not hair person.

  3. Marni says:

    Kaiser they are both douches.

  4. I.want.shoes says:

    Annoying b!tch. I guess she must think she is above everyone to demand such things. I would have been like “b!tch, this is going straight to YouTube”.

  5. missy says:

    Oh please. If it were the other way around and Katie was video taping someone else without their permission, and then publicly bashed the person, everyone would be calling HER a bitch.

    Personally, I think this is a non story being blown out of proportion.

  6. Nibbi says:

    1. i wonder who the f she thinks she is cuz it seems pretty condescending to go over there with demands and all. like ’em or not, oasis songs sort of defined that part of the late 90s. sure they’re obnoxious, but dude is famous for kind of a reason besides the obnoxiousness: musical talent. which brings me to point 2.: is there any friggin’ doubt that the reason this woman is still on our radar is because she’s married to tom cruise? on her own, would she have continued to be in movies? maybe tv, if she could get past the whole “joey” thing. it’s just so blatant and gross to me that she gets her visibility from hollywood power/connections/string-pulling and yet we’re supposed to buy that she’s so interesting/amazing/beautiful. i mean she’s not awful, but omg she’s SO BORING, even WITH all the cruise/ suri circusness, and yet she does not fade away, as anyone else not married to tom cruise would have by now.

  7. pebbles says:

    Looks like I am in the minority here, but I freakin’ love Noel Gallagher……..
    he’s a humble kind of guy and was probably not accustomed to the Kate-bot and her ways……..

    get over yourself, Katie Holmes. Your “marriage” is the only reason why you are still relevant.

  8. Jaded says:

    I wouldn’t want to be videotaped for Noel Gallagher’s blog either – he’s a jumped up, foul-mouthed little git who seems to hate the whole world.

  9. Marjalane says:

    So did Smirky McSidespeak get her way? Did they have to erase their tape of her-is that even legal to make “demands” like that? Really dislike all and everything connected to the Scibots.

  10. kay says:

    so, she’s a quieter person, and they were loud and filming her and she didn’t like it,

    I wouldn’t either.

  11. constance says:

    Taking a lesson from the Delusional Lohan Clan’s Guidelines to Asshattery.

    I bet she didn’t know who they were and wanted it erased because it could come up on her next Pop Can Crazy test.

    I know Noel isn’t always the nicest cat in the world, and he can be pretty full of himself too. (Who isn’t in the biz?! I still like his old music.) However an introduction and handshake for an artist blog is not that serious. It might have actually helped her look more personable. Now she just looks like a bitc# running damage control in case, OH NOES, someone says something bad about her and Xenu, and that butt plug she’s contracted to.

  12. mln76 says:

    Noel is an infamous A-hole no matter how much I would love to hear that Katie has any personality (even a bitchy one)I am going have to doubt this considering the source.

  13. Jackie says:

    i saw her interview with letterman. she was beyond boring, as usual.

  14. Pyewacket says:

    Oh yes, and Noel Gallagher is one to talk about diva behavior and being a douche bag. He has slapped more cameras and recorders out of peoples hands than he has written songs.

    While I am not a Katie-loonie, it really tires me how she gets hell for behaviors that normally no one would even pay attention to.

  15. El Kiddo says:

    I love that black coat, or is it jacket? i can never tell.

  16. Rhiley says:

    I still kind of love Oasis even though I never particularly cared for their antics and never thought of them as being anywhere near as good as the Beatles. But I prefer Noel Gallagher over that whiney, cat screetching douche Thom Yorke any day and they have a few really good pint swilling tunes, heckling tunes.

  17. john thing says:

    Hate her.

  18. Darlene says:

    I believe that it’s FAR more likely that her Scientology “handlers” took it upon themselves to delete the video, not that Katie herself said “FIND THAT VIDEO!” I think she has very little control over what her “handlers” do and do not do. I believe they very much have control over what SHE does and does not do.

  19. Kara Ann says:

    #11 Constance,

    Love, love, and will now use “pop can crazy test”. My first laugh today. Thanks!

  20. RocketMerry says:

    Poor thing, she sold her soul for a pack of antidepressants and a tiny dictator. I don’t even expect her to escape, at his point.
    As for Noel… well, he survived a life long supply of family fights, I guess his level of resistance to the outside world is pretty much Keith Richards-ed.

  21. constance says:

    @Kara. Use it well. LOL I thought of it at a rally where I went in to see what the Chicago “church” was about. They didn’t like my funny jokes and play on words- and questions. Typical extremists.

    As much as I know she is handled by the Co$, she opted IN, folks. She knew what she was getting into (and if she didn’t Google it for herself, well, she’s an idiot.) She is still there, sucking up that contract marriage money and infamy for herself. That baby was a plan to make Butt Plug look youthful, manly, and perfect. I hope they truly love her and it’s not just a PR stunt Suri will write about later.

    Kateypoo is as much a part of her own prison. She won’t run away because she loves the power she believes she has.

    Fake a marathon and now she thinks she can do whatever she wants in the world. I don’t think she is at the mercy of her handlers. I think she is very much a part of the orchestration at this point. Otherwise, she would have made an effort to leave, like many others in the cult have. She’s along for the ride because in their bubble, she is a queen.

  22. cecizahn says:

    I freaking love Noel!!! I’m an Oasis fan and now a Noel fan. I love is humor and the fact that he never hides his felings…WELL DONE MY MATTE. KBOT deserve it

  23. The Original Mia says:

    This was a non-story that became a story because of the CoS’ overreaction. Everyone makes fun of Katie. Everyone! Regardless of what Tom does to make people think “Kate” is a brilliant dancer and actress, she ain’t fooling no one. She’s a zombie in badly designed home-ec dresses.

  24. gg says:

    Noel Gallagher HUMBLE???? hahahahahohohohoheheheheheehee … hooo. NOT.

    I’d make him delete me off his assinine video too. He’s a jerk of the highest order.

  25. Violet says:

    What shocks me most is how surprisingly articulate his blog is! I would’ve expected it to be an unintelligible dog’s breakfast like Courtney Love’s.

  26. Lady Satan says:

    Doesn’t this woman have any other facial expression other than that constipated smirk?

    Every time I see her lately I just want to smack some new expression onto her face.

  27. Criss says:

    She probably didn’t know who he was. He sounds like a really disrespectful Mate. Talking crap about someone he knows nothing about. And calling her Miss Scientology. You don’t go around calling someone Miss Christian or Miss Catholic. I’m on miss cool mama’s side.

  28. Cerulean says:

    Katie is a pathetic smirking zombie. I totally agree that she signed up for her life. She’s still there with her creepy little puppeteer in lifts.
    Co$ stars are the most humorless egocentric monsters in Hollywood. Can’t ever laugh at themselves.

    Go away Katie. Just fade away…you are useless as an actress.

  29. Mtn Girl says:

    Lol, maybe he should have called her *Miss Xenu*. One thing Katie has going for her that Tommy/L.Ron can never take away – c.a.n.k.l.e.s.

  30. dahlia1947 says:

    I like how he said that they didn’t let that spoil their day! Good 4 them! She didn’t want THAT on film, but what about her standing next to Letterman’s desk and leaning in trying to look sexy?

    So that’s ok to film? she needs to come down off that horse..

  31. TG says:

    All the hate spewed at Noel Gallagher is making me like him even more. I had never heard of him (though I do know the band Oasis) until this article and I couldn’t even understand his blog but I got to find out why everyone hates him. He sounds awesome to me. I don’t mind someone full of themselves just so long as they can back it up with real talent. And @Nibbi – You said it along with others robobride would not be getting any movies if it wasn’t for her connections.

    @Cerulean – I don’t think any of the stars can laugh at themselves. That is why it is so awkward and funny as heck to watch award shows they can’t laugh at themselves.

  32. Madisyn says:

    You know its a shame she has to be followed by ‘handlers’. If this doesn’t tell you this IS A CULT, I don’t know what would convince you. Does the head of the Catholic Archdiocese here in L.A. have ‘handlers’ follow around its richest members and their families? No! Do the leaders of the Synagogues follow their richest members? No! She doesn’t need ‘handlers’, this is Cruise’s way of keeping her in line. They certainly have money for assistants and the like.

    I know she signed up for this, but she looks mighty naive to me and had no idea exactly what she was truly signing up for. Do you Cruise informed her she’d be trailed 24/7 and all would be reported back to Cruise and Miscagive? I doubt it.

  33. gab says:

    Oh in the name of all things holy!! I love the comments here! Starting my day off with a smile. I’m sorry I have nothing to contribute but my gratitude. Thanks for the laughs! Hahaha, the queen and her pocket sized king.

  34. velourazure says:

    i believe the technical term for her is “piano legs”

  35. Kim says:

    In her defense maybe they didnt know who he was and thought he was just some guy was randomly filming her but then again you would think if they were in the building she would know it wasnt just some Joe Blow.

    Sounds like her scary scientology, drink the punch, handlers were at it again.

  36. Turtle Dove says:

    I don’t blame her not wanting some random person taping her. I had someone at work do that and I FLIPPED. I’m protective of my image (I say that in a non-head up my ass way). I don’t have any pictures up on social networking sites, etc.

  37. Snowpea says:

    Why does that girl insist on wearing coats/dresses that show off those hideous legs? TREE TRUNKS! She’d look so lovely in a pair of wide legged pants and sparkly top – after all she really is a beautiful girl.

    Um, anyone saying that she could just leave whenever she wants should read the Lawrence Wright article “The Apostate’ in the New Yorker. Google it. I read it last night and I gotta say, it’s fricken terrifying that CULT. Its not a religion. Its all a pack of lies masquerading as spirituality.

    After reading it, I’m pretty sure Katie’s Scientology minders ordered that Noel delete the film. They are a serious bunch of paranoid crazies.

  38. JuliaDomna says:


    Sometimes ladies like to wear skirts and dresses no matter what type of legs they have. It’s sort of shameful that you would make such a harmful pronouncement.

  39. Catherine says:

    She has lovely hair.

  40. Snowpea says:

    @JuliaDomna: Er, this is a gossip site.

    Have you noticed how much people reference Christina Aguilera’s weight gain and thunder thighs, Lindsay Lohan’s aged, wrinkly face, Courtney Stodden’s hideous fake-tanned lizard body, Demi’s severe weight loss etc etc.

    I’m just here shooting the breeze. We’re not saving the world. And I personally think that if you have cankles like that AND you’re in the public eye, maybe you should dress for your body type.

    But whatevs. You don’t have to agree.

  41. Jacqui says:

    I like how they classified her as a ‘top scientologist’ rather than ‘actress’ lol

  42. gemmaa says:

    Noel has written some beautiful, everlasting tunes.
    And I have met the Oasis bro’s over the years, as they built their name.
    Liam is more personable.
    At least they are not fake.

  43. Alizor says:

    Yeah you go snowpea! Totally agree with you on that one, those legs are hurting my eyes, wear some pants Katie, for the love of god!

  44. Mandi_So_CA says:

    I miss Joey Potter! While I love Katie’s hair, that’s about the only positive thing I can say about her since she became involved with Tom Cruise. Ick…ugh..spit…Sold herself to Xenu for a career that hasn’t exactly panned out. What a waste. How many more years until the marriage is over? Under CA law, it will have to be less than 10 or he pays alimony for life (or until she re-marries). He filed for divorce from Nic (or at least listed the date of dissolution) 1 day prior to 10 years. Schmuck! Can’t stand him. Never could. He always seemed too skeevy for me….and that Suri,…she’s going to be a handful! Karma’s a b***h!

  45. kat says:

    love it! Noel Gallagher is the only celebrity that tells the truth about other celebrities and doesnt care what they think. He dishes it out,but he can also take it..fair enough.They all take their status too seriously.Rock on Noel!

  46. cruiz2 says:

    Eye Opening! They (Tom,Katie,Sci) are so in control! Anything PR favor from them is staged! Get it???

  47. Joanna says:

    I don’t blame her for making them delete it. I wouldn’t want to be video-taped either. If people will give her hell for carrying her kid, god knows what they would say about a video of her or what they would do with it.

  48. Laura says:

    Noel G is the man, his brother not so much. MILES more talented than her and Tom Cruise combined and a nice guy whenever you read/see/hear his interviews.

  49. Francesca says:

    Fat legs, in relation to the rest of her. Too bad; I’m sure she hates them. She must feel like she is in a velvet cage all the time… ick

  50. JuliaDomna says:

    @ Snowpea

    “But whatevs. You don’t have to agree.”

    … cool, because I don’t!

    I know that this is a gossip site. Where in my comment did I seem to not know this? Or maybe I just didn’t realize that visiting a gossip site automatically meant that women’s natural body parts were subject to ridicule.

    Please excuse my ignorance.

  51. JuliaDomna says:

    @Alizor: Do you realize what you’re applauding here? ‘Yeah, go Snowpea! She’s got fat legs! Woo-hoo! Call her out on that! Woo-hoo!’

    Geniuses, the pair of you.

  52. Mtn Girl says:

    @juliadomna – Spin it anyway you want, Katie still has cankles AND she signed up for a cult. She made the choice to put herself out there as *Mrs. Xenu* and now has oodles of money – which did not buy her style or class. It does buy her a gaggle of handlers and loads of expensive fabric though. I guess if you think that is genius then so be it!

  53. Claire78 says:

    Love Noel. I heard from a few people who worked/met him that he is really cool. I think he is very clever. The way he wrote his blog was like he couldn’t believe his luck to be there with the likes of Steve Martin and Adam Sandler. Katie really is pretty insignificant – just holding out until her contract expires – just like Nicole did.

  54. Claire78 says:

    Love Noel. I heard from a few people who worked/met him that he is really cool. I think he is very clever. The way he wrote his blog was like he couldn’t believe his luck to be there with the likes of Steve Martin and Adam Sandler. Katie really is pretty insignificant – just holding out until her contract expires – just like Nicole did.

  55. Ana says:

    Noel is awesome, and that Kate Holmes, please beyotches, she is a failure. Her whole lifestyle bill is footed by the crazy scientologist Tom Cruise. She has done NOTHING of value. At least Noel is the mastermind behind that legend of a 90s British rock superband. Puhleeze niggaz, move on. That girl’s such a douche.