Woman gets huge “Drake” tattoo across her entire forehead

Did you hear the story of that reformed neo-Nazi who had multiple very painful laser treatments to remove the skinhead tattoos all over his face? That’s what I thought of when I saw the photo of this woman with “Drake” tattooed across her head in this super ugly block font. It’s something that will stay with her forever barring extreme measures, but at least she has the option of growing bangs or wearing hats. Unlike the neo-Nazi guy, it’s not an offensive tattoo – it merely signifies that she’s a fool. Canadian singer/autotune abuser Drake knows all about this tattoo, and he blames the tattoo artist for helping this woman realize her dream of having his name permanently emblazoned on her forehead. Drake said the guy is a “f’ing a**hole” and “should never do tattoos again.” He also said he would like “to talk to this girl and understand it all.” That’s probably exactly why she did it. Here’s more:

She tatted his name on her forehead, and, as promised, Drake has confirmed that he knows she is for real. He’s not 100% pleased, though.

The rapper on Friday spoke out about the California woman who got his name tattooed in huge block letters across her forehead, calling her “incredible,” but the artist who did it “a f*cking asshole.”

“I want to meet her and understand what happened,” he told LA radio host Mando Fresko. “That’s cool though, I feel you 100%, that to me is absolutely incredible.”

As for the artist, Kevin Campbell, Drake put out a warning.

“The guy who tatted is a f*cking as*hole though, I will tell you that,” he said. “I don’t f*ck with that guy. F*ck you to that tat artist by the way. And you should lose your job and should never do tattoos again and I don’t f*ck with you. And if I ever see you, I’m a f*ck you up.”

For his part, the artist told Vice Magazine that he wasn’t exactly keen on doing the ink in the first place.

“She was really psyched about it. She had the sh*tty font all picked out on her iPhone ready to go and was pretty adamant about putting it on her forehead,” he said. “She acted as if she had planned it out for a while, but I’m not really sure how much extended coherent thought could actually go into getting such a stupid tattoo on your forehead.”

However, that mea culpa will probably get drowned out by this: “The funny thing is, I didn’t know who Drake was,” Campbell admitted. “I figured it was her hood or some shit, not some goofnugget R&B dude.”

[From Huffington Post via ONTD]

So is it the tattoo artist’s fault for helping this woman get a tattoo he knew was terrible and that he admitted was stupid? It bothers me that the tattoo artist would so thoroughly diss the tattoo, but that he took the money and went through with it anyway. They should have some sort of policy against facial tattoos. Unless they don’t care and just want the cash. That’s obviously the case here.

Drake is no stranger to tattoos. He has a giant tattoo of deceased singer Aaliyah’s face on his back.

This video has multiple F bombs and is not safe for work, depending on where you work.

Header Photo via Imgur. Other photos are from May, 2011 and credit: Fame

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97 Responses to “Woman gets huge “Drake” tattoo across her entire forehead”

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  1. atlantapug says:

    Reputable tattoo artists will not tat a person’s face. I have three and my husband has three and during discussions with the various artists all of them said they would not tattoo a face, most said they also would not tattoo necks either.

    • constance says:

      Agreed. I know loads of artists who wont go near faces, necks, and genitals. The risk of a customer fighting the signed agreement form could damage their business. Not to mention many artists will not do designs that resemble or appear to be gang related. In Chicago, and I’m sure in other cities, there have been cases where retaliation was dealt out to artists who did not know they got involved. That guy is an as$hole and should be fired.

    • NM9005 says:

      My tattoo artist said “no names of lovers, racist symbols/words, genital and face). I do have a neck tattoo though. This is the first time I heard of it being possibly “offensive” or a bad place to put a tattoo.

      This douche tattoo artist basically just went for the money, not the art. If you know it’s a stupid suggestion, why go through it other than making a quick buck on the stupidity of others?

      This reminds me a bit of that ´star girl´ from Belgium. When tats go horrible wrong. It gives tattoos a bad name.


      • the original bellaluna says:

        Dependent upon where you live, neck tats are likely gang/prison/both tats.

        Like the spider web around the elbow (think Clay on SOA) symbolizing time-served or the tear-drops coming from the outer corner of the eye being number of people killed.

        ETA: See, that’s what I get for not reading all the comments prior to commenting. You’re in Germany.

      • NM9005 says:

        No I live in the UK now. I just went to Berlin twice. And I’m not a gang member ;). I guess it is different dependent on where you live. Oh well…

    • Lupe says:

      I’m really surprised to hear this! I come from family of tattoo artists, and my uncle owns three shops where he, my brother, and my cousin are tattoo artists. His main shop has been open for years, he’s won awards for his work and been featured at conventions all around the globe. He rarely turns customers away, even if they want facial tattoos, names, or shitty flash art. It’s just bad business, those kinds of tats are usually his artists’ bread and butter; most generally prefer beautiful custom work, but that’s not what 80 percent of their customers want. We do live in Philadelphia, so that could have something to do with it.

    • M. says:

      This girl has Schizophrenia, she lives in beverly bld and union ave, los angeles, CA She is in love with drake & is CRAZY! Idk her nem but she is is known by “pinks”

    • Mich says:

      This girl has Schizophrenia, she lives in beverly bld and union ave, los angeles, CA She is in love with drake & is CRAZY! Idk her name but she is known by “pinks”

  2. brin says:

    Time to start growing bangs (trauma!)

  3. GoodCapon says:

    What a LOSER.

  4. Just Lucy, for now. says:

    Well she took idiot to a new level. All I can think of is her going home and and saying “Hey, Ma,guess what?! I got a new tattoo!”

    • Trek Girl says:

      Tattoos like these aren’t new. There are many other people who’ve gotten similar tattoos for equally or more questionable reasons.

      She hasn’t taken anything to a new level, she’s just the latest one getting attention for it.

  5. brin says:

    Maybe she meant “Drunk” cause that’s obviously what she was at the time.

  6. Hip-ster says:

    “The Girl with the Drake Tattoo”

  7. Toot says:

    I think this is the biggest dumb ass move I’ve seen lately.

  8. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    Face and neck tattoos aka the everlasting job stoppers.

    • NM9005 says:

      I don’t know where you live but in Germany (Berlin) and in the UK, I have seen plenty of people with tattoos. And I’m not talking about low paid jobs. In the UK lots of people seem to have hand, neck and feet tattoos

      I myself have three tattoos (one neck and another visible one) thus far, have had many jobs (summer and normal full time) that required me to work with others, nobody ever complained about that or automically deemed me as “vile” or unsuitable (not implying you think that but that’s what I hear often). I even got two jobs in my hometown in Belgium and they have stricter policies on tattoos. If given the chance to prove your worth, people are going to accept you, ink or not (sure some covering up applies sometimes but it’s a small gesture). The job stoppers are probably people who have issues outside having some visible ink on their body that doesn’t allow them to apply or keep jobs.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        I have a bunch of tats (around 8, I think) and it’s never stopped me from getting jobs (I’m a psychologist and a lecturer.) I don’t like neck or face tats, so I don’t have any of those.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        @NM9005 I’m in no way implying that tattoos are “vile.” I have one and my husband has several; including a half-sleeve and my name, along with “my love, my life, my wife.” His tattoo artist was alright with inking my name, but he won’t do face or neck tattoos because HE refers to them as “everlasting job stoppers.” I do know of two women with tattoos on the back of their necks. One is a hairdresser and doesn’t have to cover hers up. The other is in a profession considered more “white collar,” and wears her hair long so people won’t take notice of the tattoo. Here in the US, visible face and neck tattoos would definitely limit your career opportunities. My ears are gauged and I wear my hair down when I direct funerals, as not to offend anyone. I know it sounds silly, but people have taken offense to my ears.

        @paranormal, I’d imagine, as a psychologist, your tattoos are easily concealable. As I said to NM9005, I like tattoos, but visible face and neck tattoos definitely limit ones career options.

      • Shannon says:

        I have a tattoo myself, but I can still admit that in the U.S. tattoos in certain locations bring a lot of stigma with them and are likely to get someone turned away from jobs. Employers do not like tattoos on the face or neck because they’re associated with gangs, prisons, and racist organizations here in America. People in these groups get the tattoos to basically say their group identity has superseded their identity as an individual, and they don’t care about the repercussions to their personal lives because their ultimate loyalty is to their group. Obviously *some* people don’t fall into this category, but a good majority of people with facial/neck tats do, enough so that they carry negative connotations. Law-abiding people have in turn chosen to avoid doing this for the most part because they don’t want to be associated with the ideas of these groups. Tattoos elsewhere are considered acceptable, it’s just the face and neck that are considered to be taboo by the mainstream. The exception of course is body modification enthusiasts, but they tend to be employed in alternative careers or have such quality ink that it’s obvious they were tatted by a tattoo artist rather than a gang or prison tattooer.

    • NM9005 says:


      I know, I was just trying to point out that some people make that tattoo equals vile connection easily. Nothing in your comment made me think that you were like that. Just gave an example :).

      That tattoo of your husband sounds awesome, although names/love declarations are not my cup of tea if it’s not a parent or child. Then again I’m cynical , I could never let myself go (or trust myself and my partner to be honest) in the romance department to go for it without thinking of a possible break-up. It is a powerful romantic message though.

      Yes, piercings can be a hassle too sometimes. Usually I had to cover them (with tape!) or take them out. I choose the latter of course.

      @ Paranormal:

      Maybe in that field of work, tattoos are more allowed? A careful statement because of my experiences with people in social sciences jobs who are covered in tats. I want to become a social worker so I don’t think about possible issues people are going to have with my tats. Plus, in Europe it’s different I guess. It’s more freedom of expression. I hope this statement doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass. Oh, I won’t be laughing then anymore :).

      And eight tats huh? Addictive right :D, I’m always thinking of adding some more…

      • paranormalgirl says:

        I know. I’m always thinking of more. And my husband has zero tats.

        @mort (from above): a couple of my tats aren’t that easily concealed in a skirt or short sleeves. But I do need to read better. Yes, I have no face or neck tats because I don’t like them and because yes, I do agree they can limit one’s job opportunities. My artist will do neck tats only on specific longterm clients and she will not do facial tats.

  9. The real Jenny says:

    Wow, Drake is just so f@&$ing articulate. I wish I could f$&@ing express my f$&@ing feeling so f$&@ing eloquently.

  10. Poison Ivy says:

    Sheeeeesh! Drake really has a talent to express his opinion in a very classy and adult manner.

    Damn stupid. All 3 of them!

    • Annie says:

      He’s ever the eloquent one, isn’t he? I do get what he means though – he’s flattered that this chick seems to think so highly of him and everything but he’s all WTF and pissed at the tattooist for allowing her to express her admiration in that way. I don’t know how anyone is supposed to react to something like this.

  11. paranormalgirl says:

    So, this really is the age where it’s everyone else’s fault when someone makes a mistake or a stupid decision. This adult wanted and designed a crappy forehead tat? It’s not her fault she got it. It’s the fault of the tat artist. I’m going to blame Levi Strauss, Inc for the fact that my ass looks big in my 501’s – not the fact that I pigged out over the hols.

    • surlymonkey says:

      I agree with you on some level. This was TOTALLY her fault. Period.


      A reputable tattoo artist would never do such a sh*tty tattoo in such an unfortunate location.

      Every artist I know (and I really do know lots) is overly proud of their work. It is their very public calling card, kwim? So in that sense, as the professional, he should have persuaded against it or just outright refused.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        Oh, he definitely shouldn’t have done it – who would want such a piece of crap to be representative of one’s work? My tat artist wouldn’t have ever agreed to something like that. And if she was in any way incapacitated, he shouldn’t have touched her. But the ultimate decision was her’s.

  12. Cam says:

    There was another interview where the tattoo artist said that at first she was really excited about it, almost acting high/drunk, but once he was almost finished he noticed her mood had changed and that in his words, he thought “she had come down” from whatever she was intoxicated with and she probably wasn’t too happy. I wish i could find the quote, but i forgot where i saw it.

    if that’s true than that’s definitely his fault. isn’t it illegal to tattoo people when they’re drunk/high?

    • surlymonkey says:

      I don’t think that it is illegal, just one of those things that a reputable shop and artist will NEVER do.

      You should never get tatted when you have been drinking and any shop that I have ever visited refuses to serve people under the influence.

      Not only do they make bad decisions, the alcohol thins out the blood, making it more dangerous for everyone involved.

      This tattoo “artist” was a big assh*le on all counts. He should have said NO.

      • Cam says:

        Thank you, i wasn’t sure if it was illegal or not. Even though its not, you’re right. Its not a smart move for either of them involved. Plus its ugly as fuck.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        not illegal, necessarily, just incredibly stupid to tat someone under the influence.

    • Amea says:

      I remember reading that same quote, and I can’t remember the darn source either :-/

      But I also remember reading that this girl most likely just got inducted into one of the female Hispanic-based gangs on the west coast; the shaved head and facial hair is a sign of new inductees. This may have been her last act before being accepted, and it’s very likely she was on something strong when she went in to get this. If THAT’s true, I think there is something bigger that needs to be addressed here…

    • Gradstudenteatinghotpockets says:

      I think most places have a signed agreement saying you can’t be under the influence when they do tattoos (for numerous reasons, including thinning of blood, making dumb choices, etc).

      Sounds like he didn’t care if she was high or not.

  13. Jover says:

    drake real name aubrey graham from that hip show Degrassi High, another generic talentless rapper, both are typical examples of today’s useless junk pop culture. What aholes.

  14. tinypie says:

    That man is NOT cute at all. Why are girlies so obsessed with him? It can’ t be his music cuz that crap is no good.

  15. whatevs says:

    too funny for words!

  16. e.non says:

    nothing says classy like a big-assed tattoo across your face of some lame rapper’s name. someone, who in five years, will only be remembered by this idiot — every day for the rest of her life. ugh, i hope she doesn’t have kids…

    • Trek Girl says:

      It’s not that big of a deal; she can get it removed.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        Do you have any idea how expensive and painful it is to remove a tat?

      • Trek Girl says:

        @Paranormalgirl: I can’t reply to your comment, so I am replying to my own. I hope you can see it.

        I do know that it is expensive and painful to remove a tattoo, but that doesn’t change the fact that she can still get it removed. It might not be easy, but it can be done.

      • e.non says:

        if the tattoo was anywhere else, the problem with the obvious cover-up wouldn’t matter. this, however, is across her friggin forehead.

      • Priscilla says:

        Dermablend just got a new customer huh?

      • skuddles says:

        I’m not sure her being able to remove the tat is the point…. this girl has permanently marred herself in the eyes of, well everyone. People will assume, perhaps rightfully so, that she’s nuts. And unless she’s wealthy, how on earth is she even remotely employable now with that thing emblazoned across her face? I can see porn offers coming in and that’s about it, maybe dealing. I think she is unstable and this is a blatant act of self-mutilation.

      • Trek Girl says:


      • Trek Girl says:

        @Skuddles: I can’t reply to your comment, so I am replying to my comment instead. I hope you can see it.

        1. There are lots of gainfully employed people who also have tattoos and body modifications in highly visible places.

        2. She has the option of having her own business, or working for someone that has their own business, wherein tattoos and body modifications are accepted.

        3. There are businesses where employees with tattoos and body modifications are ideal.

        You are looking at this whole situation as if the only possible outcome is bad (i.e. porn or drug dealing being her only job options), and that’s just not the case. She might not be crazy, this probably isn’t self-mutilation, and it isn’t permanent if she doesn’t want it to be. She can be gainfully employed and have the kind of life she wants, tattoo of rappers name on her forehead notwithstanding. This is possible because there are people that will ask her what the tattoo is about, listen to the answer, shrug their shoulders, and then see what she can actually do instead of assuming she’s crazy.

        This isn’t a black and white, cut-and-dried, all or nothing situation. I know this because there are lots of people who have tattoos like this that are living normal lives, if they choose to have them.

      • skuddles says:

        Trek Girl, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I’m not harsh anti-tat and I agree with much of what you say. My daughter has a couple of larger tats on her forearms…. she’s gainfully employed and no one seems to have a problem with them. But there is definitely something jacked about this girl and her forehead tat. My first instinct was it must be some desperate-to-be-noticed act of famewhorery, but actually I think Amea (12) hit it right on the head. Yes, of course, gang-related! And before that there was talk about the tat artist with his throat tat and his own probable affiliation with gangs/prisons. He’s likely the guy that does most of the gang members. It certainly would explain a lot if this was some sort of initiation act.

  17. macey says:

    Did they have to shave her eyebrows to do that? I noticed hers are missing.

  18. SRM says:

    He’s probably just jealous because he doesn’t have a big enough forehead to get his own “DRAKE” tattoo.

  19. Cerulean says:

    Foolish git. She’s needs a psych evaluation because that’s a crazy insane demented misguided self torturous thing to do.

  20. The Original Mia says:

    An ethical tattoo artist would have turned her down or suggested a different location. The girl was totally off her rocker for wanting to put a tattoo on her face.

  21. LBeees says:

    Where I live, there is a LOT of gang activity, and the first point of reference is whether or not they have tattoos on their necks, faces, and hands.

    I’m not surprised to hear that many tattoo artists will not perform these types of tattoos, but *somebody* has to be making a racket doing them. So, while I think this artist is an amoral moron, I can’t fault him. It was her decision, her dumbfuck idea. If he said no, she would have gone somewhere else. He is still stupid, but she’s stupid-er.

    And Drake… way to take what could have been a teachable moment and turned it into something not very coherent. Drake could have made a little PSA about not getting huge-ass face tattoos a la,

    “Hey fans. I love you and your appreciation and support. I know many of you feel a strong connection with me because you dig my music, but what I am is an entertainer. You and I don’t know each others’ real lives, and so I urge you to think about your daily life and how a decision like this girl’s tattoo fits into it. We are all free to make our own choices, so make good ones.”

    Or something. IDK. Anything would have been better!

    • Nina says:

      He can’t flat out say the girl with his name on her face is stupid. His NAME in on he FACE.

  22. Chrissy says:

    Yeah, maybe the tatoo artist isn’t the most ethical. Did he try telling her it was stupid and try to talk her out of it? Yeah, he probably should have refused to do it, but ultimately it was her choice. She came up with the idea and was insisting on doing it, so it is really her fault. She’s an idiot.

  23. ShanKat says:

    I’m all for people getting facial and neck tattoos. The stupider, the better. It makes it easier to pick out the lunatics.

  24. Trek Girl says:

    This isn’t really that big of a deal. People have been getting tattoos like hers for a while, and some of them for worse reasons. She can get it removed if she wants to.

    Gosh, some of you people are dramatic.

  25. machiavelli says:

    Hmmmm…Fast forward a few years when Drake is a has been and this fan has moved on to the next flavour of the moment. Wait, there is no more room on the forehead.

    • TaylorB says:

      No kidding, Sorta like someone my age having to look in the mirror every morning to a ‘Wham’ or ‘Vanilla Ice’ tattoo on their forehead.

      • Alita says:

        My Dylan McKay forehead tat is still stylin’ – pretty upset that I still can’t fit ‘loves Brenda FOREVA’ though.

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      She can always have ‘s added and make it Drake’s cakes. They make some delicious coffee cakes (not as good as little Debbie, but close).

  26. Toot says:

    His uncle is way hotter, dumb girl. Larry Graham of “One In A Million” fame.


  27. e.non says:

    can’t resist the lead-in this offers … but this is something i’ve been wondering about for a while … if the extreme tattooing and mutilations of so many people in this country reflects their rejection of this society. i see young people with face tats/piercings; necks, legs, arms, hands — all covered in tats; and i wonder if they consider what they’re going to look like in 10 years; or how they ever expect to get a job (if that ever becomes an option again).

    • Trek Girl says:

      Getting a job might not be as much of a problem as you’d expect. Tattoos on the face will obviously be rejected more, but tattoos elsewhere on the body, even visible ones, will probably be more acceptable.

      I’ve seen a lot of older people with tattoos and body modifications, and it really doesn’t look as bad as people think it does. Besides, if someone gets a bunch of tattoos and they end up not liking them in the future, they can get them removed. Removing them is costly and painful, but it’s still possible.

    • Shannon says:

      Generally speaking, body modification isn’t a rejection of society. It *can* be (see my above post on why gangs, prisoners, and members of racist orgs get face tattoos), but body modification has existed pretty much since humans have. If anything, this is just a return to normality after a brief period during which Western civilization largely abandoned the practice (although remnants did remain – we kept ear piercings). Now, with so many people sporting body mods, the social stigma is fading and it’s not solely associated with subcultures any more. It’s just a form of expressing what’s inside of you on the outside.

  28. Jonsonson says:

    So many people commenting, and so many missing the point.

    The tat artist could express his reservations, but it’s his decision to do it or not. Chances are, if he had turned her down, she’d have gone somewhere else to get it done.

    If she regrets it, blame the woman for her obsession with some dude I’ve never heard of. If she doesn’t, nobody cares. Move on.

  29. Maritza says:

    What a moron!

  30. skuddles says:

    Can you say scary, obsessive, stalker bitch???

  31. It is nice to love an artist or group passionately. But when are we crossing a line? What happens when you change your mind and that artist fades and no longer holds a great importance in your life. It is very difficult to change a tattoo that was meant to be permanent. Especially on your forehead.

  32. anne_000 says:

    I bet you all of Michael Jackson’s plastic surgeons thought he looked stupid & crazy, but they kept performing surgery on him anyways, even to the point of getting rid of his nose. Same with Taylor Armstrong’s doctor who made her look like a duck, as Kathy Griffin calls her.

    How about the surgeons who made that rich NYC woman into a feline? Or the ones who made Cher & Joan Rivers into that Madame puppet look-alike? How about that Italian socialite Michaela Romanini who now looks like a man? Same with Donatella Versace?

    Plenty of people around who will do things to your face so long as you pay them to.

  33. anne_000 says:

    She won’t ever need to use one of those “Hello. My Name Is…” stickers anymore. Everybody is going to call her Drake no matter what. Oh well.

  34. Shy says:

    Some people are so stupid. Like that one. And the ones who tattoo name of their boyfriends or husbands on their body. And it looks very stupid when they break up.

    And the ones who do Twilight or Justin Bieber tattoo. When I see those I always remember how I was Backstreet Boys fan when I was teenager and I imagine how stupid I would look now if I had huge “Backstreet Boys 4eva” tattoo on my back or hands/legs. Or have five faces of BSB boys there… And this is exactly how those Twilight or Bieber or other people would feel in 10 years. Or this Drake idiot chick.

  35. Callumna says:

    He’s too wimpy to say the girl’s a nut and shouldn’t have done it, so found a person to blame that wouldn’t sound like he’s smashing fans.

    Tat artist’s comment makes me laugh. I don’t know what a goofnugget but am ready to agree Drake is one.

    Mechanical singing is too Real Housewives.

    All together, I count 2 morons and 1 goofnugget in this story.

  36. Adrien says:

    She can always add Nick on top of Drake, in case she regrets it. Nick Drake was a good musician. Or draw a duck…with penis of course, to emphasize a male duck.

  37. crtb says:

    When my daughter was in high school (she graduated college alst year). She was reall into a group called SUM 41. At one of their concerst, their was a girl who had one of the band memeber’s faces tattooed accross her entire back. I remeber telling my daughter that in ten years, that girl wont even remeber who that band was and she would be stuck with some guy, whom she couldn’t remeber his name, face oall over her back.

  38. the original bellaluna says:

    This looks like a prison tat on a chola. Maybe it was a dare.

    If the tattoo dude (REFUSE to call him an “artist”) thought it was a bad idea, he could have suggested an alternate font or something.

  39. Moonbeamz says:

    So drake thinks the girl is incredible but the tattooist is gonna get f-ed up? drake is such a knob.

    And this girl is mentally ill for sure.

  40. Leen says:

    Is it me, or do I find it ironic that a guy with a giant Aaliyah tattoo is criticizing this girl? Granted it’s on his back, but it’s still the same message, getting someone’s face/name you’ve never met before on your body forever.

  41. WOM says:

    “Canadian singer/autotune abuser Drake” — HAHAHAHA!

    But on a positive note: I think we’ve just Jesse James’ next fiancée.

  42. Amanda says:

    One word, fugly!

  43. Mark says:

    There is no way in holy HELL a reputable tattoo artist would tattoo that on someone. Your work speaks for you and anyone with half a brain would not go to an ‘artist’ who had done such a thing to someone else.
    Part of getting tattooed is TRUSTING the artist to advise you and guide you- thats their JOB.