Britney joins Madonna on stage, Justin Timberlake comes on later

Britney Spears joined Madonna on stage at Dodger Stadium in LA last night. Wearing a white ruffled dress shirt and loose black pants, Britney was conservatively dressed in comparison to the material girl in her trademark bra and panty combo. Britney came on to sing for Madonna’s third song, Human Nature. It looked pretty tame and chances are high that Madonna tried to get Britney to kiss her again and was denied.

There were rumors ahead of the show that Justin Timberlake would join Britney on stage for a reunion of sorts, but it was not to be. Timberlake did come out to sing “4 Minutes” with Madonna an hour after Britney’s cameo. She was said to have been grinding up on him, which you can see on YouTube. It’s not quite as scandalous as it sounds, especially for Madonna.

OK! reported that Presidential Elect Barack Obama might show up, but that seemed like a desperate measure by Madonna’s people to increase interest in the show, which did not sell out despite all the advance publicity over a possible Britney Justin reunion.

Other celebrities and big names did come out to be entertained by the 50 year-old pop star. According to OK! Magazine, Heidi Klum, Jennifer Lopez, Drew Barrymore, Kate Moss, Ryan Seacrest, Fergie, Lucy Liu and Elizabeth Banks were in the audience. I bet Seacrest got comped after hyping the show on air so much. Madonna’s rumored new boyfriend, Alex Rodriguez, was also in attendance.

Here are photos from last night, thanks to WENN.

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33 Responses to “Britney joins Madonna on stage, Justin Timberlake comes on later”

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  1. Virginia says:

    Madonna looks like a G.I. Joe action figure.

  2. maria says:


  3. Whitey Fisk says:

    Madonna looks like Jiminy Cricket in drag.

    Britney looks lovely and seems calm and composed. Good for her.

  4. Susan says:

    Jiminy Cricket in drag. LMAO! She looks gross — stop with the working out already.

    Britney looks fabulous. Good for her.

  5. prissa says:

    LOL Virginia!! Amazing, Brit at 27 looks more classy and posed than the VADGE. Madonna gets a big EWWWWW from me. Does anybody know what song that ridiculous football costume is for? I assume it ‘4 minutes’ since she’s performing with Justin, but what does that song have to do with football? I don’t get it.

  6. vdantev says:

    Madonna just wanted her close so she could drain Brit’s life-force and keep herself alive.

  7. SeVen says:

    The reporter got it wrong. it was Madonnas album that had Human Nature on it, not Britneys. Dumb asses! 😛

  8. I choose me says:

    @Dante. Hee! 😀

  9. Yadira says:

    Damn Madonna looks so desperate and pathetic standing next to Britney. Britney is dressed classy and Madge looks well…like an old hairy vadge

  10. perpetua says:

    Actually Brit still looks like the mother of the shots &(Martha Stuart look?)( Kudos for Madonna getting rid of those ROOTS!) Tone is great @ any age. Brit should try it.

  11. daisy424 says:

    😀 Dante & Yadira 😀
    Brit does look much better.

  12. Britney says:

    Britney is HOT! She looks great! best wishes to Britney Spears!!! Can’t wait to see Britney live!

  13. Frenchie says:

    Her outfit of when she sang with Timberlake is a tribute to Alex Rodriguez , i can’t beleive that !!!!

  14. Matt says:

    Does anyone watch that video closely?

    Do they just got Britney out of a grave and warmed her up just a little? A zombie will have more grace than she did!

    She is done. I pity the people who pay to see this sh1t.

  15. Frenchie says:

    by the way, I think Justin’s hair cut is fugly and puikable. And his voice is the one of a pig you’ld try to wax. I ‘m done with him.

  16. Jason says:

    Im sorry but over all, the concert was HORRIBLE last night!!!

    *The acoustics were atrocious!!!

    *My $350 seat was in the last row of the field level which made the state at least half obstructed by the concrete bottom of the level above. We could see the stage, but none of the sets or big-screen TVs to see what was going on.

    *The “opening act” was Paul Oakenfold. He was supposed to come on at 7:30, but didn’t start til’ 8:30. All he did was play music from his i-Pod and change CD’s. It ended up being a constant barrage of deep house beats except for when he left the beat drop to go on to the next track. UGH!

    *Paul left at 9pm & Madonna FINALLY took the stage around 10pm… to what would be a completely lackluster performance totally void of any of the trademark, signature spectacle that one has come to expect of a world-class, tantalizing performer like Madonna. She wasn’t even very good. (and keep in mind that I’m a HUGE Madonna fan.)

    *The stage performances were dull & she sounded… mediocre. The sets were amateur at best.

    *A large portion of the stage was “broken” and not used OR lit.

    *$60 for TWO cosmo’s and ONE beer.

    *$36 for two chicken burgers and french fries.

    *Parking was a NIGHTMARE.

    Next time Madge goes on tour, I’ll think twice about buying tickets and even then only if it’s in a real venue, not an outdoor sports arena.

    Oh well!

  17. Ron says:

    I was there too–and really enjoyed the show–esp 4 minutes with Justin. Britney was stiff and didn’t do much. I do think it’s great though that Madonna has stood behind her through all of her crap. She easily could have abandoned that ship. I do agree that some of the production value was not there–but apparently part of the set did not make it there in time and the show went on without it. You know that someones head is going to roll for that! And a bit of advice–when you are going to a stadium show, if you acutally want to see the show, don’t sit on the field. We were five rows up in the stand and it was great. And the crowd around us was fun too. Also Becks and Posh were there as well. And one more thing, the outfit that she wore for 4 minutes was not a “tribute to alex rodriguez” it was football shoulder pads. Nothing to do with Mr Baseball there

  18. Susan says:

    There is a differance in being “toned” and looking like a roided out freak.

  19. Vibius says:

    Wow Madonna is gross. Add 10-20 lbs and shed be hot again.

  20. Matt says:

    Posh and David were there?! Hmm….

    Victoria is in London since Tuesday. 😉

  21. Jason says:


    I’ve never been to Dodger stadium before, so I had no clue what to expect. We actually snuck up WAY closer one the concert started and had better seats.


  22. xiaoecho says:

    Lovin’ Brits daks

  23. PutsTheLotionOnTheSkin says:

    Madonna has the nastiest body I have ever seen. Nothing feminine or attractive about her anymore. It is just too sick beyond words. I cannot imagine what would make her think she looks sexy. I miss the old Madonna with meat on her bones. When you get older the first place you lose fat is your face. From the excessive dieting and working out it has left her face looking like a skull with a piece of bologne thrown across it painted with a truck load of makeup. Reminds me of the serial killer’s manequin dressed with human skin in Silence of the Lambs.

    Britney has been through a lot. Much of it at her on doing, I know. With her condition, bipolar disorder, she is truly making remarkable progress. Baby steps. She is doing the best she can.

    Justin, he is just so overrated. The older he gets the more he looks like a troll.

  24. Carrie says:

    Wish Madge would just put her scraggy old crotch away.

  25. Codzilla says:

    For $350, that bitch would have to do my taxes, clean my house, wash my car, fix my leaky sink, and arrange for Ben Folds and Steve Earle to play at least one private set each in my living room.

  26. Granger says:

    Wow. $350 to watch a limp fish flail on stage beside a “Body Worlds” corpse come-to-life. I can’t imagine anything more torturous.

  27. RAN says:

    I freakin’ HATE that ugly a@@ outfit she insists on wearing. Nothing attractive about fish nets and a body suit that rides up the crotch, topped off by a stupid lookkng hat and boots. The Jiminy Cricket comment made me laugh though… so true 😆

  28. Chris says:

    This show, like all her others, was incredible. Nothing desperate or pathetic about Madonna. You people need to get a life.

  29. SixxKitty says:

    OMG Britney looks healthy, dare i say! and Madonna, well, Virginia hit the nail on the head!!
    I ,personally did not know she was going for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s former title, MR Universe… Yuck-o!

  30. hbchick74 says:

    I also attended Thursday’s show at Dodger Stadium…I am a die hard Madonna fan and left the venue completely unimpressed! She was 2 1/2 hours late to the stage, sound was horrible, set was not complete, and who chose this terrible venue??? Was it because it was large enough to stuff as many people in it so she would only have to do 1 LA show??? She is known as a performer and the parts of the performance I enjoyed were Brit & Justin surprising the LA fans with an appearance. She is known for being fashionalbily late, but she was unprofessional. Acting like a Primadonna!!!!

  31. shelby says:

    I was just laughing out loud at the comment of justins voice being one of a pig youd try and wax and im still laughing and my eyes have gone slit and there are now tears

  32. ThatBKChick says:

    LMAO @ Codzilla and Granger…I have a head cold and I have to log off now from laughing so damned hard I cannot stop coughing.

    I just don’t get Madonna and Janet Jackson…none of them took any tips from Tina Turner…grow and age sexy with class and dignity….these two 80’S artist are shameful in regards to their icon status and how they are viewed now! The best thing these two should had done, is to go and make their own record lables/produce icon’s and artist who really need help like Rihanna, Ciara and I can think of a ton more….whatever happened to Maverick Record Label Madge used to own? (Alanis Morrisette, Shakira and others?)….SMDH!

  33. Lori says:

    Madonna is a worn out old ho trying to capitalize on the beauty and youth of Britney Spears.