Pete Wentz: I would have groomed if I knew nude pictures would get out

For some reason a lot of celebrities that used to bug the shit out of me are seeming much less annoying, and even a little endearing. Pete Wentz is the latest maybe former douche to grow on me. In recent interviews he seems really happy to be an expecting a baby with his new wife, Ashlee Simpson, and you get the impression he’ll be a great father. Pete showed both a sense of humor and humility in his responses to an Elle reporter’s question about his famous peen photos taken with a cell phone camera. He says that like Diddy he’s usually much more groomed down there and that he would have taken care of his stubble if he knew those photos would get out:

ELLE: Like millions of others, I’ve seen these photos. But if a picture of your penis is going to get leaked online, you could do much worse than yours.

PW: Oh, thank you. I appreciate that. But at the time, I wanted to find a cave and hang out there for the rest of my life and be a cave painter and eat dirt.

ELLE: I don’t want you to think I lingered on the photo, but I did notice that you looked groomed down there.

PW: The manscaping? Honestly, I felt slightly overgrown in those pictures. If I had taken them for public consumption, I would have done it differently – groomed a little closer, better lighting.

ELLE: So-called guyliner: What are the most common mistakes?

PW: Wearing it to the point where people only recognize you as ‘that guy who wear eyeliner.’ I don’t really wear it anymore because of that.

[From Elle Magazine, December 2008 print edition, via Huffington Post]

Why do you have to be all normal and self-deprecating like that, Pete? A few months ago people were laughing at how you kept changing your suicide attempt story to make it more dramatic and now you have to handle your nude photos with humor and panache. That must be what impending fatherhood does to you.

We’ll soon be seeing cute photos of Ashlee and Pete holding baby trendy strangename, looking tired but elated, their hair perfectly tousled in asymmetric strips. Pete won’t forget to groom properly for those pictures and he’ll be sure to smudge the eyeliner so it’s not too prominent. Wouldn’t want the fan base to get sick of your look.

Pete Wentz is shown out at a fashion show with Ashlee on 10/1/08 and out in Hollywood on 10/4/08. Credit: WENN

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16 Responses to “Pete Wentz: I would have groomed if I knew nude pictures would get out”

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  1. Shane says:

    He seems very cool to me.

  2. Chris says:

    Midget Wentz is one fugly dude. Pull your pants up asshole.

  3. kate says:

    he looks “special”.

  4. Jenna says:

    Ew there were pictures of his penis? That is gross. Now if someone wants to direct me to Jensen Ackles then go right ahead. 😀

    Also, if they have a boy are they going to dress it in girl clothes, or girl pants rather? 😛

  5. Rachel says:

    “baby trendy strangename”
    ah, I love it.

  6. Frenchie says:

    I am not impressed, he still has a lllllong way to go to become a cool and/or inspiring person

  7. ER says:

    I just don’t get what Ashley sees in him. He reminds me of a pre-teen girl!

  8. gg says:

    Okay, the skinny jeans look and the pants falling off look are not intended to be worn together.

    His mouth auto-frowns just like Skumye West.

  9. vdantev says:

    I’m amazed Mr. Fairywind McPixie has stuck it out this long with a woman.

  10. Ter says:

    I am with Whoopi on this whole pants wearing issue. She thinks that having Barack as a role model guys will finally start pulling their pants up. One can only hope. I say the sooner the better because I have someone in my immediate family that needs to get this message loud and clear, it is one of the most hideously ridiculous and immature fashion statements of the century.

  11. Kristin says:

    I actually like him. He seems cool from things I have heard about him.

  12. Bros says:

    ugh i cant stand this poser idiot with his eye makeup. what exactly about talking about his ‘manscaping’ makes him less detestable and more endearing? only makes him more of a confused fairie to be talking about his manscaping preferences.

  13. Vanmom4 says:

    Am I the only one that thinks he looks like Lacey Chabert’s (Party of Five, Mean Girls) long lost twin?

  14. DLR says:

    ick, i remember that picture. it was kind of an icky-looking penis. not one bit of envy for ashelee. 🙄

  15. Jessica says:

    I like him. I like the fact that he isn’t afraid to talk about how he really feels, he’s honest. And lots of ppl dont’ like him for that.. but if you don’t appreciate honesty over fakery what do you appreciate?

  16. gg says:

    I appreciate people typing out their words instead of using texting “l33t spk”. But that’s just me.