Madonna’s new music video for “Turn Up The Radio”: awful or not that bad?

This is the music video for Madonna’s latest single, “Turn Up The Radio”. First of all, the song isn’t all that awesome, or all that bad either. It’s just kind of meh. Maybe I’m not the best judge (it’s true), but I kind of liked the song (and the video) for “Girl Gone Wild” and I absolutely loathed everything about “Give Me All Your Luv”. That song was crap, and the video was Madge trying to do… like, Katy Perry or something. Now, although I’m meh on the song, I actually think this music video is decent. Photographer-turned-video-director Tom Munro directed Madonna in a Cadillac in Italy – there are moments that are obviously “borrowed” from Federico Fellini, but that not bad. I’d rather see Madonna in the back of a Cadillac lip syncing her song as opposed to whatever the hell “Give Me All Your Luv” was.

What did the chauffeur say at the end? Can someone translate?

I have a question: when did Madonna’s voice get so high-pitched? Is it just me or is her voice a lot higher than it used to be? She never really had a “strong” voice or anything, but it feels like she’s singing through helium here.

Brahim is in here somewhere… I didn’t feel like trying to figure out which one he was. Madonna surrounded herself with several dudes who all look Brahim-ish.

Last thing – wear your seatbelts, y’all. Madge is lucky she didn’t fall out of the back of this car.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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93 Responses to “Madonna’s new music video for “Turn Up The Radio”: awful or not that bad?”

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  1. beyonce's bump says:

    ugh Madonna just needs to go sit somewhere at this point. Her songs all sound the same and her riske outfits is not only NOT groundbreaking anymore but mildly embarrassing. I get and admire that she is still in love with music and performing, I get that but she needs to find a much way respectable way to continue this shit. It is getting awful and painful to watch.

  2. Tillie says:

    Why does she always spread her legs.. ?

    It’s not that bad (read: it could be worse, much worse..)

  3. Sara says:

    The skin on her arms is ewwwwwwwwwwwww. Cover up, her face is scary.

  4. Waldemar says:

    “I have a question: when did Madonna’s voice get so high-pitched?”

    Yes, she sounds positively Minnie Mouse-esqe again. Not just this song, but the whole album and on her tour aswell.

    edit: like the clip. Could have been better, but it seems to me that she doesn”t give those the time and attenton it deserves. Song is FANTASTIC, live even better.

    • deehunny says:

      I think it’s because she is trying to reach a younger fan base or is trying to convince people she is younger than she is and still cool.

      Having a high pitched voice is a sign of female youth so pair that with a dance beat and there ya go

  5. Eleonor says:

    Translation: The party is over,get the seat belt bitch.

    • jojo says:

      he actually says “fasten” the seat belt. At the end he calls her a “stronzetta.” Stronzo means turd literally, but figuratively something like “dickhead”, and stronzetta is a female diminutive version of turd – “little female turd.” I’m not sure what the closest English equivalent of “stronzetta” would be.

  6. Ava says:

    I used to adore Madonna- up to Hard Candy. But those boobs and that outfit with the puffy 50-something face make her look soooo desperate you think she’s doing a paradoy of it.

    • Melissa says:

      That is exactly how I feel. If she put as much effort into the music as she does into trying to look “young”, then maybe things would be different.

  7. Bernice says:

    She’s in great shape, but still needs to hang it up. She hasn’t evolved as a person. She’s now in her mid 50’s with multiple children/ young adults and she’s stii playing fishnets and boy toys. I admire her will power, but am ready for her to walk away….

    • Christian says:

      Indeed. I’ll always love Madonna in some respect, but I wish she would disappear for a few years. She should give the public a chance to miss her and release a couple ballads in the interim. She’s sooo much better at the ballads/Ray of Light thing than trying to desperately court the Katy Perry crowd.

  8. Sumodo1 says:

    Madge will be 54 on August 16th. I will be 56. There are a lot of things I don’t do anymore–things that make Madonna look stupid. Um, respect yourself?

  9. Lia says:

    Tha chauffeur said ” The party is over now, fasten tour seatbelt, you little bitch” creepy right?

    • Sumodo1 says:

      Thanks–the chauffeur pretty much sums up all the advice on Madge’s career. Best part of the video!

      • Yeah, those are my thoughts exactly. I don’t like hearing people refer to themselves as “old” when they’re 50, but for some reason this woman just looks ancient to me every time I see her. It’s just awful, and every time I see her it gets worse. It’s the exact opposite of aging gracefully.

  10. Lia says:

    * your

  11. Kaiser says:

    Thanks for the translations! Gross.

  12. nelly says:

    i found brahim ! 3’27 if you care 😉

  13. diana says:

    Whatever you people say. Looove her and that was awesome.
    I can never understand why women are so ageist. So the guys can go singing till they pop and all their weird behavior is just part of their artistry or what not, but when one woman is trying to break the mould, you sweep on her?

    Btw I m a 25 yr old who’d be proud to be like Madonna in her 50s, boytoy and all. She s got her head screwed right, her children adore her and she is THE ULTIMATE BITCH.

    Rock on Madge.

    • Minty says:

      Doing the same shit at 50 that you did when you were 25 doesn’t mean you are breaking the mould. It means you’re desperate and have run out of ideas. Where’s the innovation in repeating yourself over and over?

      Madonna made her career marketing herself as society’s “rebel” and sexual provocateur. That gimmick only works when you’re young, pretty, and an outsider with an edge. It’s very unconvincing when you’re a middle-aged, filthy rich 1 percenter. She’s part of the wealthy establishment, part of the status quo. Any rebellion now is fake and laughable. Just like her supposed spirituality. Kabbalah strings and crucifixes don’t go together, Madge.

      Mick Jagger isn’t doing his shirtless chicken dance these days. You can bet that if he did, he would get mocked and criticized. He knows no one is clamoring to see his flesh.

      If Madonna had her “head screwed right”, as you put it, she wouldn’t have excessive plastic surgery to make herself look 20 years younger. She wouldn’t be dating boys young enough to be her sons. She would have made peace with the aging process. Her actions indicate the opposite.

      Instead of creating music that reflects some inner maturity, she’s perpetually trying to appeal to teens and attaching herself to any musical act popular with the younger crowd. She’s ashamed of her age.

      Iman, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sharon Stone, and Christie Brinkley are close to Madonna’s age and own their sexuality without any try-hard desperation. Madonna could learn a lot from Tina Turner, still sexy and rockin’ it at 72. Tina can command attention onstage without flashing her nipple or showcasing her crotch.

      Madonna’s always been bitchy. Now we can add pathetic to the list of adjectives.

      • Xogami says:

        Brinkley has had so much plastic surgery, how is she an example of accepting one’s age?

      • Minty says:


        Is there some reason why you’ve responded only to my comments on this thread?

        Let’s be real. Many many celebrities get plastic surgery. I’m sure Iman has had stuff done. She certainly has breast implants, which she has admitted to. However many procedures Christie had, she still looks good because she didn’t go overboard. She has wrinkles and is recognizable. She’s not trying to look decades younger like Madonna. Madonna looks alien with those ridiculous cheeks and stretched face. I’m not against plastic surgery, if used judiciously. I criticized excessive plastic surgery in my first post, i.e., getting so many cosmetic changes that one barely looks human anymore. And Christie is not acting like she’s 25 or dating boys half her age, so she has a lot more emotional maturity than Madonna.

        You bring up other celebrities as a defense for Madonna’s behavior. The thing is, Madonna is a phony and a bitch. Always has been. She’s hidden behind so many different personas because she’s not being herself. She’s a poseur. That trick doesn’t work for long. You can’t hide your ugly character forever. She has a track record of being rude to her fans and to servicepeople since the beginning. Maybe if she was a nicer person (wealth and kindness are not mutually exclusive) then critics wouldn’t be as harsh. She seeks attention. You get what you put out there. She deserves rudeness right back.

      • SuperFATAmanda says:

        Madonna is great.

    • Melissa says:

      If her head was on right, she wouldn’t be putting so little effort into her music, and so much effort into trying to look young. There are other women her age (Michelle Pfiffer, Sharon Stone, Julianne Moore) that don’t mutilate their faces and constantly degrade themselves just to appear younger. If she embraced her age, I would have way more respect for her. Her cheeks are distracting.

    • Karen says:

      Totally agree!! This video is so happy and her tradition of pop music always pushes limits. Sure she’s always using it to sell albums but she’s an entertainer – that’s her job. I love that she challenges our perceptions of what it means to be old and still does exactly what she wants – why is that bad? If you don’t like it turn off the radio, why the hate? LONG LIVE THE QUEEN.

      • Janel says:

        Well said! Stop the ageism. Freedom, people.

      • Nev says:


        turn up the radio.

      • Tiffany says:

        How is getting whacked out facial surgery challenging what it means to be old? IMO, that is not embracing your life at 50, that running away from it. And for the record, I don’t think 50 is “old”. I think desperation is aging.

  14. Sue says:

    Grandma! Put the lace bra and hotpants away!!!

  15. DanaG says:

    See the problem for some of us we remember when Madonna was 25 and doing what she does now but better. At fifty she is too old for fishnet’s and that video is just boring. Someone needs to stop mucking around with the electronic toys with her voice too. Between the boobs, that arms and the same old trying to be sexy outfit Madge is past her use by date. Isn’t there something else she can do? Like count all the money she has made over they years? It’s sad to watch.

    • Eleonor says:

      You nailed it.
      I remember when Madonna used to make amazing and groundbreaking videos: Human nature, Bedtime stories…this in comparison it’s a parody.

  16. Christina says:

    I don’t understand why women hate on her bc she’s too “old” to be sexy. At the risk of sounding cliche they’re probably jealous they can’t do what she does. Maybe they’re even younger than her and don’t look half as good.

    • Jaded says:

      It’s not that she’s “too old to be sexy”. She’s too old to be doing juvenile stunts like flashing a nipple and shoving her crotch in your face. NOT SEXY. It’s a tired, gross schtick she’s been doing for 25 years and it’s over-used, vulgar and pathetic. If anything it ages her even more because it shows her desparation.

    • Melissa says:

      It’s not that she’s too old to be sexy…it is that she is just NOT sexy, mostly because she is trying so hard. Obvious facial surgery is not sexy.

    • Ducky La Rue says:

      Ugh, I do so HATE the “you’re just jealous” argument.

      There are multiple comments on this thread, both for and against Madonna. To boil an opposing opinion down to “you’re just jealous” (because, presumably, if we are not as rich or successful or pretty, we are all consumed with envy) really points more to the weakness in your argument than it does anything else.

      You like Madonna, and you think she’s amazing? Good for you! Not everyone is going to agree. But please don’t try to bolster your argument with that tired, semi-insulting “you’re just jealous.”

      • Christina says:

        But then why else would you have such strong negative feelings towards her? If you weren’t jealous at all you wouldn’t even give her a second thought. Just bc my argument is “tired” doesn’t make it any less true. Maybe you’re not jealous of her looks or her wealth but there is something she has that you wish you had for yourself. Recognition maybe?

      • sup says:

        this is ridiculous. people hate chris brown and mel gibson too. not because they’re jealous of them. they get more negative comments than madonna

      • Ducky La Rue says:

        @Christina – sorry if my reply came off as a bit harsh – it’s just that, to me, the “jealous” argument comes off as both insulting and dismissive, and I’ve seen it way too many times, so I may have been a bit grumpy in my reply. Sorry!

        I wouldn’t say that jealousy is never a motivator – but I do think it’s overstated. Particularly when people do provide at least some rationale for their opinions.

        For myself, I can’t say I think about Madonna much at all. But I’m here because I do enjoy reading the comments for most of the stories. And I think people can dislike Madonna, or her behavior, for a lot of reasons aside from jealousy.

        In a different example, I very much dislike Lindsay Lohan, but no, I’m really NOT jealous of anything in her life. Don’t want her friends, her family, her credit rating, her drug problems, her recognition, anything. I’m happy with my own life!


      • Christina says:

        I understand that. I get why people don’t like Lindsay Lohan or Chris Brown or whoever & it’s not out of jealousy. I don’t like Lindsay myself bc I feel like she had talent and she wasted it on drugs and she’s in complete denial about everything & always gets away with things and will never learn (sorry for the run on sentence). I feel like Madonna is just making music and just doing what she does best so that’s why I don’t understand why people are saying things like “she needs to retire” or “she’s old”. She still draws a crowd and a lot of people genuinely like her and enjoy her music. I’m just trying to understand all the hate. I know she’s a bitch sometimes but that’s who she is, everyone is different. She’s never personally offended me so I’m cool with that. I never meant to insult you or anyone else on here so sorry if my post came across as insulting or dismissive. I completely understand why she’s not everyone’s cup of tea but it just seems like most of the insults are about her age and I feel like it’s not right or fair.

      • sunmoonstars says:

        When I was a kid, I was told to never be jealous of anyone else because you never know what their life is really like. The richest, most beautiful woman could have a horrible disease, or be beaten by her husband…you just never know by looking at someone. I took that to heart and it has made my (really hard) life so much more bearable. I will admit that I do get jealous of women with thick, beautiful hair because I have the finest, thinnest crap hair ever so seeing someone with nice hair just KILLS me! Lol but it’s not a mean type of jealousy.

        Also, Madonna reminds me a LOT of my mother, who is a miserable, cold, joyless super-b*tch. She’ll never ever be happy even with her millions, she’s miserable inside and that will never change. Not worth being jealous over, take it from someone who saw it first hand. I feel so bad for her kids, especially Lourdes.

  17. JudyK says:

    Ha, before I opened this, I thought that was a pic of Kirstie Alley.

  18. Kayla says:

    The driver was the cop on Britney’s I wanna go video. He’s so sexy. Damn.

  19. Zvonk says:

    Even the minimal acting required for this video is beyond Madonna’s capabilities. The song is terrible, the video is terrible. Such a shame, as I used to be a huge fan.

    • sup says:

      yeah and she couldn’t even walk in those high heeled shoes. after all these years one would think she would get that down. it was painful to watch.

  20. HappyPossum says:

    Just awful – both the song and the video. Madonna should have quit while she was ahead, yers ago.

  21. mln89 says:

    i love her hair and makeup. the video is okay. and btw, look at the rolling stones, they’ve been around since the 1960’s and they’re still doing the same old shit. why is madonna being targeted for having the audacity to be in her 50’s and not shrivel up and die?

    • Cherry says:

      People make fun of the Rolling Stones for being ‘too old’ to be rockstars as well.

    • Minty says:

      Mick Jagger stopped dancing shirtless years ago. That’s about the only overtly sexual thing the Rolling Stones did onstage. Mick has toned it down.

      Madonna’s whole career has been about shocking people with crude sexuality. That shtick is tired now. Sexual provocation is effective when the person doing it is young and immature, not old and immature.

      • Xogami says:

        What about Iggy Pop, no one criticizes him, they say he’s a legend while he dances half-naked and looks centuries older than Madonna.

      • Minty says:


        Don’t generalize. Iggy Pop gets criticized, not as much as Madonna because she’s a bigger “star” than he is. I think Iggy needs to put it away, too. He seems like he’s trying to relive his rebellious youth. He looks like beef jerky slathered with oil. Gross.

    • Jaded says:

      The Stones don’t rely on waving their willies in your face and prancing around half naked. They actually have talent. They write their own music and lyrics. They play their instruments brilliantly. Compared to the Stones, Madonna is nothing more than a burlesque queen.

      • G says:

        The Stones? They’re actually MUSICIANS.
        Also they’re not dressing and behaving like they’re 22.

      • sunmoonstars says:

        Iggy Pop isn’t trying to be sexy, I think he’s just having fun and working on his tan. You don’t stay that brown by covering up!

        I love the hair too!

  22. Krock says:

    Ok gonna break it down one by one lol

    1. Video meh its ok-ish. No biggie

    2. I think she’s doing the helium voice to sound young and fun. (on a scary side note there is a surgical procedure that older women are getting to make their voices sound young again. Not saying Madge did but just throwin’ it out there).

    3. I don’t hate her for plugging on and trying at least. Not sure why people think she should be put out to pasture.

    4. Yes her “glory days” are behind her but that doesn’t mean she has to pack it in. If this keeps her happy then more power to her!

    5. Bangin’ body for her age.

    6. I HATE that she had all that plastic surgery. I recall her mocking people years ago for getting breast implants. Seems a bit hypocritical.

    • Jayna says:

      Actually, she didn’t have a ton of plastic surgery. Unfortunately, she got cheek implants (and probably has to have some filler around them; I don’t know). They changed her face and made her look older, actually, taking away from the natural angles of her face.

      She didn’t have her eyes done, which I don’t get. She actually should have never had the cheek implants and instead had her upper eyelids done with minimal fillers in her face and she actually would have looked younger.

      And I agree with you. I don’t get that people are telling her to pack it in. Well, I guess she has a fanbase that doesn’t agree.

      Exhibit A –

      • catt says:

        Oh yes she did have a ton of plastic surgery. She definitely had a lower face lift. Her neck would not look like that without one. And she also got a forehead/brow lift plus the fillers plus the botox plus the Radiesse. (cheeks)/ And don’t forget her lips. Def. permanent filler in her upper lip. And who knows how much lipo she’s had to carve off every last inch of fat. (Go look at her pre surgery re:2000/2001 or whenever she had that audience with the Queen with Guy) I don’t get how some fans defend her by saying she has not had ‘that much done’ as if that somehow makes her a better person.

  23. heidi says:

    It’s past time she recede into the background. Time for this unsightly mess to grow up.

  24. sup says:

    5 minutes of my life that i’ll never have back. eff my curiosity. she looked dumb as usual, video was dumb, song was dumb, and wouldn’t it be hilarious if when she attacked her driver he bumped the car somewhere and she paid for that stupidity? then the video would have a fun ending

  25. Luise says:

    A tarted up version of Norma Desmond.

  26. phoenix says:

    I think her videos in Europe seem more inspired cos she likes it there. I liked hard candy a loy actually. This is the first album I haven’t really liked since erotica. I know she won’t retire yet but maybe she could tour without making new music if she’s barely going to spend time on it, i.e. william orbit’s facebook post.

  27. Jayna says:

    CB, about the helium voice effects on some songs, like even Turn Up the Radio a little bit, here’s Madonna performing it live without that. I don’t know why they did it on some of the songs on the album. Live on tour:

    Turn Up the Radio performed in the third segment of the show:

  28. Toni says:

    She looks great in the video.

  29. only1shmoo says:

    Older women can rock a sexy vibe, just look at Helen Mirren, or Julianne Moore. Madonna, however, isn’t one of them because she tries too damn hard and tries to create controversy in the most immature, out-dated and passive ways. Also, the twit can’t carry a tune but will charge $200 to people to watch her lip-synch, so I’m predisposed to disliking her.

    • Tiffany says:

      “Older women can rock a sexy vibe, just look at Helen Mirren, or Julianne Moore. Madonna, however, isn’t one of them because she tries too damn hard and tries to create controversy in the most immature, out-dated and passive ways.”

      I agree 100%

  30. Shelly says:

    She really just needs to retire. Her new cd is beyond awful. I was the biggest Madonna fan way back in the early 80s. I was obsessed with her as a young girl and then as a teenager. I finally got to see her in concert back in 2006 in Chicago, and I was really excited about that then, as I had never seen her live. I have tickets to her current tour this October (a friend of mine really wanted me to go with her), but I have to say at this point I’m really over her and not excited in the least about going.

  31. TheOneAndOnly says:

    Well said minty and don’t compare the stones to Madonna I saw the stones in 2005 still put on a good show with class; Madonna’s particularly reprehensible because she’s a narcissistic 1 per center that plays with leftish stances while filling her pockets any way she can; I’d like to know what per cent of her after tax income she donated to charities as compared to the charitable contributions of us peasants.

    • Jaded says:

      Right on – even her “Raising Malawi” charity was a farce that she actually contributed very little to personally, and somehow the charity’s money has disappeared, but not to the schools she promised to build. She’s nothing but a greedy, vicious, vain old slapper who only has faded and vulgar sexuality to recycle.

      • TheOneAndOnly says:

        Right on RHONYC and good point Jaded; while that scam was dissected in Newsweek and other articles it’s truly astonishing how because I guess of her celebrity she has gotten away with it; she essentially exploited poor black Africans for her own ego and gain,and faced no repercussions. It is amazing how the status of “celebrity” insulates you.

  32. RHONYC says:

    Bridget Bardot & Catherine Deneuve just conference-called Madonna & informed her that her blonde bombshell priviledges have been revoked. 🙁

  33. Saor says:

    I just feel like the world has enough songs about turning up the radio already.

  34. ItsJustMe says:

    Translation found:
    ‘Turn Up the Radio’ is the third single from from Madonna’s latest LP, following ‘Give Me All Your Luvin”
    and ‘Girl Gone Wild.’ The video was directed by Tom Munro, who was also behind the singer’s 2008 ‘Give It 2 Me’ video. The clip was shot in Florence, Italy. Oh, and if you’re wondering what the driver says at the end of the video, it translates to: “The party’s over now. Buckle [your] belt, b—-!”

  35. RHONYC says:

    also, Unkle Karl wants his fingerless gloves back. womp. 🙁

  36. skuddles says:

    Geez her boobs look rather bulbous these days. Did she get them pumped up??

    Madonna, for the love of God, please don’t flash us your nips again… I beg you!!

  37. Christian says:

    Nice umbrella.

  38. Dany says:

    This Madonna bubblegum music is so worn out… boring and uninspired. If she wasn’t Madonna this little cougar girlie song would just drown without a sound.
    How embarrassing for a woman her age… ugh. 🙁

  39. Sarah says:

    Madonna should just give up and let Rihanna, Katy Perry, Lady GaGa et al do their thing. She’s making herself look stupid.

  40. Jackie O says:

    god, did that ever suck.

  41. Luffy says:

    I feel like all her songs sound the same. And how many times will she wear black short shorts and fishnets underneath?

  42. Ailine says:

    Song is horrible. The premise for the video is stupid and done a thousand times before. Someone’s desperation is showing. Queen of pop? More like the queen of treading water.

  43. HappyMom says:

    I am embarrassed for her. The song is awful. The video is terrible. And put it away, Madonna. We don’t need to see your thighs and boobs. Jesus-I’m 45 and have been a fan for 25 years-and this is pathetic.

  44. Mooshi says:

    Madonna is stuck in the 2nd chakra. So according to true kaballah or Jewish mystism (which is beautiful),

    Madonna is stuck in the earthbound plane and cannot reach the higher aspects.

    She’s an old women stuck in her crotch.

  45. Stacia says:

    “Turn off the Radio” she’s still trying the same things when she was 25. No one wants to see her at this age in a tight fitting, boob huggin’, hooker-ish attire. It’s not working anymore.

  46. saenz says:

    madonna is back to what she was doing before ray of light – giving face – giving the madonna character – the icon and showing less of the person at home.

    that’s all.

    if you can’t appreciate the resurrection of the blond ambition/erotica madonna that made her queen then there’s no helping you. you just don’t get it.

    • sup says:

      an icon has no personality, gets old after a while if that is all that the performer has to offer, and what’s the deep meaning that people don’t supposedly “get” anyhow? that she’s an average woman who likes sex? how groundbreaking.

      you just bought into the hype that was bombarded around the aforemnetioned era and i don’t know what to say to you.

  47. Don says:

    i think madonna is a great singer but she does need to tone it down a little. What i found discusting was when i saw her “give me all your luvin video”. the part where nicki and mia begin singing their parts. I watched the intire time during that part of how madonnas actions where of a teenager and dressing like marilyne monroe. (May have spelled some of this wrong but anyways you get what im saying) Then what got me even more eye shocking was when madonna spreaded her legs in that part and you could see her droopy skin on her legs sagging down. If anyone wants to look it up to find out what im talking about then go on and type in (madonna give me all your luvin music video)