Avril Lavigne shows off pointy engagement ring from the guy from Nickelback

Everyone was kind of floored and amused yesterday when we heard that Avril Lavigne was engaged to the dude from Nickelback, Chad Kroeger. The general consensus is that they’re perfect for each other and will make horrible music together, which is how they met in the first place. Since both stars are Canadian, they’re taking the cover of Hello! Canada this week. Lainey, a fellow Canadian, has a really interesting take on this story. She says that the Canadian press is usually super nice to their celebrities, but that even they’re taking the piss out of this couple. Lainey also read the print edition of Hello!, and shared the hilarious detail about how Chad proposed. Avril was scrapbooking – scrapbooking! – and Chad “slipped an extra page in there that read ‘WILL YOU MARRY ME‘.” That’s hardcore. Do you think Avril’s scrapbooks look like this?

People Mag has more on Avril’s 14 karat sparkler, as well as a larger image of it if you’re interested. It was custom designed by Chad, and is a pear shape. People’s source also says Avril is “glowing.” Oh noes, is that code for pregnant, and does that explain why she got married to this dude we barely heard she was even dating? Here’s more:

When it comes to Avril Lavigne‘s engagement ring, it’s not so complicated — it’s huge!

Her new fiancé, Nickelback singer/guitarist Chad Kroeger, 37, chose a stunning sparkler for his Aug. 8 proposal.

“We helped Chad custom create Avril’s dream ring: a platinum-set pear-shape diamond with half moons totaling 14 carats from XIVKARATS in Beverly Hills,” designer Caryn Alpert tells PEOPLE exclusively. “What a perfect pair/pear!”

The bride-to-be, 27, “is glowing,” a family source tells PEOPLE. Adds a friend: “Just looking at them, you can see how much he adores her.”

[From People]

These two do look really suited for each other. They’re two of a kind, which is not to say they’ll last longer than a couple years, although it could happen.

I actually like Avril’s ring! Don’t shoot me. I prefer emerald cuts, but I think it’s well suited for her in that it’s a little edgy but still as much of a poser of a ring and as common as she and her fiance are. There are no skulls or roses with thorns embellishing it, and it’s really pretty. I like it way better than Jessica Biel’s chunky ring.

Ed Hardy photo credit: SavageSteff. Other photos are of Avril and Chad in Paris in May. Credit: FameFlynet

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80 Responses to “Avril Lavigne shows off pointy engagement ring from the guy from Nickelback”

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  1. TheTruthHurts says:

    If I may quote Carrie Bradshaw from SATC, “It was… PEAR SHAPED.” Ugh. Enough said.

  2. bns says:

    This is still hilarious to me.

  3. Ainsley says:

    I just can’t…

  4. Crystal says:

    I’m surprised the Red Cross isn’t giving out blankets, donuts and cups of coffee because this unholy union is a damn disaster.

  5. Bobo says:

    First photo looks like they are going to prom! Weird match up!

  6. Leeloo says:

    Is that a maple leaf?

  7. Jennifer12 says:

    Funny how they’re suddenly being papped after no one cared who either of them was with, so they talked about being engaged and then called paps to get their pictures taken. They’re about as subtle as Rimes.

  8. Abby says:

    Dangit. I have a pear shaped diamond wedding ring too! But about 13 carats smaller…

    • RTR_Girl says:

      Me, too, and eleven yrs after getting it, I still think it is beautiful. F*ck you, SATC, for ripping on my ring! Now, heart shaped diamonds and marquis-cuts…those I can snark on all day long! 😉

      • Erinn says:

        I think pear shaped rings are gorgeous. I tried one on a few weeks ago. I do find heart shaped ones kind of corny, though.

      • IzzyB says:

        Always thought heart rings should be plastic and only fit the under 10s.

        Pear cut rings can be beautiful if they’re small and understated.

        I don’t like Avrils, too “blingy” for me.

  9. Kittypants says:

    Ugh, I’m already sick of the pair of them. Jog on, you gurning fools.

  10. brin says:

    The’re saving the skulls for the wedding cake.

  11. Gal says:

    So…now she likes the press and photographers? Remember when she used to curse and flip them off?

  12. Jenna says:

    That photo of them on the magazine cover creeps me out a bit. He looks like an older relative or something. And the horrible prom pose. Ewwkay.

  13. marie says:

    why do I feel like there will be a reality show? please no, there’s already enough crap on tv already..

  14. QQ says:

    Seriously Yesterday’s thread gave me life an giggles, is heartening that we can see eye to eye on these folks awfulness and the impending doom of music

  15. Reece says:

    Were we supposed to know they were dating before this, let alone on the point of marriage?

  16. Whynona says:

    I have nothing against relationships with a huge age difference, but he looks like her father or older brother. I just can’t with these two.

  17. judyjudy says:

    I would be “glowing” too if someone wrapped $1MIL around my finger.

  18. Ella says:

    Looking at that cover you can deduce EXACTLY what their children are going to look like.

  19. KimD says:

    He looks like he could be her father on the cover!

  20. lori says:

    The pear shaped with the half moons on either side kinda makes it look like a fleur de lit. I’m not sure if that more tacky or less tacky?
    I’m wishing this giant oversized ring shit would stop. These are crazy rings. Something a little more wearable without a fulltime body guard might be nice. Much as I don’t like Aniston….I kinda hope she did get a smaller than 8 carat ring.

  21. skuddles says:

    All I can think about is how they’re going to make my ears bleed with some horrible duet…

    Is it me or does Chad not seem to have a chin?

  22. GrandPoobah says:

    He looks like her dad. Ick.

    And I can’t believe he’s only 37-what has that dude been doing with his life?

  23. Madpoe says:

    He looks like a blonde hair Travolta to me. Ugh with this “story”.

  24. TheOneAndOnlyOnly says:

    QQ right on; we should just paste yesterday’s postings on to today; irrespective of race,creed, ethnicity right thinking posters see hear and smell the suckfest of this unholy union, remember Don Mclean’s song American pie with the phrase “Satan Laughing with delight” that applies to this; Satan’s laughing that this carnival of douchery is being unleased on unsuspecting humanity; BTW, that first pic should line a parakeet cage or a cat litter box; I feel for our canadian neighbors aren’t there any hungry kodiak bears in BC, but I think even they would have trouble digesting these two unappetizing douchenozzles.
    BTW, i know nothing about this 12 year old Avril chick (not my music at all prefer classic rock/motown) but how did she become “famous?”

  25. Roma says:

    Yesterday’s thread made me love CB readers all the more.

  26. Jay Elle says:

    ugh, she needs to start dressing like an adult for christ sake.

  27. Erinn says:

    What I find funny is that I have an acquaintance who was saying how it’s not a surprise at all that they’re engaged because they’ve been tweeting about eachother for a while.

    My only response was “WHO FOLLOWS CHAD KROEGER!?”

    • Gossip Rawker says:


      Also, does tweeting now equal love? My boyfriend and I fell in love having three hour conversations in the middle of the night after sexy time and before morning sexy time. I can’t imagine building that kind of intimacy in 140 characters or less.

  28. Quinn says:

    Too many blonde highlights going on with these two…yech.

  29. Camille (The original) says:

    I don’t like the ring. It’s fug imo.

    And this coupling is just…weird. Avril and that Brody guy seemed to make more sense together for some reason.

  30. Jill says:

    Why is it that in the pic where they are sitting at the table together, he has the same profile as Zach Braff? Yeah, real hardcore.

    I think I’d rather do John Mayer. And that is an disgusting thought indeed.

  31. Phil says:

    I can’t stand their music, but why is everyone giving them such a hard time? This couple to me is one who might have a marriage that actually lasts, and I give them credit for not showing off their relationship and creating drama all over the world while dating.

  32. Lacie says:

    Wow. Can’t you just see the screen T-shirt company coming already? Ahem, I’m sorry…fashion line. With a cheesy-ass name like “Rock ‘n’ Skull” or some crap like that?

    Speaking of cheesy, look at her cover photo. Cheeseball.

    • This Just In says:

      She hasn’t changed her fashion, musical style, hair, or makeup since she was like, 13. She’s completely irrelevant in every way.

  33. A says:

    He looks like he time traveled from the late 90s.
    Do you ever meet people who look like they belong in another decade? and not in a good way either.
    I know sometimes fashion comes back in style but he literally looks like he belongs in a 1997 Offspring music video.
    Btw, does anyone remember them? What happened to them?
    God, I feel old and i’m born 1988.

    • Lisa says:

      When people look like they’re from another decade in a good way, I can never figure out why. When it’s in a bad way, the list is a mile long.

  34. shewolf says:

    There is no way he is 37. No bloody way. He’s got to be at least 47.

  35. This Just In says:

    LOL, I love her comments about her guy: it’s all about me, me, me. Nothing about the man himself simply for the sake of himself. It’s all how he makes HER feel. Selfish, entitled, self-aggrandizing twat.

  36. buckley says:

    I thought the pear shaped joke was about him…:0

  37. Jag says:

    Oh yes this will last – not. Even the “friend” says that you can tell how much he adores her. Not that they both are in love.

  38. Jilly Bean says:

    one of the canadian tabloid shows called them “the royal couple of rock” …. rock bottom you mean

  39. shannon says:

    Not sure what this says about me – or them – but my first reaction was, “A Canadian tabloid, why? Oh yeah, I think I remember her being from Canada … dammit my heels hurt and I should NOT have bought those shoes!”

  40. Erinn says:

    Born and raised Canadian…never seen this tabloid to my recollection

  41. Lisa says:

    Nice day for a white trash wedding.

  42. dread pirate cuervo says:

    So he’s got a huge schlong, right? That’s the only way I can make sense of this.

  43. Adrien says:

    Skull jacket, so hardcore punk.

  44. Dani says:

    All I could take from this is how they’re both dressed like 15 year old skater kids at a restaurant that is presumably nice enough to require table linen.

  45. Adrien says:

    Hope they name their firstborn ‘Freddy’.

  46. Aries_Mira says:

    Congratulations!!! Yes, I mean that! I’m not a fan of Avril, but I love Nickelback. I wish them nothing but the best!

  47. Janie says:

    Pear is rather pointy. I always wonder if people who have pear diamond rings ever encounter accidentally scratching someone or something. I think my favorite ring is still Heidi’s. Really sad about him and Seal though.

  48. Hanna says:

    They should audition for incest p0rn.

  49. ezra says:

    These two deserve each other.
    May they live douchely ever after.

  50. bored says:

    Just yuck. but prfectly yuck.